Here - Church of the Good Shepherd

Church of the Good Shepherd
Ash Wednesday
February 18, 2015
“Even now, says the
Lord, return to me
with your whole
heart” Joel 2:12
Sixth Sunday In Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
Pastor’s Perspec ve
What am I doing for Lent? . . . and you?
The world is a mess.
Violence is met with violence; hatred with hatred; fear with fear.
Ugly polarization seems to characterize every attempt to "deal constructively" with disagreements
and conflicts. Accusations abound. Shouting without listening.
Taking a hint from pope and saint - both named Francis - I am planning to redouble my effort at
addressing the path of understanding with listening and with prayer.
One of the turning points in the life of St. Francis was his meeting with Sultan Malek al-Kamil in
1219, at the height of the Fifth Crusade. He expected to convert the Sultan to Christ, and expected
to be killed if that did not work. Documentation on the incident is sparse, but more and more
research seems to indicate that both men were changed, and at least in small ways, became
catalysts for change, howe er small, in the communities they represented. Perhaps this can be a
pattern to lead to healing in our own world today.
During his visit to the Holy Land last year, Pope Francis invited both presidents of Israel and the
Palestinian Authority simply to come and pray with him for peace. The prayer took place in the
Vatican Gardens on a beautiful evening, June 8, 2014. The moving video of the event is still
available on the Vatican website.
Human efforts are not succeeding in bring peace. They never have in all of human history, why
should we expect them to now. The question is, how can we, as disciples of Jesus Christ, pray in a
way that can lead to our own conversion. We cannot expect a change in others that has not
already come about in ourselves.
Frankly, I do not know how to do this. But I am committing myself to a kind of prayer and
discipline during Lent with the intention of discovering at least some insight. And I intend to
share this journey, as far as possible, on my website: Please check there if
you are interested in following my Lenten journey.
Have you decided what your Lenten journey will look like?
I just received an invitation to a screening of a new movie In the
Footprints of Francis and the Sultan: a Model for Peacemaking,
co-produced by Franciscan Media and the USCCB. More information
about the movie is at: I
will not be able to attend the screening, which is this Thursday at 6:30
pm at Sts. Simon and Jude Church in Irvine, but I plan to order the
video, and perhaps have our own screening of it sometime during
If perhaps you'd like to see it on Thursday in Orange County, please
contact Sts. Simon and Jude Church for more information,
(714) 962-3333.
I love you. Fr. Tom Welbers
Around the Parish
Lenten Fas ng and Abs nence
Lenten Events Schedule
Ash Wednesday, February 18
Masses: 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m.,7:30 p.m.
8:15 a.m. G.S. School Mass
5:30 p.m. - Scripture Service
Ashes will be distributed at all services.
Sta ons of the Cross - 6:30 p.m.
Each Friday during Lent beginning Friday, February 20
Lenten Supper in Good Shepherd Room - 7 p.m.
Ash Wednesday (February 18), which is the beginning
of the penitential season of Lent, and Good Friday
(April 3) are days for fasting and abstinence. In addition,
all of the Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence.
Abstinence means abstaining from meat, and applies to
all Catholics who are at least 14 years old. Fasting
applies to all Catholics who are at least 18 years old, but
not yet 59. Fasting means that a person can have only
one full, meatless meal. Some food can be taken at the
other regular meal times if necessary, but combined this
food should be less than a full meal. Liquids are allowed
at any time, but no solid food should be consumed
between meals. In addition to those who are excused
because of age, the following people are excused from
fasting and abstinence: the physically or mentally ill;
individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as
diabetes; and pregnant or nursing women. In all cases,
common sense should prevail; and ill persons should not
further jeopardize their health by fasting.
Each Friday after the Stations beginning
Friday, February 20
Financial report for the week ending February 15:
Reconcilia on Service
Mass Collections - $7,923
Parish Center collections - $ 840
Total received - $8,763
March 24, 7:30 p.m.
Please take note: there will be no
5:30 p.m. Mass on Easter Sunday.
504 N Roxbury Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Office: 310.285.5425
Fax: 310.285.5433
Visit us on Facebook:
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed on Sundays
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.,12:30 & 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Vigil
Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m.
Thank you and God bless you for your generosity.
Friday 11:40 a.m.
Saturday 4 - 5 p.m.
Other times by appointment.
Call the parish office.
ONLY on the 4th Sunday of the month.
Please call the Parish Office
regarding preparations.
No Baptisms during lent.
Rev. Msgr. Thomas Welbers, Pastor
Rev. Colm O’Ryan, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. George O’Brien, In Residence
Deacon Eric Stoltz
Michael Caraway, Director of Administration
Sr. Virginia Stehly, C.S.J., Director RCIA
Joan Vos, Director of Liturgy & Music
Wendy Rappé, Director of Faith Formation
Terry Hicks, Organist / Choir Director
Please make an appointment
with the Pastor six months prior
to your wedding date.
Grades: Pre-K to 8
148 S. Linden Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Danielle Colvert, Principal
Lisa Widmann, Vice Principal
Spirituality, Prayer and Worship
Palms to Ashes
We are all invited to bring back our palms,
from Palm Sunday last year, to church this
weekend, Feb 14-15, and place them in
containers that are at all of the entrances of the
church. The palms collected will then be
burned after the 5:30 PM Mass tonight, Feb 15,
and the ashes accumulated will be used on Ash
Wednesday, Feb 18th. You are most welcome to
join the ceremony of burning the ashes tonight.
This will take place on the patio area behind
the rectory.
Joel 2:12 Scripture Cards and Stones
Beginning the weekend of February 21-22, the
First Sunday of Lent, there will be scripture
cards in the pews available for you to take home
as a reminder of this holy season. We are
highlighting the first line of the first reading on
Ash Wednesday: Joel 2:12, which states:
“Even now, says the Lord, return to me
with your whole heart.” Beginning on
February 18, Ash Wednesday, there will be
stones at the entrances of the church which also
have this scripture reference named. Both the
cards and the stones are ways we will have, in
our pockets, purses, cars or homes, to
remember to keep our focus on the love of God
throughout this holy season. To “return to God”
means to come home to God in every day, and
in every part of our day. This Lent, let’s
remember that “the world is charged with the
grandeur of God,” and learn better how to
spend our lives in and through that presence.
Remember to take home a stone and a scripture
card. Happy Lent!
Parish Student Choir
For students ages 9-14 - Grades 3-8
Rehearsals on Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 p.m.
in the Parish Center Office Building,
There will be No Rehearsal February 17
Next rehearsal is February 24
The choir will be singing at the Sunday, March 1,
Mass at 12:30 p.m. Choir Pizza party after Mass.
Before Mass Quiet Contempla on
during the Season of Lent
All of our lives are so filled with sound, and
often noise! The holy season of Lent calls us to
simplify our lives so that we can see and hear
clearly the love of God that surrounds us. As a
means to help us reduce the noise of life, we are
all invited to join in five minutes of quiet
contemplation, sitting in the presence of God,
before every Mass during the season of Lent.
The church tradition during the season of Lent
has always called each of us to the practices of
prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Perhaps these
five minutes of contemplation before Mass
would be a prime opportunity to fulfill the call to
prayer as one of your Lenten promises this year.
Why not consider coming to Mass early during
this holy season, and join others in your parish
family in these five minutes of quiet prayer
before Mass?
Date Change:
Tuesdays with Mary,
February 24, 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Mary Mother of God
Our Blessed Mother for
Everyday Earthly Living:
Untying the Strong Woman
These monthly Tuesday sessions will be an opportunity
for participants to connect with the holiness of God, in
and through Mary, the Mother of God. The group on
Tuesday will be discussing, “The Flight into Egypt.”
For further information please contact Joan Vos at
(310) 285-5425.
Sunday 5:30 p.m. Mass Small Ensemble
Would you consider joining Sunday 5:30 p.m. small
ensemble? We rehearse on Sundays at 4:30 p.m. in
church and then lead the music at the Mass
immediately following. It is not a heavy time
commitment and loads of fun! Good people and new
friendships await you!
Call Joan Vos at the parish office, 310.285.5425 to
add your name to the roster, or if you have any
further questions.
Educa on and Forma on
Our Catechumens and Candidates are ready for the Rite of Election or Enrollment of Names. This will take place on
Saturday, February 21 at the 5:30 p.m. Mass. This step is called election because with the testimony of their
godparents, catechists, and RCIA Team, you the Church judges they are ready to advance to the Sacraments of
Initiation. They will inscribe their names in the book that lists those who have been chosen for Initiation. They will be
on retreat Saturday afternoon in preparation for this rite. Please pray for them ~ they count on your love, prayers, and
support. As of this day they will be known as the elect.
Los Angeles Religious Educa on
Congress 2015
Join us March 12, (Youth Day), March 13 - 15, 2015
at the Anaheim Convention Center for the 2015
Religious Education Congress.
If you have never before attended Congress, you are
assured of a wonderful experience. All are welcome to
attend! The Congress, sponsored by the Office of
Religious Education at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles,
offers a variety of opportunities for personal faith
enrichment, prayer and entertainment. We offer 310
workshops, covering topics of interest from spirituality
and personal development to biblical studies, theology
and catechesis - there is a topic of interest for you.
In addition to workshops, participants will enjoy
morning praise, evening liturgies and a variety of noon
time and evening concerts. Come and be renewed by
these Congress experiences.
Register now for this spirit-filled and enriching
weekend! You may access the book online and register
by visiting
To obtain a Registration Guidebook contact your
religious education office at your parish or call the
RECongress information line at 213.637.7348.
Married Couples...prepare your hearts for
Easter in a special way!
Experience a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend this
Lent and return with a refreshed relationship, full of hope and
joy. Renew your Sacrament and love now!
Our next weekend is March 20-22 in Torrance. We strongly
encourage signups by February 20 to reserve your spot! Learn
more about us!
Visit to apply or contact Sarah &
Jacob Flores at 562.923.7335 or Ginny & Boon Hazboun
at 562.760.6277.
Friday, March 27 It’s Movie Night!
The Good Shepherd Confirmation Teens are sponsoring a
movie night, with FOOD!, to raise awareness and money
for the Freeman Foundation. The event will be Friday,
March 27, 7:30 p.m. at the Good Shepherd
School. Please support our young people in their efforts
to make a difference. Tickets are on sale at the church
entrance. It’s a great movie! Inspirational for all ages!
Here is the Freeman Foundation info:
Interested In The Catholic Church?
Have you been thinking about becoming a Catholic or
you just know God may be knocking at you heart?
What if I’m Baptized but would like to complete my
Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation - is this night
for me also? Yes, we welcome each and all of you. This
is a night for your questions, your concerns.
The door is always open and God waits to see you.
Inquiry Nights continue on Mondays March 16.
For more information please call Sr. Virginia at
Banns of Marriage
We have been requested by Most Holy Rosary Parish in the
Philippines to publish the banns of marriage for Michael
Vincent Casino and Alain Krizia Bosita, both of Good
Shepherd Parish who are seeking to be married in the
Philippines. If anyone knows of any canonical impediment to
this marriage, please contact the parish office.
Outreach, Service and Social Jus ce
White Elephant/Book Sale
Our annual fund-raiser for Get on the Bus
is scheduled for the weekend of March
6 - 7 after each Mass. This is a good time
to start an early Spring cleaning, sort
through what you haven't used in a while (or will never
use) and donate these items to help us transportation
Start bringing your donated items, such as usable clothes,
pots and pans, electronics, trinkets and books, to the
church office or parish hall. Thank you for continued
support of the Get on the Bus Program!
Mark your calendar...
Get on the Bus Mother's Day Card Sale - April 25 – 26
& May 2 – 3
Get on the Bus Volunteers!
You are invited to attend a reception on Sunday,
February 22. We will gather in the Parish Hall
immediately after the 12:30 p.m. Mass.
Come and meet your new Bus Coordinators: Betty
Nguyen and Melanie Overby, assisted by David Trevino.
In addition to thanking you for your continued volunteer
service, we will organize schedules for the upcoming
fund raisers that have been planned.
Please email David at if you plan to
attend the reception, so that refreshments can be
arranged accordingly.
For more info on Get on the Bus, visit their
Cantribu on Sunday: February 28 & March 1
Let’s Go Over The Top!
Help Create a Needy Family’s New Home
Habitat for Humanity is an amazing organization
that works with financially challenged families to
provide a hand up into home ownership. Each
family works on their home as well as is trained in
budgeting, fiscal responsibility and home upkeep,
and has a mortgage they will repay.
We have the opportunity to organize a group to
work on a house in Lynwood or Long Beach, but we
need a team of at least 25 volunteers (16 or older)
and a group leader. We will construct part of
someone’s house — we could be roofing, painting
or doing landscaping — it’s whatever they need
done at that point in the build. But don’t panic —
there will be experts there to guide you if you’ve
never put up drywall! It is a very physical 8 - 3:30
day — but one that’s also Very Rewarding!
Saturdays are available in April if we can get a
committed team pulled together (date is flexible).
If you might be interested in being a group leader
or in volunteering for this wonderful outreach
project, please contact as soon
as possible. If enough interested folks respond, we
will have a brief meeting to begin to work out
Please bring your bag of nonperishable goods to the
Parish Hall or the Parish Office by this Wednesday,
March. 4 to help those in need.
Items needed are: canned goods of all kinds, fruits,
bags of rice, beans, vegetables, pastas, tuna, fruit
juices, baby food, diapers, peanut butter, jam/jelly,
breakfast cereals, toiletries for men and women,
boxes of items to be put in lunch bags for children.
Thank you for caring and for your loving generosity.
Beverly Hills Meals on Wheels
!!Volunteers Needed!!
Did you know the leadership of this group said, “We get
the Best Help from Good Shepherd and they are “The
Most Dependable.” The BH Meals on Wheels needs
To do what: Drive and deliver meals to
Homebound Seniors in the area.
Time & Days: 10:15 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Monday - Friday, You can choose your
day or days you wish to help.
For more information please call
Pat Jacobson at 310.423.3517.
Community Life
Prime Genera on 3rd
Annual Pot Luck Oscar
Party 2015
It is on Sunday, February 22 at 3:30 p.m.
Space is limited, so please RSVP by Thursday,
February 19 by filling out & submitting the form
at: Remember to indicate what
dish you will be bringing and how many people your
dish will serve. Beverages are always plentiful, so let's
concentrate on the bites!
You will receive a confirmation notice after completing
your RSVP Form and the location details will be
emailed to you Friday, February 20. (To protect the
privacy of our hostess, this information is only for your
use; please do not share this information with anyone
See you on the red carpet!
We Are Family!
At special times, which are coming up soon,
members of our church family who do not regularly
come to pray with us will be here, and will further
enliven our prayer and add to the energy and
activity in the church. Two of these days
specifically are Ash Wednesday, February 18, and
Easter Sunday, April 5. We would like to be
prepared for this extra influx of prayer and energy in
the most hospitable way that we can be. Therefore,
we are inviting anyone who is able to greet at the
doors of the church on either or both of these two
days to contact Joan Vos in the Parish Center. We
especially encourage students, and families with
children, single parents, single people, or couples.
Come and join the fun and bring your smiles and
open hearts. Let's make Good Shepherd the most
hospitable church on the planet!
The Divorced and Separated Support Group
Aves of Beverly Hills
We meets every third Thursday of the month. The next
meeting will be February 19 at 7 PM at the Parish Center.
Please feel free to join us for information, support, and
community. For more information call Rebecca
Meeting Monday, February 16, 2015. Mass
12:05 p.m. followed by catered luncheon in Good
Shepherd Room. Speaker will be Sr. Viola Ramirez,
Sr. of the Tijuana Diocese and lives San Diego and
ministers to the inmates of Tijuana prison. All are
welcome attend the only charge is for the lunch $20.
Reservations call Mary Lou Stack 310.843.9329.
Requested Mass Inten ons
Monday, February 16
12:05 p.m.
Thomas Middelhoff
Tuesday, February 17
6:30 a.m.
Ike Ikediashi - (D)
12:05 p.m.
Genoveva Recto - (D)
Wednesday, February 18
Ash Wednesday
Thursday, February 19
6:30 a.m.
Dr. Cezar Herrin - (D)
12:05 p.m.
Shen-Urquidez Family
Friday, February 20
12:05 p.m.
Thomas Niddelhoff
Saturday, February 21
8 a.m.
Peter Ciani - (D)
5:30 p.m.
Patnubay Sta. Ana - (D)
Thomas Middelhoff
Events Planner for the Parish
Enjoy planning events for the Parish such as
potlucks, dance night, game nights, barbecues,
holiday events - the possibilities are wide open.
- You meet other people and make new friends
- When event is over, you have a great sense of
- You bring out the best in each other, because you
use the talents God gave you
For more information, please contact Sr. Virginia at or call 310.285.5425.
Good Shepherd School
Faith. Academics. Service.
This week, the
Murder Mystery
Dinner (left) took
place, as well as the
Dance (Right)
Below are pictures
from 3rd Grade
"It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your lives, the will to follow an ideal, the
refusal to allow yourselves to be ground down by mediocrity, the courage to commit yourselves humbly
and patiently to improving yourselves and society, making the world more human & more fraternal.” Pope John Paul II
Banquet of the Word
Prepare to celebrate next Sunday's Mass by reading, studying and praying Scripture Readings
Please note that what's printed below are not the Scripture Readings for this day, but a commentary on the
Scripture to help you read and understand them. Please refer to the Scripture passages in your own Bible.
First Sunday of Lent
Next Sunday, February 22, 2015
Gospel: Mark 1:12-15
Mark’s is the Gospel that begins to consider Jesus as the Messiah with the bap sm in the Jordan (1:1-11). Being the first
Gospel set to wri ng, it reflects the earliest preaching of the Apostles, which was concerned only with Jesus’ ministry,
not his pre-history (see Acts 10:38). Later Gospels searched for his roots in earlier events. The bap sm is a sign of Jesus’
full immersion into the human condi on (v 9), and he emerges as the open channel between God and humanity,
signified by the image of the par ng heavens (vv 10-11).
The tempta on in the desert (vv 12-13), covered very briefly in Mark (see the fuller accounts, showing later
developments, in Mt 4:1-11 and Lk 4:1-13 — they are commented upon in the First Sunday of Lent, Years A and C),
forms the pivot between the bap sm and the beginning of his ministry. Aware of his power as Messiah, being fully
divine as well as human, the very human tempta ons to misuse or shortcut his mission would provide the material for a
major struggle. Would he fully accept the human condi on — and thus allow God to become fully one with us — or
would he use God’s power for selfish ends: to sa sfy purely material needs, to evade death, or to a ract a huge
following? Our salva on hangs upon his freely willed fidelity as man to the Word-of-God-made-flesh that he is. He
emerges from the struggle victorious in new strength, proclaiming the coming of the kingdom — the new and full
rela onship between God and humankind — and its requirements: a change of heart and faith (vv 14-15).
First Reading: Genesis 9:8-15
Chris an tradi on has always seen the flood as an image of the "waters of bap sm that make an end of sin and a new
beginning of goodness" (Rite of Bap sm, Blessing of the Water). Both aspects of destruc on and new life are conveyed
in the flood story. As sin is destroyed, so new life comes forth, borne up on the same water. The flood is not simply a
chance event or the amusement of a capricious god; it is the result of humanity’s sinfulness.
But in the midst of this catastrophe, the saving will of God is at work, and the basic goodness of crea on and of
humankind is reaffirmed in the covenant God makes with Noah.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Of all God’s works, the greatest are forgiveness and mercy, for in this way he brings his crea on to fulfillment. Response:
"Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth, to those who keep your covenant."
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22
Most commentators consider 1 Peter an early bap smal instruc on in which the Chris an life is described for new
converts as to its meaning and obliga ons. This passage quotes a simple formula of faith in Christ: "Jesus died to flesh
and rose to the spirit (v 18); he descended to the realm of the dead (v 19), and went to heaven at God’s right hand in
power (v 22)." The author adds a footnote comparing the bap sm that the new Chris ans now experience with the
flood of Noah’s me (vv 20-21). The descent into hell (= the realm of the dead) seems to signify Christ’s lordship over all
crea on without excep on — even the underworld — and allows the good news of salva on to be proclaimed to those
who had gone before.
QuesƟons for thought, discussion, and prayer:
1. Lent originated as the Ɵme of preparaƟon for the celebraƟon of bapƟsm, and the restored Rite of ChrisƟan IniƟaƟon of Adults
has brought this significance back into the forefront of the Church’s celebraƟon of this season. How can this influence your
understanding and pracƟce of Lent now?
2. Discuss the role of temptaƟon in the ChrisƟan life. What is it, and what purpose does it serve?
Parish Calendar
For complete calendar:
A Week At A Glance / Sunday, February 15, – Sunday, February 22, 2015
Sunday, 15
8:30, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 5:30 p.m.
8:30 - 2 p.m.
At the 10:30 a.m. Mass
Monday, 16
6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m.
Parish Office
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
12- 3 p.m.
Tuesday, 17
6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m.
12:45 - 1:15 p.m.
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
7- 8 p.m.
Wednesday, 18
6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m.
8:15 - 9:15 a.m.
Ash Wednesday
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
7 - 9 p.m.
7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, 19
6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m.
11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
7 - 8:30 p.m.
7 - 9 p.m.
7 - 9 p.m.
Friday, 20
6:30 a.m., 12:05 p.m.
7 - 9 a.m.
11:40 a.m.
6:30 - 7p.m.
7 - 9 p.m.
Saturday, 21
8 - 8:30 a.m.
9 - 10 a.m.
9 - 10:30 a.m.
10 - 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
2 - 4 p.m.
4 - 5 p.m.
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, 22
8:30, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 5:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
1st Sunday of
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
2 - 3 p.m.
2 - 4 p.m.
Sunday Masses
Coffee & Donuts
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
G.S. School Spring Musical Rehearsal
AVES Mee ng
No Parish Student Choir
Medita on
School Mass
Liturgy of the Word with Ashes
RCIA Session
Ash Wednesday Mass
Medita on
Divorced and Separated Support Group
Teen Confirma on
Choir Rehearsal
Martha's Kitchen (Volunteers)
Sta ons of the Cross
Lenten Supper
Medita on
G.S. Religious Educa on
Scripture Study
G.S. Bereavement Group
VIRTUS Training
Mass: Rite of Sending for Elec on
Sunday Masses
Coffee & Donuts
GOTB Volunteer Mee ng
VIRTUS Training
Parish Hall
Parish Hall - Small Rm
Parish Hall
Good Shepherd Room
Sacred Heart Chapel
Conference Room 3
Sacred Heart Chapel
Parish Hall
Sacred Heart Chapel
Conference Room 3
Good Shepherd Room
Parish Hall
Parish Hall
Good Shepherd Room
Sacred Heart Chapel
Good Shepherd Room
Conference Room 1
Good Shepherd Room
Parish Hall
Parish Hall
Good Shepherd Room
Can’t find your checkbook or envelope Sunday morning?
Join the parishioners who are using Faith Direct for automated giving to Church of the Good
Shepherd. It is secure, convenient and Faith Direct will provide you an offertory card to
place in the basket during the collections. There is no cost to you, and the program provides
a great benefit to our parish. Sign up today
by visiting, our parish code is CA461.