Salters Advanced Chemistry OCR GCE Chemistry B (Salters) For first teaching September 2008 (H035/H435) Aims of Salters Advanced Chemistry • Emphasis on the ways in which chemistry is used - and the work that chemists do. • Broadening the appeal of modern chemistry by showing how it relates to real lives. • Emphasis on the frontier areas of chemistry. • A wide range of teaching and learning activities. • Rigorous treatment of chemistry that will: - lay foundations for further study. - satisfy those who will study no further. Development of the course Central team at York Teachers’ & Technicians’ Guide support from York Student material Funding Salters Advanced Chemistry Course Specifications Heinemann (publishers) Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations (OCR) AS/A level examination support from OCR Author team • school teachers • university lecturers • industry experts • examiners How is the course different? • �Drip feeding’ of chemical ideas. • Chemical ideas are introduced on a �need to know’ basis. • Only enough chemistry is taught to facilitate understanding of the storyline at a particular point. • There is no need to cover large and difficult topics all in one go. • A topic may be visited several times throughout the course. How is the course different? �Drip feeding’ of chemical concepts Intermolecular bonding Teaching module Area covered Context Elements of Life Bond polarity What are we made of? Elements from the Sea Temporary and permanent dipoles Halogens and halogenoalkanes in the sea Polymer Revolution Hydrogen bonding Dissolving polymers The Oceans Hydrogen bonding water The role of the oceans in global temperature control Range of activities… • Laboratory experiments (open-ended, prescriptive). • Computer-linked work (modelling, word processing, spreadsheets). • Finding and using a range of resources. • Independent learning. • Preparing and giving a presentation. • Discussion in groups. • Data handling and analysis. • Model making. • Study skills. Activities Integrated resources Chemical Storylines Chemical Ideas Activities Chemical Storylines Assessment at AS Unit F331 Chemistry for Life Unit F332 Chemistry of Natural Resources Unit F333 Chemistry in Practice (internal assessment) Elements of Life Developing Fuels Elements from the Sea The Atmosphere Polymer Revolution Five practical skills 15% of A level 25% of A level 10% of A level Written paper 1 hr 15 min Written paper (one question on an �Advance Notice’ passage) 1 hr 45 min Internal assessment of skills using materials and mark schemes provided by OCR AS coursework • Coursework has been made more meaningful, with fewer �hoops’. • Assesses practical skills I-V. • Skills II-V are assessed by means of certain tasks marked against OCR mark schemes. • See Appendix B within the new specifications. Assessment at A2 Unit F334 Chemistry of Materials Unit F335 Chemistry by Design Unit F336 Chemistry Individual Investigation (internal assessment) What’s in a Medicine The Materials Revolution The Thread of Life Steel Story Agriculture and Industry Colour by Design The Oceans Medicines by Design Eight practical skills 15% of A level 20% of A level 15% of A level Written paper 1 hr 30 min Written paper 2 hrs Internal assessment of skills using generic guidance provided by OCR Individual Investigation • Candidates choose their subject. • Teacher advises. • Four week time period with 18 hours practical work. • Covering eight skill areas. • Internally assessed by teacher. • �Best fit’ assessment rather than hierarchical. • See Appendix B within the new specifications. The Salters Experience • Increased numbers of students choosing to study AS/A level chemistry at school. • Increased motivation of both students and teachers. • Low drop-out rates during the course. • Improved examination performance. • Increased numbers of students choosing to study chemistry or chemistry-related subjects in higher education. A level Chemistry candidates 1991-2006 A level Chemistry Candidates 1991-2006 8000 of candidates Number Number of Candidates 6000 4000 2000 0 year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 -2000 -4000 -6000 -8000 -10000 Year Year change in overall numbers of entrants change in number of SAC entrants Training • Series of one-day �Getting Started’ courses running from April-June 2008. Details available online at: hingin2008/chemistry_b_salters/ • Residential training courses run by the Salters project for teachers and technicians. Details available from: Sandra Wilmott Or online at: Support for Salters Centres Help from the University of York: • Telephone helpline. • Regular newsletter. • Training workshops for teachers and technicians. • Co-ordination of a network of local User Groups. • Teaching resources. • Website and online forum. Support for Salters Centres Help from OCR: • • • • Full range of INSET, including Examiner Feedback. Examination reports. Past question papers and mark schemes. Coursework guidance materials. Important websites Salters Teachers’ Forum (group name: SChem) Salters Technicians’ Forum (group name: Stech) For more information, contact: Chris Otter Salters Advanced Chemistry Project Department of Chemistry University of York York YO10 5DD, UK Tel: 01904 432601 Fax: 01904 432605 Email: Salters Advanced Chemistry website: Fully revised resources for OCR GCE Chemistry B (Salters) AS A2 AS & A2 Chemical Storylines: module opener… Chemical Storylines: other features… Chemical Ideas: revised single volume book covering both AS and A2… Includes new �Greener Industry’ chapter and an appendix on �Experimental Techniques’. Sections first needed at AS are indicated throughout the text and in the contents page. Interactive Presentations: for whole class teaching… Heinemann’s unique Resource Browser provides easy access to interactive resources - search by Chemical Storylines, Chemical Ideas or by Activity. Interactive Presentations: video clips… Interactive Presentations: animations… New animations have been developed to accompany the new �Greener Industry’ chapter. AS and A2 Support Packs: with editable CD-ROM… The Support Packs combine Activities & Assessment material and Teacher Support material in one resource. They comprise: Materials to help you plan and prepare… A map of each module outlines the location of relevant materials in each resource. Draft manuscript copy only Concept maps show how the major chemical ideas in each module develop during the course. Draft manuscript copy only Activities include teacher support… • AS and A2 Support Packs include a broad range of activities, with separate notes and answers. • Advance warning of any materials or equipment that may need ordering is provided for each module. Draft manuscript copy only Materials to help you assess student progress… • AS and A2 Support Packs provide answers to all the assignments in Chemical Storylines and problems in Chemical Ideas, so you can assess knowledge easily. • End of Module Tests comprise exam-style questions covering each learning outcome, so you can help students to prepare effectively. AS and A2 Revision Guides: revised from the current popular Revision Guides from Heinemann… • Concise coverage of the content required by the latest specifications. • Content organised into teaching modules within each exam unit to help with revision planning. • Bite-sized chunks of information to make it easier to organise revision time. • Tips on common pitfalls and advice on ways of tackling Salters exam questions. • Practice exam-style questions and answers for each module. • Quick check questions complete with answers so that students can check that they are on the right track. • An index to help students find what they want to revise. Publication dates and prices Student books Chemical Storylines AS £15.99 Spring 2008 Chemical Storylines A2 £15.99 Spring 2009 Chemical Ideas AS/A2 £22.99 Spring 2008 Teacher Resources Support Pack AS (Ring binder & editable CD-ROM) £125.00 + VAT Early Summer 2008 Support Pack A2 (Ring binder & editable CD-ROM) £125.00 + VAT Early Summer 2009 Interactive Presentations AS (CD-ROM) £295.00 + VAT Early Summer 2008 Interactive Presentations A2 (CD-ROM) £295.00 + VAT Early Summer 2009 Electronic Resources All prices are provisional until publication. Publication dates and prices (continued) Revision Guides Revise AS Chemistry for Salters £6.99 Autumn 2008 Revise A2 Chemistry for Salters £6.99 Summer 2009 £35.00 Early Summer 2008 Evaluation Pack Containing: • Chemical Storylines AS • Chemical Ideas • Sample content from Support Pack AS relating to �Elements of Life’ module All prices are provisional until publication. Purchasing the new resources Prospective purchasers interested in details of preferential deals should contact Heinemann’s Sales and Marketing team on: 01865 888080 What else is available? • An additional resource for teachers, technicians and students, managed by the University of York Science Education Group. • Links to the Heinemann marketing site, which offers the latest product information plus the opportunity to sign up for regular news eAlerts. A mapping grid will be made available on the websites above in Spring 2008, matching resource content (including the current 2nd edition Chemical Ideas as well as the new edition) to the new specifications. • Download the new specifications plus other support including specimen assessment materials, past papers and a Practical Skills Handbook.
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