Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh upon us. Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh upon us. Melt us, Mold us, Fill us, Use us, Spirit of the Living God Fall afresh upon us. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 10851 Ridge Road • Seminole, FL 33778 727-397-3312 • Fax 727-392-6653 Website: www.stjustinmartyr.net For emergencies only 1-800-832-8687 OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Fri 9am - 3 pm THE 7 SACRAMENTS: BAPTISM: For Adults & Infants contact Laura Rivera ext. 302 prior to making arrangements by at least 6 months. CONFIRMATION: Teens and Adults: Contact Laura Rivera ext. 302 EUCHARIST: Daily 8:30 a.m. (M-F) Sat.: Vigil 4 pm; Sun.: 8:45am & 10:45am Holy Days: See Bulletin MISSA EM PORTUGUES: Fr. José Furtado Todos os Domingos as 7:00 PM Informacoes: 727-538-8953 MARRIAGE: Contact Laura Rivera ext. 302 prior to making arrangements by at least 6 months. HOLY ORDERS: Fr. Carl Melchior 727-345-3452 spvocation@dosp.org RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 2:30 - 3:30 pm or by appointment (ext. 310) ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Prior to surgery, advanced in age, seriously ill (ext. 307) For Emergencies 1-800-832-8687 OUR VISION : Where we as a Parish are headed We the Parish Family of St. Justin, Martyr, are committed to and passionate about: the Celebration of the Eucharist and prayers, being a community of disciples, the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church, caring for one another and the proclaiming of the Gospel to the four corners of the earth.   OUR 5 PURPOSES:  Director of INVITE/Evangelization:  Director of CONNECT/Membership: Director of PRAY/Worship: Director of STUDY/Growth: Director of SERVE/Ministry: Bob Metz Judy Miller Joe Fernandez Laura Rivera Marie Chisari ext. 311 ext. 303 ext. 316 ext. 302 ext. 307 COMPANION COMPONENTS Director Sacramental Formation for all 7 Sacraments: Laura Rivera ext. 302 Director Life Foundations: The 5 Purposes for Children, Youth and Young Adults Laura Rivera ext. 302 Administrative Services: Director & Business Manager: Office Manager: Parish Secretary: Administrative: Facilities Assistant: Facilities Assistant (Interim): Clergy: Parochial Administrator: Assisting Priests: Deacon: Councils: Pastoral Council: Financial Council: Brian Hug Janice Dooly Janet Flanagan Sharon McNulty Joe Pisani Bill Slatic ext. 338 ext. 310 ext. 306 ext. 301 Fr. Joe Musco Fr. Dick Cahill (Year round) Fr. José Furtado (Year round) Fr. Bernie Mac Adam (Seasonal) Rev. Mr. Winston Mc Donald Nicole Caringal, Chair Mark Hammer, Chair Call to Worship 12 Min. before Sat & Sun Masses First Fruits MASS INTENTIONS Mon 10/13 Tue 10/14 Wed 10/15 Thu 10/16 Fri 10/17 Sat 10/18 Sun 10/19 What We Can Do Depends on You October 05, 2014 Time, Talent and Treasure 8:30 am Jim Nation Fr. Joe 8:30 am Patricia Ann Garruba †Fr. Dick 8:30 am Fr. Joe In gratitude for God’s gifts of time & talent to our parish, we gratefully acknowledge and salute our 8:30 am Vocations & the San José & St. Justin, Martyr Alliance of Cooperation Salvatore Scanil †Fr. Joe They perform a very valuable ministry for our Parish Family. Please keep them in your prayers. 8:30 am Lazarus Mass Fr. Bernie 4:00 pm Living & Deceased Fr. Dick Parishioners & Benefactors Asst. by of St. Justin, Martyr & San Deacon José Parish, Honduras Winston Peggy Mister †Fr. Bernie 8:45 am 10:45 am Fred Bushong †Duty Ministers Fr. Bernie The Sanctuary Lamp is burning In Memory of Ernest Sr. & Theresa Radicchi Prayers and Special Intentions Please pray for the healing of the sick and the consolation of the afflicted, especially: Lorraine Madormo Martha Madormo George Bessler, Sr. Lynn Rasmussen Val Paradis Joe Pisani Albert Andrion Gabriel Salamanca Norm Kanoski Geri Floreau Helene Goergen Ray Kolka Dorothy Flesch Ella Gunst Sally Maurer Kaiwa Miller Eleanor McKiernan Frank Vainis William Powers A PRAYER TO AVERT STORMS & HURRICANES Father, all the elements of nature obey your command. Calm the storms and hurricanes that threaten us and turn our fear of your power into praise of your goodness. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen Attendance and Collections Members, Attendees, Visitors & Seekers September 21 September 28 October 05 4:00 pm 163 175 178 8:45 am 251 231 229 10:45 am 160 191 197 Total: 574 597 604 Treasure October 05, 2014 First Fruits Envelopes 224 $7,011.00 Life Foundations Envelopes 1 $3.00 Loose Checks & Cash $1,681.00 E-Tithe 3 $876.14 Total Offering $9,571.14 Parish APA Envelopes 9 $413.20 Outreach Alms Boxes $182.20 Capital Improvement $215.00 Forward in Faith Campaign $3,463.33 2014 APA Annual Pastoral Appeal People Helping People APA is giving “our First Fruits” to the Diocesan ministries & office. So far we have over 245 families giving to APA either directly to the Diocese or through our Parish envelope. Our First Fruits goal for APA this year is $102,139.00 Our collections so far are $45,306.94 and we have pledged $47,752.14. Thank you for giving “consistently and proportionately”. Remember 50-40-10. (10% of your tithing should go to APA) Become a member of the Green Team! We are looking for people to help us recycle some of our waste products such as paper, cardboard and bottles/ cans. You would pick up these items from the Church at least once a week and bring them to a nearby recycling center. Your help in keeping our corner of God’s green earth beautiful would be environmentally responsible and the right thing to do. Please contact Brian Hug at 727.397.3312 x338 to get your name on the team roster. ST. JUSTIN, MARTYR CHURCH SEMINOLE, FLORIDA OCTOBER 12, 2014 Invite/Evangelization “Committed to and passionate about proclaiming the Gospel to the four corners of the earth” Director: Bob Metz, ext. 311 Email: bmetz@stjustinmartyr.net SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY - “TAKE THE TIME”! The Small Christian Community Prayer Breakfast was very successful, thanks to you. Thanks to all those who came Saturday and we hope you are inspired by the time spent. Our theme for this gathering was “Take the Time.” “Take the Time” is also our Advent theme this year for the seasonal SCCs. We hope that Saturday inspires you to take the time to do faith sharing this Advent season. It is a good time for sharing with our St. Justin, Martyr community, to build your prayer life and to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Thanks to Father Joe for attending and participating as our pastor and featured speaker. www.stjustinmartyr.net TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Connect / Membership “Committed to and passionate about being a community of disciples.” Director: Judy Miller, ext. 303 Email: jmiller@stjustinmartyr.net Parish Grounds Sunday, October 26, 2014 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm Sign up at the Information and Registration Kiosk Those interested in joining one of our Advent seasonal groups can register at the Narthex for the next three weeks. Come join a Small Christian Community. We ask for your continued prayers for the success of our Advent seasonal sessions which will start the week of November 24 and our permanent groups getting ready to start their twelfth year of sharing. Contact Jim Boeggeman at 595-0546 or Bob Metz ext. 311 for more information or to join a new group. We are trying to form new groups this fall. CD Availability Two CDs from “DYNAMIC CATHOLIC” are available at the Kiosk for $2.00 each. Titles are “The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic” and “Our Lives Change When Our Habits Change”. Put the money in an envelope and put it in the collection basket or give it to the attendant at the Welcome Center. There are also about ten CDs with different titles from Lighthouse Catholic Media Book of The Month Club available for the same price at the Kiosk. There is a new “How to pray the Rosary” pamphlet at our Kiosk. You may pick one up and use October to pray the Rosary and get closer to Jesus through Mary and the rosary. SAVE THE DATE The Women’s Retreat will be held at the Hampton Inn on East Bay Drive on January 30 and 31, 2015. Reserve these dates on your calendar as this highly successful event has been completely packed the last three years. We provide the hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks. Bring a favorite dish to share in a DISPOSABLE CONTAINER • • Activities for all ages • Games for children • Games for teens • Face Painting Music and lots of food Food Service 3:00 pm-5:00 pm For further information, Contact: Josephine Neveu, Social Committee Coordinator 397-3312 ext. 303 ST. JUSTIN, MARTYR CHURCH SEMINOLE, FLORIDA OCTOBER 12, 2014 Pray/Worship “Committed to and passionate about the celebration of the Eucharist & prayers” Director: Joe Fernandez ext. 316 Email: jfernandez@stjustinmartyr.net Why would invited guests refuse to come to a wedding? Free food and drink, music and dancing--what's not to like? By this time, Jesus knew that many of the Jewish leaders would not accept the invitation to follow him. As we know, after the Resurrection the disciples began to spread the good news not only to other Jews, but to anyone who would listen. One reason the leaders in Israel did not accept Jesus was his association with sinners. They did not understand that God calls sinners to repent and be forgiven. Ordinary people, who knew they were sinners, were attracted by the offer of forgiveness. Many of them repented and came to be baptized. As the parable says, they filled the banquet hall. So what about the man in the parable who came in street clothes? The wedding garment was a symbol of the baptismal gown, the sign of new life in Christ. So this man symbolizes those who "come to the feast" without repenting of their sins. We can be like that man sometimes. We come to church, arguing with our spouse on the way. We bring our prejudices, lies, anger, and selfishness--with no intention of doing anything about them. We come with the attitude that says, "I'm here, aren't I? That should be good enough." But it's not. By dying for our sins, Jesus calls us to come back to God. So repentance is not just a change of clothing, it is a change of heart. It is our ticket to the banquet, our way of saying, "I know I don't deserve this, but thanks for letting me share the feast." www.stjustinmartyr.net TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCRIPTURE PREVIEW Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 The selection from Isaiah has the prophet emphasizing the oneness of the true God. There is no God beside Yahweh, neither in Israel or beyond. The only power behind Cyrus the King and behind Jacob is Yahweh, who “is the Lord” for there is no other. The selection from First Thessalonians is no doubt from the earliest authentic letter of St. Paul. After an extended greeting of peace and thanksgiving, Paul states for the community that the Gospel of Christ has come to them, not only in word, but in power and in the Holy Spirit. This very formal greeting situates the word of Paul in the context of the broader salvation history and grounds the preaching of the Gospel by Paul as powerful and bearing fruit in their midst. The selection from Matthew’s Gospel this Sunday turns from the parables to a second controversy, that of paying taxes. The Pharisees resented paying taxes, while the Herodians may have administered the system of taxation in Palestine. They sought to trap Jesus. If he agrees that taxes should be paid, he will lose the respect of the religious leaders (Pharisees), if he denies that taxes should be paid, he would be subject to arrest as a political revolutionary. Jesus moves the debate to another level by challenging his opponents to be as observant “in paying their debts to God as they are in paying their debts to the emperor.” His opponents’ hypocrisy is revealed as not really religious, and Jesus gains the moral high ground in eluding their trap. Weekly Readings: October 13 - October 19, 2014 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31- 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Saint Justin, Martyr has had over 128 likes and over 203 visits on our Facebook page at St. Justin Martyr Catholic Parish LIKE us and help us grow our FB message. Our website is www.stjustinmarytr.net Study/Growth Serve /Ministry “Committed to and passionate about the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church.” “Committed to and passionate about caring for one another.” Director: Marie Chisari, ext. 307 Director: Bob Metz, ext. 311 Email: bmetz@stjustinmartyr.net DISCIPLESHIP SEMINAR III will be held in two parts on Tuesday, October 14, and October 21, 2014 at 6:00 pm beginning with a light supper being served at 5:45 pm. In Discipleship Seminar III, we learn the importance of setting aside a prayer time to be done on a routine basis. We also learn how to meditate and memorize scripture, how it is important for all of us to be involved in church as we work to become disciples of Christ here at St. Justin, Martyr Parish. Registration continues this weekend for parishion- ers who have completed Seminar I & II. Register by signing up in the registration book located at the kiosk in the Narthex or call the office at 397-3312 ext. 311. Scripture Study continues on Thursday, October 16, at 7:00 pm in Fellowship Hall and Sunday, October 19 at 10:15 am in the Faith Formation Center. Using the Bible study series, Six Weeks with The Bible, the title we are studying is “Our Father”. This week we will look at Week 4 titled “Wipe Out Our Debts” . Registration continues by attending the class of your choice. Books cost $8.00. The Scripture readings related to this chapter include Matthew 6; 18. Each of us needs to encounter Scripture for ourselves, but not by ourselves. Scripture was written to be understood and applied in a community of faith. It is a way for young and old to connect with the scripture and each other on our faith journey. Register now! If some of you are interested in another day and time, please let us know and we can always consider starting another group. DISCIPLESHIP SEMINARS ANNIVERSARY This year in October marks the tenth anniversary of our parish Discipleship Seminars. If you participated in the first DS I on October 30, 2004, I would like to celebrate you. Please contact me, Bob Metz at ext. 311. Discipleship I Attendee October 30, 2004 COMING SEMINARS THROUGH 2014 Discipleship Seminar III, Part I - October 14, 2014 - 6:00 pm Discipleship Seminar III, Part II - October 21, 2014 - 6:00 pm Discipleship Seminar IV - November 8, 2014 - 8:30 am LIBRARY: There are many good books in our library. Please take a book and read it, returning it in a timely manner. If you would be interested in helping us clean up some of the books not taken out any more, please contact Bob Metz ext. 311 or Laurie Oates for more information. Email: mchisari@stjustinmartyr.net SERVE PURPOSE OUTREACH MINISTRY Wish List for the Interfaith Food Pantry. peanut butter cereal canned fruit toilet paper jelly noodles powdered milk pasta mashed potatoes soup pasta sauce canned veggies canned tuna Please, if you are delivering perishables, bring it to the attention of an usher so that it may be refrigerated. The food is not disbursed until Tuesday morning. Thank You! PEANUT BUTTER BRIGADE Welcome home snowbirds. Yes, St. Justin, Martyr continues to make peanut butter sandwiches and cut up carrots & celery for the homeless on Monday evenings at 4:00 pm. No longer do these unfortunate souls have to stand outdoors to enjoy a hot meal. Peace Memorial Church allows the T.H.O.R.N. Group the use of their facility for cooking and serving a hot meal. As you know, it’s a vast improvement from standing in the parking lot trying to balance a dinner plate. Please join us in Fellowship Hall on Monday afternoons at 4:00 pm to prepare the sandwiches and cookies. Only five volunteers were there to do all the work last Monday. We can really use a few more helping hands. Thank You! ST. JUSTIN, MARTYR CHURCH SEMINOLE, FLORIDA OCTOBER 12, 2014 Sacramental Formation “Committed to and passionate about the Celebration of the Eucharist and all the Sacraments.” Laura Rivera, ext. 302 or lrivera@stjustinmartyr.net www.stjustinmartyr.net TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Life Foundations “Being Jesus Centered & Purpose Driven at every grade level” Laura Rivera, ext. 302 lrivera@stjustinmartyr.net Upcoming Events for Life Foundations Baptism preparation: Baptism Prep sessions take place by appointment. Please contact the Director of Sacramental Preparation at least 3 months prior to the Baptism. Baptisms take place during the Mass on the 3rd weekend of the month. First Holy Communion and Confirmation sessions begin on Sunday, October 19, 2014. First Holy Communion session will take place immediately following the 8:45 am Mass in the Faith Formation Center. Confirmation Prep session will be immediately after the 10:45 am Mass in the Youth Center. Please remember that 100% attendance is required for Sacramental Preparation Sessions. We continue our inquiry sessions so if you are looking for a place to belong, a community with whom you can share your questions and beliefs, or perhaps you’d like to find out a bit more about the Catholic Church? Whether the Catholic Church is totally new to you or whether you have already had Catholic ties sometime in your life, you would be most welcome among us! Together with others who are searching, you will share your questions, and learn what the life of faith is all about. If you choose to participate, you can be sure of affirmation and support no matter what direction your life may take. If you would like to know more, please contact Laura at ext. 302. We have ongoing inquiry every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Faith Formation Center. October 10/14 - In Parish 10/21 - HN 10/26 - Parish Picnic 10/28 - In Parish The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd room is in need of Bibles written in different languages. If you have one that you can part with, please consider donating to our Little People’s Ministry. Thank you! Gala News You are cordially invited to the 5th Annual Dinner and Auction Gala on February 14, 2015 at the beautiful Marriott Grand Ballroom. (Roosevelt Blvd.) Cocktail hour includes free beer & wine with hors d’oeuvres. Dinner, music, dancing, silent and live auction Price: $60 per person. Seats are very limited. Ticket sales will begin first weekend in November. We are currently accepting donations for live and silent auction items and sponsorship packets will be mailed out shortly. October Events for Youth Ministry 10/17-SCC 6:30-8:00 - come out to our first official SCC of the year. If you missed the open house that is ok. Great night of food and fellowship. 10/25– Leadership Seminar for Core Members at Bethany Center. Thank you to the generous supporters of the Gala for making this opportunity possible for the youth. 10/26-The Youth House is being remodeled again and we are inviting all parishioners to come by during the picnic between 3:00 - 4:00 pm to check out the ghoulish changes. 10/30– Halloween Holy Night. Come out for some ghoulish fun, pumpkin carving and, of course, food. Wear your favorite Halloween accessory (hat, earrings, socks, etc.) No masks that completely cover your face. See you there! St. JUSTIN, MARTYR UPCOMING WEEKLY EVENTS Administrative Services “Committed to and passionate about supporting the ministries, mission and facilities of St. Justin, Martyr Church.” Director: Brian Hug, ext. 338 Email: bhug@stjustinmartyr.net Famous Thrift Shoppe Open Year Round Wednesdays and Saturdays 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Drop offs are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Do Good. Feel Great. Donate! Don’t forget, all donations are tax deductible. Do you shop at Albertsons? If you do, you can help St. Justin, Martyr by using the Albertsons Key Tag. Each time you shop and scan the key tag we earn a percentage of that purchase. There is an Albertsons in Largo Mall as well as on Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. in Clearwater. Call (727.397.3312 ext. 324) or come into the Church Office to get yours. Thank you! LEWIS W. MOHN Monday, October 13 Columbus Day 4:00 pm Peanut Butter Brigade (FH) 6:30 pm Forward in Faith Dioc. Campaign Reception (FH) 8:00 pm Alanon (FFC) Tuesday, October 14 5:45 pm Discipleship Seminar III, Part I (DH) 6:30 pm Life Foundations-In Parish (FFC, FH) 7:00 pm Twinning Executive Meeting (PJPII) Wednesday, October 15 9:00 am Thrift Shoppe & 4 Corners Liturgy Committee Meeting (AC, PJPII) 10:00 am 6:30 pm Invite Planning Meeting (FFC) 7:00 pm Music Ministry Practice (MC) Thursday, October 16 11:00 am Anointing Mass (MC) 7:00 pm Scripture Study (FFC,FH) Friday, October 17 8:30 am Lazarus Mass (MC) 10:30 am Mass at Sweet Water (OC) Anointing Mass 8:00 pm Portuguese Speaking Prayer Meeting (FFC) Saturday, October 18 Alms & Food Collection (WN) 9:00 am Thrift Shoppe & 4 Corners 5:00 pm 4 Corners (Opens after Mass) Sunday, October 19 Alms & Food Collection (WN) 8:30 am LPM (LPM) 4 Corners (4 Corners is open after all Masses) 9:45 am Sacramental Prep (FFC) 10:00 am 10:15 am Scripture Study (FFC) 12:00 pm Confirmation Prep (FFC) 7:00 pm Portuguese Speaking Comm. Mass (MC) Since 1958 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Funeral Home & Cremation Services • William Miller - Director TALK ........ Family Owned & Operated • Funeral Planning & Cremation Services 9700 Seminole Blvd. (Alt. US 19) Seminole www.MohnFH.com 393-3481 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Contemporary music from the hymnal Voices As One, Vol. 2 CD $17 Strong in Faith We Will Be the Light CD $17 CD $17 Come, Holy Spirit 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 022537 St Justin Martyr Church (B) www.jspaluch.com an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 The Royal Maid Service Lacey Computer Co. Serving you since 1984 Residential Cleaning Licensed * Insured Bonded Thomas R. Lacey, Ph.D., President 9020 Seminole Blvd. Seminole, FL 33772 Find me anywhere: 727-537-9022 Brigett Cerce (727) 585-MAID Caring Dentist Joseph F. Pippen Jr. PHONE (727) 392-9293 Wills • Trust • Probate • Medicaid AT T O R N E Y Realtor® 641-2192 PARISHIONER KIDS EAT FREE TUES. NIGHT 5-9 — DINE IN ONLY 10799 PARK BLVD. — 393-2880 727-586-3306 Services as unique as the life lived. 6767 Seminole Blvd. • Seminole w w w. a t t y p i p . c o m www.MarthaThorn.com Brigett@MarthaThorn.com Residential Real Estate Service Local, Professional, RESULTS 10225 Ulmerton Rd. (727) 391-9954 Largo, FL 33771 www.ReeseFuneral.com CAROLYN HERR Faith-Friendly Counseling: Individuals, Couples & Families Dr. Lori Puterbaugh, LMHC, LMFT, NCC 727-559-0863/ puterbaugh@mindspring.com / drloriputerbaugh.com A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com 727-501-4546 Real Estate Champions www.CarolynHerr.com E-Mail: Carolyn.Herr@Century21.com Parishioner since 1991 SLAUGHTER PLUMBING SERVICE RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL 12920 Walsingham Rd. 24 Hrs. 596-5663 License #RF11067209 C-9501 Rehabilitation Center for “Short Term” Post Surgical Care Long Term Care Nursing HAMMER & COMPANY P.A. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 9373 “We Invite You to Take a Personal Tour” 11300 110th Ave., North Seminole Mark R. Hammer, President, Parishioner Full Service Accounting • Tax & Small Business Consulting Personal Financial Planning SEMINOLE BLVD. (727) 392-1300 727-391-9986 www.wrightshealthcare.com Paul J. Burns The Law Offices of Attorney at Law Your Neighborhood Specialist 8640 Seminole Blvd. (727)392-5906 (727)397-5571 $10.00 OFF ANY SERVICE SINCE 1951 LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER 446-8355 Lic. # CF033850 409 N. FT. HARRISON Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 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