Tidings Newsletter - March 2015

March 2015
Monthly news for members & friends from Niantic Community Church
March 2015
From the Pastor and Teacher
Dear Friends,
Niantic Community Church
170 Pennsylvania Avenue
Niantic, CT 06357
Phone: (860) 739-6208
Pastor & Teacher:
The Rev. Dr. John A. Nelson
Community Minister:
Patty Chaffee
Christian Education/
Youth Minister:
Russ Kirby
Music Minister:
Richard Schenk
Choral Minister/
Bell Choir Director:
Lynne Floyd
Church Secretary:
Judy Snitkin
A request came in for a certain story — one I happen to like particularly
as it features a favorite food! So here it is:
Making Pancakes, a Parable About God
Six-year-old Brandon decided one Saturday morning to make breakfast
for his grandparents. He found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair to the
counter, opened the cupboard and pulled out the heavy flour canister,
spilling it on floor.
He scooped some of the flour into the bowl with his hands, mixed in
most of a cup of milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury trail on the
floor which by now had a few tracks left by his kitten.
Brandon was covered with flour and getting frustrated. He wanted this
to be something very good for Gramma and Poppa, but it was getting very
He didn’t know what to do next, whether to put it all into the oven or on
the stove and he didn’t know how the stove worked. Suddenly he saw his
kitten licking from the bowl of mix and reached to push her away,
knocking the egg carton to the floor. Frantically he tried to clean up this
monumental mess but slipped on the eggs, getting his pajamas white and
Parish Nurses:
Marie LaTourette, Donna Hathaway,
Edie Watrous
continued on page 2…
Lay Health Ministers:
Jill Johnson, and Judi David
Inside This Issue:
Children’s Center Director:
Kathy Tiller
Worship Schedule:
Sundays at
9:00 am and 11:15 am
A Federated Church of the
United Church of Christ and
the United Methodist Church
An Open, Affirming,
Reconciling Congregation
Heather Larson
Pre-Snow Season...NCC Hikers at Bluff Point
on Nov 15th. Photo taken by Edie Watrous.
Pastor’s Message.……..
Christian Education……
Events …..…………….
Inspiring Generosity.….
Nurturing Faith………..
Calendar ………………
We are a community of Christians: learning God’s ways;
sharing God’s love; extending God’s peace and healing grace to all.
March 2015
continued from page 1
And just then he saw Gramma standing at the
door. Big crocodile tears welled up in Brandon’s
eyes. All he’d wanted to do was something good,
but he’d made a terrible mess. He was sure a
scolding was coming, maybe even a spanking. But
his grandmother just watched him.
Then, walking through the mess, she picked up
her crying grandson, hugged him and loved him,
getting her own robe white and sticky in the
May your every momentary catastrophe be met
by such grace!
God’s richest blessings to you,
Pastor John A. Nelson
Get Ready for Worship!
Follow the “Preparing for
Sunday” link on our website
You will find the scripture
readings for the current week, a
brief description to set them in
context, a reflection on the
passages, and a prayer starter.
A Forum to Discuss a Resolution
Concerning Mass Incarceration
for Non-Violent Offenses
Page 2
Sunday Worship at 9:00 & 11:15am
March 1st: Second Sunday in Lent
Texts: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22:23-31;
Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38
Pastor John A. Nelson, preaching:
“Let It Go (Suffering) ”
March 8th: Third Sunday in Lent
Lectionary texts: Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; 1
Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22
Pastor John A. Nelson, preaching:
“Let It Go (Profit) ”
March 15th: Fourth Sunday in Lent
Texts: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22;
Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21
Pastor John A. Nelson, preaching:
“Let It Go (Disbelief) ”
March 22nd: Fifth Sunday in Lent
Texts: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51:1-12;
Hebrews 5:5-10; John 12:20-33
Pastor John A. Nelson, preaching:
“Let It Go (Life as You Know It)”
March 29th:
Palm Sunday / Sunday of the Passion
Liturgy of the Palms — Mark 11:1-11;
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29.
Liturgy of the Passion — Isaiah 50:4-9a;
Psalm 31:9-16; Philippians 2:5-11;
Mark 14:1-15:47
A forum will take place on Sunday, March 8th at
3:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room.
All are encouraged to attend, become informed
about forces creating injustices in our criminal
justice system, discover ways in which other states
have been successful in reducing incarceration rates
while at the same time improving public safety, and
find out how we in Connecticut can create a
Department of Corrections that rehabilitates
instead of warehouses non-violent offenders.
Time to
Spring Ahead
March 8th
March 2015
Church Doings
Page 3
“Change Challenge” this Month
When Storms Close the Church
On Sunday, February 15 , a winter storm created
enough hazard on the roads that we cancelled
worship services. A couple of members wondered
who made that decision (and how and when), so here
are answers to those questions.
On the day before, with weather reports giving
dire predictions, Pastor John sent a message to
church friends and members who have signed up to
receive email communications. His email stated that:
the final decision whether to hold church
would be made early on Sunday morning
(since weather conditions can change);
at 7am he would contact worship leaders and
church staff, and have the closing information
sent to radio and TV stations;
Pastor John would then go to the church, send
another email notice with the final decision,
change the outgoing message on the telephone
system, and put the information on the
church’s website (our “Storm Closings” page).
Why wait for Sunday to make the decision?
Pastor John has had the experience of cancelling
worship because of blizzard warnings — and on the
next day find that the storm has veered away and the
sun is shining! So in consultation with the Church
Officers, he chose to decide early on Sunday. The
decision rested on reports of road conditions: if local
or state authorities or the National Weather Service
stated that travel was hazardous and should be
avoided, the church’s best course would be to
encourage everyone to stay safely at home.
Please remember that any church closing will be
listed in multiple places: on the Church’s phone
message; on the NCC website; on TV and radio; and
in email messages.
Think for a moment, and you can certainly name
people who change their corner of the world for
good, people you really think should be
acknowledged. For example, each year our Junior
Youth change their corner of the world by working
on a community farm in New Hampshire for the
“Wanakee” mission trip. Our Junior Youth are
offering you the chance to recognize those people
while helping fund their vital mission trip at the
same time with the “Change Challenge!”
We “challenge” you make a donation to the
Wanakee Trip in the name of each person you know
who “changes” the world, in hopes of “challenging”
others to “change” likewise! Starting Sunday, March
1st through Sunday, March 15, pick up a Change
Challenge envelope, fill out the form to tell us who
you wish to lift up and whether you want to do it
anonymously, seal it with your donation inside and
drop it in the Change Challenge Box. On Sunday,
March 22nd we’ll have booklets with all these special
people honored inside, as well as a Change
Challenge Celebration at Coffee Hour. This is a
great opportunity to say “thank you” to those who
are making difference your life or the life of others,
while challenging others to do likewise!
~ Russ Kirby
Blood Pressure Clinic between services
every month on 2nd Sunday, next 3/08/15.
Upcoming COFFEE HOUR hosts are:
March 1, 8, 15, 22 = Music & Worship Arts
March 29 = Finance/Stewardship
Deadline for the April edition
of Tidings is March 15th.
Please e-mail submissions to
March 2015
Page 4
News from Christian Education and Youth Minister
Sr. Youth Shelter Meal March 1
Make a difference in the world for those in need! All
9th-12th graders are invited to help feed the
homeless at New London’s Homeless Hospitality
Center on the first Sunday of every month. This
month we’re doing it on March 1st. Meet in the
church Dining Hall at 6 PM and we’ll be back about 8
Area Churches Youth Overnighter March 13-14
Junior and Senior Youth: Want to have a great time
at a lock-in with your friends?! We will be going to
the New London Association's youth "NiteJam,"
March 13, 6: PM- March 14 10 AM at Colchester
Federated Church with several other churches'
youth. Bring a sleeping bag, pillow, night clothes and
toiletries, as well as some party/junk food to share,
but leave your personal entertainment electronics
at home, please. There will be fun, games, music,
food and more, and it’s all FREE! We will meet at
the church at 5:30 and drive to Colchester. We’ll
return Saturday morning about 10:30 AM. We also
need an adult or two to chaperone. Sign-up NOW!
Email russ@nianticcommunitychurch.org
Sunday, March 8
10:15 am:
“Change Challenge” Donations
10:30 am:
Junior Youth Fellowship
Sunday, March 1
10:30 am:
Junior Youth Fellowship
6:00 pm:
Shelter Meal at St. James
Monday, March 2
10:15 am:
“Change Challenge” Donations
6:30 pm:
CE Meeting
Friday, March 13
6 pm - 10 am Saturday: NL Association Youth
Nightwatch (Lock-In)
Sunday, March 15
10:15 am:
“Change Challenge” Donations
10:30 am:
Junior Youth Fellowship
Sunday, March 22
10:15 am:
“Change Challenge” Celebration
10:30 am:
Junior Youth Fellowship
Sunday, March 29
10:15 am:
Rock-A-Thon Pledging
10:30 am:
Junior Youth Fellowship
~ Russ Kirby
An enormous Thank You to all at NCC
who showed, in many ways, your love and
support for me in the last few months
following my surgery and recovery. And,
above all, Thank You for your prayers.
As my granddaughter would say, "You're
Anita Potts
KarmaTube is dedicated to bringing inspirational stories to light,
using the power of video and the internet to multiply acts of
kindness, beauty, and generosity. Check it out by clicking the link
March 2015
Page 5
NCC Men’s Spring
Weekend Outing
Friday April 17-19, 2015
Trip includes:
Saturday rafting trip on the Indian River/Hudson
Gorge with Beaver Brook Outfitters on Class III and IV
rapids. www.beaverbrook.net
Two nights accommodations in the Main House at
Adirondack Cabins at Mill Creek in Johnsbury, NY
Saturday evening and Sunday morning spiritual
program in Main House
Meals included but bring your own snacks.
$185 due at registration/first come, first served. Wait
list will form after first group of 15 registers. Deadline
to register is February 15th
For more information contact:
Ron Deziel (860-739-8063) rdeziel@sbcglobal.net
Ron Johnson (860-287-0759) ron.johnson3121@att.net
Craig Holch (860-451-8711) cholch@earthlink.net
Sign up form and registration available from above
contacts or church office.
The Women's Fellowship Book Club
has selected "I am Malala: The Girl
Who Stood Up for Education and
Was Shot by the Taliban" by Malala
Yousafzai and Christina Lamb as
their next book.
This is the remarkable tale of a family
uprooted by global terrorism, of a father who
championed and encouraged his daughter to write and
attend school, and of brave parents who have a fierce
love for their daughter in a society that prizes sons. This
story will make you believe in the power of one person's
voice to inspire change in the world.
Please join in a fun discussion on March 15, 2015 at
7:00 pm. Any questions, contact Carol Donovan at
As we prepare this month to celebrate Easter, do you
know what is the earliest date of the year that it can
be celebrated on? Do you know how the date is
Open, Affirming, Reconciling
Scholarship Opportunity
The Open, Affirming and Reconciling Committee
announces 8 scholarships
for youth and/or adults to
attend the True Colors
Conference at UCONN on
Friday March 21st and/or
March 22nd. The True
Colors organization hosts
this annual event which is
the largest LGBT youth
conference in the country
with more than 2000
attendees. NCC members
often attend, volunteer and present workshops. For
conference info go to www.ourtruecolors.org. For
info about the scholarships or questions about the
event, speak with any OAR member or email
March 2015
New Church Directory
Page 6
19th Annual NCC Women’s Retreat
Have you ever seen someone in church and wish you
knew their name? Maybe you were even introduced
but then forgot their name? Well the new church
directory coming out this spring may be your answer
to those awkward situations. On March 23 and 24
and April 10 and 11, Lifetouch photographers will
be at NCC to take portraits of all members and
friends of the church. But first you’ll have to
reserve a time to have your portrait made. You can
do that in one of three ways:
1. You can go to the designated website for our
church https://www.securedatatrans14.com/ap/nianticcommunitychurch/index.p
hp?page=10and reserve a time most convenient
for you and/or your family. The site is easy to
navigate. Plus, if you sign up online, you’ll get a
10% discount on any packet of pictures you
purchase. Military (including reservists) as well
as firefighters and police are eligible for an
additional 10% discount.
2. You also have the option of signing up during
coffee hour in the dining hall between services
any Sunday in March.
3. Or you can call or email Beth Collinge at 860691-9277 or beth.collinge@yahoo.com. If she’s
not home, just leave a phone number where you
can be reached in the evening. She’ll call you
just as soon as she can and help you get signed
March 20th
Whichever method you choose, the sooner you sign
up, the better your chance of getting your preferred
time. Everyone who has their picture taken will get
a free 8×10 copy of the pose they select to go in the
directory as well as a copy of the directory itself, and
the directory will be available to them online. So we
hope everyone will join in this effort which we
believe will bring us together in an even more
closely connected family of faith.
Follow us on Twitter (@NianticChurch)
and like us on Facebook
A Time of Reflection & Renewal
May 1 - 3, 2015
Ellen and Erin Bodin, leaders
St. Edmund’s Retreat
Ender’s Island, Mystic, CT
The 19th annual NCC Women’s Retreat will be May
1-3 2015 at Enders Island. Ellen and Erin Bodin will
be the retreat leaders. Ellen, a past member of NCC,
is a graduate of the Spiritual Direction Practicum at
Mercy Center. Erin is a graduate of St. Michael's
College and former Assistant Director of M.O.V.E.
(Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts) at St. Michael's.
She received her MFA in creative writing from
Stonecoast College in 2014. They have been
facilitating retreats together since 2012.
Program begins with dinner at 5:30 Friday,
concluding Sunday after lunch.
Registration: $170 incl. 2 nights lodging (sleeping
bags not required) & 6 meals
$60 for Saturday only
Scholarships are available (See Pastor
John Nelson)
Make your reservation with a $50 down payment
prior to April 13th deadline.
Full payment is due no later than April 22.
Make checks payable to Women's Fellowship Board.
For reservations contact:
Carol Donovan (860) 857-7945 or
Patty Chaffee (860) 739-6208 or
March 2015
Page 7
Inspiring Generosity…
We are surrounded by those who inspire us to give, work, and live generously.
Honoring the Gifts of Anita Potts
This month’s spotlight is on Anita Potts who has so graciously given her time in
service of the Niantic Community Church’s Children’s Center as described in the
testimonials below.
Our Niantic Community Church Childrens’ Center Board of Directors, NCCCC BOD, has had the
pleasure of 15 years of devoted service from Anita Potts. She is a diminutive mother, grandmother,
recent widow and a loyal friend to the members of the BOD. She retired from her position as a social
worker for the New London School System prior to her volunteering for the NCCCC Board.
Anita has provided our Board with guidance on the hiring of at least two Directors, additionally,
guidance on updating our handbook at least 8 times since I have been on the BOD. She has always
ensured we have enough cash on hand by the December Staff Holiday Dinner for at least a token bonus
for each of our personnel. As our treasurer, she has worked closely with our bookkeeper to address any
cash flow issues as they came up. Anita has provided delicious snacks for the staff and the BOD at
various functions, participated in most of the Thanksgiving celebrations with parents/grandparents, staff
and BOD members. Anita also manned the NCCCC booth at the East Lyme Days summer event,
helped with Camp Staff enrollment questions and kept the BOD on the straight and narrow as we dealt
with some difficult issues over the years.
When questions were raised about playground safety, security, public school policy and history of the
Church/Center relationships, she has always been a strong resource due to her wealth of knowledge in
each of those fields. For such a tiny lady, she has left some very big shoes to fill!
~ Mary Brailey, NCCCC BOD Member
The Board, Staff and families of the Niantic Community Church Children’s Center would like to extend
a heartfelt thank you to Anita Potts for her 15 years of dedicated support and service as Treasurer of our
Board of Directors. Anita has been one of our strongest advocates both within the church and in the
community. She not only attended the once a month Board meetings but kept a very close eye on our
budget and expenses and came to the children’s center once a week to review those expenses and sign
the payroll checks. She supported us through her advocacy, our fundraisers, and donations. But I think
what will be missed the most is her listening ears and unwavering support!!!! We all realize and
appreciate just how much the Children’s Center means to Anita and hope she understands just how
much we love and appreciate her.
Don’t be a stranger Anita!
~ Kathy Tiller, NCCCC Director
From all of us...Thank you Anita!
Celebrated annually on March 21st, National Common Courtesy Day was created to bring awareness to the use of common courtesy
in ones everyday lives, something that is hopefully practiced, by us all, without even thinking about it. It can be as simple as saying
“please” and “thank you” or open a door for someone, give a person a hand with their groceries, say “hello” and shake a hand when
you meet someone and remember to say “goodbye”. These are just a few examples of small things that make a difference to
someone else.
March 2015
Page 8
Nurturing Faith
Sacred Source Painting
Anything Goes
…minimize, simplify, organize
A universal creative process that returns you
to your natural state of oneness with the
divine Source….many have found this process
genuinely transformative. Awaken your
artist’s soul with painting in its most basic
How it works:
1. Bring unwanted items that you want to give away. If
you can carry it, you can bring it. Bring as much as
you want.
2. Bring one non-perishable food item for the NCC
Food Pantry and a brown bag lunch to enjoy
following the exchange.
3. Each participant offers their items in turn. See what
others have to give away and claim all you want.
Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity
immediately following our gathering.
Free your
creative spirit!
For every ability...even if you’ve never picked
up a paintbrush. Materials and inspiration
2nd Friday of each month
10:00 a.m. -1:30 p.m.
Bring a bag lunch.
$5 materials fee (if you are able)
Registration required.
Call church office.
Facilitated by Community Minister,
Patty Chaffee (860) 739-6208
The Healing Art of Photography
An interactive program that will require a
camera, and time outside of the group
session to respond to a monthly
assignment. Inspired by the book, God is at
Eye Level by Jan Phillips.
Discover God from behind the lens
No high tech skills needed
A fun/supportive group
Thought provoking & challenging
1st Thursday of each month
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Facilitated by Community Minister,
Patty Chaffee (860) 739-6208
1. Because it’s an opportunity to clean out, get
organized. Letting go of what we no longer want/
need, makes room for what IS important to us.
2. Discover the spirituality of being organized during
thoughtful reflections and discussion over lunch.
3. Break bread and enjoy fellowship with like minded
4. Support the NCC emergency food pantry.
10 a.m. on the 3rd Monday of each month
March 16
April 20
(Contact Community Minister,
Patty Chaffee with questions)
Fellowship Room, Niantic Community Church
170 Pennsylvania Ave., Niantic (860)739-6208
Visit the NCC Prayer Wall at
http://www.nianticcommunitychurch.org/prayers to
review prayers, indicate that you have prayed for the
concerns and joys submitted by others, and add your
own prayer requests. You may also send prayer
requests to prayers@nianticcommunitychurch.org.
All posts are automatically added to the ongoing
prayer chain.
March 2015
Page 9
Save the Date and join us on the 4th Tuesday of
each month for the Niantic Community Church
Prayer Shawl Ministry
January 27
February 24
March 24
April 28
May 26
June 23
July 28
August 25
September 22
October 27
November 24
December 22
Don’t know how to knit? We’ll teach you !
Don’t have any yarn? We’ll provide it !
Need a pattern? We have em !
Prefer to crochet? That’s okay !
Bring a friend to the Fellowship Room at NCC located at
170 Pennsylvania Ave., Niantic, CT. (860)739-6208.
Use your faith to create an active,
successful dating process for
casual dating and/or a life mate
Habitat for Humanity ECT is seeking volunteers to
brave the winter weather and help on the
construction sites. Families are currently awaiting
moving into their homes, but the homes are not
completed yet. As soon as the homes are done the
families will be able to move out of their current
inadequate housing, and move into their forever
Please sign up online by going to
www.habitatect.org then choosing the volunteer up
link in the top right corner. We ask that all new
volunteers go through the 1 hour training and
orientation before beginning to volunteer on the
construction site. Sign up for the training is also
There are two dedications coming up:
March 28 at 10 am at 6 Clairmount Court, Norwich
March 28 at 2 pm at 72 Mechanic Street,
Any questions, contact Amanda Shanks,
Operations Manager, Habitat for Humanity of
Eastern Connecticut at mission@habitatect.org or
860-442-7890, ext. 201.
Join Us !
What’s new with Habitat?
Wednesdays, Mar.18/Apr.15/May 20
Time: 6-8pm
In the Parish Life Ministry office
It’s FREE – And all are welcome !
Facilitated by Carol Vara
Niantic Community Church
170 Pennsylvania Ave, Niantic, CT 06357
History Quiz Answer
Easter is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or soonest after March 21st, which is the date of
the vernal equinox, That can be as early as March 22nd or as late as April 25th.
Trivia: The last time that Easter occurred on March 22nd was 1818 and will happen again on that date in
2353. The last time for April 25th was 1943 and the next will be 2038. Easter is delayed one week if the full
moon falls on a Sunday.
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Place)
1:00 PM WCSA (FR/M)
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (DH)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Place)
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (DH)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
7:00 PM Prayer Shawl Knitting Group (FR)
10:00 AM Anything Goes (FR)
7:00 PM Prudential Board (FR)
7:00 PM Toastmasters (DH)
Hymn Sing
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Worship
1:00 PM E.L.Historical
Society Lecture (DH)
6:00 PM Dance Choir (SA)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Place)
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (DH)
7:00 PM Maintenance (O)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
7:30 PM Stewardship Committee (FR)
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Worship
6:00 PM Dance Choir (SA)
5:45 PM NCC Children's Center
Board (M)
6:15 PM Church Officers
(Pastor's Study)
7:00 PM Communications Committee (PLO)
7:00 PM Finance Committee (FR)
7:00 PM Safe Church Committee
Music by Children's Choir
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Worship
3:00 PM Resolution ForumUCC (FR/M)
6:00 PM Dance Choir (SA)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Place)
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (DH)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
7:00 PM ParishLifeMin. (FR)
7:00 PM Worship Team (PLO)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's Place)
9:30 AM A Sacred Place (FR)
2:00 PM Church Directory Pictures (M/Youth
5:45 PM Children's Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Gospel Choir (SA)
6:15 PM Youth Bells (M)
7:00 PM Adult Bells (M)
7:00 PM Boy Scouts (DH)
7:00 PM Men's Choir (SA)
6:30 PM Music & Worship Arts
Comm. (O)
6:30 PM Open, Affirming, Reconciling Comm. (FR)
6:45 PM Christian Ed. Committee
7:00 PM Toastmasters (DH)
Music by Gospel Choir
9:00 AM Worship
11:15 AM Worship
6:00 PM Dance Choir (SA)
6:00 PM High School
Fellowship (Shelter)
9:00 AM Worship
7:00 PM Personnel (PLO)
10:30 AM UMC Charge
7:00 PM PPRC (FR)
Conference (SA)
11:15 AM Worship
1:00 PM E.L.Historical
Society Lecture (DH)
6:00 PM Dance Choir (SA)
9:00 AM Disciple IV (Fellowship Room)
5:30 PM Soup & Soul (M)
6:30 PM Disciple II (FR)
7:30 PM NA (DH)
9:00 AM Disciple IV (Fellowship Room)
5:30 PM Soup & Soul (M)
6:00 PM Christian Singles & Dating
6:30 PM Disciple II (FR)
7:30 PM NA (DH)
7:30 PM Resolution Forum-UCC (FR/M)
9:00 AM Disciple IV (Fellowship Room)
5:30 PM Soup & Soul (M)
6:30 PM Disciple II (FR)
7:30 PM NA (DH)
9:00 AM Disciple IV (Fellowship Room)
5:30 PM Soup & Soul (M)
6:30 PM Disciple II (FR)
7:30 PM NA (DH)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's
6:30 PM Confirmation Class (FR)
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:00 PM AA-Thurs (DH)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:00 PM AA-Thurs (DH)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's
6:30 PM Confirmation Class (FR)
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
8:00 PM AA-Thurs (DH)
7:15 AM Bible Stdy Brkfst (Charlie's
7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM The Healing Art of Photography-Take II (FR)
8:00 PM AA-Thurs (DH)
2:30 PM NL Soup
Kitchen Meal Prep (K)
7:00 PM Drum Circle
10:00 AM Sacred
Source Painting
9:00 AM NL Soup Kitchen Meal Prep (K)
10:00 AM AA ("Family
friendly") (M/FR)
7:30 PM AA (DH)
10:00 AM AA ("Family
friendly") (M/FR)
7:30 PM AA (DH)
10:00 AM AA ("Family
friendly") (M/FR)
7:30 PM AA (DH)
10:00 AM AA ("Family
friendly") (M/FR)
10:30 AM Dining Hall
7:30 PM AA (DH)
March 2015
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