W^P^^IPT^"'"1"," qpigjEiyj'fpww*! ┬л**тАв MVWH^IMwnMMMM +im i." "*тАв?" "T'r-r.-rvF*"- T 1 ; " l┬╗'|lf┬л,^*j!ffi>flRy.*iji ii*pfa&mtmmmm*m+0m*mimmmmm┬▒mm+i* тАв .JA^^FF-- '1 inytith. turfmen N?T 0 IM┬гT, LIVINGSTON CO., MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 36.1910. VOL. Obituary. We are building up our stock of General Hardware every day. It will pay you to call and see us. tt JUST RECEIVED-A complete assortment of Pratts well knowp remedies. Drop ia and get one of their booksтАФ Things you ought to know about horses cattle, hogs and poultry. Do a w a y w i t h Dust w h i l e sweeping. Use C o t t o - W a x o , a d r y sweeping compound. It settles the Dust. BARTON & DUNBAR Mrs. Elizabeth J, Durkee wan born in Ohio, August 25, 1842 and died May 16,1910, aged 68 yrs., 2 inos. and 22 days. She was married to James ┬г. Durkee Dec. 1st, 1872, who shared tbeir joys and sorrows together until Dec. 7, 1898, when Mr. Dorkee died, leaving his wife and family of six children. Again badness came into ihe home when Nathaniel, the eldest boy died in September, 1904. Dec. 1st, 1909, Ethel E , the youngest of the family died in Los Angeles, Cali. Dnlliyan and Floyd Durkee and Mrs. Singleton, of Los Angeles, Cali., and Fred Durkee of Jackson and a host ot friends are left to mourn their loss. * * тАв тАв тАв тАв COMMENCEMENT PRESENTS Reduced Prices on Every Trimmed Hat in My Store Call and see them Mrs. Mabel Cope тАвSeveral from here attended the party at Gregory Friday evening last. Miss Norma Vaughn spent a few days the past week with her brother, Morley, in Detroit. Mrs. Dr. Bradshaw of Mayville visited Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Exelby several days the pa6t week. Assessment No, 166 KOTMM is now dne and must be paid at once. Maccabees please take notice. Owing to repairs being made to the North Hamburg church there will be no services there Sunday. Mrs. H. F. Siglerand Miss Redingger spent a couple of days the past week in Ann Arbor, attending the Art exhibit. A H. Flintott and family spent Saturday and Sunday with friends ia and near Saline. They of course made the trip in their auto. The rains made the roads in that section impassable and they returned Monday by train. тАв тАвтАв тАв Nothing makes a nicer present for the graduate than gome of the latest Literary Gems, W e Have ' ┬г m of every description and prices to Huit the purse of everyone. We have a fine line of Gold Pens, Toilet Sets, etc. which also make fine presents. F. A. SIGLER. School Notes. L.OCAL. NEWS. No. 21 Miss Hazel McDougall spent a couple days last week with Miss Eva Mrs. E. W. Exelby attended the Decking. For Priee For Qilality Roy Moran spent Sunday evening May festival at Ann Arbor the last of last week. with friends in Gregory. (?) ftfoss Benham was in Ann Arbor Modern Woodmen please remember Friday attending the May festival. that Assessment No. 253 is now due and mast be paid before May 31. Viola Peters had charge of her classes. Do not forget the Ben Hur enterSpring and Summer goods are now Walter Reason is clerking for W. tainment at the opera house Sunday on sale. Hosiery in the new fashionW. Barnard and Willie Darrow is evening. Admission 15 and 25 cents, able colorsтАФBlack, tana, white, Alice spending his time out of school at blue, navy, pink, wine and modeтАФAH reserved seats 10c extra. the livery barn. Don't torget the North Lake Band's sizes for women, infants and children. The High School team was defeated Concert and ice cream social at the The real te┬╗t of a stocking is by in a ten inning game Saturday by the North Lake Grange hall this week So. Lyon team, the score being 6 to 5. wear and the wash tub. Friday evening, May 27. All are The Pinckney High plays Stock bridge Our Hosiery Stands the Test. cordially invited. High at Stocfcbridge next Monday This store is Hosiery HeadquartersC. S. Lice ot Howell who has jast forenoon. The Stockbridge and Pinckney first teams meet in the after- purchased part of E. A, Bowman's Come in and see us when in Hawell business and opened a store next door, noon. тАФEvery clerk will welcome you. has secured space in the DISPATCH and has an adv on page 8. Watch it. EVERY DIY IS BARGUN DAY Rev. Fr. Comerford was in South Lyle Mann of Grand Rapids spent a Lyon Thursday last assisting in the laying of the corner stone of the new couple of days the past week with relatives here and renewing old friendCatholic church to be erected there. ships. He thinks Pinckney has imR. W, Lake has purchased a home Howe')'?Rilsy8tosB provedтАФa beautiful place in fact. in Chelsea, and he and his wife moved there the past week. They have a daughter, Mrs. H. Schoenbals, living there. Mrs. Jacob Mack, who has been in the hospital at Ann Arbor for a lew weeks, returned home Wednesday S p e c i a l this w e e k on Men's Togs last. Her many friends hope for a C a l l , see samples and get prices speedy recovery to health. R. Clinton is operating his saw mill on his place in the eastern part of town. He has quite a quantity of An All Wool Suit Made to Yfitsf Measure logs in the yard. He has just finished a big job on the Lou Shehan farm 15.00,16.00 17.00. Dollars east of town. H. H. Swarthout, mail carrier, had to have his auto pulled in Thursday Saturday's Specials on GROCERIES laat. This was the first accident to 1-2 pouud Baking P o w d e r 4 c either car used by our mail earnersтАФ 12 Bars Soap 2 5 c broken transmission. He came in on Soda 5 c Y east 3 c 2 0 0 0 Matches 5c time just the same. Died, in Cleveland May 18, 1910, Winnie, wile of Arthur Forbes of Cleveland and oldest daughter of Mrs. Jessie Burnett Day of Grand Rapids. The remains were brought here Friday for burial and were accompanied by Mrs. Day and Lyle Mann. L, E. Wilson and family of Des Moines are spending a few weeks with his parents near here. Mr. Wilson is a former Pinckney boy and has taken Greeley8 advice and not only is he OIL STOVES THAT growing up with the western country but is assisting that conntry to grow. WILL NOT SMOKE He is secretary ot the Greater Des Moines Committee which has for its object the betterment not only of their own bnstHng city, but. the adON 3 0 D A Y S TRIAb vancement of every country town in the state. He and bis brother Samuel are the manufacturers of a one-horse gasoline engine and he informs as that tbey cannot make them fast enough. BOWMAN S I A. BOWMAN Who's Your Tailor Just Received at JACKSON'S Largest Assortment of Room-Rugs 9x12, ranging from $12.50 to $ 2 5 each Latest Shades in Poplins The Moat Popular Fabric this season for Spring and Summer Dress Goods Only 25c per yard f New Shirt Waists and Ladies House Dresses 1 Price $1.00 to $1.48 ┬л^тАФ j y , i┬л' i w. <". WL. '*- V- " - *<тАЮ * - w - *r w - No Danger Saturdays Specials All Wash Goods carried over from last sfa&on at the following reduction 10c Q u a l i t y , 6┬гc per yd 15c Q u a l i t y , 10c yd 2 5 c Q u a l i t y , 19c per y d . Grocery Specials Corn Flakes 7c Com Starch 4<s W . W . Barnard Rice 5c Yeast Soda 5c 3c P iarjains in F o ^ e a r [or Bargains Every Day in the Week, go to JACKSON'S He Will Meet All Competition For CASH *r ** J **i Cheap Detroit V a p o r Gasoline Detroit V a p o r Oil NOTICE All accounts not settled by cash or note by June 1st will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection as we must balance our books by June 1. JACKSON & CADWXLL. \ . ┬л / Pinckncy Dispatch FRANK L.. ANDKKWS, publisher. PINCKNEY. MICHIGAN T H E H E A R T OF Y O U T H . FIF1Y COUNTIES T BY M S T H E Y R E C E I V E MORE IN PRIWe have b e e n told that as long a s M A R Y SCHOOL CA8H T H A N w e keep our hearts young w e need T H E Y PAY TO S T A T E . have no fear of t h e depressing lonelin e s s ol advancing years, and m a n y writers more or l e s s experienced in CAPT. H O N E Y W E L L A N D COMPANION, IN BALLOON " C E N T E N s u c h matters h a v e s u g g e s t e d many N I A L , " LANDS NEAR IONIA. w a y s in which w e can accomplish that d e s i r e d end. N o t w o natures, h o w e v e r , are alike, and It follows that no s e t of Dr. Meyers, of Ann Arbor, Chosen hard and fast rules can be made t o a p President of the State Homeoply to each d i s t i n c t personality. The pathic Society. man or woman w h o p a s s e s through life alive to the b l e s s i n g s which abound on Pitty of the 83 couuties of the s t a t e e v e r y side rarely c e a s e s t o become an received more primary money thau active contributor t o the l i v e s of otners, they paid in t a x e s during 190┬╛. The and as long a s a person actually par- total tax levy for 1909 w a s $5,929,,ticipates in any work, large or Bmall, 719.74, while the primary fund apporthe influence of his personality Is tionment this spring was $4,902,551.20. bound to be f e l t and h i s c o u n s e l re- An examination of the list of counties s h o w s that in the newer c o u n t i e s garded. It is only w h e n one h a s tired of the s t a t e there are apparently of the game, ox e n t e r s only half-heart- enough children to e u t k l e t h e m to a edly Into affairs outside of h i s own larger amount of money than the The list of special i n t e r e s t s that he c e a s e s t o ex- older counties draw. counties with the e x c e s s of primary ercise any Influence, and bis individumoney they drew or the e x c e s s of ality V no longer recognized. Enthusi- state taxes they paid Auditor-General a s m s e e m s In s o m e w a y to be a n at- Fuller s h o w s to be a s follows: Jatate tax tribute of the youthful character; at Primary excess. any rate, it is far easier t o become in- Alcona | 8,756.18 terested in w h a t Is going on in our im- A l g e r SG6.U2 mediate circle w h e n the pulse b e a t s Allegan Alpena U1.147.8S high and the blood courses warmly Antrim 4,12ti.┬╗0 14,112.85 than in later y e a r s w h e n so m a n y of Arenac Baraga 2,640.11 15,392.94 u s are concerned only with our o w n af- Barry Bay 35,371).65 fairs and evince but small Interest in Benzie y, 724.87 15,407.35 Berrien 30,696.57 the doings of others. Branch 55,666.17 Calhoun 22.640.67 Cass Cheboygan 16.305.C2 In the good old days they u s e d to Chippewa . . . . . . 16,389.88 5,460.50 have signboards at the crossroads In Clare 31,500.02 Clinton the country region to point the pilgrim Crawford 1,724.33 Delta 29.362.44 on his way. It w a s a l w a y s a cheery Dickinson 3,751.24 so.YiV.ia sign. It spoke a w e l c o m e to the stran- Eaton Emmett 6,385.18 3i,'5S5.37 ger. It indicated a disposition to be Genesee Gladwin 10,567.80 "6,'5"oY.i9 helpful. But t h e s e signboards are Gogebic nearly all gone. Only now and then Grand Traverse. ┬л,430.20 137'. 6 7 Gratiot 30,704.03 you s e e one, and then it s e e m s like the Hillsdale Houghton 305,651.06 relic of a bygone friendship. It s e e m s Huron 22.553.83 37'2'8'6'. 2 5 to say to the stranger: "We once took Ingham 22,702.05 Ionia * . 15,085.54 a n Interest in you, but w e do so no Iosco Iron 1,348.88 longer; If you don't know the way, Isabella 10,419.81 51,140.25 what do w e care?" That Is the situ- Jackson 33,264.29 Kalamazoo 2,828.37 ation today; a forlorn one, Indeed; a Kalkaska 114,231.77 Kent 13,120.60 cheerless one. No little sign thrown Keweenaw 6,781.73 i 4 /o'ya', 6 r┬╗ out, saying: "We are thinking of you, Lake Lapeer 12,277.06 we care for you, w e want you to go Leelanau 5 6,4 90.7 i Lenawee 27,359.91 right." Now, this ought not to be. Livingston 2.243.70 Luce, There should be little signboards to Mackinaw 4,741.93 29,262.95 greet him, and to tell him the w a y he Macomb Manistee 19,032.98 i i ,'213- i 3 ought to go. This thought is g e t t i n g Marquette Mason 20.998.14 s o m e headway In Massachusetts, Mecosta 21.232.86 Menominee 24,584.22 w h e r e there Js an effort to restore the Midland 13,810.10 14,494.76 signboards, and to give to the Btranger Missaukee 10,813.31 Monroe the help of k n o w i n g where he is. Montcalm 13,162,28 Montmorency . . . 2,521,28 Muskegon 14,805.11 18,931,62 There Is a n e w reform out In Iown, Newaygo 53,252,51 Oakland and. It Is started by 18 young ladies, Oceana 16,175.02 11.828.80 prominent in social circles, who have Ogemaw 5 74.40 Ontonagon Osceola 19.091.36 at last discovered the abomination that Oscoda 1.413.97 exists in mere gossip, and so they have Otsego 4.542 06 Ottawa 8.019.9!) organized to suppress it, s a y s Ohio Presque Isle. . . . 13,954.56 21 884.37 State Journal. T h e y call their organi- Saginaw Sanilac 20,227.31 zation the "Antigosslp society." This Schoolcraft 5,100.82 23,014.05 Shiawassee lu a fine effort. It m e a n s Intellectual St. Clair 15.OS2.83 23,382.63 and moral uplift. It m e a n s that con- St. Joseph Tuscola 2,." 51.13 versation shall deal with real t h i n g s тАФ Van Ruren 485.85 58.fifi1.71 with science, philosophy, literature, Washtonaw 437,<540.27 Wayne hlctory, nature and those things that Wexford 16,216.64 adorn and uplift life. It is not to be Descend in Michigan. thought for an instant that It Is the Capt. H. E. Honeywell, of St. Louis, young women alone that need to or- Mo., and his balloon "Centennial" ganize for this high purpose. The landed at t h e little town of Shiloh, male section of mankind n e e d s Just 10 miles north of Ionia, after b e i n g in the air 22 hours out of St. Louis and such a reformatory movement. We covering 450 miles In an attempt to might say they need it more than the capture the Lahm cup for long-distance flights. women. "We got. along nicely," said Honeywell In Ionia, "enjoying a fine trip Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, who Is on until we encountered a dead calm his way as special envoy from t h e Uni- over central Michigan. W h e t h e r w e ted States to the centenary celebra- went up or down w e could find no tion of the independence of the Argen- favorable current, and so decided t o land. We dropped gently and landed tine republic at B u e n o s Ayres, stopped without the slightest jar right in front of at Havana, w h e r e the former Amer- of t h e Pere Marquette depot at Shllol* ican governor of t h e island had a re- and just an hour before train time, ception which left no doubt as to the giving us just time enough t o pack up our wraps and catch the train fnr place he holds in Cuban hearts. In Ionia. Our trip over Illinois to Kefact, it may be said he showed them nosha, Wis., w a s in every way excelhpw to govern t h e m s e l v e s , and the lent, and w e made good time. s u c c e s s they h a v e attained la a tribute Meyers Heads Homeopaths. to the effectiveness of his lessons. Dr. Dean W. Meyers, of Ann Arbor, was chosen president of the S t a t e Two baseball fatalities in one dayтАФ Homeopathic society at the s e s s i o n in Other officers are: one at Freeburg, 111., and the other at Grand Rapids. First vice-president, Dr. R. Milton Troy, N. Y.тАФwill be cited by football Richards, Detroit; second vice-presienthuBiastB a s evidence that the grid- dent, Dr. J. M. Griffin, Detroit; geniron is not the only place w h e r e sport eral secretary, Dr. C. G. Jenkins. LanJ8 sufficiently violent at times to cause s i n g ; corresponding secretary, Dr. F. death. But If the n u m b e r df t h e g a m e s E. Thompson, Detroit; treasurer, Dr. D. S. Sinclair, Grand Rapids board of and the thousands of players are taken control, Dr. M. C. Sinclair, Grand into account, it will appear that the Rapids; Dr. C. C. Cnimrine, Detroit; risks of .baseball are Infinitesimal in board of censors. Dr. W. G. Paterson, Detroit; Dr. L. H. Tuttle. Holland; comparison w i t h t h o s e of football. Dr. J. H. Reynolds, Grand H a v e n ; Dr. A. Decker Holcolm, Mt. PleaRant; Dr. In Japan, day laborers g e t 20 cents a Clarence Gillette, Kalamazoo Dr. Luday and w o m e n s e r v a n t s receive 84 ther Peck, Plymouth. Detroit w a s sec e n t s a month. Our informant d o e s n o t lected for t h e 1911 meeting. explain whether t h e w o m e n s e r v a n t s get Thursday afternoons off or not, The Y. M. C. A., Jackson, has combut w e suppose they do. Our Indigna- pleted a building campaign, having the tion should be at o n c e aroused if w e secured in pledges $45,000 of needed $50,000 for the erection of a U o u g h t they d i d n ' t new building. -*┬╗тАв┬╗тАв NEWS OF MICHIGAN. The new postofflce recently erected In Coldwater at a cost of $65,000 w a s thrown open to t h e public. That Mason county farmers will suffer a l o s s of thousands of dollar* this year a s t h e result of frost is now practically assured. The cooper shop and h e a d i n g mills of James Malcolm on the w e s t side of Saginaw w e r e destroyed by fire with a loss of $15,000. After e i g h t y e a r s of hard toll on the part of an a s s o c i a t i o n of ladles, the Oakland County hospital at Pontlac was thrown open to t h e public for the first time. At the grand lodge Masons' convention at S a g i n a w t h e s i t e for the Masonic h o m e to replace t h e structure burned In Grand Rapids will be decided by the d e l e g a t e s . Benton Hanchett, banker and financier of Sa&lnaw, is 111 In a hospital In Baltimore, Md., whither h e went recently for an operation. L a t e s t reports say that h e will recover. Fred W. S h e r m a n , until a y e a r ago owner and editor of the Port Huron Times, has purchased The Independent at Santa Barbara, Cal., to which place he will remove his family. Fire of u n k n o w n origin w a s discovered in the boiler shop at the Port Huron Engine & Thresher Co.'s plant at the tunnel and d a m a g e e s t i m a t e d at between $30,000 and $36,000 resulted. Exhumed for t h e purpose of being transferred from the old to t h e new Roman Catholic c e m e t e r y at Marquette, the r e m a i n s of Mary Elmore, who died 41 years a g o , were found petrified. Attorney Colgrove, who will defend Warden W e n g e r in his trial on a perjury charge, h a s returned from Cuba, where he has been attending h i s sick son, and the warden's case is n o w s e t for May 31. Never in the history of t h e Michigan state fair have the c o n c e s s i o n s gone so rapidly a s they have this year. At the present writing over half of the c o n c e s s i o n s have been sold. All are of a high order. Fire destroyed the dry kiln of the Jones & Green planing mill at Big Rapids. The building and contents, valued at $4,500, were consumed. Hard work on t h e part of a bucket brigade s a v e d the mill. And now it's Flint, which c o m e s through w i t h the a n n o u n c e m e n t that its Elks will attend t h e Detroit convention decked out in linen automobile dusters and goggles. Four hundred suits are now being made. The c o m m o n council has passed a resolution which provides t h a t when a circus c o m e s to Port Huron that enough money must be deposited with the city clerk to clean up the show grounds after the circus l e a v e s . Twenty-four head of cattle belonging to the state were burned to death in a fire which destroyed the cattle barns at the s t a t e industrial school at Lansing. A large quantity of hay and grain burned. The loss is $15,000. George Tarbuck, E. S. Wllhelm and Roy Herbert, of Traverse City, were caught in the middle of Leelanau lake in a burning launch, and but for the promptness of Tarbuck in extinguishing the flames with his coat the trio would have perished. T h e County Normal school at Big Rapids, which is held in t h e high school building, is about to complete a most s u c c e s s f u l year, and indications for the coming year are exceptionally bright. A total of 18 students are enrolled this year. Owosso's tax budget for this year is $100,000, the biggest In years, and the town feels "hard up." T h e increase is caused by the industrial progress that the city has made during the past year In the construction of sewers, s i d e w a l k s and various other improvements. The largest trout caught with a hook and line in recent y e a r s was brought in from Rock river by J a m e s Hudson, e a s t of Marquette. The fish was a s t e e l h e a d and w e i g h e d eight pounds. It w a s 28 i n c h e s in length. The trout put up a desperate fight and Mr. H u d s o n w a s nearly an hour in landing It. F a s t automobile races o n Saturday of state fair w e e k will serve to draw large crowds and considerable attention. Several of the f a s t e s t racing stars now before the public h a v e been signed up. A novelty will be a race on Saturday b e t w e e n the fast automobile drivers and s o m e of the Wright a e r o p l a n e s w h i c h will make dally flights during fair week. Business m e n of N e w Lothrop village and farmers in the vicinity of that place have raised $12,000 of the required $15,000 for t h e continuation of the spur railroad line from N e w Haven to N e w Lothrop, nine miles. The spur Is on the Ann Arbor railway, six of the fifteen m i l e s having been completed last year. The new extension will open up a rich mining and sugar beet growing territory. Claiming prior ownership in the Flint-Saginaw electric railway, in that they held controlling stock in t h e D., F. & S. railway, which w a s after absorbed by the former corporation, Thomas G. Sullivan and Charlotte M. Tarsney, as administrator of the estate of t h e late Timothy E. Tarsney, has filed an appeal from the decision of Judge W i s n e r In G e n e s e e circuit court In t h e suit against Rdwln Henderson and Alex. Groesbeck, of Detroit, which w a s decided a g a i n s t the plaintiffs s e v e r a l months a g o . The case will be heard tn the supreme court. тАФтАв HALITS COMET тАв * 4 ┬л ┬╗тАв*┬╗ * . 4 ┬л l * "тАв тАв * , тАв Rev. Kemp Tells of H i t DlfsstJvc Troubles and How He Ovtrcam* ThemтАФYou Can Do 9┬╗ Frtt. BIG SPOTS ON T H E 8 U N AS T H E COMET'S T A I L PASSES A R E ABOUT A L L T H A T OBSERVERS 8 A W . 8 C I E N T I 8 T 8 E X P E C T E D TO OET VALUABLE NEQATJVE AS W E L L AS P081T1VE RESULT8. Phenomena of the Daylight Hours Were Far More Interesting Than During the Night; All Over Within About Five Houre. T h e c o m e t came, the oomet went, and this old earth is no worse and no betterтАФand, thus far, very little wiser. There w a s no collision, a s t h e superstitious and the ignorant feared, and now that t h e coinet ia headed a w a y from us, t h e r e will be no recurrence of t h e m a n i f e s t a t i o n s of terror that w e r e recorded from all parts of t h e country. N o n e of the auroral displays that s o m e astronomers were willing to c o n c e d e might be visible w e r e In evidence. Nor did anybody suffocate from deadly c y a n o g e n gas. Comet parties w e r e held everywhereтАФIn the streets, on roof tops, in gardensтАФ'but for all that w a s visible to t h e naked e y e the tail of t h e c o m e t w a s indeed t h e "veriest approach to nothing s e t in t h e midst of naught." In fact t h e phenomena of t h e daylight hours w e r e far more interesting. Sun s p o t s w e r e observed in varying numbers, from five western observa tories, but the astronomers w h e recorded them w e r e almost unanimous in t h e belief that t h e s e disturbances of the solar a t m o s p h e r e had nothing t o do with t h e comet and were merely coincidental. Thirty sun-spots w e r e s e e n from St. Louis, of w h i c h the largest w a s estimated to be 150,000 miles a c r o s s ; two from San Jose, Cal., with 13 surrounding pores, or smaller spots; t h r e f "considerably accentuated" spot! from Chicago, three connected spots from Vallejo, Cal., and t w o f r o m P o r t ' land, Ore. N o n e of t h e e a s t e r n observers had anything of note to report. At Chicago and Williams Bay, Wis., w h e r e is t h e great Y e r k e s telescope, the conditions for o b s e r v a t i o n s s e e m e d the best, and the a s t r o n o m e r s t h e r e w e r e confident that t h e negat i v e as well as the positive r e s u l t s of their e x a m i n a t i o n s would he of lasting scientific value. The w h o l e performance took little more than five hours. Observers differed a9 td' t h e exact time at which the eajfh began to pass through the c o m e t Y tail. T h e combined speed of t h e earth and the comet w a s estimated at slightly more than 46 m i l e s a second, and the breadth of the tall at about a million mileB. Prof, W. J, Hus8ey, director of t h e astronomical observatory at Ann Arbor, offers a new solution to the problem, "Why didn't the earth p a s s through t h e comet's tall as per schedule?" His theory, which is well backed up by evidence, is that the comet has a double tail, and that the earth passed between the t w o parts. T h i s would also explain w h y some astronomers have seen the tail in the w e s t in t h e e v e n i n g s i n c e Wednesday, while others have s e e n it in the s a m e old place in the east before sunrise. Venua Sinks Rebels' Ship. T h e report reached Blueflelds that the Madrlz gunboat Venus, w h i c h w a s driven away from Blueflelds, e n g a g e d and sunk t h e Estrada gunboat Ometepe off P u n t a Gorda. The report w a s brought by a c o a s t schooner. There Is n o official confirmation, although the report Is generally believed. T h e O m e t e p e left In search of t h e Venus. S h e had 200 men aboard. The Venus had 400 men. and w a s well armed w i t h rapid fire guns. It is said that 100 of the Ometepe's m e n w e r e drowned and killed during t h e engagement. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Life Members. President. Taft, Mrs. Taft, Col. Theodore Roosevelt, King George of England, P r e s i d e n t Diaz of Mexico, and William J. Bryan w e r e made life m e m bers of the World's Sunday school association in t h e convention at W a s h ington, amid s c e n e s of great enthusiasm. For each of those s o honored, $1,000 had to he subscribed, and in the c a s e of Col. Roosevelt the chairman of t h e convention by popular demand limited subscriptions to one dollar. 8tr|ke of 72,000 Men. Coal d e a l e r s s a y t h e Immediate effect of the strike of 72,000 m e n in t h e coal m i n e s of Illinois will be a sharp advance in c o a l prices in Chicago. N o serious coal shortage is anticipated, as the e a s t e r n m i n e s in operation will h e a b l e to supply t h e Chicago market, but at advanced prices. Gayner Saves New York $3,986,000. Exact figures on the r e s u l t of Mayor Gaynor's crusade for economy in the g o v e r n m e n t of N e w York w e r e made available by Comptroller Prendergast T h e official totals for the first three m o n t h s of t h e year s h o w a d e c r e a s e of $3,985,400 as compared with last year. / The lack of exercise In a n u k e s him very prone to but for that m*tt┬лUY mo*t constipated now awfl then. t l o f i a l dU4r<te┬гV? minister's 11! constipation* тАвvewbojiy Tl I t is U p nтАФ-^ ^w a^ t^Srl * y - t o cure con- stipation and <*tto qr stomach, liver and bowel troubleu is with Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which church people have been buying for twenty years. R┬лv. K. A. Kemp of Rising Sun, Ind., Secretary of the Indiana Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, says in part: "For years I Dr. W. B. CftUweU ave been a vlcLook for this picm of constipation ture on tbe package hut I have never , ^ тАЮ ,_, тАЮ, /ound anything to equal Dr. CaJdwrfl'a lyrup. Pep┬л*┬╗. < I also bad iBgfcMtkm and heart trouble. I can certalnirwrcom- S " i t V a n ' b e bought of any druggist at 60 cents or $1 a bottle. If there is anything about your case that you dorCl understand, write to the doctor. If you hay┬й never used thlB remedy and would Ilk* to try it Bend your address and a free sample bottle will be forwarded to your home. Address Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 Caldwell Bldtf.. Montlcello, 111. ALONE, ALL ALONE. Mrs. ProudmarтАФI tell my daughter that her voice is a gold m i n e ! Professor Schnickelfritz ( g o i n g ) тАФ Ach, zah, vat you call an abandoned mine, aind't it? Willing to Pay for Rammer. When the British square at t h e battle of Abu Klea, In the Nubian desert* was penetrated by the dervishes, one of them attempted to spear a gunner who w a s In the act of r a m m i n g home a charge. The Briton brained the Sudanese, but the rammer head split on the man's hard skull. N e x t day the gunner was sent for. Mistaking the reason, and knowing from experience that soldiers are charged for government property which thoy break, he led off with: "Please, sir, I'm very sorry I broke t h e rammer, but I never thought the fellow's head could be so hard. I'll pay for t h e rammer so aB to hear no more of the case." Old Men in Responsibility. The American business system, w7htch g i v e s mere boys responsible positions before they have acquired practical experience, is to an E n g l i s h m a n quite unaccountable. H e wonders whether it does not cause r e c k l e s s trading and wild speculation. In other countries they prefer to keep elderly men in responsible positions b e c a u s e they can be depended upon. MessrsDyke & Sous. Somerset, England, employ GG men. More than half h a v e completed 30 years' service, 20 h a v e b e e n there 40 years, nine over 50 y e a r s and one 70 years. Shameful. Extract from a young lady'B letter from V e n i c e : "Last night I lay In a gondola in the Grand canal, drinking it all In, and life never s e e m e d so full before."тАФLippincott's. There is a reason Why Grape-Nuts does correct A weak, physical, or a Sluggish mental condition. The food h highly nutritious And is partially prc-digested, So that it helps the organs of the stomach To digest other food. It is also rich in the Vital phosphates that go Directly to make up The delicate gray matter of brain and nerve centres. Read 'The Road to WellvilleH Inpkgs. "There's a Reason." POBTUM OHRBAL OOMPAtfT, LtdBaul* feNfc M i a i > M i O ' i m w < i w * r тАФ тАв I W I W тАФ > w n r i"';)n W^T тДв^SJ irrnriirir~nmтАФiw r.Tj . 'taiuu .┬╛ JUUWliffiliJiM -L- .1 U-l. 1 1 1 тАв J J*.'Ji┬╗J-J~ 'i. '- ! .'..тАвP'tJi' g тАвin i o i ┬╗ i I'M IтАвww^^M^gjNT'iP'll*"^" ':/!*'┬л:> fc T тАвdi?a an^iei SERIAL STORY .┬е ┬╗ / T T T T T T i r r T T ┬й6┬л VOYAGE the DONNA K M B^ Jtandall Parrish V'Ummffn qf !*/тАв┬лтАв*/* tic. Uwtratiom by Dearborn Mbl*ill Cowr%tat A. d MoClar* * Co.. INI 3YNOPS13, T h e story opens with the introduction ┬йf J o h n Stephens, adventurer, a Massac h u s e t t s m a n marooned by authorities at Valparaiso, Chile. B e i n g Interested In m i n i n g operations in Bolivia, h e waa denounced by Chile as a n Insurrectionist a n d a s a consequence w a s h i d i n g At his hotel his attention w a s attracted by an Englishman and a young woman. S t e p h e n s rescued the y o u n g w o m a n from a drunken officer. He w a s thanked by her. Admiral of the P e r u v i a n navy confronted Stephens, told him t h a t w a r had been declared between Chile and Peru a n d offered htm t h e office of captain. H e desired that that night the Esmeralda, a Chilean vessel, should be captured. Stephens accepted the . commission. S t e p h e n s met a m o t l e y crew, to which he wasr assigned. H e . g a v e t h e m Anal Instructions. They boarded the vessel. T h e y s u c c e s s f u l l y captured t h e v e s s e l supposed to be the Esmeralda, through . strategy. Capt. S t e p h e n s gave, directions fpr t h e d e iarture of the craft- H e entered the c a b n and discovered the E n g l i s h w o m a n and her maid. S t e p h e n s quickly learned the w r o n g v e s s e l had been captured. It w a s Lord Darlington's private yacht, t h e lord's w i f e a n d maid being aboard. H e explained the situation to ner ladyship. Then F i r s t Mate Tuttle laid bare the plot, s a y i n g that the Sea Queen had been taken in order t * g o to the Antarctic circle. T u t t l e explained t h a t on a former v o y a g e he had learned that the D o n n a Isabel w a s lost in 1753. H e had found it frozen in a h u g e c a s e of ice on an island and contained m u c h gold. S t e p h e n s consented to be t h e captain of the expedition. He told Lady Darlington. She w a s greatly alarmed, but expressed confidence in him. The Sea Queen encountered a vessel In the fog. S t e p h e n s attempted to communicate. T h i s caused a fierce struggle and he w a s overcome. Tuttle finally squaring the situation. Then the Sea Queen headed south again. Tinder Tuttle's g u i d a n c e the v e s sel made progress toward Its goal. De N o v a , the m a t e , told S t e p h e n s that he believed Tuttle, now a c t i n g a s skipper, i n s a n e because of his queer actions. S t e p h e n s w a s a w a k e n e d by crashing of g l a s s . H e s a w Tuttle In the grip of a s p a s m of religious m a n i a and o v e r c a m e him. T h e sailor upon regaining his s e n s e s w a s taken ill. Tuttle committed suicide hy shooting. Upon vote of the crew S t e p h e n s a s s u m e d the leadership and the m e n decided to continue t h e treasure hunt, the Islands being supposed to be only 200 miles distant. Tuttle w a s buried in t h e sea. Lady Darlington pronouncing the service. Stephens a w a k i n g from sleep s a w the ghost, supposed to h a v e formed' the b a s i s for Tuttle's religious mania. Upon advice of Lady Darlington, S t e p h e n s started to probe the ghost. H e c a m e upon Lieut. Sanchez, the drunken officer he had humbled in Chile. He found that at Sanchez' Inspiration, E n gineer McKnlght played "ghost" to scare t h e m e n Into g i v i n g up the quest. Stephens announced thnt the Sea Queen w a s at the spot where Tuttle's quest w a s supposed to be. T h e crew w a s a n x i o u s to go on in further search. De N o v a and Stephe n s conquered t h e m in a fist fight. Lady D a r l i n g t o n t h a n k e d him. The S e a Queen started northward. She w a s wrecked In a fog. Stephens. De Nova. L a d y Darlington and her maid being a m o n g those to set out In a life boat. Ten w e r e rescued. S t e p h e n s s a w o n l y one c h a n c e In a thousand for Hfe. L a d y Darlington confessed her love tn Stephens and he did likewise. L a d y Darlington told her life s t o r y , how s h e h a d bepn bartered for a title, her y e a r n i n g for absent love. She revealed herself an the .school ctmm of Stephens' sister. She expressed a wish to die In the s e a rather than face her former friends and go back tn the old life. A ship waa sighted. The craft proved to be a derelict. f ^- CHAPTER * , XXIII.тАФContinued. Yet, little by Httle, my mind hegan to apprehend the truth, my reason to grasp the details. MiBt or reality, there directly before us floated what appeared to be the outlines of a shipтАФ battered, wrecked, odd in formтАФyet a ship, moving upright upon the surface of the water. Good God! what a mad dream of the past, was represented yonder! Those round, blunt bows, the broken bowsprit, heavy as a mast, forking straight upward; the great carven, shapeless figurehead beneath; the wide, elevated forecastle deck; the seemingly tremendous thickness of the bulwarks; the strange slope of deck and rail amidships; the immense remnant of a fore-mast towering in splinters; the broad, square stern, even over-topping the height of the peaked forecastle. That wag a grim thing to meet with in those waters. "Stand by, men!" I called, the tremble still in my command. "If the thing yonder be wood and iron we'll board her." Not a voice responded, their bodies tense and motionless, every eye still on that dim, phnntom gleam. With clenched teeth 1 pressed the tiller hard down, and the bows of the longboat headed straight in. Suddenly De Nova leaped to his feet. "Ship ahoy!" he yelled, the note of fear sounding shrilly. In the intense silence 1 could plainly hear the heavy breathing of the excited men. . "There will be no use hailing," I тАвakfe ^Itrengtheaed by the sound of my own voice. "If that be a vessel, ber crew are dead a hundred years." ?A┬╗<| by God^lt is, Bir! "/ejaculated Johnson, who was on his ┬гjiees ia the bow. "It's a real ship, all right. That's Ice that glitters; she's sheeted ia it from stem to stern." I saw it myself then, every doubt of the real character of this drear visitant vanishing; my courage came back in a rush. "Ay, ay, lads, Johr^un has hit it right. That's a ship for us, and now we'll see what she looks like on deck. Get a grip with your boatjbook, Johnson, on that raft of stuff trailing from the forechains, when I lay her alongside. Strike the wood If you can, the cordage is likely to be rotten." He missed it at the first attempt the hook slipping on the ice; but as 1 brought the lopgboat around once more, he succeeded in getting a grip upon something sufficiently firm and held on, the fellows staring up silently at the bulging side, and touching the thick sheathing of Ice as though half demented. "Make fast. Break the ice out of that ring, Kelly, and pass a stout rope through it. Now furl the sail, the rest of you. Fend her off, Cole; that's all right, keep your oar there. Mr. De Nova, you will remain in charge of the boat. I'll see what ehe looks like aboard; Johnson, come along with me." I picked my way forward into the bows and stood up. Btrlving to obtain gome kind of a grip on the forechains which would enable me to haul myself up. Everything I touched was ice, so thick aB to render objects shapeless. "Give me a lift, Kelly; easy, now, until I get a handhold. There, that will do, my lad." It was a slippery, dangerous perch, the vessel plunging somewhat, but the upper ice was Blightiy powdered with snow, yielding a. little purchase, and I finally discovered a brace for my feet which enabled me to reach down and assist Johnson to scramble up beside me. Fortunately the bulwarks were not so high proportionately as wide, "Don't Lose Your Nerve, Man, You've Seen Dead Men Before." and we succeeded in sliding over them, coming down rather heavily on the solid deck. Here the snow made walking possible, although underneath the ice was thick and smooth, compelling caution. All forward was a terrible raffle of wreckage, a Jumbled mass of tangled spars, with the great topmast and all its hamper right where It had fallen, a portion of the port bulwark smashed flat. A hummock of ice rose like a great hill from abaft the butt of the foremast, which stuck up maybe 30 feet, clear over the forecastle deck, leaving everything shapeless and grotesque. Where the slope was steepest, the wind had swept away the snow leaving the ice beneath clear; and there, froaen completely in, like a painted picture, was the fully revealed body of a man. I never saw any sight more grewsome than that ice-shrouded figure; the arms outstretched, the short, black beard rendering more ghastly the white, dead face. I gripped my hands onto Johnson's shoulder, and he was shaking like an aspen, his own face colorless in the moonshine. I wheeled him about savagely. "Don't lose your nerve, man. You've seen dead men before. Come, there's nothing to do here; we'll try how she looks aft." He followed me like a dog, casting uneasy glances backward over his shoulder. The deck was clearer of raffle beyond the foremast, a great gap in the port-bulwarks amidships showing where the wreckage had probably been swept overboard. The mainmast had been ripped out, leaving a great, ugly gash in the deck plank, and in falling had so smashed flat one corner of the cook's galley that we could look In through the jagged opening thus left. All the front portion was snow and ice, but the further extremity appeared dry enough, revealing a brick oven, a table screwed to the wall, and an overturned scuttle of coals, littering the deck. It was not a desirable spot, yet would afford protection from the frosty night wind, and be much better than the open L boat. Besides, I realized bow those others must {eel down there, bobbing up and down against those ice-caked sides. "Johnson,'* I said, my eyes wandering toward the dimly revealed front of the after-cabin, which appeared utterly shapeless under its mantle. "We've got quite a Job ahead of us to break through this wreckage. I'm for having the rest of the crew up to help us. Climb over into the main-chains and cut out some steps with your knife. We'll have them drop back there and unload. Then the women won't be obliged to see that dead man for'ard." ' He was some minutes at the task, and I occupied the time in kicking aside some of the litter in the galley and making the dreary interior a bit more decent, having the men pass up some spare blankets, %nd spreading them out on deck. Finally Kelly and the negro scrambled up, and between us we succeeded in lifting Lady Darlington and CeleBte over the icy bulwarks. The latter clung sobbing to De Nova, but my lady gassed about her wondeiingly, her eyes full of questions. Without Hpeaking we stowed them away under shelter. "She is certainly a relic," I paused long enough to say, "one of the oldtimers in these Beas. From the look of her she must have been locked up in the ice south there for a century." "Do you expect to sail her northward?" "I hardly know yet what to expect; that remains to be seen. She seems to ride the water stanchly enough and there is fully 30 feet of mast standing yonder. Anyhow, this deck at pres ent Is better than an open boat." "ButтАФbut it Is all so ghastly, so ghost-likeтАФCeleste is fairly crazy from the horror." "It is merely the effect of the moonlight glimmering on the ice; everything i3 ice wherever your eyes turn. But you are safe enough here, and with daylight the ghostliness of it will vanish." "Where are you going now?" "To break into the cabin; then we will have a decent place in which to stayтАФperhaps a chance for a fire. It is not likely to prove a long job, and I will be back to you shortly. Don't let the night shadows frighten you so." She gmlled back into my eyes bravely enough, although I realized the effort of will that it cost; and so I left her endeavoring to cheer the girl, who was sobbing wildly, with her face burled In her hands. The men joined me as I stepped without, crunching the light snow under their heavy boots, and staring uneasily about them as though the whole adventure was a dream. Lord! and no more could I shake off that same Impression as I surveyed the scone aft. A boat, bottom up, the planks smashed beyond repair, lay against the starboard rail. The after-cabin, built like a house, extended the entire width of the deck, a lumping affair, overhung with huge, projecting timbers, topped by ornate carvings, and having two companionways leading up, one of them crushed into splinters. The forward shutters were tightly closed, and the whole front appeared a solid mass of glittering ice, so obBcured by frozen particles of snow as to render any discovery of the door an impossibility. We began hacking at it with our knives, judging the opening would naturally be at the center, but the sheathing of ice proved so thick and solid that we made little Impression. "It will take us a week to cut our way in with these things," I said at last. "De Nova, I think I saw an ax frozen in at the left of the galley. Take a man with you and pry it out." It proved an odd-looking Instrument тАФa meat-cleaver, I imagineтАФbut was sufficiently strong and heavy. Kelly swung it vigorously, cleaving oft the ice in cakes, until we were finally able to trace the fitting of the door. Suddenly, striking at the upper panel, he dislodged a considerable chunk, thus revealing half a dozen letters painted across the front. Dade pried off a few inches more with his knife-blade, and we stared up Incredulously at the words: Cadi* " H o l y M o t h e r of G o d ! " a n d D e N o va, in h i s e x c i t e m e n t , d a n c e d about recklessly, forgetting the slipperiness of d e c k u n d e r f o o t . "It w a s z e t r e a s ure s h i p ! It w a s z e free million p e s o s ! S a e r e dam"! It. d o e s n o t a p p e a r p o s s i b l e t h a t 1 p e r c e i v e d it all, b u t n o w , l o o k i n g b a c k , I c a n r e c a l l t h e a t t i t u d e of e v e r y m a n a s t h i s r e v e l a t i o n of t h e v e s s e l ' s i d e n t i t y w a s s w i f t l y b o r n e in u p o n h i s consciousness. S a n c h e z s a n k affrightedly to h i s k n e e s , fingering the beads of a r o s a r y , h i s l i p s m u t t e r i n g inart i c u l a t e f r a g m e n t s of p r a y e r ; Dade stared, white-faced and t r e m b l i n g , his mouth wide open; Kelly jerked his c a p f r o m off h i s red h a i r a n d s w u n g it o v e r h i s h e a d w i t h a *vlid y e l l ; Johnson never stirred, a motionless statue, his lips c o m p r e s s e d ; the negro j o i n e d D e N o v a , h i s e y e s r o l l i n g , Uls - T s "I < k great feet pcwndJog the snow; while We are our beet when we try to be McKnlght grabbed the ax from Kel- It not for ourselves alone, but tor our ly's heedless fingers and began slash- brethren.тАФPhillips Brooks. M ing at the door. As for myselt at the Instant everything waa chaos. Tutif You Have Common Sore Eyes, tle was right, then; he had seen all if liueH blur or run together, you need that he said; our voyage had not been P E T T I T S E Y E S A L V E , 23c. A l l di u*causeless, a search after a will-o'-the- gista or H o w a r d Bros., Buffalo, N . Y . wisp; the sacrifices, suffering, loss of Put up with sarcasmтАФdon't practise these past months, were not "all in I t vain. Out of Antarctic solitudes, rePERKY pAYID' P A I N K I L L E R leased from the merciless grip of the For тАв u r i sodden chill or eold (instead of whiskey) тАв*┬╗ ice by some marvel of deliverance, Painkiller. For oollc. diarrhea and sun BUST complaint this treasure galleon of Old Spain, this medlulB* perer fall*. 86c, 86c an4 tOn bottiea. this ancient tomb of dead sailors, had Farmers and waahladles get their come drifting down to us, a veritable living from the soiL gift of God. The knowledge stunned I n . Wlnalow'a B o o t h i a * S y r a o , me; dazed my perceptions. It seemed farebUdrtja Metallic, softens the mi ma, reduoesltss a miracle. I could only press my aammaUoujkllay* pain.cure*wlodowUe. aScaUjtUe, hands to my eyes, stare blindly at that The man who plants a ladder never inscription, and struggle back to тАв knows what will come up. conception of reality. It was Kelly's 111 тАвE . . тАФ S5g wild shout and McKnlght'a blow that x aroused me, recalling me as instantly ^w to command. "Stop that!" I shouted, catching the latter roughly by the arm. "We shall need that cabin door. If there indeed be a treasure down below, we can hunt for it like men and not maniacs. McKnlght, if you strike another blow I'll drop you where you stand. Take knives and dig the ice out of the cracks. Get down on your knees at j the bottom, Dade, and don't stand KIDNEY L there like a fool. De Nova, see If you can locate the front windowsтАФthere must be two of themтАФand cut the ice away from the shutters." As they labored feverishly, their breath steaming In the frosty air, the moonlight silvering them and gleaming weirdly on the scattered ice-fragments, the haunting mystery of that hermetically sealed cabin brought to me a feeling of unutterable horror. Heaven! how long had it been thus ┬╗5, ┬╗4, тАв 3 . 5 0 , *3, *2.50 & ┬л2 frozen in? What awful tragedy of anT H E STANDARD other century was about to be reFOR 3 0 YEARS. vealed? What years of loneliness, of Millions of men wear W. L. Dooctaa shoes bedarkness, of polar night and cold had they are the lowthis derelict of the grim Antarctic ex- cause est prices, quality considered, ia the world. perienced? Where had it been? What Made upon honor, of the of those who had Bailed on board out heat leathers, br the moat skilled workmen, of Guayaquil that fair June day of in all the latest fashions. 1753, dreaming of the glad welcome W. L. Douglas $5.00 awaiting them in sunny Spain? What and $4.00 shoes equal Bench Work of the crew, hardy seamen all, black- Custom costing- $6.00 to $8.00. bearded, the gold loops in their ears? Boy'Shoes, $3,92.50*92 What of the passengers? What of the W. L. Douglas guarantees their value hy stumping five women who had walked these Ms nam┬л and price on the bottom. l,ook for it. T n k e Bfo Suhatltntr. Fast Color ┬гvfM*. decks? Where had they died, and A akyaMtr d e a l e r for W, L. Doiijrlut┬╗line┬л. If not forsalafn your town write for MaMOnier('atalof(.ahowhow? lng how to order by roatL Shoes ordered direct from factory deUreral free. W LDODUIM. Brockton,,"" (TO BE CONTINUED.) IN DODDS '>, IKIDNEY *&, PILLS ' !Z^*Guar^! W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES REASON FOR THIS SLANG TERM. Medical Men Say One Really 8ees Blue When Fainting. The use of the word "blue" to denote melancholy or terror, as in the phrases to "feel blue," "blue devils." a "blue funk," and so on, is not entirely figurative, if we are to credit a recent medical writer. The class of phenomena that includes fainting, vertigo, neusea, etc., is controlled by certain brain centers that also bring about a sort of cramp of the external muscles of the eye. The resulting compression of the organ causes objects to look gray or bluish, and ultimately produces apparent darkness. The use of the word, having a physiological basis, is common to many languages. The French say, for Instance, "I see blue." A writer says that the French word eblouissement (giddiness) should be spelled ebleuissement, ar.i has the same origin. The Worst Noises. The shriek of the whistle, the call of the newsboy, the rattle of the milk cart are all "trialsome," as a certain old lady used to say of her children, but perhaps the most unforgivable noise for a sensitive person Is one which recurs at slightly Irregular Intervals and for a long period. The drip of a water pipe, the whine of a dog, the slam of a blindтАФthese are the noises which destroy temper and sleep, even for well women. When one has struggled through a night tortured by such objectionable clamors, one realizes the full meaning of the poet's dream of peace, where "Silence like a poultice comes to heal the blows of sound!"тАФ Youth's Companion. Of Two Evils, the Leaser. There are other destructive forces in nature, and even earthquakes have rivals. This happened at the time of the trembler at Charleston, South Carolina, several years ago. A resident of the shaken city, while he felt that his duties required him to remain t h e r e t o d o w h a t h e m i g h t f o r t h e suff e r e r s , s e n t h i s s i x - y e a r - o l d s o n o u t of the danger and confusion to the y o u n g s t e r ' s g r a n d f a t h e r in N e w York. T h r e e d a y s after the boy's arrival t h e Charleston man received this telegram from h i s father: " S e n d u s your earthquake and take back your boy." Jane W a s Sensitive. J a n e Is a n a t h l e t i c g i r l , a n d h e r f e e t a r e n o t of t h o C i n d e r e l l a t y p e . "I s e e t h a t S l z e r , t h e s h o e m a n . Is having a sale," said Jane's mother. " P e r h a p s y o u c o u l d find something there to suit you." Jane frowned. "I c e r t a i n l y s h a l l n o t e n t e r S i x e r ' s store," she said w i t h m u c h firmness. "And w h y n o t ? " "Because the sign over his door s a y s ' B i g S h o e Sale!*- Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Refief-Penune* Cere CARTER'S UTTLE LIVER PILLS fail Purely vefet- ^ тАФ -тАв the liver. Stop after dntreatтАФ core indigestionтАФ improve die complexion тАФ bnabe*a 2 M eye*. SmeflPULSemUD┬лet,S┬лm┬лrrice G E N U I N E must bear agntture : Bond s :oent Msmp (lo cover mailing) and your dealer', nam* for a FrraaUa Tlr Catabar. which keep ┬л111 your home flylew The run PYRAMID' FLY CATCHER Ismore unitary thsn flr rarer and work* bettor and quicker, and lasM lnng┬лr. It i no objectionable odor and will not drip in the hottest weather. It can be hang tip ont of the way. The nhinina Ltmrfaoe attract* the files. Sold br ' (?┬╗**тАв┬╗ rt rifid t1r*fKrt┬╗t$fnr Sn. enrk. LealiDqfoagsAOa. TSDaeeaM .R.T. Stop taking liquid physic or big or little pills, that which makes you worse instead of curing. Cathartics don't cureтАФthey irritate and weaken the bowels. CASCARETS make the bowels strong, tone the muscles so they crawl and workтАФwhen they do this they are healthy, producing tight results. ┬╗┬░ 7 CASCARETS IOC a box for a week's treatment. AUdrapp***. Biggwtt neller in the world. Million boxes a month. DAISY 1 n.TKiuxR^;;s?sMa; ''тАвJEW Nr┬╗L,rli>┬лa, iwuaOK-*v┬╗l.o>B┬╗>nlrtil,c┬лHr┬╗p. L*┬╗ta All & тАв > тАв тАв ┬╗ . Mt.i┬л of ┬лD┬л1┬╗!, ┬л┬л┬╗тАвтАв┬л тАв pi I or Ups-rrr, wfll n<┬╗t ┬╗nt 1 or t nj┬╗ r┬л aarfrCllTf.Ur>!! ┬лтАв>>>┬╗┬╗ or ┬╗*0!pr┬лp*l4forSiav HA B O W M m * , 1M Ifeaaia Aw*. ' Rn*Ur>, H┬лw tern See O v Pocket Edition NO STROPHNG KNOWN THK A NO HONING WOWU) OVtR PARKER'S HAIR BALSA Ckanaw and hstutJfles ttta __ FYomaae* a hxnriant trava. Mavav ┬╗aila to masters Orew %?* APrEBNOOK SESSION, 1:80 SougServloe Devotional ADDITIOIAL LOCH. ttepon of NoaiaaUaf OoaajpOMee , #t thing Done, MotbJa* Won ti*tt Hur, at opera house Sunday Mrs. KeteU* BldwraU. Brifhtob The following ia the program for the conevening next. Editor D I S P A T C H : Keiwrt ot Worlds bundsy School Conreattoa tOBUMAMD ┬╗VMM^ TUXJMKOAY MQMM199 BY vention to be held at Brightou Wednesday Bev. F. L, Curry K. L. ANDREWS A G O . PRQPRIETORB. I n the days of long ago i t was Monday next ia Decoration day and and Thursday, June 1-2: Keport of Committee on Resolutions Those Lights and Other Matters. in* fiurtttfji ftepatrt County Sunday School Convention. the universal 90aturn for moving will be observed at Howell as usual^ITSBNOOiJ, ! =80 <Jt0#ini} Snag Raymond Sigler and family of S J Son* . Strticfl. vehicles to carry lights a t n i g h t THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1910. Bev. F. J. Oeboroe New Hudson Every organisation with publie The benefits of this cos turn were Lyon visited his parents here over APrayer, Problem la the Sunday School so mauy and so obvious that it Sunday and .called on their many Mrs. Edu┬╗ Jacob?, Brlgbtua spirit Should raise its voice in protest Sibucrlptlgn Price SI In A d v u w . Soma Facte which We Seed to Bmpbjui*" against the tariff on foodstuffs used by would be superfluous to enumer- friends. MlM Hale* Gage, New Hudson the middle and poorer cluaei at least I┬гat┬лnd at ih┬л Po*toMc*>t Plnefcnej, JUcbl<┬л> H. D. Uoche of Howell will deliver ate them. This desirable custom M aecoaoV-claM matter Christian Uy'e Pro*r*xn, Key. K. I. Cur.-y Uuwiug A man who speculates in what we eat Advertisloc retee nude knows on application. never became general in this the principal addresa at the Memorial XVKNiNO 7;0U or who forces prices up, deserve* the country, however, though it were dtfy exercises to be held at Hartland Sunn Service Devotional, Jt┬╗v. Hartle/ Ctuiieltl, Howell severest punish count.тАФJ. L. Hudson, Will some of t h e astronomers well if such had been t h e case. Decoration day. Mlaalouary Giving io tnu Suuday School Detroit. now please take a look around for Driving a t night t o t h e nervous A very heavy rain visited tnU sec* Rev. R. IX Hopkins, Uak Grove How can We Beat Make tbe Home au Effective The automobile power is too unthe price of pork roast. and timid is indeed a doubtful tion Saturday night. It was accomp- Agoacr la Winning the World ty Christr certain for Edward Teljer of Coboctaa. anied by a severe electrical storm and Rev. K. 1.. Curry pleasure. O n dark nights and in He has a pair of oxen weighing 8660 THURSDAY MOUSING, ┬╗:'JU about 25 telephones suffered a ^>uro dark places the vehicle ahead canSome young men take more pjunis, which can always be relied Song Servioe out. Devotional, Rev. Bettia. BrI-Lt;n upon. Mr. Teller was in Howell Satpride polishing the bowl of a pipe not be perceived until near a t The Holland StOJk Remedy Co. Appointment of Commit tat* urday with ln> team and it drew good hand, and a collision very a p t to than polishing their manners. of County Ottoera have an adv in tbe DISPATCH that may Report siz-fd audiences. The sight ol the or occur. Every person whose ex- pay our farmer friends to read. F. M. Report of Township Officers Question Boi IIJ charge of Ueo Chap I, Unwell team was very pleasing to old settlers. perience embraces any consider- Peters, of tbe Flouring Mills, handles A T┬╗at-tiers Troubles, A Man Wants to Die тАФ D^rax't-rft, MIBJJ LQIB rJerfcensti ck, Iliighton only when a lazy iiver and sluggish able amount of night riding, can their products. bowels cause 1 rightful despondency. recall scores of instances of thrillV, ┬г Hill ot Howell bas secured a Hat Dr. Kinjira New Lire Pills expel iug experiences, of hairbreadth ten year lease of the store occupied by poisons ficm the system; bring hope escapes and often actual collisions. Wm. Blumenthai, and will move bis "Homuni' B e l t Propelled and courage; curb all liver, stomach Lights on moving vehicles at lar^e stock of goods tbe.e as soon as Vehicle" given full dctuild and kidney trouble?; insert health night should have always been the vacated- Mr. Hi)Is adv appears 011 ywrnwccesaful care, bundling I тАв* W f t o w t y l o c a t t ' trouble. and vigor to the weak, nervous and custom, but the increasing num- page 8 ot the DISPATCH. T TS&nnlug at thefirstprlQailinsr. 25u at F. A. Higlers. ' *%$|fjrjeee8sary to be kuuwu, Frarcis Shields, after thanking bis ber of automobiles now renders *'┬╗0<l<rieu forward to the prln&ptiti used lu every i┬╗urt of a them imperative. The man in the many friends in tbe sixth congressionMotor Car. I t ia a Bhame to talk of reduc- dark vehicle can plainly see t h e al district for their kind words and i w$-4M* &'thorough course iu ' WjjfcrV1'''"'*' ┬░ r Automobile*, ing the size of paper money, for approaching automobile a long requests for him to make the run at fclghly approved by lumm. t Ajcturers, owners, operators it's hard enough to find them even distance away, b u t the driver in the primaries for tbe nomination for |t ' .antfrcpalrtiieu. C o u t a i us congressman from this district, says = now. car cannot perceive the unlighted 6vft"400lIlU8trut!<jns ┬л"<l diathat alter canvassing more thoroughly grams, maklujj every detail vehicle until he is well nigh upon he believes it best for tbe interests ot clear, written In plain language. Ilaudtomely bouud. The comet got the worst of t h eit, and often nothing b u t a cool the republican party, that be withTRICE *2 POSTPAID wrestle with the sun but it will head and a quick hand serves to dfaw from the contest. Mr. Shields OM APPROVAL come back again in 78 years for avert a serious collision. Could would make a good man for the place Th* only w┬╗y the practical fmerit of thia MANUAL con the placid drivers, calm in their but we shall have to accept his decisanother round. , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ '^bB fflven la by an examinar 5 ' 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H r . | tion of tbe book itself, which fancied feeling of security, who ion. "%e will submit for examination, to be paid for or returned, are passed from time to time by Lion Fondles a Child after looking it over. Upon receipt of the folio win^ agreeIn Pittsburg a 9avage lion fondled swift moving automobiles, realize 'iuent, the book will be forwarded. the band that a child thrust into his how occasionally, aud by what a No money Jn idvinc* required, ilgn and return cage. Danger to a child is sometimes uarrow margin, they escaped seriTheo. Audel ft Co., 63 Fifth Ave., New York great when least regarded. Often it ous mishap, they would be only Kindlyrasllme coj.y of Hoaiaai* AslowbllM, ┬╗"<'.┬╗ found ┬╗lt,f┬лc. lory, 1 Wifl lun>i*ai┬лt┬лly wiuli you I'/.OO, ur return th* bin* to you. In the death of Mrs. Jacob Kice of No. comes through colds, croup and whoop too glad to join in a demand for a NAME ^! Hamburg, Liviugston Couuty parts with mg cough. They slay thousands that OCCUPATION law to compell the driver of every one of its most estimable and highly resDr. Kings New Discovery could have AtUXtF.KK ... тАФ vehicle to provide it with a light peeled ladies. For some time Mrs. Kice saved. "A few doses cured our baby has been in poor health and all that could of a very bad case of croup" writes and to see that it be lighted when be done for her comfort was at her comMrs. Georare B Dayis of Flat Rock, N. abroad on t h e road while darkness mand from the kind hands of her children. G u a r a n t e e d undar C, "We always give it to him when reigns. This matter must appeal Angelina Dippy was born in Grovealf Pure F o o d he takes cold Its a wonderful med- to the good sense of every indi- laud, Livingston Cjunty, N. Y., in , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ Laws icine tor babies.11 Best for coughs, vidual. I t is sure to be brought 1829, and came with her widowed mother, colds, lagrippe, asthma, bemorrages, up at Lansing at our next session two brothers and two sisters to Michigan in weak lungs. M)c, $1.00. Trial bottle and will doubtless become a law.1835, where they bought a farm aud settled in Antrim, Shiawassee Co,, which was free. Guaranteed by F. A. SigXgfc. HOW TO RUN AN AUTO There are a lot of provincial Congressmen of t h e type o f "Uncle J o e " Cannon of Danville, 111., who have a grudge against the capital of their country and pretty much everybody within its borders. A Regular Tom Boywas SusieтАФclimbinj? trees and fences jumping ditches, whittling, always getting scratches, cuts, sprains, bruises, burns or scalds. But laws! Her mother just applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve and cured her quick. Heals everything healableтАФboils', ulcers, ecze ma, old sores, corns or piles. Try it at P. A. Siglers. Improve Your Baking W h i l e OU t h i s s u b j e c t of roads : then a mere wilderness. Their nearest w e Want t o a t t e n t i o n t o t h e fact j neighbor was two and one-half miles, the that w h i l e a m o r e efficient effort j n e x t f , V e m i l e H - There were many Indians . . , . ., , , ; near them, who were verv friendly. This would do more, yet the fact re- t J , . , , i . "тАв ~ r / ,^ ' ! family truly kn*w what pioneer life meant. m a i n s ID t h e t o w n s h i p of P u t n a m ; After a short time tuberculosis caused t h a t m o r e g o o d s e n s i b l e roadmak- (the death of the mother, leaving the little i n g h a s b e e n d o u e i n t h e p a s t t w o {orphan of seven years, who was brought to years than in any twenty previous ! the home of Dr. Walker in Hamburg, ^ w T AI тАв J .L I Liv. Co., where she lived for some time, years. I n this and some other L , n e w 9 . , , , . ┬╗, J , . i n тАв тАв I^ townships, the Commissioner * afterwards adopted nv Mr. is j Mrg< Case who ,owl K C Baking Powder wiL do it! Get a can. Try it for your favorite cake. If It doesn't raise better, more evenly, higher, тАФif it isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor, тАФwe return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. BAKING POWDER and M d cared for her ┬л┬л m a k i u g an h o n e s t effort t o c o m p l y one of their own children. With t h e law, w h i l e i n Some t h e In May l#i9, she was married to ("has. .CWwtO/ disposition seems to be a contin- <"тАв*тАв Smith who died .July .list Mowing. __ lii i i j ,i i. ' To this union one son, CII.'K. (i. of Luke- uance of the old do-nothing policy. , , , I h e law says two-thirds ^ , , Pure, Wholesome, Economical. , I land, was born. of the j I n 1 8 5 1 s h e w a 8 mfivM t 0 j3CoJ> Kice Work s h a l l b e Completed b y J u l y j and came to the farm where she has since first and i n a n y t o w n s h i p w h e r e ! shore. lived. FTo werefcorn e b them . 1st, 1909. deat'neight again children, claimed f o u r of w h o m h a v e nassed tn t h e Surf*' 'jaques Mfg. C┬л. Chicago ,her this is not being complied with J ! her life c o m p a n i o n . Saturday m o┬░r n i n g , The bill to change t h e Presi- a complaint to the Prosecuting | May 14lh, at three thirty, the death angel dents inauguration from t h e Attorney will be followed by vig- came and bore her tired spirit a w a y . of by "Good Roads"T has deadly Mar. 4th to the spring-like subject orous action this officer. h e She was a devoted mother, a friend to the needy a n d ever ready t o h e l p in last Thursday ia April has again come to stay and it is u p to the trouble or sickness. S h e leuyes to mourn failed to secure the requisite two- people to say whether we shall their IOBS 6 v e children: Chas. G. Smith of build them ourselves at the mini- L a k e l a n d , Mrs. E . Ophealia Droullard of thirds vote in Congress. mum expense or whether the Detroit, Mrs. E d . Drewry of H o w e l l , and The government would not be state builds them at a much great- H e n r y and Miss Adda K i c e at h o m e . T h e funeral was largely attended Monparty to J o h n D . Rockefeller's er expense. The farmer is conday from the Cong'l church i n N o . H a m way of giving away his few paltry servative in action but when he burg, R e v . A . G . Gates officiating. T h e millions and now he is getting wakes up to the fact that a thing casket was literally covered with flowers. Lines written by a friend: back on the people by boosting is right and beneficial he can genthe price of oil a notch or two.erally be found in the right col- Our dear one in with HHтАФthn Any a may sepm weary and chporleafl and sad, TAXPAYER. That is at least one way of getting nuiD. The Carter C a r With all to make drearv and nanflht to mako gl┬лd. Thin meHiage I timr, ring out, sweet and clear, "Your Savior 1B with yon, and she in with him." rid of the common peoples money. We iiave been hasle^ed ihe past few weeks with letters and clippings And so she is with n┬л each day and each hour, in regard to some office seeker, with To strengthen and nud comfort with wondarfnl power. tbe request to give sime space ia our O sad heart, take chwr; jour dear one is nsar 'тАвvaluable" paper. Most of our people AB the Savior to you; for she 1┬л with him. *** understand that we are publishing \ CAXD OF THA17XS. tbe DISPATCH for what there is m it and not entirely for giory for ourWe wish to thank the friends and selves or a few others. It must be neighbors for the rrany a:ts of kindunderstood by all that when such ness during tbe sickness and burial ot matters appear in this paper, they oar mother. Also the pastor and most be paid for art our rates or find cboir for their words of sympathy. lodgement in the waste basket. Our CHAS. (J. SMITH columns are open to alt parties who MRS. E. 0. DHOUILLARD pay the price. HKITBY KICE An Ideal Husband is patient eren with a nagging wife for be knows she needs help, She may be so nervous and run down-in health that trifles annoy her. If she is melan oholy, excitable, troubled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or tainting and dizzy spells, she needs Electric bitters the most wonderful remedy for ailing women. Thousands of sufferers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used them and become healthy and happy. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by F. A. Sigler. Subaortic tor t t e Plnatoay DUpatalL > ADDIK KICR MRS. E. J. DRKWRV There is None Better None Quite so Good Call at the Parage and Ltetus Tell Yon Why A. H. PblNTOPT Geberal Machinist, - Ptnckney, Michigan J 'iX:.r.i. тАвтДв*4imm Oam slsittjpc Dr┬лtw a The said proposed main drain and the said proposed branch drain are connected together aud form one entire drain with its outlet stake No. 0 set and standing in the open channel of the Cohoctah and Conway Union Drain, Grade T a b i c a From No. 0 to No. 28 grade 4 feet to the mile 0.10 feet to 2 chs. From No. 28 to No. 36 grade 22.80 feet to the mile, 0.57 fwt to 2 chains. From No. 35 to No. 48 grade 6.40 feet to the mile, 0.16* f┬йat to 2 chs. B&ANCHтАФFrom No. 0 to No, 8 grade 15.20 feet to the mile, 0.38 feet to 2 chs. NOTICE OF LETTING OF DRAIN CONTRACT. N o t i c e 1┬╗ H e r e b y . G i v e n * That I, Frank E. Mowers, County Drain Commliaioner of the County of Liviugaton and State of Michigan, will, on the 3rd day of June, A. D. 1910┬╗ at the residence pf Thomas )4┬╗K┬лnsi┬л iu the Township of Conway, in said county of Liviugaton, at Urn o'clock in the forenoon of that day, proceed to receive bids for the construction of a certain Drain known aud designated as "Conwsd Number Twenty Drain," located and established in the Township of Conway in aaid County of Liviugaton and described aa follows, to-wit: Surveyed March 28th and 29th A. D. 1910. J OHM MLCCBEABY, Surveyor. Survey of Conway Drain Number Twenty. An open main drain in Sectiopa 15 (fifteen) and ,22 (twenty-two) of the township of Conway in the County of Livingatqu aud State of Michigan. Beginning in the Cohoctah and Conway Uuion Drain in the $ ┬г i of the NEfcof section 15 of Conway at a point eight chains west of the section line between sections 14 and 15 aud 16.95 (sixteen and ninety five hundredths) chaius north of the east and west \ (quarter) line in section 15 (fifteen) to be of the length, width and depth hereinafter set forth dud described to wit: тАв i тАв->*тАв' тАв тАв тАв 4J ^ тАвv*; bo ┬╗ S 60┬░ 30m W S ┬л 2 ┬░ HO ruin S 14┬░ U> m i u S 4fiS 15 m i n 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 lb* 16 17 17 IS 20 22 22 24 00 fc 05 4 4 4 6 4 4 5 Unea and R e m a r k s . 77 13 34 10 36 10. 60 11 37 14 87 11 97 11 09 12 96 13 95 95 9 10 11 67 12 1 o. 6 7 6 3 7 and Subdivision O West S4┬░ W U . S. S u r v e y d d South West South S1┬░W % ┬л4 Beginning South South ! SI s 4 gearings ot the Course. , S a i d j o b w i l l b e l e t i n o n e or more sect i o n s , t h ┬л s e c t i o n at the outlet of s a i d drain will be let first a u d the r e m a i n i n g s e c t i o n s if a n y , i n their order u p stream in accordance w i t h the diagram now o n hie w i t h the o t h e r papers pertaining to aaid d r a i n in t h e office of t h e County D r a i n C o m m i s s i o n e r of t h e said County of L i v ingston, t o w h i c h reference may b e h a d by a l l parties interested and bids w i l l b e m a d e a n d r e c e i v e d accordingly. A t the same t i m e and p l a c e I w i l l a t s o l e t t h e contract for the furnifchiug of about s i x t y rods of n u m b e r o n e g l a z e d drain t i l e , the e x a c t a m o u n t a n d size of the said tile w i l l be a u n o u u e e d at the t i m e and place of letting. Contracts will b e made with t h e lowest responsible bidder g i v i n g adequate security for t h e performance of the work in a sutrr theu and there to be liked by m e , res e r v i n g to myself the right to reject any a n d all bids. N o person will b e permitted to b i d u p o n the construction of the said drain until such person deposits w i t h me the Bum of fifty dollars I N C A S H , cond i t i o n e d that if such person s h o n l d receive the contract for the construction of the said drain h e BIIHII enter into s u c h a contract and w i t h such t-uieiies aud b o n d as m a y be required by me. T h e date for the c o m p l e tion of such contract a n d the terms of paym e n t therefore shall aud will b A n n o u n c e d at the t i m e and place of letting. CQ 1 54 I n Cohoctah and Conway U n i o n D r a i n 68 72 20 74 74 94 18 92 95 15 06 16 18 14 36 2o 6 48 14 13 28 6 61 15 14 6 22 14 30 15 5 84 13 32 116 6 20 14 34 17 5 92 13 36 18 6 07 14 38 19 5 7i>ll3 40 20 41 20 42 21 5 71 13 44 5 53 13 22 46 5 21 12 23 47 48 5 31 12 24 50 5 6b' 13 25 52 4 87 11 26 54 5 09 12 27 56 5 09 12 28 58 5 06 12 29 w 60 4 21 10 30 62 31 9 4 18 10 w 64 32 10 3 61 9 3 53 9 e tie 33 (>8 4 25110 34 96 L e a v e n 1 0 a a t ne ┬г o f se J of sec J 15 with 22 9.05 c of d r a i n 44 68 40 84 14 58 69 3 70 35 71 i i S r>;5┬░ 30 m m e 72 136 74 >37 76 38 78 (39 S61┬░e |79 44 N 63┬░ 45 m'm e 80 40 82 11 H 72┬░ 30 min e 83 78 s 40┬░, 45 min e84 42 m 27 43 S S.y 15 min e86 ill 88 45 00 30 lis |90 S 7 8┬░,'30 nun ┬лтАв92 471 94 58 19 91 K -)0 IS 29 T e 95 at a poiu 42 1 3 . 9 5 c w o t J post l e a v e a 3 0 a of n e \ 06 of s e ┬г of sec 1 5 w i t h 1 8 . 5 3 c of drain e n 42 ter n | o t s \ of Be i of sec 15 of se ┬г of sec 15 | T o sec line between sees 15 <fe 22 at a p o i n t 0 . 7 5 c w of | post leaves sjf of a \ of se \ of sec 15 with 6,40 c of drain e n ter w \ of ne { of Hec 2 2 Kmer e i of ne [ of sec 22 J 461 8 92 93: 9 31110 93 1 13 43 10 86 62 86 86 60 OS 20 % 38 10 84; 11 76 68 80 11 04 10 60 08 93 11 03', 12 86 06 L e a v e w fc of ne \ of nee 2 2 with 3.37 (.: < )f druiii 74 E n d of drain in e i of n e ┬г of sec 2 2 1тАФThe l i n e above described to be the center line of said drain. proposed open 2тАФSai i line is m a r k e d by grade stakes at each two c h a i n s distance from N o . 0 at the b e g i n n i n g to N o . 4 8 at the upper e n d e x c e p t t h a t from N o . 47 to N o . 48 t h e distunce'is 1.29 c h a i n s . 3 тАФ S a i d stakes are a c c o m p a n i e d h* grade hubs which are Ihe base of all calculations.of d e p t h , width and g r a d e . Also stakes at all a n g l e s n u m b e r e d consecutively "from one to n i n e t e e n . two fiтАФSlope of bank not to e x c e e d one a n d one-half feet out to o n e foot rise. 7 тАФ T h e right of way to be forty feet i n w i d t h upon e a c h s i d e of the drain m e a s u r e d outward from the c a t t i n g l i n e s of the d r a i n . iu 2 ^ 89 3 3 1)1 4 4 27 5 4 39 6 0 2o 7 5 7fi 2o S o 3S t21 Do you know that your hogs have worms enough t o torture them and eat up your pro&taf Pigs from the time they are a few j weeks' old are compelled to fight for life against worms. I^et us show you ho A- VOU can help them win the right and Increase V/. % . ^1 IOWA WORM JVIMDaTKandw'inr t┬╗ try it, we are ready to prove that it w .1 ^ i what we claim ami that it is '.he onl> sure тАв I and harmless worm remedy on the market. ! 1 F D s V E T 1 W o w ' u ^11^ J"ou a jl.Oo, I тАв тАв % тАв & тАв & тАв p a c k a g e . We will s o t ' charge yoo one cent for thia first trial order if you will send ua 25c. for postaRe 3nd packI ing, and tell na how mnrh stock you own. [IOWA STOCK RWJ C0.,Dspt. 20,]┬лffarsoft,!a┬╗i. 1 MANURE SPREADER FARMERS, ATTENTIONS T h i s M a n u r e Spreader i s different f r o m a l l others. D o n o t b u y w i t h o u t first i n v e s t i g a t i n g t h e m e r i t s o f t h e same. T h e e x c l u s i v e f e a t u r e s n o t f o u n d o n o t h e r machines: Drawn with coupling p o l e ; without a clutch or c o g w h e e l . (Jem h o h e a p e d in l o a d i n g , I t h e s a m e a s a f a r m w a g o n . Guar- j n n t e e d t o p u l v e r i z e all m a n u r e (notice t h o t h r e e c v ->a.-c^}. 1 lus ti..ici'.i:;.^ is in'i'.t d a a c o i n m o n sen.-e principle of a farm wijui. hence is the simplest, m o ; t .l-.-.rahh;. li^'ite^t draft, l o w e s t d o w n ( h e n c e e a s y t o l o a d i n t o ) spreader o n th.- M.aricct. Hacked b y +en y e a r s ' e x p e n e n c e , n o t a n e x p e r i m e n t . A s k f o r c a t a i o r u e X. T H E N E W IDE! A S P R E A D E R CO., Coldwater, Ohio. iW*a^┬л'Woi-┬л Judge of Frohate. THE LAUNDRY QUEEN El E n d of drain at a point 3S l i n k s west oi I the section line b e t w e e n s e c t i o n s 14 a n d 15 a n d 2 0 l i n k s north of the N W corner of the j 8 i of the S W i of section 14 aaid B r u n c h D r a i n of Raid proposed C o n w a y Drain N o . I 2 0 to b e a T i l e D r a i n with a practically constructed Concrete Catch with set i n ita walla tvt the bottom north, euat and south to p r o v i d e for Basin connecting Tile Drain from the road aides and enat under t h e H i q h w a y making a n outlet to t h e eaat side ( the of N Worms Starve your Hogs,Polson thoir Blood and finally Kill Them Ob'MICHIGAN, the Probate Cv^urt of of-"Livingston, tthe County " " " SAt.TATE ┬╗ session of said court held at tho Probate I the Village of Howell in s&id Connty, on Also a branch D r a i n of Conway D r a i n N o . 2 0 b e g i n n i n g in t h e center line of C o n - Oraeoin tbe 6th day of May A. T). 1910. way Drain N o . 20 i n the N % of the S \ of t h e S E i of S e c t i o n N o . 15 at a p o i n t 18┬╜ Present, Hon. Arthur A. Montague, Judge of links north of angle N o . 6 of main line at a stake marked N o . 0 and running t h e n c e , Prohate, In the matter of the estate ol \CM. KKWLAS, deceased. to-wit; O. D. Bland havln┬л nleit in said court his final account a┬л ndmlnletrator with will annexed ot said estate and his petition praying for the allowance тАЮ^ 1 thereof. c *l It in ordered that the "rd day of .Tnno A. r┬╗. TJ. S. S u i v e y a n u 1 a Win, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said Prohate Office fie and ia herohy appointed for examining Subdivision Eearlnn R 2 9 5 rs "^ and allowing said acconnt. of the eaS ┬░ a Tt is iurthur ordered that nuhllc notiro thereof l i i n e s Courses. D. to he giv┬лin by publication of a copy of this onier for and three successivs weeks previous to snid day of X\5 b. Hemarka hearins;, in the Pinckney l>rap\T┬л.H n newspaper printed and elrculated in said county. 0 0 4 42 I n centre of main l i n e 0 BeRinning 4RTHTJB A. MOKrArtTIE. I S 71┬░ 30 min e 2 1|4 56 4 6 8 10 12 I14 il4 W * o f s \ of nw \ . W i of n 50 a BW i . W | of s 3 0 a of n \ of sw J. 53^ a of nw I. S 26┬╛ a ut n \ of nw i - Cheap Lands. WH own some land in Minnesota that, we have just, thrown on the markot; we have a nioe improved 160 with good buildinus at. 130 p┬лr acre; one 320 acre tract with extra line buildings at $35 per acre; also a few 80 acre far in > We can se-1 you some wild land at $12 per acre. Write for descriptions ot* these. Address Kenton County Real Estate Co. j Sink Rapids Minn. [ main 4 тАФ A l l a n g l e s to b e turned at an easy c u r v e of 5 0 Iks. each way e x c e p t a n g l e w h i c h i s to b e a right an^le, 5тАФwidth of bottom two feet. S e c t i o n number fourteen. Howell la said eouatyou the 10th tfaj of 3Csy 4. i>. i'JtO. Present, Hon. Arthur A. MoatagM A square 2 0 A i n sw corner of n :{ of aw J u<i(je of rrub*U>. 1 a the natter ot the estate of \, Siofsiofbwl. PATHICK Mclhraz, Deceased. Section Number Fifteen. G. W. Clark, having filed la aaid court N ; hla petition pray in i; that tbe adminetratloa S E \ of n e \ . S 20 a of s \ of se i of isid e e u t e , be luaoteo to t o n e suitable person It is ordered that the 3rd day ot Jane A, D , 60 a of s \ of s * \ . N \ of u \ of ne J of тАЮ.., , , W10, at ten o'clock in tbe lorenoon, at aaid pro. se I. S 3 0 a of ue ┬г of se \. N W 1 of se bate ottop, ^ and is hereby appointed for hearing asid ptiitvon. , ┬╗_ , i. SE i of aw J. ft is further ordered, that public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy ot this order Section Number Twenty-two. for three auocewaive wee&┬л previooa to ┬╗ald da; of E 1 of n e i . W i of ue \. K \ of s e J hearing in the Hackney DUpatca, a newsr*P*r > 41 e x c e p t a p i e c e of Innd 10 rods e & w by 8 prinlea and circulated la aaid cennty. ABTHUK A. MONTAGUB, rods u & a i n s e corner. \ \ \ of ae ^. Judge ot Probate, _ Section Number Twenty-three. et. Wonder who they figured would be here to collect or even pay it, if anything had happened? at a p o i n t 40 l i n k s w e s t of t h e section line between sections 2 2 a n d 2 3 anil 8 40 c h a i n s s o u t h of the section c o r n e r of sections 14 aud 15 and 22 ami 2 3 371112 t a t e o f M i c h i g a n , tbe prooate court tor the couat j of Livingston,- At a session of said S Court, aaid at the Probate Oftes 1m the Village of LEMON BITTERS 62 32 74 18 18 12 42 36 L i n e b e t w e e n a i a n d n ┬г of B ^ of se $ of 22 sec 15 at a point 22.80 w of sec l i n e sees 06 14 <& 15 l e a v e u f c f s ^ o f s e i o f sec 1 5 50 w i t h 20.80 c h s of drain enter B \ of s \ 68 40 S2┬░ e E n t e r s 3 0 a o f n e i of se \ of sec 15 at a p o i n t 9 . 6 2 c w of sec l i n e s e e s 14 & 15 E & w | line i n s e i of sec 1 5 Our people ot wealth and intelligence are kind hearted and would he really patriotic it they had the time. Their Uvea and leisure give them little opportunity to know or bee anything really important in connection with on* social life. QTATK OK MICHIGAN, The Probate Court for the ^County ot Livingston, M a beesiou of aaid cgurt kild at the Probate office iu the village ot Howell, in eaid N o w , therefore, all u n k n o w n a n d n o n county, on the 6th day of May A. D. 1910. resident persons, owners and persona interFieBent, Hon. Aithur A. Montague, Judge at ested in t h e a b o v e described lauds, a n d Probate, In tbe matter of the estate ol Calvin B. Wellcr. deccaacd y o u E d g a r Cullier, I d a Collier, T h o m a s A . Jennie Hooaer tiaviiv filed m BaiG court her peBigelow, Omar C. Bigelow, J a c o b Farver. tition pxaying that the time for the presentation Loreu C B u s h , E l e c t a B u s h , J e r o m e T . of claims agaiust said attrtv be Umiu-tl and tbat a P e t t e y s , T h o m a s M c K e n z i e , G e o r g e H e n r y j time and place be app┬лl┬╗i^d to receive, examine PbillipB, CharleB K l e i n , L e a h K l e i n , J o h n j ad;ust all claims and deuiauds agaiuat aaid deSnyder, F r e d K . K i l l i n g e r , M a i y H . K i l l - teased by and twfors eaid court. It is ordtnd that four uontbs from iti┬╗ date he inger, Covert S h e r w o o d , Charles Bogart allowed for creditors to yreeeiit clanus against E s t a t e , a n d y o u Clement G a n n o n , Super- aaid estate. visor of the township of Conway, and you It ia lurthi-r ordered that i ue 7tt day ol SeptemFrank Daily, Highway Commissiouei ber A. 1>. PU┬╗, at ten o'clock ia the foreof t h e T o w n s h i p of C o u w a y , are here- noon, iitsuia probate office," t┬╗e Mid id hereby appointed for the uxtuuinatioii a-d adjustment of by notified that at the time and place aforeall claims an I demands iigainbt aid deceased. CJ said, or at such other time a n d place thereA R T H U R A. M O N T A G U S . after to which said hearing w a y be adJudge at Prcbate. N o t i c e is further hereby g i v e n that at j o u r n e d , 1 s h a l l proceed to receive bids for the t i m e aud place of said letting or at t h e construction of said "Conway N u m b e r such other t i m e and place thereafter to T w e n t y D r a i n " in the m a n n e r hereinbew h i c h I, the County D r a i n Commissioner fore stated ; and also, that at such time of aforesaid, m a y adjourn the s a m e , the . a s - j l e t t i n g { r o m n i u e 0 , d o c k -m thv f()remnm . sessment for benefits and the land com- u u U 1 fiye O , c l o c k J n t h e : l f t e r n o o n > lhej prised w i l h the Conway N u m b e r T w e n t y a B W M m e n t f o r b t n e f i t s a m l , h e l a n d H c o m . i D r a i n Special Assessment District and t h e p r i s e d w i t h i u l h e C o n w , ( V X l i m b t . r T w e n t v i apportionment thereof will b e announced 1 ) r H - m S l ) k > c i a l A w j e s s n i l , l l t Districts will b e ! by m e and will b e subject to a review for 8 U D ; C ( . t t 0 r o v i e w . o n e day from n i n e o'clock in the forenoon Anci You and e a c h of y o u , i until five o'clock in the afternoon. { O w n e r s and persons interested in til*" 1 If Lemon Bitters i s the Enemy o f the T h e following is a description of the aforesaid lamls, are hereby cited to appear j Doctor, it is surely t h e Poor Man's Friend, several tracts or parcels of land constitut- a t t l i e t i m e and place of such letting as as it w i l l do its work well and quickly. N o aforesaid, and be heard with respect to I i n g the special assessment district of said large bills to pay. N o loss o f tune, and a o s u c h special assessments and your inter-' great suffering if taken i n time. W h y will d r a i n , viz: ests in relation hereto, if vou so desire. i you suffer from Indigestion, Sick Headache, D a t e d H o w e l l , Mich , Slay 13th, A . 1), T O W N S H I P OF CONWAY Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sore Mouth, l'JH). I Heartburn,and kindred ailments, w h e n one T o w n s h i p of C o n w a y at large, beinjr F K A N K E. M U W K R S , bottle o f Lemon Bitters w i l l not only relieve t o w n s h i p four north of range three east County Drain Commissioner of the County but cure all o f tbe above diseases? N o t only Michigan. of Livingston. that, but Lemon Bitters is o n e o f t h e best Tunics in the world. It will enrich and give tone t a t h e Blood, bringing back the flush o f T h e comet has passed, the moon | "Some men succeed iu spite of youth to the face, keeping away by its use a that dread disease Paralysis, by causing the been totall eclipsed and the world ! c o l l e g e education," Bays Speaker blood to floтАФ with greater vigor through Cannon. True, and more men still stands. the brnin U n i o n Bittera la especially recommended succeed because oi' it. to those in years, for ita invigorating effect. Out in hoH Angeles frightened Uive it a trial aud you will De the Lemon Bitters best friend, aa you will always use it Talking about oil paintings, Mr when In need of medicine. Sold by Druggist*, negroes have been paying 25 cents ┬в1.00 per bottle. Prepared ouly by the Rockteller 1ms never D e e n nij* LEMON B I T T E R 8 MIDICINB OO., a week insurance against the comin oil yet, 8t. Johns, Michigan. E & w i l i n e i n sec 15 at a point 8 . 6 3 c h s w of u . a. t post b e t w e e n sees 14 & 15 l e a v e se J of n e \ of sec 15 w i t h 1 6 . 9 5 c h 90 of d r a i n Enter n 10 acres of n e \ of se 12 i of sec 15 66 17 32 *┬л*&&&┬г┬гтАв S u c c e e d w h e n e v e r y t h i n g e l s e fails. I n n e r v o u s prostration a n d f e m a l e w e a k n e s s e s t h e y are t b e s u p r e m e r t m e d y , a s t b o u s a n d s h a v e testified. I of H i g h w a y a n d the lands contiguous thereto. W i d t h of R i g h t of Way to he 20 ( t w e n t y ) feet upon e a c h s i d e of t h e center line ' nf aaid brunch D r a i n for the placing of E x c a v a t i o n s and T i l e i n construction a n d main-1 l a i n a n c e thereof. I ( IRONING TABLE ectnc Bitters FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND g STOMACH TROUBLE I "ot tim Obe^emt bat fib* BтАФt era, sleeves and babywesx; R o o m f o r S k i r t s on the ie free end. The fine working parts and braces are metaL a n , "тАвtWrfsssnlaiV" ? f ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ * n d onrabflity. It has a very ttxrvDla ^ 5 ┬╛ ^ 1 < ? k ? ┬╗ toH┬░*i H can b / o ^ e d s n d S ^ S " 1 0 ^ ? ^ ftmn'ths floor a n o l a ^ j u s U , n i W , , e tor S ^ W ' t ^ S ^ тАв K e ^ d ^ ^ t e t h e r p t e T M V t , W p l n " *┬╗^┬лWpPisttorUsedfcSW / If y o w Dealer cannot fUrnlsb a ** TAnmt 1 тАв OngMm " M ┬╗ n i >vt┬л - d im uE┬г$i$r ^sf^ ** ****** wSeSB'orw? тАв"* **тАв mmmmmmmmmmmmmтАФmmтАФ*mmS it is tbe best medicine ever aokl 1 over a druggist's counter. I NATIONAL WOQDENWARE CO., Ltd., firsnd RtpJds, Mies. тАв*тАвтАвтАв WESTEMCAMM A тАвOLDIIR'9 E X M R I E N C I . Hardships of Army Life Brought On a Severe Case ef Kidney Trouble. aawa AfeA^Mw^MtaatM^aaetSMatak H. N. Camp, 1┬╗W Delaware 8 t , Denver, Colo., says: "During the Spanish-American war, I contracted a severe kidney trouble. Alter returning home, X waa under a physician's care for months, but grew gradually worse. Finally I got so bad I could not hold the urine at all. I also had intanafi suffer* lng from back pains. Doan'a Kidney Pills m a d e improvement from the first, and soon I waa well and __ strong." Remember the nameтАФDoan'a. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.,Buffalo, N. T. iif cf┬╗wrswisi┬╗┬лejS u a wheat eiaortlatf wheat oouatry. ThkB*Mtt*Uft>Ml aatelatekincaaTUtese eitfee aitaafloa bj *Sr teaatv* rallarar b u M efiasMiraoM BttaheJa off WhMt bjptmteain lSO┬╗. a j u _ тАЮ the^ ^ now of Aibaria, apwardaof 43 boahelapef Manitoba will of rreohouiiwtтАФda of ISO тАвcrwfc l Sokoota ^ ^ eoonirewteot, ^AaS S ultmiiMy excellent, n i l the vwfrjSSPfc n U m n eloM at hand* bwJBP fna/ liunber rheao,"fite* M a r t * тАв e l and rwaonnbto In OToe. boat pl┬╗oe for aettJeaMat. eettJer? low railway rate*, df-frl^veJlta* tmted " l a * Beat Warf "(pa* tree, 1 application), and other Ottawa. OWLT orofto Ithe >n, to_Bup't Qovemoveat Aauat. WL I. skhMt, 171 JtftMtM In* M sr t A. Lew*, tun tte. lara, at*,] A trickster is merely a person who gets the better of us. fUee addreae neatee* rooV Sb] CASTORIA for Infanta and Children* The Kind You Hava Always Bought His rest shall be glorious."тАФIsaiah xi, 10. I wonder if, where the soldiers rest, In the last long sleep of all, At the inn which only holds one guestтАФ In that narrow, silent hallтАФ I wonder if they can hear today All the children as they come, And the ringing notes that bugles play And the rolling of the drum. >>:. I .wonder if, where they fare afar, They can see the flag that flies With the glory-gleam of the stripe and star A s it flutters in the sKies; If they may not looK bacK to us today While the trumpet calls resound, And the lily white and the rose w e lay On the myrtle covered mound. I wonder, too, if they hear us tell In the tones of love and pride, How they lived for u s ; h o w they fought ancfc felli How they marched away and died; If they do not gaze with, their happy eyes, And their rest is not more sweet When the mellow songs of the bugle rise And the drums serenely beat. Promotes DigestionXheerfulness and Rest .Contains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC fat/* ofOM S? M Bears the Signature of DrSA?tV┬гlimfi┬гR MxS-mm * faMUSmtb '< A*u*Snd * BiCarl** mUS*Htx тАв W┬╗rm Sttd Wi*krff*t* Ft*vor A perfect Remedy for Constipation , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverishness and LOSS OF SLEEP facsimile Signature o f 'TKE CENTAUR COMPANY; NEW YORK. At b i n o n t h % ┬л>Ic ^5 D o s i i j^tr 'Guaranteed under the Foodai Szact Copy of Wrappse. For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VMieaarrauaeewMNY. naw Toaaerr?. God rest them well! for a country's trust And a country's hope and fame Are shrined for aye in their hallowed dust And surround each soldier's name! God rest them well! If today they come And can see the hearts of us Beat glad in tune with the throbbing drum, Then their rest is glorious. CHEWING TOBACCO (Copyright, 191a by W. G. Chapman) SOLDIER GOT HIS SHIRT T was just after the battle of Shiloh that William C. Phlpps met the" man who was to live and has lived over since In his memory as "his silent partner," says the Indianapolis Star. Here Is the story as Mr. Phipps tells it: "Somewhere that man la probably living todayтАФhe was hale and hearty appearirp. I don't know him and never did know hii name, but I'll bet he is the but man of the community where he lives. I'll bet every person that knows him in bis friend. "You see, it happened like this: After, the flght at Shiioh most of the boysтАФor a good many of them at leastтАФhad lost all they had in the way of equipment, extra clothes and such things. A good many were wounded. I was wearing a bloody, torn shirt and I wanted anotherтАФ wanted it bad, too. I went out to forage for it. I hadn't left camp very far behind when I saw a fellow chopping on a logтАФgetting firewood, evidently. I started toward him and he kept chopping on. I got closer and finally stopped near him and watched him. Chop-chopтАФhe kept rlgkt onтАФ didn't seem to ┬лee me. "Then I said to him: 'Partner, look hart; aaa,jn* shirt I'm lookia' for another one. Tou don't know where I could get one, do you?' "He had stopped as I started to 8peak and when I finished he raised his ax 'way up and sans: it Into thf log. He let it stick there, ripped off his coat, threw It down and pealed off his shirt. He tossed it to me and put his coat back on, grabbed his ax and went on chopping. He never opened his mouthтАФnever so much af grunted. "Did I take that shirt? Well, 1 guess I did. That fellow was my srlent partner, and he is, yet. No, 2 never met him again. I looked back as I started for camp and he didn/x seem to hear me when I thanked him. Just kept chopping on that logтАФchop, chop." The only way to learn to do great thing* is to do small thinga well, pa* tlently, loyally.тАФDavid Starr Jordan. In this tin canister the air-tight, moistureproof packages of Tiger Fine Cut are kept in perfect condition until they reach youтАФ That's what makes Tiger so full-flavored, clean, moist and richтАФnever flat and tastelessтАФnever dry and crumpled like ordinary loose fine-cut sold from an open pail Tiger is always the cleanest, sweetest and richest fine-cut you ever tasted. 5 Cents тАв - "тАв тАвтАв - ^ ^ - A .тАвтАв*тАв> тАв тАв тАв " тАв'тАв' . - ' , - тАв . . "> . тАв,тАвтАв-тАвтАв mmi i ainr -"of ~n' iriirifiirMnirim irjafiTf тАв 1 -.\r j * ' тАв . . . . ; ' ' тАв . . " тАв . тАв тАв . ' ┬╗ . . , . , тАв < . , , , ^ - тАв . . . тАв . / тАв тАв ; . . ' тАв тАв . , тАв ; тАв - тАв , тАв тАв тАв * ; . тАв . - ; - . ' тАв ' . * тАв ' , тАв ' тАв / * . ' i *- тАвтАвтАв KING BORNE TO "TOMV.1 NOT INTERESTED IN TOADS 1 ^ Quality or Task Because the utmost care ii tjaken by _ to select oalytbc choicest "material^, and prepare them in the same careful manner every time. You are thus assured of uniform goodness, and this is the reason that the use of Libby's gives such general satisfaction to /ery housewife,j Try IMf Beef MtxktaT*jn]┬лt Ham Loaf QiiliconCanM Yieflni Sausage Evaporated H3k "For luncheon, spreads or everyday meals they are just the thing. Keep a supply in the house. You never can tall when they will come in handy. Ask forLibby'iand be sure you get lobby**. r*rx Libbj, McNeill * lobby ee^^^^^^^^e ^^m^r^^^m ^тАвr^^^eawea ^s^^sreani ^sa^sjiBai eaas^BF Chicago .V h W i H T F I I MKN A N D W O M E N fur quickest If MIS I taSf telling household specialties on earth. Brery woman burs on Bight. Experience unnecessary. Goods sell themselves. Write today. nMlKaCIDHritCIALTl CO., 1SUK. tMlk 8(.,Nrw YtrkQt?. u Z S ^ i Thompson's Eye Water AWFUL. Qeoroe V. and Eight Other Monarcha . Ride In Pageant THE MARKETS MalftleтАФWas he on his knees when he proposed? DaiByтАФNo; but he went down the Bteps Uuit.way when papa caught him. D e t r o i t . тАФ C a t t l e тАФ M a r k e t d u l l an J 2!>o to 35o l o w e r than lust w e e k . Best stoer-s a n d h e i f e r s , $7; MKMMH a n d heifers, 1.0U0 t o l.liOO, $6.25(^6.75: s t e e r s a n d h e i f e r s , 800 t o 1,000, $6<M.f>0; Krass s t e e r s a n d h e i f e r s t h a t a r e fat, 800 to 1,000, $ 5 . 5 0 ┬о 8 ; g r a s s s t e e r s a n d h e i f e r s t h a t a r e fat. 500 t o 700, $ 4 . 7 5 ^ 5.50; c h o i c e f a t c o w s . $5@>5.50; g o o d f a t c o w s . $ 4 . 5 0 0 6; c o m m o n c o w s , $3.50 (5)4; c a n n e r a , $ 2 . 5 0 ┬о 3 ; c h o i c e heavy b u l l a , $5.50; fair t o p o o d b o l o g n a s , b u l l s . $4.50@6; s t o c k bulla. $4@4.50; m i l k e r s , large^ y o u n g , m e d i u m a g e , $40 @56; c o m m o n m i l k e r s , $JMI@35. V e a l c a l v e s тАФ M a r k e t 76e n l g h e r t h a n l a s t w e e k ; b e s t , $S@8.50; o t h e r s , $ 4 ┬о 7.50. M i l c h c o w s and s p r i n g e r s тАФ S t e a d y . Sheep and lambsтАФMarket, good g r a d e s , 15c t o 25c h i g h e r t h a n l a s t w e e k ; c o m m o n l a m b s 25c. g r a s s shee>┬╗ 50c l o w e r ; beat l a m b s . $S.50<&>8.75; fair to g o o d l a m b s , $8@8.25; l i g h t t o c o m m o n l a m b s . $5@6.50r sprinR l a m b s , $9 @11; f a i r to g o o d s h e e p , $ 4 ; c u l l s a n d A Quick Cat. Some years ago the proprietor of a hoiel in southern New Hampshire told the following story: He aaid that vhen he was a boy he had occasion to go into the garret of his house one morning and" that the family cat followed him up the stairs. One of the wiudows was open, and when they entered the garret a frightened mouse Jumped out of the window, and the cat, Jumping after it, caught it in midair and, whirling round, jumped back common, $3.50┬о4. again into the sarne window. H o g s тАФ P a c k e r s bidding No Affair of His. "t noticed, Mr. Lloyd, that you were the only person who did not weep during Mr. Evans' beautiful prayer." "You forget, Mrs. Davies, that I belong to another parish."тАФThe Bystander. It takes an oculist to make some people open their eyes. 5c l o w e r t h a n last week. R a n g e of p r i c e s : L i g h t t o b u t c h e r s . $9.70; piga, $9.70; l i g h t y o r k e r s , $9.70; s t a g s , 1-3 off. E a s t Buffalo, N. Y . тАФ C a t t l e : Best 1,300 t o 1,450-lb steers, $7.65@8.15; g o o d , 1,200 t o 1,360-lb. s t e e r s . $7.25┬о 7.75; b e s t 1,100 t o 1,200-lb shipping steers, $6.50┬о 7.25; m e d i u m butcher s t e e r s . 1,000 t o 1,100 l b s , $ 6 @ 6 . 4 0 ; l i g h t b u t c h e r s t e e r s , $5.25┬о5.75; best fat c o w s . $6.50@7; fair to g o o d , $ 5 ┬о 5 . 5 0 ; c o m m o n t o m e d i u m , $3.50<Q>$4; b e s t fat heifers, $7┬о7.50; good fat heifers. $5.75@6.25; f a i r to g o o d , $ 5 . 5 0 ┬о 6 ; b e s t f e e d i n g s t e e r s , $5.25@5.75; m e d i u m t o ood, $ 4 . 2 5 ┬о 4 . 5 0 ; s t o c k e r s , a l l g r a d e s , 3 . 5 0 ┬о 4 ; b e s t b u l l s . $6(^6.50; b o l o g n a b u l l s , $5@5.75; t h i n l i g h t b u l l s , $3.75┬о 4.50; b e s t m i l k e r s a n d s p r i n g e r s . $ 5 6 ┬о 65: c o m m o n t o good. $ 2 5 ┬о 4 5 ; . JT H O K S : R e c e i p t s , 86 c a r s ; m a r k e t 10c lower; mixed medium and heavy and g o o d y o r k e r a , $9.85┬о9.90; f e w d e c k s choice*, $9.95; l i g h t y o r k e r s a n d p i g s , $9.90<&U0. S h e e p a n d l a m b s : R e c e i p t s 80 c a r s ; m a r k e t s l o w ; handy lambs, $8.85^8.90; heavy. $8.35^8.50; yearlings. $7┬о7.60; w e t h e r s , $6.SO@6.65; e w e s , $5.60<┬з)5.75. C a l v e s , s t e a d y ; choice, $8.35┬в┬в8.50; fair t o g o o d , $7@7.75; c u l l s t o c o m m o n , $6 ┬й 6 . 7 5 ; l i g h t t h i n c a l v e s , $5@6. f A Breakfast Joysweet, Crisp, Golden-Brown Post v Toasties Ready to serve from the package with creamтАФno cooking necessary* The Memory Lingers** тАв(' тАв┬╗тАв - Pfcja. 10c aad 15c V POSTUV CEREAL CO.. L t d B*rU┬╗ Creak, Mica. mm тАв ┬╗ ┬╗!тАв But B┬лM0┬лrwt┬лd ttiburbanJU W M .. r*ore┬л+ ┬лo U┬лt┬╗n to tuttetic* On'a gun carriage drawn by blue. - Uwtfr-Pjrtfcficr,!*** Way. jackets the body of King Edward VII. was home to Its last resting place in the tomb house at the Albert Memoalways JftoMftT-M&iBtoti atfttUtto*. rial chapel at Windsor. "BUrt t*┬╗ f**d┬╗!" i┬╗ipi*<ljtie subOn the way to Paddlngtpn station, whence the funeral train left for orbftpite. wltfc th┬л h*m, the bag of Windsor, the body of the king was flotir and the lawn matter. 1 ana not carried through the streets of the capi- Interred fai to*4m." > tal in the presence of hundred* of "But you ihouldh┬й) air. Tha toad thousands of persons. 1& addition to lays 81,000 ecga annually.* King George, the king* of eight Eu"Vary extraordinary, butтАФ"*" "*ropean nations, several future rulers, "The femajft toad also Uvea to be a members of all the royal families of thousand years old. Now If a hen the world and former President could live to be a thousand years old Roosevelt of the United States followed the coffin from Westminster and, lay 81,000 eggs annually It would hall to the station. take a cold-storage warehouse, as big In Pall Mall, St. James street and as Maine, California and Texas, to Hyde Park the immense crowd nearly hold them." broke up the procession. "Wonderful, but my trainтАФ" The police and soldiers had to fight "Stood on end the eggs would reach to prevent the lines being swept away from here to the moon and back and by the crush. There were many broken limbs and other Injuries were re- leave enough to fill the Pacific ocean." "Let go of my buttonhole, sir. 1 ceived. Hundreds of persons fainted, want to make the train-тАФ'' especially among the women, who had "Useless job. The train is already been standing on the pavement for hours before the procession left West- made. Listen to sense. After those minster hall. eggs filled the Pacific ocean it would The cortege moved through solid cause a tidal wave that would double lines of red-coated soldiery sweepтАФ" standing with rifles reversed and the But just then the exasperated subregimental colors dipped to the urbanite brought his bag of flour down ground. on the garrulous stranger. Then he At the "railway station the coffin escaped to his train. was placed in a funeral ear and taken to Windsor, where, after the Church What He Knew. of England service had been conduct"You can tell me the names of the ed by the archbishop of Canterbury twelve apostles, Sam?" said the pretin St. George's chapel, it was en- ty Sunday school teacher one morn* tombed in the Albert Memorial chapel Ing. Sam's face fell, and he shifted adjoining. his weight from one foot to the other. "Can't do it, ma'am," he said, sor15,opo Overcome in Funeral Rush. . rowfuAy; and then his eyes brightFifteen thousand persons either ened; "but I can call off all of the were injured or fainted in the terripitchers in the league teams," he volble crush on-the streets of London atunteered.тАФHarper's Magazine. tending the king'B funeral Friday. The total cases treated by the St. John's ambulance of persona fainting UNSIGHTLY COMPLEXIONS during the crush was 6,014. Of these 20 were hospital cases. The constant use of Cuticura Soap, In addition to the ambulance of the assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for St. John's society, the military and toilet, bath and nursery purposes not other ambulances dealt with a vast only preserves, purlfleB, and beautifies number of injured people. Many of them had broken limbs or ribs, but a the skin, scalp, hair and hands, but majority suffered from heart strokes prevents inflammation, Irritation and clogging of the pores, the common or faintings. cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and NEWS TOLD IN BRIEF. other unwholesome conditions of the Education and reform in sanitation complexion and skin. All who delight will be the chief means by which the in a clear skin, soft, white hands, a hook worm will be eventually wiped clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy out, according to Dr. C. W. Stiles, hair, will find Cuticura Soap most sucscientific secretary of the Rockefeller cessful in realizing every expectation. hook worm commission. The commisCuticura Soap and Ointment are adsion is at work on plans for a cru- mirably adapted to preserve the sade along these two lines. health of the skin and scalp of inThe naval "plucking" board, which fants and children, and to prevent is to condemn to compulsory retirement 15 naval officers in order to en- minor blemishes or Inherited skin hucourage promotion, has been appoint- mors becoming chronic, and may he ed as follows: Rear-Admirals Rich- used from the hour of birth. Cuticura ard Wainwright, A. G. Berry, J. B. Remedies are sold throughout the civMurdock, C. E. Vreeland and Aaron ilized world. Send to Potter Drug & Ward, with Commander T. Washing- Chera. Corp., sole proprietors, Boston, ton as recorder. The hoard will meet for their free Cuticura book, 32 pages in Washington, June 1. of invaluable advice on care and treatment of the skin, scalp and hair. Grata, K t e . W h e a t тАФ C a s h No. 2 r e d a n d M a y . 1 . 1 1 ┬╝ ; J u l y o p e n e d w i t h a d e c l i n e of ^ i c a t $ 1 . 0 3 \ , d e c l i n e d t o $1.03 a n d a d v a n c e d to $1.04; S e p t e m b e r o p e n e d a t $1.02┬╜. lost %c a n d a d v a n c e d t o $1.02%; No. 1 white, $1.11┬╜. C o r n тАФ C a s h No. 3, 65c a s k e d ; N o . 3 y e l l o w , 1 c a r a t 65c, c l o s i n g a t 66c asked. OatsтАФStandard, 2 cars a t 4 5 % c ; No. S whfrte, 45c. R y e тАФ c a s h No. 1, 8 2 U c hid. B e a n s тАФ C a s h , $2.26; October, $2.07. C l o v e r R e e d тАФ P r i m e October, 100 b a g s a t $6.50; s a m p l e . 10 b a g s a t $5.75. 12 a t $6. FeedтАФTn 100-lb sacks. Jobbing lots: B r a n . $26; c o a r s e e o m m e a j , $26; An* middling* $28; c r a c k a d corn a n d coarse comment, $27; corn and oat c h o p . $24 p e r t o n . F l o u r тАФ B e s t M i c h i g a n p a t e n t , $5.55; o r d i n a r y p a t e n t , $5.86; s t r a i g h t . $5.25; c l e a r . $5.15┬╗ pure r y ┬╗ , $4.30; s p r i n g p a t e n t , $5.75 p e r bhl In w o o d , j o b b i n c lota. \ High Finance. KnickerтАФWhy did you pay $40.53 for that hat? Mrs. KnickerтАФI had to do it to make my check book balance. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for w y of cat&rrb that cannot be cured by HaU'i Catarrh cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. We, UM underaijrned, have known ┬е. J. Cheney for the taat 19 years, and believe him perfectly honorable tn all business tranaactlona and financially able to carry out any obligations made by hla firm. When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. FltcfcYille, Ohio.тАФ* My daughter was all n m down, tuff e n d from pains In her aide, head and Urn!*, and coald walk but a short distance at a time* She came very near having nervous prostration, had begun t o cough a good deal, and seemed melancholy by spells. She tried two doctors but got little help. Since talcing Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and liver Pills she has improved so much that she feels and looks like another girLwтАФMrs. C Cole, Fitch ville, Ohio. Irasburg, Vermont.тАФ**I feel ft my duty to say a few words in praise of your medicine. When I began taking it I had been very sick with kidney and bladder troubles and nervous prostration. I am now taking the sixth bottle of Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and find myself greatly improved. My friends who call to see me have noticed a great change."тАФMrs* A. H. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to us that these letters are not genuine and truthful тАФor that either of these women were paid in any way for their testimonials, or that the letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not come to us entirely unsolicited. 7 What more proof can any one ask ? * For 8 0 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass* IVIIUA is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. (IttcorpomtodJ DR. J. D. >KELLOGG'S ASTHMA Remedy for t h e prompt relief of Asthma a n d Hay Fever. Ask your druggist for It. Write lor FREE SAMPLE. NORTHROP & LYMAN CO. Ltd., BUFFALO,N.Y. WALDINO, KIN NAN A MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76 oentt pat bottle. Sold by all Drufnrist& Take Hall's Family Plus for constlpatkw. FOR DESSERT TO-DAY. JELLYCON The Perlect Jetty F D F F ? BEAUTIFUL A L U M I N U M r KEisCiX JELLY MOLDS. The rvfftr Is fully .rpltlacd ┬лn th┬л clfcultr in ***ry package StMByJUH I love everything that is old; old friends; old times; old manners; old books.тАФGoldsmith. W. N. U., DETROIT, NO. 22-1910. When AXLE GREASE The The The The The Stomach is Sick Liver Sluggish Bowels Clogged Blood Impure Skin Sallow CvrM S t r a i n e d Faffy Ankl┬л% L y m p h a n g i t i s PollEvll.FljttulaT Sore*. Wire C a t s , B r u i s e s a n d Swelling*. L a m e n e w , a n d aUaral P a l n q u i c k l T w i t h o u t Blistering, M ittmovlnjrthe nalr. or laying tlw┬╗ bona M*T op. Pleasant to aw. ┬в5.00 per bottle* After H o n e B o o k 6 E f r e e . i A B S O R B INK, J R . , (mankind 11.00 and 13.00 bottle.) For Strains. Oont, V art cose Veins, VaricoH eele. Hydrocele, Prostatitis, kills-pain. Yoardrojcgis* can supply and give references. Will tell yon mor mora If you writ*. Manufactured only by W. V. 101 Mi, P. D. ┬╗\. t i e Ttmrt* St. SfrtafftiM, awl тАв i M тАв тАв тАв тАв Send postal for m H m m Free P a c k a g e I l l b l i o f Paxtinc. Better and more economical t b a a liquid antiseptics FOR AIX TOUJET USES. TOILET ANTISEPTIC Gnre* one) a sweat breath j clean, wnAa\ germ-fro* tnw*a~aatieaytkally clean BKMita and throatтАФpurifies the bceelh after preciated by dainty woman. A qnfck remedy for aora eye* and catarrh. A Erie PaztiM powder da- T h e n тАФ Vi Tune to Take That grand, old, time-tested remedyтАФ. BEECHAM'S PILLS la beset with foil direciJoas, 10c. sad 2 5 c ^gSORBINE тАвohred io a data o A o t a raakea a delightful rttiaepbc a v bona, pomeavns eUiatwaanr ┬лтАв*тАФ┬╗-"fr aenaictrkl and heal. i&S power, and absolutely bara> lea. T r y a S a m p l e . 5 0 c a large box at druggate or by maLL T H S PAXTON TOILCT OO.. m PATENT your ideas. M-page book a n t advice PRKB. Bstabrlsbed &┬г ┬╗1Uf*nM*Cat Bat K. Waaksattsa.aCj Painters and others w h o have used prepared paints that were not good are prejudiced against all prepared paints. T h e y do not stop to consider that the paint is no better than the manufacturer who prepares it. SHERWiN-WlLUAMS PAINT PREPARED (S W P) is the result of exhaustive study and an infinite number of teats and experiments. The raw materials used are from our own mines, smelters and oil mills and therefore come up to our standard of quality .^ There is an exactness in the entire process which is your protection. Ask the SherwinWilliams dealer in your town for S W P or write us direct if there is no one handling our line. r | | StiERW/N-WILLIAMS RUNTS AND VARNISHES WRITE TOR INFORMATION: OOO CANAL ROAD CLEVELAND, O , A *,'тАв" 7 pi's mm store тАв O r l a J a c o b s was i n M a s o n last SOtTTE XABXOW. Claude White was on the sick week o n b u s i n e s s . list last week. M a y baskets a r e a l l t h e g o w i t h M. Gallup and family spent y o u n g s t e r s a t p r e s e n t The n ┬л c t to PInd Ladies* Neckwear, Gloves and Sunday evening at V. G. Dinkels. Services a t t h e M. P . ohurch. Hair Roods. Laces, Ribbons, Em- Elmer Collins of Detroit spent n e x t S u n d a y m o r n i n g . broideries, Stamped goods, Gard-j last week with his sister Mrs. The W. F. M. S. will serve five John Gardner. en Seeds and Toole, Wall Paper o'clock sapper at the-home of Mr. Cleaner. ! Mr. and Airs. Hath and child- and Mrs. Will Wood Thursday re EL of N. Marion called at F. N. June 2nd. All are invited. A l s o a f i n e line of pretty Burgess' Sunday afternoon. and w e l l made Childrens CHILSON ^ Geo. Dickenson and Walter Dresses. Dinkle of Detroit, who spent last Mrs. C. C. L e w i s i s on t h e -sick with the latter* parents, have list. \ Fancy and plain Crepe Paper, Shelf week returned home. Mrs. Donna Zeeb is in quite Paper and MapMns Chris Brogan and family at- p o o r health. Men's and Boys' S t r a w tended a family renaion held Sun- H i r a m S m i t h w a s h o m e from day at the home of Mrs. Sweet- t h e U . of M. over S u n d a y . Hats. mtiD in Pinckney in honor of her E l r o y S p i c e r of D e t r o i t visited 84th birthday. his m o t h e r in Genoa last week. Y. E. HIUU Howell, Michigan Next to JohiisoDB Drug Store ┬г Business Pointers. 1 CASH PAID * *. For / ┬л' < ' We have established a Cream Station at PINCKNEY Mr. a n d M r s . E d g a r Spicer w e r e t h e g u e s t s of h i s p a r e n t s last T r u m a n W a i u w r i g h t is q u i t e ill week. at t h i s writing. Mrs. F r a n k R a y m o n d , s o n a n d Mies J e n n i e W a r d IB s e w i n g for d a u g h t e r were P i n c k n e y callers Mrs. Arnold a t present. v last F r i d a y . Mr. a n d Mrs. J o e R o b e r t s visitT h e S a n d a n d G r a v e l Co. have ed a t J a y B a r b e r s Monday. engaged Bert Russel to r u n their G e o r g e Nowlen e n t e r t a i n e d h i s s t e a m shovel. father a n d little sister S u n d a y a n d O p e r a t o r F i n n i e h a s gone t o Monday. M a r i e , Mich., a n d J . W. B r o w n Miss E t t a V a n B e u r e u arid J o h n t a k e s h i s place. W r i g h t were married a t H o w e l l M r . a n d Mrs. E l b e r t A p p l e t o n W e d n e s d a y last. of I r o n w o o d a i e guestB of h i s You can bring your cream and see it weighed Miss Kathryn L a m b o r u is b r o t h e r J . D . a n d wife. sampled and tested, and receive your cash on s p e n d i n g a few weeks with h e r The carpeuters at the sand and sisters in P i n c k n e y . the spot. W H A T CAN B E A N Y FAIRER gravel p l a n t left for t h e new p l a n t Rev. H i c k s will deliver a M e - at G e t t e y s T u e s d a y . OR MORE S A T I S F A C T O R Y ? morial sermon S u n d a y , May 30 a t Mr. a n d M r s . H e n r y S c h o e n h a l s t h e S o u t h Iosco c h u r c h . a r e h a p p y over t h e a r r i v a l of t w o M i s s S a d i e W a r d is h e l p i n g new g r a n d - d a u g h t e r s . Mrs. G e o r g e G i b s o n of FowlerM r . a n d M r s . G. B . P a r d e e ville with h o r house work. visited h e r son, J . D . Appleton', T h e friends a n d n e i g h b o r s of t h e / l a t t e r p a r t of last week. Mr. a n d Mrs. J o h n W r i g h t gave T h e funeral of Miss E l i z a b e t h t h e m a miscellaneous shower S c h o e n h a l s was held a t t h e h o m e Loyal Guard*, the May a^se^ment T u e s d a y evening. of h e r b r o t h e r J o h n , o n S u n d a y . is due. Mrs. R a l p h B e n n e t received Mrs. Mabel Cope was in Detroit the SOUTH GREGORY. word of t h e d e a t h of h e r sister first ot tha veek. C. J . Williams was in Chelsea Mrs. H i r a m D a n i e l s of StockThere is good new> on every page Tuesday. We bave opened b r i d g e F r i d a y last. this weekтАФdo not. miss it. H e n r y Bowman of D e t r o i t was A First C l a s s W e ' d j u s t like t o s e e t h a t comet Miss Lola Mni\in has closed a sucin town last week. UP-TO-DATE once so we could tell of it. [ I t is cessful year of teaching m the Mc C. H . H o w e a n d wife were in p l a i n l y visible now o n clear n i g h t s Cluskey district. Miss Kachael Fitch ot near here has town last S a t u r d a y . a little s o u t h of west a n d a b o u t just finished a very successful year ol D. W r i g h t and wife visited o n e - t h i r d of t h e way u p in t h e teaching in a school noar Hartland. friends o u t of town last week. sky. S h o u l d b e observed from S The warm weather the last of last to 10. I t is f a s t r e c e e d i n g . E D . ] week served to call out the fishermen I d a O v i t t a n d Tavia W i l l i a m s and several good catches are reported. next door to E, A. Bowman'* called on M r s . D . McCorney last Miss Belvia K u b n closed a very Mrs. A. K, Pierce and Alias Ava Friday night. successful term of school in t h e Holloway of So. Lyon were guests of L. R . W i l l i a m s a n d F r a n k Ovitt C a d y d i s t r i c t F r i d a y last. O n ] F. A. Sigler and family Saturday last HOWELL, MICHIGAN a t t e n d e d Maccabee m e e t i n g at S a t u r d a y a picnic was held, about and took in the ball game. 25 p a t r o n s of t h e sohool being Everybody interested in Gilk's cemPlainfield F r i d a y night. Come in and see us and nu!< * etry is requested to meet there SaturMrs. F r a n k Worden a n d Mrs. present. I c e cream a n d cake were day. May 28 at 1 p m. for the purpose our place your headquarter enjoyed of cleaning the yard. Wilson a t t e n d e d t h e faneral of served a n d a good t i m e Bring scythe when in town. by all. Miss K u h n is a general and rake. Mrs. H . E . D a n i e l s M o n d a y . Our goods are right favorite i n t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d a n d The Gardner Li^ht. Co. have the Our prices are right,and foundation started for a 21x81 addiwill b e greatly missed. WEST MAilOM. We will treat you right, tion to be made to the present buildWhether you buy or nrt, Chas. H a n s o n was able t o be ing. They have another engine coming and wilt run another dynamo. out S u n d a y . ADDITI01AL LOCAL. There are some sections ot the state Mrs. W e l l m a u a n d son L l o y d The frosts have made it probable where the postal authorities are about are on t h e gain. that the .strawberry shortcakes this to discontinue the rural free delivery HERE ARE SOME OF OUR LINES Mrs. H e n r y S m i t h is e n t e r t a i n - year will have to be made without on account of th* condition of the OUFf SPECIAL TIES roads. 11 the system is kept up the Stationery strawberries. i n g a niece from E n g l a m l . roads will have to he kept at least ! Enameled Ware 5 and 10 Cent There will he a Memorial service at Wesley Vines a n d wife have the M. E. church Sunday morning to passable. Tiqware Goods taken a little boy from Cold water. which all old soldiers, their wives or Those who had patience to watch Notions Post Cards widows are especially invited. long enough and be "Johnnie on the Mr. a n d M r s . C. G. E l s w o r t h Crockery Season Waqts Wellington Day of Owosso, died at spot" were IAwarded Monday evenare e n t e r t a i n i n g an a u n t from and his home in that city Monday. Two ing by seeing tn┬л total ec'ipse of the House Furnishings moon. It had to be seen hetween Northville. years aaro he was injured by being of every description тАв Noueities thrown from a horse and never folly clouds as the most of the time the recovered, hia spine being injured. moon was ohscared by clouds. PLAnrFIEU). Mr. Day was quite well known here, The Putnam and Hamburg Farmi L O T MM meeting W e d n e s d a y being connected with the Creamery ers Club will rrepf, this week Saturday J u n e Hth. started by his son iuarl, who is serving afiem on May 28 at t i e home of .K.hn time in the House of Correction at Mr. VrHn Syckel h a s h i s barn Detroit for obtaining money under Chainlets. A good attendance is desired ar.rl if Ins he^n suggested that "The Home Goods Store" nearly completed. false pretenses to start the Creamery. everyone come prepared to furnish Earl will probably be allowed to atHOWELL, MICHIGAN T h e S u n d a y school of t h i s place tend his fathers fnneral at Owosso something nn hie program appropriate for M niunal day today. Thursday. a r e a r r a n g i n g for Ohildren9 dav. SOUTH IOSCO. Amos Clinton, our Repres3ntative, will be there ....WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY...- Four brood suvs due to tarrow in Jane. J. BRIGHAM t21 For Sale Young pitfs. Sow and seven pigs and 3 sows to tarrow soon, t 21 Z A. HARTSUFF, UnadiHa. Trotting Stallion Gaines Cresceus, by Cresceus 2:02^ will make the season at J. L. Roche's Pinckney. ROCHE & MCPHEBSON, Props. FOR SALE. Light brown mare 11 years old, v, eight 1,0C0, sale and sound FRANK BRENINSTALL, 121 Pettysville. Wool! Wool! I am in the market to bay all grades of wool. Brink? it in and get all the market will afford. T. READ. BUSINESS CARDS. H. F.8'GLER M. D- C. L, SIGLER M. 0 DRS. SIGLER & SIGLER, Physicians and Sur^eone. All calls promptlyattended to day or night. Office on Main Ptieet Pinckney, Mich, jTw7BiRi)~ PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For information, call at ihe Pinckney DisrATCHjoffice. Auction'Bills Free Bell and Webster Rtral Phones Arrangements made for sale by phone a my expense. Oct 07 Address, Dexter, Michigan Percheron Stallion : Nansen: R o i s t e r e d No. 4 1 . 1 6 5 Weight 1775 lbs. Foaled May 16, May 16, 1904. Sired by Curio, No. 28,315 (48,493). DamтАФTHIS, No. 24,083. Will be at Hotel Barn Pinckney Wednesday evening and T h u r s d a y forenoon of e a c h w e e k . Terms:тАФ$12 to insure mart' in foal. Mares must be returned on regular trial days. Money due nine months after last service. Parties disposing of mares will be held responsible for service fee, which Till be due at time of disposal. All accidents at owuers risk. C. P. Miller, Jlngr. T # 4 O R Owner, ' To receive and Pay Cash for Cream American Farm Products Co. Owosso, Mich. NEW STORE Bazaar Store C. S. LINE .lunch Counter..It We have made arrnngementn and will serve mnr.hes at our market every day in the week Sandwiches, Coffee, Etc. Come, and T r y Us. D. D. Smith & S o n Pinckney, Mich. of each week |4|f: i{c L a d l e s . h a v e y o u ae.cn that n e w s h i p m e n t o f s m a l l slaed Turbans at DR. H O L L A N D S MEDICATED STOCK SALT S rniion j H the mnet wonderful worm ri-atrojor on the market today. Peed it to r Rhmp and lambs wtth-holdlnjjall other wit. Tie lambs wilirpay' for i he salt. There In no doubt about, it. We believe it a Rftf,. state тАвnK ment to make that there Is not a flock of aheep in the tinta ot Michigan today that 1┬╗ tree from wonus. You will tind our uooda ┬╗1 the Pinckney Flouring Mills. P1WM┬╗ rail and jmmlae them find notour booklet It will toll you ju┬лl, what wr expect, to uooompllah when our goods it re f┬лi a* directed. Oiigiiiirantee protect* you, ' |>IC|li. Villi KIRKS MILLINERY Hocoell, TFfciolj. If not It w i l l be to your aduantafte to do so as t h e * a r e G O I N G P A S T T h e Holland S t o c k Remedy Co. Wellington, Ohio
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