How to install VMWare View (Horizon) at St Thomas More Catholic School Installation of the software – you will only need to do this once. 1. Go to the schools website : 2. Click on the VMWare Icon at the bottom right of the screen. This will take you to a screen that explains what VMware is and asks you to download and install the VMWare View client. Take a note of the server address, as you will be using this address later on in the installation process. 3. Click on the link at “PC/Mac users should visit this link”. This will take you to the main VMware website for you to download the latest version of the software. 4. Select the correct link for your system type. If you do not know what system type you have, you can find out more information by following one of these links: For Windows: For Macs: Alternatively, you can find out on Windows by right-clicking �Computer’, and selecting �Properties’. You can see your system type under �System’, as shown below. 5. Download the client software for your system (in this example a Windows 64 bit computer). 6. Once the software has downloaded, run the installation file: 7. Click on next 8. Read and accept the license agreement. If you do not accept the agreement the installation program will terminate. 9. Click on next until you reach this screen, then click on install. The software will be installed. 10. Once the software installation has finished then click on finish. You may need to restart your computer for the process to complete. Normal Operation of the software 11. To run the software click on the VMWare icon on your desktop. 12. Ensure that the connection server address reads:, then click connect. 13. Enter your school user name and password 14. Once the system has checked your user name and password, you will be asked which type of desktop you require. For most student and staff there will be only one option. Select external and click on connect. 15. You will now see the school desktop being loaded. Once completed you should be able to access everything as you would at school. For further information, please contact IT Support on Ext 254 or email
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