Mar. 15, 2015 - St. William the Abbot

Saint William
the Abbot Parish
Parish Office: (516) 785-1266
Fax: (516) 785-4824
Web Page:
2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, New York 11783
Fourth Sunday
of Lent
March 15, 2015
Rev. Robert L. Hayden
Associate Pastors
Rev. Belevendiram Rathinam
Rev. Ryszard Ficek
In Residence
Rev. Richard Viladesau
Thomas Buchenberger
John Lynch
Michael Metzdorff
Pastoral Associate
Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C.
Mass Schedule
Our Parish Mission Statement
We, the Parish Family of St. William the Abbot, are a welcoming community of
faith, guided by the Holy Spirit and centered in God’s Word and the Eucharist.
Through the Sacraments, prayer and the stewardship of our God-given gifts,
we are called to minister with respect and compassion to all,
from the youngest to the oldest.
We commit ourselves to continue the mission of Jesus Christ,
to proclaim His Gospel and to love one another as He has loved us.
Saturday Evening: 5:00 & 7:30 PM
Sundays: 7:45, 9:15 and 10:45 AM
12:15 and 5:00 PM
Holy Days of Obligation:
Eve of Holy Day: 7:30 PM
Holy Day: 7:30, 9:00 AM, 12:00 Noon
4:30 and 7:30 PM
Monday - Friday: 8:00 & 9:00 AM
Saturday Mornings: 8:30 AM
In This Issue
Liturgy, Prayer
and Sacraments
Page 3
Parish Social Ministry
Page 4
Faith Formation
Page 5
Family Lent Night
Page 5
School News
Page 6
Parish Survey
Pgs. 7/8
The Prophets of the Old
Page 9
Lenten Soup Supper Page 10
Ushers Needed
Page 10
Spring Fair
Page 11
Golf Outing
Pgs. 12/13
Irish Night
Page 14
Page 16
Sometimes numbers can tell a story even better than words. To
say, for example, “most people like chocolate” does not have the same
force as saying “90% of people like chocolate.” This is why I found a
statistic in Matthew Kelly’s book The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic so
worth thinking about.
According to Kelly, about 6.5% of the members of a typical
Catholic parish contribute 80% of its income and 80% of its volunteers.
This is far lower than the usual 20/80 split spoken about so often in
business with regard to personnel matters. Nevertheless, this statistic
does ring true. When I first came to St. William’s, I did my own informal
analysis and came up with an 8/80 split, which is not very different from
the numbers Kelly uses.
The conclusion which Matthew Kelly drew from this statistic
was not, however, discouraging. He argues that if the Church can do so
many great things in the areas of education, health care, social services,
and, of course, the religious life of its people, imagine what we could do
with just a small increase in the number of engaged Catholics. What
would happen, for example, if in parishes throughout our country the
population of engaged Catholics rose by just 1% each year?
For us at St. William’s this goal needs to be more than just a
dream. Our future as a thriving community of believing Christians
requires us to turn that goal into a reality. Several years ago at our annual
Ministries Day our guest speaker was Fr. Bob Rivers, a Paulist priest and
author of From Maintenance to Mission. His thesis was that we’re doing a
good job of taking care of one another’s spiritual needs, but that we are
called by Christ to do much more than this. Like Jesus’ first disciples, we
too have been called to bring the Gospel to others and, in our
contemporary Church, to help those among us who are disengaged from
their faith to become fully engaged.
Last weekend’s survey, in which over 1500 parishioners
participated, was the first step in a major, organized effort by our parish
to reach these goals. Since 1500 parishioners represents about 60% of
those at Mass and since children under thirteen were not asked to
complete the survey, the percentage of responses from adults was
actually higher. I thank you therefore for giving us an excellent start in
our Strategic Planning project; and I also thank the Planning Committee
(Rich Hass, Chairman, Sr. JoAnne Bonauro, Chris Blankley, Joe Byrne,
Bill D’Alessio, Rita Defendini, Fran Kaley, Tom Kiley, Ed Lettieri, Joe
Missilli, and Nancy Schleyer) for the many hours of work they have
already put into this project.
In this issue of the Abbey and at the doors of the church you will
find additional copies of the survey. Please fill it out and return it to the
rectory, if you have not already done so. To borrow a political saying,
every vote counts. When Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say
that I am?” he also asked them, “Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:2730). In other words, he was taking a survey. Jesus wanted to be sure that
his words and actions were having the effect that he wanted.
You and I have the same goal with regard to the words and
actions of our parish. Please help me make sure that everything we do as
a parish bears the good fruit of bringing people closer to Christ.
Fr. Robert L. Hayden
Presider Schedule
Saturday, March 21, 2015
5:00 PM Mass
Fr. Bala Rathinam
7:30 PM Mass
Fr. Ryszard Ficek
7:45 AM
9:15 AM
10:45 AM
12:15 PM
5:00 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Fr. Bala Rathinam
Fr. Robert Hayden
Fr. Robert Hayden
Fr. Bala Rathinam
Fr. Ryszard Ficek
Prayers & Devotions
Morning Prayer
Monday through Friday:
8:35 AM
9:00 AM
Miraculous Medal:
Saturdays at 8:15 AM
Eucharistic Adoration:
Next Sunday’s Scripture
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Hebrews 5:7-9
John 12:20-33
Today we are called to remember God’s faithfulness
to us, his people. Humankind has rejected and
betrayed God throughout history, and continues to
do so today. In spite of this, God has never
abandoned us. He continues to call us to turn away
from sin and receive new life and salvation through
his son, Jesus.
Sign of Peace
Since hand to hand contact is one way of transmitting the flu and other viruses, we once again recommend that at the Sign of Peace you please exchange
a greeting other than a handshake. You can exchange the Sign of Peace verbally and with a smile
or a bow of the head.
Monday-Saturday after
8:30 AM/9:00 AM
First Friday of the month
Holy Hour - 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Third Sunday of the month
11:00 PM – 7:00 AM
(Nocturnal Adoration)
Mass Intentions
March 16, 2015 - March 22, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
8:00 AM Bob Stipicevic
9:00 AM Peter Mitesser
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
8:00 AM Fran Barton
9:00 AM Collective Intentions
Josephine Fitz, Lucille Sharp,
Mark Klein, Thomas Lynch
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
8:00 AM Rita Ranieri
9:00 AM Maureen Erb
Thursday, March 19, 2015
8:00 AM Collective Intentions
Michael Wildes, Rev. John
Mariano, John & Josephine
Ghignone, Thomas Chieffo
Thursday continued..
9:00 AM James Power
Friday, March 20, 2015
8:00 AM Eileen Dvorak
9:00 AM Eugene Clark
Saturday, March 21, 2015
8:30 AM Purgatorial Society
5:30 PM Michael Russell
7:30 PM Patricia Murray
Sunday, March 22, 2015
7:45 AM Jennie Giannone
9:15 PM People of St. William
10:45 AM Michael Wildes
12:15 PM Micheal Wildes
5:00 PM Patrick Morley
Reflecting on the Word
Our first reading tells, in brief compass, of the exile of the Jews in Babylon and of their return to their land
some seventy years later. As presented in the books of Chronicles and other Old Testament books, the people of
Judah well deserved their exile from their land, having abandoned the God who had bestowed that land upon them.
When the Persian king Cyrus conquers the Babylonians, he lets the exiles return. But the Old Testament has no
doubt that this is really the work of God, who has forgiven the people and brings them back from their exile. And
God does this not so much because the exiles are deserving of release, but because God desires to be merciful.
This same merciful divine nature that is revealed in the return from exile is also revealed in the words of Jesus.
As Son, Jesus was not sent to condemn the world, but to give it life and light. Any judgment or condemnation is in
fact a self-judgment. People are condemned to life in darkness because they have chosen to reject the light; in a sense,
they have chosen to live in exile from God. God’s role in all this is to be present among us in Jesus as saving light.
We see people choosing to remain exiled from those they love all the time: children and parents who are estranged, friendships that break down or go unreconciled, those who love God and Christ yet keep their distance from
the Church and the sacraments. But scripture testifies to the power of God to overcome such estrangement and exile.
Lent is a time for exiles to return, a time of reconciliation, a time to accept the gift of divine love described in the Letter to the Ephesians.
A Way of Life
March 8, 2015
March 9, 2014
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish
who remain steadfast in their Lenten promises through
increased prayer, sacrifice and almsgiving.
Please pray for the sick…
In order to keep our list current, names of the sick will be
in the bulletin for 3 weeks.
Scarlet Holohan
Park McKenna
Bob Powers
Patrick McGrath
Mary Ann Crean
John Kemitch
John Falvin
Rosalie Kirincic
Baby Piper Palmieri
Joseph Rhodes
...and for the deceased
Margaret M. Rosenthal
Nicholas Sarno
Stations of the Cross
On the Fridays of Lent we are invited to enter into the Mystery of
God’s love in which he emptied
himself and gave his life on the cross so that we
might have new life. Stations of the Cross begin
at 7:00 PM in the Church on Friday, March 20th.
Banns of Marriage
Banns 1
Banns II
Meaghan Coburn (SWA) & Christopher Liwosz
(Baltimore, MD)
Banns III
Attention Eucharistic Ministers
and Lectors
Please consult the Bulletin Board (outside the
Sacristy) for the Easter Sign-up Sheets. Thank
4:00 PM-4:45 PM
Eve of Holy Day
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Thursday before
First Friday
9:30 AM & 4:00 PM
You may also schedule penance by appointment by calling
the Rectory Office at (516) 785-1266.
Initiation of Infants Baptism
First Four Sundays
of the month
2:00 PM
Parents must contact the rectory office to register their
child. For additional information, please visit our website:
Initiation of Adults: Adults who have not been baptized,
received first Eucharist or Confirmation should contact the
rectory office and ask about enrolling in the R.C.I.A.
Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).
Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements should be made as
soon as possible, preferably before reserving a place for your
reception, but no later than six months prior to the
wedding. The same priest initiates and completes all the
arrangements with wedding couples.
Communion and Anointing of the Sick: Those who are
unable to attend Mass because of age or declining health
may arrange with the rectory to receive Holy Communion
at home. The Anointing of the Sick is available to those who
are going into the hospital or seriously ill and can either be
administered communally (first Sunday of the month
following the 12:15 PM Mass) or by contacting the rectory
as soon as possible in the event of immediate need.
Nocturnal Adoration
The Nocturnal Adoration Society
will hold its monthly Adoration
Vigil on Saturday, March 21st in
the Convent Chapel. The first
watch begins at 11:00 PM.
All parishioners who would like to spend time
before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and adoration are invited. Mass for deceased members
of the Nocturnal Adoration Society will be the
7:45 AM Mass on Sunday, March 22nd.
Parishioners who would like more information
or a reminder card are asked to call Bill Markland - 516-826-0394.
What you need to know to
protect and help yourself
and your family.
Monday, March 23rd
11:00 AM
Convent Center
Presented by The Alzheimer’s Disease Resource
Center, Inc.
Call Jeanne
O’Donnell, RN - 785-1352
or Rosemary Graziano,
Parish Social Ministry 679-8532.
Parish Social Ministry
St. Vincent de Paul Society – In today’s Gospel God demonstrates great love for
us by sending his Son so that we may believe in him. We demonstrate our great
love for God by doing good works: reaching out to others, acting in justice and
charity. Through your almsgiving you are performing a good work; far greater
that you think. Know that your nickel, dime, quarter or dollar is multiplied by
the coins placed by others in the St.Vincent de Paul Poor Box. If you or anyone
you know would benefit from the use of the food pantry or assistance from Saint
Vincent de Paul Society please call Parish Social Ministry 679-8532. Utmost
confidentiality is promised.
Commodity Supplemental Food Program – Free food is available to Senior
Citizens over age 60. The income limit has just been increased for seniors for the
Commodities Supplemental Food Program. It’s now $1,265 for one person and
$1,705 for a couple. Catholic Charities distributes free food through CSFP to
seniors, and also to mothers in the second half of their postpartum year, and to
5- and 6-year-old children. The income limit for mothers and kids continues to
be $1174 a month for individuals or $1579 for couples Charities also delivers prepacked boxes of food to homebound seniors once a month. For more info, call
516-623-4568 in Nassau or 631-491-4166 in Suffolk.
Healing After Abortion – Sisters of Life offer days of prayer and healing for
those suffering after an abortion. For additional information 866-575-0075.
Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit – If you worked in 2014, had
children living with you and earned less than about $48,000 or did not have
children living with you and earned less than about $14000 you may qualify,
speak with your tax preparer or call Parish Social Ministry 679-8532.
HEAP Benefits – Home Energy Assistance Program - HEAP Program is
available to help with home heating in the winter months for income eligible
homeowners or renters. An example of the HEAP monthly income level for a
family of two is $2844 and for a family of four is $4,182. Additionally, HEAP
offers heating equipment repair and/or replacement benefit for homeowners
with inoperable heating equipment. HEAP may help you pay for Oil, Electricity,
Propane, Natural Gas, Wood, Kerosene, Coal, or any other heating fuel. For
further information, please contact the HEAP Hot-line 1-800-342-3009 or or Rosemary at Parish Social Ministry 679-8532.
Health Care Underpads - We have a large supply of waterproof mattress
protectors. If you can use them call Parish Social Ministry 679-8532
Bereavement Ministry
This week our pantry needs
Mixed Vegetables
Mashed Potatoes
Plastic Wrap
Diapers 5 & 6
Canned Fruit
Aluminum Foil
When the words, “I’m sorry for your loss” have ended, there
is more to be done. The quality and quantity of understanding support you get during your work of mourning
will have a major impact on your capacity to heal. Let us
help you on this journey. Trained, compassionate people will help you
through the emotions that you are experiencing with the loss of your
loved one.
Starting Wednesday, March 25th at either 11:00 AM or 7:00 PM, Bereavement sessions will be held in the Convent Meeting Room. The
evening group will meet for 7 weeks and the daytime group will meet
for 5 weeks. Both groups will participate in a Mass of Remembrance on
May 13th at 7:00 PM. For more information and registration, please
call Parish Social Ministry at 679-8532 before March 18th. All registrants must have experienced their loss before January 1, 2015.
Faith Formation
The Office of Faith Formation (Religious Education) hours are as
follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 AM – 1 PM
and 1:30 PM – 4 PM. Wednesday: 10 AM – 1 PM and 2 PM – 4 PM.
The office is also open during class hours.
Holy Thursday
A Special Request
Please note Faith Formation Classes this week as follows:
Grade 2 Presentation of Letters Monday, March 16th 7:00 PM in the
Church. Rooms 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15 & Faculty Room – Parents
attend with children.
Grade 1 – Monday, March 16th 4:15 – 5:15 PM (make up class)
Grade 3 – Monday, March 16th 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Grade 4 – Tuesday, March 17th 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Grade 5 – Wednesday, March 18th 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Grade 6 – Wednesday, March 18th 5:45 – 7:00 PM
Grade 7 – Wednesday, March 18th 7:30 – 8:45 PM
Grade 2 – Thursday, March 19th 4:15 – 5:15 PM
Family Mass every Sunday at 9:15 AM in the Church. March 22nd –
Grades 1 and 2
We encourage all parents to check our website for important
Family Lent Night
Friday, March 20, 2015
In the Abbey - 6:30 PM
Learn About Lent and Holy Week
Craft and Refreshment to follow
Please RSVP by March 17, 2015
Call the Faith Formation Office 516-679-9558
The night before Jesus died He
performed an act of humble,
selfless loving service - He
washed the feet of His Apostles.
Why would our Lord perform
such a “lowly act?” He wanted
to show His Apostles that to be
His follower one had to be a
person of “humble service,” and
that means caring for and about
Each year at the Holy Thursday
Mass, the Celebrant does what
Jesus did - he washes the feet of
12 people. If you would like to
participate in this very prayerful part of our Liturgy, please
speak to Sister Joann or call the
Faith Formation Office (6799558).
Prayer Shawl
Parishioners that are
interested in knitting and crocheting prayer shawls or lap blankets
for our sick and homebound are
invited to join us on:
Tuesday, March 17th at
10:00 AM
in the Convent Center.
We meet every 1st and 3rd
Tuesday of the month.
You need not know how to knit or
crochet. We have talented parishioners who will guide you. Bring
your needles or crochet hook. For
additional information call Parish
Social Ministry - 679-8532.
Saint William the Abbot School
(A Middle States Accredited School)
Weekly Calendar
Sunday, March 15, 2015
9:15 AM - Mass Grade 5 - Hospitality - School
6:00 - 9:00 PM - St. Patty’s Party
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Happy St. Joseph’s Day
7:30 PM - Drama Performance
Friday, March 20, 2015
11:00 AM Dismissal
Teacher Professional Day
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Bingo Team 12
Sunday, March 22, 2015
9:15 AM Mass - Grades 1, 2 Hospitality
Eighth Grade Science Class
The Eighth Grade students in Mrs. Frank’s science class have been busy researching and building
roller coasters and Rube Goldberg machines as part of their learning of the physical sciences. After researching a particular roller coaster and creating a Power Point presentation, the students constructed working
coasters out of K’nex. As the students engage in the construction process, it is interesting to observe those
students who will become our future architects and engineers.
After learning about simple machines, the students used their knowledge to create Rube Goldberg
contraptions. They did a remarkable job with their creations. All of these activities in Science help the students to see how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) are part of their everyday lives.
The Prophets
Join Fr. Bob Hayden as he
speaks about the Prophets
of the Old Testament on
Monday, March 23rd and
April 13th at 7:30 PM in the
Large Rectory Basement
Meeting Room.
Antioch Retreat
Please join us for a two-day retreat of stories, music, reflection, prayer, scripture,
Mass, delicious food, good company and lots of laughter!
When: Saturday, April 11, 8:30 am - 9:30 pm
Sunday, April 12, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Where: St. William the Abbot School
2001 Jackson Avenue, Seaford, NY
Yes, I would like to attend the Antioch Retreat.
I have enclosed a $50.00 check (Only $45.00 if paid before April 1)
made payable to St. William the Abbot to cover the cost of meals.
(Please don't let the cost be an issue as scholarships are available.)
Name: _________________________________________________________Email:________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________Phone #______________________________________________
Emergency Contact (Required)__________________________________________Relationship to you_____________________
Phone #__________________________________Email _______________________________
Please mail to: Billy D’Alessio, 339 Harrison Avenue, Massapequa, NY 11758
If you have any questions, please call Susan at 516-809-5251 or Billy at 516-343-4676,
Or email us at Visit:
SUNDAY, march 22Nd, 2015
6:00 PM in the ABBEY
Medical bills of Brigid vogt
“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me!
Let the person come and drink who believes in me.” John 7:38 One-Time Volunteer Ushers Needed for Easter Masses
As many of you may know, we are extremely low on Usher participation at many of our
Masses. In order to be better prepared for Easter we are asking for volunteer Ushers for
our Easter Masses. The duties consist of assisting parishioners with seating, taking the
collection and distributing the weekly bulletin at the end of Mass.
We will need assistance at the following Masses: Church: Saturday, April 4th - Easter
Vigil - 8:00 PM. Sunday, April 5th - 7:45 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM and 12:45 PM. Auditorium:
Sunday, April 5th - 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:45 PM.
A sign-up sheet has been placed in the Usher’s Closet in the lobby of the Church for your convenience. Please
see any Usher should you have any questions and to locate the sign-up sheet for this one-time volunteer assignment. As always, regularly assigned Ushers should also sign-up for our Easter Masses. Please contact
Joseph Missilli at joemissilli@optonline or by phone - 516-799-3327 if you have any questions.
St. William the Abbot
20th Annual Golf Tournament
Monday, May 11th, 2015
This year’s golf tournament will be held at the Rock Hill Golf Course on
Monday, May 11th. The last tournament was a great success thanks to the many people who joined
us at the course or supported the tournament through their donation.
We invite all those interested in playing with us this year to fill out the registration form below and return it to the rectory no later than April 11th. The cost is $160.00 and the proceeds will
benefit the youth of our parish. Check in time is 10:45 AM. Shotgun start is 1:00 – 1:30 PM. We will
be playing a scramble format. The fee includes a full round of Golf with a cart, BBQ lunch starting
at 11:00 AM, snacks and beverages and a cocktail reception and fine dinner at the day’s conclusion.
The cost for those who would like to join us for dinner at 6:30 PM is $60.00.
Sign up your own foursome or come as a single and you will be assigned to a foursome.
Please return this form with $160.00 for each player. Checks are made payable to “St. William the
Abbot.” Please mail to St. William’s Rectory, 2000 Jackson Avenue, Seaford, NY 11783.
We look forward to seeing you there! Any questions, please call Walter at 516-799-5236.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------St. William’s Golf Tournament
_______________________________________ Golf Shirt Size:____________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
If you are registering a foursome, please list the additional names below:
________________________________________Golf Shirt Size:____________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
________________________________________Golf Shirt Size:____________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
________________________________________Golf Shirt Size:____________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Dinner Only:___________________________________@ $60.00 each = _____________
Remember to bring in those Baby Bottles!
Recently St. William the Abbot “kicked-off” its Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit The
Life Center of Long Island. The weekend to bring those filled baby bottles in is March
21st and 22nd.
The Life Center is a pregnancy help center that counsels women and men who are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. They provide maternity housing, medical care
referrals, cribs, car seats, diapers and ALL other baby items that are needed.
Remember that all it takes is your spare change in a baby bottle and heartfelt prayers to make a big,
positive difference for all those we serve. May every drop of a coin remind you to pray with your
whole heart for the lives of our pre-born children!
St. William the Abbot School Board Elections
There will be 2 positions available on the School Board
The Board assists and advises the Pastor and Principal in matters relating to policies that govern the
operation of St. William's School. Carrying out of the policies, curriculum, and internal government
remains the responsibility of the Pastor, Principal, and Faculty.
The election will take place on Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3 after every Mass
** Ballots will be collected at the conclusion of each Mass in both the front and back vestibule areas**
If anyone is interested in serving on the School Board, please submit a short bio of yourself and a photo
no later than April 4, 2015 to Jill Lampasone ( or forward through the school office.
The Saint William the Abbot
Social Events Committee Sponsors
Irish Night in Celebration of St. Patrick’s Day!!!
Featuring Fabulous Irish Entertainment!
Music - Sing-Along - Dancers - Bagpipes
Sunday Evening - March 15, 2015
Church Abbey, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
(Immediately following the 5:00 PM Mass)
Be Our Guest - No Fee to Attend!
We invite you to bring your own pre-sliced Irish Soda Bread to Share!
50/50 Raffle to be Held!
Door Prize
Complimentary Light Refreshments for All!
Let us pray in a special way for those who are
serving our country in the Armed Forces who are
parishioners or family members (sons, daughters,
and spouses) of our parishioners:
Airman Michael Alba, USAF
1st Sgt. Craig Bianco, Armed Forces
Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Brendel,
US Army
PV2 Anthony Caputo, US Army
1st Lt. Michael DiPietro
HN Sean Farrell, Marine Division 1
1st Lt. Matthew Fernandez HHC-2
Col. Pete Ferraro, USMC
Lt. Joseph E. Fitzgerald, US Navy
Captain Michael Fitzgerald, US Army
2nd Lt. Christopher J. Frasse,
US Army
US Army Spec. Michael Gale
LCPL Christopher Henao,
Marine Div.
US Army Spec John Michael James
Pvt. 1st Class Brian Kirby
Private Patrick Lynch, US Army
Capt. Eamon G. McArdle
Pvt. 2nd Class
2nd Lt. Caitlin McArdle, US Army
Corporal Sean McNulty, USMC
Lt. Shannon Meyer,
US Navy Nurse Corps
Commander Paul Markland, US
Coast Guard
Commander Daniel Montgomery
1st Lt. Sean Mormon, Navy
Lance Corp. Conor Murphy, USMC
2nd Lt. Mary Theresa O’Donnell,
US Army
Pvt. Christopher Nee, US Army
S.A. Gregory J. O’Neill, FBI
Lance Corp. Joseph J. Pirro, USMC
PFC Dominick Pititto
Sgt. Donald Rogers,
US Army
Private 1st Class Christopher Rossi
Capt. Thomas F. Shields, US Air
Daniel Timpanaro, US Coast Guard
Matthew Timpanaro, US Marines
Major Curtis Unger
Captain Christopher James Ustler,
US Army
Lt. Jg. Katherine Ustler,
US Coast Guard
Lance Corp. Robert Vitale, USMC
Brendan Wemessen, US Coast Guard
Airman John Zimmerman, ISAE
HEaling Link® Ministry Is Here!
The next meeting is Tuesday, March 17th - Small Abbey
HEaling Link® focuses on allowing the healing energies of Jesus to manifest through powerful prayers, sacred scripture, uplifting Christian music, healing meditations, and purposeful expression in a friendly and relaxing environment. Join us for a faith-filled evening that will expand
and nourish your relationship with Jesus, and inspire you as a Catholic.
For more information, please contact:
Respect Life Program
Please join us on Thursday, March 26th in the
Convent Center at 11:00 AM. We are looking to
expand Respect Life activities in the parish and
we need your help and ideas.
We will coordinate pro-life activities and educate parishioners on
pro-life issues. Any questions? Call Rosemary - Parish Social
Ministry 679-8532.
Pregnant and
Birthright Can Help
Bingo is played every Saturday in St. William the Abbot
School Cafeteria. Doors open
at 6:00 PM and games start at
7:00 PM.
E-Mail the Priests
St. William’s
If you would like to send an
e-mail to the priests of the
parish, please use the parish
e-mail address:
the name of the priest to
whom the e-mail is being directed in the heading or subject line and it will be forwarded to him.
Gift Box Drawing
03/07/15 $100 Kristin Perret,
03/08/15 $50 M/M T. Gallagher,
East Meadow
03/09/15 $50 P & M Speth,
Broomfield, CO
03/10/15 $50 Theresa Powles,
03/11/15 $50 Shifa Santiago,
03/12/15 $50 Braden D’Aniello,
03/13/15 $50 Patricia Meade,
Spotswood, NJ
Parish Directory
Parish Office -2000 Jackson Avenue – Seaford, NY 11783
Mrs. Sue McCormick, Office Manager
Mrs. Judy Goldman, Business Manager
Mrs. Susan Valdez-Le Goff and Mrs. Catherine Federici, Parish Receptionists
Parish Office: 516-785-1266
Parish Fax: 516 785-4824
Saint William the Abbot School – A Middle States Accredited School
2001 Jackson Avenue
School Office: 516-785-6784
School Fax : 516- 785-2752
Mrs. Margaret Grimaldi, School Principal
Web Page: www.
Email address:
Faith Formation
(School Building - 2001 Jackson Avenue)
Mrs. Laura Walsh, Director Grades K - 5
Sr. JoAnn Bonauro, S.C., Director Grades 6 - 8
Bill D’Alessio, Coordinator, Confirmation Program
Religious Education Office: 516-679-9558
Web Page:
Fax: 516-679-1649
Email address:
Music Ministries
(Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue)
Mr. Alfred Allongo, Director of Music and Organist
Matthew Georgetti, Assistant Director
Mrs. Louise Sewall, Folk Group Director
Music Ministry Office: 516-781-3253
Fax: 516- 679-1083
Parish Social Ministry
Mrs. Rosemary Graziano, Director
(Convent Center - 2020 Jackson Avenue)
Office: 516-679-8532
Fax: 516- 679-1083
Parish Grounds and Maintenance
Mr. Joe Mormon, Head of Maintenance
Pastoral Council
Parish Representatives
Mrs. Maggie Bobby -- Mr. Bill D’Alessio -- Mr. Steve DeCillis -- Mrs. Catherine DuPlessis
Mr. George Gilmartin -- Mr. Richard Hass -- Mr. Joseph P. Missilli -- Mrs. Susan Neubauer
Mrs. Nancy Schleyer -- Mr. Thomas Ward --
Parish Trustees
Mr. Edward Lettieri
Mr. Robert Gerhard