This Weeks Bulletin - St. Joseph Parish

St. Joseph Parish
A Ministry of the Capuchin Franciscans since 1877
404 W EST L AWRENCE S TREET В· A PPLETON , W ISCONSIN 54911 В· P HONE : 734-7195 В· F AX : 734-0227
October 12, 2014 В· 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastoral Staff
Office Hours
Capuchin - Pastor, Fr. James P. Leary, O.F.M. Cap.,
…………………………………………………………………………… 920-419-8738
Deacon / Pastoral Associate, Mark Farrell;
Deacon / Pastoral Minister, C.F. Dedman;
Interparish Adult Enrichment, Carol Jensen;
Music Director, Jill Beyer;
Bookkeeper, Linda Baumruk;
Secretary, Barb Mauthe;
Saturdays: 4:00 p.m.; Sundays: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 6:30 p.m.
Weekdays: Mondays, Tuesdays, & Fridays: 12:05 p.m.
Check bulletin for Holy Day Schedules.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
St. Joseph Parish is a member of St. Francis Xavier
Catholic School System 735-9380
Inter-Parish Religious Formation
DRE, Coordinator K-4, Eucharist:
Andrew Russell
Coordinator 5-8/Reconciliation:
Jennifer Schubring
Youth Ministry 6-12, Coordinator 9-11, Confirmation:
Peter Leitermann
Celebration of the Sacraments
Marriage: Active parish membership of 6 months is required before
a wedding date may be set.
Reconciliation: Saturdays from 9 until approximately 9:30 a.m.
or call for an appointment.
Baptism: Please call the Parish Office 2 months in advance.
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office anytime.
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Fr Jim’s Jottings
The Steeple Project is COMPLETE!
The new Copper Cross and Base were
put in place this past week. Deacon
Mark was courageous enough to go to
the top of the steeple and bless this
symbol of our faith.
This project has taken seven weeks. I
remember the first day when the crane
was extended as far as it could go.
One of the workers was standing on his
tip toes to lift the cross off of its base.
For a moment it looked like he was
slipping and all I could think of was an
impending disaster. However, he got it
up and over and on to his shoulder.
Whew!!! A prayer answered.
Then when the cross got down to the
ground and we inspected it, we
discovered a bullet hole. Of course, we
don’t know who, when, where, and why this bullet was shot through our
cross. (It will be one of the questions we can ask our Lord when we get
to heaven!) Compared to the beautiful copper cross that is now atop our
steeple, this old tin cross looks pathetic.
However, I have a few thoughts about the old cross. If it could speak
to us, it would have some great stories to tell. It has looked over
Appleton for more than a hundred years. It saw dirt roads become
concrete and small wooden buildings become large office complexes.
How many people did it see walking into our church to worship God? It
weathered some severe storms and continued to be a sign to the Fox
Valley of the faith and dedication of St Joseph parishioners. As we retire
this old tin cross, we offer a prayer of thanks for all that it represents in
our long history. Thanks be to God!
Festival Wrap-up Meeting
This Monday, October 13, there will be a wrap-up meeting of our Festival
Committee in Holly Hall at 6:30 p.m. If you’d like attend, please come
and join us in evaluating how it all went on the weekend of Sept. 13/14.
Congratulations to Our
Weekly Calendar Raffle Winners
September 28 —Paul & Stacy Shrode—$25.00
September 29—Elmer Powell—$25.00
September 30—Susan West - $25.00
October 1—Liz Heck —$25.00
October 2— Jennifer Fafinski —$25.00
October 3 — Randy & Pati Reinke — $25.00
October 4 — Ruth Janssen — $25.00
Please Pray For...
Please pray for all our parishioners who are ill:
Jean Hahn, Jill Nagellong, Joe Strick,
George Floodstrand, Lisa Vander Maazen, Jean Hildebrand
Please also remember our nursing home residents and shut-ins.
Please remember to pray for our parishioners or family members of
our parishioners who have died:
Brent Satterlee, son of Lynne Satterlee
A P P L E T O N ,
Pictorial Directory
Friends, thanks to those who have already
signed up to get their picture taken. This
Pictorial Directory will be a reflection of our
membership. The last one was done about
ten years ago. So, it’s time to do another one.
A Pictorial Directory can be a community
builder. It helps us know each other and
celebrates different committees and activities
in the parish.
Photos will be taken in November and
January in the hope that your college kids can
be around. We’d like to have everyone who is
a member of St Joe’s have their photo in our
book. If you have your photo taken, you get a
“free” copy of the Pictorial Directory and an 8
x 10 portrait.
You can make an appointment for your
photo in three different ways:
Through the parish website: (The
only time the website is NOT available
is from noon on Friday till noon on
Monday. This allows us to schedule
those who sign up after Masses on
the weekend.)
After weekend Masses in the Great Hall
for the next four weeks.
Calling the parish office (734-7195).
If you make your appointment through our
website, you will receive a $10 discount for
any pictures you purchase.
Again, this is an important parish project. It
will be successful if everyone is willing to
make an effort to schedule an appointment.
Please encourage others to join in by your own
enthusiasm and support of this project.
Would you like your photo made into a
Christmas card or Gift? Have your picture
taken prior to November 25th for cards,,, and
December 10 for portraits.
NEW DATES are being added to our times.
Rosary During the Month of October
October has traditionally been the month of
the rosary. We will offer this prayer in honor
of the Blessed Mother a half hour before each
of our Masses (except Sunday 6:30 p.m.
Mass) during October. Can you make an
effort to join us in praying for the needs of our
world as we honor Mary?
Job Opening “Maintenance Person”
There is an immediate opening for a parttime maintenance person here at St Joe’s. It
would be 15-20 hours a week. The job
requires overall electrical, plumbing, heating
skills and an ability to do basic repairs of
equipment. If interested in applying, send a
resume or call the Parish Office (734-7195).
Adult & Young Adult Enrichment Opportunities
Gospel of John:
Monday eve, 6:30 – 8 PM – St. Mary, Rm. LL07
Friday AM, 10:00 – 11:30 AM – St. Joseph Rm. 214
A Day for Women – Saturday, Nov. 1
“Jesus, the Gift that Keeps on Giving”
Women, take some time to nourish yourself and your spirit before the start of
the hectic holiday season. The Appleton Catholic Parishes invite you to join us
for a wonderful day on Nov. 1, 10 AM – 4 PM at St. Mary Parish Center. Our
speaker will be Anne Trufant. Anne is the mother of seven, a wife, musician
and composer. She has founded and directed a home for unwed mothers in
Louisiana and worked in partnership with Mother Teresa. She and her
husband, David, own and direct camps for boys and girls from challenging
backgrounds in North Carolina and have developed a non-profit mission that
helps change lives in war-torn areas of Africa. Anne interweaves music and
humor into everyday life experiences that bring faith to life. A lunch of soup,
salad and dessert will be served. Door prizes and a going away gift bag will be
also help make our day a gift for you. Registration deadline is October 29.
Forms available at the back of church. Questions: Call Carol at 739-5119.
Love and Logic Classes for Parents Forming now!
The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to learn some new
parenting skills. We are pleased to announce “Early Childhood Parenting
Made Fun” Classes will begin Tuesday, October 21 and continue through
November 18 for a total of 5 sessions. Classes will run from 6:30 – 8:30 PM.
Child care may be available. Come join us for a fun-filled program full of great
parenting advice. To register, please call Heidi Potts at 920-450-5378l
Young Adult Supper - Pizza, Pabst and Priests
Tuesday, Oct.14, 6 PM, St. Mary Community Room.
Fr. Bill and Fr. Jim will be with us to spend some time with the young adults,
single or married, in their 20’s and 30’s who are part our parishes. Join us for
prayer, pizza, salad, fruit, soda, beer (not just Pabst). We invite you to bring a
side salad or dessert to share. Reservations are important – so that we have
enough food on hand. Call Carol -739-3700 x 22 or e-mail: before Oct. 13. Young children are welcome to
join us.
The Prophets: Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 4 and Nov. 11, 6:30-8 p.m.
Oct 21: Elijah and Elisa: “Troublers of Souls; Oct. 28: Amos and Hosea;
Nov. 4 : Jeremiah and Isaiah; Nov. 11 – Ezekiel. Join us to learn more about
The Old Testament Prophets. Come to all four sessions ($15 fee) or individual
sessions ($5/per). St. Joseph Holly Hall. Instructor: Rabbi Sid Vineburg.
Please pre-register -739-5119 or Please bring a
Bible with an Old Testament to class.
Sr. Carla Piette – Vessel of Clay
Thursday, October 23, 6:30 – 7:30 PM, St. Mary Parish Center, Community
Sr. Carla Piette, a daughter of St. Mary Parish, was recently inducted into the
Appleton West Hall of Fame. Sr. Carla was a Maryknoll Sister who served in
Chile and in El Salvador serving the poor. In 1980, Sr. Carla’s jeep was swept
away by a raging flash flood. Her last act was to save Sr. Ita Ford, pushing her
to safety.
The Salvadoran people named her a “Martyr of Charity”. Jackie Maggiore, one
of Carla’s classmates will be with us to offer a short reflection on Sr. Carla’s life
and a picture and plaque will be given to St. Mary Parish by her classmates.
Jackie’s book about Sr. Carla will be for sale at a discounted price that evening.
Please pre-register by calling – Carol at 739-5119 or e-mail:
Financial News
Tithing Needed ..................... $15,700.00
Last Week’s Tithing............ $14,311.40
Children’s Collection ............... $59.22
Thank You!
Your special offering to help keep
us on target would be appreciated.
Parish Support Through Collections
Budgeted 7/1/14—9/30/14:
Actual 7/1/14-9/30/14:
St. Joseph’s Food Program
September Milk Money
Other donations:
Food Program
Thank You!
Readings for the Week
of October 12, 2014
Is 25:6-10a
Phil 4:12-14, 19-20
Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27,
Lk 11:29-32
Gal 5:1-6
Lk 11:37-41
Gal 5:18-25
Lk 11:42-46
Eph 1:1-10
Lk 11:47-54
Eph 1:11-14
Lk 12:1-7
2 Tm 4:10-17b
Lk 10:1-9
Next Sunday:
Is 45:1, 4-6
1 Thes 1:1-5b
Mt 22:15-21
В©Liturgical Publications Inc.
"'The feast is ready, but those
who were invited were not
worthy to come. Go out,
therefore, into the main
roads and invite to the feast
whomever you find.' The servants went out into the
streets and gathered all they found, bad and good
alike, and the hall was filled with guests."
Mt 22:8b-10
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass В©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD
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Congratulations to Our
Weekly Calendar Raffle Winners
September 28 —Paul & Stacy Shrode—$25.00
September 29—Elmer Powell—$25.00
September 30—Susan West - $25.00
October 1—Liz Heck —$25.00
October 2— Jennifer Fafinski —$25.00
October 3 — Randy & Pati Reinke — $25.00
October 4 — Ruth Janssen — $25.00
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Schools News
Song Stories & Fun
Xavier Catholic Schools will be hosting "Song, Stories and Fun"
at McDonald Campus on Wednesday, October 15 and at
Marquette Campus on Friday, October 17 at 9:00 a.m. This
fun event is open to children ages 2-5 and their parents. If you
have questions or require more information, please contact
our Central Office at 735-9380.
Xavier Invites 7th Graders
Xavier will be holding its annual Seventh Grade Day on Wed.,
October 29th. All seventh graders from throughout the Fox
Valley are invited to spend the day at Xavier from 8:30 a.m. to
2:00 p.m. Students will learn more about the courses and
programs that are offered and become familiar with Xavier’s
state-of-the-art facilities. Lunch will be provided. If you are
interested in attending or if you have any questions, please call
Ellen Amick at 920-733-6632.
A P P L E T O N ,
Oktoberfest Celebration at Holy Cross Parish
Join us at Holy Cross Parish gym in Kaukauna on Sunday,
October 26, from 10:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. for the annual
Oktoberfest celebration. Games, booyah, spanferkel, live
music, country store, rummage sale, craft room, basket
raffles, beer garden and a fantastic live auction. Buy a $100
ticket for a chance to win a $6,000 first prize. Only 25
sold. Enter on Sarah or Kaukauna Street. Bring the whole
family for a great day of fun and food.
Christmas Bazaar and Craft & Candy Sale
St. Mary and St John's Menasha Parishes upcoming Christmas
Bazaar and Craft & Candy Sale. It is located at St. Mary's
Menasha Gym at 540 Second St., Menasha.
Saturday Nov 1st from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. & Sunday Nov 2nd
Is Heaven for Real
Life. After death. An encounter with JESUS…
Norbertine priest, Fr. John Tourangeau describes an out of
body experience that took him to “the threshold of Heaven.”
Sunday, Nov. 2, 1:30 p.m.
Xavier High School Fine Arts Theater
1600 W Prospect Avenue, Appleton, WI 54914
Part of the Investigate Your Faith series
Presented by CIA + Faith Mission Operatives;
FREE ADMISSION; Questions: 920-450-3025
Fruit Sale
Chad Judice – Pro-Life Author & Speaker
The St. Francis Xavier High School Performing Arts Department
Fruit Sale is being held again this fall. The sale runs until
November 10. Delivery date is set for Saturday, December 6.
Please call St. Francis Xavier High School at 733-6632 to
place an order or contact any band, chorus, orchestra or
theater member. Thank you for supporting Xavier Catholic
When Chad and Ashley Judice's son, Eli, was diagnosed with
spina bifida in the womb, they were asked if they would like to
terminate the pregnancy. Instead, they chose LIFE. Come
listen to their story of faith, hope, and the power of prayer on
Tuesday, October 14, 6:30 p.m. at St. Bernadette, Appleton.
Rosary will be prayed at 6 p.m.. Free of charge. Please contact
Celia McKee, Dignity of Human Life Coordinator, Diocese of
Green Bay, at 272-8271; Or visit
Christmas Stars 2014!
Christmas Stars ticket sales opened September 2.
All performances will be held at the Xavier Fine Arts Theatre,
1600 Prospect Avenue, Appleton,
December 4-14. For ticket information, please call 920-7338840 or visit or
There are options to purchase tickets online and print at
home or have a call center process the order. The call center
is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day; the number is (866)
967-8167. Please note there is a nominal fee for orders
through the call center. There is no additional charge for print
at home orders or those picked up at the Xavier box office.
The Chapel of Divine Mercy - St. Pius X Parish
500 W. Marquette Street, Appleton
HELP - We need you to volunteer to PRAY in Our House of
Prayer. PLEASE - SIGN UP! We have many hours open in our
Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Help us to keep our chapel open
and our hearts lifted up to Our Lord. Any questions please
contact Toni Binzak: or 920-378-5185
with your questions or to sign up for an Adoration hour.
End of Life: Church Teachings and Documents
The Diocesan Dignity of Human Life Office is offering an end
of life presentation on Wednesday, October 22, 10:00 a.m. at
St. Therese in Appleton. Hear what the Catholic Church
teaches about dying and death. Understand how to
communicate your end-of-life wishes with your family. Receive
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care documents and
learn how to complete them. A luncheon will follow. Free
charge. Please RSVP by Friday, October 17 to: Theresa
McKenna (272-8291;
Can You HELP St. Joe’s Stay
Connected? Attention Parishioners:
We would like to visit all of our homebound and nursing home
parishioners and let them know we haven’t forgotten them. In
order to make sure that we have the correct information of
their whereabouts, please contact Deacon CF Dedman (7347195 or e-mail with this
Weekly Liturgical Calendar
Monday, October 13
12:05 p.m. Dec. Margaret Gruber
Tuesday, October 14
12:05 p.m. Dec. Robert Stoeger
12:30 p.m. St. Anthony Devotions
Wednesday, October 15
12:05 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s
Thursday, October 16
12:05 p.m. Mass at St. Mary’s
Friday, October 17
12:05 p.m. Dec. Kenneth Haen
Saturday, October 18
4:00 p.m. Dec. Gerald Waller
Sunday, October 19
8:00 a.m. Dec. Chuck Graf
10:00 a.m. Deceased Members
of the Rodrigues Family
6:30 p.m. Deceased Members of St. Joseph Parish
This Week in Our Parish
Monday, October 13
6:30 p.m. Fall Festival Wrap-Up Mtg., Holly Hall
6:30 p.m. Gospel of John, St. Mary Rm. LL07
7:00 p.m. Faith & Light Class, Rm. LL11
Tuesday, October 14
6:00 p.m. Pizza, Pabst & Priests,
St. Mary Community Room
7:00 p.m. Parish & Family Life, Rm. 205
Wednesday, October 15
10:30 a.m. Seniors’ Anointing Mass &
Gathering, Church & Holly Hall
IPRF Classes
No High School Classes
6:30 p.m. Finance Meeting
Thursday, October 16
6:30 p.m. Adult Faith Formation Committee
Mtg., Rm. 214
6:30 p.m. Choir Practice, Church
6:30 p.m. Social Concerns Mtg., Rm. 209
Friday, October 17
10:00 a.m. Gospel of John, Rm. 214
Saturday, October 18
Diocesan High School Youth Conference,
Brown County Arena, Green Bay
9:00 a.m. Private Reconciliation, Church
SCRIP Sales after Mass
TWINNING’s Share the Warmth Clothing Drive
Next Sunday, October 19
SCRIP Sales after Mass
TWINNING’s Share the Warmth Clothing Drive
9:00 a.m. RCIA Gathering, Rm. 209
1:00 p.m. OFS Gathering, Holly Hall
3:00 p.m. OFS Inquirers, Rm. LL11
3:00 p.m. Practice for Confirmation, Church
Our apologies to Ingrid Wolf! (Her name was
inadvertently misspelled in the October birthday list.)
1) Seniors’ Anointing Mass & Luncheon is Wednesday
October 15, SIGN UP by Monday October 13 at Noon.
2) SCRIP Sales next weekend after all Masses.
3) Help support our Twinning parish, St. Joseph parish in
Clintwood Virginia by contributing to the Share the
Warmth Clothing Drive. The Clothing Drive begins next
weekend and runs through October 26.
4) Make sure you sign up for your photo in our Pictorial
Directory...through our website or after weekend Masses. Be a part of the “Family Album.”
“PAST PASTORS” of St Joe’s
Past Pastor # 14
Ludger Werth (1915-1918) was born in
Germany like all of the previous Capuchin
pastors. Ludger was a
man of indomitable
energy and driving will
power. Whatever he set his hand to, he
did with sweeping vigor. Wherever he
labored, he made hosts of friends.
Soon after his arrival, Fr. Ludger was
plunged into enlarging the friary. Altho
a new friary had been built in 1890, it
had become too small for the growing
religious community. The cost of
$11,440 was borne entirely by the friars with generous help
of a kindly donor, a simple working woman, who insisted her
name never be made known! [Does anyone know who she
When the friary was just completed an unexpected
development regarding the hall was schemed by city hall.
Since the new YMCA building had been erected at this time,
its officials claimed tax exemption. City officials did not want
to lose this source of revenue and announced that
exemption could be claimed only on the grounds of
educational purposes. So they extended taxation to all
church recreational centers. As a result St Joseph’s hall was
assessed a tax. Since such taxes imposed a heavy burden
on the parish, an appeal was made to the state government.
A decision was handed down in Madison stating the
religious institutions must not be taxed. [Thanks be to God]
During the summer of 1917 attention was again called to
the cemetery when an appropriate stone arch was placed at
its entrance. Altho much attention was given to
landscaping the grounds, little had been done for such
monumental construction, save for the crucifix in the middle
of the cemetery. Laster much more was accomplished in
this regard, so that St. Joseph’s Cemetery became one of
the most beautiful cemeteries in the state!
Please support our advertiser
of the week.
Kolosso Toyota-Scion
They help support the printing of this bulletin
Thank you!