ANDREWMARK LETTER - parish of st. andrew and st. mark

FALL 2014
The fall garage sale exceeded
expectations, thanks to our faithful
band of volunteers (above). More
photos on page 5. As we say farewell to summer, say hello
to this little Arctic fox, photographed in
his winter coat in northern Quebec.
More photos on page 6.
Prayer Care
For immediate health 

and personal needs:
8 am Eucarist BCP
10 am Choral Eucharist BAS
Oct 5: The Rev’d Francie NadeauKeats
Oct 12: Harvest Thanksgiving, the
Rev’d Francie Nadeau-Keats
Oct 19: PWRDF Sunday
Oct 26: The Rev’d Francie NadeauKeats
Nov 2: All Saints and All Souls, 10 am
Morning Prayer with Hymn Sing
Nov 9: Remembrance Sunday, guest
speaker Jean-Pierre Bellemare
Kay Cleaver
John Cromwell - James Dick Leslie Hughes - Iris Huey
Lillian Joyce
Anne Klein - Stella Kuziemko
Leonard McArthur - Audrey Morell
John O’Connor - Doug Philips
Gordona Phillips - Sheila Reynard
Ryder - Sarah Tom Shirlaw
Patricia Tremblay - Faith Vincent
Connie Vipond - Bruce Wheatcroft
Cheryl Williamson
For ongoing care and improvement:
June Ayre - Charlotte Best
Muriel Best - Sherry Faber
Maureen Howard - Joan Hancock
Lillian Robb - Cecilia MacGillivray Enid Page
Carmen Rye - Renata Sohn
If you would like to purchase flowers for the
altar in remembrance of loved ones for the
service on All Saints andВ All Souls Sunday,
November 2, please contact Jennifer Gibb in
the church office, 514-631-3601, orВ The deadline for
submission is Tuesday Oct 28.В Please mark
your donation for memorial flowers.В Names
will be included in the November 2 bulletin.
If you or anyone you know would
like a pastoral visit, please call the
church office, 514-631-3601, or
Francie, at 438-838-5622.
Congratulations to Vera Abrams, whose daughter, Melissa, and her husband,
Gareth Williams, have had a baby son. His name is Thomas Hugh, in memory of
his late grandfather, Tom. The young parents are both teachers. On July 6, we witnessed the baptism of Ivylea Spinelli, daughter of Cindy Romero
and Vincent Spinelli, who were married by the Rev’d Karen Egan a few years ago.
On August 3, the McNair clan were out in force for the baptism of Jackleen
Lisette Birnie, daughter of Shauneen McNair and James Birnie. Another grandchild
for Tom and Kathy McNair.
We witnessed the baptism on September 14 of Justin Nicholas Marandola, son
of Lori Comeau and Nicholas Marandola. Congratulations to him and his family.
Order PWRDF cards from Janie Cromwell or
the church office. A donation of $20 for a pack
of 12 is recommended.
Monday, December 15
7:30 pm, St Mark’s Church
Induction of the Reverend Elizabeth Welch 

as Rector of St Andrew’s and St Mark’s
Officiants, Bishop Barry Clarke and Archdeacon Michael Johnson
Refreshments to follow
Healthy skepticism: Thursday, Oct 16,
from 1:30 to 3:30, is the first session of an
Adult Learning Series called Jesus for the
Non-Religious, prepared by Bishop John
Sprong, the well-known theological
progressive. The course will be facilitated
by Archdeacon Michael Johnson, and held
at Christ Church Beaurepaire. Cost, $40.
Go to, or call
Harvest Sunday: The Altar Guild depends
on our donations to make the church
beautiful. They will decorate on the
morning of Saturday, Oct 11. Donations
can be brought in Friday between 1 and 4
and left on a pew at the back, or on
Saturday morning but please, no later than
9 a.m.
Sighting of the Evans: Pat Waterston
reports that on vacation this summer she
and daughters Nancy and Anne made a
side trip to Tadoussac, where they had a
brief visit with Jane and Alan Evans at their
new home. Tadoussac is about eight
hours’ drive from Dorval, and it’s beautiful.
The Waterstons took a Saguenay cruise,
and saw beluga whales.
Cutting the grass: Our thanks to Jean
Dandurand, who responded to the appeal
for a used lawnmower.
Outreach reminder: The parish supports
Dorval Community Aid by providing nonperishable food items for its food pantry.
Donations may be left in the white box in
the entrance. Parishioners also take
toiletries, new socks, underwear and used
clothing in good condition to St Michael’s
Mission. Please leave items in the red
barrel in the coatroom. Thank you for your
ongoing support!
Kudos to our lay leaders: Note that
Yvonne Wakeland led us in morning prayer
one Sunday in August, and Margaret
Beattie spoke on Sept 28 about her
camino in Spain.
Corrections to our summer issue: We
elevated the Rev Elizabeth Welch to a
doctorate. In fact, she is working toward a
second master ’s degree. Also, Pat
Yeomans says the year that little photo of
her was taken in front of the original
church would have been 1954 or ’55.
Help wanted: We need more sidespeople,
greeters and readers in our inclusive
worship services. Just speak to Maureen
Shields or to Francie. And don’t forget, the
choir is
for new
Bake table, clothing,
furniture, snack bar,
books — they brought
in $3,270.45 on Sept
27, a tribute to
cooperation, energy,
and the leadership of
Trevor Smith, who also
took these photos.
Marc Vachon and Lyne Bastien, who lived
next to the church and attended regularly,
are now in Puvirnituq, pop. 1,700, in
northern Quebec. Marc is the viceprincipal of a high school, and Lyne
teaches printing and practices her art.
They love the landscape, and as you can
see, Marc is an excellent photographer.
Their grown children and Lyne’s mother,
Lisette Storey, keep in touch by email.
The Rector’s Cup took place this year
on August 21 without a rector, but the
golfing was great. In the top right photo,
Merv Shields accepts the trophy from
Roger Carter. Going clockwise are Trevor
and Carol Smith, who hosted a potluck
dinner at their place, Gordon Hunter,
who refrained from jumping into the
pool, Jennifer Gibb, Janet McCrae and
Myra Carter. Rex Buckland was Most
Honest Golfer, bless him.
BOOK CLUB WELCOMES READERS Jennifer Gibb reports that the Book Club has lost a significant number of members this year.
“We have about an hour of book discussion and then an hour of tea, goodies and general
conversation to round out the evening.” The meetings are held at members’ homes. Why not
join them? Call Jennifer at 514-631-3601.
Here is the fall lineup of books and dates.
Wednesday, Oct 22, 7:30 pm: Christ the Lord, Out of Egypt, by Anne Rice. The well-known
author of gothic fiction (Interview with the Vampire) and erotica recently embarked on a series
about the adventures of Jesus, written in the first person.“It wasn't all that hard to see this
coming,” says one reviewer. “Rice's vampire fiction has always centred on characters of
extraordinary powers and destinies wrestling with oversize ontological questions, and she
returned to the Roman Catholic Church in 1998.” Wednesday, Nov 19, 7:30 pm: The Pilot’s Wife, by Anita Shreve. Recently widowed, the
central character of this novel must deal not only with her grief but with a secret her husband
may have been keeping. Shreve’s previous bestseller was The Weight of Water.
Wednesday, Dec 10, time TBA, Christmas supper meeting: The Hundred-Foot Journey, by
Richard Morais. Also a film, this is a light-hearted tale of a feud between two adjacent
restaurants, one operated by a recently relocated Indian family and the other by a Michelinstarred chef, played in the film by Helen Mirren.
On All Saints and All Souls Sunday, Nov 2, at
our 10 am service, we will sing the most
requested hymns recently submitted by the
congregation: In the Garden, Jesus Bids Us
Shine, Take My Life and Let It Be, Abide with
Me, Amazing Grace, Praise my Soul the King
of Heaven, Sister Let Me Be Your Servant,
Here I am Lord, Praise the Lord with the
Sound of Trumpet, Now Thank We All Our
God, How Great Thou Art, Rock of Ages, Be
Thou My Vision, Will You Come and Follow
Parishioners are offered the donate to donate
by sponsoring these hymns in memory of
loved ones. Before each hymn is sung, the
names of those to whom the hymn is
dedicated will be read aloud.
All funds received will go toward the renewal
of the basement hall floor.
Put your donation in an envelope with your
name and envelope number. Return it to the
office, give it to a sidesperson, corporation
member or place it on the collection plate on
Sunday. Please mark on your cheque or
envelope “for Nov 2 Hymn Sing.”
Come and enjoy a time of musical fellowship
to raise support for our basement hall project
on Sunday, November 2.
Hymns have a rich tradition that extends beyond Christianity. Did you know that an
ancient Egyptian pharaoh, Akhenaten, wrote a hymn?
He wasn’t the only one. Martin Luther, the fiery 16th-century Protestant reformer, wrote
many hymns, including A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, which is sung today even by
Catholics. Luther and his followers often used their chorales, as they called them, to
teach the faith to worshippers.
At first, Christian hymns were strictly based on the psalms and other biblical texts, but
Isaac Watts felt that the faithful should be able to sing about Jesus, so he wrote his first
hymn, Behold the Glories of the Lamb, while still a teenager.
Charles Wesley, the founder of Methodism, gave hymns a new focus on self-expression.
His hymns led to a new style in America called gospel, and fervent evangelistic hymns
sung at “crusades” for the faith, often with a militaristic flair and marching rhythm.
The Methodist Revival of the 18th century created an explosion of hymn-writing in
Wales and a robust musical tradition. Instead of having a specialized choir, entire
congregations would sing in four-part harmony from memory.
The longing for freedom and respite by African-American slaves gave us some of our
most beautiful hymns, which they called spirituals.
Some of the catchiest melodies we sing in church today were appropriated from folk
music, even bawdy drinking songs. As the saying goes, “The Devil has the best tunes.”
In an effort to make hymns more informal and accessible, many churches are using
electronic keyboards, drums, guitars and screens with “follow the bouncing ball.”
The Anglican musical tradition is our crowning glory. Not long ago, the BBC
commissioned a survey to find out the top 100 hymns in the United Kingdom. Leading
the hit parade was How Great Thou Art. Here’s the rest of the Top 10. See how many you
In Christ Alone — Be Still, For the Presence of the Lord — Dear Lord and Father of
Mankind — Here I Am, Lord; and Can It Be — Abide With Me — Guide Me, O Thou Great
Redeemer — Make Me a Channel of Your Peace — The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended
10 o’clock Morning Prayer!
Featuring international concert artist and Juno nominee
Philippe BГ©langer
Friday, November 7, 2014
Parish of St. Andrew and St. Mark
865 Lakeshore Drive, Dorval, QC
Tickets: $15
Reservations: (514) 631-3601
…a kaleidoscope of
organ music on
St. Mark’s recently
enhanced and
enlarged organ
Sponsored in part by
Our November 7 fundraiser features 

a world-class organist playing a secular program
When Philippe BГ©langer was only nine years old he was named official organist of St
Paul’s Church in Aylmer, Quebec. Since then, he has been the organist at St Joseph’s
Oratory, Notre Dame Cathedral-Basilica in Ottawa, St Matthias Church in
Westmount, the Presbyterian College, and the Grey Nuns’ Mother House, among
other institutions. But this concert will be of secular music — show tunes, familiar pieces played as
you’ve never heard them before, musical novelties and virtuoso turns. We can’t charge downtown prices, which this concert deserves, so you’re getting a
bargain when you buy your $15 ticket, but we need to fill the church. If every active
parishioner sells 10 tickets, we’ll be well on our way. This is going to be a great evening. Buy your tickets, and more for your neighbours,
from Jennifer Gibb in the church office.
Shaping up through CLAY
by Antoinette Lynch-Joseph
CLAY is an abbreviation for Canadian Lutheran Anglican
Youth Gatherings, which take place somewhere in Canada
every year. This year CLAY took place in Kamloops, British
Columbia, on the theme Worth It. The more than 800
participants, aged 14 to 19, were asked to think about what
they are looking for in terms of their faith and their future.
It’s something that cannot be answered in just a few days,
but it’s a start. During the four days there were LGGs, large group
gatherings, filled with music, praise, and from our keynote
speaker from Ireland, Scott Evans, words of wisdom that were inspirational, saddening
and true. We took a liking to him right off the bat. Besides the day events, at which we worked together and learned from each other, there
were night events for those who wanted to chill out and relax or have some more fun
before midnight worship. At Sunday worship the singing and the youth drumming groups
left many people with wonderful memories. We also worshipped at the Wild Life Centre,
outside, in nature. The Ministry Projects, an innovation this year, were diverse and
wonderful. You were asked to sing, learn liturgical dance, question what you eat in the
face of God, etc.
My relationship with Christ is the same as when I left Montreal. I think that maybe my
faith has gotten just a bit stronger and I am happy to have noticed that. I have questioned
my faith several times in my life but I am proud to say that it remains strong. I know that Christ will be there for all of those who listen and trust in him. Christ is
everywhere. Whether we follow his teachings or not we will not be judged, but we
should always be mindful of the things he has done for us.
The previous CLAY gathering I went to was in 2012 in Saskatoon. The one this year
gave me a different perspective as I was not a youth member but a youth leader. It was
nice to have a different agenda, and to notice how motivated the youth were. I would most certainly love to attend the next CLAY gathering in 2016 in Prince Edward
Island. Thank you for your support. Antoinette is one of our crucifers and a Young Ambassador for the diocese. She is at
Concordia University this year, studying religion in the arts and science program with a
minor in human relations.
The Anglican Parish
Wednesdays, 10:30 am: Bible Study in the church.
of St Andrew & St Mark
Tuesdays, 7 pm: Meditatio in the chapel. All welcome.
865 Lakeshore Drive Dorval,
QC H9S 2C7 

(514) 631-3601
Wednesdays, monthly: The Book Club. For more
information, please call Jennifer at 514-631-3601.
Thursdays, 7 pm: Choir practise. Why not join us?
Friday, November 7, 7:30 pm: A Galaxy of Sound, major
concert by renowned organist Philippe BГ©langer. Tickets
$15, must be bought in advance. See ad, page 10 of this
Monday, Dec 15, 7:30: Induction at the church of the Rev’d
Elizabeth Welch as Rector of St Andrew’s and St Mark’s.
Officiants, Bishop Barry Clarke and Archdeacon Michael
Johnson. Refreshments to follow.
Priest in Charge
Rev Francie Nadeau-Keats
Office: Tues & Thurs 1-4
Please call for an appointment:
438-838-5622 or
Honorary Assistants
Rev Canon Dr Don Meloche 

Rev Jen Bourque
Organist and 

Director of Music
William Hutton 

Parish Administrator
Jennifer Gibb

Tues, Thurs, Fri, 1-4
Wed, 9:30 - 3:30
Rector’s Warden
Alexandra Jenkins

People’s Warden
Mary McLoughlin,
Editor and webmaster: Barbara Peden, 514-631-5281, Next deadline: Monday,
November 17, for publication November 30, Advent Sunday.