March 2015 In This Issue - High Street United Methodist Church

March 2015
In John’s Gospel, Jesus gives us the "I
Am" sayings, which provided meaningful metaphors that revealed his
mission and purpose. One by one, the
"I Am" sayings of Jesus not only grab
our imagination about Jesus' identity,
they also help us to experience God,
who spoke the first "I am" to Moses.
Join us for this insightful worship and
study series as we learn more about the God we can know and as we seek to answer Jesus' question to us,
“Who do you say I am?”
Each Wednesday night during Lent, we’ll gather at 5:30pm in the Commons for a light dinner of soup and
bread. After dinner we’ll go deeper into the topic from Sunday’s worship service by watching a short video,
sharing ideas, and practicing various spiritual disciplines. Programming for children and youth will also be
available during this time. Childcare for children 3 and under is available upon request.
If you can’t join us on Wednesday nights, join us for a web-based version of the study! You’ll be able to watch
the video, read the materials, and participate in an online discussion of each week’s topic.
Sunday, March 1 & Wednesday, March 4:
“I Am the Bread of Life”: Knowing God’s Satisfaction
Sunday, March 8 & Wednesday, March 11:
“I Am the Light of the World”: Knowing God’s Guidance
Sunday, March 15 & Wednesday, March 18:
“I Am the Good Shepherd”: Knowing God’s Care
Sunday, March 22 & Wednesday, March 25:
“I Am the True Vine”: Knowing God’s Power
Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) & Wednesday, April 1:
“I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”: Knowing God’s Way
Sunday, April 5 (Easter)
“I Am the Resurrection and the Life”: Knowing God’s Possibilities
Go even deeper with a daily devotional! If you already read the Upper Room, each Sunday’s Upper Room
will focus on the text and theme of Sunday’s worship service. There is also a daily email devotional that will
help focus your thoughts each day during Lent. Contact the church office to be added to the email list.
In This Issue
Easter Flower Info page 2
Lent Quiz page 3
Birthdays and Anniversaries page 6
230 E. High St., Springfield OH 45505 | (937) 322-2527 | |
2015 Budget
& Notes
Easter Flowers
We will adorn our altar
on Easter morning with
lilies and tulips you can
order in honor or
memory of someone
you love. Look for the
order form in the Update on March 15th and 22nd or use the form below. and mail into the office or put in the offering
Given by:_________________________________
In memory of ______________________________
In honor of ________________________________
Cost is yet to be determined but not exceed $8.00
One Great Hour of Sharing - March 15
A Church wide Special Sunday of the United Methodist Church
An estimated 2.5 million people have fled to
Syria's immediate neighbors of Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan
and Iraq, since the outbreak of civil war in March 2011.
In Turkey alone, about 1 million Syrians have arrived.
This has caused some 2 million children to drop out of
school. Not only are children missing out on their education, they also are being traumatized by the violence.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is
working with partner International Blue Crescent to address the special needs of 400 Syrian refugee
children in Turkey. Through the creation of Child
Friendly Spaces, children receive psychosocial care and
education to help them deal with the anxieties of war in
safe protected spaces. Gifts to this UMCOR Sunday
provides immediate assistance in the wake of conflict
like this one in Syria and supports ongoing ministries of
food , shelter, health and peace.
Orientation Sessions
N o i sy Co l l e c t i o n f o r
I m a g i n e No M al a r i a i s S u n d ay ,
M a r c h 2 9 at b o t h se r v i c e s .
If you want to know more about High Street or what it
means to be a United Methodist please join us in the
Carr Room on Sundays, March 1, 8,15 for a light lunch
and discussion immediately following the contemporary service. Please call the office to RSVP your intent
to attend all or any of the sessions.
Good to Know, Best to Do
Do you know that the palms we use on Palm
Sunday are fair trade and eco friendly? This
means we improve income and living conditions
for the communities gathering the palm and the
palms are gathered through sustainable harvest
programs. Promoting social justice and environmental stewardship ...I think that’s what Jesus
would do!
March 2015
Congregation News & Notes
The Hiding Place Book Study
Finance Update
Mark your calendar for a unique 6-week adult discipleship opportunity coming this spring. Join us as we read
and discuss The Hiding Place (c 1971) by Corrie Ten
Boom, the compelling true story of how God used an
unlikely Dutch watchmaker to become one of the most
remarkable evangelists of the twentieth century. In
World War II, Corrie and her family risked their lives to
help Jews escape from the Nazis and were themselves
imprisoned in Hitler’s concentration camps. Only Corrie among her family survived to tell the powerful story
of how faith ultimately triumphs over evil.
The 2015 Operating Budget started out with a short-
The 6-week study will be held Wednesday nights from
7:00-8:30pm in the Commons from April 8- May 13
and will be taught by Sam Poston. We’ll use the 35th
anniversary softcover edition of The Hiding Place (269
pages), available to class members in late March at the
reduced rate of $10.00. The first four class sessions
will focus on the book through weekly reading assignments and the final two sessions will be devoted to
viewing the 1975 film in two parts. Please register for
the study in the Commons hallway starting March 1
and books may be picked up at the registration table
before and after the worship services on Palm Sunday,
March 29 ( or in the church office thereafter). Please
note that the first reading assignment should be completed before the forst class session on April 8. We
hope you’ll join us for this inspiring study of a true disciple of Christ.
Sanctuary Series
March 15, 2015 at 3:00pm
Shawnee High School Choirs
fall of around $ 65k based on Revenue projections
and requested Spendings. Half of the “gap” was
closed via spending cuts. The Finance Committee and
Administrative Council concur that more cuts are not
in our best interest. Thus, it was agreed that the remaining “gap” of $ 32.5k needs to come from additional Revenue. Various ideas have been discussed in
Finance and Administrative Council, but it was
strongly recommended that the Congregation be involved in discussions that will occur over the next
We are OK to proceed with this “known” shortfall
since our cash position remains strong. The financial
results for January definitely indicate that this issue is
real and needs our collective attention.
Jim Doyle, Finance Chair
Joyful Giving Project
As Jesus Christ commands us to help the poor, sick, and
suffering in the world, we invite you to help those who
have little in our Springfield community. Please donate
generously to the Open Hands Free Store for the 725
needy families served each month. Ramen noodles,
new or used children’s books, clothing, and household
items are always appreciated and may be placed in the
grocery carts next to the Joyful Giving shelves. In continual demand are the personal care items of bar soap,
deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.
Please donate regularly to this ministry, as even the
smallest things we do for others are sacred to the Lord.
Many thanks to those who donated designated items in
January: 27 cans of chunky soup, 31 jars of peanut butter, 23 cans of tuna, and 22 boxes of Tuna Helper.
Joyful Giving items for March: Applesauce, peanut
butter, spaghetti sauce, and pasta
Lent Quiz
Why are eggs associated with Easter? 1. They symbolize new life. 2. The have a shell around the body inside, and then
was cracked open. 3. They can be dyed pretty colors to represent joy, just as we have joy that Jesus has risen. 4. All of
these. 5. None of these.
Sunday’s are counted in the 40 days of Lent? T or F
When did the United Methodist church start the “imposition of ashes?” 1877 1933 1992
Source: West Oho Conference NewsNET, Feb.25, 2015 Vol.8, Issue*
Answers on page 8
230 E. High St., Springfield OH 45505 | (937) 322-2527 | |
March, 2015
Children & Youth Discipleship
Children ages birth through 5th grade
Youth Grades 6-12
Parents’ Night Out!
Join us on Friday, April 10 from 6-9pm for our quarterly
Parents’ Night Out. Invite your friends! We’ll provide
pizza, crafts, games and a movie. The is a FREE event,
however, we will happily accept freewill donations to
offset the pizza cost. Sign up through the High Street
UMC Facebook event or in the Commons Hallway beginning around Mar. 15. We will need about 10 adult
volunteers for this event. Please contact Sandi Allen
for more information.
Calling all Campers!
The West Ohio Conference has some exciting new
camps this year! Pick up a Camp brochure at any Sunday School room in the lower education wing. Scholarships are available and confidential.
Dates to Remember
Mar. 1 - Acolytes 9:30am service
Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25, Apr. 1 - Wednesday Night Lenten
Dinner & Children’s Activities 5:30-7pm
(childcare 3 & under upon request)
Mar. 8 - Children’s Choir sings BOTH services
Mar. 28 - Easter Egg Hunt 3-5pm @ Littleton & Rue
Mar.29 - Noisy Collection for Imagine No Malaria
Apr. 5 - Acolytes 9:30am service—EASTER!!
Apr. 10 - Parents’ Night Out 6-9pm
Apr. 12- Children’s Choir sings BOTH services
Winter Jam Feb. 20 in Cincinnati
Join us on Sunday, April 19 when we host a little fun for
our High Street members living at our local retirement
centers. There will be more details in the April High
Notes, but save the date for now. This is a FREE event.
In fact, it pays YOU in the smiles, love and appreciation
you’ll receive from the residents. Plus free lunch!
Friends are always welcome to join us! For more information, contact Sharon Crews. We will need adult
drivers to help pick up at various centers!
Tubing @ Mad River Mountain
The children
had a great
time at their
Join us on Sunday, March 15, from noon-5pm as we
head to Mad River Mountain to test out all 10 of their
1,000 foot runs at the Avalanche Tubing park, the
largest in Ohio. The cost is $25 per person. Money
is due at sign-up (payable HSUMC, memo: youth
tubing. Scholarships are available and always confidential. Invite your friends!! Please RSVP to Sandi
Allen by March 12. We will also need adult drivers!
Family Focus
Need an easy way to keep track of your prayer
list? Try the Prayer Bowls app. You can customize each prayer, set a date range for how
long you wish to pray it and set a daily reminder to pray.
Looking for reviews and age-appropriate recommendations on books, movies, tv, music, websites, apps and
games? Download the Common Sense Media app. You
can browse by category, age range and top picks.
Congregation News & Notes
March, 2015
March Birthdays
Nancy Doyle
Brian Haley
Tamara Brooker
Keegan Byrd
Rami Yoakum
Molly Krauss
Gene Kelly
Bryce Hornberger
Allison Drain
Lauren Steer
Pascal Chevrette
Nancy Dietrich
Rebecca Bonerigo
Darrell Kitchen
Ashley Steer
Norma Knowlton
Fred James
Betty Raup
Bernice Goodfellow
Shirley Jackson
Linda Green
30 Harriet Carter
31 Marjorie Rice
Our traditional and contemporary choirs are
always open to new participants. For the traditional choir, contact Chris Moore and for the
contemporary choir, Kent Brooks.
We want to thank Jeff and our High Street
family for the outpouring of love and support
through calls, cards, notes, food, texts, and
visits. Keep us in your prayers as Carol begins
the follow-up treatments during the next year.
Carol and Larry Todd
March Anniversaries
16 David & Sherry McKinnon
20 Gary & Ginny Slack
26 Larry & Susan Taylor
Support Group
Financial Status
Year-to-Date Income:
Year-to-Date Expenses:
Worship Attendance
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22
9:30am - 43
9:30am - 59
9:30am - 53
9:30pm - 46
11am - 92
11am - 92
11am - 57
11am - 71
Are you in that season of life
where you find yourself caring for aging parents? Our
friends at Christ Episcopal
Church are beginning a
group for people who are facing the same issues as
you. The first meeting will be Thursday, March 5 at
7pm at Christ Church. Gatherings will include
plenty of time to talk and pray together. Contact
Rev. Charlotte Reed at 323-8651 or if you would
like to know more.
230 E. High St., Springfield OH 45505 | (937) 322-2527 | |
March 2015
Easter Egg Hunt
March 28th, 2015 from 3-5 PM
Littleton & Rue Funeral Home
830 N. Limestone Street
We are expecting another record-crowd of 450 people
this year! The kids will hunt Easter eggs at staggered
times by age group, participate in various activities
while other hunts are going on, and have their picture
taken with the Easter Bunny. A picnic dinner will follow. Bring the kids , grandkids, nieces, nephews and
neighbors! The hunts will run as follows:
3:15pm - Age 3 & under
3:30pm - Ages 4-5
3:45pm - Ages 6 & up
If you are looking for a way to serve, there are plenty of
opportunities for that as well. Please fill out the form to
the right and drop in the collection plates or office by
Mar. 22
Whether you wish to participate with your family or be
of service to those participating, we hope to see all of
you on March 28.
I will commit to (check as many as you are willing):
Work at the Event Saturday, March 28
□ Stuff eggs on March 23 at 7pm or take home & stuff
□ Transport chairs and tables to picnic site 12-2pm
□ Greeter: Welcome and direct guests to destinations
□ Help w/ Easter Bunny Photos 3-5pm
□ Serve food from 3-5pm
□ Set up activity stations & prize table 12-2pm
□ Work at activity stations & prize table 2:30-5pm
□ Emcee the event via microphone 2:30-5pm
□ Set up Egg Hunt courses & hide Easter Eggs 12-2pm
□ Group children by ages for the hunt 2:30-3:45pm
□ Help children find eggs from 3:15-4pm
□ Help hand out parting gifts 4:30-5pm
□ Clean up from 4:30-5:30pm
□ Transport chairs and tables back to church 5-5:30
Bake ____ doz. cookies (please portion 3 per zip top
$_____ to help buy food & supplies
Attend with my family
____ Adults ____ Children
Bring lawn chairs and blankets!
Please donate to the Easter Egg Hunt by dropping off:
1) individually wrapped candies, small trinkets, or
stickers. Plastic eggs are not needed.
2) new or used (in good condition) baskets
3) money to purchase items in bulk from Oriental Trading. Make checks payable to HSUMC, memo Egg
Please place this sheet along with any payment (checks
payable to HSUMC, memo “Egg Hunt”) in the offering
plate or return to the church office by March 22.
Questions? Contact Sandi Allen at 322-2527 or
Dollar Tree is a great source to find the items above!
A drop box is located in the Commons Hallway.
Calendar of Events ~ March 2015
Choir Room
Chancel Choir Practice
Sunday School—All Ages
Traditional Worship Service
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Contemporary Worship Service
Adult Sunday School
Orientation Classes
Bell Choir Practice
Missions Team Meeting
Choir Room
Carr Room
8:00 am
TAL (Tuesday Afternoon Learners)
7:00 pm SPR Meeting
5:30 pm “I Am” Lenten Dinner & Study
Book Club
9-1:00pm Emmaus Team Mtg.
8:00 am
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
9 Monday
10 Tuesday
16 Monday
Carr Room
Sanctuary & Commons
Chancel Choir Practice
Choir Room
Sunday School—All Ages
Traditional Worship Service
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Contemporary Worship Service
Adult Sunday School
Carr Room
Orientation Classes
Carr Room
Emmaus Board Meeting
Carr Room
Emmaus Gathering
Sanctuary/ Dining Hall
Carr Room
Choir Room
Carr Room
Worship Team
Bell Choir
Trustees Meeting
Communications Team Meeting
14 Saturday
9-1:00pm Emmaus Team Mtg.
15 Sunday
8:00 am
Carr Room
11 Wednesday
5:30 pm “I Am” Lenten Dinner & Study
12 Thursday
Carr Room
Carr Room
Sanctuary & Commons
Chancel Choir Practice
Choir Room
Sunday School—All Ages
Traditional Worship Service
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Contemporary Worship Service
Adult Sunday School
Carr Room
Orientation Class
Carr Room
Youth Mad River Mountain Tubing
Sanctuary Series
Bell Choir Practice
Leadership Council
Choir Room
Carr Room
17 Tuesday
High Street works at Open Hands Free Store
Sarah Circle Meeting
Home of Eleanor Wiegel
18 Wednesday
5:30 pm “I Am” Lenten Dinner & Study
21 Saturday
8:30-12:30pm High Street works at Open Hands Free Store
9-1:00pm Emmaus Team Mtg.
Sanctuary & Commons
22 Sunday
8:00 am
Chancel Choir Practice
Choir Room
Sunday School—All Ages
Traditional Worship Service
10:30am Children’s Choir Rehearsal
New Member Reception
11:00am Contemporary Worship Service
11:00am Adult Sunday School
Carr Room
2-3:00pm Prayer Focus for Northern Heights
Behind Littleton & Rue Funeral Home
23 Monday
Choir Room
Bell Choir Practice
24 Tuesday
High Street works at Open Hand Free Store
Open Hands Free Store Board Mtg. Carr Room
25 Wednesday
“Knowing More” Lenten Dinner/Study Commons
26 Thursday
Bob Evans Restaurant
28 Saturday
8:00-12:30pm High Street works at Open Hands Free Store
9:00-1:00pm Emmaus Team Mtg.
3-5:00pm Northern Heights Annual Easter Egg Hunt
29 Sunday
8:00 am
Chancel Choir Practice
Sunday School—All Ages
Traditional Worship Service
Children’s Choir Rehearsal
Contemporary Worship Service
Adult Sunday School
Choir Room
30 Monday
Bell Choir Practice
Choir Room
31 Tuesday
Carr Room
The deadline for articles to be in the High Notes is the 20th of
each month.
Submit your article to
All articles are subject to editing. Future editions will be
limited to 8 pages.
230 E. High St., Springfield OH 45505 | (937) 322-2527 | |
High Street Leadership
Children’s Discipleship
Sandi Allen
Jill Melfi
Ellen Stickney
Bob Chapman
Bonnie Pinkerman
Chris Moore
Youth Discipleship Lead
Congregational Care
Sandi Allen
Jeff Allen
Linda Green
Marga Smith
Jim Doyle
Acting on our commitment on communication we are providing this list of Ministry Team Chairs with their contact
information. If you have an idea or a concern you want to share, or decide that you want to be a part of a team, please
let our chairs know. We welcome, in fact “love” additions to the teams throughout the year. Use your directory or
contact the church office if you need contact information for any of the leaders.
Jeff Allen, Lead Pastor; Director of Children’s Discipleship, Sandi Allen; Lay Minister of Visitation, Walt Brooker;
Office Manager, Marcia Lyons; Custodian, Larry Lytle, Music Director of Traditional Worship, J. Chris Moore;
Contemporary Worship Leader, Kent Brooks; Sound Technician, Paden Frank; Nursery Caregivers, Michelle Halbirt and
Brenda Tovar
Quiz Answers
5. All of these are true.
True. Each Sunday represents a “mini Easter” and
the reverent spirit of Lent is tempered with joyful anticipation of the Resurrection.