April, 2015 issue - Barrington United Methodist Church

The Banner
“The Lord Is My Banner” —Exodus 17:15
Barrington United Methodist Church
April 2015
Journey of Faith:
From Doubt
to Discipleship
"Blessed are those who have not seen
and yet have come to believe"
—John 20:29 NRSV
Pastor's Column by Rev. Chris Winkler
The Gospel writers all tell the story about what happened in the
days after Jesus’ death a little differently. What they do agree on
is that his followers were confused and anxious and fearful. Mark
says that when women went to the tomb on Easter morning they
encountered a young man dressed in white who told them that
Jesus had been raised from the dead and that they should go and
tell Peter and the others but that they “fled from the tomb, for terror
and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone,
for they were afraid” (Mark 16:8). Luke reports that at least two
followers were walking away from Jerusalem on the road to Emmaus feeling that their hopes for salvation had been dashed (Luke
24:21). John reports they were cowering behind locked doors when
Jesus appeared to them and even after they saw him they returned
to their old job as fishermen ( John 20:19; 21:3).
In this Issue
Pastor’s Column, Connection Point, page 2
Calendar, page 3
Adult Ministries, Noah's Ark Christian Preschool, page 4
Children's and Youth Ministries, page 5
We understand how those disciples felt, don’t we? Something
incredible happens in our midst, but we don’t quite know what to
do with it or what it means for us. Resurrection, reconciliation,
renewal occur but we find it hard to trust that they are more than
fleeting realities. We wait, we hide, we are fearful, and so we slip
into our old comfortable ways of doing things.
Later, Jesus appeared to his disciples again and told them that they
had a job to do—they were to feed his sheep, to spread his message,
and they had a church to build. Our Lord is straightforward when
he gives the Great Commission recorded at the very end of Matthew’s gospel. He tells his disciples and followers:
(continued on page 2)
Welcome Our New Members, page 6
Reaching Out in Love, United Methodist Women, page 7
Staff contact information, Upcoming Events, page 8
Pastor's Column by Rev. Chris Winkler
Photo: Susan Brown
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And
remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew
28: 19-20)
What does all of this mean for us as members and constituents of
Barrington United Methodist Church? I think it means that we are
to never stand still and become complacent, that we are always to be
growing in faith in God, fellowship with one another and service to
others. I think it means that we are to be actively welcoming, inviting and seeking to bring new people to Christ. If we are to continue
to make disciples for Christ we must break out of the tombs that
have held us and leave behind our old prejudices and preconceptions.
Pastor Chris Winkler at weekly Chapel Time with
Noah's Ark Preschool and Kindergarten.
There are exciting things happening at Barrington UMC. Over the
next several weeks we will be firming up our plans to launch a new
Sunday morning schedule in the fall. This new schedule will add
new worship and faith development opportunities designed to make
this church more accessible and inviting to more people. In the
longer term we are planning and implementing a new ministry of
invitation and evangelism that will help us reach out to more people.
We have begun an exciting and fruitful new ministry in Guatemala
that is helping people in some of the poorest areas in Guatemala
City learn English as a way of securing a brighter future. And we
continue to fulfill our dynamic pledge to partner with the United
Methodist Church, the Gates Foundation and the United Nations
to stamp out the killer disease of Malaria.
Let us believe the Good News of Easter and share with others what
we have found: a community of faith where we can grow, connect
and reach together.
Connection Point
Are You a Newcomer Interested in Finding out
More about Barrington UMC?
Or have you been attending worship services here for a few weeks,
months (or even years) and are ready to take the next steps toward
becoming more involved or exploring what it means to be a member?
If so, join us on April 26 and May 3 for a special two-session class
all about Barrington UMC! Pastor Chris and Pastor Mi-Sook will
lead an informal, conversational-style class covering the history and
theology of the United Methodist Church, the vision and mission
of Barrington UMC, and ways to take the next steps on your spiritual journey in and through our missions and ministries.
The class meets for two consecutive weeks, Sunday, April 26, from
5:00-8:00 p.m. and Sunday, May 3, from 9:15-10:15 a.m.
For more information or to sign up, please contact Gayle Richard
at grichard@barringtonumc.com or at 847-836-5540.
Barrington United Methodist Church
Next Crossroads Worship, Saturday,
April 11 at 5:00 PM
Spring Fling Potluck Supper
The Fellowship Team would like to invite everyone to join us for a
Spring Fling Potluck Supper on Saturday, April 11 immediately
following Crossroads Worship. The main course will be provided.
Bring an appetizer, salad, side dish, or dessert to share and enjoy a
wonderful time of fellowship.
Connect—communicate, understand, link, hook, unite, meet, bring, fuse, gather together, relate, integrate, fellowship, join
April Calendar 2015
Palm Sunday
9:15 AM
8:00 AM Worship Moms' Group
8:30 AM
Pancake Breakfast
9:15 AM
Faith Development
10:30 AM Worship
11:45 AM
Walk with Jesus
For the most up to date information go to barringtonumc.com
8:30 AM Preschool Holy Thursday Good Friday
Grandparent Event
8:30 AM Preschool
Grandparent Event
9:15 AM Women
of the Word
11:30 AM
Grace/Faith Circle
7:30 PM Worship
8:30 PM
Chancel Choir
9:30 AM
Breathing Spaces
New Location at
7:30 PM Worship
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
Easter Sunday Church Office
9:30 AM
Breathing Spaces
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
9:00 AM
Women's Retreat
8:00 AM Worship Closed
9:30 AM Worship
11:00 AM Worship
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM
Information Session
9:15 AM
Faith Development
10:30 AM Worship
11:45 AM
Information Session
5:00 PM
Youth Group
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM
Faith Development
9:15 AM
Children's Ministries
Group Meeting
9:15 AM
Fellowship Meeting
10:30 AM Worship
5:00 PM
Youth Group
8:00 AM Worship
9:15 AM
Faith Development
10:30 AM Worship
12:00 PM Special
Church Conference
5:00 PM
Inquirer's Class
5:00 PM
Youth Group
9:15 AM
Mom's Group
7:00 PM
Preschool Parent
9:15 AM
Moms' Group
7:00 PM
Worship and Arts
9:15 AM
Moms' Group
7:30 PM
Leadership Council
12:00 PM Trinity
UMC Lunch Bunch
6:30 PM
Welcoming Ministry
7:00 PM
Trustees Meeting
7:30 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
10:00 AM Cancer
Support Group
12:00 PM Trinity
UMC Lunch Bunch
1:00 PM
Shawl Ministry
7:30 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
12:00 PM Trinity
UMC Lunch Bunch
1:00 PM
Traveling Tea Party
6:30 PM
Preschool Board
7:00 PM Adult
Faith Development
7:00 PM
Finance Meeting
7:30 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
10:00 AM Cancer
Support Group
7:00 PM
Missions Ministry
7:30 PM
Handbell Rehearsal
7:30 PM
Staff Parish Meeting
7:00 PM
Disciple Bible Study
The Banner
7:00 PM
Disciple Bible Study
7:00 PM
Disciple Bible Study
9:15 AM
Women of
the Word
7:30 PM Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
9:15 AM
Women of
the Word
7:30 PM Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
9:30 AM
Breathing Spaces
9:15 AM
9:30 AM
Women of
Breathing Spaces
the Word
7:30 PM Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
9:15 AM
9:30 AM
Women of
Breathing Spaces
the Word
7:30 PM Chancel
Choir Rehearsal
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
5:00 PM
6:00 PM Fellowship
Ministry Potluck
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
9:30 AM
Youth Trip to Illinois
Holocaust Museum
10:00 AM
Old Bartlett Road
Property Information Session
8:30 AM
Men's Bible Study
Adult Faith Development
Contact Rev. Mi-Sook Yoo, associate pastor,
847-836-5540 ext. 103 or myoo@barringtonumc.com
Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m.
—Drop In Chapel
April 12 – Information Session (see announcement on page 8)
April 19 – Session 7 from The God We Can Know:
I am the Resurrection and the Life
April 26 – Short Film, Today, from Rob Bell’s Nooma Series, based
on the Easter story of Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb
May is Celebrating the Christian Home Month
May 3 – For Celebrating the Christian Home Month, the Faith
Development Team is bringing the therapist Joan Guest from Samaritan Interfaith Center to give us a presentation on "Strengthening Family Relationships." Please come and engage in meaningful
conversations with Joan as she shares her expertise and helps us to
build healthier Christian homes.
About the Speaker
Joan Guest holds a
Masters of Social
Work from George
Williams College at Aurora University and her Bachelor's Degree
from Gordon College in Massachusetts. She holds a certificate in
geriatrics from the University of Illinois and has long experience
working with older adults. She loves helping individuals, couples,
and families deepen their faith and use their spiritual resources to
conquer depression, anxiety, poor self-esteem and other challenges.
Monday Mornings 9:15-11:15 a.m.
—Mom's Group in the Parlor
Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World
by Melissa Spoelstra
This class is open to any mom interested in spending time with
other moms in an atmosphere of encouragement – all are welcome!
Childcare will be provided for infants, toddlers and kindergartners
not in school that morning. Contact Jody Horton at horton4062@
Tuesdays 1:00 p.m., Bible study at Trinity UMC
Trinity UMC Lunch Bunch has selected Adam Hamilton’s Making Sense of the Bible: Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today
for our next study. All members of Barrington UMC are invited to
participate. Lunch and table fellowship begin at noon on Tuesdays;
Bible Study led by Pastor Uziel Hernandez is at 1:00 p.m. Trinity
UMC is located at 1647 Ravine Lane, Carpentersville just north of
the intersection of IL-68 and IL-25. Contact: Sig Sundholm at
sss.services@sbcglobal.net or (847)744-0377.
Thursday Mornings 9:30-11:30 a.m.
—W.O.W. (Women of the Word)
Join women for fellowship, study, and great conversation. Meet in
the Parlor. Contact C Watson, cc.ann@comcast.net.
Friday Mornings 9:30 a.m.
—Breathing Spaces New Location!
Join us at our new location in The Well gathering place at BUMC.
All are welcome to read and pray the Scriptures with Pastor MiSook as a guide. Contact Pastor Mi-Sook Yoo at myoo@barringtonumc.com for information.
Saturday Mornings 8:30-10:00 a.m.
—United Methodist Men’s Study
8:30-9:00 a.m. Coffee/food/fellowship
9:00-10:00 a.m. Meet in the Parlor
Facilitator: Brian Kramper (briankramper@yahoo. com)
Noah's Ark Christian Preschool
Contact Susan Brown, director,
847-844-3738 or sbrown@barringtonumc.com
Imagine No Malaria
Above: We raised $118.51 for Imagine No Malaria. The children had
fun bringing in their change each day.
photos courtesy of Susan Brown
Noah's Ark Preschool and Kindergarten
Summer Camp
Applications are available for Noah's Ark Preschool and Kindergarten summer camp which is held for three weeks, May 26-June 12,
for children 3 years of age through the end of Kindergarten. You can
sign them up for one, two, or all three weeks. Each week will have a
different theme related to our wonderful outdoor classroom.
April Happenings at NACP
Stop by and tour our school, we will show you why we are the place
for you. We are having the best time this year and the only thing
missing is …YOU! Your child will have a Christian education that
will help them succeed in life.
We will be displaying a variety of art work the week of April 27
in the preschool hallways. Please stop by before or after church on
May 3 to see all the fun we have at school.
Butter Braid Sale
Thank you to everyone who purchased Butter Braids in support of
our school!
Youth Ministries
Children’s Ministries
Contact Rev. Christal Bell, youth pastor,
847-836-5540 ext. 109 or cbell@barringtonumc.com
Contact Missy Konopka, children's ministries coordinator,
847-836-5540 ext. 106 or mkonopka@barringtonumc.com
April 2015 Schedule
Children & Families Facebook Page!
All youth in 7th-12th grade are invited to come and join the fun!
Sunday, April 5, Happy Easter!
No Sunday School Or Youth Group
Sunday School and Youth Group resume on April 12 after Easter.
Are you on Facebook? Want to stay current with what’s
happening in Children’s Ministries? I created a page just for
you! Please find “Missy Konopka” on Facebook and I will
add you to our “Secure Group”.
Youth Sunday School
Exploring the Book of Genesis
Join us Sunday mornings in the youth room for this insightful study
series as we learn about our faith from the book of Genesis.
Sunday, April 12
Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m.
Session: In the Beginning….God
Youth Group, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Movie and Discussion
Sunday, April 19
Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m.
Session: In God’s Image
Youth Group at 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Bring your favorite scripture with an image and wear your
painting clothes.
Save the Dates!
Vacation Bible School will be June 15-19, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
We are traveling to Nazareth! (Children must be 4 before September 1, 2015.) It takes a village to host VBS, so please consider
volunteering some of your time to help us out. It’s a great way to be
a true servant. Any questions call or email Missy at mkonopka@
barringtonumc.com or 847-836-5540 ext. 106
All Youth in 7-12 Grade Are Invited!
“In Our Voices” Group Tour” We will journey to the
Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center with
other youth from the Northern Illinois Conference.
We will leave from BUMC at 9:30 a.m. and return
at 2:00 p.m. Bring a non-perishable sack lunch. Please
RSVP to Pastor Christal by April 19. Space is limited.
Sunday, April 26
Sunday School in the Youth Room, 9:15-10:20 a.m.
Session: Human Rebellion
Youth Group, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Mission Trip Mandatory Informational
Session for Parents and Youth
If you cannot attend, please contact Pastor
Christal to set up an appointment.
Photos: Aimee Webber
Saturday, April 25 *Confirmation Date Change*
Summer Mission Trip
July 5-10, 2015 at the Rosebud Reservation South Central South Dakota (Near St.
Francis, South Dakota)
This mission trip opportunity is for high
school students in grades 9-12
Welcome to BUMC!
Please extend a warm welcome to our newest members who joined
Barrington United Methodist Church on March 1, 2015.
Photos: Christine Streed
Susan Brown
Carol Buvel
Mary and Jeff Hindman
Kyle and Libby Blumer and daughters
Mary and Alan Theile
Bob and Kay Williams
Reach serve, influence, involve, concern, help, assist, impact, contact, inspire, engage, care, save, encourage, benefit, minister, nur ture
Reaching Out in Love
Prison Ministry: Help for Returning Citizens
The missions committee is asking the congregation’s assistance
through donations of items for Personal Care Kits. These Kits
contain essential needs that will help individuals leaving prison in
their new life.
Please find the container in the lobby marked “Prison Ministry”
for your donations. For further information contact Bill Bible at
wbible2@comcast.net or Keith Leoni at kleoni3567@comcast.net.
Personal Care Kits
shaving blades
shaving cream
wash cloth
talcum powder
shaving blades
shaving cream
feminine pads (one small/one large)
shampoo and conditioner
wash cloth
talcum powder (baby powder)
Upcoming Adult Mission Opportunities
The Missions Ministry Group has been working to bring BUMC
members opportunities to go out in the community and help. Below
are the upcoming local opportunities.
Upcoming dates at Epworth United Methodist Church:
May 2, June 27, August 1, September 19, October 10
This mission project involves work on the church building (painting and cleaning) at Epworth United Methodist Church 5253 N.
Kenmore Ave. Chicago, IL 60640
Upcoming date in Rockford - Saturday, May 16, 8:00 a.m.-5:00
p.m. Indoor painting prep and painting at the new facilities for
Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful (recycling and environmental
steward organization).
Please contact Scott Downing at sdowning@mcguirewoods.com
with questions or dates you want to volunteer. As additional opportunities become available, we will post them.
United Methodist Women
Day of Spiritual Renewal, Saturday, April 18
"How Is It with Your Soul?"
Do you see yourself...
1. "I spend my days and nights giving and
organizing and leading but can barely come
up for breath."
2. "I retreat to the quiet of a private devotional life but have set outreach aside."
3. "I don't pay much attention to my spiritual life or Jesus' commission."
If one of these statements could be yours, then the Day of Spiritual
Renewal at Calvary United Methodist Church, Villa Park, could
be for you. We will begin the day at 8:30 a.m. with a light breakfast
and conclude at 2:30 p.m. The program will be presented by Rev.
Young-Mee Park, DeKalb District Superintendent. Her presentation focuses on four verbs: pray, learn, mentor, and transform —not
to add more responsibilities that weigh on your shoulders, but
instead to restore, revive, and revitalize. Registration forms are on
the bulletin board in the lobby; cost is $15 (includes continental
breakfast and lunch) and RSVP's are due on April 6. Questions?
Contact Linda Osikowicz.
Northern Illinois Conference
United Methodist Women Spring Retreat
Saturday, May 23 at Barrington United Methodist Church
8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
"Do you not know that you are God's temple, and that God's spirit
dwells in you?"This is the theme for the Conference Retreat. Speakers will address taking care of ourselves: healthy body and mind,
diet and exercise. Cost is $20 and includes morning coffee/light
breakfast and lunch. Registration forms are on the bulletin board
in the lobby. Questions? Contact Linda Osikowicz.
Mission u: Learning Together for the
Transformation of the World
Mission u is an opportunity to study current
issues impacting society. It is open to everyone:
men, women, children and youth. The topics this
year are: Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God, Latin America: People and Faith, and The
Church and People with Disabilities. Mission u will happen on two
Mission u One Day Event
Oak Lawn United Methodist Church on Saturday, July 11
Mission u Weekend Event
Upcoming Dates
Sunday, September 27, Rummage Sale Drop off begins
October 2-3, Barrington UMC Rummage Sale,
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, July 16-19
Look for registration forms on the bulletin board in the lobby.
Questions? Contact Linda Osikowicz or Norma Jung-Stein.
Barrington United Methodist Church
Building community. Worshiping God. Creating Disciples. Serving all people.
98 Algonquin Road, Barrington, IL 60010
Phone: (847) 836-5540, Fax: (847) 836-1644
Web: barringtonumc.com
Noah's Ark Christian Preschool: 847-844-3738
Senior Pastor: Rev. Chris Winkler, ext. 102
Associate Pastor: Rev. Mi-Sook Yoo, ext. 103
Administrative Assistant: Paula Gordon, ext. 105
Children’s Ministries Coordinator: Missy Konopka, ext 106
Communications Director: Christine Streed, ext. 110
Connections and Engagement
Ministries Director: Gayle Richard, ext. 107
Financial Director: Lynne Richardson, ext. 104
April 2015
Sunday Mornings
8:00 a.m. in the Chapel
9:15 a.m. Faith Development for all ages
10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Second Saturdays
Crossroads Worship at 5:00 p.m.
Director of Music and Worship Arts: Karen Maxwell, ext. 134
Organist: Jeffrey Neufeld, ext. 133
Director of Contemporary Music: Seth Durbin
Preschool Director: Susan Brown, ext. 121
Reception and Facility Scheduling: Elizabeth Laverd, ext. 101
Youth Director: Rev. Christal Bell, ext 109
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Information Sessions on the Trustees’
Recommendation to Purchase Property
Dyllis Braithwaite Book Signing
The trustees have recommended that Barrington United Methodist
Church purchase the property at 264A Old Bartlett Road, Barrington Hills. The Leadership Council has accepted a motion that
outlines the process for information sessions and a church conference. An official Special Church Conference to be held on Sunday,
April 26 at 12:00 p.m. has been approved by our District Superintendent. Please plan to attend an information session at one of the
following times:
Sunday, April 12, 9:15 a.m., Sunday, April 12 11:45 a.m., or
Saturday, April 25, 10:00 a.m.
On Sunday, April 19, at 2:00 p.m., BUMC
member Dyllis Braithwaite has a book
signing for her newly published book highlighting her wearable art titled, Oh! I Love
What You're Wearing at the Barrington Area
Library. Dyllis' new book was also featured
in the March/April 2015 issue of Quintessential Barrington Magazine. “I wrote this
book because wherever I go, people love
my wearable art and I wanted to share my
creations with others," Braithwaite says.
Just Geraniums Sale
Caring for Others and Ourselves
Our United Methodist Women are
pleased to offer gorgeous geraniums
from Hager's Country Market at our
Mother's Day sale on Sunday, May
10 at Barrington UMC! Each 4.5"
potted plant will sell for $5 and you'll
have four different colors to choose
from: light pink, salmon, bright red and bright violet. Persons wanting to order six (6) or more flowers may reserve them in advance by
calling Norma Jung-Stein, and can pick them up on Saturday, May
9 at her house. You will be given directions to her house when you
call. Be sure to take advantage of our sale to honor your mother in
a loving way or to beautify your home for spring!
Photo: courtesy of
Dyllis Braithwaite
Samaritan Interfaith is hosting a Caring Ministry Retreat on
Saturday, April 25 from 8:30 a.m to 3:00 p.m at Trinity Lutheran
Church-Kimberly Way Campus. $40 per person includes light
breakfast and lunch.
To effectively and compassionately care for those in our congregations, it is critical to "sharpen our tools" from time-to-time. Equally
important, caregivers must find ways to regularly care for themselves. Contact Amy Altenbern at Samaritan Center for Congregations at 630-909-9580.
Save the Date! BUMC Church Photo Directory
Photography dates for a new BUMC Church directory will be on
August 5-8 and August 20-23.
Photography appointment sign ups will begin in June.