LINFOMI Dr. Guido Gini Clinica di Ematologia Ospedali Riuniti Università Politecnica delle Marche I LINFOMI ALL’ ASH 2013 4 Educational 5367/31822 Abstract e poster il 16,8% del totale 291 Comunicazioni orali 35 Abstract sulla biologia dei linfomi di Hodgkin 205 Abstract sulla biologia dei Linfomi Non Hodgkin 97 Abstract su risultati di schemi di chemioterapia in protocolli di ricerca • 90 Abstract sulla terapia con agenti biologici in protocolli clinici • 74 Abstract sulla terapia con chemioterapici e agenti biologici in fase pre-clinica • • • • • • •EDUCATIONAL GENOMICA GENOMICA E TERAPIA MIRATA Eterogeneità in: prognosi e sviluppo • Outcome clinico Diverse di target theraoy • Alterazioni genetiche • Espressione di marker Identificazione di nuove identità e forme intermedie (es. linfoma della grey zone) Genomic stratification for the treatment of lymphomas – S. S. Dave GENOMICA E TERAPIA MIRATA Genomic stratification for the treatment of lymphomas – S. S. Dave LINFOMI NON HODGKIN TERAPIE MIRATE CONTRO IL BCR GS1101 IPI-145 Fostamatinib GS-9973 Ibutinib CC292 ONO-WG307 Targeting B-cell receptor signaling:changing the paradigm N.Fowler and E.Davis TERAPIE MIRATE CONTRO IL BCR Inibisce l’isoforma delta Inibisce l’isoforma gamma Somministrazione orale Si lega al residuo Cys-481 del BTK Ben tollerato Inibisce il segnale del BCR Riduce l’effetto protettivo delle cellule stromali Targeting B-cell receptor signaling:changing the paradigm N.Fowler and E.Davis TERAPIE MIRATE CONTRO IL BCR Al momento non è possibile identificare i pazienti che si possono giovare di questa terapia È necessario trovare delle strategie terapeutiche multiple per possibilità di sviluppare resistenza se usati come agenti singoli Targeting B-cell receptor signaling:changing the paradigm N.Fowler and E.Davis MYC E LINFOMI B AGGRESSIVI Understanding MYC-driven aggressive B-cell lymphomas: pathogenesis and classification - G.Ott, A.Rosendwald and E. Campo MYC E LINFOMI B AGGRESSIVI MYC-rearranged DLBCL BCLU PBLMYC rearranged Understanding MYC-driven aggressive B-cell lymphomas: pathogenesis and classification - G.Ott, A.Rosendwald and E. Campo MYC E LINFOMI B AGGRESSIVI Understanding MYC-driven aggressive B-cell lymphomas: pathogenesis and classification - G.Ott, A.Rosendwald and E. Campo TERAPIA PER I LINFOMI B AGGRESSIVI Treatment strategies for aggressive Lymphomas: what works? W.H.Wilson TERAPIA PER I LINFOMI B AGGRESSIVI ABC, GCP e PMBL PER GLI ABC: bortezomub, lenalidomide, ibrutinib, temsirolimus, everolimus PER GLI GCB DA-EPOCH-R: 1) contiene degli inibitori della topoisomerasi II, etoposide e doxorubicina 2) si ottimizza l’effetto tramite l’infusione continua PER I PMBL: R-CHOP + RT oppure DA-EPOCH-R (per minimizzare gli effetti della RT) Treatment strategies for aggressive Lymphomas: what works? W.H.Wilson NUOVE STRATEGIE PER I DLBCL Farmaci ipometilanti L’ipermetilazione del DNA si associa a: -Inappropriato silenzio trascrizionale perdita di alcuni check point del ciclo cellulare - Resistenza ad altri farmaci per inattivazione epigenetica di alcuni trasportatori e per l’alterazione di alcuni meccanismi di riparazione del DNA DNMT1 in 48% DLBCL DNA METILTRANSFERASI DNMT3A in 13% DLBCL DNMT3B in 45% DLBCL Targeting the epigenome and other new strategies in diffuse B-cell lymphoma - L.Cerchietti and J.P.Leonard NUOVE STRATEGIE PER I DLBCL Inibitori dell’istone deacetilasi L’istone deacetilasi agisce: - Deregolando la trascrizione del DNA - Permettendo di adattare le cellule linfomatose al microambiente e alle condizioni cellulari intrinseche Non è chiaro il ruolo sulla linfomagenesi Targeting the epigenome and other new strategies in diffuse B-cell lymphoma - L.Cerchietti and J.P.Leonard LINFOMI FOLLICOLARI: VALUTAZIONE DEL RISCHIO Eterogeneità biologica IMMUNOFENOTIPO: CD10+, CD20+, CD19+, CD22+, Ig di superficie, Bcl2+, Bcl6+, CD5- GRADI N° CENTROBLASTI 1 <5 centroblasti/campo 2 6-15 centroblasti/campo 3a Qualche centrocita evidente 3b Tutti centroblasti CD10Espressione maggiore di TP53 e di MUM 1/IRF4 Comportamento clinico simile a DLBCL Dissecting follicular lymphoma: high versus low risk - S.M.Smith LINFOMI FOLLICOLARI: VALUTAZIONE DEL RISCHIO Eterogeneità biologica Ancora non hanno un ruolo sulla prognosi: • CARATTERISTICHE GENETICHE E EPIGENETICHE: -t(14,18) -Riarrangiamento BCL6 - MYC + - del1p36 - mutazione TP53 - mutazione MLL2 - mutazione EZH2 - delezione CDKN2A • MICROAMBIENTE: -Subset delle cellule T (per esempio: FOXP3+, PD-1) - macrofagi associati ai linfociti Dissecting follicular lymphoma: high versus low risk - S.M.Smith LINFOMI FOLLICOLARI: VALUTAZIONE DEL RISCHIO Eterogeneità clinica anche…la RISPOSTA: • TIPO DI RISPOSTA: una RC dopo la I linea aumenta la curva della OS alla I ricaduta • PROFONDITA’ DELLA RISPOSTA: -MRD: Bcl2 - IMAGING: pet intermedia e finale Dissecting follicular lymphoma: high versus low risk - S.M.Smith LINFOMI FOLLICOLARI: VALUTAZIONE DEL RISCHIO …nei pazienti ricaduti… • • • • • numero di precedenti trattamenti caratteristiche cliniche alla ricaduta declino progressivo della riserva midollare durata della risposta resistenza al RTX …alla ricaduta di trasformazione… • diagnosi clinica: - progressione rapida di malattia - aumentato LDH - insorgenza di sintomi B • eventi genetici e epigenetici: - riarrangiamento Bcl6 - perdita TP53 - del1p36 - altre alterazioni del DNA Dissecting follicular lymphoma: high versus low risk - S.M.Smith LINFOMI FOLLICOLARI: VALUTAZIONE DEL RISCHIO Dissecting follicular lymphoma: high versus low risk - S.M.Smith LINFOMA MANTELLARE Prima linea ARA-C HD R-HyperCVAD alternato a R+ MTX e ARA-c HD R-CHOP alternato a R-DHAP R-DHAP ASCT MRD t(11;14) Transplantation for mantle cell lymphoma: is it the right thing to do?- M.E.Williams LINFOMA MANTELLARE Trapianto allogenico Indicazioni: - Paziente giovane e senza comorbidità - Dopo la prima recidiva o progressione di malattia OS 25-30% PFS 20-25% Terapia dei pazienti non eleggibili a trapianto BORTEZOMIB LENALIDOMIDE TEMSIROLIMUS R-CHOP R- BENDAMUSTINA R-FC Transplantation for mantle cell lymphoma: is it the right thing to do?- M.E.Williams LINFOMA MANTELLARE Terapia di mantenimento Ogni due mesi RTX Settimanalmente per 4 dosi ogni 6 mesi per 2 anni LENALIDOMIDE Nuove strategie terapeutiche Agenti immunomodulanti: Lenalidomide Inibitori di mTOR: Temsirolimus, Everolimus Inibitori del segnale mediato dal BCR: Ibrutinib, Idelalisb, IPI-145, Fosfamatinib, Enzastaurin Inibitore dell’istone deacetilasi: Vorinostat, Abexinostat Inibitori del ciclo cellulare: Flavopiridolo, PD0332991 Inibitori del Bcl2/BH3 mimetici: ABT-199, obatoclax, navitoclax Transplantation for mantle cell lymphoma: is it the right thing to do?- M.E.Williams INFEZIONI CORRELATE AI LINFOMI PTLD dopo SOT EARLY PTLD correlato con: -EBV negatività prima del trapianto - ATG LATE PTLD correlato con: - Età -Uso degli inibitori della calcineurina Utile impedire la riattivazione dell’EBV: • Ig vena anti CMV • Monitoraggio stretto di EBV DNA sierico • Trattamento preventivo con RTX Utile una completa stadiazione della PTLD!!! (10% dei casi coinvolgimento midollare) EBV and posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disease: what to do? Zimmermann H. and Trappe R.U. PTLD dopo SOT …e inoltre: CTLs che hanno un ruolo nei PTLD SNC e nelle malattie refrattarie Recidivi/refrattari: • CE +/- RTX • CTLs • come la I linea se è una recidiva tardiva • non indicazione per auto e allotrapianto EBV and posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disease: what to do? Zimmermann H. and Trappe R.U. HHV8 geni latenti (espressi nelle cellule B, nelle cellule dendritiche KS, nelle cellule endoteliali atipiche KS) geni della fase litica (più frequenti nel MCD) Human herpesvirus-8: Kaposi sarcoma, multicentric Castelman disease, and primary effusion lymphoma – L.D.Kaplan HHV8 KS Patogenesi Clinica Terapia Espressione di v-GPCR, VEGF e bFGF, cKIT, espressione di mRNA di multiple metalloproteasi della matrice MCD Espressione geni della fase litica. PEL Espessione dei geni della fase latente. Coinfezione con EBV talvolta Immunoistochimica: CD20-, CD38+, CD138+ Lesioni mucocutanee, linfoedema, coinvolgimento GI e respiratorio Linfoadenomegalie diffuse, febbre, perdita di peso, epatosplenomegalia, polineuropatia, polmonite intestiziale linfocitaria Effusione sierose: dispnea, dolore toracico, distensione addominale LOCALIZZATI: azoto liquido, VCR, RT SISTEMICI: cART, doxorubicina e paclitaxel, IFN α, COL3, imatinib, lenalidomide, sirolimus Chemioterapia (VBL, CHOP, ABV, etoposide orale, ciclofosfamide), IFN α, tp antiherpesvirus, RTX (4 dosi settimanali), HuAnti-IL6 CHOP like, IFN α, ifn α + cidofovir, CHT al alte dosi + autologo, Bortezomib, Sirolimus, IFN α + ATO, Brentuximab Vedotin, inibitore dell’istone deacetilasi Human herpesvirus-8: Kaposi sarcoma, multicentric Castelman disease, and primary effusion lymphoma – L.D.Kaplan HELICOBACTER PYLORI E MALT Infezione da HP MALT gastrico DLBCL (MALT) gastrico DLBCL gastrico Helicobacter Pylori and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue: what’s new? – S. Kuo and A. Cheng HELICOBACTER PYLORI E MALT Helicobacter Pylori and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue: what’s new? – S. Kuo and A. Cheng HELICOBACTER PYLORI E MALT MALT pCR: 56-100% Malt refrattario: 7,2% pCR: 58,9% (se limitato alla sottomucosa 80% - se limitato alla muscolaris propria 29,4%) Gastric DLBCL (MALT) Tempo per raggiungere la pCR al termine della tp è di 4 mesi Associazione con Hp: 85-89% dei casi Early stage: Pure DLBCL gastric - tempo per raggiungere la pCR al termine della tp è di 2,1 mesi - DFS mediana: 3,9 anni Alto grado: -Tasso di efficacia 50% - pCR: 26,7% - tempo per raggiungere la pCR al termine della tp è di 3 mesi LINFOMI DI HODGKIN NUOVE TERAPIE Novel therapy for Hodgkn lymphoma – C. L. Batlevi and A. Younes NUOVE TERAPIE • ANTICORPI MONOCLONALI: - CD30: Brentuximab Vedotin - CD20: Rituximab - CD40: Lucatumumab - CD80: Galiximab - PDL!/PD1: CT011 e Nivolumab • FARMACI CONTRO I SEGNALI ONCOGENICI: - PI3K/AKT/mTOR: Idelalisib, IPI-145, Everolimus - JAK/STAT: SB1518, AZD1480 - NF-KB: Bortezomib • TERAPIE EPIGENETICHE: -Vorinostat, Mocetinostat, Panobinostat, Entinostat • IMMUNOMODULATORI: - Lenalidomide Novel therapy for Hodgkn lymphoma – C. L. Batlevi and A. Younes NUOVE TERAPIE Novel therapy for Hodgkn lymphoma – C. L. Batlevi and A. Younes RT E EARLY STAGE TOSSICITA’ TARDIVA DA RT CARDIOVASCOLARE -Aterosclerosi accelerata -Fibrosi valvolare -Scompenso cardiaco congestizio -Pericardite -Anomalie valvolari -Ischemia miocardica SECONDE NEOPLASIE DEFICIT DI ACCRESCIMENTO OSSEO - K epiteliali -SMD e LAM -K mammella -K polmoni -Mesotelioma -Ipotiroidismo subclinico -K tiroide Il rischio varia a seconda delle zone irradiate e della potenza dell’irradiazione !! Riducendo il campo da irradiare, si riducono i rischi !! Management of early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma: is there still a role for radiation?– P.W.M.Johnson RT E EARLY STAGE Management of early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma: is there still a role for radiation?– P.W.M.Johnson RT E EARLY STAGE 85% 1yrPFS: 94,9% 1yrPFS: 100% 74% 1yrPFS: 94,7% 1yrPFS: 97,3% 75% 3yrPFS: 94,5% 90,8% Management of early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma: is there still a role for radiation?– P.W.M.Johnson LINFOMA DI HODGKIN A PREVALENZA LINFOCITARIA: NLPHL • 5% dei casi di linfoma di Hodgkin • Overlap tra Linfoma di Hodgkin e Linfoma non Hodgkin indolente o linfoma B T-cell-rich • Le cellule L&H sono < 1% della cellula tumorale Espressione di: CD20+ CD30CD15IgV gene Bcl 6 CD10CD19CD4+/CD8+ Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: what is the optimal treatment? - M.Fanale NLPHL Stadi precoci Stadio IA o IIA Stadi IB o IIB Stadio IA recidivati Stadio IA pediatrici Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: what is the optimal treatment? - M.Fanale NLPHL Stadi avanzati Regimi LH - like Regimi DLBCL - like Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: what is the optimal treatment? - M.Fanale NLPHL Lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: what is the optimal treatment? - M.Fanale ABSTRACT BIOLOGIA DEI LINFOMI DLBCL ABC and GCP ABSTRACT 84 Accurate Classification Of GCB/ABC and MYC/BCL2 Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma With a 14 Genes Expression Signature and a Simple and Robust RT-MLPA Assay Philippe Ruminy, et al 10 genes expression signature discriminates ABC from GCB cases (ABC: IRF4, FOXP1, IGHM, TNFRSF13B, CCND2; GCB: LMO2, MYBL1, BCL6, NEK6, TNFRSF9), incorporated into a Reverse Transcriptase Multiplex Ligation-dependant Probe Amplification assay (RT-MLPA) together with cMYC and BCL2 and the CCND1 and MS4A1 (encoding CD20). 141 DLBCLs treated between 2001 and 2011 • ABC cases worst EFS and lower OS • Expression of several individual genes within this signature poor prognosis (LMO2 low: OS; BCL6 low: OS). • Double MYC+/BCL2+ worst outcome and poor prognosis within the ABC subtype This RT-MLPA assay is a RAPID (less than one day, tested up to 40 patients in parallel), CHEAP (less than 5 dollars), and EFFICIENT to discriminate ABC from GCB DLBCLs ; not require specific equipments and could easily be transferred in many routine diagnosis laboratories. DLBCL, EZH2 e bcl6 ABSTRACT EZH2 and BCL6 Cooperate To Create The Germinal Center B-Cell Phenotype and Induce Lymphomas Through Formation and Repression Of Bivalent Chromatin Domains Wendy Béguelin, et al Significance and mechanism of action of EZH2 in normal GC development and lymphomagenesis DLBCL patients with mutant EZH2 display a unique signature consisting of silencing of GC bivalent genes, suggesting that mutant EZH2 contributes to human lymphomagenesis through paralysis of bivalent chromatin domains. HP: 1) EZH2 and BCL6 cooperate to mediate the GC B-cell phenotype and when aberrantly active may cooperate to form GC-derived B-cell lymphomas 2) rational combinatorial therapy with BCL6 and EZH2 inhibitors might synergistically kill DLBCLs. Results: Treatment of DLBCL cells with EZH2 or BCL6 inhibitors or siRNA partially derepressed these genes indicating that both factors cooperate and are required to mediate full repression of these crucial loci. By combining the EZH2 inhibitor GSK343 and the RI-BPI, a drug that inhibits BCL6 by abrogating its interaction with BCoR, a potent synergistic effect on the inhibition of DLBCL cell lines proliferation were observed. The first epigenetic mechanism of lymphomagenesis involving aberrant repression of GC-specific bivalent domains by EZH2 (PRC2) in cooperation with BCL6-BCoR (PRC1) complexes, as well as a rational epigenetic-based and molecular targeted therapeutic approach with the potential to eradicate lymphomas without harming normal tissues. DLBCL, MYC gene ABSTRACT 363 MYC Mutation Profiling In 708 De Novo Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Demonstrates That Genetic Abnormalities In The Coding Sequence and Untranslated Regions Have Different Prognostic and Clinical Significance: A Report From The International DLBCL Rituximab-CHOP Consortium Program Zijun Y. Xu-Monette et al. Objective: To determine the spectrum of MYC mutations in a large group of DLBCL patients treated with R-CHOP immunochemotherapy, and to evaluate the clinical significance of MYC mutations in this study group. Patients and Methods: The MYC gene assessed by Sanger sequencing methods in 708 de novo DLBCL patients. The results of MYC sequencing compared with the MYC reference sequence in the Genebank database. The variants subdivided as either single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) or novel single nucleotide variations (SNV). The MYC genetic status correlated with clinical outcome, including treatment response, overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). Results :351 (49.6%) patients harbored variations in MYC gene sequence. Most variations occurred in the CDS and 5’UTR, whereas infrequently (9.4%) in the 3’UTR. Variations in the CDS, 5’UTR and 3’UTR had different prognostic implications. Variations in the CDS region were associated with better survival (P=0.0005 for OS and P=0.0002 for PFS), whereas variations in the 3’UTR and 5’UTR variations had no prognostic significance. Deregulation or MYC expression by microRNAs is important in pathogenesis and progression of DLBCL. BCL, PD-L1 protein ABSTRACT 361 Blood Soluble PD-L1 Protein In Aggressive Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Impacts patient’s Overall Survival Thierry Fest, et al Programmed death 1 (PD-1) protein = key immune-checkpoint receptor expressed by activated T cells which mediates immunosuppression. The blockade of PD-1 or its ligand, PD-L1, by monoclonal antibodies may lead to significant antitumor effects. 288 pts receiving 8 courses of R-CHOP or high-dose cht associated to rtx followed by autologous stem cell support. Available plasma collected at the time of diagnosis before any treatment. Soluble PD-L1 was measured using an ELISA assay. • sPD-L1 levels increased at diagnosis; • High-level sPD-L1 significantly associated with: BM-involvement, more than one extranodal localization, 2-4 performance ECOG status; • No association between sPD-L1 and tumor PD-L1 expressions; • Patients with elevated PD-L1 poor prognosis Soluble PD-L1 protein expression in peripheral blood at the time of diagnosis is a potent predicting biomarker in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and may indicate usefulness of alternative therapeutic strategies using PD1 axis inhibitors DLBCL, TP53/MIR34A ABSTRACT 83 Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma With Combined TP53 mutation and MIR34A methylation: Another “double hit” Lymphoma With Very Poor Outcome? Fazila Asmar, MD To investigate a large panel (150 pts) of newly diagnosed cases of DLBCLs for MIR34A and MIR34B/C promoter methylation, TP53 mutational status clinical presentation patterns, and outcome. MIR34B/C methylation, Mutation of TP53 Methylation of MIR34A (+/- MIR34B/C methylation) NOT INFLUENCE SURVIVAL TP53/MIR34A “double-hit”: 9.4 months median survival (P<0.0001) independent negative prognostic factor for survival (P=0.0002) miR34s are downregulated by promoter hypermethylation miR34a-5p can be upregulated by a hypomethylating agent in DLBCL cells with a methylated MIR34A promoter in cells with and without TP53 mutations. A novel rare, aggressive, but treatable “double-hit” DLBCL DLBCL, genetic signature ABSTRACT 499 Whole-Exome Analysis Of DLBCL Tumors Reveals a Unique Genetic Signature Associated With Aggressive Disease Anne J Novak, et al. • to evaluate the association of somatic coding single nucleotide (cSNV) and copy number (CNV) variants with aggressive DLBCL • All patients (54) treated with R-CHOP or immunochemotherapy, and disease aggressiveness based on relapse, with patients classified as having aggressive disease (AD) versus non-aggressive disease • cSNV: CIITA (mutational target in DLBCL) was associated with AD (p=0.01) analysis. CIITA could be placed in the same regulatory network around CREB1. • CNV:245 gene amplifications and 209 gene deletions associated with AD (p ≤ 0.05). SLC22A16 in the 6p21 locus significantly associate with AD (p=0.002). Successful drug response has been correlated with the level of activity and expression of this transporter: cells expressing SLC22A16 have increased Cdoxorubicin uptake and are more sensitive to doxorubicin-induced cell death FL, STAT6 mutation ABSTRACT 503 Recurrent STAT6 Mutations In Follicular Lymphoma Sami Malek, et al. To further understanding of the genetic basis of follicular lymphoma (FL) used solution exon capture of sheared and processed genomic DNA isolated from FACSsorted lymphomatous B-cells and paired CD3+ T-cells isolated from 23cases of FL and one case of DLBCL (which was transformed from prior FL), followed by paired-end massively parallel sequencing. Results: In addition to frequent mutations in MLL2, CREBBP, BCL2, TNFRSF14, EZH2, OCT2, ARID1A, IRF8 and MEF2B, novel mutations STAT6, identified in 11% (12/114) of FL and predominantly affected the DNA binding domain. Of interest, the majority of FL-associated STAT6 mutations affected a single amino acid codon (codon 419), resulting in the STAT6 mutants p.419D>D/G or p.419D>D/H. Conclusion: Identification of somatic mutations in STAT6 in 11% of FL. These mutations predominantly affected the STAT6 DNA binding domain. Identified a novel STAT6 mutation hotspot in STAT6 codon 419 (p.419D>D/G or p.419D>D/H), distinct from mutations previously described in primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) GZL ABSTRACT 847 Gray Zone Lymphoma (GZL) With Features Intermediate Between Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma (cHL) and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL): A Large Retrospective Multicenter Analysis Of Clinical Characteristics, Treatment, Outcomes, and Prognosis In The Current Era Andrew M Evens, et al. mediastinal involvement GZL: 44% non mediastinal involvement GZL: 56% UNIVARIATE ANAYSIS Characteristics (at diagnosis) PFS OS HR 95% CI P HR 95% CI P B symptoms (yes vs no) 1.56 0.85-2.86 .15 7.80 0.99-61.60 .05 Performance Status (2-4 vs 01) 3.44 1.65-7.17 .001 2.07 0.44-9.77 .35 elevated LDH was the only Hemoglobin <10.5 g/dl 2.13 1.15-3.94 .02 1.83 0.53-6.23 .33 predictor of poor outcome for Increased ESR 5.81 0.75-44.97 .09 - - .99 Hypoalbuminemia (3.5 g/dl) 1.57 0.80-3.11 .19 3.14 0.84-11.72 .09 Stage (III/IV vs I/II) 1.91 1.08-3.39 .03 11.85 1.51-92.74 .02 significant for inferior OS Stage (IV vs I-III) 2.76 1.57-4.83 .000 4 7.05 1.85-26.85 .004 including B symptoms; HR 95% CI P HR 95% CI P 2.50 1.91 1.31-4.76 0.98-3.72 .006 .06 3.89 4.77 1.12-13.46 0.92-24-82 .03 .06 Prognostic Scores IPI (3-5 vs 0-2) IPS (3-7 vs 0-2) On multivariate regression PFS; several factors were hypoalbuminemia;stage 4 vs 1-3 MGZL had lower risk features but similar PFS and OS than NMGZL at univariate analysis The largest series of GZL reported to date (100 pts). NMGZL has distinct characteristics but similar outcomes than MGZL. Overall PFS appeared inferior to that observed in cHL and DLBCL. OS was excellent, suggesting the success of salvage therapy. LINFOMI DI HODGKIN Terapia HD, Bleomycin and Vincristine reduction ABSTRACT 637 Impact Of Dose Reduction Of Bleomycin and Vincristine In Patients With Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma Treated With Beacopp: A Comprehensive Analysis Of The German Hodgkin Study Group (GHSG) HD12 and HD15 Trials Bastian von Tresckow et al Bleomycin and Vincristine acute and long-term toxicity dose reduction Impact on outcome and tolerability of BEACOPP Retrospective analysis of patients treated within the GHSG trials HD12 (8xBEACOPPescalated versus 4xBEACOPPescalated plus 4xBEACOPPbaseline) and HD15 (8xBEACOPPescalated versus 6xBEACOPPescalated versus 8xBEACOPP14) trials for advanced stages. No significant PFS or OS difference in patients with ≤4 or >4 cycles of bleomycin . No significant PFS or OS difference in patients with ≤3 or >3 cycles of vincristine. Bleomycin and vincristine discontinuation due to drug-specific side effects seemed to be safe in this setting; Bleomycin and vincristine may have a limited role in the BEACOPP regimen. LINFOMI NON HODGKIN Terapia DLBCL ABSTRACT 764 Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) Patients Failing Second-Line R-DHAP Or RICE Chemotherapy Included In The Coral Study Eric Van Den Neste et al • 145 pts included in the CORAL study who failed R-DHAP or R-ICE and could not proceed to scheduled ASCT • Overall response rate to third-line chemotherapy 43% • 64 pts (44%) could eventually be transplanted (ASCT 56, allogeneic SCT 8) OS (months) according to transplantation status in DLBCL pts after third-line regimen (No, no transplantation performed; Yes, transplantation performed). DLBCL ABSTRACT 372 Epirubicin Does Not Lower The Risk Of Cardiac Toxicity Than Doxorubicin In Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) and Follicular Lymphoma Grade 3 (FLG3): Results From a 398-Case Prospective Randomized Phase III Clinical Trial (NCT00854568) Kai Xue et al DLBCL (Stage I-IV, N = 359) FLG3 patients (Stage I-IV, N=38) Randomisation 1:1 CHOP/R+CHOP CEOP/R+CEOP CEOP/R+CEOP not superior to CHOP/ R+CHOP in terms of cardiac toxicity Similar ORR and Complete Remission Rate (CR) : ORR CHOP/R+CHOP vs. CEOP/R+CEOP= 95.8% vs. 96.1% (P=0.895) CR CHOP/R+CHOP vs. CEOP/R+CEOP = 70.0% vs. 72.6% (P=0.695) CHOP regimen is more economic, especially in developing countries. However, CEOP/R+CEOP appear to induce less myeloid suppression than CHOP/R+CHOP DHL, induction and SCT ABSTRACT 640 Impact Of Induction Regimen and Consolidative Stem Cell Transplantation In Patients With Double Hit Lymphoma (DHL): A Large Multicenter Retrospective Analysis Mitul Gandhi et al 106 Pts treated with either R-CHOP, or intensified regimens: RHyperCVAD, R-EPOCH, R-CODOX-M/IVAC, R-ICE. R-EPOCH superior in achieving complete response (CR) compared with RCHOP Primary predictor of OS primary refractory disease Poor outcomes of DHL DLBCL ABSTRACT 849 Dose-Dense Chemoimmunotherapy and Early Central Nervous System Prophylaxis For High-Risk Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Preliminary Results From a Nordic Phase II Study Sirpa Leppa et al Treatment: two courses of high dose (HD)-Mtx in combination with R-CHOP14, four courses of R-CHOEP14 and a course of HD-AraC with R. In addition, liposomal AraC is administered intrathecally in courses 1, 3 and 5. Toxicity: Grade 4 hematological toxicity and infections in 78% and 11% of the patients, grade 3-4 mucositis and gastrointestinal toxicity in 27% and 42%, and grade 3 arachnoiditis in 2.2% of the patients CR, CRu, PR and PD rates at the end of chemoimmunotherapy: 69.0%, 14.3%, 14.3% and 2.4 %, respectively. After a median follow up time of 19 months, four patients have relapsed, two of whom with fatal CNS manifestations. Highly satisfactory response rates and reasonable toxicity despite intensive therapy. HD-Mtx in combination with R-CHOP in the beginning of therapy and further intensification of treatment with CNS targeted liposomal AraC seem feasible and safe. DLBCL ABSTRACT 641 Radiation Therapy Significantly Improves Survival Of Patients With Diffuse Large BCell Lymphoma Associated With MYC Translocation: A Report From The International DLBCL Rituximab-CHOP Consortium Program Zijun Y. Xu-Monette et al Purpose to evaluate the efficacy of radiotherapy as a part of the therapeutic regimen for patients with MYC-translocation+ DLBCL. Patients and methods 581 patients with de novo DLBCL treated with standard R-CHOP immunochemotherapy Results • MYC translocations in 59 DLBCL patients. These patients more often had bulky tumors, involvement of multiple extranodal sites, and poorer OS and PFS • Poor survival primarily attributable to patients with MYC+/BCL2+ double-hit • Radiotherapy abolished the adverse impact of MYC translocations. • Radiotherapy associated with better survival in the subset of patients with MYC+/BCL2+ double-hit lymphoma • Multivariate analysis after adjustment for stage and IPI score validated that radiotherapy significantly improved OS (HR: .28, 95% CI: .10 - .81, P= .018) and PFS (HR: .32, 95% CI: .13 .80, P= .015) of MYC-translocation+ DLBCL patients DLBCL, Lenalidomide ABSTRACT 248 Lenalidomide In Combination With R-CHOP (R2-CHOP) In Patients With High Burden Follicular Lymphoma: Phase 2 Study Herve Tilly et al Combination of lenalidomide and rituximab yields high response rates in patients with FL Methods: • 80 Pts with previously untreated FL grade 1, 2 or 3a and a high tumor burden. • Induction therapy with 6 cycles of R2-CHOP given every 3 weeks (25 mg oral lenalidomide on days 1-14) followed by two additional rituximab infusions primary endpoint: complete remission (CR/CRu) rate74% and ORR 94% secondary endpoint: safety (Hematologic toxicity was in the range of that observed with R-CHOP regimen ), PFS, OS DLBCL, Lenalidomide ABSTRACT 250 High Response Rate To Combination Lenalidomide-Rituximab In FcγRIIIa-F Carriers With Indolent Or Mantle Cell Lymphomas Previously Refractory To Rituximab Elise A. Chong et al Fc-gamma receptor RIIIA (FCGR3A) polymorphisms at aa 158 (V/V vs. V/F and F/F) impact on ORR, CR, time to progression Part I: Lenalidomide + Desamatasone Part II: Lenalidomide + Desamatasone + Rituximab (cycle 3) Lenalidomide + dexamethasone were continued during and subsequent to rituximab; stable and responding pts continued lenalidomide + dexamethasone until disease progression or development of clinically unacceptable toxicity DLBCL, Lenalidomide ABSTRACT 850 Final Results Of Phase II Study Of Lenalidomide Plus Rituximab-CHOP21 In Elderly Untreated Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Focusing On The Analysis Of Cell Of Origin: REAL07 Trial Of The Fondazione Italiana Linfomi Annalisa Chiappella et al Lenalidomide showed activity in heavily pretreated DLBCL and in vivo and in vitro data demonstrated a synergism with rituximab. In the phase I trial REAL07 FIL demonstrated that the association of LRCHOP21 was feasible in elderly untreated DLBCL Inclusion criteria: Age: 60-80 FIT untreated CD20+ DLBCL Ann Arbor stage: II/III/IV IPI: low-intermediate/intermediate-high/high (LI/IH/H) risk 49 pts treated with RCHOP21 + 15 mg lenalidomide from day 1 to 14 for 6 courses Results: ORR= 92%. CR= 42 (86%) PR= 3 (6%). 2-year OS (median follow-up of 28 months)= 92%; PFS= 80%; EFS= 70% Hematological and extra-hematological toxicities were mild, with no grade IV extra-hematological events and no toxic deaths during treatment ORR for GCB and non-GCB= 88%; 2-year PFS (median follow-up of 28 months)= 71% in GCB-group and 81% in non-GCB-group LRCHOP21 is effective, also in poor risk patients, namely in non-GCB subgroup MCL, Lenalidomide ABSTRACT 247 Combination Biologic Therapy Without Chemotherapy As Initial Treatment For Mantle Cell Lymphoma: Multi-Center Phase II Study Of Lenalidomide Plus Rituximab Jia Ruan et al INDUCTION PHASE - Lenalidomide: 20 mg daily on days 1-21 (28-day cycle for 12 cycles), with dose escalation to 25 mg daily if tolerated. - Rituximab (standard dose): weekly x 4 during cycle 1, then once every other cycle, for a total of 9 doses MANTEINECE PHASE From cycle 13. - Lenalidomide: 15 mg daily on days 1-21 of a 28-day cycle. - Rituximab maintenance once every other cycle until progression of disease. The preliminary ORR for evaluable patients (27) is 77% with 40% CR/CRu. Median time to objective response was 2.8 months, with CR typically confirmed between 6-12 months Neither MIPI score nor Ki67 index correlated with response This study provides the first demonstration that a chemotherapy-free, combination biologic approach is feasible as initial therapy for mantle cell lymphoma Preliminary efficacy data on response rates are encouraging Rituximab manteinance ABSTRACT 509 Updated 6 Year Follow-Up Of The PRIMA Study Confirms The Benefit Of 2-Year Rituximab Maintenance In Follicular Lymphoma Patients Responding To Frontline Immunochemotherapy Gilles Andre Salles, et al With 3 additional years of follow-up, these data demonstrate a sustained and persistent benefit of 2 years of rituximab maintenance therapy after immunochemotherapy, resulting in improved progression free survival. No additional or unexpected long term toxicities were observed and second line therapy efficacy results did not significantly differ between the 2 study arms. Overall survival appears very favourable for these randomized patients. ABSTRACT 851 Rituximab Maintenance Significantly Prolongs Event Free (EFS) and Progression Free Survival (PFS) In Male Patients With Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma In The NHL13 Study Ulrich Jaeger et al Idelalisib NUOVI FARMACI ABSTRACT 85 Mature Response Data From a Phase 2 Study Of PI3K-Delta Inhibitor Idelalisib In Patients With Double (Rituximab and Alkylating Agent)-Refractory Indolent B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (iNHL) Ajay Gopal, Brad S. Kahl, Sven De Vos IDELALISIB, oral inhibitor of PI3Kδ double-refractory iNHL • 125 patients iNHL “double-refractory” to rituximab + alkylating agents (BR, R-CHOP) • 150 mg PO BID was administered continuously until disease progression or intolerance. Idelalisib was well tolerated, had an acceptable safety profile, and was highly effective in this doublerefractory iNHL population with an ORR of 57%. Kahl B S et al. Blood 2013;122:85 Brentuximab ABSTRACT 367 Phase II Trial Of Brentuximab Vedotin For CD30+ Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphomas and Lymphoproliferative Disorders Madeleine Duvic, et al. Population: 48 patients with primary cutaneous CD30+ lymphoproliferative disorders including lymphomatoid papulosis (LyP) and primary cutaneous pc-ALCL (pc-ALCL) or CD30+ mycosis fungoides (MF) Results: ORR= 71% (34/48) with CR of 35% (17/48) ORR= 50% in 28 MF patients regardless of whether their lesions had low, medium, or high CD30 at baseline. LyP and pc-ALCL patients had a 100% ORR and two pc-ALCL patients had CRs PFS = 9.7 years from diagnosis and 1.68 years from first dose. Soluble CD30 levels from baseline to end of study differed significantly among those patients achieving a CR compared to those with PR or SD (p= 0.036). The most common related adverse event (AE) of any grade was peripheral neuropathy (PN) in 29/48 (60%) Conclusion: This phase II clinical trial demonstrates that brentuximab vedotin is active for mycosis fungoides (ORR 50%) irrespective of level of CD30+ expression. The ORR was 100% for CD30+ pc-ALCL, and LyP patients and was 71% with a CR of 36% for all evaluable patients. Brentuximab ABSTRACT 848 A Phase 2 Study Of Brentuximab Vedotin In Patients With Relapsed Or Refractory CD30-Positive Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas: Interim Results In Patients With DLBCL and Other B-Cell Lymphomas Nancy L. Bartlett,Jeff P. Sharman, Yasuhiro Oki • 43 DLBCL patients, 40% objective response (7 CR, 10 partial remission PR); • 18 patients with other Bcell neoplasms, 22% achieved an objective response: PMBL (1 CR), PTLD (1 CR), and grey zone lymphoma (2 PRs); • No correlation between CD30 expression and response rate has been observed. Ibrutinib ABSTRACT 251 A Prospective Multicenter Study Of The Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Ibrutinib In Patients With Relapsed Or Refractory Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Steven Peter Treon, Christina K Tripsas, Maria Lia Palomba MYD88 L265P is present in >90% of patients with Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia and supports malignant growth via signaling involving Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase. Ibrutinib inhibits BTK, and in vitro induces apoptosis of WM cells bearing MYD88 L265P. WHIM-like mutations in CXCR4 are present in 1/3 of patients with WM, and their expression induces BTK activity and confers decreased sensitivity to ibrutinib mediated growth suppression in WM cells. 63 patients trated with 420 mg of oral ibrutinib daily for 2 years or until progression, or unacceptable toxicity Ibrutinib ABSTRACT 852 Combining Ibrutinib With Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Vincristine, and Prednisone (R-CHOP): Updated Results From a Phase 1b Study In Treatment-Naïve Patients With CD20-Positive B-Cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) Anas Younes et al, Eligibility criteria: Stage 1AX to stage IV disease ≥ 1 measurable disease site Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score: 0-2 Adequate bone marrow, liver, and renal function PART 1 Ibrutinib at 280, 420, or 560 mg/d + standard doses of R-CHOP PART 2 Ibrutinib at the RP2D (560 mg) with standard doses of R-CHOP (eligible patients with newly diagnosed DLBCL) The current ORR for all evaluable patients across Parts 1 and 2 is 100%: Part 1 (n = 15; final data), complete response (CR) 73%, partial response (PR) 27%; Part 2 (n = 15; interim data), CR 60%, PR 40%; DLBCL patients (n = 22; interim data), CR 64%, PR 36%. The combination of ibrutinib and R-CHOP has an acceptable safety profile in treatment-naïve patients with NHL, with no new toxicities noted. Zevalin ABSTRACT 369 A Randomized Phase II Study Comparing Consolidation With a Single Dose Of 90y Ibritumomab Tiuxetan (Zevalin®) (Z) Vs. Maintenance With Rituximab (R) For Two Years In Patients With Newly Diagnosed Follicular Lymphoma (FL) Responding To RCHOP. Preliminary Results At 36 Months From Randomization Armando Lopez-Guillermo et al. Crizotinib ABSTRACT 368 High Response Rates To Crizotinib In Advanced, Chemoresistant ALK+ Lymphoma Patients Sara Redaelli et al. Crizotinib , ALK inhibitor Crizotinib exerted a potent antitumor activity in advanced ALK+ lymphoma and produced durable responses in this population of heavily pre-treated patients, with a benign safety profile. ABSTRACT 505 A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Of The Efficacy and Safety Of Siltuximab, An Anti-Interleukin-6 Monoclonal Antibody, In Patients With Multicentric Castleman’s Disease Raymaond S Wong et al 79 patients were randomized and treated with siltuximab (n=53) or placebo (n=26) from Feb 2010 to Feb 2013 Nella speranza che le mie indicazioni vi siano state utili……… Vi ringrazio per l’attenzione
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