
MiLLI EGiTiM BAKANLIGI Avrupa Birligi ve D.~ ili~kiler Genel Miidiirliigii Say. : 941667561730.06.01/5366991
Konu: "Gallery of talents" isimli proje
ilgi: Dl~i~leri Bakanhgl Yurtdl~l TamtIm ve Kiiltiirel ili~kiler Genel Miidiirliigiiniin
3011 0/20 14 tarihli ve 7095944 saYlh yazlSl.
Bakanhgmdan alman i1gi yazlda "History Civil Association" isimli Cek sivil
toplum kurulu~u ile UNICEF i~birliginde "Gallery of talents" isimli bir proje hazlrlandlgl ve
proje kapsammda 16 ya~mdan kii~iik ~ocuklann degi~ik temalarda hazlrladlklan resimlerden
olu~an ii~ resim kitabl yaYlmlandlgl ve Prag'da resim sergileri diizenlendigi belirtilmektedir.
Amlan projenin "~ocuklann goziinden yerel kostiimler, danslar ve ulusal gelenekler",
"~ocuklann goziiyle olimpiyat ve paralimpik oyunlar", "~ocuklann goziiyle hayvanlar"
ba~ltklanyla tekrarlanacagl ve ilgilenen okul ve kurulu~lann history.barta@volny.cz e-posta
adresinden proje yetkilileriyle temasa ge~ebilecekleri kaydedilmektedir. Soz konusu projenin
tamtIm metni ekte iletilmektedir.
Bilgilerini ve geregini arzlrica ederim.
Genel Miidiir
Ek: Proje Tamhm Metni (2 Sayfa)
BPlam Atatiirk Blv. 06648 Klzllay/ANKARA
Elektronik Ag: www.meb.gov.tr
e-posta: adsoyad@meb.gov.tr
Bilgi: Temel Egitim Genel Miidiirliigii Ortaogretim Genel Miidiirliigii
Aynntlll bilgi iyin: S. DEMiREL
Tel: (0 312) 212 38 70/4152
Faks: (0312)XXX XXXX
Bu e\Tak guvenli elektronlk imza ile imzalanml~tlr. httpllevraksorgu.meb.gov.tr adresinden eed5-3c85-3de9-8e26-45e3 kodu lie teyit edilebihr
From: n~JQry·bdrll'l.@yolfl'i·Q {m.~.!l!glmIOI\.tJarlcl(!:l"l)izlY
Sent Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:44 PM
To: Turkish Embassy in Prague
Subject: Mezinarodni projekt GALtRIE TALE NTO
Dobry dcn. pied pni.zdninami jsem Yam psal 0 7.arm:rcl,;h llaSeho ObC:<mskeho suru].eni pl'ipravil v projektu Galerie talentu programy, v nicbi by !Ie ptedstllvily t~matickymi obrazky dlti 7. celibo svita. Velicc bycoom pfivitali, kdyby vas..: vclvyslanectvi Illohlll na projektu sp()IUprdCovul tak. te by obeslaJo ve VaSi l.emi organizacc. ktere by mohly co nej§ir~1 okruh deli 0 pl'ipravovanem projektu informovat. Materilil vkladam do ptilohy a budu 51.' tMil na hrzky kontakl a spolupriici. Vae/av BArta- History.
Galerie talcotu
mob. 773521994
Good Day.
Before summer holidays, I have informeu you about illlcntion of our Civic aSSQciation to
prepare a project Gallery of Talents pro&>rams in which kids fmm all around the world will
introduce themselves throug.h themlltic pictures.
We would be plell..\'K>d if your Ftnba...sy I,;ould cooperate on the prnjeet with us and send an
information about this proj.:cIIO the organi7.lllions in your country. which could contact the
widest ericle of children.
The material is attaChed. We will be looking forward
Vaclav Barta - gallery of Talents
your reply and cooperation.
unicef Gallery ojl£lielllS .. proj';("l 011 inu:n•• llllral dialogue CHILDREN TO CHILDREN The project prepared by the HISTORY civic association in cooperation with the United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF! is ba"'iCd on coopcralitln with children, specifieally on
supporting their 6ft activilics. lip until now. three I!xclu"ive publil:atiolls Ihemed "Cilies
through the eyes of children" were issued. and severnl open exhibilioll:> were held on city
squares of Prague (and other cities}. and inside the building of the Parliament Ilf Ct..ceh
Republic. The project was awdrded auspices 0'1' severn! ll1inistr.ics. the Parliament of Czech
Republic. UNSECO Chairman ofth<:: Conuniuee in Czech RepUblic. and last. but not '~ast. of
cardinal Dominik Duka For more ini(lfll1lttion ahout the project and clolSCr look. on the
published books.pleuse visit ~~y~\,g1!L-,:[is;.@I!rntu.,:z.
Currenlly, three new progmnrme:\ of {flfenlil/ion,,'
outreach are in prefJllratioll, mrried by Ihese thl'l1U!,\:
.,Folk costumes,. dances and national cuslom:; through the ey..:s or ehilurt'J)" ..Olympics and Paralympics through the <."yes of children .. ,.Animals through the eyes of children" We would like to organiu these programmes in cooperution with children from
diftereat pam O'f '!'foris. The ;tim is to produce bCliutifuUy illustrated boola and a web
portal presenting children's drawings with Itccomptmying texts in English ulld language
muladOll1l of the partitipating children. AU child,'cn up to 16 year!! of agc are invited to
take part. We would be espcciuUy happy to cooperate with schoo h., children and youth
orgauirations, orphanages, folklore aMuewtions. churche.... zoos, etc.
Helping us propllgtlte the project in your country w01l1tI he grellll}, appreciated.
We are convinced that the "Children to .::hiklren" pmgmJlUllC will significantl;' contribute to
the theme of children's cooperation. :lnd thaI il dc~crvcs attentioll for it:; pruclical contribution
to children's programmes, where the children thclllsclws pl:l)' a vital role ill realization. The
profits (rnade from books wld paintings purchases. etc.) wi iI nc donated to support UNICEF
and other progl1l.l1lllles supporting children's acriviljcS. ,:hildn:'11 alld jouth sport clubs.
hwnanharian programmes (II' churches. 1.£)0 hn."t'tiing support progml11mcs. !;'{c.
SluJldd you be intere.fled in cooperation JIIilll IL'f. I,Jeas£'. JeC'! fret.' fa .flall.' YOllr preliminary
(noll-bileding) iIIlerest, and prMiill.'
your eMtact e-nt4i1 addnss hl$tof'y.bftl't8@mtuy.c2
We are looking furward to our future cooperation. Vi\clav BArta- Chainnan of the HISTORY "ivil association.
Talents project. tUlti
author (If the GaUery of