Announcements - St Pauls Lutheran School

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School
Announcements - October 18 and 19, 2014
Please make sure to locate the Attendance
Cards in your row and fill one out when you
first arrive. This helps us know that you are here
with us and it enables us to assist you. There is a
“Member” side as well as a “Guest” side - please
fill out the appropriate side of the card. Use one
card for each family that is gathered. (Parents,
please take responsibility for signing in your
children.) The Attendance Cards will be collected
by a Lay Minister after the Offering.
CLASSES (9:50 a.m.)
“The Family Project”
Location: 5th Grade Classroom
Teacher: Mark & Cheri Rogers
Faith and Membership Class
Location: 7th Grade Classroom
Teacher: Pastor Koeppen
This weekend, we are being visited by Pastor
Craig Mathews and his wife Eunice. Please keep
Pastor Craig Mathews and his wife Eunice in your
prayers as he deliberates the Call to serve here at
St. Paul’s as our Associate Pastor.
Our Faith and Membership Classes will begin
today at 9:50 am in the 7th grade classroom at the
If you or someone you know is interested in
becoming a member of St. Paul’s, please call the
church office at (815) 932-0312 for more
don’t forget about the gathering and recognition
of St. Paul’s Graduates on Sunday, October 19th.
We invite all graduates, but especially those who
graduated in 1972 and earlier, to be recognized in
the 11:05 worship service as well as during the
Oktoberfest. Come on out and enjoy a reunion
and some good fellowship (and German Food,
October 19, 2014 – Isaiah 45:1-7 “Creator
and Controller”
by Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier III, Concordia
Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, IN
God, who created the world, controls
world history. God, who created the Church,
controls world history for the benefit of His
Church. God, who created you, controls
everything in your life for your good.
A new session of Financial Peace University
(FPU) is going on at the school on Thursday
evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room. The
classes meet for around an hour and a half each
week for nine weeks.
If you would like more details or would like
to enroll in the class, contact John Veers at, or 815-263-9170 or call the
church office at 815-932-0312.
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“Usually, when people think of life issues,
they think of �political’ or �social’ or
�controversial’ issues and come to the erroneous
conclusion that we should not be talking about
them in church. But do you know what I call
issues of life and death, pain and suffering, fear
and anxiety, sin and guilt, regret and grief, and
end-of-life decisions? I call them �spiritual’ and
�biblical’ issues! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is
tailor made for such issues.” Rev. Dr. James I.
Lamb, executive director of Lutherans For Life –
A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life ·
w w w . l u t h e r a n s f o r l i f e . o r g
Reformer, Martin Luther, talked about
Christians being citizens of two kingdoms - the
heavenly and earthly kingdoms. While much of
our focus in the church is on our citizenship in
heaven, we also participate in this earthly kingdom
until our Lord returns in glory. As part of this
earthly kingdom, we are also good, Christian
citizens, taking part in our communities and taking
our earthly citizenship seriously.
Next month, on November 4th, our country
will hold mid-term elections for a number of
important government positions - positions that
have dramatic authority on the direction of our
state and nation.
As Christian citizens, it is our right and
responsibility to take part in this aspect of our
earthly citizenship. We cannot take our God-given
civic responsibility and the blessing of
self-government lightly. As citizens, we have been
given the awesome privilege and responsibility to
select those who make our laws and govern our
nation. Christians have a wonderful opportunity to
be salt and light for a state and nation in rapid
To help us navigate these issues, we are
providing several resources from the Illinois
Family Institute to help you make more informed
decisions at the ballot box.
1) Voter Guide for the 2014 General Election.
They are available at the downtown church in
the tract rack in the narthex and on the table
by the elevator. At the school, they are
available on the table in the entryway.
2) A free online voter guide from Illinois
Family Action that evaluates candidates and
includes a detailed summary of important
information that will help inform you on
where the candidates stand on important
issues like religious liberty, natural marriage,
and the sanctity of life. The candidates were
researched based on a number of criterion
and then rated on a seven point scale from
“Very Liberal to Very Conservative.” This
guide also provides critical background
information such as endorsements, donations
to and from the candidate(s), candidate
statements on the issues, and information
from other sources. This guide is found at Simply enter your
name and address to see the candidates on
your ballot.
3) Guide on Amendments and Referenda
questions. The Illinois ballot also has two
constitutional amendments and three
advisory referenda questions. Illinois Family
Institute has prepared information regarding
these questions and we have printed copies of
that. They are available in the same location
as the voter guides.
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Mark your calendars now for the upcoming
Sunday School Christmas program. Practices are
Saturdays, December 6 & December 13 from
9-11 a.m. The program is Sunday, December 14
at 5:00 p.m. The students will also be learning
some of the songs during the Sunday School hour.
More information will follow soon.
their churches, and groups, then generously
shopped for supplies! Then on Saturday, October
4th they came with boxes, bags, and armfuls of
school supplies, health items, clothing, and toys.
In addition they brought many monetary gifts
from others who were also inspired by the idea of
providing gifts for less fortunate children around
the world as a way to spread the Gospel to the
children, their families, and communities. After a
heart-touching video about Operation Christmas
Child, the items were all sorted, groups set about
bagging soap, candy, and pencils, others wrapped
shoe boxes, and there was even a sock sorter.
There were also 7 youth from various
churches who participated in this event, along
with the children from St. Paul's Lutheran School
who provided many supplies and their chapel
offerings for postage. Shoebox gifts totaling 152
were packed to overflowing with the many useful
and fun items provided!
It is the prayer of those involved, that God
uses these boxes to lead children to the Bible and
His saving grace through the programs and Bible
studies that accompany the boxes. Many involved
expressed their joy at being able to participate
with so many others of various ages in such a
generous outpouring of love in action. Moneys
donated together with the Thrivent funds were
used to pay for extra necessary supplies and
shipping of the boxes to foreign countries under
the direction of Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s
Purse Organization.
Enough supplies and shipping money was left
over to pack an additional 63 boxes at a later date
-- bringing the total shoebox gifts to 215! To
God be the glory! Great things He has done!
It all began long before the event when
enthusiastic ladies told their congregations about
Operation Christmas Child, collected gifts from
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon.
The Fair has books for kids of all ages and select
items for adults. The Fair will be held at the
This Sunday, St Pauls is having a “Spare
Change Baby Bottle Drive” to benefit the River
Valley Parenting & Pregnancy Resource Center in
Bradley, Il. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has
generously provided this fundraiser with matching
funds. The center is a life affirming Christ
centered non profit agency that provides many
services to women, men and grandparents. The
centers operational expenses, for this ongoing
ministry, is provided solely thru donations. Please
take a bottle home with you this week and fill it
with change, dollars or a check (made payable to
the River Valley PRC) and bring the bottle back to
church by Sunday, Nov 2. Please return all bottles
as they are the property of the RVPRC. Thank
We will be collecting Mites on the third
Sunday of every month. The Mite Box will be
located on the table by the elevator at the Church.
At the school, the mite box will be on one of the
round tables in the cafeteria area. Please
remember that we have not collected Mites since
our last meeting in June so we are behind in our
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school October 27th thru 30th. It is open to the
public. Stop by and pick up some early Christmas
gifts! Proceeds from the Book Fair are used to
purchase new material for the school library.
Save the date for St. Paul's Fall Fun with
Trunk & Treat at the school Sunday evening,
October 26th from 5:45pm-7:45pm. All families
of the church and school are invited to attend and
are encouraged to bring a guest and a potential
new member or student. The evening will kick off
in the school cafeteria with a Magic Show
followed by trunk & treat outside. Also outside, be
sure to enjoy roasting marshmallows and s'mores
and the hay rack ride on the school grounds. Don't
forget to decorate your car or van and enter it in
the "most festive vehicle" contest to win a $20.00
TRIP credit.
Please remember to bring plenty of candy to
hand out from your trunk. A $5.00 per family
donation is recommended.
Have you been attending church here at St.
Paul’s for a while, but not yet become a member?
If so we warmly invite you to consider joining our
congregation. There are a few ways that this can
be accomplished:
If you are:
< A member in good standing of another
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
We need a letter of transfer from your home
church and you need to attend our New
Member Orientation Class
< A member in good standing of another
Lutheran Church
We need a letter of transfer from your home
church and you need to attend our Faith and
Membership Classes
A member in good standing of another
We need a release of membership from your
church and you need to attend our Faith and
Membership Classes
Not a member of another church
You need to attend our Faith and
Membership Classes
If you are interested in receiving information
regarding the Faith and Membership Classes,
please check the box “Like to join” on the
attendance card the next time you are in worship.
You can also call the church office for more
information (815) 932-0312 or talk to pastor.
St. Paul’s Youth will be
selling Butter Braids October
25th - November 2nd in the
cafeteria area before and after church services.
Please see a youth or youth board member to
place your order. Butter Braids will be delivered
November 20th, just in time for Thanksgiving. If
you have any questions, please contact DCE
A n g e l
G i l l e s p i e
a t . . . .
The Dorcas Society of Our Savior
Evangelical Lutheran Church, Momence will host
their annual Chili Supper on Friday, November 7
from 4:30 to 7:30 P.M. in the church basement.
The church is located at the corner of Second and
Pine Streets in Momence. Ticket prices are $7
for adults, $3 for children 6-10, Free for children
under 5.
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Cleaning closets but not wanting a yard sale?
If you have gently used newer clothing or small
fashionable home decor items, Embrace
Consignment Boutique located at 39 Meadowview
just might be the place to take your goodies. You
also have the opportunity to help out the River
Valley Pregnancy Resource Center’s non profit.
Embrace Consignment allows you to donate the
proceeds to the center. Just let them know you
want the profit to go to the River Valley PRC.
Guidelines on consignments found here.
Thank you for turning in your BoxTops! We
have received confirmation of our recent
submission of $217.60 worth of BoxTops and are
expecting that amount to be added to our check
that we will receive later this year. Please continue
to collect and submit! Ten cents at a time does add
St. Paul's School is in need of 2 or more
people to help with mowing and trimming the
grounds at the school site. If you have at least 2-4
hours a week that you can donate, it would be
greatly appreciated. Please contact Allen Gehm at
815-932-3914 or Terry Treece at 815-937-4397 if
you can help us out. If you have any children in
school, your time can be added to your Partnership
Thanks, The Trustees
We need help in setting up the gym in
preparation for Sunday worship services. Seven to
eight workers are needed to replace lost help.
High school students and women are welcome.
Setup takes place on Saturdays, most often at
3:00 p.m., and it takes only about an hour to
complete. If you can help for 4 to 12 hours a
YEAR please contact Bill Balgeman at 937-4947.
The 8TH GRADE CLASS will be selling
Market Day pies for the upcoming holidays.
There are many scrumptious choices to choose
from. They have Coconut Cream, Peanut Butter
Cup, Pumpkin, Cherry Streusel, Salted Caramel
Chocolate, Lemon Meringue and many more.
Please place your order with any 8th grader in
between church services on the following
Sundays: Oct. 12, Oct. 19, and Oct. 26. They will
also be selling the pies after school in the lobby
up until Friday, Oct. 24th. All orders placed by an
8th grader need to be in by Sunday, October 26th,
and on-line orders ( are due
by 11 p.m., Saturday, November 1st. The pick-up
date is Wednesday, November 5th. You may also
place an order by calling Julie Salzman at
815-530-7320. Please make checks payable to St.
Paul's School. All proceeds will go toward the
8th graders end of the year field trips.
Zion Lutheran School, 540 Oak Park Ave.,
Beecher, is holding a Fall Craft & Vendor Faire
on Saturday, October 25th from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00
p.m. Don’t miss out!!! Start your Christmas
shopping early. Shop our variety of vendors with
unique items and crafts, as well as, Tastefully
Simple, American Girl dollclothes, Mary Kay,
Avon, South Hill Design, Scentsy, Woodworking,
Handmade Jewelry, American Girl Doll Clothes,
Caramel Kettle Co., plus many more.
Lunch will be available!!! There will also be
a bake sale sponsored by the DC Group. Mark
your calendars and hope to see you there!!
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St. Paul’s is again participating in the
S.C.O.R.E. Recycling Contest through Belson’s
Steel, Rt. 50 & Larry Power Road, Bourbonnais.
The contest ends April 2015 but we need your
help now to reach our goal. Why not consider
recycling during all the holidays and parties? By
doing so, you teach valuable skills to tomorrow’s
adults, but you are earning cash and prizes for St.
Paul’s School. Here’s what you need to do...
If you would like to send Velora Pittman a
birthday card for her surprise 90th birthday card
shower, being given by her children, please
mail cards to her at:
Velora Pittman
c/o Garrett Pittman
727 We Go Trail
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
1) Collect your aluminum cans and bring them
to Belson’s. You get paid cash for your
cans. If you are unable to take the cans to
Belson’s, we do have a collection canister
located at the school.
2) Mention “St. Paul’s” when you get paid.
Belson’s will add one point to our score for
every pound of cans that you are recycling.
3) At the end of the contest, our school gets two
cents for every point. PLUS, the top schools
will win thousands in extra cash and prizes.
Last year the winning schools received over
$15,000 in cash and prizes!
Mail no later than 10/24/14.
If you have any questions, please contact the
school office at 815-932-0312.
Please help us out...RECYCLE...and SCORE
with us!!
Immanuel Lutheran, Steger is hosting a
Circuit Reformation Service for our
congregations together on Sunday afternoon,
October 26th at 4:00pm.
This Evening Prayer Service will welcome as
guest preacher Rev. Hicham Chehab (Salam
Christian Fellowship), who serves in outreach to
the Muslim community within our district
(through Peace Lutheran, Lombard). After the
service, he will also have a Q/A presentation
about the proclamation of Jesus Christ.
Refreshments will be provided by the gracious
members of Immanuel.
For: Bonnie (Wendling) Shott
(Niece of Linda & Barry Gadbois)
Spaghetti Supper – Free Will Donation
Sunday, October 19th
4:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Zion Lutheran Church
11478 W. Rt. 17
Bonfield, IL
All money raised will help with expenses.
(Matching Funds Provided by Thrivent)
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This Weeks Schedule of Activities
Serving In God's House Today
Pastor Koeppen
Carol Goodwin
Lay Ministers:
Lay Readers:
Usher Teams:
5:00: John Giertz, Greg Deck (Steve Plotezka)
8:30: Bill Hasenjaeger, Robert Carruthers, Dean Cappel (Doug Mann,
Brent Eden, Art Schumacher)
11:05: Ken Taube, Don Bayston (Brent Eden, Art Schumacher)
5:00: Dennis Hess
8:30: Loree Yoakum
11:05: Jim Johnston
8:30: Gabby & Olivia Schultz
11:05: Kaitlyn Riley, Noah Stack
8:30: Nancy Rabe & Betty Rubin
11:05: Nyree Bowen
5:00: Mark Gradberg, Fred Langelett, Jim Sharper, Terry Treece,
Jeff Wilken
8:30: Bill Balgeman, Tom Minor, Craig Roggendorf, Steve Weith
11:05: Matt Callan, Bob Adams, Don Anderson, Kirk Anderson,
Tom Milton, Brian Milton
9:50: Brett & Nancy Roggendorf
11:05: Joan Gehm & Rylie HartmanEmily Anderson & Sharon Kerouac
Coffee Hour
8:30: Parish Fellowship
9:50: Parish Fellowship
Oct. 19
8:30 am
9:50 am
9:50 am
11:05 am
12:30 pm
6:00 pm
Worship - Traditional - Communion
Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes
Faith & Membership Class
Worship - Contemporary - Communion
Youth Bible Study
Oct. 20
9:15 - 1:00pm
Lay Ministry Meeting
(at School)
(at School)
Oct. 21
10:00 am
7:00 pm
Adult Bible Class
Church Council
(at School)
(at School)
Oct. 22
8:30 am
4:30 pm
School Chapel
7th and 8th Grade Public School
Confirmation Class
(at School)
6:30 pm
Financial Peace Class
(at School)
Oct. 25
7:30 am
5:00 pm
Men’s Bible Class Breakfast
Worship - Traditional
Oct. 26
8:30 am
9:50 am
9:50 am
11:05 am
5:45 pm
Oct. 23
7:00 pm
(at School)
Oct. 24
(at Riverside Hospital)
(at Church)
Worship - Traditional
Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes
Faith & Membership Class
Worship - Contemporary
Trunk or Treat
Contemporary Service
Worship Team: Renee Brammer, Nikita Brown, Duane Ferrebee, Gail Ferrebee,
Scott Moore, Kayla & Greg Ronchetto, Cindy Rubin,
Jim Stone, Rodney Voigt
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