CV İngilizce - İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi

Candan YASAN
İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law
Hacıahmet Mah. Pir Hüsamettin Sok. No: 20 34440 Dolapdere İstanbul-Turkey
Tel : (+90) 212 3115131
E-mail :
Galatasaray University, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul-Turkey
Ph.D. Candidate in Private Law
Currently writing Ph.D. thesis entitled “International Product Liability” under the
supervision of Prof. Dr. Hatice Özdemir Kocasakal
Galatasaray University, Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul-Turkey
Master Degree in Law, LL.M.
Thesis Title: Same-Sex Relationships in Private International Law
Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ziya Akıncı
Galatasaray University, Faculty of Law, İstanbul-Turkey
Bachelor Degree in Law, LL.B.
Lycée de Galatasaray, İstanbul-Turkey
Secondary education
İstanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law, İstanbul-Turkey
Teaching & Research Assistant in Private International Law Department
Courses assisted: Private International Law (undergraduate), Foreign Investment Law
(undergraduate), International Commercial Law (graduate), International Commercial
Arbitration Law (graduate)
Courses conducted: Case study tutorials of private international law (undergraduate)
Main areas of research: International Commercial Law, Comparative Law, Tortious
Liability, International Family Law
Conferences organized: New ICC Arbitration Rules, 10 January 2012, (under the
supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemile D. Gökyayla together with ICC Turkey National
Committee); Bilgi University International Arbitration Day, 24 October 2008, (under the
supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemile D. Gökyayla); Bias and Cultural Diversity in
International Arbitration, 7 June 2007, (under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemile
D. Gökyayla); Compatibility of Turkish Business Law and European Union Law, 14-15
December 2007, (under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Yeşim M. Atamer); United Nations
Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: What Challenges for
Turkish Sales Law, 17-18 November 2006, (under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Yeşim M.
Co-coach of İstanbul Bilgi University Team to the “19. Willem C. Vis International
Commercial Arbitration Moot”
Assistant of Departmental Coordinator of the Erasmus Exchange Programs
Aybay&Aybay Law Firm, İstanbul-Turkey
Legal Internship
LIST of PUBLICATIONS (The original name of the publication is given first; the English translation is
given in brackets)
Book: Milletlerarası Özel Hukukta Aynı Cinsiyetten Kişilerin Birliktelikleri (Private International Law
Aspects of Same Sex Relationships), On İki Levha Yayınları, February 2013, (xix+296 pages).
Report: National Report of Turkey on Same-Sex Marriage and the Turkish Law, (together with Dr. Başak
Başoğlu), American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, Volume: 19, Number: 1,
2011, p. 319-329.
Report: Le recouvrement de créances en Turquie, (Debt Collection in Turkey), Guide Pratique du
recouvrement de créances en Belgique, au Luxembourg et à l’étranger, Editor: Marianne Dickstein,
Anthemis, 2011, p. 351-358.
Article: Milletlerarası Özel Hukukta Aynı Cinsiyetten Kişilerin Evliliği ve Evlilik Dışı Birliktelikleri,
(Same-Sex Marriages and Relationships in Private International Law), Prof. Dr. Atâ Sakmar’a Armağan,
Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011/1, p. 749-776.
Article: Milletlerarası Tahkimde Gizlilik, (Confidentiality in International Arbitration), Prof. Dr. Atâ
Sakmar’a Armağan, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011/1, p. 777-806.
Article: Eşcinsellerin Evlât Edinmesi, (Adoption by Homosexuals), Prof. Dr. Belgin Erdoğmuş’a
Armağan, 2011, p. 895-908.
Article: Kesin Hükmün Zaman İtibariyle Etkisi, (Effect of res judicata in time), Prof. Dr. Bilge Umar’a
Armağan, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Volume: 11, Special Number, 2009, p. 651686.
Translation: Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi’nin Taner Kılıç/Türkiye Kararı, (European Court of
Human Rights Decision: Taner Kılıç v. Turkey), Uğur Alacakaptan’a Armağan, Volume: 1, Bilgi
University Publishers, June 2008, p. 769-779, (together with Dr. Başak Başoğlu).
Translation: CISG’ın Uygulama Alanı: Yer, Zaman ve Kişi Bakımından, (CISG Scope of Application:
Territorial-Personal-Temporal), Translation of the article written by Loukas Mistelis for Milletlerarası
Satım Hukuku, Editor: Yeşim M. Atamer, On İki Levha Yayınları, June 2008, p. 7-25.
Translation: Uluslararası İçtihat Hukuku Işığında CISG’da Yorum ve Boşluk Doldurmaya İlişkin
Meseleler, (Remarks on Interpretation and Gap-Filling of the CISG in the Light of International Case
Law), Translation of the article written by Franco Ferrari for Milletlerarası Satım Hukuku, Editor: Yeşim
M. Atamer, On İki Levha Yayınları, June 2008, p. 37-83.
Translation: Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi’nin D. ve Diğerleri/Türkiye Kararı, (Case of D. and
Others v. Turkey), Istanbul Kültür University Law Faculty Review, Volume: 5, Number: 1-2, December
2006, p. 165-198.
“Türkiye’de Eşcinsellerin Evlat Edinmesi”, (Adoption by homosexuals in Turkey),
International conference for the 18th Pride Week, İstanbul-Turkey
“Uluslararası Özel Hukukta Aynı Cinsiyetten Kişilerin Evliliği ve Evlilik Dışı
Birliktelikleri”, (Same-Sex Marriages and Relationships in Private International Law),
Uluslararası Aile Hukuku Sempozyumu (Symposium of International Family Law),
Galatasaray University, İstanbul-Turkey
Humboldt University of Berlin, Lecture on “Recent Developments On The
Compatibility Of Turkish Law With The European Union Legislation: Special Emphasis
On Civil Law And Private International Law”, 6 hours, (together with Dr. Başak
Swiss Government Scholarship, Visiting Fellowship in Université de Lausanne, Institute Suisse de Droit
Comparé (ISDC), 9/2012-6/2013, Lausanne-Switzerland, (Research topic: International Product Liability
Full Scholarship by Hague Academy of International Law for the Summer Program of Private
International Law, 6 July-24 July 2009, The Hague-The Netherlands.
Grant given by Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility Program, 29 May 2009-5 June 2009, BerlinGermany.
Certificate of attendance for “International Sales Law and Commercial Arbitration”, (taught by
Prof. Dr. Pascal Pichonnaz & Dr. Georgios Petrochilos), 19 April 2012-28 April 2012, İstanbul Bilgi
University, İstanbul-Turkey.
Certificate of attendance of Hague Academy of International Law for participating in the summer
courses of private international law, 25 July 2012-13 August 2011, The Hague-The Netherlands.
Certificate of attendance of “New Turkish Code of Obligations and New Turkish Commercial
Code”, 22 Febraury 2011-3 April 2011, İstanbul Bilgi University, İstanbul-Turkey.
Certificate of attendance for International Sales Law and Commercial Arbitration, (taught by Prof.
Dr. Micheal Bridge & Dr. Jan Kleinheisterkamp), 12 April 2010-19 April 2010, İstanbul Bilgi University,
Certificate of attendance of Hague Academy of International Law for participating in the summer
courses of private international law, 6 July 2009-24 July 2009, The Hague-The Netherlands
Certificate of attendance for EU Corporate Law and Securities Regulation, (taught by Prof. Dr. Dr.
Klaus J. Hopt & Prof. Dr. Jan von Hein), 8 May 2009-16 May 2009, İstanbul Bilgi University, İstanbulTurkey.
Certificate of attendance for European Union Law, 2 November 2002-15 February 2003, Galatasaray
University, İstanbul-Turkey.
Turkish (native)
French (fluent)
English (fluent)
Association of Turkish Family Law, Association of Attenders and Alumni (AAA) Hague Academy of
International Law
OTHER PUBLICATIONS (The original name of the publication is given first; the English translation is
given in brackets)
Article: İstanbul’daki Eşcinsel Düğünü Üzerine Hukuki Bir Değerlendirme, (Legal Considerations on the
Homosexual’s Wedding Ceremony in İstanbul),, 1/10/2014.
Translation: Ölmek Gitmek Dönmek Kırlangıç Oyunu, (A Game for Swallows: To Die, To Leave, To
Return), Translation of the comic book of Zeina Abirached, Sırtlan Kitap, June 2014.
Translation: Azraili Beklerken, (Chicken with Plums), Translation of the comic book of Marjane Satrapi,
Mürekkep Yayınevi, January 2014.
Article: Gaz Bulutunun Arasında Kaybolan Hukuk, (Law Disappeared Among Gas Cloud),, 26/6/2013.