Read more - Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Director of Education, Accreditation & Assessment shares
advances in Professional Development & Training
President's Farewell
ACHS Clinical Indicator
Council Election 2014-16
Level 13, 37 York St,
Sydney NSW 2000 Aust
Telephone: +61 2 9262 6044
Facsimile: +61 2 9262 1974
Please contact the Editor, Susan Buchanan
at if you have
some personal news you would like
published in the College News.
Royal Australasian College of Dental
Surgeons Incorporated
ABN 97 343 369 579
President’s Message
Fellowship (GDP) 12
CEO’s Message
Revised ADC Examination for OTD
What’s on at the College
Regional News
Report from the Censor-in-Chief
ACHS Clinical Indicator Program
Council Elections 2014/16 18
RACDS Academic Prize Winners
Staff Corner
Membership (GDP)
College Remembers
President’s message
Professional Development & Training 10
Seasons Greetings to all Fellows, Members,
Friends and Family of the College and wishing
everyone the very best for 2015 !
The College will be closed over the festive
break from 24 December 2014 and re-open
on 2 January 2015.
At the July 2014 Council strategic planning
day, with the engagement of an independent
professional facilitator, Council not only
affirmed its strategic priorities identified in 2013
which will continue as strategic imperatives for
2014 to 2016 but also identified a number of
key risks facing the College. In summary, the
major strategic imperatives and identified risks
His Excellency Lieutenant General The Right
Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae GNZM, QSO,
Governor-General of New Zealand.
Strategic Imperatives
Membership growth
International footprint
Foundation Donors
Broad and needed product offering
Thank you to the following Members and Fellows who made a donation to the RACDS Foundation
during 1 May – 30 September 2014:
S4 Brand and leadership-Patient outcomes/
Dr Nactarios ANDREWS
Prof Paul ABBOTT
Dr Alexandra BARRATT
Dr William BESLY
Dr Andrew BOCHENEK Dr Jeffrey BOOTH
Dr Suzanne BRENT
Dr Ernest CHAN
Dr Martin CHING
Dr Lai Hung CHONG Dr Lap Yan CHONG
Dr Anthony COLLETT Dr Catherine COLLINS
Dr Brian FIELD
Dr Graham HALL
A/Prof Andrew HEGGIE
Dr Andrew HOWE
Dr Albert LEUNG
Dr Siu Fai LEUNG
S5 Meet changing needs (currency of practice)
All rights reserved. No part of this work covered
by copyright may be reproduced or copied in
any form or any means (graphic, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
recording taping, or information and retrieval
systems) without the written permission of
the Editor.
The Royal Australasian College of Dental
Surgeons Inc., “the RACDS”, its officers, servants
or agents will have no liability in any way
arising from information or advice that is
contained in the College News.
The publication of statements, opinions,
advertisements or other materials in this
College News carries no representation by or
on behalf of the RACDS express or implied of
any belief in their truth or otherwise, in whole
or in part, unless an express statement to that
effect accompanies the item in question.
Issue 1 2015
Space reservation 9 January 2015 and deadline
for submission of material 23 January 2015.
Front cover photograph
Final Examination Workshop, Sydney, 2014
(Saudi Arabia)
Dr Chung Sing LO
Dr Hilton KATZ
Dr Ka-Hung KWAN Dr Vicky LAW
Dr Albert LEE
Dr Christopher MUIR
Dr Chi Hong NG
Dr Katherine NGU
Dr Stephen PAK
Dr Edward PEEL
Dr Leander RATHSAM Dr Teriko REX
Dr Marcus YAN
Dr Linda YEN
Dr Wendy YU
Dr Lena ZHU
IR7 Poor utilization of resources resulting from a lack of alignment in strategic intent
IR8 Failure to meet the accreditation standards of OMS leading to loss of accreditation and reputation of the College
Right people, right roles, right resources, efficient process and management and good corporate governance
RACDS – Brand known for Excellence
Engaged Members
Loss of relevance to our Members and Fellows resulting in loss of relevance of the College
IR2 Entry of multiple CPD providers leading to competition for the market
IR3 Failure to capitalize in the growth of the overseas markets leading to lost opportunities
Failure to attend to clinical trends in our CPD leading to a lack of relevance
Different culture of young dentists resulting in our offering not resonating with their needs
Failure to maintain proper process leading to too many successful appeals
IR10 The College has a low profile in regulatory eyes
Identified Risks
Third party providers dictating practice leading to poor patient outcomes
In essence, relevance of the College and its
product offerings to both members and the
profession sits high in the list of identified risks.
Addressing the significant risks challenging
the College will guide our strategic imperatives
in the direction towards sustainable College
growth. Beginning from this Council term,
strategic priorities of the Council are available
to members on the website and from now
on, all issue briefings will attach both strategic
imperatives and identified risks as part of the
considerations for all issues that are brought
to our meetings. It is also necessary to
communicate all these identified risks and
strategic intents to stakeholders of the College
such as all boards of studies, hence a face to
face meeting of members of all the Board of
Studies are being planned for February 2015 at
the time of the first Council meeting of the new
council term.
One of the strategic imperatives of this Council
term is to strengthen College education
activities. To this end, there are a number of
large scale scientific meetings available to
members and fellows over the next eighteen
months. The first Joint Collegiate Scientific
meeting to be held on 7-8 December jointly
organized by the College with the Dental
Colleges of Hong Kong and Singapore is
already open for registration. You can log onto
the College website for details of the scientific
and social programs.
The second meeting of the Presidents of the
three Colleges will be held during the time
of the scientific meeting to discuss further
collaborative initiatives between the Colleges
for the benefits of members and fellows.
A separate meeting is also being planned
between the representatives of the CDSHK and
RACDS in Special Needs Dentistry with a view
of future collaboration in this specialty between
the two Colleges.
Immediately following the scientific meeting
on the evening of Monday 8th December,
an induction ceremony for all Members and
Fellows in the Asia region who have not been
formally inducted to the College will take
place. Initially planned as a joint ceremony
with the CDSHK for the successful candidates
of the conjoint MGD/MRACDS examination in
Hong Kong, it has now been extended to all
members and fellows in the Asia region. It may
be your belated ceremony, but the recognition
of your academic achievement will never be
restrained by time. You should have all the
details of this induction ceremony by the time
you read this Newsletter or in fact you may
have already registered for this ceremony
The 50th anniversary celebration, under the
capable leadership of Dr. Peter Gregory, Dr.
Ian Sweeny, Dr Patrick Russo and Dr. David
Sykes, has already been confirmed as a
two-day celebration in Sydney, with a full day
scientific meeting on the 4th September jointly
organized by the NSW Regional Committee
and the College, followed by a Fellowship Day
and gala ball on the 5th. The latest updates and
details of both the scientific and fellowship day
programs will soon be available on the website.
Please mark the dates in your diaries. This is a
landmark celebration of the College not to be
Regional Committees are encouraged to
contact the College office or the Event
Manager, Ms Emma Slattery, directly for
assistance in planning your scientific meeting
and 50th Anniversary celebration.
The organisation of the 23rd Convocation
in Hobart from 30 March to 2 April 2016 is
underway, The organizing committees will
again strive for an exciting and stimulating
scientific program and some memorable
social functions for all participants.
As we are moving towards the end of the year
it is again the busiest months of examination
activities for the College. The number
of candidates registered for the Primary
Examination this year is among the highest
numbers if not a record. I wish everyone
success in their examinations and I would like
to take this opportunity to thank the Registrars,
examiners, observers and the education
team for their committed effort in running
all examinations at the highest professional
standard. Other examination activities will be
covered by the Registrars in their columns.
These documents will assist the Council
towards building the best examination
governance and forever forging the
highest standard in examination with a
fair, standardised, transparent and robust
examination process. All this ground work
is crucial to meet the growing examination
activities of the College and expectations of
our trainees and candidates. A big thanks to all
those who worked very hard in strengthening
the examination governance of the College.
As the education and examination activities
expand, there is a parallel increase in workload
on our Registrars and Assistant Registrars. In
addressing this, previous Council had resolved
to establish paid positions for Registrars and
Council is now at the final stages of refining the
Roles and Responsibilities of Registrars.
It has been a collective effort by the
Registrars, Assistant Registrars and the
whole examination team, Council is deeply
appreciative to all of them.
As the number of Members and Fellows grows
in a particular region, continuing professional
It is worth mentioning that a number of
development to members and preparing local
policies and guidelines
documents dental
and educationcandidates
to sit fortoCollege examinations will
body established
Handbooks detailing
all information
of various
best practitioners
supported by a group of enthusiastic
the knowledge
and skills ofbe
program pathways related to all College
local members.
examinations have been published.
Council has unreserved support for a group
of enthusiastic members of the College who
have a keen interest in setting up a regional
committee in Malaysia and preliminary
communication between members in
Malaysia, the CEO and myself has already been
This is my swan song Newsletter message
as President. It has been a challenging and
rewarding role for me: challenging especially at
the time of great flux of the College; rewarding
because it has been a privilege for me to work
with a talented and committed Council. I
sincerely thank my Council, Registrars, various
Board of Studies and the College staff for their
support in my role as President.
Summarizing my two years experience as
President in one sentence:
"The College is all about its members, deems
itself of its members and for its members and
it will only thrive through the engagement,
support and commitment by its members.”
Dr Francis Chau
We have a national event planned in September 2015 to celebrate our
history and acknowledge the future. Save these dates in your diary and
stay tuned for more details.
A Comprehensive Approach to Oral Health
Doltone House, Hyde
Park, Sydney
Sydney Harbour Sailing Regatta
Italian Food Safari - Haberfield
Archibald Exhibition/High Tea at
the Art Gallery of NSW
Bronte to Bondi Coastal Tour
Museum of Contemporary Art
Circular Quay, Sydney
Join us for a night of delicious
food, fine wines,
entertainment and dancing to
celebrate the College’s 50 year
history with a Gala Ball.
"Sydney Opera House with Tall Ship"
by Ben Aveling
Contact us 1800 688 339 | |
CEO’s message
This issue of College News brings into
focus the core business of the College that
is education, training, examination and
Continuing Professional Development and
the governance of those processes and
activities. The College portfolio comprises five
distinct education and examination programs
– Membership and Fellowship in General
Dental Practice, Membership and Fellowship
in Specialist Dental Practice and Fellowship in
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
One of the tasks given to me as incoming
CEO was to help ensure a suite of education
and examination activities that are valid,
reliable, standardised and fair for candidates
and trainees. This is no small ask and one
which organisations similar to this College
are grappling with every day across the
Australasian region. The medical Colleges
have had their education and examination
programs accredited by the Australian
Medical Council for the past ten or more
years. Universities are accredited by several
national agencies, including discipline
specific accreditation bodies. For Dental
Schools, the Australian Dental Council and
the Dental Council of New Zealand accredit
both undergraduate and specialist training
programs at universities.
At the RACDS, the Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery Training Program is accredited by
both the Medical and Dental Councils against
two sets of different but complementary
standards. That OMS has achieved and
maintains this accredited status is tribute
to the Board of Studies and the collective
focus on ensuring that the Standards are
considered across each aspect of the Training
Program and within their decision making
It is these two sets of standards (Accreditation
Standards: Education Programs for Dental
Specialists (The Australian Dental Council
and Dental Council of New Zealand) and
Accreditation Standards for Specialist Medical
Education and Continuing Professional
Development Programs (The Australian
Medical Council) that have helped to provide
a platform for quality improvement within
the Colleges’ Membership and Fellowship
programs in General and Specialist Dental
Working together, these two sets of
standards provide the RACDS with a quality
improvement framework across all aspects
of governance, learning, assessment
and CPD for the five programs. One
might well ask why bother as the College
qualifications, apart from FRACDS(OMS), are
not registrable. But it is not the outcome
so much as the process that needs to be
benchmarked against standards that are
accepted across the professional
education sector.
Next year will see the release by the
Australian Dental Council of a report on a
specialist competencies framework that has
been in development throughout 2014. Not
that I am privy to advanced knowledge, but
I predict that this will be a valuable reference
set as the Boards of Studies in Specialist
Dental Practice disciplines seek to define
the differences between Membership and
Fellowship in Specialist Dental Practice. The
Boards of Studies MRACDS and FRACDS
(GDP) have recently gone through the
definitions exercise and Council adopted this
at their November meeting.
In 2015 the College will celebrate its 50th
Anniversary which includes 50 years of
offering Fellowship to dentists throughout
Australia, New Zealand and the Asia region.
Not that raw numbers do any justice
to describing the achievements of an
organisation over such a long time, but in
those 50 years:
Membership has grown to 2,344 Members
and Fellows
230 are doubly qualified Members and
Fellows (usually a Membership in a
Specialist Dental practice discipline and a
Fellowship in General Dental practice)
2413 dentists have sat the primary exam
since its inception
There are 350 dentists actively enrolled in
some aspect of the College’s programs at
any given point in time.
Data and information on performance at
examinations has improved with the addition
of a dedicated database administrator on
staff. Aside from cleaning, mapping and
structuring data already in the database,
there has been a concerted effort to collect
and analyse data relating to the programs in
this past year. This focus on data has been
one of the commendations of the Australian
Medical Council in relation to the OMS Training
The reports from the Registrars, Chairs of
Boards of Studies and the Censor-in-Chief
in each edition of College News give a
good overview of the achievements and
performance in each stream of activity. What
they don’t tell is of the dedication to task and
process provided by each member of the
Board, Examiners, Assessors and the staff
who provide administrative and professional
educator support. I would like to thank
everyone who is part of an education process
within the College for their contribution
throughout 2014.
The contributions of Members, Fellows and
staff to developing and ensuring best practice
education and examination processes helps to
ensure that the College post nominals remain
highly valued and respected in the dental and
surgical communities in which our members
I would like to join with the President in wishing
all Members and Fellows the very best for the
approaching festive season and Happy New
Year for 2015.
Gary Disher
Chief Executive Officer
insert image here
For more information about courses, examinations and events,
please visit NEWS & EVENTS ON THE College website at WWW.RACDS.ORG
DR warren shnider
Education Board - June 2014
December 2014
February 2015
21 March
1 - 3 December
7 February
Primary Examination – Viva Voce
Venue: Sydney
MRACDS(GDP) Orientation Day
Venue: Sydney
New Zealand South Island Provincial Study Day
Lake Tekapo
6 December
15 February
CPD Masterclass – Medical Emergencies
Presenter: Dr Tristan Madden
Venue: Sydney
OMS Trainees final date for submission of
Logbook Summaries, Six-Monthly Formative
Assessment forms & Clinical Training
7 – 8 December
Collegiate Scientific Meeting
Venue: Hong Kong
January 2015
OMS Trainees final date to complete
registration requirements and payment
MRACDS (GDP) Viva Voce 1
22 March
CPD Case and Viva Preparation Session
Venue: New Zealand
27 February
Registrations Close – MRACDS(GDP) Viva Voce
5 January
Registrations Close – MRACDS (GDP)
Assessment Round 1
13 – 14 January
Final Examination FRACDS(GDP) – Written
Venue: Various
28 February
RACDS New Zealand Study Day
Venue: Wellington
March 2015
4 September
1 March
RACDS 50th Anniversary Celebrations - NSW
Regional Committee Scientific Day
Final Examination FRACDS(GDP) – Viva Voce
Venue: Sydney
Registrations Close – MRACDS(Orth)/MOrth
Conjoint Examination
Venue: Sydney
30 January
2 March
5 September
Registrations Close – OMS SST Examination
RACDS 50th Anniversary Celebrations Fellowship Day and Gala Ball
19 – 21 January
MRACDS Assessment Round 1 Commences
31 January
OMS Induction Day
Venue: Sydney
Venue: Sydney
The Education Board (EB) had a day-long faceto-face meeting in the College office in June.
Despite exhaustive preparation and dedication
by the Education team, the volume of work for
the Board to consider was not completed in
the time allotted so the EB had to reconvene
a week later by teleconference. The outcome
has been that both the General Dental Practice
and the Specialist Dental Practice Handbooks
have been completed and are available as a
free download for one and all from the College
ADC/DC(NZ) Framework of
MGD part II Exam (Hong Kong)
conjoint MRACDS(GDP)
In July I was invited to attend a meeting in
Wellington, New Zealand. This was one of a
series of meetings throughout Australasia
set up to establish a consultative process of
discussions to write a set of Competencies
for each of the recognised registrable
specialties in the two jurisdictions and to
expedite recognition and registration of dental
specialists pursuant to the Trans-Tasman
agreement. The College has a vested interest
in these processes as they will have direct
implications on the ease and availability of
accredited placements for OMS specialists-intraining. After the Wellington meeting I went
to the FRACDS Board of Studies face-to-face
meeting chaired by A/Prof Werner Bisch at the
College offices in Sydney.
In August I was invited with fellow examiners
Prof. David Manton, Dr Dimitra Mersinia and
Dr Michael Wyatt to assess candidates at the
inaugural Conjoint exam in Membership GDP,
Australian Dental Students Association
Following on from the FRACDS BoS meeting
I flew up to Griffith University on the Gold
Coast to attend the Australian Dental Students
Association Convention. The College was
invited to provide a lecture on our Membership
and Fellowship programs and I found the
audience to be very receptive to a wide variety
of our courses on offer.
Our host, Dr Haston Liu Wai Ming and his
Committee of General Dentistry and CDSHK
staff were very welcoming when we arrived
in Aberdeen near the examination centre. For
the next three days we navigated through the
tunnels and hills of Hong Kong to conduct
on-site examinations of the candidates in their
practices. On the final day we paired with local
examiners to conduct vivas on a number of
unseen cases.
This activity took a significant amount of
organisation and liaison from both College
offices and I would like to thank the staff from
both places for the effort they made to make
this activity proceed as smoothly as it did.
continued on next page...
More detail was provided on a somewhat
casual level (sand between the toes at beach
volleyball) by the Director of Education,
Assessment and Accreditation, Tindal Magnus,
to the delegates over the following days.
At the sign-off of the documents there was
a general round of applause by the Board
Members in recognition of the enormity of
this task and the elation that a tangible result is
now in place for you to use: I commend these
Handbooks for your use and encourage you
to read them and provide feedback to the
Education team for further improvement.
In addition to the Handbooks, there are a
number of policies that are in various stages of
development that principally revolve around
the examination processes; the selection
and conduct of examiners and the process
of mitigating circumstances and appeals
and considerations when an unsuccessful
examination result is obtained. These latter
considerations will be the focus of business at
the November EB meeting. More detail about
the nature and content of these policies can be
found in the Director of Education, Assessment
and Accreditation report.
Conjoint Examiners, CDSHK and RACDS, Aberdeen,
Hong Kong, August 2014
These sessions were presented mostly by
academics who have tirelessly examined
for the College over many years and once
again the feedback from participants was
uniformly positive. This year we are pleased to
welcome two new lecturers Prof Joan Faoagali
(Pathology) and Dr Munira Xaymarden
(Histology). Prof Faoagali will also examine in
the Primary examinations for the first time in
December this year.
continued from previous page...
Professionalism and Leadership
In October our College was invited to send
a representative to attend a workshop
conducted by the Royal Australian College of
Surgeons in Melbourne. The theme for the
activity was: How do we provide leadership
for and nurture professionalism, remembering
“the standard you walk past, is the standard
you accept”. The intended target audience
included leaders within the health sector
particularly surgery, anaesthesia, nursing,
hospitals and regulators. I noted with interest
that I was the only delegate from a dental
background. The Workshop Objectives
Analyse the breadth of elements within a definition of professionalism
Identify how it is taught and assessed
Identify values, ethics, and standards that
guide professionalism
Distinguish the values, ethics, and
standards which enable us to handle
unprofessional behaviour
Identify elements of professionalism in the
current health care environment
Differentiate between influences that
impact positively or negatively on
professionalism on a daily basis
Identify influences which contribute to
clinician’s disruptive behaviours
Summarise the key elements of
organisational change management
Choose one aspect of their work
environment which, if changed, could
improve professional behaviour
Devise a plan
Some of the ideas that were explored and
developed during the course of the day could
be adapted and incorporated into some of
our College programs. I would imagine that
a number of components fit nicely into the
law, ethics, risk management and practice
management modules of the MRACDS(GDP)
program. I was fortunate enough to meet
the Dean of Education at The RACS, A/Prof
Stephen Tobin, and he invited me to further
develop some collaborative elements in
education between our two Colleges.
Dr Warren Shnider
Examination Preparation Programs
The Final Examination Workshop was
once again a very successful event, and
feedback from participants was unanimously
positive. Held on the weekend 13-14 June at
the Education Block, Westmead Centre for
Oral Health, with 66 participants attending
including 7 from Malaysia, 5 from Singapore,
5 from Hong Kong and 1 from India. These
candidates were involved in a comprehensive
series of small group sessions and lectures
facilitated by seven of the Final Examiners.
Participants of the workshop particularly
relished the opportunity to present their
own cases, lead discussion about the
treatment they provided for their patients and
responding to stimulating questions from their
peers. We are grateful to Dr Geoffrey Borlase
who facilitated the workshop with terrific input
from examiners representing both the general
and elective sections, including Dr’s Geoff
Young, Karen Woodcock, Erin Mahoney, Paul
Beath, Suma Sukumar and Alex Jones.
Two lecturers from the University Sains
Malaysia accompanied their candidates in
participating in the workshop and will be able
to provide ongoing support to the Malaysian
candidates in preparation for the Final
examinations in 2015.
A total of six candidates sat, two
Membership and four Fellowship, in the
disciplines of Orthodontics, Endodontics
and Prosthodontics. Three of the six
were successful and are now eligible for
Membership or Fellowship.
Fellowship Examinations
Conjoint MRACDS/DClinDent
The success of the course is a result of the
quality of the presentations and also the hard
work of the College staff from the Education
Department including Tindal Magnus, Judy
Thomas-Meulman and Wendy Rahtz. Special
mention should also be made of the support
provided by three Fellows of the College who
acted as co-ordinators over the two week
period, they included Dr’s Lena Zhu, Shiv
Subramaniam and Dimitra Mersinia.
Web-based Education Program
a/PROF neil peppitt
The Web-based Education program is now
underway with 3 modules accessible to
candidates. The first module is intended
to help candidates examine their clinical
processes and understand the level at which
the Final Examination is set. The two clinical
modules have been designed to provide
candidates with opportunities to practice and
receive feedback on the process of working
through a patient case. I wish to express
my sincere thanks to Dr Geoff Borlase for
the efforts he has put into developing these
modules. At present we have 27 candidates
registered for the WBE program, with 16
candidates participating in the first module
and 18 in the second module.
We are currently in the midst of a busy time
of year for Specialist Dental Practice with the
annual College Examination period recently
concluded and the conjoint University
Examinations just commenced.
Membership and Fellowship
Examinations in Specialist Dental
The College Membership and Fellowship
Examinations in Specialist Dental Practice were
held this year on 11 August.
Conjoint MRACDS/DClinDent examinations
with Australian universities commenced in
September and will run through to the end
of November. This examination pathway
allows candidates completing a DClinDent
at a university holding a Memorandum of
Understanding with the College to sit their
final university examination as a conjoint
examination where a College-approved
examiner is present. If successful the candidate
is then able to gain both their postgraduate
degree and MRACDS in the relevant discipline.
In 2014 we have 14 conjoint candidates
across three universities in the disciplines of
Periodontics, Orthodontics, Endodontics and
Finally, also in November, we have the final
College Fellowship Examinations for the year
with one candidate in Oral Medicine and one
candidate in Dental Public Health (DPH). This
will be the first DPH Fellowship Examination
since the inaugural examination in 2011.
2015 is set to be a productive year for SDP
with a high level of interest in the Membership
and Fellowship examinations. A combined
Boards of Studies SDP meeting is planned for
February which will include process review,
and strategic planning for the year ahead.
Applications for Assessment of Eligibility and
Registration for the 2015 SDP Examinations will
open in January 2015 and will close on 1 April
2015 and 1 May 2015 respectively.
A/Professor Neil Peppitt
Registrar, SDP (Interim)
The universities holding conjoint examinations
currently are the University of Sydney,
the University of Western Australia and
the University of Queensland. Conjoint
examinations with James Cook University
were conducted earlier in the year.
November will additionally see the second
2014 diet of the conjoint MRACDS/M(Orth)
examination with the Royal College of
Surgeons, Edinburgh.
The Primary examinations will be held in
Sydney from 24 November through to 3
The Final Examinations will be held in mid
January 2015 with the written papers held
on 13 and 14 January, and the viva voce
examinations from 19-21 January.
A/Professor Liz Martin
Registrar, GDP
Admissions to Membership and
Fellowship 1 May 2014 to 30
September 2014
Primary Orientation Course
The Primary Orientation Course was held
at Moore Theological College from 30 June
through to 11 July. 129 potential Primary
Examination candidates attended the course
and benefitted from a series of stimulating and
clinically relevant sessions covering the basic
This diet is held in Adelaide and four
conjoint candidates will be sitting. Successful
candidates will gain Membership in
Orthodontics with both Colleges. The first diet
of the year is held in Edinburgh each June.
Ghada sOLiMAN (NsW)
Tsin Cheung TAi (Hong Kong)
Albert Tri TRAN (QLD)
shmuli Laib WeNiG (ViC)
Kaung Myat WiN (singapore)
Ching Ching YeW (Malaysia)
Alexander Michael BOBiNsKAs (ViC)
Andrew Hua-an CHeNG (sA)
Justin Graeme COLLuM (QLD)
Ankit GARG (TAs)
Peter Virgil RiCCiARDO (ViC)
aDmiSSionS to
Maria DAYCH (SA) anD
Li-Xuan KHOO (WA)
(WA)to Membership & Fellowship
1 January
to 30
April 2014
Dang Cao TRAN (NSW)
Nijamuddeen ABDuL LATiFF (singapore)
Mahmoud ABOueLeNeiN (NsW)
Luke ADseTT (New Zealand)
Xiaoli GAO
(Hong Kong)
Wessam Ahmed Fouad Abdulgha ATTeYA (ViC)
(Malaysia)(Hong Kong)
Chi Keung
Aditi BHiDe (ViC)
Matthew Angus Christopher CAMPBeLL (ViC)
Aida shafiza CHe'AZMi (Malaysia)
Adam Kyen CHeN (ViC)
Annie CHeN (Hong Kong)
Tahlia Maree COCKs (ViC)
Fathima Fazrina FAROOK (sri Lanka)
Ksenia FeDOROVA (ViC)
Franc HeNZe (WA)
Jae-Man Zhuzhong HONG (NsW)
Jaspreet KAuR (ViC)
Jennifer LAN (NsW)
Norjehan LATiB (Malaysia)
Ho Yin Horace LO (Hong Kong)
Wing Chi MAN (Hong Kong)
Nurlidiah MD GHAZALi (Malaysia)
Mazida Najwa MD ZiN (Malaysia)
Hazelina MuHAMMAD (Malaysia)
Deon NAiCKeR (sA)
Hitesh Anil NAVANi (ViC)
Jana NiKOLOVsKi (NsW)
Tahir Yusuf NOORANi (Malaysia)
Jodie Louise OLiVieR (NsW)
Manjeet PATiL (ViC)
Angeline Hiu Cheng LEE (Hong Kong)
Andrew David THOMSON (QLD)
Keith Leonard BOND (QLD)
shareif eLHOuFY (ACT)
William John GiBLiN (NsW)
Christopher HARDWiCKe (NsW)
Matthew Hiu Fai Kei (QLD)
Krishanti MAHADeVAN (ViC)
Alan MANN (sA)
Christopher Raman PATeL (QLD)
David G. POWeR (NsW)
Robert sALTMiRAs (QLD)
Wei Ling irene THONG (NsW)
Alia AL RAHBI (Oman)
Mohammed Ahmed Younis ALMUZIAN
(United Kingdom)
Farag Amar
Jae Won Jennifer LEE (New Zealand)
Norman Arthur FiRTH (New Zealand)
Jacinta Vu (WA)
Victoria BeCK (QLD)
Vandana KATYAL (NsW)
Devan NAiDu (QLD)
seong-seng TAN (ViC)
Cherry ZAW (sA)
Jad Nathan CLARKe (NsW)
Manikandan eKAMBARAM (Hong Kong)
Matthew steven FRACARO (QLD)
Vaishnavi Lekshmi GOPALAKRisHNAN (WA)
Jason Andrew MiCHAeL (NsW)
Diane su-Yin TAY (NsW)
Graham iain CARMiCHAeL (WA)
Bevan James CHONG (NsW)
Zoe POTRes (NsW)
If you have a young associate working in your
practice or you know a practitioner who would
benefit from, and be an asset to the College,
encourage them to contact Sheridan Ahearn
Senior Education Officer, Membership for
further information.
These were conducted centrally in Sydney on
19 July and 11 applicants have received training
positions to commence accredited training in
Final Examination
The Final Examination was held in August &
September 2014. The written papers were
held regionally and in NZ on 11-12 August 2014
and the Oral & Clinical Viva Voce Examination
was held at The Royal Brisbane & Women’s
Hospital on the 2-3 September 2014. The
Chair of the Final Examination Panel was Mr
Dylan Hyam, Canberra Hospital and Mr Ed
Hsu, Brisbane, was the co-ordinator for the
The Committees of the Board have been busy
in the past few months and teleconferences
of the Research Subcommittee, Education,
Examination and Accreditation Committee’s
have taken place. An electronic log-book is
under development in conjunction with the
RACS, the reading list has been revised and
the curriculum will be undergoing a review
over the upcoming year. A trainee bulletin was
released in July and a bulletin for the Trainers
& Supervisors of Training was distributed in
OMS Selection Process
The selection process for training involves
three components: assessment of the CV,
performance appraisals and an interview.
Representatives from the six Training Centres
and 3 independent members were involved in
the interview process.
Thirteen candidates presented and 11 were
successful and are congratulated:
Duncan Campbell
Joseph Gunn
Rakesh Jattan
Kofi Oteng-Boteng
Benjamin Rahmel
Felix Sim
Thasvir Singh
Leon Smith
Kim Tsao
Brent Woods
Bobby Yang
NSW/ACT Training Centre
The New South Wales & Australian Capital
Territory Training Centre accreditation visit
took place on 18 & 19 September 2014. The
Accreditation Team was comprised of Mr
James Worthington (Chair, Accreditation
Committee), Mr Matthew Hawthorne (Deputy
Chair) and Simon Janda (Senior Education
Officer, OMS).
Master Classes
Since the last edition of College News five
Master Classes have been held:
Final Examination OMS,
Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Sep 14
L to R Back Row: Dr’s Edu Hsu, Benjamin Erzetic, Chris Sealey,
Christopher Poon, Julia Dando (Assistant Registrar OMS),
Dimitrios Nikolarakos, Jason Erasmus
Front Row: Dr’s Dylan Hyam, Jocelyn Shand
Site visits to the Sydney and Newcastle
teaching hospitals were undertaken and
by teleconference with the Canberra unit.
The Accreditation Report is currently being
OMS Training Program Peer Review
Professor Mark Wong, University of Texas,
undertook an external peer review of the OMS
Training Program and the final report has
been submitted to the Dental Council of New
Zealand for their review.
Regional Surgical Committees
The Regional Surgical Committees (RSC)
formerly functioned under the auspices of
the Board but several years ago they were
changed to �advisory bodies’. The RSC’s were
last part of the Board committees in 2009.
Revised Terms of Reference have been drafted
and guidelines regarding the functioning of
the RSC’s that were in the previous versions
of the Handbook have been amended. The
College Council at its July meeting approved
the designation of the RSC’s as Committee of
the BoS-OMS, and the RSC’s will report to the
Board of Studies – OMS.
Keeping Trainee on Track
The �Keeping Trainee on Track’ (KTOT) course
was held during the ANZAOMS conference
in Auckland on 18 October 2014 and was
attended by a number of consultants involved
in training from Australia & New Zealand. The
KTOT workshop is one of the professional
development courses of the Royal Australasian
College of Surgeons.
The first meeting of the BoS - OMS in 2015
will take place on Friday 30 January and
the Induction Day for trainees commencing
training will be held on Saturday 31 January in
Selection Interview Panel, July 2014, Sydney
L to R Back Row: Dr's Richard Harris, Nathan Vujcich, Paul Sillifant
Front Row: Benjamin Erzetic, Anthony Crombie, Don Swinbourne (independent member)
Dr Jocelyn Shand
Chair, BoS - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
dr patrick russo
The popularity and success of this program
continues and was made evident again by the
high numbers of candidates presenting for
Assessment Round 2, 2014. Our examiners
saw 39 assessments for the core modules, and
8 case reports in the elective modules during
this round. In addition, the second viva voce
for the year was held on the 26 July 2014 with
three successful candidates. The viva voce
represents the final hurdle in the program after
all short answer questions in the core modules,
and case reports in the elective modules are
completed. We can therefore congratulate and
welcome our three new Members in General
Dental Practice; Drs Judit Szito, Bernard Zayour
and Genevieve Khoo.
One of the standout attractions of MRACDS
(GDP) is the Mentor program led by Dr Warren
Shnider. While candidates may use their
mentors to varying extents, all agree they
are an invaluable aid in progression through
the program. It has been encouraging to see
the succession of various individuals from
candidate to Member to mentor. These people
bring the experience of having completed the
program to the role. But I would encourage
all Fellows and Members to consider bringing
their own knowledge and experience to aid
candidates. Not an arduous task and one that
brings enormous personal satisfaction.
Orientation Day 2015
Enrolments are now open for the 2015 intake
of candidates. Orientation Day for the intake
will be on 7 February 2015 at the College office.
Our data shows that one of the best sources
of quality candidates for our programs are
existing Fellows and Members.
Pain and Therapeutics – Presented by Dr
Russell Vickers
Practice Management, Law Ethics and Risk
Management – Presented by Dr John Dale,
Ms Marianne Nicolle, Mr Don Grant, and Dr
Stephen Harlamb
Infection Control – Presented by Prof Laurie
MRACDS Case and Viva Prep – Presented
by Prof Ian Meyers
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning –
Presented by Dr Dimitra Mersinia
The last class for the year will be held on
6 December 2014 on Medical Emergencies by
Dr Tristan Madden
Thanks to the presenters who provide not
only essential information for our candidates
but also high level CPD for all Fellows and
Conjoint Examination MGD Hong Kong
The MGD/MRACDS conjoint viva voce
examination was conducted on the 18 – 22
August 2014 in Hong Kong. RACDS conducts
this examination in conjunction with the MGD
of the Hong Kong Dental Council.
39 candidates registered for the opportunity
with 19 candidates emerging successful. These
practitioners are now eligible to be admitted to
Membership. We extend our congratulations
Dr Kin Wai CHU
Dr Man Hin Michael FAN
Dr Kok Chu FUNG
Dr Ping Lit HO
Dr Kam Yui Joesph LAM
Dr Yue Hin LAM
Dr Kar Ling LAU
Dr Ching Kong LAW
Dr Ka Man LI
Dr Wing Kit Kenneth LI
Dr King Tung NG
Dr Wang Kwong Calvin SO
Dr Shu Yi TONG
Dr Sung Chi Cissy TSANG
Dr Ka Ying YUNG
Dr Ka Ho LIU
Dr Tsz Fai CHOW
Dr See King Arthur SHAM
Dr Wai Chau YIP
Finally, thanks to the members of the Board of
Studies MRACDS(GDP), Prof Ian Meyers and his
examiners, the College Office Education team
and all the mentors. It is largely due to their
expertise and generosity that the MRACDS
is quickly gaining a reputation as one of the
best, clinically relevant programs of its type for
Dr Patrick Russo
Chair - Board of Studies, MRACDS(GDP)
Its not what you give but what you share
P +61 2 92626044 E W
circumstances under which special
consideration may be given in relation to
assessments and examinations, as well the
process for application for special consideration
insert image here
Reconsideration, Review and Appeals Policy:
To provide clear direction on the process
for handling requests for marks awarded for
examinations or assessments
Advances in Professional
Development & Training
Tindal Magnus shares the College's advancements in professional development and training
At its heart, the business of the Royal
Australasian College of Dental Surgeons is
education and examination. Each and every
historical phase of the College has been driven
by the ethos of senior dentists and surgical
specialists imparting knowledge and skills to
other practitioners in order to set, assess and
maintain high standards of practice throughout
the profession. This ethos continues to
motivate every transaction within the walls of
the College. Our candidate and membership
numbers show that the desire to learn and
teach within the profession has never been
more important than it is today.
Building on the firm foundations laid previously
by Members and staff, 2014 has seen the
addition of new staff with a variety of strong
education backgrounds resulting in an
Education Team ready to help the College
to move into a new era in the provision of
professional development and training.
Our candidate
and membership
numbers show that
the desire to learn
and teach within
the profession has
never been more
important than it is
Following on from the Council’s new Strategic
Plan (2014-2017) for the College, the Education
Team have created a work plan that recognises
the important education role that the College
undertakes and therefore invests resources,
governance focus and more member time
than ever into building best-practice programs
and facilitating candidate support.
It is my great pleasure to introduce you to the
many new initiatives the Education Team has
been working on over the past year and to
provide a forecast of what is to come. First of
all is the opening of the Centre for Learning,
Education and Research within the College’s
Sydney office. Usually known as the Education
Centre, this collaborative space for all members
has state-of-the-art technology for visual and
audio conferencing and recording, configurable
desks and a concertina door room divider to
allow for smaller groups. So far the Centre
has lived up to its name with six CPD Master
classes and Workshops run by esteemed
professionals in their areas of expertise. For
information on upcoming CPD events please
visit the College website to view the College
With the need to ensure best practice
education and examinations, the College’s Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery Training Program
is accredited by both the Dental and Medical
Councils of Australia and New Zealand. This
accreditation process is extremely time
and resource intensive as the standards are
robust. Accreditation enables graduates of the
program to be registered as medical specialists.
It is a great acknowledgement of all of the hard
work of the Board of Studies and the education
staff that the recently received feedback from
the Australian Medical Council’s (AMC) 2014
Progress Report is very positive towards the
Program. The AMC response has commended
the College for making significant change to its
approach with regard to communications and
data collection and analysis over the past year.
An essential piece of work currently being
prioritised is the establishment of definitions
of Membership and Fellowship of the RACDS
in General Dental Practice. This has been an
extended but vital journey, not only to assist
the public and the professional health arena in
understanding what it means to be an RACDS
Member or Fellow, but also to provide a basis
on which to structure and calibrate all our
assessment and education processes. The
final definitions are currently being considered
by our Boards and Council before wider
distribution and publication to our membership
for information.
The foundation of all best practice education
and governance is a clearly documented and
published policy. Over the last year a large
number of new policies have been developed
and many others revised. Some of these are
specific to each program but many are relevant
across the College. These policies help guide
not only current and potential candidates but
also examiners, staff and members as we work
towards ensuring transparent, consistent and
fair processes across all our education and
examination areas.
Cross College Policies
Refund Policy: To provide clear direction on
the issuing of refunds for College enrolment,
courses and examinations
RACDS Examiner Observer Policy: To provide
clear direction on the selection, role, purpose
and conduct of College examination observers
Request for Special Consideration in
Assessment Policy: To prescribe the
Program Specific Policies
RACDS Primary Examination Marking and
Format Policy: To prescribe the process
followed by the RACDS in setting and marking
the Primary Examination in General Dental
RACDS Final Examination Marking and Format
Policy: To prescribe the process followed by
the RACDS in setting and marking the Final
Examination in General Dental Practice
MRACDS(GDP) Completion Date Extension
Policy: To provide clear direction on the
application process and criteria for candidates
seeking an extension to their completion date
or scheduled program end date
MRACDS(GDP) Assessment Policy: To
prescribe the process of submission and
marking of MRACDS assessments
OMS SST Examination Marking and Format
Policy: To prescribe the process followed by the
RACDS in setting and marking the OMS SST
OMS Final Examination Marking and Format
Policy: To prescribe the process followed by the
RACDS in setting and marking the OMS Final
The development of new policies at RACDS is
increasingly supported by statistical analysis
and reporting. The Education Team now
have available data, trackers and statistics on
candidature and outcomes for the full 46-year
span of the Primary and Final Examinations
in General Dental Practice and for the seven
years of the MRACDS(GDP) Program. The
journey of every candidate in undertaking
Membership and/or Fellowship is now tracked
and can inform us on trends, problems and
areas for further revision or expansion. Data
collation and statistical analysis is currently still
underway for the Specialist Dental Practice
The Education Team looks forward to
launching the Examiner Development
Handbook in 2015.
In OMS, this year has seen our inaugural
involvement in the national Medical Training
Review Panel (MTRP), a Federal Government
body that tracks and publishes trainee related
data from every medical training program
and feeds into government funding programs,
local workforce projections and Health
Workforce Australia.
Over the past six months we have developed
and published information sheets and
application forms for Members and Fellows
wishing to become involved with the College
as an examiner in GDP. There has been
much interest in these opportunities and we
are currently in the process of producing an
Examiner Development Handbook which will
guide new and update current, examiners.
This guide will cover College policy and
process, advice on up-to-date education
practice and provide training in key skills such
as psychometrics, exam blueprinting, mapping
of exam questions to learning outcomes and
calibration of assessment against Membership
and Fellowship definitions.
Finally, in early 2015 we will also see the
second combined meeting of the Boards
of Studies in Specialist Dental Practice. This
will be a large face-to-face meeting of eight
Boards with the aim of:
Developing standard definitions for
Membership and Fellowship in the
specialist disciplines
Calibrating assessment at Membership
and Fellowship levels across specialist
Undertaking strategic planning for the
specialist disciplines
The RACDS Education Team is enjoying the
opportunities and challenges of introducing
new policies and processes while retaining
the all-important traditions of the organisation.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to
all the Members and Fellows who are patiently
mentoring and advising us through this
process. If you have any ideas or feedback
for us, we would be very pleased to hear it.
Never hesitate to email or pick up the phone
– or +61 (02) 9262 6044.
Tindal Magnus
Director, Education Assessment &
OMS Trainees Requiring Assistance Policy:
This document is designed to assist in the
identification, support and management of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) Trainees
Requiring Assistance (TRA)
Overseas Trained Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgeon Specialist Assessment Policy: To
clearly define the process for assessment
of Overseas Trained Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgeons (OTOMS) seeking the right to
practice in Australia according to the directions
of the Board of Studies OMS and taking into
account the relationship between the College,
the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and the
Australian Dental Council (ADC).
Projekt1_Layout 1 06.06.14 13:30 Seite 1
This has continued during this foundation term
of the Board and I wish to acknowledge the
expertise and dedication of the Registrars and
Examiners for the maintenance of the quality
and reputation of the examinations.
The area of main focus of the Board during
this first term has been the contribution to the
educational and examination framework as
it relates to the Fellowship examination, both
Primary and Final examinations, in General
Dental Practice. Board members were key
contributors to the Education Workshop
during Convocation in the Gold Coast,
A/Prof werner bischof
We are about to complete the first term of
the Board of Studies FRACDS. Over the past
two years there has been a considerable
amount of activity of the Board. The Board
has broad responsibility for the governance
of the examination process, and supporting
educational programs, for the Primary
examination and the Final examination leading
to the Fellowship in General Dental Practice.
These are not new examinations and are
indeed the foundation examinations for the
College. The management and oversight
of the examinations, and the educational
programs, have been the responsibility of
the Registrar and Assistant Registrar General
Dental Practice and the examiners in both
examination streams.
In July this year the Board members met at
the College Office to discuss a number of the
elements of College educational framework as
it relates the General Dental Practice. Dr Patrick
Russo, Chair of the Board of Studies MRACDS
also attended the meeting. This allowed for
the consideration of common issues that span
both the areas of Membership and Fellowship
in General Dental Practice. These issues
included the assessment procedures and the
examination expectations for both College
Honorary Membership
American Academy of
Currently serving as professor and director
of the Colgate Australian Clinical Dental
Research Centre at the University of Adelaide,
Dr Bartold is a member of the Order of
Australia, Chair of the Board of the Australian
Periodontology Research Foundation, and
past president of organizations including
the ANZ Division of the IADR, the Asian
Pacific Society of Periodontology and the
IADR Periodontal Research Group. He also
served on the RACDS Board of Studies for
Periodontics, contributing widely to the
Division of Periodonics Program.
In concluding this report I wish to thank the
Board members for their contribution, in
time and expertise, as well as their dedication
in governance of the examinations and
educational programs in General Dental
Practice; - Dr. Hugh Trengrove (Deputy Chair),
A/Prof Liz Martin (Registrar GDP) Dr. Catherine
Prineas (Assistant Registrar GDP), Prof Marc
Tennant, Dr. Paul Beath, Dr. Geoff Borlase,
Dr. Dimitra Mersinia, and, Dr. Warren Shnider
Chair - Board of Studies, FRACDS
The Board has been central in progressing the
discussion of the attributes and expectations
of candidates successfully completing
Fellowship in General Dental Practice.
Dr Bartold has a PhD in Oral Biology and
a BDS and DDSc from the University of
Adelaide, where he still teaches.
Dr Peter Mark Bartold was awarded Honorary
Membership in the American Academy of
Periodontology for his outstanding contributions
to the worldwide study and practice of
periodontics. With a highly decorated career
in periodontal research, education, and
administration, he is most deserving of honorary
membership in the Academy.
The Board has been supported in its various
projects by the College staff and in particular
the Director of Education, Assessment
and Accreditation, Tindal Magnus, and
Wendy Rahtz, the Senior Education Officer
– Fellowship. I would like to extend the
appreciation of the Board members for their
expertise and diligence.
Dental Tribune International
The World’s Largest News and
Educational Network in Dentistry
A/Prof Werner Bischof
As a result the Board, through the direction of
the College’s Education Board, has contributed
to the development of the Handbook in
General Dental Practice and the exam format
and marking policy.
Dr Peter
Honorary membership is awarded to
individuals who have made outstanding
contributions to the art and science of
A Definitions Document of Membership and
Fellowship will assist the College membership,
candidates, the broader profession and
community to better understand the
professional, clinical and academic standards
of a Fellow in General Dental Practice.
He has also served on over 20 editorial
boards for various publications.
A devoted educator throughout his career, Dr
Bartold has mentored over 50 postgraduate
and doctoral candidates on research projects,
theses, and dissertations – many of whom
have also received awards for their work. He
has also been invited to present on various
topics throughout the world, delivering 197
lectures in 27 countries.
The College congratulates Dr Bartold on
his honorary membership of the AAP and
outstanding career.
An accomplished researcher, Dr Bartold
has published over 200 scientific articles,
co-edited seven textbooks, and holds four
patents arising from his prolific research.
aetiology, investigations, diagnosis, prevention,
treatment, outcomes, complications and social
context). The blueprint is based on the ADC
Professional Attributes and Competencies of
the Newly Qualified Dentist.
Under the provisions of the Health
Practitioner Regulation National
Law Act 2009 the Dental Board
of Australia (DBA) appointed the
Australian Dental Council (ADC)
to perform the accreditation
functions for the dental
One of the accreditation functions is the
assessment of the knowledge, judgement,
clinical skills and professional attributes of
overseas trained dental practitioners who are
seeking registration with the DBA to practise
in Australia.
Candidates undergo an assessment of
professional qualifications and transcripts,
relevant work experience, registration history,
good standing and other matters to establish
eligibility to proceed with the examinations.
This consists of a Written Examination and
a Practical Examination. In 2014, the ADC
implemented a revised examination process,
following extensive consultation and review of
the former examination.
A total of 513 candidates sat the 6-7 March
2014 Written Examination, with approximately
30% passing.
Practical Examination
The Practical Examination was held from 27-29
June 2014, with 189 candidates sitting across
four locations – James Cook University (Cairns),
Griffith University (Gold Coast), Westmead
Centre for Oral Health (Sydney) and the Oral
Health Centre of Western Australia (Perth).
The Practical Examination required candidates
to complete 12 tasks over the two days of the
examination. These tasks were:
Communication role play
Gold crown preparation
Porcelain fused to metal crown preparation
Analgam preparation
Amalgam restoration
Composite restoration - anterior tooth
Composite restorations - posterior tooth
Rubber dam application
Endodontic access of a molar
Provisional crown
Each task was marked by a pair of examiners,
using established assessment rubrics and
using benchmarked models. The assessment
of all 189 tasks together allowed for a greater
degree of standardisation and objectivity in
the assessment process. Each task was graded
from A to D, and in order to pass, candidates
were required to have 9 or more A/B grades
and no more than 1 D grade, or 8 or more A/B
grades and no D grades. Overall, less than 20%
of candidates successfully passed the Practical
The ADC is satisfied with the implementation
of the new examination process, which has
delivered a more consistent and objective
assessment of knowledge, clinical judgement
and clinical skills for overseas trained dentists.
Feedback from examiners and candidates
was actively sought by the ADC and was
very positive regarding the new assessment
Information about the ADC role in the
assessment of other oral health practitioners
will feature in future issues.
Fellows and Members of the RACDS and
students and staff of the Faculty of Dentistry
were invited to join the lecture.
After the lecture, the audience raised
questions and shared their viewpoints; all
enjoyed the wonderful evening.
The Hong Kong International Dental Expo
and Symposium, organized by the Hong
Kong Dental Association, was held on 22-24
August 2014 at the Hong Kong Convention
and Exhibition Centre. A three-day trade
exhibition was running concurrently with the
scientific programme. A booth was offered
by the Hong Kong Dental Association to
the Royal Australasian College of Dental
Surgeons. Members of the Asia Regional
Committee took this great opportunity
to promote and introduce the RACDS to
the participants, including the Hong Kong
dentists and dental professionals from
different countries in Asia. As well as a
college banner and marketing material
being displayed in the booth, small College
souvenirs were provided to attract the
interested participants.
Candidates were also assessed on Infection
Control throughout the two days of the
The Rubber Dam and Communication tasks
were assessed onsite at each venue by two
examiners. The remaining tasks were sent to
the ADC office in Melbourne for assessment.
Prof Marc Tennant Lecture, October 2014
L to R: Dr Albert Lee, Dr S F Leung. Prof Edward Lo,
Prof Marc Tennant, Dr Francis Chau, Dr C K Lee, Dr
Jerome Yu, Dr Frankie So
Fifty Fellows and Members enjoyed a night
of collegiate socialising at the recent NSW
Regional Committee annual dinner held at Aria
Restaurant in Sydney. The wonderful views of
the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House
were matched by the amazing degustation
menu. The Committee were fortunate to
have Dr Ron Georgiou attend as their special
guest. Dr Georgiou is one of only 289 people
worldwide who is a Master of Wine; the wines
he selected for the evening were varied and
outstanding. He has designed cellars all over
the world including the only underwater cellar
at the Conrad in the Maldives!
Hong Kong International Dental Expo, August 2014
L to R: Dr C K Lee, Dr S F Leung & Dr Albert Lee
setting up the RACDS booth
During his trip to Hong Kong, Winthrop
Professor Marc Tennant from The University
of Western Australia kindly offered to deliver a
lecture for the local Fellows and Members of
the RACDS.
On the evening of 10 October 2014 at the
Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Prof Tennant
presented his 2-hour lecture titled "Disruptive
Innovation in Service Approaches: 15 years
of experiences in addressing public dental
health in Australia”.
With the help of Emma Slattery, RACDS Event
Manager we have organised speakers from
across the specialities to converge on Tekapo
on Saturday 21 March 2015. We have a number
of specialists giving their time and energy for
free to come and speak to a maximum of 25
rural dentists. Tekapo is a beautiful setting
and we hope this will be the first of many such
initiatives that is supported by the college.
On 29 September 2014 we had the pleasure of
speaking to the final year dental students at the
University of Otago on behalf of the college.
We were lucky enough to also have pastPresident Professor Bernadette Drummond
and past-Councillor and organiser of the event,
Ms Suzanne Hanlin in attendance. Other
than the wine and food the students enjoyed
learning about the college and what we offer in
their future.
Dr Gerard Condon (DBA) observing the
assessment process
Written Examination
The Written Examination for dentists consists
of four papers of two hours duration, each
with 80 multiple choice questions, usually
scenario based. The papers broadly follow
a blueprint to ensure a spread of questions
from a range of disciplines (i.e. endodontics,
prosthodontics, cariology, restorative dentistry,
oral medicine and pathology, paediatric
dentistry, periodontology, oral surgery,
radiology, infection control, pharmacology and
therapeutics) and domains (i.e. basic science,
It has been a busy time for the New Zealand
Regional Committee working behind the
scenes getting organised for two big events
next year. The 3rd annual study day will be
held in Wellington at the Amora Hotel on
Saturday 28 February 2015 with a 50 year
celebratory dinner the night before. The study
day is always informative and enjoyed by our
Fellows and we hope to be having a drink
with our first New Zealand candidates to have
successfully completed the MRACDS.
Final year dental students at the information evening
at the University of Otago
Dr Robin Whyman has stepped down as
Councillor representing the New Zealand
region and the Regional Committee and all
New Zealand Fellows, Members and candidates
thank him for his commitment to the college
and the New Zealand interests within it.
Happy Holidays from the New Zealand
Regional Committee.
The second event has evolved from an
initiative from the last study day which is to
support rural dentists in New Zealand.
Examiners marking the models
If you can't measure it, you can't
manage it
RACDS Fellow, Professor Marc Tennant and CEO, Gary Disher discuss the Clinical Indicator Program
of the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards
In September the Australian
Council on Healthcare Standards
(ACHS) released the 15th edition
of its Australasian Clinical
Indicator report (2006 – 2013). The
RACDS has been a participating
organisation in the annual analysis
of Oral Health indicators and is
currently represented by Dr Chris
The results for Oral Health in the 2013
Clinical Indicators (CI) report represent only
two years of observation as there was a
significant revision of the current version of
the Indicators, undertaken in 2012. However it
is seen as encouraging that most results are
fundamentally the same as in past years.
Public sector Health Care Organisations (HCOs)
are almost exclusively the main contributors
and primary users of the Oral Health Indicators.
Up to 13 such HCOs contributed to the 2013
collection, some of which represent an
aggregate of a large number of individual
public dental clinics; 2 dental services and 2
local health districts represent into 4 single
organisations. Overall there are over100 dental
clinics contributing to the data collection.
These sorts of indicator programs support
health service accreditation which is becoming
a more prominent factor in modern advanced
health systems.
In the Oral Health set, there are ten individual
clinical indicators in four distinct groups. The
results for Australian Oral Health providers
against each Indicator are reproduced here.
Twelve of the 13 HCOs submitting data to
the Indicator program are public oral health
service provider organisations. As such they
tend to provide dental care to only the most
disadvantaged groups in the Australian
Unplanned returns to the dental centre
CI 1.1 Restorative treatment – teeth
retreated within six months
CI 1.2 Routine extraction –
complications within seven days
CI 1.3 Surgical extraction complications within seven days
In 2013, there were 110,573 teeth restored reported by
12 HCOs, at an annual rate of 5.5 per 100 teeth restored.
The potential gains totalled 1,959 fewer teeth retreated
within 6 months.
In 2013 there were 47,409 attendances reported by 12
HCOs for tooth extraction, at an annual rate of 1.6 per
100 attendances for simple extractions. The potential
gains totalled 300 fewer attendances for complications
within 7 days.
In 2013 there were 3,766 attendances reported by 8
HCOs, for surgical extractions at an annual rate of 1.8
per 100 attendances for surgical extraction.
CI 1.4 Denture remakes
In 2013 there were 7,568 dentures reported by 13 HCOs,
at an annual rate of 2.6 per 100 dentures. The fitting
rate improved from 3.0 to 2.4, a change of 0.58 per 100
Endodontic treatment
CI 2.1 Endodontic treatment – same
tooth within six months of initial
In 2013 there were 3,445 treatments reported by six
HCOs. The annual rate was 49.1 per 100 treatments. The
potential gains totalled 548 more completed courses of
endodontic treatments.
CI 2.2 Endodontic treatment – teeth
extracted within 12 months
In 2013 there were 6,723 teeth reported from 9 HCOs
at an annual rate of 5.5 per 100 teeth. The potential
gains totalled 142 fewer extractions, corresponding to a
reduction by approximately one-third.
It must be understood that Indicator results are
influenced by the context of the care provided.
Therefore these dental clients present with
poorer general health and oral health, and
often with more complex needs.
Data from one sector of the profession should
not be directly compared with another. The
core essence of Indicators is about the
cycle of quality improvement within a clinic/
In the case of these HCOs most of the reported
data are sustained at very low and clinically
acceptable levels, except for CI 2.1 (Endodontic
treatment – same tooth within six months of
initial treatment) which at about half (49/100)
still demonstrates substantial potential for
improvement for this single Indicator.
Whilst benchmarking and peer comparisons
are valuable, the most important use of
Indicators is for continuous improvement.
Healthcare organisations strive for continuous
improvement and compare themselves against
their previous results over time.
Whether your healthcare organisation is a one
or two person practice or a larger multi-clinic
operation, continuous improvement of the
healthcare services provided should be at the
centre of good practice.
Continuous improvement and closing the
quality loop through evidence based measures
should not just be the domain of our public
sector organisations.
Many dentists see that an oral health clinical
indicator program is clearly something that
private practices would benefit from as well
as public sector services. However, only a
small percentage of HCOs and other practices
participate. In real terms, far more risk sits in
small isolated clinics than in large scale highly
regulated government health services. But the
key is if you want to see/acknowledge the risk.
These national Clinical Indicators may not be
the best for individual circumstances, but they
are a good place to start. Certainly the ability
of practices (or groups of practitioners) to
consider what indicators of quality are best for
them and to tailor this approach is useful to
think about.
Collecting data and its analysis on this small
group of ten indicators is not out of the
question for most dentists. If your practice is
accredited with the ACHS then participation is
free and many resources are made available to
assist you.
If this type of continuous improvement activity
is of interest to you, we would be happy to
facilitate a group of Members and Fellows
who would like to develop the concept. With
advice from the ACHS, we would be able to
tailor indicators to different types of practice –
general or specialist, and ensure that this is a
non-confrontational way to understand the use
of data to drive improvements. Register your
interest with the CEO at
For a copy of the ACHS Australasian Clinical
Indicator report please visit
Marc Tennant
Gary Disher
Chief Executive Officer
Editor’s Note: As Marc and Gary have indicated
Clinical Indicators are a very good way of
driving improvement in health practice. With
the implementation of practice accreditation
and compliance with National Safety and
Quality Health Service Standards, Members
and Fellows of the College should lead the
way and turn the process into one of quality
improvement and not just compliance.
Children’s dental care
CI 3.1 Restorative treatment (children)
– teeth retreated within six months
CI 3.2 Pulpotomy (children) –
deciduous teeth extracted within six
CI 3.3 Fissure sealant treatment
(children) – retreatment within 24
In 2013 there were 42,985 teeth reported from
five HCOs, at an annual rate of 2.7 per 100 teeth.
The potential gains totalled 706 fewer treatments
corresponding to a reduction by approximately onehalf.
In 2013 there were 2,298 teeth reported from five HCOs,
at an annual rate of 3.7 per 100 teeth. The potential
gains totalled 65 fewer extractions, corresponding to a
reduction of approximately three-quarters.
In 2013 there were 83,498 teeth reported from six
HCOs, at an annualised rate of 2.6 per 100 teeth.
The potential gains totalled 156 fewer treatments,
corresponding to a reduction of approximately one
CI 4.1 Radiographs (bitewing) that
meet all eight criteria
123 bite-wing radiographs reported from two HCOs, at
an annual rate of 67.7 per 100 bite-wing radiographs.
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stUdy day
Velanni Martins, DDS
3rd year student
Melbourne Dental
On 19 July 2014 MRACDS (GDP) candidates
were invited to attend a study day organized
by the RACDS Victorian and Tasmanian
Regional Committee at the Australian Dental
Association Victorian Branch.
The case presentations stimulated active
discussion on clinical examination, diagnosis,
treatment planning and patient management.
Candidates also received constructive
feedback on radiographic technique and
clinical photography.
Candidates participated in mock viva voce
examinations and were presented with patient
cases and prompted by corresponding
clinical images and/or radiographs. Given
the information, candidates were expected
to elaborate on the presenting complaint,
propose additional diagnostic investigations,
formulate differential diagnoses and formulate
treatment options.
The candidates received guidance from
mentors on how to approach and work
through the cases in a systematic and
comprehensive manner. The informal and
intimate setting allowed candidates to share
their ideas on subject matter, receive tailored
and immediate feedback on their work and
problem solve cases together with other
Miss Velanni Martins
Candidates commenced the session by
presenting case reports with a focus on one
of six elective modules including Endodontics,
Periodontics, Dentoalveolar Surgery, Operative
Dentistry, Combined Oral Medicine, Oral
Pathology and Special Needs Dentistry
and, Combined Paediatric Dentistry and
Dr Peter Barnard, Dr Kenneth Wendon, and
Dr George Wing acted as Scrutineers at the
Count of Votes and College Staff - Simon
Janda, Lian Yu and Nicola Ryan assisted with
the count.
The result of the ballot was announced at
the Annual General Meeting on 21 November
2014. Information on your new Council can
be found on the College Website and will be
reported in the next edition of College News.
count of votes
RACDS Chief Executive Officer, Gary Disher
was appointed as Returning Officer for the
election process, overseeing the nomination
of candidates, issue of election packs, and the
return and count of votes.
In recognition of the contribution of Associate
Professor Braham Pearlman, College Council
has established an Award that recognises
outstanding achievement in Clinical Dentistry at
the Fiji National University.
being elected at the November 2012 Council
meeting. Unfortunately, knowing that his
health was quickly deteriorating, he resigned
at the same meeting and sadly passed away in
February 2013.
The winner each year receives a certificate and
cheque for AUD$500 which is often presented
by a College representative at the awards
ceremony hosted by the university.
As a Fellow of the College, Braham Pearlman
was a stalwart supporter. He served as Registrar
in General Dental Practice for over 10 years and
was instrumental in establishing the Primary
Examination in Universiti Sans Malaysia. He also
actively promoted the Primary Examination in
Hong Kong.
Braham always had a wish to help advancing
dentistry in developing countries, in particular
Fiji. In memory of his significant contributions
to the College and the profession, the College
has set up this Award in his name for the Fijian
Dental School for outstanding achievement in
Clinical Dentistry.
His involvement with and contribution to the
College culminated in the role of President,
The first Award will be presented by Deborah
Pearlman in December 2014.
The University of Adelaide
Charles Sturt University
Fiji National University
The University of Hong Kong
James Cook University
La Trobe University
The University of Melbourne
The University of Sydney
The University of Otago
The University of Queensland
National University of Singapore*
THE University of MELBOURNE
Dr Francis Chan was selected as the
University of Melbourne's recipient of
the RACDS Academic Prize. Dr Aovana
Timmerman, Chair of the RACDS Regional
Committee and Professor Mike Morgan,
Acting Head of Melbourne Dental School
presented the Award at a ceremony held on
18 September 2014.
The University of Western Australia
Prize Winners are announced on the College
Website and featured in College News (see
Further information on the prize is available
from the Executive Officer at the College who
can be emailed at
Monday 3 November 2014
Count of Votes, Council Election 2014-16
Griffith University
* RACDS Travel Assistance Grant to the value of
The Count of Votes for the election of
Councillors for the period 2014-16 took place
at the College Office on Monday 3 November
2014. 454 valid votes were received and
RACDS Braham Pearlman
Award for outstanding
achievement in Clinical
The RACDS Academic Prize was established
in 2003 following the decision by the College
Council to explore the concept of an RACDS
Prize for high achievement by final year dental
students. In offering the prize, the College is
able to contribute to the academic honours
awarded to final year students.
At present the College awards the RACDS
Academic Prize to final year dental students at
the following universities:
MRACDS (GDP) Study Day in session
At the La Trobe University prize-giving
ceremony on 23 July 2014, Mary Ann Liu was
presented with the RACDS Award for high
academic achievement by a final year Dental
Student. The College was represented by Dr
Robert Mayne (middle), who presented the
in 1987. The Sutherland Prize is awarded in
recognition of the candidate at the Final
Examination gaining the highest marks in
General Dentistry, such candidate having
also demonstrated eminence in the elective
section of the Examination, chosen by the
The prize was first awarded in 1988. There
have been 22 recipients, the prize not
being awarded every year. Today the prize
comprises a College Medal and a monetary
amount of AUD$500.
Emeritus Professor
Kenneth Joseph George
Sutherland, AM
1917 - 2014
It is with much sadness that we report the
passing of Emeritus Professor Kenneth JG
Sutherland, AM.
Professor Sutherland was an inaugural Fellow
of the Royal Australasian College of Dental
Surgeons, being admitted to Fellowship in
Professor Sutherland was an Examiner for
the College for 15 years from 1969 to 1983
acting as the co-ordinating examiner and
Chief Examiner in General Dentistry, Part 1 of
the Final Fellowship examination. Professor
Sutherland’s contribution, in establishing
the format and setting standards for the
Final Examination working with successive
Registrars, was greatly appreciated at the
time and helped establish the Fellowship
examination in General Dental Practice, as we
know it today.
Professor Sutherland was awarded Honorary
Fellowship of the College in 1983 in
recognition of his outstanding contributions
to the development of the College.
Through the generosity of Professor
Sutherland by giving a substantial donation,
the College established the “Sutherland Prize”
In 1975 Professor Sutherland addressed the
Dental Study Group of Western Australia, of
which he was Patron, thus:
1.When did you join RACDS and what is
your role?
“We are all dentists and none of us –
specialists or generalists can properly
practise our profession in isolation… must
have an up-to-date knowledge of each other’s
fields, and one of the finest ways of achieving
this is through membership of a Study Group
such as yours which consists of specialists
and generalists, all actively contributing their
knowledge for each other’s benefit.”
2.Where did you work prior to joining
RACDS and what experience do you
bring to the role?
This philosophy is equally true for the Royal
Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.
College Councils past and present and
Fellows of the College gratefully acknowledge
the enormous contribution and support of
Professor Kenneth Sutherland, AM. He will be
sadly missed by all.
dr william david
crombie ae rfd
1927 - 2014
Dr Crombie (Bill) qualified as a Dentist in 1953
and later as a Doctor in 1963 at Melbourne
University. He spent some time in private
practice, also as a locum for the Army before
joining the permanent Air Force, later moving
to the then Active Citizen Air Force with No 21
(City of Melbourne) Squadron for nearly 20
years – first as Medical Officer and finally as
Deputy Commanding Officer. Later in life he
returned to work in Army Medical Records for
some years.
As an Inaugral Fellow, Dr Crombie was one
of those people who successfully launched
the College and opened the path for many
younger dentists to follow.
I joined on the 12 Feb 2014 as a part-time
Membership and Accounts Officer.
Since the year 2000 my work experience
has mainly been in membership. l worked
at the Australian Institute of Management
in North Sydney for over six years, then I
moved to London and worked at the British
Orthopaedic Association for three years. On
my return back to Australia l worked at the
Australian Industry Group for two years. I
have a diverse back ground in different
member organisations which has helped me
considerably in my current role.
3. What has surprised you most about
working with RACDS?
The staff! I have found everyone to be extremely
helpful and friendly and there is always someone
willing to help out and share their knowledge.
4.What do you find most challenging about
your role?
This is my first part-time role so prioritising my
time has been challenging as the job can be
very busy.
5.What's the best/worst thing to happen
since you started working with RACDS?
Going home with a toothache, a friendly
reminder to myself to see my dentist for a
6.What might we be surprised to know
about you?
I am studying to be a Permaculture Design
7.What do you think will change about
RACDS over the next five years?
I believe that in the future the College will
continue to expand and develop their
professional education on-line, which will provide
unlimited opportunities for alternative learning.
What do you do when you aren't working
At the moment most of my time is taken up
with studying permaculture, however I do love
dabbling in creative, travel writing and I have a
great love of reading.
The 36th Australian Dental Congress
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36th Australian Dental Congress
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