And the healing always begins with the blood.

For Rent: 2 BR Apt. & Mobile
Home. Call 910-653-2728. tfc.
For Rent: 1 or 2 BR Mobile
Home. Also individual rooms
with or without kitchen privileges. Call 910-653-4439 leave
message. 9/16-tfc.
For Sale: 2 Cemetery Plots In
Forest Lawn CemeterY, Tabor City. Located in the Bronze
Section, Outside Row, Next to
Plots are side by side and must
be sold together. $600 ea. For
more info please contact William Ward – 336-816-3970. 2/
Save Thousands on 2011 overstocks, repo’s, more. 20x24,
25x34, others. 30 year warranty. Display Discounts, also!
Limited availability. Call now!
1-866-352-0469. 2/1-2/8p.
Lost: Large, big white dog
(Pyrenees). Lost on Thompson Road, Whiteville. Male,
has green collar with name
and phone number. Call 910840-4569. 1/18-2/8p.
Williams Piano Service
Tune, Repair, Rebuild Pianos, including self players and pump organs. Have rebuilt pianos for sale.
Will buy used console and spinet
pianos. Call 642-3934, 8:30 a.m. 6 p.m. or 642-0264 after 6 p.m. 4/
Attorney: Natalie StevensGraziani
P.O. Drawer 127
Loris, SC 29569-0127
Having qualified as EXECUTRIX of the Estate of RALPH
NEWTON JORDAN, deceased,
late of the County of Columbus,
State of North Carolina, the undersigned, pursuant to N.C.G.S.
28A-14-1, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to
present them to the undersigned
by the 1st day of May, 2012 a date
three (3) months from the first
publication of this Notice, or this
Notice will be pled in bar of their
recovery. All persons indebted to
said estate will please make immediate payment.
This the 1st day of February,
Maxine G. Jordan,
Executrix for the Estate of
Ralph Newton Jordan
Deceased, File # 2011-E-256
767 Jordan Road
Clarkton, NC 28433
William W. Phipps,
Attorney at Law
The Phipps Law Firm, PLLC
P. O. Box 35
Tabor City, NC 28463
(910) 653-7770
Having qualifed as Executrix
of the estate of Lula Mallard, late
of Coumbus County, North Carolina, I, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 28A14-1, hereby notify all persons,
firms and corporations having
claims against the decedent to
present them to the undersigned
by the 8th day of May, 2012, or
this notice will be pled in bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted to the Estate will make
immediate payment to the undersigned.
This the 8th day of February,
Anne M. Sanders, Executrix
130 Vista Del Mar Lane, #1402
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572-8103
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Pier fishing has gone to the dogs
On a normal January day,
Johnnie Mercer’s Pier has only
a few anglers fishing for puffers, along with the occasional
beachgoer who wants to take
in the spectacular, elevated
view of the Wrightsville Beach.
However, this day was unusually warm for January 28, making it perfect for hosting a fishing tournament.
“It’s the earliest pier fishing
tournament in the country,”
said Al Baird. “We have 166
anglers fishing 226 rods. It’s our
biggest turnout, ever.”
The Mercer’s Pier Dogfish
Tournament was started seven
years ago by dedicated pier
anglers, who wanted some fishing action around the time of
the Super Bowl. Dogfish are one
of the few large fish biting in
the dead of winter, so they
chose spiny and smooth dogfish to target, although most
anglers regard them as a nuisance catch.
Baird, who lives in Fort Mill,
S.C., has been the hosting the
tournament for the past four
years. He is the founder of the
North Carolina Fishing Pier
Society and co-founder and cochairman of the North Carolina Public Access Foundation,
Incorporated. Both organizations are dedicated to preserving North Carolina’s fishing
pier heritage.
“Twenty percent of the participants are NCPFS members,” Baird said. “They found
out about the tournament
through Facebook and they’ve
come from all over.”
Ian Grandy flew from New
York on his birthday. He was
fishing with his lifelong pal,
Joe Snavely, of Fayetteville.
“Joe called and said I was
coming,” Grandy said. “So here
I am. He picked me up at the
Raleigh airport early this
morning. The plane ticket cost
$470, but it’s worth it to go fishing with my friend.”
“I fish here three times a
month,” Snavely said. “That’s
how I found out about the tournament.”
The tournament began at 1
All persons, firms and corporaWright, Worley, Pope, Ekster
tions having claims against David
& Moss, PLLC
L. Colemen, deceased, are notiAttorneys for the estate
fied to exhibit them to Christine C.
P.O. Box 457
Coleman, Executrix, of the
Tabor City, NC 28463
decedent’s estate, on or before
April 25, 2012 at 2474 Richard
Wright Road, Tabor City, NC
28463 or be barred from their reThe prostate
produces a
Debtors of the decedent are
that helps
asked to make immediate paytransport the sperm during ejacument to the above-named ChrisAll persons, firms and corpo- lation.
tine C. Coleman, Executrix, EsAbout the size of a walnut, the
tate of David L. Coleman, 2474 rations having claims against prostate surrounds the urethra,
Richard Wright Road, Tabor City, Harry Lee McPherson, de- the tube that carries the urine
ceased, are notified to exhibit
NC 28463.
from the bladder to the outside of
them to Judy W. McPherson,
the body. Prostatitis occurs when
Christine C. Coleman, Exeuctrix Executrix, of the decedent’s es- this gland becomes infected or
Estate of David L. Coleman
Road, inflamed and it happens in about
2474 Richard Wright Road 15678
10 percent of men of all ages. It is
Tabor City, NC 28463 Chadbourn, NC 28431 or be most common in men in their 40s.
barred from their recovery.
Prostatitis can be nonbacteDebtors of the decedent are
C. Franklin Stanley, Jr. Attorney
rial, meaning there is no infecP.O. Box 427 asked to make immediate pay- tion, but the inflammation causes
211 East Fifth Street ment to the above-named Judy pelvic pain and can result in a
Tabor City, NC 28463 W. McPherson, Executrix, es- chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
910-653-4125 tate of Harry Lee McPherson, Bacterial infections are less comPeacock
1/25-2/15c. 15678
mon and can last a few days or can
Chadbourn, NC 28431.
Judy W. McPherson, Executrix be recurrent and last for weeks or
Estate of Harry Lee months.
The exact cause of the nonbacMcPherson
inflammation resulting in
15678 Peacock Road
All persons having claims
chronic pelvic pain syndrome is
Chadbourn, NC 28431
against the following estates are
required to deliver or mail their
C. Franklin Stanley, Jr.
claims to the indicated Personal
Representatives, appointed to
P.O. Box 427
administer these estates and to
A new organic certification
211 East Fifth Street class for farmers begins tomorfile their claims on Form #371PC
Tabor City, NC 28463 row (Thursday) at Southeastwith the Probate Court of Horry
910-653-4125 ern Community College.
County, the address of which is
P.O. Box 288 Conway, S. C.
Tony Kleese will lead the six29526, on or before the date that
is eight months after the date of
the first publication of this Notice
to Creditors (unless barred by
operation of Section 62-3-803), or
Norwegian trumpet soloist Tine Thing Helseth
such persons shall be forever
barred as to their claims. All claims will perform at Coastal Carolina University this
are required to be presented in Friday.
written statements, indicating the
Helseth will be accompanied during the 7:30 p.m.
name and the address of the claimperformance at Wheelwright Auditorium by CCU
ant, the basis of the claim, the
amount claimed, the date when music professor Philip Powell.
Helseth, 24, has been playing the trumpet since she
the claim will become due, the
nature of any uncertainty as to the was 7 years old. She received her training at Norway’s
amount claimed and the date when
Barratt Due Institute of Music, specializing in classidue and a description of any secucal music repertoire.
rity as to the claim.
Helseth has received numerous awards. She won
Estate: Leon Stevens
Personal Representative: Newcomer of the Year at the 2007 Norwegian Grammy
Linda S. Grate Awards, a first for a classical music artist.
4953 Watson Street
Her debut CD, “Classical Trumpet Concertos” was
Loris, SC 29569
p.m. A few puffers and lots of p.m. The first of 12 dogfish landskates had been caught before ings occurred less than an hour
nightfall, but no dogfish. Still, before the deadline. Travis
Baird was confident.
Horne of Wilmington caught a
“It’s been a learning experi- dogfish weighing 8.4 pounds to
ence,” Baird said. “We’ve had take first place. David Raines
two years when no dogfish were of Wilmington took second
caught and one
place with a
year when we
pounds. Last
Weakley of
year we didn’t
catch any dogtook third
with Mike Marsh
fish because the
place with a
water was too 7 . 0 - p o u n d
cold, in the 40s.
But this year, the water tem“I had to work so I didn’t get
perature is 54 and that’s ideal. here until 5 o’clock,” Horne
We also began extending the said. “I’ve fished the tournafishing hours until after dark ment the last three years bebecause that’s when dogfish cause it’s something fun to do
bite best.”
in winter. Dogfish are good to
The tournament ended at 8 eat, light and flaky. But, I usu-
On The
ally use them as bait for landbased shark fishing bait.”
However, like eight of the 12
dogfish landed, Horne’s firstplace fish was released according to the tournament rules.
But this year, Sarah Hines, a
UNCW undergraduate student,
kept four dogfish for a research
project. They were her first
study specimens.
“I want to be involved in
shark conservation,” Hines
said. “Dogfish conveniently
grow spines that allow them to
be aged. I clean and polish the
first dorsal spine, then use a
dissecting microscope to see
the light and dark growth rings.
The rings are not concentric
like those of a tree, but grow
from the base up to the tip with
the oldest ring near the tip.”
Travis Horne caught this 8.4-pound dogfish to win the Johnnie Mercer’s Fishing Pier
Dogfish Tournament. His first-place finish was worth $565 because of the large turnout.
Your Family’s Health
Dr. Mark Pelstring
unknown but is suspected to be
due to prior infections with bacteria or viruses. Bacterial prostatitis is caused by bacteria coming
from the urethra or bladder and
getting into the prostate gland.
Men with prostatitis will experience a persistent pain between
the scrotum and rectum and may
also have pain in the groin or
genitals. Often there is pain with
urination and the victim may
notice frequency and urgency of
urination.Theremayalsobepainful ejaculation.
If the cause is bacterial there is
often fever and chills, nausea and
vomiting, and flu-like symptoms.
If the acute prostatitis is severe it
may require hospitalization. If the
prostatitis is chronic it may result in repeated urinary tract infections.
The diagnosis is usually made
on the basis of the symptoms, tenderness of the prostate gland dur-
ing the rectal exam, and a study
or the urine under the microscope. If the cases is unusual or
severe, you may need to see a
urologist or specialist in urinary
tract problems for additional studies and evaluation. This may include an examination of the fluid
from the prostate, cystoscopy
(where the urethra and bladder
are examined by a light inserted
through the urethra), or imaging
such as a CT scan or MRI scan.
Occasionally a biopsy of the prostate gland may be needed to make
sure there is no cancer causing
the symptoms.
Prostatitis does not increase
the risk of cancer of the prostate.
There is no known way to prevent prostatitis. Bacterial prostatitis is treated with antibiotics
with a course of treatment lasting
4 to 16 weeks. Nonbacterial prostatitis is treated with pain relievers, physical therapy, antibiotics
and medications to relax the bladder and help urination. Avoiding
alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods,
getting regular exercise and using a cushion to sit for long periods are also helpful.
If a bacterial prostatitis is not
treated it may lead to sepsis where
the bacteria get into the blood
stream, infection of the testicles,
abscesses in the prostate and infertility.
If you experience pain with
urination or pain in the scrotal
area, schedule an evaluation with
your doctor.
Dr. Pelstring, of Southern
Medical Associates in Loris, is
Board Certified in Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine. He
has been practicing since 1975.
Questions for Dr. Pelstring, to be
answered in future columns,
should be sent to him at Southern
Medical Associates, 3418 Casey
St., Loris, SC 29569.
Organic certification class at SCC
hour course over two evenings,
from 6 to 9 p.m. on Feb. 9 and 16
in CART-164 at SCC.
This class will teach USDA
National Organic Program Stan-
dards, and how to get started with
the certification process.
Time will be allowed for indepth discussion on how to
complete the application pro-
For details or to pre-register
contact Brenda Orders at 910642-7141, Ext. 419, or at
Award-winning trumpet soloist to perform at CCU
named Classical Recording of the Year for 2007 by the
Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten. She also won the
prestigious Prince Eugens Culture Prize in 2006.
Ticket prices are: general admission, $10; CCU
and Horry Georgetown Technical College students,
$3 (one per valid ID); CCU and HGTC faculty/staff, $3
(two per valid ID); alumni/senior citizens (ages 65
and older), $7; Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
members, $7; and teens (ages 11 to 17), $3 and children ages 10 and under are admitted for free, but
must be accompanied by an adult.
For details contact the Wheelwright Box Office
from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays at 843-349-2502. for
more details.