November Newsletter - First Presbyterian Church of Newton

First Presbyterian Church of Newton
November 2014
From the Pastor
Dear Friends:
It might surprise you to know that the Number One thing that motivates generous givers is
“gratitude to God.” The Rev. Bill Carter is a friend of mine serving a church in Clark Summit, PA.
He is also the founder and pianist for the jazz group known as the Presbybop Quartet. In addition,
Bill leads workshops on Stewardship and Generosity. Along with “gratitude to God” Bill adds 3 other
qualities of the heart that lie at the center of a Giving Spirit. They are: Simplicity, Contentment,
and Generosity.
Simplicity: We are all familiar with the desire to keep things simple. Things can get complicated in a hurry! Simplicity gives us the opportunity to put things into a different perspective. Stripping away the unessentials is essential to living in a more God-directed way. When we do this we often find that we have resources we hadn’t seen before. Opportunities to respond take the place of
the busy-ness that robs us of a broader view of life.
Contentment: Bill describes contentment as: “wanting what we have instead of having what we
want.” Contentment springs up from the conviction that God has already given us just what we need.
Its close companion is the sense that we live in abundance rather than scarcity. Because we have
what we need in God we can let go of our innate need to cling and grasp. Especially at this time of
year we need only take a brief glimpse at the world around us to see the abundance in the fields and
in the forests and know that God is at work showering us with blessings.
Generosity. This is perhaps a better word to use than Stewardship. The opposite of generosity is fear. Fear keeps us imprisoned. We have to play it safe because there may not be enough to go
around. Instead of fear, what would it be like to cultivate cheerful generosity? When Paul writes
that God loves a “cheerful” giver (2 Cor. 9:7) the Greek word is actually “hilaron”. You can see that
“cheerful” falls far short of the “hilarity” built into this word. There is something to be said for hilarious giving. Replacing the groan of obligation with the laughter of generosity is one way for us to
reshape and refashion the way in which we approach giving.
Gratitude: This fourth and final word is our response to God’s love. John Calvin, our spiritual
forebear in the Presbyterian tradition, believed that gratitude was the central virtue of the Christian life, even more important than love. The Christian’s life is one of acknowledging the gifts of God
and looking for ways to say “thank you” by the way in which we live. To know that God has loved us
into life, loved us into new life in Christ, loved us hour-by-hour and minute-by-minute and will never
let us go may free us up to respond with gratitude and thanks in ways that we haven’t even imagined.
And so, the question is this: How can we, individually and as a congregation, respond to the love of
God that we have received and do so in such a way that others can see God at work in and through us?
This is a question worth asking ourselves not just in this fall season, but in every season and every
circumstance of our lives.
Faithfully yours,
Bev & Ernie Jones
Lynn & Paul Cleary
11/20 Carol & Bob Aumick
11/20 Diana & Joseph Garrera
11/27 Debra & Eugene McCarty
Robert Whitworth
11/17 Gail Blakely
Amy Caffrey
11/18 Betty Space
Betsy Griggs
Daylight Savings Time
Ends November 2
Laura Westra
Lynn Cleary
11/20 Elizabeth Hall
Daniela VГ©lez
Janice Chandler
11/22 Claire Van Auken
Amanda Macchia
11/23 Mikayla Stonebridge
Betsy Towle
11/24 Mya Conklin
Jacob Tonking
11/10 Debra Wechtler
11/25 Daniel Cleary
11/11 Cynthia Fogg
11/28 Eli Osborne
11/12 Kimberly Fogg
11/16 Eileen DelBagno
Helen Harris
November 2
Communion Servers
Aubrey Kline
Adult Bible Study.
Harry Kaplan, MaryLou Holterman,
Jane MacDonald, Jerry Chandler
and Bob Gerdes
The Sunday evening Bible Study is continuing in its
reading and discussion of the Book of Acts.
The November schedule of meetings is
Nov. 9th, 16th, and 30th.
The class is led by Pastor David and runs from 6:30-8pm
with dinner at 6 for those who are interested.
It meets in the Adult Study room next to the church office.
The office will
be closed on
November 28th.
An Abundant Harvest!
This year’s Stewardship Theme is the Abundant
Harvest of God’s Grace. Day by day we each receive
untold blessings and gifts from God. As followers of
Jesus Christ, we look for ways to give back and to
share our blessings with brothers and sisters near and
far. We want to do this because we know how richly
blessed we are.
Early in October a letter went out to members of the
congregation to remind us that our Stewardship
Consecration Sunday is coming up on November 9th.
NORWESCAP Newton Head Start offers a
FREE preschool program for income eligible
children ages 3-4 from Sussex County.
Limited transportation and meals are
provided for half and full day programs.
NORWESCAP Early Head Start, a home
based program, services income eligible
pregnant mothers and children birth to three
years old and provides a weekly socialization
and home visit.
For applications and questions
call the center at 973-300-4091.
Each Sunday leading up to the 9th we have had brief
presentations on the many ways in which we are already
making a difference in the lives of others.
A second mailing will be arriving shortly with more
detailed information, including a pledge card and also
some pie charts to illustrate our income and
expenditures. We hope they are helpful to you.
This year we have an opportunity once more to reach
beyond ourselves and extend the abundant harvest of
God’s grace even further.
Will you join with other disciples in supporting this
shared ministry that deserves our prayerful
consideration and commitment?
All Saints’ Sunday Celebration
On November 2nd at both services we will include a remembrance of all our
loved ones who have died in the past year. If you have someone whom you
would like to have remembered in this way, please give us the information via
email or phone.
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service and Piefest
On Tuesday, November 25th, at 7:00 p.m. we are
hosting a Community Thanksgiving Service. It will be
followed by a time of fellowship with pies made by our
youth group. Everyone is urged to attend this
Our Confirmation Class helped out with our
Banner Celebration and Remembrance of our
Reformed Heritage on Oct. 25th.
Thank you for helping to make
this service so memorable!
ecumenical gathering and time of saying thank you to
God for all the blessings of life.
Newton Presbytery Meeting Nov. 15th
Our neighbors at Christ Episcopal are dedicating a new piano on
November 2nd at 4:00 p.m. with a special performance of the
Brahms’ Requiem.
This famous work for chorus and soloists will include
Pastor David as the baritone soloist.
The concert is open to the public and free,
although a free will offering will be accepted.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a connectional
church. Commissioners from each of the churches in
northwestern NJ (Sussex, Morris, Warren, and parts of
Hunterdon Co.) meet regularly to address issues of
common concern and to collaborate in mission and
ministry. The next meeting of the presbytery will be on
Saturday, Nov. 15th, from 10-2 at the Hilltop Presbyterian
Church in Mendham. Pastor David will be attending,
along with our commissioner from session. It is an open
meeting and all are welcome to come and find out what
presbytery is doing on behalf of us all.
In September First Presbyterian Church of Newton hosted the guests from Family
Promise for one week. We provided comfortable bedrooms and delicious home
cooked meals for two adults and two children.
Once again, the week went smoothly. I would like to thank every one of the
people who are on my schedule and also the many people who are not on my
schedule who contributed to the week.
An old “African” proverb says “it takes a village to raise a child” and I would like to
tell you that it takes a congregation to host Family Promise.
Thank you to all of the disciples of Christ in our congregation.
Mary Lou
November Greeter/Usher Schedule
Food for the month:
canned fruit or
Bev & Ernie Jones
Dirk & Jackie Kelly
Betsy Towle & Tim Voss
Marylou Holterman & Shirley Smith
Gail Blakeley & Betty Terwilliger
Call Betsy Towle if you cannot be here on your Sunday.
(973) 383-8098 (H) or 973-670-9058 (C)
The Holiday Season is upon us!!
Church Mouse college care packages will be prepared on December 7 for our college students. If you would
like to contribute, ideas include lip balm, body lotion, granola bars, chips or other snack items, microwave
popcorn, ramen noodles, mints, gum, gift cards for MacDonald’s, Burger King, Subway, etc., brain teaser
puzzles, cookies, cookies, cookies, desktop Christmas item, cough drops (hopefully no one is sick, but just in
case), air freshener (those college rooms can get rank!). Please put any donations in the marked baskets under
the mission table in the narthex.
If you are a baker, WE NEED YOU for our annual Christmas Cookie Sale. Once again we will be holding this in
conjunction with the PW Breakfast with Santa-the date is December 6. Proceeds will go to Book Scholarships
given to our high school graduates in the spring.
Thank you so much for your support of both of these projects!
Fellowship time before and following both Sunday morning worship services is a
great opportunity to get to know one another better, greet new members and
visitors, and catch up on life’s happenings. As Presbyterians, we know that food
enhances any fellowship time together and so…the Discipleship & Nurture
Team likes to serve snacks during our coffee hour. We could use your help
providing the snacks for Sunday morning. If you enjoy baking, great, just sign
up on the sheet in the parlor for a Sunday that works for you. If not, or if you
are just too busy to find time to bake, store bought cookies, crackers, pretzels,
donuts, cakes and coffee cake all work well and can be brought in any time. Kids enjoy this time as well so individually wrapped
snacks like Rice Krispie Treats work well. If we get an abundance one week, we will just keep the extras for the next week. Thanks!
Inquirers’ Class Update
The Inquirers’ Class is designed for those who would like to know more about the Presbyterian church in
general and First Pres. here in Newton, in particular.
The Inquirers’ Class that was scheduled for October 12th had to be postponed. It will be held after the second
service on November 16th, from noon to 1:30. A light lunch is planned. If you are interested in attending this
informative gathering, please let the office know so that arrangements can be made.
Thanksgiving Pie Making…Help Needed!
Once again, the youth group will be making homemade apple and pumpkin pies to be
placed in Thanksgiving baskets for families in need in Sussex and Warren Counties. Last
year we made over 200 pies! This year we will gather in Fellowship Hall on Sunday,
November 23rd at 4:00 pm to mix and roll crust, peel and cut apples, mix pumpkin pie
filling, and assemble and bake the pies, all for delivery to Project Self-Sufficiency the
following morning.
How can you help??? Bring a rolling pin and apron and join in the fun on the 23rd. All
ages are welcome! Donate some of the many supplies needed including butter,
shortening, flour, sugar, pumpkin pie filling, evaporated milk and eggs. Not into baking…
we need help folding and decorating boxes and cleaning up after all the fun! Look for the
list of supply needs in the parlor on Sunday mornings or call or email the church office at
973-383-4420 or
During the month of October, the
Sunday School children collected more
than 100 cans of soup and stew for the
Sussex County Food Pantry. Thank
you to the entire congregation for
supporting our Yes We Can! Soup
The Sunday School children send out a big THANK YOU
to Betsey Towle for helping them learn about hunger in
our community. Using a grocery bag of non-perishable
items a family might receive from a food pantry, Betsy
helped the children see how difficult it would be to feed a
family of four for two days on this one bag of food. The
children also learned that the food given by the pantry
doesn’t include things like milk, bread or eggs and it’s not
like going to the grocery store where you get to pick out
what you like to eat. Thank you for a very valuable
During the months of November and December, the Sunday
School children will be saving their coins to purchase an
animal for Heifer Project. We will let you know as soon as
the votes are in, just which animal or animals they plan to
purchase for a family somewhere around the world.
Coming in December...
December 7th A Sunday School Advent Adventure – All children and
youth gather in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 am on December 7th as we learn
how to expectantly wait during Advent. Look for more details in the
December issue of The Beacon.
December 14th The Sunday School Christmas program and covered dish
dinner. Look for more details in the December issue of The Beacon.
Youth group meets most Sunday evenings from 6-8 pm at the church and is open to all youth in grades 6-12. Below is
a listing of events and activities for November. Feel free to contact Mrs. Duffy at or
by phone at 97-383-4420 with questions.
Sunday, November 2nd Meeting at the church from 6-8 pm. Bring $5 for pizza.
Sunday, November 9th Meeting at the church from 6-8 pm. Dinner will be served.
Sunday, November 16th Laser Tag at Laser One in Wantage. Gather at the church at 4:30 pm. We will return around
8:00 pm. The cost is $20 per person and includes 3 missions of laser tag, two slices of pizza
and a fountain drink. RSVP with Mrs. Duffy no late than November 9th at or call or test at 973-222-0561.
Sunday, November 23 Pie Baking at the church. Join us at 4 pm for our annual pie baking night where we make
apple and pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving baskets for families in need in Sussex and Warren
Counties. Bring a covered dish to share. Beverages and dessert will be provided. Don’t
forget your apron and a rolling pin. We will finsh around 8 pm.
Sunday, November 30 No meeting today.
Youth Group Trip to the Community Food
Bank of New Jersey
Thank you to the following for chaperoning
the youth group trip to the Community Food
Bank of New Jersey in Hillside:
Suzanne Boland, Sue Hough, Pastor David,
Dot Smalley and Colleen Duffy.
It was a great morning of service.
Serrv Gift Shop
The Mission Team will be sponsoring a SERRV Gift Shop from November 16th thru
December 14th. All items for sale are “fair trade” items. The term fair trade encompasses
much more than just products and fair prices, fair trade is a way to empower people, “ to
help them build the kind of economically sustainable future that causes them to become
involved in their community, to become a force for peace and stability.”
SERRV partners with people all over the globe to provide opportunities, training, work and
a fair income to the artisans and farmers who struggle to support their families, and
continues to provide long term sustainable markets.
So come and see what wonders our gift shop will hold - and just in time for Christmas! There will be jewelry, scarves,
baskets, ornaments, and chocolate, just to name a few items.
Share in SERRV’s goal to break the cycle of poverty and build stronger societies, economies and peace.
Your Mission Team
Congratulations to Rachel Kline, Peyton
Stonebridge and Anthony Harding. They
each received the gift of a Bible from the
congregation during worship on October 12th.
The youth group gave them a Bible cover for
their new Bibles. Pictured to the left is
Anthony, to the right Rachel, and Peyton
below checking out their gifts.
First Sunday
of Advent
No Youth Group
4 pm Pie Baking
6-9:30 Living Waters
Thanksgiving Healing
7 pm Thanksgiving
Service with Pies
7 pm Bell Choir
5:30 -8:30 pm
7 pm Bell Choir
6:30 pm - 10 pm New
Sussex Symphony
4-9:30 Samaritan in
7 pm Session
7 pm Bell Choir
12 - 1:30 pm
Inquirers’ Class
SERRV Gift Shop
4:30 - 8 pm YG Laser
4:30 - 6pm
Confirmation Class
5:30 -8:30 pm
7 - 8:30 pm Literacy
NJ Board Mtg
Stewardship Sunday
11:30 Deacons
All Saints Day
Daylight Savings Time 7pm Finance & Facility 7 pm PW Coordinating 7 pm Bell Choir
7 pm Dis. & Nurture
Team Meeting
No Bible Study
7pm Manna Hs Brd
November 2014
5:30 -8:30 pm
5:30 -8:30 pm
Office Closed
1 - 3:00 pm Quilting
5:30 -8:30 pm
6 pm - 10 pm New
Sussex Symphony
1 - 3:00 pm Quilting
5:30 -8:30 pm
1 - 3:00 pm Quilting
Regular Sunday Schedule
9:00 am Sunday School
9:00 am Worship (Chapel)
9:15 Adult Study Group
10:30 am Worship (Sanctuary)
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Youth Group
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Bible Study
11-1pm BOL
12 pm - 9 pm New
Sussex Symphony
Newsletter Deadline
10-2pm Presbytery
Mtg in Mendham @
Hilltop Church
11-1pm BOL
11-1pm BOL
11-1pm BOL
Items in italics are outside organizations using the church facilities
First Presbyterian Church of Newton
54 High St., Newton, N.J. 07860
Phone: 973-383-4420
Web site —
Reverend David Young, Pastor
Ruling Elders
Class 2015
Class 2016
Class 2017
Gerald Chandler
Ed Caffrey
Robert Gerdes
Eileen DelBagno
Doris Christians
Betsy Hall
Cindi Gaechter
Dirk Kelly
Robyn Meehan
Terry VanAuken
Carol Weaver
Shirley Smith
Susanne Gerdes
Cindy Fogg
Scott Hoffman
Nancy Lange
Gloria Hehn
Nancy Smith
Judy Prendergast
Sue Hough
Wendy Celentano
Betsy Towle
Tara Walsh