
District Seven SONS OF NORWAY
April 2015
Easter &
Science has
never drummed
up quite as
effective a
agent as a sunny
spring day.
W. Earl Hall
Rain or shine, Eidsvold Lodge members heads out for their monthly walk.
After their walk they all go for lunch, which shows ‘no pain, no gain’!
Gloria Benazic on a
sunny spring day in
Oslo, Norway
Viking lodge enjoys pot luck dinner with St.
Patrick’s Day theme. From left: Bette, Karin,
Kristian, Carol, John, Jytte, Ivan, Andy &
Right: Curt Jensen, from Victoria, &
Norwegian Guide from Kristiansand Lodge
at Ski for Lite in Kamloops
Page 2 * District Officers
Message * Zone Directors
Page 3 * District Officers * Editor’s note
Page 4 * Greetings from Oslo
Page 8 * Ski for Lite Canada
Page 4 - 8 * Lodge Updates
* Sleipner 8 * Varden 19 * Eidsvold 53
* Rondane 71 * Dawson Creek 79
* Viking Lodge 81
Sons of Norway in British Columbia ‘ the Scenic Seventh’
District Officers
PRESIDENT: Erik Brochmann
32412 Ptarmigan Drive, Mission, B.C.
V2Y 5R5
Phone: 604-820-9760
Happy Easter - God Påske!
Bruce Strang
3450 Oxford Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5K 1N9
Patty Schwartz
3839 S. Morgan Crescent
Port Alberni, B.C. V9Y 6B7
Ph: 250-723-5530
Andrina Benazic
644 Dominion Street
Kamloops, B.C. V2C 2X7
Judith Hanson
4038 Loyola St.
Victoria, B.C. V8N 4V4
Ph: 250-477-2249
Gloria Benazic
132 Thacker Crescent,
Prince George, B.C. V2M 6G3
Ph: 250-562-7320
Jim Tore Breivik
6194 Parkwood Drive
Nanaimo B.C. V9T 6C8
Phone: (+1) 250-758-7576
Cell:(+1) 250-741-7576
District 7 Zone Directors
Patty Schwartz
Zone 1 Director
Nordlys 20, Eidsvold 53, North
Star 63, Vestlandet 97
Bruce Strang
Zone 2 Director
Sleipner 8, Varden 19,
Viking 81, Golden Ears 137,
Trollheimen 157
Andrina Benazic
Zone 3 Director
Vinland 28, Rondane 71,
Susan Strang
Dawson Creek 79,
Storland 140, Kjonne Dal 142
3450 Oxford St,Vancouver,
B.C. V5K 1N9
Ph. 604-291-1664
Susan Strang
Zone 4 Director
Nordic 76, Hardanger 109,
Editor’s Note
Gloria Benazic sent a small
write up from Oslo (page 3) and some photos. The one
where people are walking in Vigelandpark made me wonder how my life would be different had mom and dad not
left for Canada. Don’t get me wrong, I love B.C., but as I
was only 8 years old when we left I hadn’t given any
thought to my future so it will always be one of my life’s little mysteries.
I’ve enjoyed a visit from my granddaughters this past
week. It’s the first time they’ve had an extended visit and
I’ve really enjoyed having them.
Have a nice Easter everyone!
To advertise or submit material for the Leiflette, phone, email,
or snailmail: Unni Hadden
163 - 7790 King George Blvd., Surrey, B.C. V3W 5Y4
Ph: 604-596-2383 Email:
Spring is here, at least down
here in the Lower Mainland.
The new officers in the
lodge should now have made
themselves familiar with their
duties, and what the members
Erik Brochmann
expect of them for the next
year or two. Their duties are well defined in the installation rituals or in the Guide to Leadership, if there is
doubt about their duties.
Spring also brings other events that we need to plan;
In May we again will celebrate “17. mai”, remembering
the work that was done at Eidsvold, in creating and
signing of the Norwegian Constitution 201 years ago.
Another Norwegian tradition which we also should
plan is the St. Hans Celebration on June 23. This is when
we gather around a large bonfire with good friends,
good food and perhaps a drink of some kind, celebrating mid summer.
Now onto a bit of serious business. Our “little” district is getting smaller! On December 31. 2014 the total
membership was 1,509 (1,212 adults, 1 insurance member not being a lodge member and 376 Heritage members). On February 28, our adult membership was 1,185!
We need to do something with that, and we are.You all
have heard about the membership drives happening in
our district; for every new member you sign up, your
name will go into a draw for a nice Norwegian inspired
gift and in addition the new member will also be recognized with a gift. In addition to our local program, the
Sons of Norway Headquarters together with Borton
Overseas are offering two tickets to Norway to the top
recruiter in every district. So get busy!
I would like to recognize two lodges that have actually increased their membership so far this year:
Eidsvold Lodge with a net increase of 3 members, and
Nordic with 1. Every member counts!
Two lodges are having anniversaries this month:
Viking is celebrating their 51st and Hardanger their 41st
anniversary. Congratulations, these two are very active
Fraternally, Erik
Greetings from Oslo!
Following a month’s visit at home and attending the
District #7 Board Meeting March 7th, I have returned
to Oslo. My arrival at Gardermoen Airport was busy as
many skiers were arriving for the Holmenkollen FIS
World Cup (Mar 13-15). Our apartment is a block
from Smestad TBane which leads to Holmenkollen so
it was very busy here this past week.
Spring has arrived and the snow is gone – last
week was very sunny and nice. Smestad Lake is
across the street, (my favourite walking route), and
half the ice is gone; the swans and Canadian geese are
back. Saturday, Cal and I drove to Blomsholm,
Sweden to see the stone ship (400-600 AD) and burial
mounds, then to Strömstad where we dined on the Folks, including Bruce & myself, who took photo, enjoy spring in
docks – Rokeriert restaurant – where they smoke their
Vigeland Park in Oslo.
own fish. The warm smoked salmon with crème fraise
and cloudberry sauce was incredible. Sunday we went up to Holmenkollen but there were no tickets for the stands so we
headed to Vigelandparken/Frogernparken which is about a 5-minute drive or 15-minute walk from our place (another
favourite walking site). There were lots of families out enjoying the sunny weather but at this time of the year, you are
not jostling with thousands of tourists and can leisurely stroll without interruptions. Each walk allows you
to discover another ‘new’ statue you missed during
previous walks.
As our time in Oslo is drawing closer to the end,
Cal and I talk with sadness about leaving this wonderful place and are so thankful for this unbelievable
opportunity we have had over the past year and a bit.
We have had the good fortune to visit so many sites
but have barely scratched the surface – here in Oslo
and surrounding areas. Time with our Norwegian
family has been very important as well as time spent
with other members of Sons of Norway we have met
over the years. Ha det bra fra Norge.
Gloria Benazic
Holmenkollen was the site of FIS World Cup in February
Saturday & Sunday, April 11th & 12th
at the Scandinavian Community Centre
6540 Thomas St, Burnaby: off Kensington
between Canada Way/Hwy #1 & Sprott St
Register by April 4th as class size is limited
Saturday & Sunday: Aaslaug Boulier’s 2
Day Norwegian Rosemaling & Swedish
Kubits folkart painting
Saturday morning: Norwegian Lefse making
with Susan Strang
Saturday afternoon: the Art of Open-faced
Sandwich making with Tina Taylor
Sunday all day: Nordic Wood Carving with Anita
Sunday morning: Swedish baking with Sandra
Sunday afternoon: Folk Music Workshop with
Daniel & Rebecka Westin
Expand your horizons and learn a new craft or a new recipe
Fees: Adults $10 per 1/2 day
or one day class; $20 for 2 Day class
(kids & teens free but must register)
To receive registration form, forward your email
address to
or after March 15th, download form off website
District #7 will be having another
Heritage Camp at the Sons of Norway
Country Club near Mission, B.C. This is
a great camp for all ages and there are
classes for both children and adults in
Norwegian crafts, culture, activities and
language. There are camping facilities
that accommodate motor homes or tents.
You can also book into a hotel, motel or
bed and breakfast in the Mission area and
This is a great opportunity for the
whole family to connect with their heritage and enjoy the natural beauty of the
camp. For application forms and information check out the District #7 website at under Heritage Camp. Or you can contact Susan Strang at
604-291-1664, or Patty Schwartz at 250-720-9167.
Susan Strang, District #7 Youth & Recreation Director
Lodge Updates
Sleipner Lodge #8
Vancouver, B.C.
Another month closer to
spring, according to the calendar. In reality, I think
spring is here already. There
are cherry trees in full bloom,
grass is being cut and there
are more and more people
out in shorts and sandals.
By the time you read this
Sleipner would have had
their annual general meeting
where we usually find out
how we stand financially
and how the Lodge is doing
in general. Hope everything
went well.
April is going to be a
busy month up at the country club too. The park opens
for the season on April 1st
and on April 5th Karen
Haugland and Carmen
Perrett are once again presenting the Great Hatzic
Easter Egg Hunt. On the
11th we have our Spring
Leaseholder’s Meeting
where we need to elect
a couple new members of
the Hatzic Committee and
finally, on the 18th of April
we have our annual spring
clean-up. Come one, come
all, all hands are welcome to
help make our park beautiful
and ready for the season.
The April Lodge meeting is an Easter themed
meeting with potluck dinner
and, you never know, you
might just see the Easter
Bunny. For more information on the Great Hatzic
Easter Egg Hunt please contact:
Prepackaged donations are
cheerfully accepted. For
information on upcoming
Lodge events please point to or with
any information you would
like shared here please contact:
Happy Easter!
Martin Nask, Publicity
Varden Lodge#19
New Westminster, B.C.
This is the time of year
when Varden bowlers
headed for the Annual
Interlodge Bowling Tournament. Varden members
have competed in this event
for many, many years. This
tournament was hosted by
lodges on the Mainland and
on Vancouver Island on
alternate years. There are
Mainland willing to travel
to the Island, therefore the
Interlodge Bowling tournament has come to an end
for Varden and Sleipner
lodges. However there are
many Norwegian social and
events for lodge members to
Varden Lodge is now
104 years of age and many
of our members take fraternalism very seriously. They
participate and visit other
lodges when hosting special events.
Vivian Bates celebrated her
91st Birthday, on March 3rd.
She holds three positions in
Varden Lodge : Editor,
Musician & Trustee,& one in
Sleipner Lodge: musician, she
is also treasurer of Normanna
Ladies Auxilliary, a member of
Nordlandslaget & she bowls &
plays bridge.
A happy group of Bridge players. Join us on June 25th - we
have a lot of fun!
Varden lodge is very interested in the cultures and traditions of our forefathers.
Our Social Committee is
Eidsvold lodge on western night & below, the ‘cowboys’ line up on
their ‘horses’ getting ready to race. Ride ‘em cowboy!
encouraging some rosemaling in our social hour prior
to the meeting and requests
members to serve at least
one Norwegian item of
food for refreshment.
Vivian bates, Publicity
Eidsvold Lodge
53, Victoria, B.C.
Alice Dewan, part of kitchen
crew, helps with the dishes.
Three members from
Eidsvold lodge on western night & below, the ‘cowboys’ line up on
February 1st to the 7th,
their ‘horses’ getting ready to race. Ride ‘em cowboy!
attended Ski for Light
(Canada) Inc., which is an
skiing, training sessions and attended. Participants came
outreach program of Sons social events. This year’s from Norway, USA and
of Norway. This program event was held at Sun Peaks Canada. Karl-Erik Sonvisen,
organizes an annual event Resort near Kamloops. a member of Eidsvold
that pairs visually impaired Twenty-four blind and visu- Lodge, earned a silver
cross country skiers with ally impaired skiers with the medal in the 10 km race
sighted guides for a week of same number of guides with a Norwegian skier
Kitchen crew, Edgar Chapman, Evelyn Balen of Trollheimen
Lodge, & Jakob Tengs, work hard behind the scenes at Varden
Lodge Bridge Tournament
Eidsvold enjoying line dancing on lodge Western night.
thrift stores to sell some
from Kristiansand comof their donated “stuff.”
ing in first place.
It is quite amazing the
The monthly walk
nice things that can be
was held on February 7,
found there, and we
and walkers travelled
have the option to open
along the West Song
a gift or “steal” one of
Walkway to Songhees
the already opened
Point and back. There
ones, which creates a lot
were 16 walkers and 18
of fun and laughter.
for lunch. Although,
I was pleased when
there was a little rain at
reading through the
the start, it cleared up
March Viking Magazine,
before the walk was finto see on page 7, a report
on Fashion Designer
On February 28th,
Cecilie Melli. This young
the lodge held their now
woman’s family has lots
Above: Rondane Ladies &
of ties to Sons of
Members other friends at Unna's birthday:
Norway, which was not
from the Swedish and
Seated from left: Elsa Aase,
mentioned in the article.
Gwen Norheim, Synove
Swiss clubs were invited
deDreu, Unna Skuggedal,
Her father is Brynjar
to attend this event.
Margrete Wilson, Karin Smale,
Bratsberg, whose mothAttendees dressed in Rita Austad & Bjorg Lindquist,
er was the sister of Nels
blue jeans and western
On Floor: Christine Aase
and Haakon Soros of
A wonderful
Sullivan & Joan Skuggedal.
Varden Lodge, plus
supper was served Standing at back: Unni Madsen.
another brother in BC,
including salad, baked
Right: Unna cuts one of her
Bjarne Soros. Both Nels
potatoes, and roast beef. birthday cakes. Elsa also made
her a kransekake.
and Hakon Soros were
A number of games
very active in Varden
were played and the
It was nice to see the
Lodge, and both held
night culminated with dancpeople no longer with
the position of President
ing, including line dancing
us, and the rest of us
there many years ago.
instructed by Mel Klassen.
sure looked younger
Haakon Soros also held
than we do now.
several positions in the
Cheryl Westergard, Publicity
wonder why, ha, ha.)
Congratulations, UNNA!
‘Supreme Lodge’ which it
At a lovely luncheon at
Every March ladies was called then, the last one
Rondane Lodge #71
Unna Skuggedal’s home, on meeting, we now have the as Vice President.
Prince George, B.C.
March second, the S.N. tradition to exchange gifts member, Bjorg Schurer’s
We had another meeting ladies and other friends, bought at thrift stores, limit mom was also a sister of the
with Gloria and Cal helped celebrate her 90th $5.00. This year 14 ladies Soroses, so she is Brynjar’s
attended, so it helps the cousin. Brynjar an his wife
Benazic, when they attend- birthday.
ed our library evening at
numerous times, and
the home of Karin Smale.
even won the prize
It is always fun to hear
when they attended our
news from their stay in
general meeting a few
Norway. This time they
years ago.
They were
told us that a meal of
here last summer, too.
Lutefisk at a restaurant,
Brynjar is also an active
not including anything
else, was Canadian 125.00
Peerson in Stavanger.
per person!
An interesting thing
After our February
about Brynjar and his
meeting, Mons and I
wife, is that on one of
showed movies from
their visits to B.C. a few
some of the earliest
years ago, they ordered a
Birchleg tours that I
big log house from a
filmed about 40 years
ago. At that time, about The Thrift-store Gift exchange: From left: Joan & Unna Skuggedal, Carol company in 100 mile
Schulte, Wencke Angelski & Edna Rouleau.
house, and had it
6. 550 skiers took part.
shipped and erected on
their cabin lot southeast of
seemed surprised, he told
us that Norway is running
out of good logs, and the
quality of the fir logs from
100-mile were first class.
He told us that people come
by the bus loads to see this
wonderful Log House from
The Canada Winter
games held here were a
great success, with weather
cooperating and everything
running smoothly. The
feedback from athletes and
visitors have been nothing
but good, so every one are
very pleased.
Elsa Aase, President & Publicity
Dawson Creek
Lodge #79 Dawson
Creek, B.C.
March is here and we are
looking forward to some
Dawson Creek’s Loretta Pratt displaying
her souvenir Norsk Hostfest Mug from
the 2014 event in Minot. This is the first
year for the release of the souvenir
nicer weather. Although
our winter has not been
extremely bad, it is long. It
has been very icy at times,
more than usual, which
poses a problem for a lot of
people. I’m sure ‘cabin
fever’ has reached most of
Our February meeting
Gloria Carlstad mixing & rolling the potatoes at Dawson Creek
Lefse Making Bees. Thea Christensen, Lawrence & Gunda
Napen in background.
Our sons of Norway booth at the April 2014 Trade Fair
in Dawson Creek
turned out really
well. We started out with a
pancake supper, a different
twist, but was enjoyed by
all. We have been having a
good turnout for our meetings, since we have started
in our new venue. Last
meeting 36 members came
Our March meeting
will see a soup supper,
which, as always, turns out
well, and of course someone
always brings dessert.
We have started a fund
raising raffle again, so the
tickets are printed, and our
draw will coincide with our
June picnic.
We have a lefse making
bee planned again for April,
this always brings out members, a few interested
people and guests.
Our annual Kiwanis
Trade Show will be held
again in April. The
Sons of Norway
Lodge #79 will
again rent a booth
and be present.
Coffee Break at our
Lefse Making Bee.
L to R: Gunda Napen,
Scott Hender, Arlan
Dokken, Lawrence
Napen & Gloria
Carlstad. Nice to see
the men being
This is very good exposure
for us. So, of course, we are
recruiting volunteers to help
set up and man the booth
for the weekend.
A report on our fund
raising project, which was
started at Christmas, was
given. It is coming along
great and we are trying to
put plans in place for the presentation. A few late items
came in for donations, so at
our meeting, we held a sfun
auction with the proceed
going to our fund, of course.
Get well wishes to those
among us who have a few
health issues. Until Next
Loretta Pratt, Publicity
Viking Lodge #81
Surrey, B.C.
Our lodge is alive and well.
We completed our meeting
in quick order.
Excellent turnout and
really great St.Patrick’s Day
Pot Luck Luncheon. Starting
with John Seim singing a
very old Norwegian table
prayer. After lunch John
played the violin at one end
while Myrna worked the
keys at the other end with
some good Irish songs with
Andy accompanying. We
also had a solo by Ted
Severud. Lots of singing
and laughs.Jytte, as usual,
decorated the tables and
hall with an Irish theme,
shamrocks and green
napkins plus flowers - all
very nice.
A big thank you to
everyone who who heped
setting up and then cleaning up in the hall and
kitchen. Much appreciated.
At our meeting, Kristian
and Ted were installed
and a number of other
items were discussed and
will be noted in our insert.
Remember to join us at our
April meeting, Thursday
April 2nd at 12:30 pm.
It’s Easter time. Please
bring sandwiches or desert,
and if you wish, a small gift
would be nice for our draw.
Everyone welcome!
Marge Kirsebom,
Myrna, Viking lodge
favourite pianist, with
Bernice looking on.
Ski for Light Canada event in
Kamloops, B.C.
We’ve had a change in some of our
Board of Directors,
They are as follows:- Brian McIvor, Calgary Lodge; Curt
Jensen, Victoria Lodge; Barry Nelson, Maple Ridge
Lodge; Taylor Kennedy, Red Deer Lodge; Darlene
Weger, Calgary Lodge; Monique Van Bergen of
Saskatoon & Anna Bentley of North Vancouver.
Barry Nelson, Golden Ears Lodge, Maple Ridge
Above: Four entrants from Norway.
Two of many officials of who helped
from Sun Peaks Resort outside of
Synnove Jacobsen from Sleipner Lodge, ( in
Norwegian sweater) & friends
Jan Andreassen from Eidsvold Lodge,
Victoria & ladies,
The next deadline for Leiflette is April 10, 2015