07.11.2014 Address of Partnership

Material Disclosure (General)
: 07.11.2014
Address of Partnership
: İş Kuleleri Kule 3, 34330 4.Leventİstanbul
: 212 350 39 51 - 212 350 57 87
: infosisecam@sisecam.com
Telephone and Fax Number
Telephone and Fax Number of
Investor/Shareholder Affairs Department
: 212 350 39 51 - 212 350 57 87
Is this a Delayed Statement?
Summary Info
: No
: Manager Appointment
In the our Board meeting held in November 7, 2014;
Since our Risk Management and Internal Audit Department has been divided into two
independent departments by the Board decision no: 110, in 30.10.2014, the following
position have been agreed to be restructured and it has been decided to appoint,
Özgün Çınar as the Chairman of Risk Management,
Oğuz Haluk Solak as the Chairman of Internal Audit,
As from 01.11.2014.
We hereby declare that the above-mentioned statement complies with the provisions in
effective Special Conditions Communique of Capital Market Board, that it fully reflects
the information received by us in this matter/matters; that the information comply with our
books, records and documents, that we have done our best to receive the complete and
accurate information related to this matter and that we are responsible for this