HUD 203k Work Write-Up Consultant's Report Prepared By Bill Wilson Inspector 4460 Hodges Blvd. Box 516 Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 220-5323 Inspection Date 8/14/13 Client's Name: Jack and Jill Smith Lender: Real Estate Mortgage Network, In Inspected Address: 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 Address: 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Client's Phone: (904) 220-5323 Phone: (904) 316-7905 Client's Email: Loan Officer: Jaqmie Zeitz Phone: (904) 316-7905 Ext: Bill Wilson Inspector Phone: 4460 Hodges Blvd. Box 516 Jacksonville, FL 32224 Consultant: (904) 220-5323 Fax: Email: Bill Wilson Date 11/18/13 Package Content Outline Lender: Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. Loan Officer: Jaqmie Zeitz Property Picture Applicant's Phone Applicant's Name(s) Jack and Jill Smith Loan Type: HUD 203k (904) 220-5323 Work Phone Applicant's Address 1401 Main Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 Cell Phone Property Address Email 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 Other Contact Loan Number Contact's Phone Property Summary Information & Recommendations Draw Fees Recommended Per Draw: Total Repair Estimate: No. of Draws Requested: 5 Number of Units At Inspection: 1 Number Of Units At Completion: Number of Dwellings: 1 2 Lot Size: 75'x125' Type of Construction: Number of Stories: 2 Building Size: 2264 sf Estimated Age: Underground Oil Tank Certification Needed: Utilities On At Time Of Inspection: Months To Completion: Contingency Reserve: 2 Recommendations $70,000.00 $7,000.00 at 10% Wood frame/Brick 83 years Termite - Woodboring Treatment Needed: "Check Mark Indicates Yes" Radon Gas Test Preformed: Lead Paint Certification Needed: Seperate Plumbing Certification Recommened: Smoke Detectors Needed: Water Certification Needed: Seperate Electrical Certification Recommened: Asbestos Report Neeed: Septic Certification Needed: Seperate Heating Certification Recommened: Municipal Sewer Availability Present: Seperate Structural Engineers Report Recommened: FHA 203(k) Consultants Agreement: This Package Contains Specification of Repairs: Initial Draw Request: Consultant's Invoice: Narrative: Work Write Up Totals: Private Septic Report: Seperate Heating Certification: Minimum Property Standards: Borrowers Acknowledgement: Seperate Plumbing Certification: Private Well Report: Separate Electrical Certification: Radon Test Report: Underground Oil Tank Certification: Separate Structural Engineer Report: Owners/Contractors Agreement: Floor Layout Diagram: Identity Of Interests: Permit Certification Form; Lead Paint Recommend Form: Certification Letter: Self Help Agreement: Woodboring-Termite Report: Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Bill Wilson Inspector Phone: 4460 Hodges Blvd. Box 516 Jacksonville, FL 32224 Consultant: (904) 220-5323 Fax: Email: Bill Wilson Property Information & Inspection Property Address Consultant's File Number: 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 2013-8-14 42 Melrose Inspection Date: Inspector: Applicant's Information 8/14/13 Bill Wilson Picture Jack and Jill Smith Address: 1401 Main Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 Home Phone: Cellular: (904) 220-5323 Office Phone: Email: Other Contact Name: Other Phone: Details Lender Information Lending Institution: Number of Units At Start: Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. 1 Lender Loan #: Months To Completion: Origination Date: Habitation / Occupancy: HUD 203k Loan Type: Loan Originator: Phone: Owner Occupied At Completion: 1 2 Habitable in 2 Mos. Investor/Builder Jaqmie Zeitz (904) 316-7905 HUD Information Ext: FHA Case No.: Contingency Reserve %: 10% Number of Draws: 5 HUD Date Assigned: Contractors On Project Heritage Homes of Jacksonville 2950 Halcyon Lane Jacksonville, FL 32223 Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Page 1 of 2 Property Address Consultant's File Number: 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 2013-8-14 42 Melrose Inspection Date: 8/14/13 Inspector: Bill Wilson Initial Inspection Information Inspection Weather Conditions clearand 90 degrees Building Physical Information Lot Size 75'x125' Number of Dwellings 2 Building Size 2264 sf Number of Stories 2 Type of Construction Wood frame/Brick Estimated Age 83 years Commercial Units Number of Commercial Units Utilities At Inspection 0 Commercial Units Ratio # Electric Services 2 On # of Gas Services 1 On Smoke Detectors Water On Public Smoke Detectors at Inspection Type Of Sewer Type Required Public Battery Recommendations "Check Mark Indicates Yes" Underground Oil Tank Certification Needed: Termite - Woodboring Treatment Needed: Utilities On At Time Of Inspection: Radon Gas Test Performed: Lead Paint Certification Needed: Separate Plumbing Certification Recommended: Water Certification Needed: Separate Electrical Certification Recommended: Septic Certification Needed: Separate Heating Certification Recommended: Municipal Sewer Availability Present: Separate Structural Engineers Report Recommended: Smoke Detectors Needed: Asbestos Report Need: Note: The 203k Feasibility Inspection is performed to identify those items that are obviously required for a property to comply with HUD's Minimum Property Standards as defined in HUD Handbook 4905.1. Unless otherwise indicated by the consultant, this inspection is NOT PERFORMED ACCORDING TO THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE OF A HOME INSPECTION NOR SHOULD IT BE VIEWED AS ANY FORM OF CERTIFICATION BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL. THESE ADDITIONAL SERVICES MAY BE BENEFICIAL FOR THE BORROWER. The borrower may wish to consider the above recommended inspections to further protect their interests beyond scope of the inspection. It is suggested the borrower discuss the option of obtaining these additional services with their 203k consultant. Bill Wilson Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Page 2 of 2 Bill Wilson Inspector 4460 Hodges Blvd. Box 516 Jacksonville, FL 32224 (904) 220-5323 Phone: Fax: Consultant: Bill Wilson Consultant's ID No: Email: A0964 Specification Of Repairs Inspection Date: 8/14/13 Occupied During Construction: Borrower: Jack and Jill Smith FHA Case #: Property Address: Loan Type: 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 Habitable in 2 Mos. Heritage Homes of Jacksonville HUD 203k Loan No. Lender: Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. Contact Name: Lender's Contact Phone: Address: 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 220-5323 Applicant's Cell Phone: Jack and Jill Smith Loan Originator: Jaqmie Zeitz Loan Originator Phone: (904) 316-7905 Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 2 Contractor Phone: (904) 220-5323 Applicant's Phone: Months To Completion: FHA Case # 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Consultant's File No. Dated 2013-8-14 42 Melrose 11/18/13 STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURE 1. HUD accepted consultant who prepares this work write-up (or an architect, engineer or home inspection service) needs to inspect the property to assure: (1) That there are no rodents, termites and other infestations: (2) that there are no defects that will affect the health and safety of the occupants: (3) the adequacy of the existing structural, heating, plumbing electrical and roofing system: and (4) the upgrading of thermal protection (where necessary). The inspection report will be attached to the document. 2. Complete each item below as necessary by either filling out the information on the work to be preformed with a brief explanation, or entering “NONE” in the “SUB-TOTAL" Portion if no work is being performed in that particular subsection to the document. 3. The proposed work, and the materials used, should be explained in detail to assure a complete understanding on the required work by the contractor and the HUD authorized fee inspector. For major items (ie. kitchen cabinets, appliances, heating air conditioning etc.), the description or the item should enclose the make and model number (manufacturer’s) brochure can be attached). 4. Attach a copy of any proposals from all contractors and/or subcontractors. 5. Provide other drawings as necessary to assure a complete understanding of the required work by the contractor and the HUD authorized fee inspector. The following architectural exhibits are required: a) A Plot Plan of the Site is required only if a new addition is being made to the existing structure. Show the location elevations at the property corners and building structure(s), walks, drives, streets, and other relevant detail. Include finished grade corners to assure proper drainage of water off the site. Show the required flood elevation. b) Proposed Interior Plan of the Dwelling. Show where structural or planning changes are contemplated; include any dwelling. c) Provide kitchen cabinet elevations, deck drawings and other exhibits as necessary to properly describe the required Architectural exhibits for a new addition are the same as for a newly constructed home. 6. Cost estimates must include labor and materials sufficient to complete the work by a contractor. 7. A homebuyer who would like to do any of the work must submit a letter to the lender stating his/her qualifications to perform the work in timely and workmanlike manner. If approved by the lender, the homebuyer cannot eliminate the cost estimate for labor because if the homebuyer cannot complete the work there must be sufficient money in the escrow account to get a subcontractor to do the work. 8. If this is a purchase transaction and not a refinance, then attach a sales contract (the loan should go contingent upon obtaining FHA 203(k) financing). 9. Transfer costs shown on the last page to the Draw Request (HUD 9746-A, VMP-436). 10. Meaning of Abbreviations: Each = Ea Linear foot = LF Square Foot = SF Lump Sum = LS Square Yard = SY * = Required M = Mandatory By HUD, R = Recommended By Consultant/Other, D = Desired By Homeowner EA = Each LF = Linear Foot LS = Lump Sum SF = Square Foot Sq = Square SY = Square Yard Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 1 To 6 Jack and Jill Smith Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 FHA Case # Consultant's File No. Dated 2013-8-14 42 Melrose 11/18/13 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 1 . Masonry 2 . Siding 3 . Gutters/Downspouts 4 . Roof Remove and replace with 25 year shingles and two layers15 # felt paper, including rip off. Level M Location Roof Qty Unit Unit Cost Total 1 Ea 4,750.00 4,750.00 Material/LS Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 $9,725.00 1 Ea 4,975.00 Labor 4,975.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Reroof with fiberglass shingles including 2 layers 15 # felt, additional nailing of deck per current code, replaceing flashing including brick step flashing, drip edge and miscellanous flashing Sub-Total This Section: $9,725.00 5 . Shutters 6 . Exteriors WDO repairs Location Entire House Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 Ea 3,125.00 3,125.00 Labor 1 Ea 5,250.00 5,250.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $8,375.00 0 WDO repairs based upon Brandon Pest Control report dated 7/10/2013 Sub-Total This Section: $8,375.00 7 . Walks 8 . Driveways 9 . Painting (Ext.) Prep and Paint all Exterior Wood Location Exterior Walls Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 EA 432.00 432.00 Labor 1 EA 825.00 825.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $1,257.00 0 Prep exterior for paint. Paint WDO repairs and areas of peeling paint. Caulk all areas as needed. Sub-Total This Section: $1,257.00 10 . Caulking 11 . Fencing 12 . Grading/Landscaping 13 . Windows Repair window Location Bedroom 3 Level M Unit Unit Cost Total 1 EA 75.00 75.00 Labor 1 EA 265.00 265.00 Material/LS 1 EA 50.00 50.00 Labor 1 EA 2,275.00 2,275.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $340.00 0 Window glass repair in lower left bedroom Repair window Location Main House Qty Material/LS Level M 0.0% 0.00 $2,325.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Repair wood widows including making them fuctional. Perform intrim repairs on the deteriorated lead painted surfaces and eliminate hazardous friction points. Sub-Total This Section: $2,665.00 EA = Each LF = Linear Foot LS = Lump Sum SF = Square Foot Sq = Square SY = Square Yard Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 2 To 6 Jack and Jill Smith Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 FHA Case # 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Consultant's File No. Dated 2013-8-14 42 Melrose 11/18/13 14 . Weatherstrip 15 . Doors (Ext.) 16 . Doors (Int.) 17 . Partition Wall 18 . Plaster/Drywall Drywall Location Interior Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 772.00 772.00 Labor 1 EA 1,777.00 1,777.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $2,549.00 0 Repair dining room, nook and kitchen ceilings with drywall and install new cove molding. Repair holes in master bedroomand right rear upper bedroom walls. Sub-Total This Section: $2,549.00 19 . Decorating Paint Location Interior Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 SQ 1,000.00 1,000.00 Labor 1 EA 1,432.00 1,432.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $2,432.00 0 Paint interior wall and trim. Sub-Total This Section: $2,432.00 20 . Wood Trim Handrail Location Stairs - Interior Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 Ea 286.00 286.00 Labor 1 Ea 395.00 395.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $681.00 0 add handrail to stairs. $681.00 Sub-Total This Section: 21 . Stairs 22 . Closets 23 . Wood Floors Wood floors Location Interior Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 EA 1,129.00 1,129.00 Labor 1 EA 1,693.50 1,693.50 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $2,822.50 0 Repair termite damaged wood floors and refinish in dining, kitchen, living,& guest room. Sub-Total This Section: $2,822.50 24 . Finished Floors 25 . Ceramic Tile 26 . Bath Accessories EA = Each LF = Linear Foot LS = Lump Sum SF = Square Foot Sq = Square SY = Square Yard Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 3 To 6 Jack and Jill Smith Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 FHA Case # 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Consultant's File No. Dated 2013-8-14 42 Melrose 11/18/13 27 . Plumbing Qty Plumbing Location Entire House Level M Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 LS 1,375.00 1,375.00 Labor 1 EA 1,222.00 1,222.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 $2,597.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Miscellaneous plumbing repairs to included shower valves, kitchen sink and faucet and bath lavatory faucets and tub and shower values and shower heads. $2,597.00 Sub-Total This Section: This work will be done by:: Owner Contractor Subcontractor Cost Estimate Attached: Permit Required: Summary/Narrative Of Work To Be Done: 28 . Electrical Electrical: Location Entire House Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 EA 3,450.00 3,450.00 Labor 1 EA 5,501.00 5,501.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 $8,951.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Install new 200 amp service panel, relocate drop and meter to exterior, install smoke detectors per code, bring up to current National Electric code including GFI, AFI, equipment bonding and system grouding, outlet and conductor replacement as needed. $8,951.00 Sub-Total This Section: This work will be done by:: Owner Contractor Subcontractor Cost Estimate Attached: Permit Required: Summary/Narrative Of Work To Be Done: 29 . Heating HVAC Location Interior Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 EA 5,950.00 5,950.00 Labor 1 EA 4,500.00 4,500.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 $10,450.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Install new HVAC systems and bring up to current code. Include new flex ducts and 3-15.0 SEER air to air heat pump. Sub-Total This Section: $10,450.00 30 . Insulation Insulation Level Location M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 AL 1,641.00 1,641.00 Labor 1 EA 1,533.00 1,533.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $3,174.00 0 Upgrade insulation where exposed during course of renovation and insulated attic with R-30 Sub-Total This Section: $3,174.00 EA = Each LF = Linear Foot LS = Lump Sum SF = Square Foot Sq = Square SY = Square Yard Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 4 To 6 Jack and Jill Smith Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 FHA Case # 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Consultant's File No. Dated 2013-8-14 42 Melrose 11/18/13 31 . Cabinetry Kitchen cabinets Location Kitchen Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 EA 3,750.00 3,750.00 Labor 1 EA 1,319.50 1,319.50 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $5,069.50 0 Install missing cabinets, removal of old frames and installation of new cabinets to include new countertops Vanities Level Location D Material/LS 1 EA 350.00 350.00 Labor 1 EA 150.00 150.00 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: Sub-Total This Section: $500.00 0 $5,569.50 32 . Appliances Appliances Location Kitchen and Laundry Level M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 EA 3,850.00 3,850.00 Labor 1 EA 427.00 427.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 $4,277.00 Completion Hrs: 0 Install new gas range, dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave hood, washer and dryer. Includes plumbing, installation, tax and delivery. Sub-Total This Section: $4,277.00 33 . Basements 34 . Cleanup Disposal Level Location M Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Material/LS 1 EA 1,550.00 1,550.00 Labor 1 EA 0.00 0.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $1,550.00 0 Dumpster, tipping fees, and general clean up. Sub-Total This Section: $1,550.00 35 . Miscellaneous Treat property for termites Location Entire House Level M Unit Unit Cost Total 1 Ea 700.00 700.00 Labor 1 Ea 1,625.00 1,625.00 Material/LS 1 EA 600.00 600.00 Labor 1 EA 0.00 0.00 Tax/Margin 0.0% Grand Total 0.00 Completion Hrs: $2,325.00 0 Treat property for both dry and subterranean termites Permits etc. Location General Qty Material/LS Level M 0.0% 0.00 Completion Hrs: $600.00 0 Building Permit Sub-Total This Section: $2,925.00 CONSULTANT'S COMMENT EA = Each LF = Linear Foot LS = Lump Sum SF = Square Foot Sq = Square SY = Square Yard Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 5 To 6 Jack and Jill Smith Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 FHA Case # Consultant's File No. Dated 2013-8-14 42 Melrose 11/18/13 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 RECAP SUBTOTALS Construction Sub-Totals Allowable Fees & RecapTotals 1 . Masonry 0.00 2 . Siding 0.00 3 . Gutters/Downspouts 0.00 4 . Roof 9,725.00 $70,000.00 Construction Costs Subtotal : ALLOWABLE FEES Note Fee Independent Consultant $800.00 5 . Shutters 0.00 Draw Fee 5 $205.00 6 . Exteriors 8,375.00 Draw Fee 4 $205.00 0.00 Draw Fee 3 $205.00 Draw Fee 2 $205.00 Draw Fee 1 $205.00 7 . Walks 8 . Driveways 0.00 9 . Painting (Ext.) 1,257.00 10 . Caulking 0.00 11 . Fencing 0.00 12 . Grading/Landscaping 0.00 13 . Windows Allowable Fees Total : Contingency Reserve: $1,825.00 10% $7,000.00 Grand Total: $78,825.00 2,665.00 14 . Weatherstrip 0.00 15 . Doors (Ext.) 0.00 16 . Doors (Int.) 0.00 17 . Partition Wall 0.00 18 . Plaster/Drywall 2,549.00 19 . Decorating 2,432.00 20 . Wood Trim 681.00 21 . Stairs 0.00 22 . Closets 0.00 23 . Wood Floors 2,822.50 24 . Finished Floors 0.00 25 . Ceramic Tile 0.00 26 . Bath Accessories 0.00 27 . Plumbing 2,597.00 28 . Electrical 8,951.00 29 . Heating 10,450.00 30 . Insulation 3,174.00 31 . Cabinetry 5,569.50 32 . Appliances 4,277.00 33 . Basements 0.00 34 . Cleanup 1,550.00 35 . Miscellaneous 2,925.00 Construction Cost Subtotal: $70,000.00 All repairs must be performed in conformance with local zoning ordinances and codes. Applicant(s) and Contractor (if any) to sign and date upon final acceptance. Date of Final Acceptance: ______________ Consultant/Plan Reveiwer: ___________________________ Date: 8/14/13 Bill Wilson ID No: A0964 Applicant(s): ________________________ Date: __________ Applicant(s): ________________________ Date: __________ Applicant(s): ________________________ Date: __________ Applicant(s): ________________________ Date: __________ Contractor: ______________________________ Date: _______________ EA = Each LF = Linear Foot LS = Lump Sum SF = Square Foot Sq = Square SY = Square Yard Copyright © 2010 - Corporate Niche (406) 522-8856 Pages 6 To 6 Bill Wilson Inspector Phone: 4460 Hodges Blvd. Box 516 Jacksonville, FL 32224 Consultant: Bill Wilson Email: (904) 220-5323 Fax: Consultant's Identity-Of-Interest Certification Borrower's Name(s) Property Address Jack and Jill Smith 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 FHA Case No. "I hereby certify that I have carefully inspected this property for compliance with the general acceptability requirements (including health and safety) in Handbook 4905.1. I have required as neccessary and reviewed the architectural exhibits, including any applicable engineering and termite reports, and the estimated rehabilitation cost and they are acceptable for the rehabilitation of the property. I have no personal interest, present or prospective, in this property, applicant or proceeds of the mortgage. I also certify that I have no identity-of-interest or conflict-of interest with the borrower, seller, lender, realtor, appraiser, plan reviewer, contractor or subcontractor. To the best of my knowledge, I have reported all items requiring correction and that the rehabilitation proposal now meets all HUD requirements for Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance." Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C 3729, 3802). Consultant/Plan Reviewer's Signature: Consultant: Bill Wilson Date: A0964 8/14/13 U.S. Department of Housing and OMB Approval No. 2502-0527 (exp. 9/30/2014) Urban Development HUD 203k Office of Housing Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average I hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Draw Request This information collection involves an expanded information requirement for lenders that originate and service Section 203(k) mortgages. The purpose of the information is to help mitigate program abuses. The expanded information focuses on the loan origination process and requires increased documentation and strengthened internal control procedures. Periodic reporting of the information is not required. The information also includes information that was voluntarily accepted by the 203(k) lending community. The information provides a more comprehensive basis for evaluating lender underwriting practices and thereby improves risk management of the 203(k) loan portfolio. Responses are required to obtain benefits under Section 203(k) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1703). No assurance of confidentiality is provided. Borower's Name & Property Address Lender's Name & Address Jack and Jill Smith Real Estate Mortgage Network, Inc. 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 4651 Salisbury Road, Suite 411 Jacksonville, FL 32256 FHA Case Number This Draw Number Date Initial I certify that I have carefully inspected this property for compliance with the general acceptability requirements (including health and safety) in Handbook 4905.1. I have reviewed the attached architectural exhibits and the estimated rehabilitation costs listed in column 1 below; they are acceptable for the rehabilitation of this property. I have no personal interest, present or prospective, in the property, applicant, or proceeds of the mortgage. To the best of my knowledge, I have reported all items requiring correction and that the rehabilitation proposal now meets all HUD requirements for 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance. HUD-Accepted Consultant / Plan Reviewer's Signature & Date X Bill Wilson Inspector Construction Item Total Escrow Col. 1 Suggested Contingency Reserve Amount 8/14/13 Total Cost of Rehabilitation Previous Draw Totals Request for This Draw Col. 2 % Col. 3 $7,000.00 Inspector/Lender Adusted Amounts Col. 4 % 10% % 1 . Masonry $0.00 1 . 2 . Siding $0.00 2 . 3 . Gutters/Downspouts $0.00 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . Roof Shutters $9,725.00 $0.00 Exteriors $8,375.00 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . Walks $0.00 Driveways $0.00 9 . 10 . 11 . Painting (Ext.) 12 . 13 . Grading/Landscaping 14 . 15 . 7 . 8 . 9 . ## . ## . $1,257.00 Caulking $0.00 Fencing $0.00 $2,665.00 ## . ## . Weatherstrip $0.00 ## . Doors (Ext.) $0.00 ## . 16 . Doors (Int.) $0.00 ## . 17 . Partition Wall $0.00 ## . 18 . 19 . 20 . Plaster/Drywall Decorating $2,549.00 $2,432.00 ## . ## . ## . 21 . 22 . Stairs $0.00 Closets $0.00 23 . 24 . Wood Floors Finished Floors $0.00 25 . 26 . Ceramic Tile $0.00 Bath Accessories $0.00 ## . ## . 27 . Plumbing $2,597.00 ## . 28 . Electrical $8,951.00 ## . 29 . Heating $10,450.00 ## . 30 . Insulation $3,174.00 ## . 31 . Cabinetry $5,569.50 ## . 32 . 33 . 34 . Appliances Basements $4,277.00 $0.00 Cleanup $1,550.00 ## . ## . ## . 35 . Miscellaneous 36 . Windows Wood Trim Totals $0.00 $681.00 ## . ## . ## . ## . $2,822.50 ## . $2,925.00 36 . $70,000.00 Page 1 of 2 ref.Handbook 4240.4 form HUD-9746-A (8/95) I hereby certify that all the information stated herein, as well as any information provided in the accompaniment herewith, is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties.(18 U.S.C. 1001,1012;31 U.S.C. 3729,3802) This draw request is submitted for payment. All completed work has been done in a workmanlike manner. I hereby certify to the actual cost of rehabilitation as shown above in column 3. I understand that I cannot obtain additional monies from the rehabilitation account without the approval of the lender. I also understand that a 10% holdback will not be released until all work is complete and it is determined that no mechanic's and materialmen's liens have been placed on the property. After the final inspection, the monies in escrow account will be distributed as required by the 203(k) program procedures. Borrower's Signature Owner-Occupied Investor-Builder Date X This draw request is submitted for payment. All completed work has been done in a workmanlike manner. I understand that a 10% holdback will not be released until all work is completed and it is determined that no mechanic's and materialmen's liens have been placed on the property. General Contractor's Signature (If any) Date X I certify that I have carefully inspected this property on this date. The draw amounts are acceptable except as modified in column 4. I further certify that I have not accepted any work that is not yet completed in a workmanlike manner and I recommend that the rehabilitation escrow funds be released for the completed work. Date A0964 Inspector's Signature X I.D. Number Approved for Release This Draw The Lender is herby authorized to release the following funds from the escrow account. Totals to Date Total from Above $ $ Less 10% Holdback $ $ Net Amount Due Borrower $ $ Payable to the Borrower Payable to the Fee Inspector $ Payable To $ Signiture & Date Lender-Authorized Agent X DE Underwriter Lender Holding Rehabilitation Escrow Account (name, address, & phone number) Originating Lender Sill Retains Funds Rehab Funds Transfered to: FHA Case Number Rehabilitation Inspection Report I. Inspection of On-Site Repairs and/or Improvements Reveals: 1. 2. Unable To Make Inspection. (explained Below) Correction essential as explained below. a. Will examine at next inspection. b. Do not conceal until reinspected. 3. No noncompliance observed. 4. Acceptable variations as described below. 5. On-site improvements acceptably completed. Inspection Number II. Explanation of statements checked above. Draw Inspection Contingency Reserve Inspection Final Inspection Change Order Other (explain) No. No. Certification: I certify that I have carefully inspected this property on this date. I have no personal interest, present or prospective, in the property, applicant, or proceeds of the mortgage. To the best of my knowledge, I have reported all noncompliance, work requiring correction, and unacceptable work. I also certify that this Draw Request is for completed work and I have not accepted any work that is not properly installed in a workmanlike manner. Signature & Date X Consultant/Inspector Fee Inspector X DE Staff Inspector Page 2 of 2 Inspector Fee ID Number A0964 ref.Handbook 4240.4 form HUD-9746-A (8/95) Bill Wilson Inspector Phone: 4460 Hodges Blvd. Box 516 Jacksonville, FL 32224 Consultant: (904) 220-5323 Fax: Email: Bill Wilson Certification Letter HUD 203k Date: Buyer's Name: Address: Phone Number: 11/18/13 Jack and Jill Smith 1401 Main Street Jacksonville, FL 32207 (904) 220-5323 FHA Case Number: I hereby certify that I have carefully inspected the following property at: 42 Melrose Ave. Jacksonville, FL 32210 for compliance with the general acceptability requirements (including health and safety) in Handbook 4905.1 or its successors. I have reviewed the attached architectural exhibits and the estimated rehabilitation costs of this property, and have determined them to be acceptable. I have no personal interest, present or prospective, in the property, applicant, or proceeds of the mortgage. To the best of my knowledge I have reported all items requiring correction and that the rehabilitation proposal now meets all HUD requirements for 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance (Handbook 4240.4 or its successors}. X _________________________________ Date: HUD Consultant: Bill Wilson ID Number: A0964 8/14/13
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