• ECS The Consulate General of The Arab Republic of Egypt Commercial Office .s~I<SJ4o-OJI ~I Egyptian Commercial Service Date Ref File : 15/12/2014 : 215-767 :1.4 To : Related Authorities, The Consulate General of Arab Republic of Egypt "Commercial Office" in Istanbul presents its best compliments to your esteemed association. I have the pleasure to inform that "Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of Transport Egyptian National Railways Purchases and Stores Dept announces an "Advertisement for a Public External Tender" with reference no: 321 GB/1989 dated 29/12/2014 at 12:00 p.m. 500 complete sets roller bearing for carelfouche coaches The bids will be accepted at the Purchases and Stores Dept at the Railways Building, 5th floor, above Shubra Tunnel, Cairo for a public external tender. The bids received after this date shall not be accepted. It would be appreciated to circulate above mentioned tender among the members of your association. Kindly, find attached the detailed information about tender announcement. Related Del}artment: Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of Transport Egyptian National Railways Purchases and Stores Dept Fax No: 00 202 2576 1337 Egypt Commercial Office seizes this opportunity to express our thanks once again for your cooperation. Regards, M/LfdJhkaw· Commercial Consul Enclosed: Tender Advertisement t;amlrk Cad.Beyaz Karanfil Sok.No.23 3.Levent- iSTANBUL Phone: +90 (212) 282 97 77- 282 94 44 Fax: +90 (212) 282 91 00 istanbul@tamseel-ecs.gov .eg egyptcommercialoffice@yahoo.com ARA B RE?UB.L , lVIINSTR'v.' OF !F~ GYPTIAN 1!)1! NA T!C .J.l"&'t•. (."../-••._l!.:I.A. .__Syl\7' "<. . . l tt .. n:.,~ A. . N l ; .{'~ .! -~ FAX NO: (2i;_: •.. :';761337 SlJPPLY OF Tender of Reference no /lr.lD>VERTlSEMENT Ji'OR A PU .~ ,AC EXTERNAL T ENDER : 500 com p lete sets roHcr he, for eardfom:he coa ches I i201 4 : 321G8/1989 'fhe bids will be accepted at the Purchases ami Stores Dept. at the Rai lw ays Building, 5th Door, above Shubra tunnel, Cairo for A public e xternal tender. The bids received after this date shall not be accepted . The bids should be submitted in duplicate on the authority' s speci men rorm, enclosed with the tender docum ent, accord ing to Law No. 89/1998 in two closed envelopes as follows: l. First .E nvelope.{_Technical OfferJ...:. I .- \" t'll f Y .. .a . ..:. .. ,. ''""'t";n ¥ v .U. '-t. .U. th •> Jrwic CH • '·'\'(, "·lll' ,.j.;h.. ),• 'T'Lc' ,i..l'.;.,.. .I!,.\ \...,_1 . 'l.H.\ lJ. i 11 [''"1.11 J!., .r:-.} ·'·' .,._,y_. .... ; J'-, l !,)YV.· i.,;<•· tC (Form A and the attached with it I 14 S Agents ) as well as the amount of the required provisional security deposit being (EUROS 2600 ). ·rhis deposit vv i 1!. be provided according ro one ofthe fo llowin g rnethods: - The Authority' s cash receipt. Unconditional Jetter of guarantee issued by any Egyptian ban k with Arabic language. Certified cheque. H. Second E nvelope ( Fhumcial Offer ) ~ !twill contain the details of prices, the total offer und payment... etc . General Rem~u·ks: 1. In case o f willingness to participate in the tender, a tender document should be purchased from the above-mentioned Dept. 2. 'fhe applications shall be submitted on 'i stamp duty form , ol': J 00 Piasters, together with form no. (14S Agents), indicating "Agency". 3. 'l'he price of the tender document amounts to (LE 2000) in add ition to postal expenses, m be paid in advance. 4. The technical envelope will be opened on291 rZ./20 14., at 12 p .m. 5. Opening the financi al offers envelopes shall be limited 1o the of1crs technically accepted, on a date, which will be fixed and of which you wili be notilied later. 6. Any bid not accompanied by the full amount of the provisionai security deposit shall be excluded. 7. Guarantee deposit (5%) of the total of contract. J-N ..!.-U::, ~ lu =l.t~ j \...>,.):> :.',0.-!)TJi :l..illl -.sl!.)# l 4-.A,:c:· 4.~l:Y l ..::.>IS'J.,;;;JJ '.'.Y·:~ix.o..H JO':A.(~ ~ f _r4 .A ;.:_,L)~~, 41 ~ ~- ._j~ I..Si _p;.i -si_rll ,,~~~ 9i ~p.vl :\..,:;l_yo J~'Y 4J_s..>J10~-b:,;, 4J.l;w. .>Jj 01~ • \'\oA ~ \ \ o rJi..: l)yil.iill rl.G- Y 1-'i.:.b •.;;.U-).9 4:<-c 6..1..9LxA.oJI4~f ;i,jl.( ~ ~ o~.J~·i ifj.;JI,~ iM,L.a;.:;, L_.,t..;:, ..M!.~ o~ o-M> ,jl 5.G JJW f ....W I .;,. ~ (-~·%! ,p.A!i l_..W~I r~.fl!. .'\ • ...l..!.~f J<:.>~ ..~I r~ ~ ~w : ..uLot_rJt JiW _y;-i J;:.l}! o;-:::i<i =u~> ~5 ~'ltWf ~ ~, .~;;:; ,:_,..:; ~·wr ~Lot_rll ..G9.fJf 4....1~ w y:Jf ,:A.i.."'fo/•'lf:J 1>:J_rJ! 0~~» ~ U"~;JY7 .:1i.JY6-.JI 4.11.:>;- ·i:':k ,J;y=-1l.9'fl; ~...<;i_r.l f uM' .1 •
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