November 7-9, 2014 пЂє ICCTD 2014 2014 6th International Conference on Computer Technology and Development пЂє ICMDM 2014 2014 International Conference on Mechanical Design and Manufacturing пЂє ICRET 2014 2014 International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies Metropark Hotel Mongkok Add: 22 Lai Chi Kok Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Exit C2 at the Prince Edward MTR Station) General Enquiries: (852) 2397 6683, Reservation: (852) 2397 9622, Fax:(852) 2381 3768 Email:; Programme 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Welcome Letter 3 Simple Version of Program 4 Publications 6 Introduction of keynote speakers 8 Detailed Schedule 12 SESSION 1: Materials Science and Mechanical Design 14 SESSION 2: Solar Energy and Chemical Resources 17 SESSION 3: Communication Engineering 21 SESSION 4: Applied Mechanics and Renewable Energy 25 SESSION 5: Electrical and Electronic Engineering 29 SESSION 6: E-Learning and Data Mining 33 One day tour 38 Call for Papers 39 Feedback 44 2 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Dear Participants, Welcome to 2014 Hong Kong Conferences! We are confident that over the three days you will get the theoretical grounding, practical knowledge, and personal contacts that will help you build a long-term, profitable and sustainable communication among researchers and practitioners in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest. For the conferences, we had received more than 160 submissions, and around 70 excellent papers were accepted for presentation. Congratulations for these papers. We wish to thank our outstanding keynote speakers Prof. David Zhang, Prof. Wei-Hsin Liao, Prof. Abdoullah Namdar and Prof. Siva Kumar for sharing their deep insights on Computer Technology and Development, . Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, Renewable Energy Technologies. Special thanks also go to all the researchers and students who participate in the conference with their work. Hope you enjoy the conference, the food, the hospitality, and the beautiful and charming environment of the city of Hong Kong! IACSIT Conference Organizing Committee 3 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Conference Agenda Overview Friday, Nov. 7, 2014 10 :00 am to 5:00 pm Lobby Arrival and Registration Saturday, Nov. 8, 2014 Opening Ceremonies 8:30am to 8:45am Prof. David Zhang Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Keynote Address-1: 8:45am to 9:30am Prof. David Zhang Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Lychee Garden on 1 floor Keynote Address-2: 9:30am to 10:15am Prof. Wei-Hsin Liao The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 10:15am to 10:35am Group Photo & Coffee Break Keynote Address-3: 10:35am to 11:20am Prof. Abdoullah Namdar Sichuan University, China Keynote Address-4: 11:20am to 12:05pm 12:05pm to 1:30pm Prof. Siva Kumar Head of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at RMK Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India CafГ© Concourse on C floor Lunch Session 1: Materials Science and Mechanical Design——13 Lychee Garden on 1 floor presentations 1:30pm to 3:50pm Session 2: Solar Energy and Chemical Resources——13 Forum Room on C floor presentations Session 3: Communication Engineering——12 presentations 3:50pm to 4:10pm Forum Room I Coffee Break Session 4: Applied Mechanics and Renewable Energy——13 Lychee Garden on 1 floor 4:10pm to 6:30pm presentations Session 5: Electrical and Electronic Engineering ——11 Forum Room on C floor presentations 4 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Session 6: E-Learning and Data Mining ——13 presentations 6: 30pm to 8:30pm Forum Room I CafГ© Concourse on C floor Dinner Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014 8:00 am to 5:00 pm One Day Tour Instructions for Oral Presentations Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer: пѓ� Laptops (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader) пѓ� Projectors & Screen пѓ� Laser Sticks Materials Provided by the Presenters: пѓ� PowerPoint or PDF files пѓ� Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively): пѓ� Regular Oral Session: about 15 Minutes of Presentation, including 2-3 Minutes of Q&A пѓ� Plenary Speech: 45 Minutes of Presentation, including 5 Minutes of Q&A NOTICE: пѓ� *Certificate of Participation can be collected in front of the registration counter. пѓ� *Certificate of Presentation will be issued at the end of each session by the session chair пѓ� *The organizer will not provide accommodation, so we suggest you make an early reservation. пѓ� *One best presentation will be selected from each session. The best one will be announced when each session ends, and the certificate will be awarded by the session chair after each session in the meeting room. пѓ� *The attendee should provide the author’s authorization or attendee’s passport ID when the attendee is none of the authors. 5 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES PUBLICATIONS пѓ� All accepted papers of ICCTD 2014 will be recommended to be published into one of the journals below: Journal of Software (JSW, ISSN: 1796-217X, 30 Papers) SCOPUS; Journal of Communications (JCM, ISSN: ISSN: 1796-2021, 20 papers) EI Compendex; SCOPUS; International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE, ISSN: 1793-8201, 30 Papers) Ei (INSPEC, IET) International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE, ISSN: 1793-8163, 30 Papers) Ei (INSPEC, IET) International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering (IJIEE, ISSN: 2010-3719, 20 Papers) Ei (INSPEC, IET) International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET, ISSN: 2010-3689, 20 Papers) Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN, ISSN: 1793-8244, 20 Papers) Ei (INSPEC, IET) Lecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE, ISSN: 2301-3559, Papers) пѓ� All accepted papers of ICMDM 2014 will be published in the Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336). Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN: 1660-9336) is Indexed by Elsevier: and Ei Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), etc. пѓ� All accepted papers of ICRET 2014 will be published in the Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal (ISSN: 1660-9336). Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN: 1660-9336) is Indexed by Elsevier: and Ei Compendex (CPX) Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Chemical Abstracts (CA), Google and Google Scholar, ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science), Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), etc. 6 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Cover Art: Sponsored by: 7 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Biometrics Computing Prof. David Zhang Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Abstract: In recent times, an increasing, worldwide effort has been devoted to the development of automatic personal identification systems that can be effective in a wide variety of security contexts. As one of the most powerful and reliable means of personal authentication, biometrics has been an area of particular interest. It has led to the extensive study of biometric technologies and the development of numerous algorithms, applications, and systems, which could be defined as Biometrics Computing. This presentation will systematically explain this new research trend. As case studies, a new biometrics technology (palmprint recognition) and two new biometrics applications (medical biometrics and aesthetical biometrics) are introduced. Some useful achievements could be given to illustrate their effectiveness. Biography: David Zhang graduated in Computer Science from Peking University. He received his MSc in Computer Science in 1982 and his PhD in 1985 from the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). From 1986 to 1988 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Tsinghua University and then an Associate Professor at the Academia Sinica, Beijing. In 1994 he received his second PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Currently, he is a Chair Professor at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where he is the Founding Director of the Biometrics Technology Centre (UGC/CRC) supported by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 1998. He also serves as Visiting Chair Professor in Tsinghua University, and Adjunct Professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Peking University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and the University of Waterloo. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Image and Graphics (IJIG); Book Editor, Springer International Series on Biometrics (KISB); Organizer, the first International Conference on Biometrics Authentication (ICBA); Associate Editor of more than ten international journals including IEEE Transactions and Pattern Recognition; Technical Committee Chair of IEEE CIS and the author of more than 10 books and 200 journal papers. Professor Zhang is a Croucher Senior Research Fellow, Distinguished Speaker of the IEEE Computer Society, and a Fellow of both IEEE and IAPR. 8 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Design of Smart Actuators and Devices Prof. Wei-Hsin Liao The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Abstract: Innovation and application are two key elements for significant research and product development. Using smart materials, we have designed various actuators and devices. For hard disk drives, we designed a dual-stage servo system using enhanced active–passive hybrid piezoelectric actuators, which improve the existing dual-stage actuators for higher precision and shock resistance, due to the incorporation of passive damping in the design. For optical pickup devices, we also developed active-passive hybrid piezoelectric actuators to move a lever beam that bears an objective lens for tracking and focusing motions. With control, nanometer resolution could be achieved. In some environments with very limited working space, an integrated actuation device with multiple functions would be desirable. We designed novel magnetorheological (MR) fluid based multifunctional actuators. To decrease the dimension of the actuation device while enhancing the functionality, a motor part and MR fluid are integrated into one device. The developed rotary MR actuator possesses multiple functions as motor/generator and clutch/brake. A self-sensing MR damper with power generation was also designed to integrate energy harvesting, dynamic sensing and MR damping technologies into one device. These MR actuators and devices are applicable to various dynamic systems. The multifunctional integration would bring great benefits such as energy saving, size and weight reduction, lower cost, and high reliability. In this talk, related designs and key results will be presented. Biography: Wei-Hsin Liao received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 1997 from The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA. Since August 1997, Dr. Liao has been with The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he is Director of Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory. His research has led to publications of over 140 technical papers in international journals and conference proceedings, 12 patents in US, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. He was the Conference Chair for the 20th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST 2009). He is the Conference Chair of Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, 2014 SPIE Smart Structures/NDE. He received the T A Stewart-Dyer/F H Trevithick Prize 2005, awarded by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE). In 2008, he received the Best Paper Award in Structures from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He also received the Best Paper Award in Automation in the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, and the Best Conference Paper Award in the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation. Dr. Liao currently serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, as well as Smart Materials and Structures. Dr. Liao is a Fellow of ASME, HKIE, and IOP. 9 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES The Fatigue of Structural Elements Subjected to Cyclic Loading Ease Prof. Abdoullah Namdar Sichuan University, China Abstract: There are several infrastructures subjected to the cyclic loading in the urban area. The economic development of structural elements subjected to the cyclic loading is required extensive investigation in form of methodology, analysis, material and technology and comparative study in order to achieve sustainable development. In this paper recent advance progress and research requirements for fatigue failure and crack of several types of concrete structural elements have been analyzed. And also presents theoretical, experimental and analytical studies on fatigue failure and crack propagation. The residual strength of the fatigue relationship behavior approximately with respect to the percentage of the crack area on structural stability has been interpreted. The mitigation technique fatigue failure and crack control characteristics of structural elements have also been analyzed. Suggestions for improving the fatigue strength of concrete structural elements subjected to the cyclic loading are proposed finally. Biography: Dr. Abdoullah Namdar was born in Iran on 1973, and received PhD degree from University of Mysore on 2009. He has more than 4 years academic and 8 years industrial experience. He has published more than 50 reviewed international journal papers, 26 conference papers and 2 books. He has received best paper award in GEOMAT 2013-Nagoya (Japan). He is editorial board member and panel of reviewers for several international journals, and also scientific committee, session chair and panel of reviewers for several international conferences. 10 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Recent Trends in Low Power Vlsi Techniques Prof. Siva Kumar Head of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at RMK Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India Abstract: The growing market of portable (e.g., cellular phones, gaming consoles, etc.) battery-powered electronic systems demands microelectronic circuits design with ultra low power dissipation. As the integration, size, and complexity of the chips continue to increase, the difficulty in providing adequate cooling might either add significant cost or limit the functionality of the computing systems which make use of those integrated circuits. Though Low Power is a well established domain, it has undergone lot of developments from transistor sizing, process shrinkage, voltage scaling, clock gating, etc., to adiabatic logic. The Energy Recovery logic paves way for reusing the power in high speed power hungry circuits. This logic can be used in memories to save power to a greater extent. Biography: Professor Sivakumar is a Professor and Head of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at RMK Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India. He has been teaching in the Electronics and Communication field since 1997. He obtained his Master’s degree and PhD from College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai. His research interests include Bio Signal Processing, Medical Image Processing, wireless body sensor networks and VLSI. He has published over 22 journal and 35 conference papers over the last several years. He has taught a wide variety of Electronics courses including Digital Image Processing, Multimedia Compression Techniques, VLSI Design, Medical Electronics and Electronic Circuits. Dr.Siva is a life member of the Indian Society of Technical Education, Senior Member of IACSIT and a member of IEEE. Dr.Siva has been invited to Chair and speak at various conferences; more recently, he was Conference Chair at the ICCTS 2012 in Delhi & ICIAE 2012 in Bangalore. 11 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Detailed Schedule Friday, Nov. 7 Location Lobby Arrival and Registration 10пјљ00– 12пјљ00 13пјљ00 — 17пјљ00 Tips: After sign, you will collect your conference package, including: Original Receipt Journal (Only for Author Attendee, some journals may be posted after the conference) Representative / Pass Card with Tie Printed Program Lunch Coupon Dinner Coupon *Participation Certificate (Presentation Certificate will be collected from Session Chair after the presentation) Conference Souvenir Computer Bag Notice: пЃ¬ Please check on all these materials as soon as you get the package; if any of them is not included in the package, please let us know at once; If any of them gets lost after the registration, no additional one would be provided. Your understanding will be appreciated! пЃ¬ Each regular registration covers only one package. Additional package will be charged. пЃ¬ Some attendees may arrive on Nov. 8, kindly be noted that you can register at the registration desk from 9 am onwards. 12 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Saturday Morning, Nov. 8 Opening Ceremony Location Sapphire II (7th Flr) Opening Ceremonies 8:30am to 8:45am Prof. David Zhang Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Plenary Speech 1: Biometrics Computing 8:45am to 9:30am Prof. David Zhang Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Plenary Speech 2: Design of Smart Actuators and Devices 9:30am to 10:15am Prof. Wei-Hsin Liao The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 10:15am to 10:35am 10:35am to 11:20am Group Photo & Coffee Break Plenary Speech 3: The Fatigue of Structural Elements Subjected to Cyclic Loading Prof. Abdoullah Namdar Sichuan University, China Plenary Speech 4: Recent Trends in Low Power Vlsi Techniques 11:20am to 12:05pm Prof. Siva Kumar Head of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at RMK Engineering College, Tamilnadu, India 12:05pm to 1:30pm Lunch Time Location CafГ© Concourse on C floor Tips: пѓ� Please be noted that lunch coupon is necessary for entering the restaurant. пѓ� Please arrive at the conference room by 1:20 pm. Thank you! 13 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Saturday Afternoon, Nov. 8 -PAPER SESSIONSSession 1: Materials Science and Mechanical Design Chair: Prof. Wenjun Zhang 13 presentations Time: 1:30pm to 3:50pm Venue: Lychee Garden on 1 floor D10008 Natural Materials for Thermal Insulation: Mulch and Lava-Rock Characterizations AurГ©lien P. Jean, Craig Adams, Mario A. Medina , FrГ©dГ©ric Miranville Reunion Island University, France Abstract—This paper reports on the thermal characterization, via the thermal conductivity, of natural materials, such as mulch and lava rock and their usefulness as building insulation. Experiments were carried out using a scale one monitored wall (i.e. heat flux and temperature sensors) exposed to a heating source on one side and to an air conditioned space on the other. The wall system was composed of an 8.85 cm thick cavity, where the mulch and lava rock were placed. The cavity was enclosed between two layers of pine wood (40 mm thick each). After the experiments and statistical data manipulation, the estimated thermal conductivity of the materials were 0.48 В± 0.001 W.m-1.K-1 and 0.129 В± 0.003 W.m-1.K-1 for mulch and lava-rock, respectively. That is, mulch has a thermal conductivity comparable to that of bulk hemp while lava rock has a thermal conductivity comparable to that of hemp brick. These values indicate the usefulness of mulch, compared to the impracticality of using lava-rocks materials for building insulation. D100012 Characteristics of nanostructured TiO2 prepared by one-step soaking method for photovoltaic application Mi Sun Park, Shi-Joon Sung, and Dae-Hwan Kim Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea Abstract—Nanostructured TiO2 films were prepared by a one-step soaking method, which has many advantages, such as simple fabrication, a short reaction time, and fast growth. We have investigated the growth of TiO2 films by the substrate orientation of the soaking method, which had an effect on the nanostructure of the TiO2 films. The TiO2 films prepared by this method had various structures: particulate-flat structure and sphere-flat structure. To determine the effect of the nanostructure of TiO2 films on the photovoltaic characteristics of solar cells, solar cell devices using the inorganic semiconductor Sb2S3 as a sensitizer were fabricated by chemical bath deposition (CBD). Our solar cell device, using TiO2 film with a sphere-flat structure as a photoelectrode, exhibited JSC, VOC, FF, and О· values of 11.82 mA / cm2, 0.49 V, 30.27 %, and 1.74 %, respectively. D100037 Design of a Novice Hydraulic Buoyant Force Engine N. Mir-Nasiri and B. Almenov 7/1 Saraishyk str., Apt. 336, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan Abstract—In connection with the consumptive depletion of the earth and the destructive effect of emissions of combustion products on the environment, now all of humanity is in search for alternative energy sources. The proposed technology intends to produce electricity directly at the consumer location or in close vicinity to it by utilizing the concept of vertical buoyancy power generation 14 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES in a still water reservoir and thus able to lower the cost of electricity and save the fossil fuels. The newly invented machine is able to converts the buoyance force energy into mechanical energy of shaft rotation, and thus into the electricity via rotary generator. The hydraulic buoyant force engine system includes two cylindrical pulleys with belt transmission mounted on the stationary frame that is submerged into the water. The belt carries the chain of elastic plastic airbags to generate the buoyance force. The empty and weightless airbags are driven first by the belt and pulleys system to the bottom of a water reservoir where they are filled with the air delivered by the compressor and then the bulged bags and thus connected belt are driven up by the buoyant force. As a result the belt and shaft of the connected to the upper pulley generator will be constantly driven by the buoyant force. The paper describes the details of the engine construction, the amount of power generated by the engine as a function of the reservoir depth and the power of an air compressor as well as advantages of such engine installations and their impact on the society. IC004 Current State of Applying Smart Materials in Consumer Durables: A Literature Survey Azrol Kassim, Imre HorvГЎth and Bart Gerritsen Delft University of Technology, Malaysia Abstract—Smart materials have drawn substantial attention and interest in a broad range of applications, due to their unique and superior characteristics. However there is a blurry image over the potential applications of smart materials in consumer durables. This has stalled further research and decision making in innovating consumer durables based on smart material technologies. This literature survey investigates the applications of smart materials in consumer durables in a retrospective manner. The analysis revealed the frequency distribution of the publications based on the reported application on 7 classes of smart materials in ten consumer durable categories. The results show that shape changing smart material is the most frequently used and widely distributed class of smart material. Nonetheless, shape changing smart materials applications in consumer durables are still limited. On the basis of our main findings we discussed about the new opportunities and directions for future research and application in consumer durables. As conclusion to this research, cross-disciplinary research between the domain of material engineering and product design, through dedicated methods and software tools were proposed in order to improve the situation. IC005 Impact of Powder Metallurgy Electrode in Electric Discharge Machining of H-13 Steel Gurinder Singh Brar and Gaurav Mittal Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, India Abstract— Electric discharge machining (EDM) widely used mostly in the tool and die industry and the material normally used as electrode are copper, tungsten, graphite, copper tungsten and copper chromium alloys. In the present work, Electric discharge machining was carried on H-13 workpiece using powder metallurgy electrodes of copper chromium (CuCr) and conventional copper electrode. The input parameters selected in the study were current, voltage, duty cycle and retract distance. The output parameters were material removal rate, tool wear rate, surface roughness and overcut. Experimental results show that CuCr powder metallurgy electrode gives best results for MRR. Also CuCr powder metallurgy electrodes gives better results for overcut as compare to conventional copper electrode. It has been seen that electrode type is significant factor for all output parameters. IC006 Optimal Design and Structural Precision Analysis for a Spherical Coordinate System 3D Scanner Guiding Device Sangwook Park, Hee-Young Maeng and Juwook Park Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea Abstract-Recently, automatic 3D scanning devices are commonly researched and developed for better productivity of the reverse engineering fields. In this paper, a 3D scanner utilizing a spherical coordinate system was designed and analyzed using FEM analysis. The system was designed for optimal performance, high precision, minimal deflection, and speed of data collection. FEM analysis allowed us to properly design the system to achieve these goals, with focus on the deflection of the cantilever arm. Results 15 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES of the FEM analysis and figures showing the apparatus design are provided. Successive prototypes are shown to increase in overall performance and reliability through improved design and analysis. IC010 Recycled cigarette filter as reinforcing filler for natural rubber Mun Kou Lai, Hiu Hong Teo and Jian Ye Lee SEGi University, Malaysia Abstract- Natural rubber is highly resilient and possesses many outstanding characteristics but inferior in aspects like modulus and hardness. This however can be improved by reinforcement, forming a composite. The rubber compound in this study was prepared according to the ASTM D3184 standards and reinforced using cellulose acetate (CA) from recycled cigarette filter, partly as an effort to reduce the amount of waste. Moreover, cigarette filter is highly toxic due to the nicotine content thus requires care when is recycled. From the rheological and mechanical testing conducted i.e. scorch and cure time, torque, tensile test and tear strength, it seems to indicate a small amount of up 4 phr (parts per hundred rubber) of CA, is beneficial in improving the properties of the rubber compound. IC011 A Processing Approach Incorporating Copper Backing-Wheel Device In Submerged Arc Welding for Manufacturing Cryogenic Storage Tanks Supphachan Rajsiri, Mayuree Chomjanngam and Sittiphun Tuntawiroon Mahidol University, Thailand Abstract-A processing approach using a copper backing-wheel device was developed to aid the fabrication process of industrial cryogenic storage tanks manufactured under the ASME Section VIII Division 1. This research focused on the welding processes related to the cylindrical-body assembly. outer-circumference joint were studied. welding and submerged arc welding. Two processing steps involving the root-run formation and the replacement with a sound Initially, tank fabrication is achieved through the application of both flux-cored arc A new processing approach was proposed with the modified method in cross-section preparation, and a low-cost reusable copper backing-wheel device was developed to facilitate the root-run formation using only submerged arc welding. Temperature gradient through the device components along the heat-conduction path was monitored to assure the conductivity of the backing device. The results suggest that the proposed approach reduced manufacturing time by removing the initial flux-cored arc welding process used in the conventional welding method. As an effect, the new approach show promise reduces the overall manufacturing cost of tank fabrication. Based on radiographic testing of tanks fabricated using the new approach found that circumference joints required little or no welding repair suggesting higher joint quality. IC012 Simulation mathematical model of heating by a multichannel РЎРћ2-laser Valentin Morozov, Alexey Zhdanov, Alexander Shlegel and Alexander Ivanchenko Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Russian Federation Abstract-This article focuses on the development and validation of a mathematical model that describes the interaction between radiation and thermal processes multi-channel РЎРћ2-laser with cast iron. The proposed model is based on experimental and numerical results obtained by the authors and allows the selection of rational modes of laser thermo strengthening for multichannel РЎРћ2-lasers. IC019 Modeling of droplet generation by a modified T-junction device using COMSOL Lei Lei, Hongbo Zhang, Donald Bergstrom, Bing Zhang and Wenjun Zhang University of Saskatchewan, Canada Abstract-This paper presents a numerical study of the formation of droplets in a novel two-dimensional T-junction device by using a commercial CFD package: COMSOL Multiphysics. Numerical simulations were carried out for different flow conditions. Different 16 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES flow rates lead to four regimes: continuous flow, droplet generation, detached, and stalled. The capillary number of the cross-flow turns out to be the key factors in the droplet generation process. The simulation results are validated by comparison to the existing experimental data. IC020 The Design of Self-erection Derrick of Simple Offshore Workover Rig Gai Yongge and Zhang Zuonlong China University of Petroleum, China Abstract-Though the use of modular technology, a sub-vertical lifting offshore work over rig derrick for the marine small platform is designed, which can be quickly installed and moved. The overall derrick structure and most of the part design and selection are completed by Solid works and Auto CAD. The static calculation for the derrick is done with the help of finite element analysis software ANSYS, and analyzed the results to ensure that the derrick designed could meet the strength requirements. IC1000 Application of Value Engineering on Chassis Component for HCV– A Case Study Prem Singh and Jagdeep Singh Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, India Abstract—It is becoming essential to develop new alternatives with lesser cost, better value. The idea is to achieve a competitive edge for this competitive environment. Every industry strives hard to meet the requirements of the customers and tries to reduce production cost. Value engineering is a scientific tool for reducing the cost while meeting the customer requirement. In the present work, the seven core steps of Value Engineering Job Plan (VEJP) were used to reduce the cost and improve value of a chassis component for a heavy commercial vehical(HCV). The study was carried out on ‗H type Shackle for Tata 2416 at Industrial Enterprise, Dashmesh Nagar, Ludhiana. The study revealed the poor value areas, alternatives were developed and evaluated. At the end changes in design were proposed leading to 7.64 % of cost saving and ease of manufacturing also helped yield a fourfold increase in the production. IC3004 Manufacturing Method of increasing hollow steel shaft thickness using uniaxial pressing Masahiro Dohi, Hirotaka Kamiyama,Shin-ichi Nishida,Yuji Kotani, and Hisaki Watari GUNMA UNIVERSITY, Japan Abstract—In manufacturing car components, the hollow parts manufacturing method is useful for reducing the product weight, especially in drivetrain parts such as long shafts. Long, hollow shafts should have middle portions with large diameters and thin walls and end portions with small diameters and thick walls in order to reduce weight while maintaining pipe strength. Session 2: Solar Energy and Chemical Resources Chair: Assoc. Prof. Musa Abdalla 13 presentations Time: 1:30pm to 3:50pm Venue: Forum Room on C floor IC3005 SMA Damped Tape Spring Hinge for Quasi-static Deployment of a Satellite Solar Array Ju Won Jeong, Kum Cheol Shin, Kyung Won Kim, Jae Hyuk Lim, and Jung Ju Lee Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea 17 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Abstract—A tape spring hinge is one of the most typical deployment devices and is frequently used in miniaturized satellite due to its simplicity, lightweight, low cost and high deployment reliability. But a tape spring hinge mechanism has limited performance due to the performance trade-off between deployed stiffness and latch-up shock. In this study, to improve a conventional tape spring hinge mechanism, SMA damped tape spring hinge is proposed so that a satellite solar array can be quasi-statically deployed. The test result shows the feasibility of the proposed concept. D1007 Improved Performance of CdS/CdSe Quantum Dot-sensitized Solar Cell Soo-Kyoung Kim and Hee-Je Kim Pusan National University, South Korea Abstract—Quantum dot-sensitized solar cells (QDSCs) have been attracting much attention due to their unique characteristics such as multiple exciton generation and a tunable band gap. D1011 Solar-Diesel Hybrid Model and Control for Central Heating Musa Abdalla, S. Emran, M. Mukhtar, A. Nabil, and Z. Tahboob The University of Jordan, Jordan Abstract—A complete technical study on a Hybrid heating system is carried out with the aid of computer simulation. The main objective of this work was to provide more insight into combining Solar and Diesel energies to be utilized in domestic central heating. The motivation for such a system was basically the ever increasing Diesel prices in the Kingdome. This work revealed that the cost of Diesel in heating houses could be lowered by at least fifteen percent if the hybrid system is implemented. Complete mathematical model of a representative house was derived for the sake of computer simulation. The model was validated and verified through computer simulations (Matlab Simulink based) with real collected weather data of Jordan (complete year record). Finally a controller strategy was devised and tested using the derived mathematical model. D100011 Influence of Electrospray coating TiO2 Electrode for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells by Post-Treatment Method Jeong-Hwa Kim, Shi-Joon Sung, and Dae-Kue Hwang Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea Abstract—A mesoporous TiO2 photo-electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) was fabricated by an electrospray method using a solution of dispersed TiO2 nanocrystals (P25). A mesoporous TiO2 disk has a larger surface area than P25. The sub micrometer-sized TiO2 disk promotes light scattering, thereby increasing the photocurrent conversion efficiency. However, the electrosprayed TiO2 electrodes have many pores and disconnected electron pathways. Thus, we investigated the enhanced electrical contact of an electrosprayed TiO2 electrode using a hot-pressing process and a titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) treatment process. After optimizing the post-treatment process of an electrosprayed TiO2 electrode, the cell shows conversion efficiency up to 6% at standard sunlight of AM 1.5. D100013 Effect of Anti-Reflective layer in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Jung Eun Nam, Hyo Jeong Jo, Dae-Ho Son, Dae-Hwan Kim, and Jin-Kyu Kang Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea Abstract—Anti-reflective (AR) layers play an important role in boosting the amount of light entering a device and reducing reflection losses in a device, thereby enhancing the power conversion efficiency of solar cells. We have coated an AR layer on the surface of a dye-sensitized solar cell device by using an electron beam evaporation system and investigated the effects of the AR layer by measuring photovoltaic performance. The AR layer is found to increases the Jsc and О· of the solar cell. D100014 Photothermal characteristics of magnetic nanofluids for solar thermal applications 18 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Innocent Nkurikiyimfura and Antoine de Padoue Shyikira College of science and technology, University of Rwanda, Rwanda Abstract—Photothermal characteristics of nanofluids are of special importance in the design and performance analysis of solar thermal collectors with nanofluids as heat transfer media. The present work investigated the photothermal characteristics of the magnetite (Fe3O4) based nanofluids in zero and applied magnetic fields. Stable kerosene and water based magnetite nanofluids were prepared via a coprecipitation method and their photothermal characteristics were measured under direct sun. Effects of magnetite particle volume fraction and magnetic field on the temperature enhancement as function of irradiation time were analyzed. The results showed that the photothermal characteristics could be enhanced with magnetite nanoparticles used in nanofluids at lower particle volume fraction. In addition the, the photothermal characteristics of magnetic nanofluids (MNFs) were found to be related to magnetic field. D100017 Continuous Transesterification for Ethyl Ester Production from Refined Palm Oil through Static Mixer Kichaphum Wijitsopa, Krit Somnuk, Thanansak Theppaya and Gumpon Prateepchaikul Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Abstract—In this study, the commercial grade of ethanol was used to produce the biodiesel from refined palm oil (RPO) through the continuous static mixer system. The ethanol, an alternative alcohol to adopt in the ethyl ester production, can be used instead of methanol, and this alcohol is more eco-friendly than methanol. The 6-meter in length of SUS304 static mixer reactor is an essential part of mixing the RPO and solution of ethanol and potassium hydroxide to accelerate the base-catalyzed transesterification. The ethanol were varied at the volumetric flow rate of 30, 40, 50, 60 vol.%, KOH as base-catalyst was varied with the weight to volume of oil of 10,12,14 gKOH.L-1, to investigate the suitable condition which can converted the glycerides to the maximum purity of ethyl ester. The results showed that all varied conditions, the ethyl ester conversion was rapidly increased from 0 to over 95 wt.% when the flowing mixtures flowed through the 1 meter of static mixer. Furthermore, the highest purity of ethyl ester from RPO was succeeded when the condition: the 60 vol.% ethanol, the 14 gKOH.L-1 of catalyst, 5-meter of static mixer, and 75 ВєC temperature of RPO, was used in the continuous static mixer. D100019 Enhancing Sustainable Recycle Solid Waste to Porous Activated Carbon for Methane Uptake NASRI Noor Shawal, NOORSHAHEEDA Ramlan, HAMZA Usman Dadum, MOHAMMED Jibril, AHMED Murtala Musa, and MOHD ZAIN Husna TM-MPRC Institute for Oil and Gas, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Abstract—Potential agro wastes (i.e palm kernel shell and coconut shell) for producing low cost activated carbon (AC) was investigated. In this study, the activated carbon was produced by carbonization, chemical impregnation with KOH and microwave irradiation. The pyrolysis was carried out at 700 ЛљC in an inert environment for 2 h. Microwave activation was carried out at 400W for 6 minutes. Characteristics of the material were investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis and scanning electrode microscopy (SEM). Methane adsorption equilibrium data on the activated carbons produced were obtained using static volumetric method. Microwave palm shell activated carbon (MPAC) and microwave coconut shell activated carbon (MCAC) recorded highest methane uptake of 2.489 and 1.929 mmol/g at 3 bar, 30 0C. The adsorption data were correlated with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The results shows that microwave activated carbon from palm shell and coconut shell have good methane adsorption characteristics. D100020 Sustainable recycle solid waste to synthetic renewable solid energy NASRI Noor Shawal, MOHD. ZAIN Husna, MOHAMMED Jibril, HAMZA Usman Dadum and AHMED Murtala Musa TM-MPRC Institute for Oil and Gas, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 19 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Abstract—Renewable energy is a source of energy that can be recovered and recycled. The recyclable material is removed first before energy is recovered from the residual waste. In this study, the effect of pyrolysis temperature on the calorific value of sustainable materials and gas emission quality were carried out. Pyrolysis and non-pyrolysis processes were initially conducted before calorific value determination. Calorific values of the samples were measured by bomb calorimeter. The sample that contains the highest calorific value was chosen and compared with coal. Testing of the prepared samples was accomplished using combustion process. The characterizations of the samples were determined by TGA analysis, SEM, FTIR and elemental analysis. From the results obtained, it is observed that the calorific value of sustainable material depends on the number of hydrogen, carbon and thermal energy. D100028 Analysis of Research Trends of Organic Solar cell using patent information Young-il Kwon and Dae-hyun Jeong KISTI, Korea Abstract—For an efficient solution in the organic solar cell, the requirements may be largely as follows: development of organic semi-conductor material with a low energy band gap, enhancement of efficiency through morphology and surface control and an increase in efficiency utilizing tandem cell and plasmon technology. This study analyzed research trends in these three fields through a network analysis and mapping analysis using thesis information and patent information. It was shown that in case of the enhancement of efficiency through the development of semi-conductor material with an energy band gap on organic solar cell, morphology and surface control, there have been many ongoing studies since 2007. The enhancement technology for efficient utilization of tandem cell and plasmon technology has been frequently studied recently. D100035 Experimental Analysis of the Pool Boiling Phenomenon of Sugarcane Juice Daniel Marcelo, Paul Villar Yacila and RaГєl La Madrid Olivares Universidad de Piura, Piura Abstract—In Peru, jaggery making process has low energy efficiency and it is due to low heat transfer coefficients for natural convection linked to the sugar cane movement generated by the heat exchange between the sugarcane juice and the combustion gases. This low heat transfer coefficients are caused by improper heat exchangers designs. In this work, is performed an experimental analysis that consist in supplie heat to a pot containing sugarcane juice using a hot plate of constant electrical power. This study consist in identify boiling regimes and estimate the heat transfer coefficients linked to natural convection boiling, measuring: (i) the temperature at the bottom of the pot (ii) the temperature at the bottom level of sugarcane juice (iii) the temperature at middle level of sugarcane juice (iv) the temperature at free surface of sugarcane juice (v) rate of water evaporated. The method of linear regression and the correlation of Rohse now were used for obtaining the values of the heat transfer coefficients ranging from 4088.6 W/m2В°C to 12592.8 W/m2В°C with power input ranging from 700W to 1300W. D100039 Enzymatic esterification of oleic acid and propanol by Novozym 435 Sawittree Mulalee, Karnjana Sena, and Muenduen Phisalaphong Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Abstract—Recently, demand of biolubricants has been continuously increased since it is environmentally friendly and renewable. Therefore, this research focused on the biolubricants production from enzymatic esterification of oleic acid and propanol using Novozym 435 as a biocatalyst. The esterification experiments were conducted under the optimal conditions, as follows: 45В°C, oleic acid to propanol molar ratio of 1:2, Novozym 435 loading of 5% based on the weight of oleic acid. It was shown that the optimal rotation speed at 250 rpm could minimize the effect of external mass transfer limitations and maintained the enzyme activity. The 20 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES conversion of oleic acid from the esterification for 6 h with isopropanol was 76.4%, which was lower than that with n-propanol (88.9%). Novozym 435 could be reused in the production of propyloleate for at least 5 cycles with maintaining FFA conversion of 94% of its initial value. Moreover, the use of molecular sieve to remove water during the reaction could significantly enhance the final FFA conversion from 88.9% to 94.7%. D100041 Thin-shell silk cocoon (TSC) as a nitrogen source of ABE fermentation by Clostridium acetobutylicum Nathsera Kittithanesuan and Muenduen Phisalaphong Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Abstract—A thin-shell silk cocoon (TSC), a residual from the silk industry, was used as an alternative nitrogen (N-) source in ABE fermentation by Clostridium acetobutyricum ATCC 824. The experimental studies were performed in batch fermentation at 35 В°C and pH 5.0. The results were compared with the system using yeast extract (YE) as N-source. It was shown that TSC fragments (TSCf) could be used as a cheap substitute for YE for a certain amount. Under optimum conditions, total solvent of 22.3 g/L (12.7 g/L butanol, 8.0 g/L acetone and 1.5 g/L ethanol) was obtained from the ABE fermentation using the mixture of TSC f and YE as N-sources. The ABE productivity and conversion yield were 0.15 g/L/h and 0.30 g/g sugar consumption, respectively. Session 3: Communication Engineering Chair: Dr. Catherine Todd 12 presentations Time: 1:30pm to 3:50pm Venue: Forum Room I IC017 A Study on the User Interface Environment for Digital Home Service applying Emotional Convergence Technology Eun Young Park, In Soo Lee, Min Sun Kim, Beom Soo Lee and Woong-Hee Shon Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea Abstract-The digital home service proposed here is intended to implement an emotional interface in relation to each userвЂ�s condition by applying living-related convergence technology including IT, BT, electronics and architecture to the residential environment. The digital home service system operates in the order of information recognition, signal transmission, integrated control, expression. We have implemented a system that works with the concept step by step weight forest, the sea, healing, depending on the body weight of the signal. To find out user preferences for the proposed system, a demonstration setting was installed. A questionnaire survey was conducted with 300 participants in the setting. The survey results showed user satisfaction was high in the order of lighting, sound, vibration. The user recognition sensing, systerior and LED/optical fiber emotional lighting system are integrated into the proposed digital home service. The emotion-oriented customized service based on the information of user condition allows users to control their surroundings at their own discretion. And this study implemented the service infra capable of accommodating user preferences with the convergence of heterogeneous technologies and industries in a relatively less objective field of emotion, which is prone to individual differences. TD006 Universal Plug and Play and Port Control Protocol: The Advance Features of Dual Stack IPv4 and Ipv6 Customer Premises Equipment Ihsan Lumasa Rimra, Wiwik Wiharti, and Surfa Yondri State Polytechnic of Padang, Indonesia 21 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Abstract—The transition between the utilization of Ipv4 and Ipv6 leads ISPs to develop a new mechanism so as to continue services for customers. In one hand, ISPs are pushed in implementing Ipv6 protocol as the new technology. In another hand, there are many users and services still provided by Ipv4 protocol. The CPE as an equipment at customerвЂ�s premises must be able to pass any kind of services at any kind of IP traffic on dual stack environment. In order to support communication between Ipv4 terminals beyond the Ipv4 depletion issue, the CGN DS Lite approach is implemented. This paper presents two features of dual stack CPE which allow Ipv4 traffic and applications implementing port forwarding operation to communicate through Ipv6 access network. The PCP capability is taken into account between the CPE and CGN with some UpnP-PCP proxy capabilities in the CPE. We demonstrate that PCP gives an opportunity for customers in the home network behind the CGN to manage their interactive applications. TD008 The Performance of Controlling Cannon Barrel Position on the Moving Platform Using Neural Network Control and Sliding Mode Control Wiwik Wiharti, Santi Anggraini, and Ihsan Lumasa Rimra State Polytechnic of Padang, Indonesia Abstract—One of the gunboat weapons that need to stay stable is the cannon. Its unbalance position that caused by pitch and roll disturbance will influence the target accuracy, target detection, tracking system, object identification and the ability to counter the threat. In order to determine this disturbance, the balancing control on the movement platform can be solved by using neural network control and sliding mode control methods. To make an approach, the cannon movement system can be modeled in training and elevation movements and the disturbances are modeled through pitch and roll mechanisms. The variations in obtained parameters of training and elevation (moment of inertia) are the non-linearity result of the moving cannon. The system is simulated to verify the error in the controllerвЂ�s output processed using the neural network coordination system control and sliding mode control. The learning process in the neural network is made using back propagation method in order to get the weight value at the different disturbances which their results are given in the simulation of coordination models. On the other hand, the free chattering of sliding mode control is implemented in order to make the movement of training and elevation can be controlled for having the desired angle position in the disturbance of pitch and roll. This paper is based on the study to compare the performance of neural network control and sliding mode control on the moving platform. TD009 An Efficient Multicast Routing Technique using Genetic Algorithm over WDM Mesh Networks Subhendu Barat, Soumitra Ghosh, Tanushree Dutta and Tanmay De National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India Abstract—Multicast Communication over an optical fiber network is treated as a major problem in optical domain. As the need of one-to-many communication is increasing day by day, researchers are trying to devise novel and efficient approaches to solve this problem. Although the most of the efforts done in this field is heuristic in nature, evolutionary approaches are also started to be used to solve this as an optimization problem. In this paper we have used Genetic Algorithm to find an efficient multicast route (tree) to establish a multicast connection in WDM mesh network. We have proposed a novel fitness function which can optimize multiple objectives: reaching maximum no. of destinations, minimizing usage of optical channels, minimizing usage of splitters, very efficiently. We have established the truth of our claim by simulating our proposed algorithm over various optical fiber networks. TD010 A Multi-agent System for Outliers Accommodation in Wireless Sensor Networks Paulo Gil, AmГўncio Santos, LuГ s Palma and Alberto Cardoso University of Coimbra, Portugal Abstract—In monitoring applications the accuracy of data is paramount. When considering wireless sensor networks the quality of readings taken from the environment may be hampered by outliers in raw data collected from transmitters attached to nodesвЂ� 22 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES analogue-to-digital converter ports. To improve the data quality sent to the base-station, a real-time data analysis should be implemented at nodesвЂ� level, while taking into account their computing power and storage limitations. This paper deals with the problem of outliers detection and accommodation in raw data. The proposed approach relies on univariate statistics within an hierarchical multi-agent framework. Results from experiments on a real monitoring scenario, at a major oil refinery plant, show the relevance of the proposed approach. TD013 Computing Convex Layers of a Dynamic Point Set Sanjib Sadhu and Niraj Kumar National Institute of Technology (NIT), Durgapur, INDIA Abstract—The convex layers of a given point set can be computed by iterative process of finding convex hull after discarding the points of already computed convex hull. Computation of convex layers has been widely studied in the static environment where the point set are fixed. In this paper, we propose an idea to compute set of convex layers in dynamic context. There exists an optimal time algorithm to solve the static version of the problem in O(n logn) time. However, to solve dynamic version of the problem the suggested algorithm requires O(n^2) time for a set of n points. TD016 A New Priority based Call Scheduling Technique in Mobile Networks Parag Kumar Guha Thakurta National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India Abstract—A technique for priority driven call scheduling for mobile networks is proposed in this paper. Some priority factors related to call acceptance and call rejection have been identified. A selection criterion for finding the best possible path among the different alternatives obtained through the proposed method has been discussed. Experimental results show the advantages of the proposed technique over existing ones. TD021 An Optimal Inherently Stabilizing Algorithm for Routing over all Node-Disjoint Paths in Exchanged Hypercubes Thamer Alsulaiman and Mehmet Hakan Karaata Kuwait University Abstract—Two paths between a source node and a destination node in a network are node- disjoint if they do not share any nodes except the end points. Node-disjoint paths have numerous uses in distributed systems including ways to deal with lost, damaged or altered messages during delivery. Many topologies such as hypercube, star networks, and their variants have been proposed, providing multiple disjoint paths between a pair of endpoints. The exchanged hypercube is a new topology that is obtained by systematically removing edges from a binary hypercube. Exchanged hypercube topology increases scalability and relative cost of the networks by reducing the number of edges per node. In this paper, we propose a distributed algorithm that is both stabilizing and inherently stabilizing to route messages over all node-disjoint paths in an exchanged hypercube network. TD023 A Haptic-Audio Simulator Indoor Navigation; to Assist Visually Impaired Environment Exploration Catherine Todd and Katy Naylor University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE Abstract—VirtuNav is a haptic-, audio- enabled Virtual Reality (VR) simulator that facilitates persons with visual impairment to explore a 3D computerized model of a real-life indoor location, such as a classroom or hospital. For administrative purposes, the screen displays a 2D overhead view of the map to monitor user progress and location relative to the reconstructed 3D environment. The system offers two unique interfaces: a free-roam interface where a user can freely navigate and interact with the model, and an edit mode where an administrator can manage test users, manage maps and retrieve test data. VirtuNav is developed as a practical 23 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES application offering several unique features including map design, semi-automatic 3D map reconstruction and object classification from 2D map data. Visual and haptic rendering of real-time 3D map navigation are provided, and automated administrative functions including determination of shortest path taken, comparison with the actual path taken, and assessment of performance indicators relating to time taken for exploration and collision data. VirtuNav is a research tool for investigation of user familiarity developed after repeated exposure to the indoor location, to determine the extent to which haptic and/or sound cues improve a visually impaired userвЂ�s ability to navigate a room or building with or without occlusion. System testing reveals that spatial awareness and memory mapping improve with user iterations within VirtuNav. The application is for greater real world engagement: to build confidence in real world experiences, enabling persons with sight impairment to more comfortably and readily explore and interact with environments formerly unfamiliar or unattainable to them. TD027 A Platform for Mobile Image Recognition and Mobile Mapping in Local Based Services Jinsuk Kang and Chung Jae Young Information & Management Research Consortium(IMRC), South Korea Abstract—We have developed a prototype image recognition system capable of identifying landmarks (typically, city buildings and structures) from photographs captured on camera phones. The image recognition process runs server-side, as a web service accessible over GPRS from a web enabled phone or Smartphone. Photographs of landmarks are pre-loaded into a central database, which is then queried by users submitting images from their camera phones. The image recognition algorithm is robust to variations in both illumination and point of view. In this research, the effective method was suggested for the transmission of the geographic information acquired by camera attached to a Smartphone such as position data, attitude data, and image data in the wireless internet environment in real-time. TD035 Wireless Environmental Monitoring System for Smart Buildings R. Du Plessis, Anuj Kumar, and Gerhard P Hancke University of Pretoria, South Africa Abstract—This paper describes the work that has been done to design a wireless environmental monitoring system (WEM) for smart buildings. The proposed system can also be used for indoor air quality (IAQ) audits and it can be implemented as the monitoring part of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) control system. In order to achieve the target design goals, the sensor node and graphical user interface (GUI) were developed based on IEEE1451.2 and IEEE1451.1 standards, respectively. The wireless sensor network was implemented successfully using a 434MHz transceiver, which was able to transmit data over relatively long distances without severe attenuation from obstacles such as walls. The sensors were tested and calibrated to achieve the best possible accuracy with equipment that was available. The WEM system is low cost, energy efficient, and portable. TD041 Recognition of Indonesian Vehicle Registration Plate by Discrete Cosine Transform and Radial Basis Function Network Pujianto Yugopuspito, Samuel Lukas, Sutrisno, and Dion Krisnadi Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia Abstract—A car has a unique label called a license plate or a vehicle registration plate. A vehicle registration plate (VRP) in Indonesia consists of a series of alphanumeric. The aim of this research is to recognize the VRP from a frontal image of a car. Image processing techniques are done to identify the VRP, by converting to grayscale image, transforming into binary image by using adaptive threshold, applying region labeling, filtering and others image processing techniques. Features of a character from VRP are taken by applying the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) then the character is recognized by Radial Basis Function network (RBF). Some experiments are conducted to determine the number of DCT is needed for each character and to know how well the system to recognize the VRP. System uses 63 DCTs to each character and recognizes the VRP with percentage is about 96%. 24 D1009 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Preparation and characterization of hot wall deposited CuInGaSe2 thin films for solar cell applications S. Arul, N.Muthukumarasamy, M.D.Kannan and S.Jayakumar PSG Polytechnic College, India Abstract—CuIn0.7Ga0.3Se2 (CIGS) bulk compound was prepared by direct reaction of high purity (99.99%) elemental copper, indium, gallium and selenium. Using the prepared bulk CIGS, polycrystalline CuInGaSe2 thin films were deposited onto well cleaned soda-lime glass substrates using hot wall deposition technique by optimizing process parameters such as the wall temperature, filament current and time of deposition. The x-ray diffraction studies on the as-prepared films revealed polycrystalline nature. The composition of the chemical constituents present in the prepared bulk and thin films has been determined using energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDX). The surface morphology of CIGS thin film of deposition time 3 min. have been carried out using Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM). The AFM images revealed that the average grain size was 20 nm and the surface roughness was about 8 nm. Transmittance spectra in the wavelength range of 190 nm to 2500 nm was obtained using a double beam spectrophotometer (UV-VIS) and the results are discussed. 3:50pm to 4:10pm -PAPER SESSIONSSession 4: Applied Mechanics and Renewable Energy Chair: Assoc. Prof. Ruslan E. Isaev 13 presentations Time: 4:10pm to 6:30pm Venue: Lychee Garden on 1 floor IC013 Secondary Flows in Radial Diffusing Channels Gopalakrishnan Govindarajan Dr.M.G.R. Educational & Research Institute, India Abstract-An approximate method has been developed for the estimation of the secondary flow through a radial diffusing cascade. The basis of this numerical treatment is on the Reynolds Navier Stokes method. The theoretical development is based on the channel approach, in that the flow emerging out of the channel is assumed to consist of two sets of symmetrical vortices, which includes the shroud cross flow principle. The flow is considered to be ir-rotational and incompressible. This however is a bad approximation for high pressure recovery diffusers. The solution could be extended to compressible situations – approximate solutions only. IC014 Natural Convective Coutte Flow in a Vertical Parallel Plate Microchannel Narahari Marneni and Rajashekhar Pendyala 25 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia Abstract-In the present paper, the exact analysis of steady state fully developed natural convective Couette flow in a vertical parallel plate microchannel is performed. Exact solutions are derived for the dimensionless velocity, temperature, volume flow rate, vertical heat flux and Nusselt number. The effects of Grashof number, wall-ambient temperature difference ratio and Knudsen number on the velocity, volume flow rate and Nusselt number have been discussed through graphs. The study revealed that the fluid velocity and volume flow rate increases with increasing Grashof number whereas the Nusselt number decreases with increasing Grashof number. IC2000 An experimental and analytical study on modification of mechanical properties of OPC paste Abdoullah Namdar, GE Qi and Majid Simrakh Sichuan University, China Abstract—The construction industry requires improvement in order to sustainable development. Many waste materials mixture have unknown effect on cement paste. The main objective is to evaluate modified mechanical property of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) paste, in mixture with waste materials. The sawdust powder, seashell powder and oil palm shell have been selected as a natural additive. 1% of each natural additive separately blended with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), in order to make three different types of specimens.The compressive strength of OPC paste measured in 14 days. The mechanical property of OPC paste has also been compared in application of different natural additive. The flexibility of modified OPC paste is analysed. Mainly is focusing on additive role in stress-strain behavior. The result is indicated that the blending appropriate waste materials mixture in cement paste improves compressive strength and flexibility of cement paste in early age of 14 days. The several waste materials can be investigated to obtain better results. IC3002 Modeling of Machining Process Knowledge for Supporting Manufacturing Execution System Myon Woong Park, Jae Kwan Kim, Kwangho Eum, and Mujin Kang Korea Institute of science and technology, Hawolgok, Sungbuk,Seoul, Korea Abstract—Process knowledge including the relationships between manufacturing processes and machining features is one of the crucial elements needed for various decision making activities in process planning, while the planning is the essential preparative step of Manufacturing Execution systems. As new technologies emerge, the process knowledge needs to be updated accordingly. Most of the systems dealing with process knowledge are not flexible enough to accommodate the relevant changes within an acceptable cost. In this paper, ontology based modeling of the process knowledge is presented. The core process ontology represents the process knowledge for machining operation selection regarding multi-axis machining feature. Firstly the concepts such as features, machining methods and process capability are modeled with relevant properties. Secondly the causal relationships between these concepts are modeled. In addition, the process selection logic is modeled by using rules which describe the match between machining requirements of a feature and process capability of a machining method. An example shows how the process ontology can be used in a reasoning mechanism for operations selection. D1002 Integrated split heat pump system for building applications Sandro Nizetic, Roko Gizdic, Ankit Yadav and Miro Bugarin Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB), Croatia Abstract—In this paper, a design of a specific hybrid energy system is elaborated for small scale applications in building facilities of residential or commercial purpose. The energy system is assembled from existing market available technologies that include implementation of a heat pump technology, photovoltaic system and of a standard accumulation boiler for the preparation of hot water. The developed energy system is assumed to be used in mild climates where a heat pump system can be efficiently used 26 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES throughout the year. According to the gained experimental results the coefficient of the performance for the cooling mode can be expected between 5.0 and 6.0, which prove that the proposed system is highly energy efficient. The developed energy system can cover both cooling and heating demands and also demands for domestic hot water and it represents a totally renewable energy system. D1004 Biogas source of Energy and Solution to the Environment problems in Rwanda Anastase Rwigema University of Rwanda, Rwanda Abstract—In Africa especially in Rwanda, the development of Biogas technology is imperative for development to occur in sustainable manner. Using large centralized power generation facilities to provide electricity to rural population and communities is very expensive and non-viable in Rwanda due to lack of a well dispersed electric grid. In Addition, use of non-renewable fossil fuels is resulting in increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and attendant increased drivers for climate change. Development of Biogas systems serves the purposes of solving sanitation, energy and environmental problems by improving good health conditions and providing a source of energy for cooking and lighting to the communities and households contributing also to the decrease of GHG emissions. In Rwanda, there are 14 prisons, after genocide of 1994, the inmates increased up to 60,000. Number of prisoners was from 2,000 up to 7,500 prisoners in one prison[6]. This high number of inmates caused serious sanitation and environmental problems. Indeed the septic tanks became full and human excreta started to overflow and pollute the environment. In addition, a very big quantity of fuel wood was used for cooking inmatesвЂ� food; the consequence was the degradation of the environment. Similar problems were observed in schools. Solution to the mentioned problems was construction of Biogas systems. In Rwanda only about 16% of the population have access to electricity. In order to reduce that deficit of energy, Rwanda Government is developing other sources of energy particularly Biogas for rural areas which so far do not have connection to the national electricity grid. Big size (100 m3) and small size (4, 6, 8 and 10 m3) bio- digesters are installed in several institutions and households and they provide enough Biogas for cooking and lighting in steady of using firewood which is becoming scarce in many areas of the country and their usage as source of energy causes pollution through production of Carbon dioxide (CO2) released in the atmosphere.A study made by SNV(Netherlands Cooperation Development Agency) shows that a domestic bio-digester reduces 4.6 tons of (CO2)per year. Hence, calculation made indicates that the 3,000 domestic bio-digesters currently operational in Rwanda allow to reduce 13,800 tons of Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per year. As organic wastes particularly human excreta and other digestible biomass are available everywhere, biogas technology can be developed in all the countries worldwide. D1014 Vegetalized Complex Partition (VCP): Impact of a Green Roof Under a Humid Tropical Climate, Comparison between Hong Kong and Reunion Island AurГ©lien P. Jean, Teddy Libelle, FrГ©dГ©ric Miranville, Mario A. Medina Reunion Island University, France Abstract—The aim of this paper is to present the experimental results of a specific vegetated complex partition (VCP) and discuss the conclusions found from an interesting study case in Hong Kong, especially the presence of a strong upward heat flux in winter. The experimented VCP configuration have never been tested in Reunion Island. It is located on a small scale building with a sloped roof covered with steel foil and under a humid tropical climate. From March to August, the extensive VCP reduced the global average heat flow by 91.61% and the ceiling temperature by 9.3В°C, with a maximum average reduction of 18.9В°C at noon. Compares to the results from Hong Kong, three of the four conclusions have been observed or deduced from the experimented VCP's results. The fourth conclusion (about heat flow loss in winter) have not been observed. But, based on the results, a precision of the explanation of its origin is proposed: the evaporation process act like an heat loss amplifier. D10004 Heating Or Cooling Buildings With PV Walls In Reunion Island 27 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Dimitri Bigot, Frederic Miranville, Edouard Lebon, StГ©phane Guichard, and AurГ©lien Jean Reunion Island University, France Abstract—In Reunion Island, many buildings have been equipped with PV panels on their roofs in order to produce electricity. These PV systems were built to increase the penetration of renewable energies in the public electricity grid and so reduce greenhouse effect gases emissions. This type of installation was designed just in order to produce electricity but many works have shown that PV systems integrated to walls can also cool or heat the buildings. This paper presents how PV systems integrated to building can be used to help meeting energy needs in two microclimates of the island by cooling or heating the building where it is installed. To show this, a building simulation code able to model BIPV buildings is used. D10007 Numerical study of a building using Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in Reunion Island StГ©phane Guichard, FrГ©dГ©ric Miranville, Bruno Malet-Damour, Dimitri Bigot, Harry Boyer, and Teddy Libelle Laboratoire IRISE/EiCesi – CCIR and Reunion Island University, France Abstract—Buildings in Reunion Island have different thermal performances so the thermal energy storage should be enhanced. Using phase change materials in the building envelope could be a solution. These materials are able to increase the low thermal mass of lightweight constructions in order to improve human comfort, maintaining the building ambient thermal comfort closer to the desired temperature. The main objective of this paper is to present the thermal impact of PCM on two walls of an office with Reunion Island specific conditions. To this end, the experimental validation of a model based on the apparent heat capacity method and integrated into a building simulation code is used. The study results are very encouraging. D100010 Performance Testing of Light Pipes in real weather conditions for a confrontation with Hemera Bruno MALET-DAMOUR, Harry BOYER, StГ©phane GUICHARD and FrГ©dГ©ric MIRANVILLE Reunion Island University, France Abstract—Daylight offers many possibilities. Its proper use is a major asset to develop the design, energy and environmental quality of a building but also improve the physiological and psychological conditions of the user. New emerging devices, offer the opportunity to improve visual comfort while, providing energy savings. The light pipes are considered as a part of these innovative devices. Existing semi-empirical models do not adequately transcribe the behavior of light pipes. The scientific objective of this study is to investigate the propagation of light within a real test-cell equipped with this device in real weather conditions. The aim is to better understand the role of each parameter (solar geometry, diffuse illumination, direct illumination, etc.). The results indicated a difference in light distribution within the test cell between the clear and overcast sky. We target new parameters to take into account in modeling the phenomenon. D100023 Validation of daylighting model in CODYRUN building simulation code H. Boyer, B. Malet-Damour, A.H. Fakra, S. Guichard, A. Jean, T. Libelle, D. Bigot, F. Miranville, M,BojiД‡ Reunion Island University, France Abstract—CODYRUN is a multi-zone software integrating thermal building simulation, airflow, and pollutant transfer. A first question thus arose as to the integration of indoor lighting conditions into the simulation, leading to a new model calculatingnatural and artificial lighting. The results ofthis new daylighting modulewere thencompared with resultsof other simulation codes and experimentalcases both in artificialand naturalenvironments. Excellent agreements were obtained, such as the values for luminous efficiencies in a tropical and humid climate.In this paper, a comparison of the model output with detailed measures is presented using a dedicated test cell in Reunion Island (French overseas territory in the Indian Ocean), thus confirming the interest for thermal and daylighting designs in low-energy buildings. D100029 Scale effect of hydrodynamic parameters of microhydroturbines 28 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Alaybek Dj. Obozov, Azhumakan Zh. Zhamalov, Ruslan E. Isaev, Murat M. Kunelbaev Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, Kyrgyzstan Abstract—This work considers the issue of selection of optimum parameters of low-head microhydropower stations. The input parameter for determining the data of rotor wheel is relative diameter of sleeve. For justifying the selection of rational values of sleeve ratio of low-head microhydropower stations turbines method of similarity theory is used. When adhering the geometric similarity, as well as necessary boundary and initial conditions dynamic similarity is carrying out in the case of equality of Strouhal, Froude, Reynolds and Euler criteria. Necessity of calculation of scale coefficient О» depends on the definition of Re, Sh, Fr, Eu numbers. The resulting value of sleeve ratio allows to pass on to definition of the main parameter of hydroturbine. The obtained dependences can extend the application of the theory of similarity, and the developed simulation methods can be used for calculation and selection of rational parameters of low-head microhydropower stations. D100040 Energetic performance of an experimental extensive green roof in a tropical environment T. Libelle, A. Jean, B. Malet-Damour, S. Guichard, F. Miranville, H. Boyer Reunion Island University, France Abstract—The green roof technology provides environmental benefits by protecting the base roof membrane of buildings against global solar radiation and temperature fluctuations and by helping to reduce buildingвЂ�s energy consumption by direct shading. Although several studies have been conducted to explore the energy performance of green roofs as natural cooling devices, there is still a lack of data concerning the green roof potential in a tropical environment. The present work aimed to evaluate the behavior of an extensive green roof for buildings under a tropical climate. The experimental green roof developed was compared to a reference bituminous roof during a five-month period from the end of the winter season to the summer time. The green roof performance was explored by evaluating its effect on temperature fluctuations and heat fluxes. Results showed that the presence of plants led to a decrease in temperature under the green roof. Plants also contributed to a lower heat flux exchange through the green roof and to a higher restitution of heat gain. Furthermore, the determination of parameters including U-value, R-value and k-value, led to demonstrate the thermal and energy performance of the green roof in a tropical environment. Session 5: Electrical and Electronic Engineering Chair: To be added 11 presentations Time: 4:10pm to 6:30pm Venue: Forum Room on C floor IC009 Increase in accuracy and smoothness of movement of the mechatronic unit of linear micromotions Elena Novikova, Dmitry Shtykh, Alexey Zhdanov and Valentin Morozov Vladimir State University named Alexander and Nikolay Stoletov, Russian Federation Abstract-Application spheres of exact linear motions actuator were examined. Typical complexes of requirements to parameters of movement of the output link were defined. Methods of evaluation of the quality of movement of the output link were carried out. The analysis of possibilities of the technical characteristics increase of linear micro motions actuators was carried out. The method 29 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES of increase in accuracy and smoothness of motion of the output link actuators through optimization of the management system based on kinematic error of the actuating mechanism was examined. IC016 Transmission Tower Vibration Analysis System Based on Internet of Things Wang Zhangqi, Wang Jian and Zuo Li North China Electric Power University, China Abstract-A vibration analysis system for transmission tower based on the Internet of Things is described in this paper. According to layering architecture concept of the Internet of Things, the system consists of three parts, which can be divided into sensing network, data communication and system software. The sensing network includes vibration acceleration transducer and some other measuring sensors, WiFi technology is used for data communication in the sensing network. The software module is responsible for storage, analysis and processing of the detected data. The system software mainly has the functions of the real-time vibration data collection, data filtering and time-frequency domain analysis. C/S and B/S architectures are constructed for remote display of vibration data. Finally, this system is utilized to perform vibration analysis for a guyed tower and a steel tube tower, and the method to assess the health level of the tested model is discussed. TD002 A Time Service Improvement Scheme for Clock System of Nuclear Power Plant Shouyang Zhai China Nuclear Power Engineering Company Abstract—This paper aims to research the necessity and specific methods to improve the time service of clock system of nuclear power plant. By researching and analyzing the current condition of the whole-plant clock system time service scheme, it propose an improvement scheme of time service system in the aspect of redundancy back-up, system networking, maintenance convenience, and power supply optimization. The research of this paper explores an efficient method to improve time service of clock system and increase reliability. It can provide guidance to the modification of in-service nuclear power plant clock system and the design of new nuclear power plant clock system.пЂ TD045 Recent Trends In Low Power VLSI Design Dr. R. Sivakumar and D. Jothi Department of ECE, RMK Engineering College, India Abstract—The recent trends in the developments and advancements in the area of low power VLSI Design are surveyed in this paper. Though Low Power is a well established domain, it has undergone lot of developments from transistor sizing, process shrinkage, voltage scaling, clock gating, etc., to adiabatic logic. This paper aims to elaborate on the recent trends in the low power design. D10001 Optimal Energy Storage Sizing for Wind Power Applications Congying Han, Ruiyuan Kong, Tiande Guo, Wei Pei School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Abstract—Wind energy is now widely used in many countries as a clean energy. In order to make better use of wind energy, we need to study various factors affecting the utilization of wind energy. If we can better predict the wind, we can make full use of wind energy. Where, combing an energy storage system with a wind farm is an effective way to mitigate fluctuations and improve the predictability of wind power. Energy storage sizing has been an important part in wind farm planning. This paper presents an optimization model for determining the capacity of a lead-acid battery integrated with a wind farm. The energy storage capacity calculated in the model gives the lowest cost and has a significant impact on remedying the prediction error. Besides, the charge and discharge operation can also be displayed in our model. 30 D10002 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Short-term Wind Power Forecasting in Wind Power Plants of North China Based on Support Vector Regression Analysis Haijian Shao and Haikun Wei Department of Automation, Southeast University, China Abstract—This paper investigates the short-term wind power forecasting and demonstrates accurate modeling, which utilizes two representative heuristic algorithms (i.e. wavelet neural network (WNN) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)), and statistical machine learning techniques (i.e. Support Vector Regression (SVR)). The proposed method generates the performances of different approaches for random time series, characterized with high accuracy and high generalization capability. The employed data is obtained through Sampling equipment in Real Wind Power Plants (Power generation equipment is Dongfang Steam Turbine Co., Ltd. weak wind turbine type--FD77 with German REpower company technology). The main innovation of this paper comes from: (a) problem may encounter in the real application is in consideration such as corrupt, missing value and noisy data. (b) Data lag estimation are provided to investigate the data distribution and obtain the best input variables, respectively. (c) Comparison between MLP neural networks, WNN and SVR with optimized kernel parameters based on Grid-search method are provided to demonstrate the best forecasting approaches. The purpose of this paper is to provide a method with reference value for short-term wind power forecasting. D10005 A Clean Energy Generation System of In-Tandem Combinations Each of Heat Pump, Compressor, and Turbine in Wind Tunnel Yee-Chang Feng National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Abstract—This is a series of in-tandem combinations each of heat pump, air compressor, and air turbine disposed in a wind tunnel, working together to generate clean/renewable electricity. The air compressor, located at downstream of the preceding air turbine, extracts air from this turbine thus reduces its backpressure and causes pressure drop at the turbine exit. Turbine output work Wtb is proportional to temperature difference (T3-T4) of turbine inlet/outlet air, which varies exponentially with turbine outlet/inlet air pressure ratio P4/P3 in adiabatic process as below: Wtb = MCp(T3 -T4) = MCpT3{1- P4 P3 1 k 1в€’ } as T4=T3 P4 1 k 1в€’ P3 where, M=mass flow rate of air; Cp & Cv=constant pressure/volume specific heat capacities of air; k= Cp/Cv=1.4 An ASME paper [1] verifies that a suction blower put at turbine exit reducing back pressure of 200 mbar can increase turbine inlet/outlet air pressure ratio P3/P4by 25%. Therefore, Wtb becomes more than those turbines without such blowers as(T3-T4) becomes larger, thus this unique Clean Energy Generation System of Heat Pumps, Compressors, & Turbines (HPCT system)achieves producing net useful electric power. In HPCT system, each air compressor works efficiently to reduce air pressure at preceding turbine outlet, as it extracts more air from the turbine than the blower mentioned in the ASME paper, because compressors have higher compression ratio than blowers. Thus, such feature gives higher turbine pressure ratio to each combination of HPCT system than those turbines without blowers (or compressors)to reduce back pressure at turbine exit. Therefore, HPCT system of higher turbine air pressure ratio P3/P4achievesproducing more turbine output work, as air temperature at turbine exit simultaneously drops more whenP3/P4 becomes larger. Heat pump is an efficient device to move heat from low-temperature source to high-temperature sink, and geothermal heat source is preferable as it provides steady & warmer heat energy. This ―moved‖ heat is used to heat up the air in wind tunnel to offset the energy extracted by turbine from HPCT system. Also, HPCT system is fully thermally insulated, thus theoretically being of zero heat loss, as it works adiabatically. P-V&T-S curves and performance of each combination of HPCT system working cycle are studied to compare it with actual gas turbine cycle and ideal Brayton cycle. Working examples of HPCT system are presented to 31 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES simulate practical applications of HPCT system, and find out virtual net useful output work and energy efficiency. HPCT system is a ―COLD” Engine of Zero Carbon Emission, works under moderate energy efficiency and with higher energy density than most existing renewable energy generation systems. More importantly, it is a simply designed system using only conventional knowledge, and can be made by the existing technology under the least investment risk. D100016 Development of Adaptive Distance Relay for STATCOM Connected 220 KV Transmission Line with Wavelet Transform and ANN Ramchandra P. Hasabe and Anil P. Vaidya Walchand College of Engineering Sangli, Maharashtra, India Abstract—A new scheme to enhance the solution of the problems associated with Transmission line protection with Statcom connected is presentedin this paper.Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is a shunt type FACTS device connected at the midpoint of the transmission line to maintain the voltage atdesired level by injecting/absorbing the reactive power. This connection affects the performance of distance protection relay during line faults. Thefault detectionis carried out byusingenergy of the detail coefficients of the phase signals and artificial neutral network algorithm used for fault distance location for all thetypes of faults for transmission line. For each type of fault separate neural network is prepared for finding out the fault location. D100021 Piezoelectric Beam Length Optimization for Raindrop Energy Harvesting Application Chin Hong Wong, Zuraini Dahari, Asrulnizam Abd Manaf and Muhammad Azman Miskam Universiti Sains Malaysia Abstract—The vibration energy harvesting from raindrop is an interesting and potential approach for future applications. This article presents the piezoelectric based beam length optimization for raindrop energy harvesting application. In this work, polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is selected as piezoelectric material. The characteristics and performances of the beam are experimentally investigated. It includes investigation on the impact of water droplets with 4.3 mm diameter, released from 0.25 m heights at various lengths of PVDF beam. The width and thickness of the beam are fixed to 4 mm and 25 Вµm respectively. Results showed that the optimized length which is 30 mm is possible to generate peak voltage up to 8.5 V. D100024 Analysis on Level of Country and Diffusion of Knowledge in Wind power Field Dae-hyun Jeong and Young-il Kwon KISTI, Korea Abstract—Wind energy, which is a typical green energy, is in the limelight as an energy source to replace conventional fossil fuel. In this study, information of thesis on the wind energy was used to analyze technical levels by countries, and further verify the relation between technical levels and technology diffusion by countries and the joint research network. As a result, it was shown that studies on wind energy had begun around the United States and European countries, and that these countries are taking lead in international joint researches. Our regression analysis of the relation between technology diffusion and the number of joint researches showed that the more the number of joint researches was, the more extensively technology diffused. It was, therefore, found out that those countries, which dominate development of wind energy in advance, are taking lead in development of wind energy technologies. D100044 Using Outage Cost and Pareto principle in Smart Meter Installation Planning: a Case study of PEA in Thailand Winyou Nimsuwan and Umarin Sangpanich Faculty of Engineering at Sri Racha, Kasetsart University at Sri Racha campus, Thailand Abstract—Smart meter is one of the most significant devices for improving the smart grid. It can improve reliability of service by reducing outage duration of approximately 5 minutes by showing the interruption immediately at a control room. Various policies for smart meter installation planning in several countries are based on customer types, customer decision, individual and local 32 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES conditions, or quantities of annual energy consumption. However, if the outage is affecting a large area of the community, distributed smart meter installation may not have benefits for an outage restoration procedure. Therefore, a process of smart meter installation planning for a distribution network is proposed by using outage costs and the Pareto principle. The 20% of smart meter installation, which invest 44% of all costs, can give 80% of the benefit of smart meter installation at all feeders. Session 6: E-Learning and Data Mining Chair: To be added 13 presentations Time: 4:10pm to 6:30pm Venue: Forum Room I TD007 An Interaction Prediction Model of Monitoring Node Based on Observational Learning Haiyan Chen, Bo Sun and Jiandong Wang College of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Abstract—Data acquisition anomalies often occur in remote monitoring. In this paper, a software solution is presented to discover the abnormal monitoring node and predict the monitored data, rather than using hardware maintenance. Firstly, by analyzing the distribution characteristics of the monitoring data from each node, the highly correlated nodes of the abnormal node are selected. Then, an integrated BP neural network is applied to build an observational learning model, which can give interactive predictions for the abnormal node. To solve the under-fitting problem caused by small samples and improve the generalization performance of the model, we propose a new observational learning algorithm, in which the weights are calculated using the mean squared error (MSE) of learners on test set. Experiments conducted on the airport noise data set show that the proposed model has satisfying predictive ability, and the improved observational learning algorithm is more stable and effective than the traditional observational learning algorithm. TD018 Establishing Dense Correspondence of High Resolution 3D Faces via MГ¶bius Transformations Jian Liu, Quan Zhang, and Chaojing Tang National University of Defense Technology, China Abstract—The aim of the paper is to establish dense correspondence of high resolution 3D human faces. To achieve the goal, this paper proposes an automatic method to establish dense correspondence of high resolution 3D human faces via MГ¶bius Transformations. For high resolution 3D faces, geodesic remeshing is used to reduce the number of vertices. Since the extent of the 3D face data varies from example to example, an ellipse fit method is proposed to extract consistently matching face points. The facial feature points are located by using texture and shape information of 3D faces. These correspondent facial feature points are used to generate MГ¶bius transformations and achieve sparse correspondence between 3D faces. TPS (Thin-Plate Spline) transformation is used to represent the deformation of 3D faces by using controlling points which selected from the sparse correspondence set. For every vertex of the TPS warped reference 3D face, they are projected into every triangle face of the sample 3D face, then the closest projections are used to define the new mesh vertices of the sample 3D face. The sample 3D face with new mesh shares the same connectivity with the reference 3D face, thus the dense correspondence between the reference 3D face and the sample 3D face with new mesh is achieved. The experimental results on BJUT-3D face database show that our method achieves better performance than existing methods. TD030 Managing Presentation Slides with Reused Elements 33 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Jie ZHANG, Chuan XIAO, Sheng HU, Toyohide WATANABE, and Yoshiharu ISHIKAWA Nagoya University, Japan Abstract—Slide presentations have become a ubiquitous tool for business and educational purposes. Instead of starting from scratch, slide composers tend to make new presentation slides by reusing materials from existing slides. Understanding how slide elements are copied from one presentation file to another and how presentation files are related to each other are difficult tasks. In this paper, it is investigated the management of multiple presentation files based on reused slide elements. Techniques are developed to detect textual and visual elements that have been reused across multiple presentation files. Interactive visualization methods are proposed to facilitate understanding the process by which these elements are reused and the relationship between the files that use them. A system with a user-friendly interface is designed, based on which experiments are performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. TD031 A Data Mining based Approach for Determining the Potential Fishing Zones Devi Fitrianah, Hisyam Fahmi, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, and Aniati Murni Arymurthy Universitas Indonesia Abstract—The aim of this paper is to analyze the determination of the potential fishing zones based on data mining approach. The algorithm utilized in this study is AGRID+, a grid density based clustering for high dimensional data. The case study area is in eastern Indian Ocean located at 16.56 – 2 S and 100.49 – 140 E. The algorithm is implemented in 7 phases, partitioning, computing distance threshold, calculating densities, compensating densities, calculating density threshold, clustering and removing noise. The clustering result is evaluated by the Silhouette index. The results of the study show that the best cluster formed at daily aggregate temporal with number of cell (m) = 14 and the number of cluster formed was 50 clusters. The constant execution time is in line with the increasing the value of m. From three different temporal aggregate, the daily aggregate is running relatively constant for various m value. To determine the potential fishing zones for different temporal aggregate can be achieved by applying the thresholding technique to the cluster result. Utilizing the data mining approach yielded a prominent 22 daily clusters identified as potential fishing zone. TD033 Feature Exploration for Prediction of Potential Tuna Fishing Zones Devi Fitrianah, Nursidik Heru Praptono, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, and Aniati Murni Arymurthy Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia Abstract—Prediction for potential fishing zone is one of the important activities concerning for the tuna fishing exploration, conservation and management. Accurate prediction will give more efficient in fishing activities. One of the way to predict is the classification techniques. Currently, as the state of the art, most of the methods utilize the chlorophyll and SST features. However, there are still other parameters that can be utilized. In this paper, the other parameters are then observed: ocean currents and salinity feature. First the results shows that, taking a part of ocean currents together with the chlorophyll and SST feature combination gives the improvement on the prediction. On other hand, this ocean currents feature is then substituted with the salinity, and the result shows that the combination between salinity, chlorophyll, and SST also increases the result. Finally, the ocean current and salinity parameters are combined together with chlorophyll and SST parameters and the result was surprising. It is found that the last feature combination which includes Chlorophyll, SST, Ocean current and salinity gives the highest result in classification (in NaГЇve Bayes reaches 69.03%, Decision Tree reaches 82.32% and SVM reaches 68.30% of accuracy) compared to the ―baseline‖ feature combination including only Chlorophyll and SST (in NaГЇve Bayes reaches 57.44%, Decision Tree reaches 58.91% and SVM reaches 56.74% of accuracy). Therefore it is suggested that the proposed feature can be harnessed for the better prediction of potential fishing zone. TD036 Simulation-based Clinical skill Training to promote Effective Clinical Learning with Simulation Evaluation 34 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Rubrics in Nursing Education Alice M. L. Li HKU SPACE, Hong Kong Abstract—Clinical simulation-based education can create a specific learning environment to ensure healthcare or nursing students to manage experiential learning by reinforcing their clinical skills through different levels of competency. This educational technology offers new avenues for supporting nursing students to experience high-fidelity simulation with lived experience on scenario-based clinical skill training that provides the better ways to support the nursing education. The use of simulation-based training needs to strengthen up studentsвЂ� clinical skills and practices in a more meaningful learning experience by using my newly inventive Simulation Evaluation Rubrics (SER). This paper illustrates this newly formed inventive SER by adopting TannerвЂ�s Clinical Judgment Model, combined with the constructed concept of ‗Knowledge About knowledgeвЂ� as a basis to specifically designed for the proposed conceptual model of inventive SER, which is used for capturing the effectiveness of clinical learning by monitoring the progress and benchmarking of performance outcomes, as well as providing invaluable informative feedback for further improvements on the studentsвЂ� competencies of nursing practice from the simulation-based clinical skill training. TD038 UML Class Diagrams: Similarity Aspects and Matching Mojeeb Al-Rhman Ahmed AL-Khiaty and Moataz Ahmed King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia Abstract—Model matching is at the core of different model management operations such as model evolution, consolidation, and retrieval. An accurate identification of the similarity and differences between the elements of the matched models leads to an accurate model matching, which, in turn, leads to better model management. Software metrics are the software engineer means to quantify the similarity between the elements of the matched models. In this paper, we empirically validate the use of different metrics for capturing the similarity and the differences between the elements of two matched UML class diagrams. The paper empirically investigates the improvement of the similarity assessment of the class diagrams through the weight calibration of compound metrics. The results, reported based on two case studies, show the superiority of the compound metrics over the individual metrics. TD040 TH_WSD: Thai Word Sense Disambiguation Using Cross-Language Knowledge Sources Approach Jaremsri L. Mitrpanont and Premchai Chongcharoen Mahidol University, Thailand Abstract—The ambiguity in Thai Word is still a significant issue in translating Thai language to English. This paper presents the TH_WSD, a framework for Thai word ambiguous resolution using cross-language knowledge sources of AsianWordNet (AWN) and PrincetonWordNet (PWN) for lexical and word sense explorers. A semi-automated Thai WSD approach for non-specific domain using four disambiguation techniques, word forms, and even window sizes is proposed. The disambiguation techniques include path, vector, vector_pair and lesk. The 250 context words from four target words group which are аё§аё±аё” (wat), аё«аё±аё§ (hua), เก็บ (kep) and а№ЂаёЃаёІаё° (koh) from bi-text corpora of SEAlang and Concordance are studied. The experimental results show that using AWN with vector technique and PWN with path technique provides better accuracy. However, for Thai WSD included time consideration, the vector technique with AWN at five window size is suitable. TD043 Exploring the Usage of Existing Plagiarism tools for Automated Student Assessment for Java Program Sonal Jain, Mayuri Singhal and Axita Shah JK Lakshmipat University, India Abstract—To be added 35 TD044 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES The Design of a Rule Base for an e-Learning Recommendation System Base on Multiple Intelligences Thongchai Kaewkiriya, Nattavee Utrakit, and Monchai Tiantong Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Thailand Abstract—The problem of e-Learning systems, learners are given learning contents that do not match individual aptitudes.This paper aims to design a rule base for recommendations focusing on e-Learning and learning profiles which are based on multiple intelligences. Design of the rule base was divided into four sections as follows. The first section covered a survey of the variables. Second section was creation of the questionnaire. Third section was a survey of the student sample groups. The last section was an analysis of data generated from the results of the survey. The process of selection for the rule base was undertaken by comparing the performance of the following algorithms 1) ID3 algorithm 2) C4.5 algorithm 3) NBTree algorithm 4) NaГЇve Bayes algorithm 5) Bayes Net algorithm. The C4.5 algorithm had the highest percentage of prediction. Percentage of prediction from the C4.5 algorithm equaled 83.436%. TD047 Monitoring and Notification System Based on Risk Analysis Using Map-Reduce Framework Yoondeuk Seo and Jinho Ahn Kyonggi University, South Korea Abstract—This paper presents a monitoring and notification system based on risk analysis using map-reduce framework that can do risk prediction using big data. By using social media and access records of their users, the proposed system determines their risks. Also, it monitors the restricted area through setting them and notifies the administrator as soon as the intrusions are detected. So, it will provide a control situation for administrator in real time and can detect the risky moments that may occur in advance. Therefore it can reduce the probability of risk of security penetration. Also, since it receives the control situation and provides real-time control screen via smartphone, it is possible to improve the convenience of intrusion management in a very fast and effective way. TD3001 Comparative Analysis of Vocal Characteristics in Speakers with Depression and High-Risk Suicide Thaweesak Yingthawornsuk and Thaweewong Akkaralaertsest King MongkutвЂ�s University of Technology Thonburi - Bangkuntien Campus, Thailand Abstract—Evaluation of speakers who are high-risk suicidal compared to those with less clinical depression are critical when the syndrome underlying a patientвЂ�s abnormal behaviour is diagnosed without expertise. This study describes a way to classify the speech samples collected from groups of depressive and suicidal speakers by employing the speech processing technique in data analysis. First, the Glottal Spectral Slope (GSS) and Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) were computationally estimated from the voiced segments detected from the categorized speech sample database. Second, the pairwise classification was then made on the combination of those extracted vocal features respectively corresponding to the frequency response of the source and the filter in speech production system model. The procedure of this research was carried out in order to investigate the discriminative property of the focused vocal parameters mainly between depressed speakers and high-risk suicidal speaker groups. The result revealed that MFCC and GSS parameters are slightly high effective in term of vocal indicator corresponding to severe depression with fairly high performance in between-group separation. TD3003 A Preliminary Study of StudentsвЂ� Attitude on M-Learning: An Application of Technology Acceptance Model Afzaal H. Seyal, Noah, Abd Rahman, Rudy Ramlie, and Armanadurni Abdul Rahman Abstract—Seventy-five students had been selected randomly from an institution of higher learning to predict their behavioral intentions towards using the m-learning. The study uses standard instrument to capture studentsвЂ� responses on the three basic constructs of technology acceptance model (TAM) that includes perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU) and 36 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES attitude. Then data were analyzed through Smart-PLS in order to find out if PU remains the significant determinant of the attitude that in turn predicts the behavioral intention of using the m-learning technology. This model has moderate explanatory power with 38% of the variance in behavioral intention is from the attitude of the students. Based upon the conclusion, some pedagogical recommendations have been made for the relevant authorities. п‚І Tips: The best paper will be selected after each session and the certificate will be awarded by the chair. Good Luck! Saturday Evening, Nov. 8 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm--Dinner Location CafГ© Concourse on C floor п‚І Tips: The Dinner will start at 6:30pm. Please kindly attend on time with bringing the Dinner Coupon. 37 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Sunday, Nov. 9 One Day Tour in Hong Kong For free for all the authors and listeners The Simple Route: Stanley—Victoria Peak—Repulse Bay The travel agency will pick you up from our conference hotel around 8:00am. The excursion will start from driving you to Stanley. Stanley is a town and a tourist attraction in Hong Kong. It located on a peninsula on the southeastern part of Hong Kong Island. It is east of Repulse Bay and west of Shek O, adjacent to Chung Hom Kok. Administratively, it is part of the Southern District. The Chinese name "Chek Chue" refers to the original village-town but "Stanley" generally refers to all the surrounding areas of the peninsula. After tripping round Stanley, the tour bus will drive you to The Victoria Peak, which is a mountain in Hong Kong known as Mount Austin, and locally as The Peak. The mountain is located in the western half of Hong Kong Island. With an altitude of 552 m (1, 811 ft), it is the highest mountain on the island proper, but not in the entirety of Hong Kong, an honour which belongs to Tai Mo Shan. The actual summit of Victoria Peak is occupied by a radio telecommunications facility and is closed to the public. However, the surrounding area of public parks and high-value residential land is the area that is normally meant by the name The Peak. It is a major tourist attraction which offers views over Central, Victoria Harbour, and the surrounding islands. Then we are going to The Repulse Bay. It is located in the south of Hong Kong Island, to the east of Deep Water Bay and to the west of Middle Bay and South Bay. Middle Island, Hong Kong is located off Hong Kong Island, between Repulse Bay and Deep Water Bay. Please identify the one day tour when you register for the conference, if you are interested in it. Please contact the conference secretary if you have any questions. 38 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES 39 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES 40 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES 41 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES 42 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES 43 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES Please take a few moments to provide us some important feedback about your professional development of Chengdu conferences. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------пЂўпЂўпЂўпЂў Conference Feedback Use the key below Very Goodв–Ў Goodв–Ў Poorв–Ў Use the ranking key above as appropriate to answer the questions below on the blank spaces provided at the end of each questions How was the overall organization of the conference How do you rate the registration area How do you rate the presenter(s) Did you gain any helpful skills How was the format of the meeting in terms of lunch, coffee breaks? Overall, how were the conference facilities How was the reception you received at the conference How was the venue List other locations where you think future meeting should be held Why did you choose that venue? Generally, how was the whole experience at the meeting, and given another chance would you attend or recommend next year's conference? Comments and Suggestions 44 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES 45 2014 HONG KONG CONFERENCES 46
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