Klinik Psikofarm akoloji B ü lten i / Cilt 8: Sayı 3, 1998 Effects of 5hort and Long-Term Lithium Treatment on 5erum Cortiso Levels in Patients With Bipolar Affective Disorder Dr. Mustafa 6AŞTÜRK, Prof. Dr. Seher SOFUOGLU, Doç. Dr. Fatih KARASLAN, Dr. A.TUTUŞ, Dr. İ.YAEANOGLU, Dr. Ali Saffet GÖNÜL ÖZET Both basic and clinical studies have shown that lithium can affect the pituitary-adrenocortical axis. In this study, we sougl test the hypothesis that prophylactic lithium (Li) treatment can induce alterations in cortisol secretion in euthym ic bipolar ] ents and the length of Li administration can affect the degree of alterations. 2İ euthymic bipolar patients (m ean±SD 34.90±10.05) on long-term lithium carbonate treatment for more than 6 months and 15 euthymic bipolar patients (m ean±SD 29.53±8.76) on short-term Li therapy for shorter than 6 months who met DSM-IV criteria for bipolar affective disorder were luded in the study. 17 healthy control subjects (mean±SD age: 33.88±1.72) were chosen among the hospital staff. Serum t cortisol values were within the normal limits in all study groups but they were significantly lower in the Li-treated patients those of the controls. However, there was no difference between the two patient groups in plasma basal cortisol values, study documents that Li administration induces a significant reduction in cortisol release in bipolar patients com pared tc normal control subjects, but cortisol secretion remains quite stable during the prolonged Li treatment. However, since basal tisol concentrations show considerable intraindividual and interindividual variations further studies are needed . A n ahtar K elim eler: Bipolar affective disorder, lithium, cortisol BulI.Clin.Psychopharmacol. 8:3 (160-162), 1998 SUM M ARY BIPOLAR AFFEKTİF HASTALARDA KISA VE UZUN SÜRELİ LİTYUM TEDAVİSİNİN SERUM KORTİZOL SEVİYELERİNE ETKİSİ Tem el ve klinik çalışm alar lityum un pitüiter-adrenal kortikal ekseni etkileyebildiğini göstermiştir. Biz bu çalışm ada profili lityum tedavisinin ötimik bipolar hastalarda kortizol sekresyonunda değişiklik oluşturabileceği ve lityum tedavi süresini değişiklikleri etkileyebileceği hipotezini araştırdık. Çalışmaya DSM-IV teşhis kriterlerini karşılayan ve 6 aydan uzun süre yum tedavisi altında olan 20 ötimik bipolar hasta (ort±SD yaş: 34.90+10.05) ile 6 aydan kısa süredir lityum tedavisi altında 15 ötim ik bipolar hasta (ort.±SD yaş: 29.53+8.76) dahil edildi. 17 sağlıklı kontrol şahıs (ort.±SD yaş: 33.88±1.72) hastahane söneli arasından seçildi. Serum bazal kortizol değerleri bütün çalşma gruplarında normal sınırlar içinde olmakla beraber, lit ile tedavi edilen hastalarda kontrollerinkinden önemli şekilde düşük bulundu. Bununla beraber, iki hasta grubu arasınd rum kortizol değerleri bakım dan önemli fark mevcut değildi. Bizim çalışmamız lityumun bipolar hastalarda kortizol salını normal kontrol şahıslardakine nazaran önemli şekilde azalttığını ortaya koymaktadır, fakat kortizol sekresyonu uzun süre yum tedavisi esnasında oldukça sabit bir şekilde kalabilmektedir. Yine de, bazal kortizol seviyeleri aynı şahısda ve şahı şahısa önem li değişiklikler gösterdiği için bulgularımızı teyid etmek üzere başka çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. K ey W ords: Bipolar affektif bozukluk, lityum, kortizol. BulI.Clin.Psychopharm acol. 8:3 (160-162), 1998 he im portance of lithium (Li) salts as prophy lactic therapeutic agents in bipolar affective di sorder is now well-known. However, both basic and clinical studies have shown that lithium treat m ent can be associated with a wide range of adver se effects on m etabolic and endocrine functions. It T has also been suggested that Li can affect the f itary-adrenal axis (1). In this study, we sougl test the hypothesis that prophylactic lithium ti ment can induce alterations in cortisol secretio euthymic bipolar patients and .the length of Li ac nistration can affect the degree of alterations. Erciyes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı-KAYSERİ 160 Effects of Sh o rt and Long-Term Lithium T reatm en t... / Mustafa Baştürk ve ark. Table 1. Clinical Variables of the Li-treated Bipolar Patients and the Controls Clinical variables Age Lenghf of illness Number of episodes Duration of li-treatment (mont Patients on short-term Li (n=15) M ean SD Patient on long-term Li (n=20) Mean SD Control subjects (n=17) M e an SD 2 9 .5 3 7 .1 3 4 .3 3 4 .0 0 3 4 .9 0 11.95 7 .4 0 6 8 .0 0 3 3 .8 8 Nil Nil Nil 1.72 8 .7 6 5 .8 7 2 .4 9 3 .4 2 METHODS Subjects and procedure Twenty euthym ic bipolar patients (4 remales, 16 males; m ean±SD age: 34.90±10.05) on long-term lit hium carbonate treatment for more than 6 months (range: 18-18İ months) and 15 euthymic bipolar pa tients (II fem ales, 5 m ales; m ean±SD age: 29.53±8.76) on short-term Li therapy for shorter than 6 months (range: 2-6 months) who met DSMIV criteria for bipolar affective disorder (2) were inc luded in the study. The investigations were carried out mostly on an outpatient basis. Seventeen he althy control subjects (7 females, 10 males; mean±SD age: 33.88±1.72) were chosen among the hos pital staff. The subjects participated in the study wrere free of any physical disorder and were drug- free for at least 3 weeks. Before enrollment, each subject underwent a physical examination and a laboratory evaluation that included a multichannel serum che mistry analysis and complete blood count and a ba sal PRL level. Informed w'ritten consent was obta ined from each subject before participation. This study was approved by the local ethics committee. A single fasting m orning blood specimen was obtained at 07.00-08.00 a.m. from all the subjects af ter 10-12 h after the previous lithium dose from the patients. Venous blood was drawn into ice-cold heparinized tube and centrifugated at 4oC. Serum Li was measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. i 0 .0 5 5 .5 6 7 .3 5 4 6.3 1 The remaining serum was frozen and stored at 70oC untilthe analysis of basal cortisol. Serum basal cortisol wras determined using the standard RIA (ICN Biomedicals, Inc. US. Cortisol 1251 kits). The lowest sensitivity limit wras 0.5 pg/dl; intra-assay and inter-assay coefficient of variation were 5.8% and 6.5% at cortisol concentration of 22.3 and 23.1 pg/dl, respectively; normal range was 7-24 p g / d l). Data analysis The hormone values were compared across the patient and control groups by one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferoni's multiple comparison. P va lues less than 0.05 were considered statistically sig nificant. We performed m ultiple regression analysis using plasma cortisol values as a dependent variab le and serum and red blood cell Li values as an in dependent variable each. RESULTS As shown in Table 1, there was no significant difference in mean age among the three study gro ups. The m ean±SD duration of Li use was 68.93±46.31 months in the long-term group and 4±3.42 months in the short-term group. Serum basal cortisol values were within the normal limits in all study groups but they were significantly lower in the Li-treated patients than those of the controls. However, there was no difference between the two Table 2. Serum cortisol and Li levels of the Patients and the Controls Biochemical variab le s Plasma Li level (mmol/L) Li le v e l (mmol/L) Red B lo o d c e ll Serum c o rfis o l le v e l ( ( g / d l j Patients on short-term Li (n=15) M ean SD 0 .7 2 0 .3 2 1 1.37a a - b. S ig n ific a n tly d iffe r e n t fro m th e c o n tro l s u b je c ts 0 .1 9 0 .0 9 3 .8 8 Patient on long-term Li Control subjects (n=17) (n=20) M ean SD M ean SD 0 .7 6 0 .3 7 1 2 .8 6 b 0 .1 8 0 .1 0 4 .3 3 Nil Nil 2 1 .5 0 5 .7 2 (F=22.52 p c O .O O l) 161 Klinik Psikofarm akoloji B ü lten i / Cilt 8: Sayı 3, 1998 patient groups in serum basal cortisol values (Table 2). There was no significant correlation between the serum or red blood cell Li levels and serum cortisol values in the Li-treated groups. DISCUSSION The effects of Li treatm ent on cortisol secretion are much less studied, and the data reported are conflicting. Indeed, there have been reports of either increases (3, 4) or no change (5, 6) or decreases (7, 8) in plasm a cortisol during Li treatment. Most of the studies exam ining the effects of starting Li have be en confused by the effects of acute illness on hormo ne levels. Therefore, we studied basal cortisol levels in Li-treated patients who have euthymic mood sta te in both short and long-term treatment. Our findings indicated that administration of both short and long-term Li treatment induced sig nificant changes in basal cortisol values in bipolar patients compared to those of the healthy control subjects although cortisol values were not different in the short-term and long-term Li-treated groups. It has been known that exogenous or endogenous steroid excess m ay precipitate affective illness (1) and based on this idea, one may speculate that Liinduced cortisol decrease contributes to mood stabi lisation in bipolar patients. Our finding that Li dec reases cortisol secretion which is concordant with those of two previous studies (7, 8 ) supports this speculation. But since we did not have the pre-Li cortisol values of the Li-treated patients, it is not possible to determ ine whether those patients had an absolutely increased cortisol secretion prior to the Li treatm ent or not. Cristie et al (9) reported that gi ving Li for 14-22 days significantly reduced evening cortisol levels compared both to the pre-Li levels and the control values, but that giving Li for 7-14 days did not. Cristie et al (9) also suggested that lo wering of cortisol concentrations appears to be asso ciated w ith recovery from manic illness, irrespecti ve of the type of treatm ent given either lithium or sulpiride. We consider that our short-term Li study group corresponds to the Cristie's 14-22 day's Litreated group. 162 We did not find that either plasma or red bloo< cell Li concentrations were correlated with the coi tisol values. Furthermore, lenght of Li-treatmer did not affect the reduction in cortisol secretion dil ferently and the modest decrease in cortisol secret on induced by short-term Li treatm ent did not sho^ a significant change with the prolonged Li trea ment. Thus, cortisol levels rem ained quite stable di ring the long-term Li treatment. In conclusion, our study docum ents that Li ac ministration induces a significant reduction in cort sol release in bipolar patients com pared to the no mal control subjects. 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