The “Dove” - Duncan United Church

The “Dove”
April 19th, 2015
A warm Duncan United Church welcome to all! We hope that you will
find our celebration of worship a meaningful part of your spiritual
journey. If we can provide any information or do anything to assist
you, please let us know.
Keith Simmonds - Minister
Linda Evans – Administration and
Social Justice & Outreach Co-ordinator
Cathy Coulter RN – Parish Nurse
Kathie Fielding – Pastoral Care Co-ordinator
Erin Arrowsmith – SundayJourney & Youth Co-ordinator
John Close – Youth Ministry
Connie Masson – Music Director
Ray Lockhart – Custodian
To contact the church office, phone 250 746-6043, fax: 250 746-6785
or e-mail to You’ll find our website at Pastoral care calls may be directed to the
office during the day or for urgent calls after hours please contact
Keith Simmonds at 250-701-6957.
Today following the service! AOTS PANCAKE BRUNCH
Adults $7.00 Children (under 12) $5.00 Family - 2 Adults and children $15.00 Bring your family and friends!
We will also be honouring Marie Penty's 98th birthday so
come into Heritage Hall and enjoy a piece of birthday cake,
before or after your pancakes!
The AOTS are providing the service at Cairnsmore Place at 2pm today.
Please come and join in worship and singing with the residents.
“…with joyful hearts and voices, your hallelujahs raise,…”
Come and sing with us, led by Mike Simkins, at the Sunday Hymn Sing
at the newest Care Home, Ts’i’ts’uwatul Lelum. 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Please join us in our Sunday Journey!
Welcome to all children and youth, and their families! At
Duncan United, children and youth are a vital part of our
worship together and are invited to sit with family or in
our friendly area at the front of the Sanctuary. Children and youth area
also welcome to stay upstairs for the service with their families if they
wish, instead of heading downstairs to Sunday Journey classes.
Our nursery is available for parent use at any time. It is located next to
the Sanctuary and is equipped with a speaker to listen to the service.
Four years and younger will gather for Sunday Adventures (please
attend with a parent) in the Sundance Room for a story, snack and
Children in kindergarten through grade six will be gathering with Erin
Arrowsmith today in the Godly Play (Rainbow) Room for the Godly
Play story of “Paul’s Discovery”, art response and feast.
Youth in grade seven and up will join Cathy Coulter and Kathie
Fielding today for Breakfast on the Sun in the youth room for
breakfast and discussion.
Erin Arrowsmith, Sunday Journey and Youth Coordinator
TGIF and Youth Group
TGIF from Grades 4 – 7 meet at 6pm and Senior Youth
from Grades 8 - 12 will meet at 7pm on Friday, April 24th
Billets Needed: Friday, April 24, 2015
Our Godly Play Trainers, Barbara Hansen and Gaye Sharpe, from
Victoria are interested in billeting in the Cowichan region for Friday
night, April 24, prior to our day-long Introductory Godly Play training.
If you are able to host one or both of them, please let Erin know. One
of the trainers has allergies to cats and mold, while the other has a
gluten allergy. Thank you in advance to helping make a slightly less
early start to their Saturday!
Congregational Pot Luck Dinner, Sunday, April 26th at 5 pm
Bring a dish to share and come enjoy the meal.
Entertainment to follow plus guest speaker, Jack MacNeil,
will talk about how to recognize and avoid being scammed
How can we care for our Earth home?
We are in the process of organizing an environmental group for DUC
to respond to that question. There will be a meeting April 21st at 7:00
pm to discuss what shape this group might take. If you have any
thoughts, ideas, or questions or simply want to connect over our
concern for our planet please join us. For more information, contact
Cathy Coulter.
Understanding the Village
These meaningful workshops are once again being offered. If you
didn't get a chance last year here is an opportunity. We will cover
history, differences in governance structures and the roles of
traditional and cultural values. We will explore the in-depth the affects
if Residential Schools and Canada’s Assimilation and how they still
affect our communities. This workshop is geared towards solutions
rather than recrimination and is a perfect opportunity to ask honest
questions, receive honest answers.
Friday May 1st 8:30 - 4:00 pm - St. John's Anglican Church
For more information or to register contact Michelle Staples at or call 250-709-7972
Get ready for the special auction of the year!!
Art Mann Legacy Skills & Service Auction
Friday, May 1st 6:30 p.m.
The Social Justice Team invites you all to join in this 34th
annual event. Please drop off your slips in the office to donate an
item or service towards the auction and mark your calendars to come
out and join in the bidding fun! Items range from baked goods to
hosting dinners to quilts! It's always a fun night!!
DU Youth Bottle Depot Account for Fundraising
Don’t forget that you can donate your refundable bottles and cans to
our youth group program by taking them to the Duncan Encorp
Return-it Depot at 6476 Norcross Road and letting the folks there
know that they are for the Duncan United Church Youth Group
account. We will put all donations over the next few months towards
sending youth to the IslandTime retreat in May.
MAGAZINE ! This United Church magazine is full of amazing and
interesting articles and should be in every member’s home. To RENEW
or ADD your name our list of subscribers, please contact Linda in the
office and fill out an Observer Envelope. $20.00 for a one year
subscription. Envelopes are in the pews so please fill them out today!
Palestine/Israel event
Amos Gvirtz, Jewish Israeli Activist for Justice
Tuesday, April 28th at 7pm
Amos is a pacifist who has spent decades publicly struggling for an end
to Israel's military occupation over Palestinians. Amos was for many
years the Israeli representative for the International Fellowship of
Reconciliation, and has been chairperson of the Israeli Committee
Against House Demolitions, the organization directed by Jeff Halper
(who spoke in Duncan on Feb. 11). In recent years Amos has been
concentrating his efforts on the predicament of Bedouins within
Israel, highlighting and opposing Israel's oppression of Bedouin
communities. One village, el-Araqib, has had its homes demolished
more than 80 times! Israel classifies many such Bedouin villages as
illegal, equivalent to shantytowns, and bulldozes them. Since the
1970s the Israeli state has been trying to forcibly relocate Bedouins to
seven 'planned towns', where the people will be unable to live in
traditional ways. However, the Bedouin were there long before the
creation of modern Israel. Come out and learn from this informative
evening and help support those living in Palestine.
LOOKING for one or two people to learn how to run the
sound system for the Sunday worship services to fill in when
our two sounds guys are away....if you are interested please
talk to Connie or Linda in the office.
We need new faces on our Faith Formation team!
If you have an interest in planning the future of Duncan United’s
children, youth and adult education programs, please let Erin or Keith
know. Our Faith Formation team meets 3-4 times a year after church,
and we would love to have your fresh ideas and assistance
Our 2015 Budget in a Narrative Visual Format showing us where our
2015 budgeted funds of $324,000.00 are allocated to be spent. This
narrative budget is one way the hours and money we spend on each
ministry tell the story of what we do here at DUC.
Financial Update January - March 2015
NET +/-
'Nourishing the Spirit of the Person with Dementia' Conference, May
14, 2015, Hillside Seniors Health Centre, 1454 Hillside Avenue, 9:00
a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Registration: $35. Speakers: Rev. Hilde Seal, Rev.
Margaret Harper, Rochelle Graham, Lori Amdam. To register: or call 250-370-5664. Car pooling available. Contact
Kathie Fielding at 250-746-6043 if you plan to attend.
The Cowichan Camerata String Orchestra will be performing “A String
Bouquet” on Friday, April 24th at St. Edward’s Catholic Church. The
program begins at 7:30pm with The Capriol Suite by Peter Warlock,
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart, The Nocturne from Borodin’s
String Quartet No. 2.
Along with the serious classical music, the orchestra will be
performing The Gremlin Rag, Raiders March, Happy from Despicable
Me! 2, You Raise Me Up, and Music from “Frozen”. This will be a
program for both young and old. A little from the old masters
followed by popular music from our contemporary film composers.
Please join us for an evening of wonderful music on Friday, April 24th.
Tickets are available from Ruth or Garth Williams. Tickets are: $15.00
adults, $5.00 children, $30.00 family.
On Mondays at 10 am in Burns Hall, Gentle yoga - choose
between a mat and a chair! Jo Deslippe, specializes in yoga
for those with illness, suffering from injuries or age related
stiffness or soreness. Cost is $10.00 or by donation per
session. Please pay in the office with Linda
Mark your Calendars!
The Social Justice Team will be hosting a Teddy Bear Picnic Tea on
Saturday June 13th at 2pm to raise funds for our Community Dinner.
Watch upcoming Doves for more information and ticket sales!
A fun day for the young and the young at heart and all their stuffed
cuddly friends!
THRIFT STORE SORTING Mondays at 9:00 in Heritage Hall
GENTLE YOGA Mondays at 10:00 am in Burns Hall
MOTHERS MORNING OUT Tuesdays at 9:30 in Heritage Hall
PAUSE CAFÉ BIBLE STUDY Thursdays at 10:00 in the Fellowship Rm
CHOIR PRACTICE Thursdays at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary
THRIFT STORE Fridays from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
THIRD PLACE CAFÉ Fridays 10:00 – 11:00 am in the Heritage Hall.
THE CIRCLE OF FRIENDS will meet on Monday, April 20th at 7pm in the
Fellowship Room
THE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP will meet on Tuesday, April 21st at
7pm in the Fellowship Room
THE MINISTRY & PERSONNEL Committee will meet on Tuesday,
April 21st at 7pm
THE AOTS will meet on Thursday, April 23rd at 6pm in the Burns Hall
Happy Birthday today to Marie Penty, 98 years young and to
Graham Dougherty turning 2 years old!
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Eleanor Ingalls
who passed away in Ontario, on April 9th at the age of 90. Eleanor was
a former member of DUC who shared her gifts with us in many ways
over the years.
Thank you to Jim Reid for building a new outdoor platform for
the grills for our Pancake Brunches!! Thank you Jim!!
We remember in our prayers this week
 Helen Mathews, Norma Walsh, Ed Lee, Connie Lewington
 All those in care facilities and those facing ongoing challenges
 Those serving in human resources and pastoral oversight.
 The congregation of St. Margarets Church in Forfar, Scotland
 The people of Djibouti, Somalia
If you have any pastoral care concerns, please speak with Kathie or
Cathy or call the office. To contact the confidential telephone prayer
chain, please call Audrey Towle 250-745-6616
LECTIONARY READINGS for April 26th, 2015
Acts 4: 5-12
Psalm 23
1 John 3:16-24
John 10:11-18
We provide the biblical backgrounds from the “Whole People of God”
Curriculum . Packages are available in the office.
Special Links
Keith's Blog - Warmed up in Faith
Join our Facebook page
Connect with our “twin” church in Scotland:
St. Margaret’s Parish Church, Forfar
Duncan and Joan's blog
Reminder: For the comfort of all, our church is a “scent free zone”.
In the event of an emergency please remain seated and wait for the ushers
to instruct you whether the building needs be to evacuated.
If there is a fire or any requirement to evacuate the church, please note
your nearest exit in the sanctuary.
The location of any emergency will be identified by the ushers who will,
with the leader of worship, provide direction and any required assistance