Asst. Prof. Dr. ORHAN ERDEM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Istanbul Bilgi University Department of Economics Room: L1-203 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INTEREST AND RESEARCH AREAS Real Estate Finance, Behavioral Aspects of Credit Markets WORKING EXPERIENCE 2014 Dec. – present Istanbul Bilgi University, - V. Director of Graduate School of Social Sciences - Lecturing in the Department of Economics 2012 – 2014 Sept Borsa Istanbul, Research Dept., A. Manager and Manager - 2006 – 2012 July To manage the research team of 15 people and direct their research. To organize the foundation of World Bank Global Islamic Finance Development Center To renew the IMKB Review journal under the title Borsa İstanbul Review and provide to publish it via Elsevier. Istanbul Bilgi University, - M.Sc in Financial Economics, Director - Lecturing in the Department of Economics: Statistics (MS and MBA level), Financial Econometrics (M.S level), Mathematics of Finance (LSE external), Econometrics (undergrad.), Social Issues and Critical Thinking (undergrad.) 2002- 2005 Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona T.A. in Graduate Microeconomics, Statistics (in Spanish), Microeconomics II (in Spanish) EDUCATION 2002- 2008 Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona Ph.D. in Economics Title of the Thesis: “Essays on Finance and Social Choice Theory” 1999-2002 Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey M.A. in Economics Title of the Thesis: “Minimal Monotonic Extensions of Scoring Rules” 1 1994-1999 Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey Bachelor of Science in T. Physics VISITING FACULTY 2011 February Universitat Europa de Madrid (Econometrics) SSCI, SCI PUBLICATIONS 1. “Trading Puzzle, Puzzling Trade” together with S.Yüksel E.Arık. (İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 2014 cilt: 29, sayı 345) - SSCI 2. “A New Correlation Coefficient for Bivariate Time Series Data” together with Y. Varlı, E. Ceyhan. Physica A, 2014, Vol 414, pp. 274-284- SCI 3. “A Survey-Based Analysis of the Housing Market in an Emerging Economy: The Turkish Case” together with A. Coşkun, H. Oruç (Emerging Markets Trade and Finance, Vol:49 Suplement 5, 59:79, December 2013) – SSCI 4. “A Tournament Analysis of Mutual Funds in Turkey” together with B. Öztürkkal ( İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 2012 cilt: 27, sayı: 321) – SSCI 5. “Minimal Monotonic Extensions of Scoring Rules” (Social Choice and Welfare, 2005, Volume 25) – SSCI OTHER PUBLICATIONS 6. “Income Groups and Long Term Investment” together with Burak Can (Economics Bulletin, 2013, Vol. 33 No. 4 pp. 3014-3022) 7. “Housing Market and Macroeconomic Fundamentals” (IMKB Review, 2013, Vol:53, No:21) –Econlit 8. “Evsahipliği-İşsizlik ilşkisi üzerine: Oswald Hipotezinin Türkiye Örneğinde Test Edilmesi” together with I.Erol (İktisat ve Toplum, 2013, 27) 9. “Understanding the Sovereign Credit Ratings of Turkey” together with Yusuf Varlı (Journal of Money, Investment and Banking, Issue: 23, 2012) 10. “Erken Ödeme Cezası İçin %2 Oranı Yeterli midir?”( İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 2007 Cilt: 22, Sayı: 258) – SSCI 2 WORKING PAPERS 1. “How Does the Risk Appetite of Islamic Finance Investors Differ from Its Conventional Counterparts” together with Z. Iqbal and O. Çörtük 2. “Why Does Homeownership Decrease in Turkey?” together with I. Erol. CONFERENCES ATTENDED for PRESENTATION 1-2 Nov. 2013 28 Jun-1 Jul, 2013 4-6 Jan. 2013 1-3 Nov. 2012 10-12 Apr. 2012 26-29 June 2011 20-21 May 2011 10-12 Dec. 2010 28-30 Oct. 2010 20-22 Apr. 2007 14-16 Dec. 2006 15-19 July 2006 21-22 Oct. 2005 11-14 July 2002 6-9 July 2002 3-5 July 2002 Asian Economic Forum, Incheon, S.Korea The 18th Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES), Kyoto, Japan American R. Estate and Urban Econ. Assc. Meeting, San Diego, USA ICE-TEA2012 Financial Stability and the Great Recession İzmir 5thMath. &Stat. Methods for Actuarial Sciences& Finance, Venice/Italy 18th Annual Meetings of MFS Conference Rome/ Italy Istanbul Conference of Economics and Finance (ICEF-2011), Istanbul 4th Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE'10), London/GB Euroasian Business and Economics Society Conference, Athens/Greece Int. Workshop on Comp. Finance & Econometrics, Geneva/Switz. XXXI Simposio de Análisis Económico, Oviedo/Spain Business& Economics Society International Conference, Florence/Italia European Winter Meeting of Econometric Society, Istanbul 6th Meeting of Society for Social Choice & Welfare, Los Angeles/USA SED 2002, Economic Design, New York University/USA PET 2002, Universitè de Paris1-Sorbonne, Paris/France RESEARCH PROJECTS - “Valuing Default and Defeasance Risks in Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities” Financed by TUBITAK-3501 (The Scien. & Techn. Res. Council of Turkey) (Project Leader) CONSULTING PROJECTS - Mortgage Barometer (2010, 2011): This is a monthly real estate research designed by me and INGBANK, performed by Nielsen/IPSOS company and announced second Wednesday of every month on cnbc-e, and broadcasted by Reuters. TRAININGS TAKEN 14-15 Nov. 2013 Cambridge University, Judge Business School, Islamic Finance TRAININGS GIVEN and/or ORGANIZED - 22-24 Sept. 2010 “ING Akademi Mortgage”: To 100 managers of INGBANK, Turkey 13-15 Jan. 2011 “ING Akademi Mortgage”: To 100 managers of INGBANK, Turkey 3 - 27-29 Sept. 2011 “ Branch Trainings Program-1”: To 50 branch owners of Doğuş Oto. 6-7 Feb. 2012“ Branch Trainings Program-2”: To 50 branch owners of Doğuş Oto. 26-27 April 2012 “21. Yüzyılda Yeni Ekonomi ve Finans” given to YKB Lecturers OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES - Tv Programs o Various interviews with TRT, TRT Haber, TRT Türk o CNBC-E, Emlak Hakkında Herşey: Every month in 2010. FOREIGN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish MEMBERSHIPS: American Economic Association 4
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