19th April - The Roman Catholic Parish of St Francis, Maidstone

19th April, 2015 Vol. 22 Issue 17
Canon Luke writes . . .
In St Luke’s Gospel his narrative of the resurrection
is built around the theme of journey; a theme dear
to the evangelist: for example he portrays our Lord’s
journeying to Jerusalem throughout the second half
of his gospel. However this physical journey always
reflects a deeper, spiritual journey. Today’s gospel
continues the famous story of the walk to Emmaus:
St Luke tells of two of the Lord’s disciples coming
away from Jerusalem full of disappointment and
lacking in understanding. On their journey they are
enabled to see things differently by the Risen Lord,
whom they only finally recognise at the breaking of
bread; their fears, doubts and misunderstanding are
dissipated by the presence of Him who alone enlightens their hearts and minds. Similarly, in the
gospel today Our Lord leads his apostles from fear
and doubt to new sight and new purpose: ‘He
opened their minds to understand the scriptures.’
St Luke was initially writing for a pagan audience
who had never encountered our Lord in the flesh,
and who probably thought that it was easier for those
who had seen and heard Christ, to believe; however
the evangelist powerfully encourages whoever picks
up his gospel to see that the Risen Lord is encountered
in the scriptures and in the ‘breaking of bread’ no
less really than he was in the flesh. Each of us is
called to a resurrection faith, one walks with our
Lord from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, recognising
that the Old Testament promises have been fulfilled
in His passion, death, and resurrection. We are invited
to understand through our prayerful reading of the
scriptures and the events that occur ‘on the road’
of our own lives that the risen Lord walks with us
and reaches out to us, especially when we gather to
share in the Mass.
The fact that this is an ongoing work within the
hearts and lives of believers is beautifully expressed
in the Eucharistic Prayer for Various Needs and Occasions
‘You are indeed Holy and to be glorified, O God, who
love the human race and who always walk with us
on the journey of life. Blessed indeed is your Son,
present in our midst when we are gathered by his
love, and when, as once for the disciples, so now for
us, he opens the Scriptures and breaks the bread.’
PARISH WEB SITE: www. stfrancisparish.org.uk
The Risen Lord stands in our midst offering His
peace, leading us to deeper and deeper faith and
understanding, strengthening us to be his faithful
witnesses. He wishes to turn our fears into joy. Like
the disciples our initial reaction to His presence is
often fear, not joy; our eyes, like theirs, have to
be opened before we can savour the joy of the Lord’s
presence. Jesus explains how all that happened to
him was in the plan of God, it was the manifestation
of His infinite love. God’s love is to be found in every event, past and present, and can fill every fearful and restless heart with joy, if we only have the
courage to embrace it, or perhaps more correctly
allow ourselves to be embraced by it!
As St Augustine of Hippo exclaims: ‘Happiness is
to rejoice in Christ, for Christ, because of Christ’.
May Christ truly be your peace and joy
First Communion items are available:
cards, rosaries, medals, prayer books,
gift sets, bookmarks, rosary bracelets,
and a variety of prayer cards
all at reasonable prices.
On Sunday, 3rd May (3pm) the deanery will
come together for the annual Mass for the
Sick with the celebration of the Sacrament
of Anointing of the Sick at The Friars, Aylesford. Please make a special effort to enable
sick or housebound members of your family
or of the parish to attend. Canon Luke will
preside at the Mass and Fr Damian Cassidy
O.Carm, the Prior at Aylesford, will be
DIOCESAN WEBSITE: www.rcsouthwark.co.uk
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St Francis Quiz Night
This will be on Saturday, 16 May, 7.30pm at the United Reformed Church Hall in Week Street. Tickets will
cost £6 p.p. We would appreciate donations of raffle
prizes, but unfortunately we cannot accept items containing alcohol. Raffle items may be brought to the
Presbytery. Of course, you will be able to bring your
own alcohol (and nibbles) to consume on the night. FFI
and to reserve a table for your team (of up to 8 people), contact Mary Adam.
Dates for your Diary
Monday, 20 April
1.30 - 3.30pm: Scrabble in Hospice Coffee Shop.
Wednesday, 22 April
10-12 noon: Line Dancing followed by coffee in Society Rooms.
Thursday, 23 April 12noon:
Lunch in the Society Rooms to celebrate St George’s Day.
Monday, 27 April
1.30 - 3.30pm: Scrabble in Hospice Coffee Shop.
Wednesday, 29 April
Saturday, 23 May: FAMILY DAY (2pm - 9pm) will be at Holy
Family Parish Hall and grounds, Parkwood, Maidstone. The
day comprises separate activities and games for children
and young people, and workshops for parents. A crèche will
be available for under 5s. There will be a family BBQ and
games, followed by Mass, which will take place outside if the
weather is kind. Please see one of the clergy or musicians
for a letter and form. Places are limited so please book early.
Sacrament of Confirmation
All young people in Year 9 or above are invited to join
this year’s Confirmation programme which will begin
at the 6pm Mass on Sunday 7th June.
Application forms (which include the programme timetable)
are available from the Church Porch and should
be returned to the Parish Office by 23 May.
If there are any adults in the parish who wish to be
confirmed, please speak to one of the clergy.
Currently we have raised £16,057.00
NB the £30,000 legacy of Teresa De Franca has been allocated to this fund
Thank you for the recent donations towards this fund;
all your contributions really make a difference.
A collection taken at the Polish Mass on Easter Monday raised £320.00 and a share of the proceeds from
the Easter Sunday Cake Sale added a further £130.00.
Many thanks to all involved. I know there is a long
way to go but it is so heartening to see what has been
achieved in so short a time .
BIBLE STUDY GROUP: Please note that there will be no
Bible Study on Monday, 18 May. Otherwise, Bible Study
(led by Fr Paul) will continue as normal on Mondays in the
Presbytery (Grove House), following 10.00am Mass
Last Weekend - All Masses:
1st Collection: £1,732 - 28
Good Friday: £1,318 - 05 Kiltegan Fathers Mission
*This figure does not include standing orders etc.
which average £352 a week.
Many thanks for your generous support.
10-12 noon: Line Dancing followed by coffee in Society Rooms.
FFI contact Mary Adam.
New Tasks for
1. Have you ‘Calligraphy’ talents? The
First Holy Communion certificates
need writing! 9 certificates need to be
ready by 3rd May and 31 certificates
for 9th May - can you help?
2. Collection of lottery subscriptions in the porch for
30 minutes before Mass for three consecutive weekends
in June and December at the Saturday and Sunday
night 6pm Masses. Any help will be received gratefully.
3. Construction of a ‘Fund Raising’ barometer to help
visualize how fund raising for the roof is progressing.
St Mary the Virgin Church, Nettlestead - help is
needed to prepare for Mass at Nettlestead. Laundry of
the altar cloths and linen also needed on an infrequent
basis, as and when required.
If you can help with above, please fill in a task card
and place it in the RED box (church porch) or email us
Have you considered a donation to the roof fund instead of
another charity as an alternative to flowers at a funeral or
even a legacy to St Francis Church? No amount is too small.
MISSIO (Red Mission Boxes): Since the last Local Secretary
moved away, the Red Box Scheme to support the great work
of Missio has fallen into abeyance. I am delighted that Mrs
Maureen Lunghi has taken on the role. However, we have
no record of who holds a Red Box. If you have a Red Box
or would like a new one, please let the Parish Office
know or email: maureen.lunghi@gmail.com Later in the
year, Missio will visit the parish to give a presentation on
their work and invite people to join the Scheme.
Easter Sunday’s Collection: St George’s Cathedral
Next Sunday’s 2nd Collection:
Ecclesiastical Education
Parish Lottery Winner:
Week 16: No. 36 - Mrs M Connaughton – £20
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ALTAR SERVERS RALLY 2015 is on May Day Bank Holiday:
4 May at Aylesford Priory. Sung Mass is at 11.30 am and
Bishop Hendricks will be principal celebrant. All servers,
families & friends are welcome.
FFI email: john.bonnici@btopenworld.com (Downloadable
posters, programmes and special award forms are available at
www.rcsouthwark.co.uk by clicking on the Future Events tab. )
Mass in Celebration of Marriage this year will be at
St George’s Cathedral on Saturday, 20 June: If you
are celebrating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th+
wedding anniversary this year and would like to attend
this special Mass, please give your name to the Parish
Office by 30 April, so that you can receive an invitation
from the Archbishop. Booking essential.
Southwark Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes (with the
Catholic Association): in conjunction with Tangney Tours
(01732) 886666 will take place from Friday, 21 to 28 August.
Basic price £770 by Air, £705 by Train. Young helpers (17 25) £513 by Coach: contact John Toryusen 01227 272900 or
info@scys.org.uk. www.rcsouthwark.co.uk/Lourdes.htm. FFI
contact Canon Perera 020 8399 9550 or info@olionline.co.uk
Common Objections to Catholicism: a series of talks
addressing popular objections to the Catholic faith, and
how to answer them. Venue: Amigo Hall, St George’s
Cathedral; Time: 7.30 - 9pm.
Remaining Programme:
23 April: ‘The Catholic Church is anti-women and anti-gay’ - Mrs
Joanna Bogle; 30 April: ‘Faith and reason are irreconcilable’ - Mr
Sebastian Morello 7 May: ‘The Catholic Church is unbiblical’ - Dr
Mark Nash; 14 May: ‘An all-male priesthood is sexist and an
anachronism’ - Fr Ignatius Edet; 21 May: ‘The Catholic Church is
stuck in the past.’ - Ms Marie Mann.
These talks will be of interest to: RCIA / Confirmation
catechists; those Baptized/Received at Easter; members
of Parish Evangelization Teams; all who wish to pass on
the faith to others. No charge; please register at the
CCF (office@ccftootingbec.org.uk or 020 8672 7684)
The 47th anniversary of the Abortion Act coming into force in
England and Wales is on Monday, 27 April. Please pray and fast for
the end of abortion and euthanasia. Pray especially that ‘bubble
zones’ will not be introduced around abortion ‘clinics’. With over
190,000 abortions each year, your prayer and fasting is urgently
needed. www.goodcounselnetwork.com”
Milk Appeal: Many thanks to all who have donated milk
- it has been much appreciated by all those who use the
Day Centre. Please continue to bring milk, either longlife or fresh, to the presbytery, and it will be delivered
regularly to the Day Centre.
Gospel Acc.
Great Amen
Our Father
Agnus Dei
9.00am Mass
St Catherine’s Mass
10.30am Mass
sung *
sung *
sung (Psalm 4)
32 v.2
sung (422)
32 v.2
sung *
sung *
St Francis’ Mass
Children: God loves me
*Mass of Christ the Saviour
Hymn Boards: Many parishioners have noticed that these
are missing. They have been sent to Germany for repair and
will be back, hopefully ready for next weekend’s Masses.
FLAME YOUTH GROUP: The next meeting of the group for 11 - 14 year
olds from all schools will be on Saturday, 25 April from 6 - 8pm at the
Howard de Walden Centre (signposted the Children’s Centre) in Bluett St,
off Wheeler Street (ME14 2UG). New members are welcome.
PHOENIX YOUTH CLUB This Club for young people 15 to 18, including
those who have been confirmed, meets every Friday from 6.00pm to
8.30pm in St Simon Stock School, where we meet friends, play pool and table
tennis. Check web page: www.stfrancisparish.org.uk/phoenix.html .
CELL GROUP: This group is for over 18s and meets fortnightly on a
Sunday evening at 7pm in the Presbytery (Grove House next to the
church). New members are always welcome - see one of the clergy for
further details.
Justice & Peace Spring Assembly Saturday, 25 April (10.30am - 4pm) in
the New Barn, Aylesford Priory. From prayer to action and back again. Group
facilitators from CAFOD, JRS, London Citizens and Columbans. All welcome
Invitation: Parishioners are invited to the Commissioning Service for
Maidstone Street and Prayer Pastors on Sunday, 17 May (3.30pm) at St
Paul’s Church, Boxley Road (ME14 2AN).
Maidstone Election Prayer 2015: is on 24 April (7.30 - 9pm) at
Maidstone Leisure Centre (ME15 7RN). Maidstone churches are hosting
a special evening for Maidstone residents to pray for the future in the lead
up to the general election. There will also be an opportunity to hear from
the candidates.
For the sick and housebound of our parish: Rachel Allen, Cody Barker, Eric Braconnier, Jean Carley, Pat
Cassidy, Luke Collins, James Dowling, Sirpa Edwardes, Lars Fare, Kath Harvey, Kathleen Homewood, Mel Lacey,
John McElroy, Mark Pearson, Mark Quijano, Pauline Sexton, Margarette Ruaux, Coleen Sargeant, Rebecca Sharp,
Enid Swan, Clare Watts, Baby Joseph & family, Kathleen Buckman, Lek & Eleanor, and for those in our local hospice,
hospitals and nursing homes.
For recently dead and for those who mourn them: John Maskell
For those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Thomas Duffy, Sybil Collie, Thelma Burke, Maria
Martignetti, John Janur, Terence Baldock, Fr George Le Bosquet, Peter Pugliese, Teresa Crawford, Kathleen Rowe,
Alan Everett, Peggy Norfolk, Martin Cody, Margaret O’Malley Ward, Clara Collins, Derek Hopkins, Vincent Gryszan,
Sarah Flaherty, Josephine Luscombe, Dorothy Thorne, Peggy Cronk, Bernard Kennedy, Jim Banyard, Florence Best,
Aubrey Sidwell, Robert Greer, Catherine Quinlan, Ashley Hampson, Dorothy Rogers, Carmel Hart, Sister Helen,
Patrick Heaney, Elizabeth Tunks, Cecilia Hart-Davies, Wendy O’Hara, Gerald Shepard and James Kenny.
Parish Diary & Mass Intentions
Page 4.
SUNDAY 19th April
Thursday 23rd April
Third Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Solemnity of St George
St Francis
Patron of England
6.00pm (Saturday) Anne & Terence Coghlan RIP
9.00am Kevin Maher RIP
10.00am Myra Angeles RIP
12.30pm Flaherty Family
(Mass led by Fledglings Children)
Mass in HMP Maidstone: People of the parish
4.30pm Mass HMP Maidstone: Holy Souls
Friday 24th April
10.00am Carmel Hart RIP
12.30pm Carmel Hart RIP
Holy Souls
Stefania Swierczynska RIP
with Baptism of Caitlin Amelia Morling
Baptism of Aidan Stevens
6.00pm John Roache RIP
St Luke’s Chapel Preston Hall
8.30am Mr Castanié RIP
11.30am Divine Mercy; for peace in the world
Saturday: 25th April
10.00am Holy Souls
10.00am Harry O’Donnell RIP
11.00am Ordinariate Mass: Donor’s Intentions
Monday 20th April
10.00am Susan G Simmons RIP
12.30pm Romano Buschini RIP
12.00noon Baptism of Grace Rose Chapman
2.00pm Baptism of Kaya Głowa
3.00pm Wedding of Anthony McEwan & Sinead Corbett
Sunday 26th April
St Francis
St Anselm
10.00am Paulo Mongkol Limanpai RIP
12.30pm Private Intention Mrs Mbala
Wednesday 22nd April
10.00am In reparation for abortions
carried our this week in Brewer Street
12.30pm Doreen Boylan RIP
Exposition, Lection & Benediction
Morning Prayer of the Church (Lauds)
Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year B)
World Day of Prayer for Vocations: Good Shepherd Sunday
Tuesday 21st April
Feast of St Mark the Evangelist
(Saturday) Maria Emerson RIP
Kevin Maher RIP
Mass in HMP Maidstone: People of the parish
10.30am Laura Arnez RIP
5.00pm Evening Prayer & Benediction
6.00pm Josie Gleeson RIP
St Luke’s Chapel Preston Hall
8.30am Gemma Simmonds - Intentions
11.30am Julie Born
10.00am Jane Livesey - Intentions
11.00am Ordinariate Mass: Donor’s Intentions
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Monday - Friday: 12.00 noon
Saturday: 10.30 - 11.15 am; 5.00 - 5.30 pm
EXPOSITION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT: Wednesday evening 7.30pm - 8.30pm
Friday: between Masses 10.30 - 12.30pm
EVENING PRAYER & BENEDICTION: Usually the last Sunday of the month 5.00pm
HOLY ROSARY: Prayed after the 10.00am and before 12.30pm Weekday Masses
Grove House, 126 Week Street, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1RH
Telephone: (01622) 756217 Fax: (01622) 690549
Email: stfrancis_parish@yahoo.co.uk Web Site: www.stfrancisparish.org.uk
Parish Priest: Canon Luke Smith Assistant Priests: Fr Bartłomiej Dudek & Fr Peter Kucharski
Ordinariate Priest: Fr Paul Gibbons Parish Deacons: Rev. Tom Coyle & Rev. Ian Black
St Francis’ Catholic Primary School.
Queens Road, Maidstone, ME16 0LB. Telephone: (01622) 771540
St Simon Stock Catholic School. Headteacher: Mr Brendan Wall
Oakwood Park, Maidstone ME16 OJP Telephone: (01622) 754551