MAIN ENTRANCE HALL B01:50 BARD MEDA B01:36 SPHINX MEDICAL B01:38 B01:34 DYNAMESH BY FEG T-DOC B01:30 B01:10 B01:49 B01:41 B01:29 B01:21 COOK KARL STORZ STORZ MEDICAL FERRING B02:48 MEL TAKEDA JENA MED TECH B02:49 QUANTA SYSTEM B02:31 B02:29 ASTELLAS LUT B02:54 B02:56 ENDOCARE ELMEDIGRENA CAL BIORAD SONY B01:52 B01:54 B01:56 B01:58 EUROPEAN UROLOGY GLAXOSMITHKLINE PROGENICS B03:49 B03:31 B03:11 B03:51 KOELIS URACYST®/ UROPOL® CONMED CURAN B03:02 B03:04 B03:06 B03:08 B03:10 B03:55 NEOTRACT PIERRE FABRE MÉDICAMENT OLYMPUS ASTELLAS ENDOCONTROL B04:52 B05:28 LABORIE B04:49 B04:31 B05:41 B05:31 B05:21 RICHARD WOLF ALLERGAN JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES B05:11 IPSEN B06:01 STARMEDTEC ELSE- VIRTADIREX SAMED VIER MED UROTECH & UROVISION B04:51 B04:53 B04:55 B04:59 B05:59 LUMENIS THE MENARINI GROUP B04:29 AMERICAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS B04:11 INTUITIVE SURGICAL B04:01 WISEPRESS EXHIBITION HALL EXHIBITION AMGEN B06:41 B07:40 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC B07:30 GALIL MEDICAL A.M.I. B07:41 BK MEDICAL B07:31 DORNIER MEDTECH B08:21 BAYER PHARMA B08:10 IBSA WELLSPECT HEALTHCARE KITAL- MEDPHA COM B09:41 B10:40 EIGEN B10:39 B08:51 B08:53 B09:59 ALLIUM TEVA AUA ZSI BIOLITEC BACTIELEKTA GUARD B10:46 B10:43 B10:44 B10:41 B12:20 MEDTRONIC B12:18 PAJUNK B12:10 ANGIODYNAMICS PROFOUND M.A.S. MEDICAL IDL BIOTECH B10:51 B10:53 B11:51 B11:49 B12:48 LISA LASER HISTO- B12:40 SCANNING™ BY AMD SURGIQUEST SONACARE B11:39 B11:35 B12:32 MIM NEOMEDIC B11:31 B11:21 MEDAC B11:19 ELI LILLY B11:11 OPKO BESINS HEALTHCARE B11:01 COMBAT MEDICAL B10:49 B11:48 MEDICA B11:40 ROCAMED TIME RESEARCH B11:32 UROMED B09:39 SIU CONTURA B10:31 B10:21 MEDICAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS B10:33 B10:20 BAVARIAN NORDIC B10:11 HITACHI MEDICAL SYSTEMS B10:01 JOHN WILEY & SONS ELMED B09:31 INCONTROL INFORMA MEDICAL B09:33 B10:32 B09:21 ERBE B09:11 SIEMENS GE TAEWOONG HEALTH- PHYSION MEDICAL CARE B09:49 B10:42 B08:49 B09:48 MCUBE PROME- MEDKONDON SULT B08:41 B09:40 B08:31 SANDOZ & NOVARTIS B09:20 EMS B08:11 B09:10 AESCULAP B08:09 EDAP MYRIAD TMS GENETICS B08:01 B07:11 AYMED B06:09 LASER VISIONCRYOLIFE TRISTEL PERIPHERALS SCIENCES B06:53 B06:59 B07:51 B07:59 APOGEPHA B06:31 COLOPLAST PORGÈS B06:21 B06:11 HOLOGIC B06:05 RECORDATI B06:03 MONTAVIT HALL 29th Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology Exhibition Guide WFIP B13:18 KLS MARTIN GROUP B13:29 GENOMIC ERASHEALTH MUS B13:21 B14:12 B13:11 EUROMEDICAL B13:19 ASCLEPION LASER TECHNOLOGIES MEDPRO MEDICAL B12:51 B13:49 EAU MEMBERSHIP HISTORICAL EXHIBITION RESEARCH FOUNDATION EAU 2015 MADRID EBU YOUNG UROLOGISTS / RESIDENTS CORNER EAU BOOTH: B12:29 B13:28 ANDRO- LENUS MEDA PHARMA B12:21 B13:20 MEDI- BIONOSPEC RICA B12:19 B12:11 ESSM ISTEM MEDIKAL B13:10 EUROPA UOMO TELEFLEX B13:12 B13:01 B13:03 B13:05 B13:07 B13:09 CUA CUA SIU EUS RSU CHINA CANADA ITALIA B17:48 CHARGE & CONNECT AREA B14:29 INVIVO B15:11 B16:29 UPCOMING MEETINGS AREA EAU VIDEO LIBRARY EAST ENTRANCE Stockholm, 12-14 April 2014 Alphabetical list of Exhibitors EXHIBITOR BOOTH NR. A EXHIBITOR BOOTH NR. F A.M.I. GMBH B08:01 AESCULAP AG B08:11 FERRING INTERNATIONAL CENTER S.A. EXHIBITOR BOOTH NR. P B01:29 PAJUNK GMBH B12:18 PHYSIONB10:42 ALLERGANB05:31 G ALLIUM LTD. B08:51 GALIL MEDICAL AMERICAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC B04:29 AMERICAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (AUA) AMGEN (EUROPE) GMBH ANDROMEDA MEDIZINISCHE SYSTEME GMBH PIERRE FABRE MÉDICAMENT B03:49 B07:30 PROFOUND MEDICAL INC. B10:53 GE HEALTHCARE B09:49 PROGENICS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. B03:02 B09:59 GENOMIC HEALTH B13:21 PROMEDON S.A. B08:41 B06:21 GLAXOSMITHKLINEB01:21 B12:29 GRENA LTD B01:52 Q QUANTA SYSTEM SPA ANGIODYNAMICSB12:10 B02:49 APOGEPHA ARZNEIMITTEL GMBH B06:41 H ASCLEPION LASER TECHNOLOGIES B13:11 HISTOSCANNING™ BY AMD B11:49 R HITACHI MEDICAL SYSTEMS EUROPE HOLDING AG B10:11 RECORDATIB06:11 HOLOGIC, INC. B06:05 RICHARD WOLF GMBH B05:41 ROCAMED B11:40 RSU (RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF UROLOGY) B13:07 ASTELLAS PHARMA EUROPE LTD. AYMED MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY B02:29 & B03:11 B06:09 B I BACTIGUARD AB B10:46 IBSA INSTITUT BIOCHIMIQUE SA B08:09 BARD LTD B01:50 IDL BIOTECH AB B11:51 S BAVARIAN NORDIC B10:20 INCONTROL MEDICAL, LLC B10:32 SAMED GMBH DRESDEN B04:51 BAYER PHARMA AG B08:21 INFORMA HEALTHCARE B09:33 SANDOZ & NOVARTIS B08:31 BESINS HEALTHCARE B11:01 INTUITIVE SURGICAL B04:11 SIEMENS AG HEALTHCARE SECTOR B09:11 BIOLITEC BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY GMBH B10:41 INVIVOB14:29 SIU SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI UROLOGIA B13:09 BIONORICA SE B13:20 IPSENB05:11 SOCIÉTÉ INTERNATIONALE D’UROLOGIE (SIU) B10:31 BIORAD LTD. B01:56 ISTEM MEDIKAL SONACAREB11:39 BK MEDICAL B07:41 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC B07:40 C CANADIAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (CUA CANADA) B13:05 CHINESE UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (CUA CHINA) B13:01 B13:10 J SONY EUROPE LIMITED B01:58 SPHINX MEDICAL LTD B01:38 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES B05:21 STARMEDTEC GMBH B06:01 JENA MED TECH GMBH B02:56 STORZ MEDICAL AG B01:41 JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD B10:01 SURGIQUEST, INC. B12:48 SYNERGO-MEDICAL ENTERPRISES B02:54 CHARGE & CONNECT AREA B17:48 K COLOPLAST - PORGÈS B06:31 KARL STORZ GMBH & CO. KG B01:41 T COMBAT MEDICAL LTD B11:48 KITALPHA MED LTD B09:41 TAEWOONG MEDICAL, CO. LTD CONMED LINVATEC SWEDEN B03:06 KLS MARTIN GROUP B13:29 TAKEDAB02:31 CONTURA INTERNATIONAL A/S B10:33 KOELISB03:51 COOK MEDICAL B01:49 CRYOLIFE EUROPA, LTD. B06:53 L TEVA ONCOLOGY B08:53 CURAN MEDICAL BV B03:10 LABORIEB05:28 TIME RESEARCH LIMITED B11:32 LASER PERIPHERALS B07:51 TRIBUTE PHARMACEUTICALS CANADA INC. B03:08 LENUS PHARMA GESMBH B13:28 TRISTEL SOLUTIONS B06:59 D T-DOC® COMPANY, LLC B09:48 B01:30 TELEFLEXB12:19 DIREX GMBH B05:59 LISA LASER PRODUCTS B12:40 DORNIER MEDTECH EUROPE GMBH B07:31 LUMENIS (GERMANY) GMBH B04:49 U DYNAMESH BY FEG B01:34 LUT GMBH B03:04 UPCOMING MEETINGS AREA B16:29 UROMED KURT DREWS KG B09:39 UROTECH GMBH & UROVISION GMBH B04:59 E M EAU BOOTH B13:49 M.A.S.B10:51 EAU HISTORICAL EXHIBITION B13:49 MCUBE TECHNOLOGY B08:49 V EAU MADRID 2015 B13:49 MEDA CO., LTD B01:36 VIRTAMED AG B04:55 EAU RESEARCH FOUNDATION B13:49 MEDAC GMBH B11:21 VISION-SCIENCES, INC. B07:59 EAU VIDEO LIBRARY B15:11 MEDCOM GMBH B10:40 EDAP TMS B07:11 MEDICA S.P.A. B10:49 W EIGENB10:39 MEDICAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS B.V. B10:21 WELLSPECT HEALTHCARE B09:10 ELEKTAB10:43 MEDISPEC LTD B12:21 WISEPRESS ONLINE BOOKSHOP B04:01 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY B11:19 MEDKONSULTB09:40 WORLD FEDERATION OF INCONTINENT PATIENTS - WFIP B13:18 ELMED LITHOTRIPSY SYSTEMS B09:31 MEDPRO MEDICAL B.V. B12:51 ELMEDICAL LTD B01:54 MEDTRONIC INTERNATIONAL TRADING SÀRL B12:20 Y ELSEVIERB04:53 the MENARINI GROUP B04:31 YOUNG UROLOGISTS / RESIDENTS CORNER EMIRATES UROLOGICAL SOCIETY (EUS) B13:03 MIM SOFTWARE INC. B11:35 EMS ELECTRO MEDICAL SYSTEMS B09:20 MONTAVIT GMBH B06:03 Z ENDOCARE, INC. B02:48 MYRIAD GENETICS GMBH B08:10 ZEPHYR SURGICAL IMPLANTS ENDOCONTROL B04:52 ERASMUS S.A. B14:12 N ERBE ELEKTROMEDIZIN GMBH B09:21 NEOMEDIC INTERNATIONAL S.L. B11:31 NEOTRACT, INC. B03:55 ESSMB12:11 EUROMEDICAL GMBH B13:19 EUROPA UOMO B13:12 O EUROPEAN BOARD OF UROLOGY B13:49 OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & COKG B03:31 EUROPEAN UROLOGY B01:10 OPKO DIAGNOSTICS B11:11 Exhibition Guide B13:49 B10:44 12-14 April 2014 Company and Product Description A.M.I. GMBH Im Letten 1, 6800 Feldkirch, Austria T : +43 5522 90505-0 F : +43 5522 90505-4006 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:01 A.M.I. is dedicated to designing ingenious surgical instruments, as well as developing innovative solutions for treating a variety of common afflictions including haemorrhoids, obesity and incontinence. In addition to the adjustable TVA/TOA Slings for female stress urinary incontinence and ATOMS System for male stress urinary incontinence, we also offer a advanced pelvic floor repair system comprising a range of slings and meshes to cover a variety of pelvic floor disorders. AESCULAP AG Am Aesculap-Platz, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany T : +49 7461 95-0 F : +49 7461 95-2600 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:11 B. Braun Sharing Expertise Through exchanging knowledge with its customers, B. Braun helps to improve treatments and working procedures in hospitals and medical practices and to increase the safety of patients, doctors and nursing staff. B. Braun offers a wide range of products in the field of continence care, urological specialties, wound closure and sutures. With useful surgical products like EinsteinVision 2.0 – Second Generation of 3D Full HD Visualization System, Caiman - Advanced Seal and Cut Technology, DS Titanium Ligation Clip Solution and process-oriented advice Aesculap – a B. Braun company is pursuing a goal: to improve therapies and make processes more efficient. ALLERGAN Marlow International, The Parkway, Buckinghamshire, Marlow SL7 1YL, United Kingdom T : +44 162 849 44 44 F : +44 162 849 44 49 W : E : Booth nr. : B05:31 Allergan is a multi-specialty health care company established more than 60 years ago with a commitment to develop and deliver innovative and meaningful treatments. Today, we have a rich and ever-evolving portfolio of pharmaceuticals, biologics, medical devices, and state-of-the-art resources in R&D, manufacturing and safety surveillance that help millions of patients see more clearly, move more freely and express themselves more fully in more than 100 countries. With two licenses for bladder dysfunction as well as on-going R&D investment, Allergan is proud to support patients and physicians, and is emerging as a global specialty leader in urology. ALLIUM LTD. 2 Ha-Eshel Str. P.O. Box 3081, 38900 Caesarea Industrial Park (South), Israel T : +972 462 77 166 F : +972 462 77 266 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:51 Allium Medical offers long term, fully covered, expandable and retrievable metal stents. The Allium stents are anatomically and functionally compatible to specific organs for the treatment of obstructions in the urinary and GI tract. The guiding concept in the stent design is that every stent will adapt to the individual characteristics of the treated site. Based on this unique concept, Allium offers physicians and patients more effective stenting solutions for significantly enhancing clinical results and patients’ quality of life. AMERICAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC 10700 Bren Road West, 55343 Minnetonka, United States of America T : +1 952 930 60 00 F : +1 952 930 64 62 W : E : Booth nr. : B04:29 12-14 April 2014 American Medical Systems (AMS), is a diversified supplier of medical devices and procedures to treat incontinence, erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), pelvic floor prolapse and other pelvic disorders in men and women. AMS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Endo Health Solutions, a specialty healthcare solutions company, focused on high-value branded products, services and devices and specialty generics ( AMERICAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (AUA) 1000 Corporate Blvd, 21090 Linthicum, United States of America T : +1 410 689 3933 F : +1 410 689 3939 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:59 The American Urological Association (AUA) is a globally engaged organization with more than 20,000 members, one-quarter of who practice in more than 100 countries, representing the world’s largest collection of expertise and insight into the treatment of urologic disease. Since its inception in 1902, the AUA has worked to advance urologic education and the highest standards of urologic care worldwide through its exceptional educational offerings, publications, research, and policy initiatives. AUA’s 2014 Annual Meeting will be held May 16-21 in Orlando, Florida, USA. For more information visit AMGEN (EUROPE) GMBH Dammstrasse 23, CH-6301 Zug, Switzerland T : +41 413 690 300 F : +41 41 3690 400 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:21 Amgen, a biotechnology pioneer, discovers, develops, and delivers innovative human therapeutics. Our therapeutics have changed the practice of medicine, helping people around the world in the fight against serious illnesses. With a deep and broad pipeline of potential new medicines, we continue to advance science to serve patients. ANDROMEDA MEDIZINISCHE SYSTEME GMBH Wallbergstraße 5, 82024 Taufkirchen, Germany T : +49 89 614156-10 F : +49 89 614156-11 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:29 Andromeda is a German based medical service company which develops and produces urodynamic measurement systems and disposables. We are market leader for urodynamics in German speaking countries and market these products in 50 countries around the world. We offer urodynamic equipment from our computerized Conus PC Flowmeter up to complete solutions for video urodynamics with our Ellipse system. The new Ellipse colour offers wireless communication with a coloured screen. With our Ellipse Chair we set a new benchmark for integrated urodynamic measurement systems. The concept behind this fully integrated system: all analysis functions are permanently installed in the urogynaecological chair, including the flow system, catheter puller and pressure transducers. The Helix can manage the entire spectrum of urodynamic measurements combined with simple, quick and effective operation. Clinicians can now delegate most of the work involved in preparing the urodynamic procedure. ANGIODYNAMICS Haaksbergweg 75, 1101 BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands T : +31 207 532 949 F : +31 207 532 939 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:10 AngioDynamics is a leading provider of innovative, minimally invasive medical devices used by professional healthcare providers for Urology and Oncology. Within Uro-Oncology, our diverse product lines include the NanoKnife® System - the first in class device for irreversible electroporation (IRE), a promising and innovative technology for urologists. For thermal ablation we offer both Microwave technology - Acculis® System and Temperature controlled Radio-frequency ablation StarBurst® System. Visit AngioDynamics booth B12:10 and find out more about IRE and the application of NanoKnife® IRE System in urology. APOGEPHA ARZNEIMITTEL GMBH Kyffhäuserstraße 27, 01309 Dresden, Germany T : +49 351 33 63 3 F : +49 351 33 63 440 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:41 Our all devices and their associated accessories have ISO 13485, ISO 9001:2000 and CE Certificate Production Quality Assurance. BACTIGUARD AB Box 5070, 10242 Stockholm, Sweden T : +46 84405880 F : +46 84405878 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:46 Bactiguard Infection Protection (BIP) catheters Bactiguard provides world-leading solutions preventing APOGEPHA is an independent German medium-sized health care associated infections – the 4th largest cause pharmaceutical company specialised in the field of Urology of death in the western world. By using Bactiguard with own production. We developed Propiverine one of technology Governments can reduce healthcare the top active ingredients for the treatment of Overactive cost, lower the use of antibiotics and save lives. The Bladder, Urinary Incontinence and Neurogenic Detrusor Bactiguard technology consists of an extremely thin Overactivity in adults and children. Different dosages noble metal coating that reduces bacterial adhesion and and formulations are available under the trademarks is biocompatible. It can be used on all sorts of medical Mictonorm® and Detrunorm®. The patent of our unique devices. The Bactiguard® coated urinary catheter has since once daily formulation is approved in most countries. 1995 been used by more than 125 million patients in the Currently we have marketing and distribution partners in US. Today Bactiguard offers a full range portfolio within more than twenty countries with a focus in Central Europe, infection prevention in the urinary tract, respiratory tract Middle East and South-East Asia. We are looking for outand blood stream. licensing partners with strong sales force expertise in the Urology sector in all promising markets. BARD LTD ASCLEPION LASER TECHNOLOGIES Brüsseler Str. 10, 07747 Jena, Germany T : +49 3641 77 00 100 F : +49 3641 77 00 302 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:11 Asclepion Laser Technologies promotes medical research in order to make the benefits of »Made in Germany« laser technology accessible to an increasing number of people. Every day Asclepion Laser Technologies sets itself the goal of producing positive effects for the health of patients, the success of medical practices & hospitals and its local partners. With the long experience in laser technology and a broad product range we fully believe to be the right partner for the surgical laser market that expects precise, reliable and intelligent high-tech products. The Asclepion Surgical line with its 5 core products and its broad range of available accessories offer multiple applications that will meet the needs and demands of office and hospital settings for a variety of specialties including Urology, Gynecology, ENT & General surgery. ASTELLAS PHARMA EUROPE LTD. 2000 Hillswood Drive, Chertsey KT16 0RS, United Kingdom T : +44 203 379 8700 F : +44 203 379 8260 W : E : Booth nr. : B02:29+B03:11 As a young and forward thinking company with a rich heritage, Astellas is dedicated to improving peoples’ lives through the introduction of innovative and reliable pharmaceutical products. In Europe, Astellas’ strategic focus and core expertise lie in Transplantation, Urology, Dermatology, Anti-Infectives and Pain Management and it is committed to developing a strong presence in Oncology. New medicines for use in Urology are currently under evaluation through a major R&D programme. By focusing our resources and expertise in areas of Urology that still have unmet medical needs, Astellas Europe leads the way in developing pioneering treatments for conditions such as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Prostate Cancer, and Overactive Bladder (OAB), offering hope to patients. AYMED MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Zumrutevler mah. Nil cad. Koc sk. No:13 Maltepe, 34352 Istanbul, Turkey T : +90 216 305 03 33 F : +90 216 383 38 23 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:09 Aymed Medical Technology manufactures high-tech Video Urodynamic and Uroflow systems, Enuretic alarms, Lithopulse lithotriptors, Anorectal and Oesophageal manometers, Urotable . We also manufacture sterile disposable Urodynamic and Urological catheters and associated accessories in Class 10.000 clean room production conditions. Tilgate Forest Business Park, Brighton Road, Crawley RH119BP, United Kingdom T : +44 129 360 66 75 F : +44 129 360 65 26 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:50 Bard Urology is a global leader in urology and continence care offering a comprehensive product range for patient care. In addition to industry-leading products, our Didact educational and resources offer both the clinician and patient valuable sources of information, support and education Urology was at the heart of Bard’s foundation over 100 yrs ago and remains a core business today. Bard is committed to advancing the technology of diagnosis and intervention to help reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes. We invite you to come and visit us on booth B01:50 and see the latest developments in the fields of Homecare Urology and Interventional Urology (including Endourology, Brachytherapy and Women’s Urology). BAVARIAN NORDIC 2425 Garcia Avenue, 94043 Mountain View, United States of America T : +1 650-681-4660 F : +1 650-625-1176 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:20 Bavarian Nordic (BN) develops and manufactures novel vaccines and cancer immunotherapies for the prevention and treatment of life-threatening diseases. By leveraging its poxvirus-based platforms (vaccinia-fowlpox/TRICOM and MVA-BN®), the Company is developing a pipeline of targeted, non-patient specific active immunotherapy candidates for major cancers with large, unmet medical needs. BN’s lead immunotherapy candidate, PROSTVAC®, is currently in a Phase 3 pivotal trial for metastatic prostate cancer, and has plans to advance its CEA/MUC-1 immunotherapy candidate, CV-301, in colorectal cancer. BAYER PHARMA AG Bayer Pharma AG, 13342 Berlin, Germany T : +49 30 468-1111 F : +49 30 468 W : Booth nr. : B08:21 About Bayer HealthCare The Bayer Group is a global enterprise with core competencies in the fields of health care, agriculture and high-tech materials. Bayer HealthCare, a subgroup of Bayer AG with annual sales of EUR 18.6 billion (2012), is one of the world’s leading, innovative companies in the healthcare and medical products industry and is based in Leverkusen, Germany. The company combines the global activities of the Animal Health, Consumer Care, Medical Care and Pharmaceuticals divisions. Bayer HealthCare’s aim is to discover, develop, manufacture and market products that will improve human and animal health worldwide. Bayer HealthCare has a global workforce of 54,900 employees (Dec 31, 2012) and is represented in Exhibition Guide Company and Product Description more than 100 countries. More information at Follow us on Twitter: BESINS HEALTHCARE 283/92 Soi Thonglor 13, Sukhumvit 55 Rd., Home Place Office Bldg., F18, Klong Ton Nua, Wattana, 10110 Bangkok, Thailand T : +66 21057888 F : +66 27125409 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:01 Besins Healthcare (BH) is a global pharmaceutical company specializing in innovative healthcare solutions that safely restore and regulate fundamental female and male body processes so the body can perform at its optimal level. A privately held, fourth-generation French company headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand, BH has continuously discovered ground-breaking technologies to improve patient well-being. It is a world leader in novel therapies for gynecology and andrology. The company developed AndroGel® (testosterone gel) – the original and world’s leader in testosterone replacement therapy. BH products are trusted and prescribed by healthcare professionals in more than 90 countries throughout the world. BIOLITEC BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY GMBH Otto-Schott-Str. 15, 07745 Jena, Germany T : +49 3641 519530 F : +49 3641 5195333 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:41 The biolitec group has long-standing experience in the development and production of medical laser systems, optical fibers and minimal invasive devices. The revolutionary TWISTER fiber for treatment of BPH, works in contact mode and enables unmatched performance in speed, safety and effectiveness. In combination with the Ceralas® HPD Laser, procedures can be done with minimal bleeding, achieving optimal results for the patient. New applications in urology involve partial nephrectomy and the removal of bladder tumors. BIONORICA SE Kerschensteinerstrasse 11-15, 92318 Neumarkt, Germany T : +49 9181 231-90 F : +49 9181 231-265 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:20 Bionorica SE is the leading company in the area of plantbased medicines (phytopharmaceuticals) and is marketing products with proven efficacy, safety and quality in 50 countries worldwide. Bionorica’s know-how in phytotherapy has grown in more than 80 years and the company’s development of rational herbal medicinal drugs can be compared to the standards of chemically synthesised drugs. In terms of their pharmaceutical efficacy and safety today modern researched phytomedicines have to follow allopathic principles and have to find their place in evidence-based medicine. One main focus of the company’s work is the research, development and marketing of plant-based medicines for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections. Bionorica’s products are prescribed and recommended by physicians and sold exclusively in pharmacies. BIORAD LTD. No. 660, Eshwari Industrial Estate, 560 076 Bangalore, India T : +91 080-2648 0683 F : +91 080-2648 5145 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:56 Biorad Medisys Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian company providing the world with innovative life saving medical devices in the field of Urology, Gastro-enterology, Interventional Radiology and Gynecology. Our organization is committed to satisfying our customer’s world wide with quality, cost effective products. We are an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 13485 and CE certified company, and are determined to reach greater heights with new certifications for quality. We have all the Exhibition Guide facilities for medical device manufacturing such as clean rooms and separate manufacturing halls. All our products are manufactured as per GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and WHO (World Health Organization) Standards. We strive to provide our customer, enhanced service in sales coverage and customer services. We are committed to the market, and we strive to bring great technological advances as well as a new level of excellence in both products and services. BK MEDICAL Mileparken 34, 2730 Herlev, Denmark T : +45 445 281 00 F : +45 445 281 99 W : E : Booth nr. : B07:41 Analogic’s BK Medical offers a comprehensive range of premium performance flex Focus ultrasound systems with Quantum Plus Technology and innovative, unique transducers to address the specialized needs and clinical challenges of urologists worldwide. Our ground-breaking technology in urology includes triplane imaging, combining simultaneous biplane and endfire imaging in one transducer. Our unique transducers include 3DART, the world’s first prostate transducer with built-in high resolution 3D, and 3DART which is designed to address the challenges of ultrasound imaging during robotic-assisted surgery. BOSTON SCIENTIFIC 100 Boston Scientific Way, 01752 Marlborough, MA, United States of America T : +1 508 683 40 00 F : +1 508 597 8392 W : E : Booth nr. : B07:40 Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world. Products for the Urology and Women’s Health division include devices for the diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones, female urinary incontinence, and pelvic floor reconstruction. Please visit our exhibit to learn about our newest technologies and our committment to physician education. CANADIAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION CUA Corporate Office 185 Dorval Suite 104, H9S 5J9 Dorval, QC, Canada T : +1 514 395 0376 F : +1 514 395 1664 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:05 The Canadian Urological Association represents and provides a voice for all Canadian urologists and fosters dedications of all members of the profession toward ensuring the highest possible standard of urologic care of Canadians. Join us for the 69th Annual Meeting in St. John’s, Newfoundland from June 28th to July 1st 2014. International meeting credits applicable. CHINESE UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (CUA) NO.42 West Dongsi Street, 100710 Beijing, China T : +86 21- 3503 0006 F : +86 21- 3503 0006 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:01 The Chinese Urological Association (CUA) of Chinese Medical Association (CMA) was established in 1981 by Prof. Jieping Wu, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and founder of new China’s urology. With 30 years’ development, the CUA has grown into a professional organization with advancing academic level, scientific management and active international communication and the main power to promote the development of China’s urology. COLOPLAST - PORGÈS Holtedam 1, 3050 Humlebaek, Denmark T : +45 4911 1111 F : +45 4911 2428 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:31 Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical condititions. Working closely with the people who use our products, we create solutions that are sensitive to their special needs. We call this intimate healthcare. Our business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care and wound and skin care. We operate globally and employ more than 8,000 people. Visit us at the Coloplast / Porges stand to learn more about our products or at COMBAT MEDICAL LTD Lamer House Office, Lamer Lane, Wheathamstead Herts AL4 8RL, United Kingdom T : +44 1582834466 F : +44 1582834466 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:48 Combat Medical is a specialist thermotherapy medical device company. Combat has developed an innovative, patented, CE marked chemo-hyperthermia re-circulation delivery system for treating Non Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC). Already in clinical use the COMBAT BRS system is an effective and safe technology that maximises Mitomycin C efficacy and ensures that the drug is accurately and homogenously distributed at a constant set temperature around the Bladder. Easy to use, affordable and requiring minimal additional resources as it works alongside current treatment practices. The Combat BRS system represents an exciting new treatment for NMIBC. Please come and visit us on stand B11:48 or visit CONMED LINVATEC SWEDEN Datavägen 10D, S-436 32 Askim, Sweden T : +46 706727273 F : +46 3133790 31 W : E : Booth nr. : B03:06 We are a global medical technology company that specializes in the development and sale of surgical and patient monitoring products and services that allow our physician customers to deliver high quality care and as a result, enhanced clinical outcomes for their patients. With products that are recognized as technological leaders by the specialties they serve, caregivers within the Orthopedic, Sports Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology, Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, and Anesthesiology markets have come to value the CONMED name across the world. Our Broad portofolio focuses on the needs and wants of specific specialties while coming together at the point of care delivery to offer our customers the power of choice and the power of convenience. We welcome you to explore our World of Solutions. CONTURA INTERNATIONAL A/S Sydmarken 23, 2860 Soeborg, Denmark T : +45 81100 900 F : +45 81100 901 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:33 Contura is a Danish medical device company, that develops, markets and sales Bulkamid - a bulking agent developed on Conturas polyacrylamide hydrogel technology and used for treating urinary incontinence. COOK MEDICAL O’Halloran Road, National Technology Park Limerick, Ireland T : +353 61250566 F : +353 61 334441 W : E: Booth nr. : B01:49 Cook Medical has been a leading supplier of medical devices for urologists for over 35 years. Offering interventional and Biodesign® technologies that support diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in adult and pediatric urology, Cook has placed particular emphasis on stone management as well as both male and female pelvic health. Pioneering urological products for a physician to use and a patient to trust. For more information, visit or visit us at Booth number B01:49. CRYOLIFE EUROPA, LTD. Bramley House, The Guildway, Old Portsmouth Road, Guildford, Surrey GU3 1LR, United Kingdom T : +44 148 344 10 30 F : +44 148 345 28 60 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:53 CryoLife focuses on glues, sealants and haemostats, with advanced technologies for all bleeding applications. PerClot, the next generation haemostat, is an adjunctive haemostatic device for the control of surgical bleeding. PerClot is a natural plant based haemostat that is simple to use and effective. PerClot is available in 1g, 3g, and 5g sizes and with tip lengths for open, laparoscopic or robotic procedures. BioGlue Surgical Adhesive which is used as sealant, adhesive and for tissue reinforcement is clinically proven in over 800,000 procedures and 450 studies. BioGlue is available in 2ml, 5ml and 10ml sizes and a variety of tips so it can be applied in thin films and laparoscopically. CURAN MEDICAL BV Barlhammerweg 26, 7006 GE Doetinchem, The Netherlands T : +31 314 392 725 F : +31 314 620 580 W : E : Booth nr. : B03:10 Curan Medical is a company with great ambition and experience in the continence care market. We are completely focused on intermittent catheterization. Working successfully with all our stakeholders is our main objektive. With us you can always count on high quality and innovative products, exclusive sales and marketing tools, solid deliveries and competitive prices. We have developed the Curan Lady compact female device and have several successful R&D projects to follow in the near future. With the Curan brand we enjoy the highest performance in post market surveillance. We are there to support you with ideas regarding product development- & improvements, sales and marketing activities. DIREX GMBH Blumenstrasse 10, D-65189 Wiesbaden, Germany T : +49 180 215 2152 F : +49 180 215 1151 W : E : Booth nr. : B05:59 Direx and Initia present the latest breakthrough technology, Linear Shockwave Therapy (LSWT), the only shockwave technology specifically designed for ED treatment. The Renova system focuses shockwaves unto a linear segment allowing optimal coverage of the entire corpus cavernosum. Renova is the latest of high-tech treatment devices in urology offered by DirexGroup. DirexGroup marks almost 30 years of pioneering Technology for Urology. The company is one of the worldwide innovators in the field of ESWL and thermal therapy with systems installed in 75 countries worldwide. DORNIER MEDTECH EUROPE GMBH Argelsrieder Feld 7, 82234 Wessling, Germany T : +49 8153-888-625 F : +49 8153-888-444 W : E : Booth nr. : B07:31 Dornier MedTech is engaged in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of high-quality, medical devices for use in clinical as well as physician office settings. As pioneer and market leader of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) Dornier MedTech has continued to diversify its product offerings to include orthopedic shockwave devices, multifunctional urological workstations and urology imaging systems. Moreover, 12-14 April 2014 Company and Product Description Dornier MedTech specializes in lasers for various medical disciplines. As a service-oriented enterprise, the company provides services including technical and clinical application support and more. Headquartered in Munich, Germany, Dornier has regional offices in America, Japan, Europe and Asia. DYNAMESH BY FEG Juelicher Str. 338a, 52070 Aachen, Germany T : +49 241 189 237 40 F : +49 241 189 237 459 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:34 DynaMesh® by FEG Textiltechnik mbH The German company FEG Textiltechnik mbH is highly specialised in the development and production of textile medical implants for hernia and pelvic floor repair. FEG Textiltechnik mbh is the worldwide only supplier of mesh implants made from the high-tech bio-inert material Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF). Their latest innovations DynaMesh® CESA and DynaMesh® VASA are the worldwide first implants for the surgical treatment of urge urinary incontinence. All products are manufactured in Germany and distributed worldwide. EAU P.O. Box 30016, 6803 AA Arnhem, The Netherlands T : +31 26 389 06 80 F : +31 26 389 06 74 W : Booth nr. : B13:49 Whether you are a member of the EAU or not, we welcome you to visit our booth on the exhibition floor. Here you can meet the staff of the European Association of Urology, who will answer any questions you might have about the activities of our association. You will also be able to pick up informational flyers, newsletters, and other must-have materials about the EAU. Here you can also purchase various EAU publications. If you wish to become an EAU member, you can directly apply at our booth. If you are already a member of the EAU, you can conveniently pay your dues, inquire about your membership status, and update your information in the database. As a member you will also receive the EAU Extended Guidelines 2014, the 21th volume of Historia Urologiae Europaeae series, the congress gift Joaquin Albarran the life and scientific passion of a medical genius. EAU VIDEO LIBRARY Booth nr. : B15:11 The EAU has an extensive library of digital videos dedicated to surgical procedures and techniques. The Digital Video Library offers you an opportunity to browse and view these videos, as well as select those of interest and have them copied onto a DVD for you free of charge. The Video Library is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from ASTELLAS. EDAP TMS ELMED LITHOTRIPSY SYSTEMS 4, Rue du Dauphiné, 69120 Vaulx-en-Velin, France T : +33 472 153 150 F : +33 472 153 151 W : E : Booth nr. : B07:11 Bati Sitesi Mah. Gersan San. Sitesi, 2307 Sokak, No:46 Yenimahalle, 06370 Ankara, Turkey T : +90 312 256 92 22 F : +90 312 257 06 08 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:31 Global leader in therapeutic ultrasound for more than 30 years, EDAP TMS (NASDAQ: EDAP) develops, manufactures, promotes and distributes minimallyinvasive medical devices for urology using ultrasound technology. EDAP TMS is actively operating worldwide via an extensive network of corporate offices, subsidiaries and distribution partners. With its complete range of Robotic HIFU devices, EDAP TMS is the most innovative company in minimally-invasive treatment for localized prostate cancer. By combining the latest technologies in imaging and treatment modalities, EDAP TMS just introduced the Focal One® as the answer to all requirements for ideal focal therapy of prostate cancer as a complement to the existing Ablatherm® HIFU. As a pioneer and key player in the field of extracorporeal lithotripsy (ESWL), EDAP TMS introduced the first modular lithotripter. The latest generation of shock wave source is utilized exclusively by EDAP TMS in its Sonolith® range of ESWL systems (Sonolith® i-sys and Sonolith® i-move). EIGEN 13366 Grass Valley Ave, 95945 Grass Valley, United States of America T : +1 1530-274-1240 xt 221 F : +1 1530-274-3656 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:39 Visit the historical exhibition, which is a special part of the EAU booth and is traditionally organised by the EAU History Office. This year’s exhibition highlights the development of medical depiction throughout the centuries. Take a step back from the buzz of the exhibition and look at the amazing images which were created to visualize the human body. The leader in 3D-Semi Robotic Targeted Prostate Biopsy System with MRI/TRUS Fusion Technology. Eigen strives to improve healthcare and quality of life through innovations in image-guided diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Eigen provides reliable, competitive and quality products to satisfy our customers with optimum functionality relative to time and cost constraints. We dedicate ourselves to continuous improvement in performance, ease of installation, operation and maintenance. Eigen 13366 Grass Valley Ave. Grass Valley, CA 95945 U.S.A. 888-924-2020 530-274-1240 EAU MADRID 2015 ELEKTA W Booth nr. Kungstensgatan 18, 103 93 Stockholm, Sweden T : +46 8 58725400 F : +46 8 58725500 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:43 EAU HISTORICAL EXHIBITION Booth nr. : B13:49 : : B13:49 The 30th Anniversary EAU Congress will take place on 20-24 March 2015 in Madrid, Spain. Visit this booth to be the first to know all about next year’s congress! EAU RESEARCH FOUNDATION Mr. E.N. van Kleffensstraat 5, 6842 CV Arnhem, The Netherlands T : +31 26 389 0677 F : +31 26 389 0679 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:49 Since 1972, Elekta has pioneered innovations and clinical solutions for treating cancer and brain disorders. In 2011, Nucletron – the world leader in brachytherapy – became an Elekta company. This strategic acquisition helped strengthen Elekta’s portfolio of radiation therapy, radiosurgery and brachytherapy solutions, as well as workflow enhancing software. It has also helped us to improve, prolong or even save patient lives. Today, about one million patients per year are treated in over 6,000 hospitals worldwide with solutions developed, sold and serviced by Elekta’s 3,700 employees. Visit The EAU Research Foundation (EAU-RF), an independent organisation affiliated to the EAU, was set up for the results of urology-related trials to be recognised in the international community and prove beneficial for ELI LILLY AND COMPANY urological patients. The research foundation stimulates, Lilly Corporate Center, 46285 Indianapolis, United States coordinates and supervises basic, translational and clinical of America research by enrolling the help of qualified investigators. T : +1 317 276 32 33 F : +1 317 276 69 00 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:19 12-14 April 2014 Lilly is a global healthcare leader that unites caring with discovery to make life better for people around the world. Founded more than a century ago by a man committed to creating high-quality medicines that meet real needs, we remain true to that mission in all our work. Across the globe, Lilly employees work to discover and bring lifechanging medicines to those who need them, improve the understanding and management of disease, and give back to communities through philanthropy and volunteerism. To learn more about Lilly, please visit us at ELMED is involved in developing, manufacturing, servicing and exporting of advanced medical equipment in the field of urology since 1991. The company’s leading product range consists of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) Systems and Pneumatic and uUltrasonic & Pneumatic Combined Intracorporeal Lithotripters for the treatment of urinary tract calculi. With its own R&D department, ELMED continually innovate its existing product range. Additionally follows up the new technology and market demands in order to design and produce new device in the other fields of medicine. The product range complies with international standards; CE mark in accordance with MDD 93/42/EEC, ISO 9001, ISO 13485, FDA approval for Intracorporeal Lithotripters. ELMEDICAL LTD 29 Haharash St., P.O.Box 7212 Hod-Hasharon, Israel T : +972 544588211, 544588212 F : +972 97413212 W :, facebook: elmedical E :, Booth nr. : B01:54 Elmedical offers a CE approved office-based platform for thermal treatments to unmet urological diseases which currently treats bladder cancer and prostatitis. The platform uses conductive heat which is better controlled and tolerated, easier to perform and cost effective than microwave. NMIBC BWT (bladder wall thermo-chemotherapy) delivers hyperthermia and bladder mitomycin-C instillations. For 50 minutes, high flow of carefully heated mitomycin-C solution induces exact uniform temperature over the entire bladder. More than 5400 BWT procedures performed successfully, practically with no adverse events. Recurrence at 16 months reduced by 84% in a group of highly recurrent intermediate and high-risk patients and at 5 years median follow-up, disease-free interval extended up to 15 times (median 6) vs.baseline. CP/CPPS DuoThermia provides simultaneous heat to prostate, bladder and entire pelvis where the chronic pelvic pain prevails. Elmedical is looking for international distributors. ELSEVIER 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, United Kingdom T : +44 20 7424 4404 F : +44 20 7424 4404 W : E : Booth nr. : B04:53 Elsevier is a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, working in partnership with the global science and health communities to enhance the productivity of science and health professionals. We proudly publish the European Association of Urology journal, European Urology, as well as The Journal of Urology and Urology Practice (new in 2014!) on behalf of the American Urological Association. Additional journals published by Elsevier include: Urologic Oncology, Urology, Journal of Pediatric Urology and the new open access journal, Urology Case Reports. With an extensive media spectrum – print, online and mobile – Elsevier is able to supply the information you need in the most convenient format. Visit the Elsevier booth B04:53 to browse and collect free sample copies (while stocks last) of our journals and learn more about our new products! EMIRATES UROLOGICAL SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE DUBAI 2014 P.O.Box 502464, Dubai, United Arab Emirates T : +971 44270492 F : +971 44270493 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:03 For the First time in the Middle East & Gulf region, The Emirates Urological Society (EUS) joins hands with the Societe Internationale D’Urologie (SIU), The European Association of Urology (EAU) & The Arab Association of Urology (AAU), to stage a truly international educational and scientific program in the field of urology, with participation from leading experts and world renowned faculty to share the latest innovations and advancements in the field. The Emirates International Urological Conference, is hosted by the Emirates Urological Society of the Emirates Medical Association and will take place from 13 to 15 November 2014, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. EMS ELECTRO MEDICAL SYSTEMS Ch. De La Vuarpillière 31, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland T : +41 229 944 700 F : +41 229 944 701 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:20 EMS, Electro Medical Systems SA was founded more than 30 years ago. In 1990, EMS introduced the Swiss LithoClast® which subsequently became the gold standard in intracorporeal lithotripsy. The Swiss LithoClast Master®, a combination lithotripter for very fast fragmentation and clearance especially of large stones in kidney and bladder was another innovation by EMS for endoscopic stone management. Recently, the handheld, battery driven Swiss LithoBreaker as well as the Swiss LaserClast, a 20 W Holmium desktop laser with particular long pulse mode for lithotripsy were added to the range of lithotripters from EMS. Swiss Lithoclast, Swiss LaserClast and Swiss LithoPump can be combined with the all-in-one cart to form a universal endoscopic lithotripsy station offering the best lithotripsy solution for each stone case. ENDOCARE, INC. 9825 Spectrum Drive, Building 3, 78717 Austin, United States of America T : +1 512-314-4391 F : +1 512-682-2093 W : E : Booth nr. : B02:48 Endocare, Inc. is a medical device company focused on the development of minimally invasive technologies for tissue and tumor ablation. Endocare has initially concentrated on developing cryoablation (freezing) technologies for the treatment of prostate cancer and believes that its proprietary technologies have broad applications across a number of markets. With over 10-years of clinical experience in percutaneous, laparoscopic, and open cryoablation for prostate, kidney, and other tissues, we remain committed to innovative technology that improves and extends patients’ lives. ENDOCONTROL 5 Avenue de Grand Sablon, 38700 La Tronche, France T : +33 476 637 583 F : +33 476 549 561 W : E : communication@endocontrol Booth nr. : B04:52 EndoControl is an innovative company specialized in active assistance for endoscopic surgery. Our mission is to enhance clinical progress by designing state-of-the-art solutions for surgeons. We market a range of products including, ViKY® EP a laparoscopic motorized endoscope holder, ViKY® UP a motorized uterus positioner, and JAiMY the first 5mm motorized articulated laparoscopic instrument with iD-Intelligent Dexterity. The ViKY® EP system received CE marking in 2007 and FDA clearance in 2008. The ViKY® UP system received CE marking in 2010 and FDA clearance in 2013. Since then, over 3500 surgical surgeries have been performed with ViKY® around the world. On November 2011, EndoControl obtained the CE marking of its latest product, JAiMY. Exhibition Guide Company and Product Description ERASMUS S.A. EUROPA UOMO 1, Kolofontos & Evridikis str, 161 21 Athens, Greece T : +30 21 07 41 47 00 F : +30 21 07 25 75 32 W : E : Booth nr. : B14:12 Lange Gasthuisstraat 35-37, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium T : +32 33389151 F : +32 33389152 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:12 ERASMUS S.A. is a Company with 21 Years of experience in Organizing Congresses globally. Especially in the field of Urology, we are the proud Professional Congress Organizers of the following Events: 4th International Meeting Challenges in Endourology and Functional Urology (Paris, 1-3 June 2014), 7th International Symposium on Focal Therapy and Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer (Los Angeles, 21-23 August 2014) and 2nd International Conference “Experts in Stone Disease” (Cape Town, 10-13 December 2014). Europa Uomo, the European Prostate Cancer Coalition, represents and supports patient groups with prostate diseases in general and cancer in particular. Our aims include increasing awareness of prostate diseases, the support of individualized treatment based on optimal medical treatment with personalized patient care and patients’ advocacy as a priority focused on quality of life based on solidarity and mutual respect. Our expansion is based on collaboration with the professional organizations to provide information on evidence based treatment, to educate men on holistic patient care and on solidarity in advocacy with other patient support groups. ERBE ELEKTROMEDIZIN GMBH Waldhörnlestr. 17, 72072 Tübingen, Germany T : +49 7071 7550 F : +49 7071 755 179 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:21 ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH was founded in Tübingen, Germany, in 1847. Five generations later and under the leadership of Christian O. Erbe and Reiner Thede, ERBE develops, produces and sells systems for electrosurgery, vessel sealing, argon plasma coagulation, cryosurgery and waterjet surgery. ERBE maintains a network of sales and service personnel in Germany, as well as an international presence with subsidiary companies in Belgium, China, France, Great Britain, Nederlands, India, Italy, Austria, Poland, Russia, Switzerland and the United States. Representative offices in Lebanon, Singapore and Serbia support territory covering in multiple countries. ERBE also maintains direct, local contact with its clients by pursuing exclusive, specialty trade in another 140 countries. ESSM Via Ripamonti 129, 20141 Milan, Italy T : +39 025 6601 625 F : +39 027 004 85 77 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:11 EUROPEAN BOARD OF UROLOGY W Booth nr. : : B13:49 The European Board of Urology (EBU) is a section of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). The EBU’s objective is to promote the highest level of urological training in Europe, both on the basic and postgraduate level. The EBU is a non-profit organisation that is charged with regulatory matters. It has independent evaluation tools and authority, as well as broad expertise in urology training standards and requirements. The key to ensuring unbiased and high-quality assessment of all EAU and other European urology-related training activities is the fact that the European Board of Urology works as an entirely independent regulatory organisation. EUROPEAN UROLOGY Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands T : +31 20 4853346 F : +31 20 4853260 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:10 company solely committed to advancing cryotherapy over a broad range of applications. Galil recently added three new products: the IceRod® PLUS Cryoablation Needle, an ultra-thin 17G needle with a very narrow profile, the IceEdge® 2.4 Cryoablation Needle, a 2.4mm needle with the largest volume iceball available today and the VisualICE® Cryoablation System, the platform technology for the company’s next generation needle products. The narrow profile of all Galil Medical needles facilitates needle placement for optimum tumor coverage. Please stop by the Galil Medical booth B07:30 to share insight on ablative applications and for more information on the new needles and the Visual-ICE system. Galil Medical is based in Arden Hills, Minnesota, with offices in Yokneam, Israel. GE HEALTHCARE Beethovenstrasse 239, 42655 Solingen, Germany T : +49 212 28020 F : +49 212 2802 28 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:49 GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and services to meet the demand for increased access, enhanced quality and more affordable healthcare around the world. GE works on things that matter - great people and technologies taking on tough challenges. From medical imaging, software & IT, patient monitoring and diagnostics to drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies and performance improvement solutions, GE Healthcare helps medical professionals deliver great healthcare to their patients. GENOMIC HEALTH, INC. 301 Penobscot Drive, 94063 Redwood City, United States of America T : +41 22 715 2900 F : +41 44 583 0787 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:21 The Oncotype DX® Prostate Cancer Assay is a biopsy-based genomic test that goes beyond standard clinical measures by predicting the aggressiveness of a patient’s localized disease. The assay provides a more complete assessment of risk, enabling physicians and patients to choose active surveillance or immediate therapy with greater precision and confidence. For more information visit booth B13:21 or European Urology, the official journal of the EAU, has been a respected urological forum for over 35 years, and is currently read by more than 20,000 urologists across the globe. With an impact factor of 10.476, the journal has become the leading scientific publication in the field of urology. The European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM) is a not-for-profit, multidisciplinary, academic and scientific European Urology is constantly updating and innovating organization dedicated to male and female sexual function its electronic and published features and layout in order to and dysfunction. Founded in 1995 as ESIR (European provide the best clinical guidance, research and education GLAXOSMITHKLINE Society for Impotence Research), it began an important for urologists across Europe and the world. Parque Tecnologico de Madrid, C/ Severo Ochoa, 2, 28760 journey into medical knowledge, research and innovation. Come see European Urology for yourself - visit either the Madrid, Spain Over the years the ESSM has become the major scientific European Urology or EAU booth at the exhibition. T : +34 918 070 301 society in Europe; growing stronger and deeply rooted F : +34 918 070 310 with 25 National Societies affiliated and more than 1750 W : members. FERRING INTERNATIONAL CENTER E : The main purposes of the ESSM are: Booth nr. : B01:21 S.A. - To promote research and exchange of knowledge about Ch. De La Vergognausaz, 50, 1162 Saint-prex, Switzerland the clinical entity of sexual dysfunction throughout Europe. T : +41 583 010 000 GlaxoSmithKline is one of the world´s leading research- To establish and support the highest standards of ethics F based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies with : +41 583 010 010 in clinical practice, education, and research in the field of W : a challenging and inspiring mission: to improve the sexual dysfunction. quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel Booth nr. : B01:29 - To promote the cooperation and improve interaction better and live longer. This mission gives us the purpose between European researchers and clinicians in sexual Headquartered in Switzerland, Ferring is a research to develop innovative medicines and products that help dysfunction. millions of people around the world. driven, speciality biopharmaceutical group. The company - To support its members with both research and identifies, develops and markets innovative products in For further information please visit fellowiship programmes the areas of urology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and reproductive health. At the 29th Annual EAU Congress, Ferring will highlight FIRMAGON® (degarelix), MINIRIN® GRENA LTD EUROMEDICAL GMBH 1000 Great West Road, Brentford London TW8 9HH, United (desmopressin) and TESTIM®* (testosterone). Ligusterweg 2, D-83313 Siegsdorf, Germany Ferring has its own operating subsidiaries in 56 countries Kingdom and markets its products in 110 countries around the T : +44 203 287 39 55 T : +49 17 28 13 15 74 F : +49 86 62 66 85 49 world. To learn more about Ferring or our products please F : +44 208 587 17 60 W : visit W : E : *TESTIM is a registered trademark of Auxilium E : Booth nr. : B13:19 Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ferring markets TESTIM in Europe Booth nr. : B01:52 under license from Auxilium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. EuroMedical GmbH, founded in 1994 and based in Grena Ltd is the manufacturer of disposable medical Germany, offers products for urology, gynaecology, cardiac devices. With the central focus on patient’s safety and & general surgery and radiology. users’confort we offer cost-effective quality products. We GALIL MEDICAL offer endoscopic instruments, Ligating clips, Stapling, We have the ENURESIS (for child incontinence), the 4364 Round Lake Road West, 55112 Arden Hills, United Surgical meshes and consumable medical products. VACUUM THERAPY SYSTEM (for erectile dysfunction), States of America VASCULAR TITANIUM CLIPS, PERIPHERAL STENTS, T : +1 6512875176 CUSTOM-MADE SCISSORS and a NO-SCALPEL VASECTOMY F : +1 8776392796 set. W : But our newest ”top development” is our BIOPSY E : FORCEPS. This biopsy forceps for ureterorenoscopy is a big Booth nr. : B07:30 improvement of all existing biopsy forceps on the market. EuroMedical GmbH’s goal is always to improve. Galil Medical develops, manufactures and distributes cryotherapy systems and disposable products for minimally invasive tissue ablation. Galil Medical is the only Exhibition Guide HISTOSCANNING™ BY AMD Advanced Medical Diagnostics SA/NV/AG (AMD), Drève Richelle 161, Bat. i Bte 3, Waterloo Office Park, 1410 Waterloo, Belgium T : +32 23 528 030 F : +32 23 528 049 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:49 As a healthcare provider, you are constantly looking to improve your patient care and to facilitate your daily routine. Do you know about Prostate HistoScanning™ True Targeting and how it can support you? Will Prostate HistoScanning™ True Targeting reinforce your decision making? Visit us, learn everything about the 2014 software release and try it out yourself on Booth B11:49. HITACHI MEDICAL SYSTEMS EUROPE HOLDING AG Sumpfstrasse 13, 6300 Zug, Switzerland T : +41 41 748 63 33 F : +41 41 748 63 32 W : E: Booth nr. : B10:11 Hitachi Medical Systems Europe with its Hitachi Aloka ultrasound platform range offers an extensive experience in ultrasound imaging. The company provides a comprehensive range of specialized urological probes for standard urological imaging and transrectal examinations as well as specialty probes for brachytherapy, cryotherapy and microsurgery such as robotically controlled ultrasound interventions. Real-time Tissue Elastography and Real-time Virtual Sonography further offer a source with great clinical potential. Elastography for the real-time colour visualization of tissue lesions and the Real-time Virtual Sonography, an innovative image fusion technology for optimal detection of prostate lesions and targeted biopsies. HOLOGIC, INC. 10210 Genetic Center Drive, 92121 San Diego, CA, United States of America T : +1 858-410-8260 F : +1 619-632-5420 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:05 The CE-marked Progensa® PCA3 Assay and the RUO TMPRSS2:ERG Gene Fusion Assay, both from Hologic, Inc., are highly specific gene-based urine tests to aid in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. The assays are most beneficial for men who are considering an initial prostate biopsy (based on elevated serum PSA, abnormal DRE or other factors), and for men with one or more prior negative biopsies (Note: for the U.S. PCA3 product only, the FDA-approved intended use is limited to repeat biopsy). Please visit booth B06:05 as well as www.pca3. org, to learn more about the PCA3 Assay and how testing urine for both PCA3 and TMPRSS2:ERG levels may more accurately predict biopsy outcomes. Hologic, Inc. is a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of premium molecular diagnostic products, medical imaging systems and surgical products dedicated to serving the healthcare needs of people throughout the world. IBSA INSTITUT BIOCHIMIQUE SA Via del Piano 29, 6915 Pambio Noranco, Switzerland T : +41 583 601 000 F : +41 583 601 644 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:09 IBSA Institut Biochimque SA is a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Lugano, Switzerland. The company has developed a series of proprietary technologies allowing a qualitative upgrading of already available and widely-used molecules and therapeutic solutions. With a focus on a high quality manufacturing, IBSA remains fine-tuned on the clinical needs and fully committed to improve compliance, safety and efficacy of its proprietary medicines. IBSA’s portfolio includes a full range of presentations in the fields of osteoarthritis and pain/inflammation management (Condrosulf®, Sinovial®, Flector® and Akis®/ Dicloin®), dermatology (Betesil®, Ialuset®), endocrinology (Tirosint®), gynaecology (Fostimon®) and urology (Ialuril). 12-14 April 2014 Company and Product Description IDL BIOTECH AB PO. Box 111 51, SE-161 11 Bromma, Sweden T : +46 8 799 67 50 F : +46 8 799 93 20 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:51 IDL Biotech AB develops, produces and internationally markets In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) tests. Within the area of urologic oncology, we offer tumor activity markers for detection, prognosis and monitoring of urinary bladder (UBC® and UBC® Rapid) and prostate cancer (TPS®). Our latest innovation, UBC® Rapid, a POC test for both qualitative and quantitative measurement of urine samples. In combination with the POC-reader concile® Ω100 it also facilitates risk prediction compared to conventional non-quantitative dichotomized POC-testing. This reader is being manufactured by our key partner, concile GmbH from Germany who also participates at our exhibition booth. In addition, concile also develops and distributes POC tests for quantitative measurements in several other clinical areas. Take a moment and visit us during the meeting to learn more about the first quantitative POC system for diagnosing and monitoring urinary bladder cancer. INCONTROL MEDICAL, LLC 3225 Gateway Road, Suite 250, 53045 Brookfield, United States of America T : +1 262373-0422 F : +1 262373-0463 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:32 InControl Medical, LLC is a Women’s Health company that is committed to providing a non-invasive strategy for the treatment of female urinary incontinence. InTone® was innovatively designed to provide the most effective, noninvasive treatment option for patients with stress, urge or mixed urinary incontinence and is the logical first choice for incontinence treatment. We are proud to design and manufacture InTone in the USA. INFORMA HEALTHCARE 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, NY 10017 New York, United States of America T : +1 2125202777 F : +1 2126615052 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:33 At Informa Healthcare, we answer your need for fast, convenient access to high-quality, high-impact scientific research, with over 170 peer-reviewed journals covering clinical medicine, life sciences, and pharmaceutical science. Informa Healthcare is the proud publishers of the Scandinavian Journal of Urology. As the official journal of Nordisk Urologisk Forening / Scandinavian Association of Urology, the Scandinavian Journal of Urology provides the clinical urologist with original research and reviews on all aspects of urology. Visit us at booth B09:33 to learn more about all of our urology publications. Invivo, a leader in disease-oriented, multi-modality clinical solutions, is pleased to introduce the next generation of prostate care with the UroNav Fusion Biopsy System. Advances in multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate now enhance the ability to visualize and evaluate clinically significant prostate cancer. Invivo now brings this important diagnostic information to the urology suite in a simple and intuitive workflow. DynaCAD for Prostate provides the diagnostic MR information needed for the fusion biopsy by automatically transferring the relevant prostate images and lesion location data over your computer network for lesion identification and guidance during the TRUS biopsy procedure. UroNav automatically recognizes the required prostate information and loads the images and reference data at point of care. It’s powerful, fast and simple. Welcome to a better way for YOU and YOUR patient. For more information, please visit or 1-877-INVIVO1 IPSEN 65 Quai Georges Gorse, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France T : +33 158 335 000 F : +33 158 335 001 W : E : Booth nr. : B05:11 Ipsen is a global specialty-driven pharmaceutical company with total sales exceeding €1.2 billion in 2012. Ipsen’s ambition is to become a leader in specialty healthcare solutions for targeted debilitating diseases. Its development strategy is supported by three franchises: urology-oncology, endocrinology and neurology. Moreover, the Group has an active policy of partnerships. Ipsen’s R&D is focused on its innovative and differentiated technological platforms, peptides and toxins. In 2012, R&D expenditure totaled close to €250 million, representing more than 20% of Group sales. Ipsen’s shares are traded on segment A of Euronext Paris (stock code: IPN, ISIN code: FR0010259150) and eligible to the “Service de Règlement Différé” (“SRD”). The Group is part of the SBF 120 index. Ipsen has implemented a Sponsored Level I American Depositary Receipt (ADR) program, which trade on the over-the-counter market in the United States under the symbol IPSEY. For more information, visit ISTEM MEDIKAL Ivedik Organize San. Altin Ari Yapi Koop. 661.sok No.4, 06870 Ankara, Turkey T : +90 312 219 5385 F : +90 312 219 5613 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:10 Istem Medical is a progressive and innovative company dedicated to the design and manufacture of hydrophilic urinary catheters, catheter lubricant gel, various urology disposables and HYACYST (Interstitial Cystitis,Painful Bladder Sydrome & Recurrent Bacterial Cystitis) DEXELL VUR ( Vesico Ureteral Reflux Treatment) DEXELL SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinance Treatment) Our goal is to provide worldwide high quality products for the medical sector. Thanks to the cooperation with leading medical doctors and technology partners in Turkish INTUITIVE SURGICAL universities, our products meet the requirements to be successful in the medical field. Chemin des Mûriers 1, CH-1170 Aubonne, Switzerland We have also invested a considerable amount of time with T : +41 793602390 patients and physicians to develop our own hydrophilic F : +41 218212001 coating solution. W : E : Quality Policy/Mission Statement Our aim is to be one of the prime suppliers of medical Booth nr. : B04:11 devices to the international areas. We are committed Intuitive Surgical is the global leader in minimally invasive, to give quality product at competitive prices. Customer robotic-assisted surgery. Its da Vinci® System – with a 3D- satisfaction is our top priority. HD vision system and EndoWrist® instrumentation – offers surgeons a state of the art minimally invasive approach for complex procedures. With more than 2,500 systems JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL installed in hospitals around the world, the da Vinci COMPANIES System has been used in over 1.5 million procedures in a Postbus 90240, 5000 LT Tilburg, The Netherlands range of specialties: urology, gynecology, head and neck, T : +31 13 583 7373 general surgery, cardiac and thoracic surgery. F : +31 13 583 7300 W : E : INVIVO contactus 3545 SW 47th Avenue, 32608 Gainesville, FL, United States Booth nr. : B05:21 of America T : 1877-INVIVO1 Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & W : Johnson are dedicated to addressing and solving the E : most important unmet medical needs of our time, Booth nr. : B14:29 including oncology (e.g. multiple myeloma and prostate cancer), immunology (e.g. psoriasis), neuroscience (e.g. 12-14 April 2014 schizophrenia, dementia and pain), infectious disease (e.g. HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and tuberculosis), and cardiovascular and metabolic diseases (e.g. diabetes). Driven by our commitment to patients, we develop sustainable, integrated healthcare solutions by working side-by-side with healthcare stakeholders, based on partnerships of trust and transparency. JENA MED TECH GMBH Moritz-von-Rohr-Str. 1a, 07745 Jena, Germany T : +49 3641 532 59 0 F : +49 3641 532 59 29 W : E : Booth nr. : B02:56 Jena Med Tech GmbH develops, manufactures and distributes the innovative LithoSpace® lithotripter. The LithoSpace® becomes a component of the urological workstation. The unique non-contact “SuperVision” targeting system for X-ray and ultrasound localization inserts the LithoSpace® into the universal philosophy to perform all urological interventions at one workstation. When needed the LithoSpace® can be temporarily integrated into the urological workstation as a lithotripsy component without any mechanically rigid connection and can be set aside after the treatment easily to save space. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, United Kingdom T : +44 1865 776868 F : +44 1865 714591 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:01 Wiley is a global provider of content-enabled solutions to improve outcomes in research, education and professional practice with online tools, journals, books, databases, reference works and laboratory protocols. With strengths in every major academic, scientific and professional field, Wiley proudly partners with over 800 prestigious societies representing two million members, one of which is with BJUI a global, innovative journal. Edited by Professor Prokar Dasgupta; BJUI is published 18 times per annum covering original articles, reviews and educational articles. Visit us! Booth B10:01 KARL STORZ GMBH & CO. KG Mittelstrasse 8, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany T : +49 746 170 80 F : +49 7461708105 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:41 KARL STORZ is one of the world’s leading suppliers of endoscopes for all fields of application. The family-owned company with its headquarters in Tuttlingen, Germany has 6400 employees worldwide. With a history that stretches back over 60 years, KARL STORZ is well-known for its innovative and high-quality products. Its range of products has been rounded off with the development of the integrated operating room OR1TM and by integrating the field of flexible endoscopy into the various specialties. KITALPHA MED LTD Xaver-Weismor-str. 22A, 81829 Munich, Germany T : +49 89-33036974 F : +49 89-346894 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:41 Kitalpha Med LTD is the exclusive distributor of Magic Race LLC products globally. The technology of the EXMI-therapie (Extracorporeal magnetic innervation) is based on pulsating and focused magnetic fields (neuromodulation). Neocontrol (the magnetic chair) is a system for the treatment of many pelvic floor diseases such as: urine and feces incontinence, incontinence after radical prostatectomie, pelvic pain, erectile disfunction and other sexual disturbances, cistitis interstitialis and much more. It is a noninvasive, painless and very effective therapie offered now in 57 countries around the globe. It is considered now, from many personalities of the urological and gynaecological societies around Europe as the only standard therapy of the pelvic floor. The other products (Neotone head and Neotoine table) are used in orthopedics, neurology, rehabilitation and sports medicine. All great ideas are simple. KLS MARTIN GROUP Ludwigstaler Str. 132, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany T : +49 746 170 60 F : +49 746 170 61 93 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:29 KLS Martin – Surgical Innovation is our Passion Every day, KLS Martin starts out afresh to confront the high challenges of a global market head-on and with renewed energy. Our products stand for innovation and reliability. Our number one goal is always the same: people’s health. KOELIS 5 Avenue de Grand Sablon, 38700 La Tronche, France T : +33 476 6375 87 F : +33 476 549 561 W : E : Booth nr. : B03:51 KOELIS is a world expert in urological imaging and imageguided surgery systems. Our mission: to design state-of-the-art technologies in image-guided urology by combining full 3D ultrasound with elastic MR / TRUS image fusion. Focused on prostate cancer, our challenge is to bring quality, efficiency and accuracy in minimally-invasive interventions at diagnosis and treatment stage, for a documented, personalized, long-term patient management. More than 15000 patients have benefited from the Koelis technology. LABORIE 6415 Northwest Dr. Unit 10, L4V 1X1 Mississauga, Canada T : +1 905612-1170 F : +1 905612-0481 W : E : Booth nr. : B05:28 LABORIE, the worldwide industry leader in Pelvic Floor Innovation, is pleased to provide you with the most advanced solutions in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Management. LABORIE is committed to bringing you the most innovative products: from private offices to world class research institutions, our solutions are designed to expand with your practice. As specific as your requirements may be; streamlined data transfer, educational courses, a full range of disposables or unparalleled customer service, LABORIE’s expertise will exceed your level of satisfaction. We welcome you to booth B05:28 to discuss your goals and show you the many benefits of partnering with LABORIE. LASER PERIPHERALS 13355 10th Ave. No. #110, MN 55441 Plymouth, United States of America T : +1 763-525-8460 F : +1 763 525 84 61 W : E : Booth nr. : B07:51 Laser Peripherals designs, manufactures, distributes and OEM’s medical laser fibers for use in both hard and soft tissue surgical laser applications. We manufacture and market at least thirty different surgical fiber options for use with Diode, Holmium, KTP and Nd:YAG lasers. Fiber designs include freebeam, contact and lateral emitting. Laser Peripherals has recently completed our ISO/CE certification and we are now actively looking for distribution partners in a variety of International markets. LENUS PHARMA GESMBH Seeböckgasse 59, 1160 Vienna, Austria T : +43 140514 19-12 F : +43 140514 19-20 W :,, E : Booth nr. : B13:28 PROfertil®, a patented and study-proven dietary food for special medical purposes for the dietary treatment of limited fertility of men who want a baby. Due to its specific and unique composition PROfertil® improves all parameters of sperm health: sperm cell density, ejaculation volume, progressive and total motility. PROfertil® acts as a fitness center for your sperm cells. Exhibition Guide Company and Product Description A mixture of eight substances addresses and eliminates all those issues that disrupt sperm cell quality. Product developed by Lenus Pharma, an innovative Austrian company specialized on the research, development and marketing of evidence-based nutraceuticals. NEW PROfertil® female a specially developed preparation to cover the specific nutritional requirements of women before and at the beginning of a pregnancy, with a special combination of substances based on the results of scientific research. For further information please visit our booth B13:28 and or LISA LASER PRODUCTS Max-Planck-Str. 1, 37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany T : +49 5556-9 38-0 F : +49 5556-9938-10 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:40 LISA laser products offers the most comprehensive range of urological lasers and instrumentation: Holmium lasers: Sphinx Jr. - benchmark in stone fragmentation, outstanding user friendly, Sphinx 100 for lithotripsy and HoLEP. RevoLix Thulium lasers: exceptional tissue ablation, haemostasis and economics. Multiple surgical protocols for treatment of BPH: resection, enucleation and vaporization of prostate - histology available. RevoLixDUO combined Thulium/ Holmium laser covers BPH, tumors, strictures, laparoscopy, open surgery and lithotripsy. Endoscopes, resectoscopes, nephroscopes, light sources and cameras are laser compatible. LUMENIS (GERMANY) GMBH Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 3, 63303 Dreieich (Dreieichenhain), Germany T : +49 6103-8335-0 F : +49 6103-8335-300 W : E : Booth nr. : B04:49 Lumenis is a global leader in the field of minimallyinvasive clinical solutions for the Surgical, Ophthalmology and Aesthetic markets, and is a world-renowned expert in the design and manufacturing of surgical lasers and delivery devices for the office and hospital setting. We have pioneered innovations such as Holmium lasers and promote a clinically superior prostate surgery procedure (HoLEP) as well as advanced laser lithotripsy solutions. Lumenis’ ground-breaking products have redefined medical treatments, empowering surgeons with ultimate accuracy and superior clinical outcomes. MCUBE TECHNOLOGY MEDICA S.P.A. #803, 123, Bonghwasan-ro, Jungnang-gu, 131-220 Seoul, South Korea T : +82 2 3421 7780 F : +82 2 3421 7076 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:49 Via degli Artigiani 7, 41036 Medolla, Italy T : +39 051 6351074 F : +39 051635081 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:49 Mcube manufactures such medical devices of (a) Bladder Scanner (Bladder Volume Measurement System) and (b) Magnetic Stimulator (Magnetic Incontinence Therapy System) under the guideline of ISO13485, CE and FDA. (1) 3D Ultrasonic Bladder Scanner (CUBEscan) * Portable & Handheld 3D Ultrasonic Bladder Volume Measurement System * Non-invasively measuring Volume and Post-Void Residual (PVR) * Supporting real time �Pre-Scan’ function * PC-Upload and on-sight Printing of Scanned Information * Minimizing unnecessary catheter usage & Reducing rate of urinary tract infection * New Hand-held Bladder Scanner with touch colorscreen feature. * Enhancing the quality of life and dignity (for patients) * Saving staff-time and total expense (for hospital) (2) Magnetic Stimulator * Magnetic Incontinence Therapy System (Model:Biocon2000W) & Non-invasive physiotherapy system (Model:Biocon-1000Pro) * Biocon-2000W [Magnetic Incontinence Therapy System] - Incontinence - OAB - CPPS - Constipation - Enuresis * Biocon-1000Pro [Non-invasive physiotherapy system] - FMS (Functional Magnetic Stimulation) - Constipation - Neuro-modulation - Pain control MEDA CO., LTD C2-F3-D,Xinmao Science Skill Park, Huayuan Industry Development Area, 300384 Tianjin, China T : +86 228 371 38 08 ext. 8032 F : +86 228 371 38 80 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:36 MEDICA S.p.A with his division Menfis, is an Italian group of companies involved in the production of medical equipment and medical devices for many applications. In particular Menfis division is dedicated to the development and sales of state of the art Urodynamic systems, High Resolution Manometry systems, pH/Impedance recorders and Chemohyperthermic systems. Since 1985 we have been developing urodynamic systems and uroflowmeters. Now we offer a wide range of device that includes: FLOWZIG wireless Uroflowmeter PICO FLOW2 , two-channel stand- alone Uroflowmeter and Electromyographic device with a built-in thermal printer and an extractable SD memory card for prolonged storage. PICO BRIGHT a standard urodynamic system, sleek and space saving. It works with a touch screen colour display 15 inch console. All the urodynamic test are carried out with a finger touch. PICO SMART, advanced urodynamic system expandable with video-urodynamic, GI manometry and neurophysiology MEDICAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS B.V. Colosseum 25, 7521 PV Enschede, The Netherlands T : +31 534 803 700 F : +31 534 803 701 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:21 MMS is one of the world’s leading companies providing practical diagnostic equipment and accessories for both simple and advanced urodynamic studies. At EAU, we will introduce Nexus Pro; the most user-friendly professional urodynamic system with new wireless functionalities for pressure/EMG recording, flowmeter, puller and remote control. Nexus Pro meets the latest ICS guidelines for Good Urodynamic Practice. Furthermore MMS offers Homeflowmetry, wireless office based Urodynamics, wireless Uroflowmetry and Natural Filling Urodyamics. Please feel free to have a look at our booth B10:21. Bladder Scanner and Ophthalmic Ultrasound Manufacturer MEDA, shares leading position in national ultrasound industry, is very proud to introduce MD-6000 Bladder Scanner (CE,SFDA) for urinary residual evaluation, volume detection before urinary catheterization, emergency treatment, in-bed nursing, rehabilitation, etc. Please visit us in EAU to get more information. MEDISPEC LTD LUT GMBH MEDAC GMBH Robert-Bosch-Strasse 3, 79211 Denzlingen, Germany T : +49 7666 900690 F : +49 7666 90069480 W : E : Booth nr. : B03:04 Theaterstrasse 6, 22880 Wedel, Germany T : +49 410 380 06 0 F : +49 410 380 061 00 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:21 LUT was founded in 1991 and has specialized in creating and selling integrated solutions for minimal invasive surgery within the field of Laparoscopy, Gynecology, Urology and Arthroscopy and ENT. One of the major strengths of LUT is the design and manufacturing of endoscopes, cameras and light sources which is carried out in close cooperation with the SCHÖLLY GROUP, of which LUT is a part of. LUT has acquired over the years a deep procedural know-how in the every evolving field of percutaneous surgery and creates integrated solutions by combining the visualization solutions with high quality instruments and devices from a network of certified partners. LUT runs its own representations for marketing, sales and servicing in Europe, China, Malaysia and Brazil and is working to continue its successful growth story by further expanding the international reach. medac is specialised in the treatment of malignant diseases since its foundation in 1970. Now, medac is one of the leading manufacturers of oncology products not only in Germany, but in many international markets. medac offers both, innovative and well proven, therapeutic options in the fields of Oncology, Hematology, Urology, Autoimmune diseases and Fibrinolysis and is one of a handful of companies which is also specialised in the field of diagnostics. With over 20 years of experience and expertise in shockwave therapy solutions, Medispec continuously introduces competitive systems and technological breakthroughs to the market.The company specializes in shockwave-based systems for urology, cardiovascular and orthopedics applications. ED1000 is a non-invasive painless treatment designed to treat the cause of ED as opposed to merely treating the symptoms.Using low-intensity acoustic shock waves, the EDSWT treatment triggers the body’s natural repair mechanism and stimulates the creation of new micro vascular blood vessel networks that increase the blood supply to erectile tissue. ED1000 is now available also as desktop system,enabling physicians to extend treatment availability(small facilities,and at home treatments). Medispec’s lithotripsy systems offer robust performance and competitive technology,backed by successful clinical results: EM1000 (electro-magnetic based system) and (E3000 and E2000,an Electro-Hydraulic based systems). M.A.S. Corso Siracusa 57, 10136 Torino, Italy T : +39 3485156796 F : +39 0119723007 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:51 Suction devices for organic liquid Exhibition Guide MEDCOM GMBH Rundeturmstrasse 12, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany T : +49 615 195 14 70 F : +49 615 195 147 20 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:40 MedCom is an innovative company offering advanced imaging based products. Our focus is interventional and surgical navigation, cancer treatment and specialized telemedicine solutions. For the urology market we offer as an independent vendor an integrated image guided prostate biopsy system together with a dedicated prostate ultrasound device. Additionally, we cooperate with the market leaders in the area of brachytherapy with the emphasis on prostate treatment. 203 Perry Pkwy, Suite # 6, 20877-2169 Gaithersburg, MD, United States of America T : +1 301 944 15 75 F : +1 301 972 6098 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:21 MEDKONSULT Balcárkova 8, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic T : +420 585 414 511 F : +420 585 416 045 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:40 Medkonsult offers a wide range of urodynamic solutions with ease of use and clinical excellence in focus. From compact wireless uroflowmeters and ambulatory urodynamics, to advanced high-end urodynamic systems with up to 16 true measurement channels, several of them with the unique option of integrated built-in diagnostic ultrasound. The product line offers very userfriendly and complete measurement packages for filling & voiding Cystometry, Urethral Pressure Profile, Valsalva Leak Point Pressure (VLPP), Videourodynamics, Electromyography as well & anorectal pressure measurements (Manometry). MEDPRO MEDICAL B.V. Landjuweel 11, 3905 PE Veenendaal, The Netherlands T : +31 318769080 F : +31 318769107 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:51 Manufacturer of urology catheters, stents and related disposables, exporting to over 32 countries world wide. Supplier of specialty urology stents. Manufacturer of customized urology stents and catheters. MEDTRONIC INTERNATIONAL TRADING SÀRL Route du Molliau 31, 1131 Tolochenaz, Switzerland T : +41 218 027 718 F : +41 218 027 915 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:20 At Medtronic, we’re committed to Innovating for Life by pushing the boundaries of medical technology and actually changing the way the world treats chronic disease. Driven by our deep understanding of the human body and our close partnerships with physicians, we’re transforming technology to treat patients across the entire care continuum. Our innovations help physicians diagnose diseases early, treat patients with the least amount of disruption possible, and minimize symptoms throughout the patient’s life. Today, we’re improving the lives of millions of people worldwide each year across numerous conditions—including heart disease, diabetes, neurological disorders, spinal conditions, and vascular diseases. But it isn’t enough. So we’re innovating beyond products. We’re breaking down barriers, challenging assumptions, and looking beyond the status quo—to continually find more ways to help people live better, longer. the MENARINI GROUP Via Sette Santi 1, 50131 Florence, Italy T : +39 055 56801 F : +39 055 5680484 W : E : Booth nr. : B04:31 A. Menarini is the largest Italian pharmaceutical group and it ranks at number 34 and 15 respectively to World and European ranking. A. Menarini invests about 10% of its turnover in R&D and is present in more than 100 countries Worldwide. Main therapeutic areas are: cardiovascular, paininflammation, respiratory and rheumatology including and OTC drugs. Recently A. Menarini expanded its therapeutic areas by adding Urology and Sexual Health, with the commercialization of Priligy (dapoxetine), a fast acting SSRI that is the first and only oral approved treatment for premature ejaculation. MIM SOFTWARE INC. 25800 Science Park Drive, 44122 Cleveland, United States of America T : +1 216-455-0600 F : +1 216-455-0601 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:35 MIM Software offers MIM Symphony, a collaborative suite for MR fusion prostate biopsy and therapy guidance. With MIM Symphony, MR Guided biopsies can now be conducted without an MR Suite. The new standard in prostate imaging for cancer detection is multi-parametric MR (T2W, DCE, DWI). Until now, urologists have not been able to effectively use this targeted information to guide their biopsy sampling. MIM Symphony Bx is changing this with powerful, yet easy-to-use tools, for everyone on the MR guided biopsy team. MONTAVIT GMBH Salzbergstraße 96, 6067 Absam, Austria T : +43 522 357 926 F : +43 522 352 294 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:03 12-14 April 2014 Company and Product Description Montavit is an independent, family-run Austrian pharmaceutical company with focus on urologic products, founded in 1945. With the “Cathejell” range of products, Montavit is amongst the world market leaders for sterile catheter lubricant gels (containing Lidocaine and/or Chlorhexidine). Montavit is globally distributing its innovative pharmaceutical products and medical devices to approx. 60 countries and via 5 own marketing offices in Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia). In selected countries Montavit offers the antimuscarinic Inkontan coated tablets (Trospium Chloride) in various strengths. Moreover Montavit can offer a broad product range of phytopharmaceuticals (therapy of allergies, respiratory tract infections, digestion) as well as H1 Antihistamine pharmaceutical products (ointments, solutions, tablets, sleeping remedies, antiemetics). MYRIAD GENETICS GMBH Leutschenbachstrasse 95, 8050 Zurich Zurich, Switzerland T : +41 44 939 91 30 F : +41 44 939 91 31 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:10 Myriad Genetics is focused on the development of novel molecular diagnostics. We improve patient healthcare through our personalized, prognostic and predictive tests such as BRACAnalysis™ for breast cancer. Our most recent test is Prolaris™, which aids physicians in predicting prostate cancer aggressiveness in conjunction with clinical parameters such as Gleason score and PSA. Prolaris measures the expression level of genes involved with cell cycle progression to predict disease outcome and help determine appropriate therapy for prostate cancer patients. NEOMEDIC INTERNATIONAL S.L. C/Maestrat, 41-43. 1° 1ª, 08225 Terrassa, Spain T : +34 937 804 505 F : +34 903 780 61 05 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:31 Neomedic International “The Continence Company” provides you with the right product for every case. FEMALE REMEEX. Readjustable system for Female Urinary Incontinence, excellent results even in ISD and Recurrent cases. MALE REMEEX. Unique lifetime re-adjustable system for Male Urinary Incontinence. Excellent results and physiological urination. NEEDLELESS: Single incision TOT, painless same results as a TOT w/o groin pain. KIM: Knottless Incontinence Mesh. The Hi-Tech mesh for Tension Free procedures. SURELIFT: Fully adjustable universal prolapse mesh, for anterior, posterior and vault prolapse. UPLIFT: The laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy mesh ANCHORSURE: Reliable least invasive anchoring system. Neomedic, “The continence Company” NEOTRACT, INC. OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & COKG Wendenstrasse 14-18, 20097 Hamburg, Germany T : +49 40237733008 F : +49 402 377 36 56 W : E : Booth nr. : B03:31 Olympus is a global high-tech company, driven by innovations for the medical professional: At this years’ EAU congress, Olympus introduces the new ultra thin flexible video ureteroscope URF-V2 which aims providing outstanding image quality at significantly reduced diameter to access everywhere. More highlights are the latest generation of the worlds’ leading bipolar resection system, TURis 2.0 for TUR-B and TUR-P. We in addition present the first videocystoscope available in High Definition together with the patented image enhancement function “NBI” for better detection of NMIBC which comes standard with the new imaging platform “Visera Elite”. Moreover, the HD-3D laparoscopy system with fully deflectable tip can be experienced at the Olympus booth. OPKO DIAGNOSTICS 4 Constitution Way, MA 01801 Woburn, United States of America T : +1 781 933 8012 F : +1 781 933 8011 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:11 OPKO Health, Inc., is a pharmaceutical and diagnostics company engaged in the development and commercialization of products solving large unmet medical needs. In diagnostics, OPKO has developed the point of care Claros®1 analyzer for in-office quantitative immunoassays based on SANGIA™ microfluidic technology. The initial assays are targeted for use in the Urology office and include Total Testosterone and Total PSA. In addition, OPKO Diagnostics is introducing the 4Kscore™ test, a personalized risk score for predicting the presence of high-grade prostate cancer prior to biopsy. For more information, please visit PAJUNK GMBH Karl-Hall-Str. 1, 78187 Geisingen, Germany T : +49 77 04 9291 549 F : +49 77 04 9221 600 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:18 Pajunk offers a homogenous range of products, supplying just the right medical products to full cover the particular methods of application concerned. The Pajunk range of products are: Regional anesthesia, Interventional Pain, Laparoscopy, Organbiopsy and Dental. Pajunk is offering needles, instruments and complete sets for Prostate Biopsy available as for side notch or fine needle aspiration techniques and for Brachy Therapy. For Laparoscopy we offer besides others ergonomic modular hand instruments, dilation and ring anchor ballons, trocar systems, modular suction- and irrigation system and coagulation devices. 4473 Willow Road, Suite 100, 94588 Pleasanton, United States of America T : +1 925401 0700 F : +1 925401 0697 W: and E : Booth nr. : B03:55 PHYSION NeoTract, Inc. is a medical device company dedicated to developing innovative, minimally invasive and clinically effective solutions to meet the needs of urologists and their patients. Our current focus is the UroLift® System, a minimally invasive device designed to treat lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This unique technology recently received FDA clearance and NICE IPG guidance. It directly opens the urethra without prostate tissue injury and offers a quality of life solution for patients. Take a moment to visit with us during the meeting to learn more about our minimally invasive, novel technology. We are in booth B03:55. EMDA by Physion provides accelerated localized drug administration into the bladder wall and prostatic urethra. Chemotherapy for high risk bladder tumors, Interstitial Cystitis and IPP are treated on an ambulatory basis, cost-effectively. N-DO injector catheter needle provides Localized Anesthesia for TURB and biopsies for Day Surgery management. Via Fogazzaro 4B, 41037 Mirandola, Italy T : +39 0535 611 082 F : +39 0535 610 420 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:42 PIERRE FABRE MÉDICAMENT Parc Industriel La Chartreuse, 81106 Castres Cedex, France T : +33 563 714 500 F : +33 563 714 559 W : E : Booth nr. : B03:49 Pierre Fabre, Gold sponsor of the EAU, is the second largest independent French pharmaceutical laboratory. The Pierre Fabre Group is present with dermo-cosmetic, OTC and medical activities. 12-14 April 2014 Thanks to sustained R&D investments, the group discovered new compounds to reinforce its world-wide development. Pierre Fabre Medicament is a successful partner in Urology with: - Permixon®, a recognized treatment for B.P.H., marketed in 57 countries, - Testopatch®, for testosterone deficiency, marketed in some major European countries, - Ormandyl® for prostate cancer, - Javlor® in launch phase worldwide for 2nd line metastatic urothelial carcinoma. Pierre Fabre Médicament PROFOUND MEDICAL INC. 3080 Yonge Street, Suite 4040, M4N 3N1 Toronto, Canada T : +1 647476-1350 F : +1 647847-3739 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:53 Profound Medical is a Toronto based company developing and commercializing a unique minimally-invasive treatment for prostate cancer. This groundbreaking technology combines MRI guidance and high energy ultrasound to deliver thermal ablative therapy to the prostate gland via a trans-urethral approach with unprecedented accuracy and precision. Profound Medical is now demonstrating the potential of this technology in Phase I clinical trials. PROGENICS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 777 Old Saw Mill River Road, 10591 Tarrytown, United States of America T : +1 914789-2801 F : +1 914789-2857 W : E : Booth nr. : B03:02 Progenics Pharmaceuticals develops innovative medicines for oncology. Progenics’ pipeline includes several candidates in late-stage development, including a first-in-class PSMA targeted antibody drug conjugate therapeutic and a small molecule imaging agent, both recently completed Phase 2 trials. Azedra, an ultraorphan theranostic is also in Phase 2, under an SPA. Our first commercial product, Relistor for opioid-induced constipation, is partnered with Salix Pharmaceuticals and Ono Pharmaceuticals in Japan. PROMEDON S.A. Av. Gral. Manuel Savio s/n - Lote 3 - Mza. 3. X5925 XAD Cordoba, Argentina T : +54 351 450 21 00 F : +54 351 450 21 30 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:41 Promedon is a leading international company in the research, development, production and distribution of innovative medical technology for the urology and urogynecology market, present in more than 50 countries around the world. Among a wide range of solutions, Promedon offers: • For Male Urinary Incontinence: Phorbas Adjustable System and Argus Adjustable System. • For Female SUI: Ophira, Single incision Mini sling system; Opsys, Injectable Bulking Agent; Unitape VS- T & T Plus, polypropylene slings; Safyre VS - T & T Plus, Adjustable Slings. • For Female Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair: Splentis POP Tissue Anchoring System, Calistar Single repair POP system, Nazca POP Repair System. • For Vesicoureteral Reflux in children: Vantris Injectable Bulking agent. QUANTA SYSTEM SPA Via IV Novembre 116, 21058 Solbiate Olona (VA), Italy T : +39 331 376 797 F : +39 331 367 815 W : E : Booth nr. : B02:49 Quanta System S.p.A. was founded in 1985 and belongs to EI. En. Group (a public company listed in the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange) since January 2004. The company is divided into three business units medical, scientific and industrial. Quanta System urological laser systems include applications from BPH to lithotripsy. The state-of-the art Thulium laser(Cyber TM) and contemporary holmium lasers (Litho) represent the real excellence in urology, providing indispensable advantages both to patients and physicians. Besides, a powerful BPH simulator trains urologists to excel the learning curve needed to reach routine and safe procedures. RECORDATI Via Matteo Civitali 1, 20148 Milan, Italy T : +39 024 878 74 68 F : +39 024 878 71 26 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:11 Recordati, established in 1926, is an international pharmaceutical group, listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, with a total staff of around 4,000, dedicated to the research, development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals. Headquartered in Milan, Italy, Recordati has operations in the main European countries, in Russia, in other Central and Eastern European countries, in Turkey, in the United States of America and in North Africa. An efficient field force of medical representatives promotes a wide range of innovative pharmaceuticals, both proprietary and under license, in a number of therapeutic areas including a specialized business dedicated to treatments for rare diseases. Recordati is committed to the research and development of new drug entities within the cardiovascular and urogenital therapeutic areas and of treatments for rare diseases. Consolidated revenue for 2013 was € 941.6 million, operating income was € 195.4 million and net income was € 133.7 million. RICHARD WOLF GMBH Pforzheimer Str. 32, 75438 Knittlingen, Germany T : +49 704 33 50 F : +49 704 335 4300 W : E : Booth nr. : B05:41 R. Wolf is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of medical instruments for minimally invasive surgery. “Dual uniqueness meets digital vision” – R. Wolf proudly presents its flexible Sensor URS Cobra & Boa Vision. The flexible Single channel Sensor URS Boa Vision stands out with its uniqueness fitting into a 9,5 Fr. access sheath while having a large working channel. The Cobra Vision is unique in the marketplace having a working & laser channel which allows for superior irrigation and along with a special laser shifter fixation. ROCAMED 9 Avenue Albert II, 98000 Monaco, Monaco T : +377 97 98 42 43 F : +377 92 05 61 50 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:40 ROCAMED: capital equipment & single use disposables for Urology & Endourology. ROCAMED is offering a complete range of disposables & implantables within the Urology and Endourology fields. Our company also manufactures & distributes the ENDOFLOW II System… The unique ENDOFLOW II System offers heated liquid, a controlled pressure and constant liquid flow, as well as a large range of single use disposables. Meet us at our booth: B11:40 RSU (RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF UROLOGY) 3rd Parkovaya Street 51, 105425 Moscow, Russia T : +7 967289-57-50 F : +7 499248-71-66 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:07 Russian Society of Urology was founded in 1907 by outstanding Russian and than Soviet surgeon-urologist, professor, �father’ of Russian Urology - Sergey P. Fedorov (1869-1936). Present-day Russian Society of Urologists has ambitious plans of developing. These plans are based on uniting and involving into society life all existing and potential members from all over Russia. RSU management understands that this could be achieved only by bringing more value in its membership. This way it is planned to develop society services to its members Exhibition Guide Company and Product Description among which are high-quality education, meetings and events, support and integration into world urological trends, etc. The main aim is to enhance the credibility and to become the main and largest public organization uniting urologists in Russia. SAMED GMBH DRESDEN Bamberger Str. 7, 01187 Dresden, Germany T : +49 351 8626261 F : +49 351 4539659 W : E : Booth nr. : B04:51 We have made it to our mission to provide training equipment for learning and practicing operative, surgical techniques. The currently available product range “Medical Training Devices” enable the university graduates a quickly and efficiently practice in modern minimally invasive surgical techniques. But also the more experienced surgeon has the possibility to make familiar with the specific in vitro technique, the handling and the surgical methodology. In addition to single devices, we offer complete workstations, plan and realize complete training centers as desired by the customer. SANDOZ & NOVARTIS Industriestr. 25, 83607 Holzkirchen, Germany T : +49 8024 9082633 F : +49 8024 4762262 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:31 SOCIÉTÉ INTERNATIONALE D’UROLOGIE SIU Central Office, 1155 University, Suite 1012, H3B 3A7 Montreal, Quebec, Canada T : +1 514 875 5665 F : +1 514 875 0205 W : / E : Booth nr. : B10:31 SIU is the world’s only true international professional urological organization. In 2013, SIU launched SIU Academy—the first urological eLearning platform with powerful search and interactive features, accessible via a computer or mobile device. It is a result of our vision to promote continuing medical education worldwide. Visit Booth B10:31 to view a demo of this innovative educational platform, and to learn more about our upcoming congress in Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. 12-15, 2014. Visit us at: for more information. SONACARE 801 E. Morehead St., Ste. 201, 28202 Charlotte, United States of America T : +1 704 936 1821 F : +1 704 332 56 28 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:39 SonaCare Medical, LLC, with its subsidiary Focus Surgery, Inc., designs and manufactures high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) surgical ablation systems, including the Sonablate® 500 and Sonatherm®. The Sonablate 500 is a minimally invasive medical device designed to Sandoz: treat prostate cancer with HIFU energy in an out-patient Sandoz, a part of the Novartis Group, is a global leader in setting. The Sonablate features a fully integrated probe to the generic pharmaceutical sector. Sandoz employs over allow for an image guided treatment, allowing physicians 26,500 employees across more than 160 countries, offering to customize each treatment for an individual patient’s a broad range of high-quality, affordable products that are diagnosis. The Sonatherm device is 510(k) cleared in accessible to 90% of the world’s population the United States with an indication for laparoscopic or intraoperative ablation of soft tissue. Novartis: Novartis Pharmaceuticals has emerged as a global leader in Tuberous Sclerosis through targeted research and open SONY EUROPE LIMITED partnership in the pursuit of new therapies capable of Jays Close, Basingstoke RG22 4SB, United Kingdom transforming outcomes for people with this rare genetic T : +44 1256 483 670 disease. Our research is driven by a distinctive scientific F : +49 30 2575 694276 and clinical strategy, focusing on unmet medical needs W : and disease pathways E : Booth nr. : B01:58 SIEMENS AG HEALTHCARE SECTOR Henkestr. 127, 91052 Erlangen, Germany T : +49 9131840 F : +49 913 184 292 4 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:11 The Siemens Healthcare Sector is one of the world’s largest suppliers to the healthcare industry and a trendsetter in medical imaging, laboratory diagnostics, medical information technology and hearing aids. Siemens offers its customers products and solutions for the entire range of patient care from a single source – from prevention and early detection to diagnosis, and on to treatment and aftercare. By optimizing clinical workflows for the most common diseases, Siemens also makes healthcare faster, better and more cost-effective. Siemens Healthcare employs some 52,000 employees worldwide and operates around the world. In fiscal year 2013 (to September 30), the Sector posted revenue of 13.6 billion euros and profit of 2.0 billion euros. For further information please visit: SIU SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI UROLOGIA Via G. Amendola, 46, 00185 Rome, Italy T : +39 06 86 20 26 37 F : +39 06 86 32 50 73 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:09 The Italian Society of Urology, founded in 1908, is the most important Urologist Society in Italy. It has more than 2700 active members and is therefore involved in several scientific research projects, educational courses, clinical studies and awareness campaigns. Exhibition Guide For almost 30 years Sony has supported medical environments in capturing the best quality images through cutting edge technology. In 1985, in the field of radiology, when we connected a video recorder to an X-ray device, through to today, where Sony’s medical products and solutions span across the entire HD spectrum - from image acquisition and display to storage and printing. Today Sony’s products are used across a wide range of medical applications, such as surgical imaging, recording and printing. Join us at the stand to see our latest technologies and experience our unique 3D surgical workflow. SPHINX MEDICAL LTD Coltness House, Bellshill ML4 3NJ, United Kingdom T : +44 169 874 64 46 F : +44 169 850 73 44 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:38 Sphinx Medical manufactures the Flowsecure Artificial Urinary Sphincter (AUS) and the Artificial Anal Sphincter (AAS) for the treatment of both urinary and faecal incontinence. All of our products are manufactured using medical grade silicone and have been CE Mark approved since 2012. STARMEDTEC GMBH Kreuzstr. 22, 82319 Starnberg, Germany T : +49 815 126 86 10 F : +49 815 126 861 35 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:01 StarMedTec GmbH - The Company StarMedTec GmbH - a Boston Scientific Company located in Germany - is technology leader in the development of surgical laser systems. StarMedTec has a global network of distributors and service partners. Outstanding technologies, strong presence and the expertise of a creative team form the base line required to meet the challenges of the world market. Innovative products like 2nd Generation Thulium and Holmium lasers have been successfully established for BPH, Lithotripsy and various surgical applications. StarMedTec – the partner in urology, gynecology, pneumology and surgery. TAKEDA STORZ MEDICAL AG Headquartered in Osaka, Japan, Takeda is a researchbased global pharmaceutical company. As the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan and one of the global leaders of the industry, Takeda is committed to strive towards better health and a brighter future for patients worldwide through leading innovation in medicine. Additional information about Takeda is available through its corporate website, Lohstampfestrasse 8, 8274 Tägerwilen, Switzerland T : +41 71 677 4545 F : +41 71 677 4505 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:41 Established in 1987, STORZ MEDICAL AG is a Swiss member company of the KARL STORZ group. With more than 25 years of experience in the design and manufacture of lithotripters our products have proved their efficacy in urology in millions of cases. With the MODULITH® SLX-F2 which covers a broad spectrum of indications in the shock wave lithotripsy and endourology, and the compact lithotripter MODULITH® SLK, STORZ MEDICAL offers equipment for all applications in the modern stone therapy. The exceptional versatility of the new MODULITH® SLX-F2 enables all stone management procedures with maximum safety, reliability and ease of use. Both, non-invasive SWL as well as minimally invasive procedures, such as URS or PCNL can be performed on this multifunctional workstation. In addition, the range includes the first shock wave therapy device for urological pain therapy, the DUOLITH ® SD1 which can be used to treat chronic pelvic pain(CPPS), Peyronie’s disease(IPP) and erectile dysfunction (ED). SURGIQUEST, INC. 333 Quarry Road, CT 06460 Milford, United States of America T : +1 203 799 2400 F : +1 203 799 2401 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:48 SurgiQuest, Inc. is the maker of AirSeal®, the world’s first and only integrated access system for Minimally Invasive Surgery that provides stable pneumo, continuous smoke evacuation, and valve-free cavity access to enhance surgeon capabilities, improve anesthesia parameters, protect OR staff, and reduce OR time in both robotic and laparoscopic surgery. SYNERGO-MEDICAL ENTERPRISES Amsterdamseweg 147A, 1182 GT Amstelveen, The Netherlands T : +31 206 423 719 F : +31 206 421 161 W : E : Booth nr. : B02:54 Medical Enterprises group is committed to innovative medical technologies. The company’s R&D is focused on less-invasive therapies providing benefits for both patients and healthcare systems. The lead product, Synergo®, for the treatment of non muscle invasive bladder cancer, is based on the synergism of hypethermia and chemotherapy. The tissue of the bladder walls is heated by RF radiation, along with instillations of cooled chemotherapeutic substance (Mitomycin C). Synergo has become a routine treatment in many countries, including Austria, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Turkey, UK, and Israel. TAEWOONG MEDICAL, CO. LTD Bldg.C 4th Floor, Daebang Triplaon, Jungsan-Dong, Ilsandong-Gu, 400-842 Goyang-Si, South Korea T : +82 319 046 153 F : +82 319 046 157 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:48 Taewoong Medical, We Taewoong Medical was established in 1991 as a metal stent manufacturer and sales. For 10 years of global business, our technology has been conceded. We are World’s Best “Non-vascular Self-Expandable Stent” leading Company. Over 40 countries, over 30,000 units annual sales are our performance. New year 2012, our innovative concept of �Urological Stent’ will be start up. Our promise is to provide better Quality of Life. 40 Landsdowne Street, MA 02139 Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America T : +1 617 679 7000 W : E : Booth nr. : B02:31 T-DOC® COMPANY, LLC 181 Edgemoor Road, DE 19809 Wilmington, United States of America T : +1 302691-2727 F : +1 302543-8952 W : E : Booth nr. : B01:30 Since T-DOC® introduced the first Air-Charged Catheters in 2000, these revolutionary catheters have been used in more than 1 million Urodynamic and Anorectal Manometry studies. Today, over 1 million are used each year, making T-DOC the largest single provider of Pelvic Floor diagnostic catheters in the world. T-DOC® Air-Charged Catheters™ measure urodynamic pressures using proprietary, “Air-Charged” pressure technology that results in far fewer artifact and more precise diagnostics. The Air-Charged system produces a 360-degree circumferential contact area by using a small balloon affixed to the catheter. T-DOC® Air-Charged Catheters™ are more accurate, simpler to learn and provide significant time and cost savings in set-up, study and cleanup. TELEFLEX IDA Business Park, Garrycastle, Dublin Road, Co. Westhmeath, Athlone, Ireland T : +353 9 06 46 08 00 F : +353 14 37 07 73 W : E : Booth nr. : B12:19 TELEFLEX provides comprehensive lines of urological products for customers in the hospital and home care markets. Each product and service we offer is the outcome of more than 100 years of product development, specialisation, experience and collaboration with our customers. We offer bladder management products (Foleys, intermittent & suprapubic catheters, urine collectors) as well as products for endourology (ureteral stents & catheters, nephrostomy devices, stone extractors, irrigation system for ureterorenoscopy). This portfolio is complemented by surgical products (trocars & closure systems for laparoscopic surgery, metal & polymer ligation systems, retrieval bags, endoscopic instruments, chest drainage systems & other devices for skin closure). Our irrigation system for ureterenoscopy or the new intermittent catheter systems Liquick Pure and SafetyCat Active, are just a few examples of our high-quality, innovative solutions with a strong focus on patient and provider safety. TEVA ONCOLOGY 41 Moores Road, 19355 Frazer, United States of America T : +1 6107276275 F : +1 16107276275 W : E : Booth nr. : B08:53 People are at the heart of what drives Teva Oncology. As a top 10 oncology company in the US, we strive to improve the lives of people affected by cancer. Our pipeline of small molecules and biologics target solutions in hematologic malignancies, solid tumors and supportive care. At Teva Oncology, our vision is to change the course of cancer care one patient at a time. 12-14 April 2014 Company and Product Description TIME RESEARCH LIMITED Time House, 56b Crewys Road, London NW2 2AD, United Kingdom T : +44 20 8209 2020 F : +44 20 8209 2021 W : E : Booth nr. : B11:32 Time Research is an independent market research agency based in London, England. We have a team of highly experienced interviewers that will be interviewing healthcare professionals at this conference. Please join us at our stand to share your thoughts and opinions. TRIBUTE PHARMACEUTICALS CANADA INC. 544 Egerton Street, N5W 3Z8 London Ontario, Canada T : +1 226 213 3790 F : +1 519 434 43 82 W : E : Booth nr. : B03:08 Tribute Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. is an innovative Canadian health care company focused on providing healthcare professionals and their patients with high quality products. Tribute Pharmaceuticals is engaged in the acquisition, licensing and management of prescription pharmaceuticals products and medical devices in Canada. Tribute also develops and markets products for selected therapeutic categories worldwide. Tribute’s innovative urology product Uracyst®/Uropol®, effective GAG replenishment therapy in the urinary bladder, is available in Canada and through licensing agreements in Europe and parts of Asia. Please visit our website for more specific information on Uracyst®/Uropol® and our distribution network. TRISTEL SOLUTIONS Lynx Business Park Fordham Road, Snailwell, Cambridgeshire CB8 7NY, United Kingdom T : +44 163 872 15 00 F : +44 163 872 19 11 W : E : Booth nr. : B06:59 Tristel Solutions is an infection and contamination control business headquartered in the UK. Its lead technology is a proprietary chlorine dioxide formulation used to disinfect instruments and surfaces in private and public hospitals. Tristel’s products are considered to be amongst the highest performing biocides available to hospitals and industry; killing all organisms, including spores, in short exposure times. They are renowned for their safety, rapid action and high level of efficacy. The Tristel Stella Pulse Disinfection System offers highly effective, but low cost disinfection of instruments such as cystoscopes, uretheroscopes, and transrectal ultrasound probes. Stella is an easy-to-use, compact system which fits neatly on a benchtop. With a disinfection cycle of only 5 minutes, the Stella System can help you achieve quicker instrument turnaround and improve efficiency of your daily procedures. For more information contact Tristel on +44 (0)1638 721500 or UROMED KURT DREWS KG Meessen 7/11, 22113 Oststeinbek, Germany T : +49 40 713 0070 F : +49 40 713 0079 9 W : E : Booth nr. : B09:39 UROMED, a German company, was founded more than 40 years ago. It has been a leading company for urological products and incontinence aids for urinary drainage ever since. The excellent quality and detailed specifications of UROMED products are well-known to doctors in many countries. The comprehensive programme covers nearly all requirements in the urological field and includes a lot of innovative and exceptional items. Over the years, the products have consistently been updated in order to provide safe, high-quality articles. 12-14 April 2014 UROTECH GMBH & UROVISION GMBH Medi-Globe-Strasse 1-5, 83101 Achenmuehle, Germany T : +49 803 297 3480 F : +49 803 297 32 11 W : / E : Booth nr. : B04:59 uroVision GmbH and Urotech GmbH are two worldwide very well-known companies placed in southern Germany, which are distributing their major portfolio of urological and endourological devices in Europe and more than 100 countries world-wide. All products are produced in a clean room and are CE certified. The parent group MediGlobe is planning to merge both companies together, so since September 2012 both companies are working much more effectively under one roof in Achenmuehle. uroVision and Urotech employs more than 100 people in-house and as sales representatives. uroVision and Urotech offer a complete product line for the domestic and foreign clinic, private and homecare market. Both together are now one of the most specialized companies of this branch with highest quality and high degree of customer orientation. VIRTAMED AG Rütistrasse 12, CH-8952 Schlieren Zurich, Switzerland T : +41 44 500 96 90 F : +41 44 500 96 94 W : E : Booth nr. : B04:55 VirtaMed is a Swiss company with an interdisciplinary background in medicine and engineering. Our mission is to develop state-of-the-art training tools for endoscopic surgery of highest possible realism, all with the ultimate goal to improve the quality of patient care. VirtaMed’s virtual reality simulators provide instructional teaching and training of different diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic interventions. The simulator family includes HystSim™ for hysteroscopic interventions, TURPSim™ for prostate resection and bladder tumors, ArthroS™ for knee and shoulder arthroscopy and PelvicSim™ for IUD insertion and hysteroscopy. Teaching institutions and medical device companies use VirtaMed’s simulators globally for education and handson training. For more information on upcoming events and demo opportunities please visit VISION-SCIENCES, INC. 40 Ramland Road South, NY-10962 Orangeburg, United States of America T : +1 845-365-0600 F : +1 845-365-0620 W : E : Booth nr. : B07:59 Vision-Sciences, Inc. brings to the urology community EndoSheath® Cystoscopy and is the manufacturer of state-of-the art, flexible video (Distal Chip) and fiberoptic endoscopy systems that employ the use of EndoSheath® technology, which is the sterile, disposable cover/ barrier for flexible endoscopes. EndoSheath® Cystoscopy provides a sterile, disposable operative channel for every procedure, allows for rapid cystoscope cleaning, less exposure to toxic chemicals, enhanced Infection Control, less repair and maintenance costs, as well as an increase in staff productivity. With EndoSheath® Cystoscopy, urologists have the best in endoscopic imaging, optimal practice efficiency, along with enhanced patient and staff safety. WELLSPECT HEALTHCARE P.O. Box 14, SE-43121 Mölndal, Sweden T : +46 313 764 000 F : +46 317 763 010 W : E : Use contact form at Booth nr. : B09:10 Wellspect HealthCare, the name behind the family of LoFric catheters, is a leading global provider of innovative urological and surgical solutions. We passionately strive to make a real difference every day to everyone who needs our products and services. That is why every solution bearing the Wellspect HealthCare name carries with it the trust and dependability built on more than 30 years of lifeimproving performance. WISEPRESS ONLINE BOOKSHOP 25 High Path, Merton Abbey, London SW19 2JL, United Kingdom T : +44 208 715 1812 F : +44 208 715 1722 W : E : Booth nr. : B04:01, Europe’s leading conference bookseller, has a complete range of books and journals relevant to the themes of the meeting. Books can be purchased at the stand or, if you would rather not carry them, posted to you – Wisepress will deliver worldwide. In addition to attending 200 conferences per year, Wisepress has a comprehensive medical and scientific bookshop online with great offers. WORLD FEDERATION OF INCONTINENT PATIENTS - WFIP Louis Couperuslaan 1, 2343 DZ Oegstgeest, The Netherlands T : +39 (0)80 5093389 F : +39 (0)80 5619181 W : E : Booth nr. : B13:18 WFIP is a global non-profit federation of national patient organizations for sufferers of incontinence and related pelvic floor disorders. WFIP is dedicated to promoting worldwide the interests of patients and their respective patient organizations. WFIP provides its individual member associations with comprehensive and up-to-date information, guidelines and educational resources. Increasingly acknowledged as playing a key role in patient advocacy work in incontinence issues. Organanizes workshops and presentations at major urological and other health-related events.Active within the European Union and now involved as a major stakeholder in innovative EU health programs. WFIP seeks international co-operation via lobbying and contact with scientific organizations,official bodies + patient advocacy groups worldwide. WFIP is a full member of IAPO, EPF, EPPOSI, EFGCP and committee member of Continence Promotion Committee International Continence Society (ICS). EAU affiliate partner. YOUNG UROLOGISTS / RESIDENTS CORNER Booth nr. : B13:49 This year the EAU Booth will have an area dedicated specifically for Residents and Young Urologists. In this area Residents and Young Urologists can obtain information on how to be involved in EAU activities (and other) such as the Superspecialistic Sections of the EAU. Stop by to find out how to boost your career. ZEPHYR SURGICAL IMPLANTS route des Jeunes 4, 1227 Acacias, Switzerland T : +41 78 693 73 48 F : +41 22 327 10 11 W : E : Booth nr. : B10:44 The artificial urinary sphincter mimics a healthy sphincter in that it keeps the urethra closed until the patient wants to urinate. The artificial urinary sphincter ZSI 375 is a medical device that can be implanted in men. It is made of a silicone elastomer and is filled with saline solution. It mimics a healthy sphincter in that it keeps the urethra closed until the patient wants to urinate. This artificial urinary sphincter ZSI 375 is composed of two elements connected by kink-resistant tubing : a cuff is placed around the urethra and a control pump is placed in the scrotum. When the patient needs to urinate, he squeezes and releases the pump located in his scrotum. This action empties the cuff and releases the pressure around the urethra. The urine can flow out of the bladder. Few minutes after the bladder is empty, the cuff is automatically refilled, and the urethra is squeezed closed again. Exhibition Guide Alphabetical list of Exhibitors EXHIBITOR BOOTH NR. A EXHIBITOR BOOTH NR. F A.M.I. GMBH B08:01 AESCULAP AG B08:11 FERRING INTERNATIONAL CENTER S.A. EXHIBITOR BOOTH NR. P B01:29 PAJUNK GMBH B12:18 PHYSIONB10:42 ALLERGANB05:31 G ALLIUM LTD. B08:51 GALIL MEDICAL AMERICAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC B04:29 AMERICAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (AUA) AMGEN (EUROPE) GMBH ANDROMEDA MEDIZINISCHE SYSTEME GMBH PIERRE FABRE MÉDICAMENT B03:49 B07:30 PROFOUND MEDICAL INC. B10:53 GE HEALTHCARE B09:49 PROGENICS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. B03:02 B09:59 GENOMIC HEALTH B13:21 PROMEDON S.A. B08:41 B06:21 GLAXOSMITHKLINEB01:21 B12:29 GRENA LTD B01:52 Q QUANTA SYSTEM SPA ANGIODYNAMICSB12:10 B02:49 APOGEPHA ARZNEIMITTEL GMBH B06:41 H ASCLEPION LASER TECHNOLOGIES B13:11 HISTOSCANNING™ BY AMD B11:49 R HITACHI MEDICAL SYSTEMS EUROPE HOLDING AG B10:11 RECORDATIB06:11 HOLOGIC, INC. B06:05 RICHARD WOLF GMBH B05:41 ROCAMED B11:40 RSU (RUSSIAN SOCIETY OF UROLOGY) B13:07 ASTELLAS PHARMA EUROPE LTD. AYMED MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY B02:29 & B03:11 B06:09 B I BACTIGUARD AB B10:46 IBSA INSTITUT BIOCHIMIQUE SA B08:09 BARD LTD B01:50 IDL BIOTECH AB B11:51 S BAVARIAN NORDIC B10:20 INCONTROL MEDICAL, LLC B10:32 SAMED GMBH DRESDEN B04:51 BAYER PHARMA AG B08:21 INFORMA HEALTHCARE B09:33 SANDOZ & NOVARTIS B08:31 BESINS HEALTHCARE B11:01 INTUITIVE SURGICAL B04:11 SIEMENS AG HEALTHCARE SECTOR B09:11 BIOLITEC BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY GMBH B10:41 INVIVOB14:29 SIU SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI UROLOGIA B13:09 BIONORICA SE B13:20 IPSENB05:11 SOCIÉTÉ INTERNATIONALE D’UROLOGIE (SIU) B10:31 BIORAD LTD. B01:56 ISTEM MEDIKAL SONACAREB11:39 BK MEDICAL B07:41 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC B07:40 C CANADIAN UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (CUA CANADA) B13:05 CHINESE UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION (CUA CHINA) B13:01 B13:10 J SONY EUROPE LIMITED B01:58 SPHINX MEDICAL LTD B01:38 JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES B05:21 STARMEDTEC GMBH B06:01 JENA MED TECH GMBH B02:56 STORZ MEDICAL AG B01:41 JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD B10:01 SURGIQUEST, INC. B12:48 SYNERGO-MEDICAL ENTERPRISES B02:54 CHARGE & CONNECT AREA B17:48 K COLOPLAST - PORGÈS B06:31 KARL STORZ GMBH & CO. KG B01:41 T COMBAT MEDICAL LTD B11:48 KITALPHA MED LTD B09:41 TAEWOONG MEDICAL, CO. LTD CONMED LINVATEC SWEDEN B03:06 KLS MARTIN GROUP B13:29 TAKEDAB02:31 CONTURA INTERNATIONAL A/S B10:33 KOELISB03:51 COOK MEDICAL B01:49 CRYOLIFE EUROPA, LTD. B06:53 L TEVA ONCOLOGY B08:53 CURAN MEDICAL BV B03:10 LABORIEB05:28 TIME RESEARCH LIMITED B11:32 LASER PERIPHERALS B07:51 TRIBUTE PHARMACEUTICALS CANADA INC. B03:08 LENUS PHARMA GESMBH B13:28 TRISTEL SOLUTIONS B06:59 D T-DOC® COMPANY, LLC B09:48 B01:30 TELEFLEXB12:19 DIREX GMBH B05:59 LISA LASER PRODUCTS B12:40 DORNIER MEDTECH EUROPE GMBH B07:31 LUMENIS (GERMANY) GMBH B04:49 U DYNAMESH BY FEG B01:34 LUT GMBH B03:04 UPCOMING MEETINGS AREA B16:29 UROMED KURT DREWS KG B09:39 UROTECH GMBH & UROVISION GMBH B04:59 E M EAU BOOTH B13:49 M.A.S.B10:51 EAU HISTORICAL EXHIBITION B13:49 MCUBE TECHNOLOGY B08:49 V EAU MADRID 2015 B13:49 MEDA CO., LTD B01:36 VIRTAMED AG B04:55 EAU RESEARCH FOUNDATION B13:49 MEDAC GMBH B11:21 VISION-SCIENCES, INC. B07:59 EAU VIDEO LIBRARY B15:11 MEDCOM GMBH B10:40 EDAP TMS B07:11 MEDICA S.P.A. B10:49 W EIGENB10:39 MEDICAL MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS B.V. B10:21 WELLSPECT HEALTHCARE B09:10 ELEKTAB10:43 MEDISPEC LTD B12:21 WISEPRESS ONLINE BOOKSHOP B04:01 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY B11:19 MEDKONSULTB09:40 WORLD FEDERATION OF INCONTINENT PATIENTS - WFIP B13:18 ELMED LITHOTRIPSY SYSTEMS B09:31 MEDPRO MEDICAL B.V. B12:51 ELMEDICAL LTD B01:54 MEDTRONIC INTERNATIONAL TRADING SÀRL B12:20 Y ELSEVIERB04:53 the MENARINI GROUP B04:31 YOUNG UROLOGISTS / RESIDENTS CORNER EMIRATES UROLOGICAL SOCIETY (EUS) B13:03 MIM SOFTWARE INC. B11:35 EMS ELECTRO MEDICAL SYSTEMS B09:20 MONTAVIT GMBH B06:03 Z ENDOCARE, INC. B02:48 MYRIAD GENETICS GMBH B08:10 ZEPHYR SURGICAL IMPLANTS ENDOCONTROL B04:52 ERASMUS S.A. B14:12 N ERBE ELEKTROMEDIZIN GMBH B09:21 NEOMEDIC INTERNATIONAL S.L. B11:31 NEOTRACT, INC. B03:55 ESSMB12:11 EUROMEDICAL GMBH B13:19 EUROPA UOMO B13:12 O EUROPEAN BOARD OF UROLOGY B13:49 OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & COKG B03:31 EUROPEAN UROLOGY B01:10 OPKO DIAGNOSTICS B11:11 Exhibition Guide B13:49 B10:44 12-14 April 2014
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