HOTELSKA KNJIGA Hotel book w w DOBRO DOŠLI Welcome Dragi Gosti, želimo Vam dobrodošlicu u Heritage Hotelu Martinis Marchi. Povijest i ljepota spojeni u prekrasnom ambijentu 300 godina starog i renoviranog dvorca, koji okružen bajkovitim vrtom, predstavljaju idealnu lokaciju za relaksaciju tijela i uma. Osjetite djelić Mediteranske magije u svim djelovima našeg objekta. Razmazite sva svoja osjetila na terasi restorana Martinis Marchi i dopustite da Vam pomognemo u stvaranju nezaboravnih sjećanja na Vaš boravak. Dear quest, we wish you a warm welcome in our Martinis Marchi heritage Hotel. History and beauty have come together in this amazing ambient of 300-year old restored castle surrounded by fabulous garden, which is an ideal place for the relaxation of body and mind. In all our facilities you will enjoy in supreme and private luxury amid magic atmosphere of the Mediterranean. Spoil all your senses at Martinis Marchi restaurant terrace and let us help you create your unforgettable moments. Martinis Marchi Team Kućni red Prijava / odjava ⏴ Prilikom ulaska u Hotel baštinu Martinis-Marchi molimo Vas da se prijavite na recepciji. ⏴ Hotelska soba Vam je na raspolaganju od 14.00 h nadalje. ⏴ Molimo Vas da na dan odlaska sobu napustite do 11.00 h. ⏴ U slučaju kasnijeg odlaska iz Hotela molimo Vas da odlazak najavite recepciji najkasnije do 21.00 sati predhodnog dana. Obroci ⏴ Doručak se poslužuje od 08.00 h do 11.00 h na terasi restorana. ⏴ Molimo Vas da ukoliko želite večerati u našem restoranu, rezervirate stol do 17.00 h. Za ručak nisu potrebne rezervacije. ⏴ Molimo Vas da osobno potpisujete račune za sve vrste Hotelskih usluga. Hotelska soba ⏴ Posjeti u sobi nisu dopušteni. Molimo Vas da za druženje ili razgovor s Vašim Gostima iskoristite prostor našeg salona, restorana ili terase bazena. ⏴ Molimo Vas isključite klima uređaj kada su otvoreni prozori, ulazna ili balkonska vrata u Vašoj sobi. ⏴ Unos lakozapaljivih ili eksplozivnih materijala te unos predmeta neugodna mirisa nije dopušten ni u koji prostor Hotela. ⏴ Mrežni napon je 220 V. Uporaba grijačih tijela (glačala, kuhala ili dr.) u sobama nije dozvoljena. ⏴ Prema Zakonu o ograničavanju uporabe duhanskih proizvoda pušenje nije dopušteno u svim javnim i zatvorenim prostorima Hotela, te kršenje navedenog uvjetovat će plaćanjem određene novčane naknade. ⏴ Molimo Vas da pri izlasku iz sobe obvezno zatvorite vrata. Ključeve sobe pri izlasku iz Hotela nije potrebno vraćati na recepciju. ⏴ Molimo Vas da ključeve sobe vratite prilikom odjave iz Hotela. ⏴ Molimo Vas da ne stvarate buku koja bi mogla smetati ostalim Gostima u sobama, hodnicima i javnim prostorima Hotela, posebno u razdoblju od 22.00 do 8.00 sati. w w ⏴ U Hotelskoj je sobi dopušteno držanje kućnog ljubimca uz prethodnu najavu, određenu nadoplatu te uz poštivanje kućnog reda. Molimo Vas da ne ostavljate kućne ljubimce bez nadzora. ⏴ Molimo da sve eventualne kvarove u sobi odmah prijavite na recepciji Hotela. ⏴ Gost je odgovoran za eventualne štete nastale njegovom krivnjom ili krivnjom osobe za koju je on odgovoran. Gost je dužan eventualne štete nadoknaditi prije odjave iz Hotela. ⏴ Čišćenje sobe održava se svakodnevno kroz jutarnje sate do 11:00. Ukoliko ne želite čišćenje sobe tog jutra ili želite čišćenje kasnije, molimo vas da kontaktirate recepciju radi dogovora. ⏴ Pri izlasku iz sobe molimo da stavite privjesnicu za čišćenje na vanjsku stranu vrata. Čuvanje novca i dragocjenosti ⏴ Svoje dragocjenosti možete pohraniti u sigurnosnom sefu koji se nalazi u ormaru Hotelske sobe. Korištenje sefa je besplatno. ⏴ Hotel ne snosi odgovornost za bilo kakve dragocjenosti ili novac ostavljen u sobi. Usluga pranja i glačanja ⏴ Ukoliko želite koristiti uslugu pranja i glačanja, posložite odjeću u vrećicu za rublje koja se nalazi u ormaru ili radnom stolu. Molimo da ispunite obrazac koji se nalazi pored vrećice te ga predate zajedno s Vašom odjećom. ⏴ Za usluge glačanja molimo Vas da se javite na recepciju ili Hotelskom domaćinstvu. Mini bar ⏴ Mini bar se puni svakodnevno. Domaćinstvo Hotela će potrošnju pića iz mini bara evidentirati te predati recepciji za konačni obračun. Dress code ⏴ Molimo Vas da se javnim prostorima Hotela ne krećete u neprikladnoj odjeći, npr. u pidžami, donjem rublju, kupaćem kostimu i da prilikom posjeta našem restoranu budete prikladno odjeveni. Kretanje bilo kojim javnim prostorom Hotela bez obuće, mokri s plaže ili bazena nije dopušteno. Knjiga žalbe nalazi se na recepciji w w House rules Check in/check out ⏴ Upon arrival in the Hotel Heritage Martinis Marchi please sign up at the reception. ⏴ Hotel room is available from 14.00 hours onwards. ⏴ On the day of departure please leave your room until 11.00. In case you are going to leave room later please inform us at the Hotel reception no later than 21.00 hours at the previous day. Meals ⏴ Breakfast is served from 08.00 hours to 11.00 hours on the terrace. ⏴ If you want to dine in our restaurant please make table reservation until noon. ⏴ The reservations for lunch are not necessary. ⏴ Please sign personally invoices for all types of Hotel services. Hotel Room ⏴ Visitors are not allowed in rooms. Please use our salon, restaurant or swiming pool terrace for socializing and meetings. ⏴ Please turn off the air conditioning when the windows or front doors in your room are opened. ⏴ Entering flammable or explosive materials and input objects odor is not permitted in any of the Hotel room. ⏴ Supply voltage is 220 V. The use of heating elements (iron, stoves, or other) in the rooms is not allowed. ⏴ According to the law restricting the use of tobacco smoking is prohibited in all public areas of the Hotel and closed areas as well, not following this instruction will dictate to pay certain compensation. ⏴ Please make sure you close the door before leaving the room. The room key is not necessary return at the Hotel reception any time you leave the room. ⏴ Please return the room keys upon check-out. ⏴ Please do not make noise that could disturb other Guests in the rooms, corridors and public areas of the Hotel, especially in the period from 22.00 w w hours to 08.00 hours. ⏴ Pets are allowed in the Hotel but only with a prior announcement and additional charge. Please do not leave pets unattended. ⏴ Please promptly report any malfunction or failure in the room at the reception desk. ⏴ Guest is responsible for any damage caused by his fault or the fault of the person for whom he is responsible. ⏴ Guest is obliged to compensate for any damage prior to check-out. ⏴ Cleaning rooms is held daily throughout the morning hours until 11:00. If you do not want to clean the room that morning, or you want to have it cleaned later, please contact the reception for agreement. ⏴ When leaving the room, please put the ticket for cleaning on the outside of the door. Keeping money and valuables ⏴ You can store your valuables in the safety deposit box, located in the Hotel room closet. Using safety deposit box is free. ⏴ Hotel is not responsible for any valuables or money left in the room. Laundry and ironing ⏴ If you want to use hotel service for laundry and ironing, please sort clothes into a bag that is located in a closet or desk. Please fill the form out and submit it along with your clothes. ⏴ For ironing services please contact us at the Hotel reception desk or household. Mini bar ⏴ The consumption of Hotel minibar drinks should be recorded by household and will be used for a final showdown account. Dress code ⏴ We kindly ask you not to enter the Hotel common areas dressed inappropriately, e.g. in pyjamas, underwear, beachwear and to be dressed appropriately during a visit to our restaurant. . Guests are not allowed to walk in any of the common areas without footwear on, or to walk around wet when returning from the beach or the pool. You will find a complaints book at the reception! w w Internet Poštovani Gosti, naš Hotel Vam pruža mogućnost spajanja na internet: 📶/🔁 Bežično ili kabelski Korisničko ime: Martinis Marchi Hotel Lozinka: hotelhl14 Osoblje Hotela baštine Martinis Marchi Ako trebate našu pomoć, rado ćemo Vam pomoći! Dear Guests, we offer you internet connections: 📶/🔁Wireless or cable Username: Martinis Marchi Hotel Password: hotelhl14 The Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel staff In case you need our assistance, we would be glad to help! Telefonski brojevi Hotela / Hotel`s phone numbers: Recepcija 10 Restoran 22 Saloon 20 TV soba 19 PRISTUP / ACCESS POINTS Martinis Marchi Hotel Martinis Marchi restaurant PASSWORD hotelhl14 restohl14 w w K lima Air conditioner KONTROLA TEMPERATURE U SOBI ROOM TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER - INSTUCTION ➦ Kada je klima upaljena LCD ekran pokazuje trenutnu temperaturu u sobi / The LCD displays automatic and currently room temperature, when turned on LCD DISPLAY ➦ 1. FAN OVERRIDE 2.UNIT ENABLE SETPOINT WHEEL ➦ 3. BYPASS ➦ Klima je namještena na standardiziranu temperaturu sobe od 22 0C / The default room temperature is approx. 22 0C Za postaviti veću temperaturu okrenite krug (maksimalno 5 0C više) / To set higher temperature turn down the SET POINT WHEEl (max 5 0C higher) Za isključivanje klima uređaja pritisnite UNIT ENABLE tipku / To turn of the air conditioning press UNIT ENABLED (The LCD displays manual, when turned off) SEF Safety deposit box Upute / instructions ⏴ Za zatvoriti / To close: 1. upišite 4-znamenkasti broj / Enter a 4 digit code 2. držite vrata zatvorenima i pritisnite “lock” / Hold the door closed and press “lock” ⏴ Za otvoriti / To open: 1.upisite svoju šifru / enter your code ⏴ Važno! Prije odjave iz Hotela ne zaboravite uzeti svoje osobne stvari iz sefa i ostaviti ga otvorenog Important! Before checking out, please remember to remove your personal items from the safety deposit box and leave it open for the next Guest. TV Dragi Gosti, da biste gledali TV program 1.Upalite TV Samsung sa daljinskim upravljačem 2.Upalite digitalni prijemnik sa daljinskim upravljačem 3.Sačekajte signal da dođe - NYTRO BOX 4.Na digitalnom prijemniku pretražujte programe 5.Za pristup listi programa pritisnite OK/list 6.Za biranje jezika pritisnite FAV 7.Pritiskom OK pokrećete listu Dear Guests, to watch TV program 1.Turn on TV - SAMSUNG remote control 2.Turn on digital receiver - NYTRO BOX remote control 3.Wait until the signal appears 4.Changing of TV and radio channels is done throught the digital receiver NYTRO BOX 5.To acces the lists of programs press the button OK/list 6.To acces lists of different languages press FAV favorites 7. Enter the list by pressing OK button German TV PROGRAM / LIST FAVORITES Italian Russian France/Spain Eurosport Dsf Das Erste Zdf Bayerisches Fs Fernsehn Wdr Koeln Br Alfa Swr Sat 1 Rtl Rtl 2 Mtv Austria Viva Germany Rai Sport Rai Uno Rai Duo Rai Tre Italia 1 Chanale 5 Rete Quattro Rai Notizie 24 K2 Rai Gulp Rai Scuola Tv 2000 Rai Storia Rai Nett 1 Tv Rus Eu Rtr R1 Russia Today Rus Al Yaum Tv Polonia Tvp Historia Tvp Kultura Tvp Info Vesti Viva Polska Tbn Rusia Liberty Tv Fr Deluxe Music Tve Int Rtpi Canaris Tv Galicija Kto France 24 M6 Boutique Tw1 w w News Cnn Sky News Int Cnbc Europe Bbc World Euronews Minibar Poštovani, na raspolaganju Vam je naša ponuda minibar-a. Dear Guest, this minibar offer is at your disposal. Minibar ListA / LIST sadrŽaj / CONTENTS cijena / kom price / unit Beck’s 0,25 l Karlovačko Twist Off 0,25 l Babić 0,2 l Malvazija Laguna 0,2 l Crni Pinot 0,2 l Johnny Walker 0,05 l Freixenet 0,2 l Jamnica 0,25 l Jana 0,33 l Juicy Orange Nectar 0,2l Ice Tea Peach 0,2 l w w 23,00 kn 23,00 kn 46,00 kn 41,00 kn 46,00 kn 58,00 kn 64,00 kn 21,00 kn 21,00 kn 28,00 kn 23,00 kn PRANJE RUBLJA Laundry & ironing Robu koju dostavite do 12.00 sati biti će vraćena najkasnije sutradan do 12.00 sati. Za hitne slučajeve po dogovoru s recepcijom. Laundry given till 12.00 o’clock will be returned the next day by 12.00 o’clock at the latest. For urgent cases by agreement on reception. ARTIKAL / ITEM Košulja kratki rukav / Shirt short sleeves Košulja dugi rukav / Shirt long sleeves Majica kratki rukav / T-shirt short sleeves Majica dugi rukav / T-shirt long sleeves Donje rublje / Underware Spavačica / Nightgown Pidžama / Pyjama Čarape / Socks Maramice / Hankerchiefs Hlače kratke / Short pants Hlače / Pants Hlače / Pants (kemijsko čišćenje / dry cleaning) Džemper / Pullover Odijelo / Suit (kemijsko čišćenje / dry cleaning) Jaketa / Jacket (kemijsko čišćenje / dry cleaning) Haljina / Dress pranje i peglanje* laundry & ironing* samo peglanje only ironing 40,00 kn 45,00 kn 22,00 kn 25,00 kn 15,00 kn 40,00 kn 35,00 kn 10,00 kn 5,00 kn 40,00 kn 50,00 kn 70,00 kn 45,00 kn 120,00 kn 80,00 kn 40,00 kn 25,00 kn 30,00 kn 12,00 kn 20,00 kn * Ne može se odvajati / Not seperable Molimo Vas ispunite obrazac, koji se nalazi s vrećicom za pranje rublja i priložite ga uz robu. Please fill out the form which you will find with the laundry bag, and leave it with the laundry. w w 25,00 kn 30,00 kn 50,00 kn 25,00 kn Cjenik 2014 Cjenik u kunama (HRK) - Cijena sobe na dan - Doručak uključen. Cjenik u Eurima (€) informativno. PDV je uključen u cijenu. SEZONA A B C 1.01.-28.03. 29.03.-16.05. 17.05.-13.06. 1.11.-31.12. 13.09.-31.10. Soba I / Kavanjinove odaje 1.390 (180€) 1.540 (200€) 1.850 (240€) Soba II / Vitezovićeve odaje 1.390 (180€) 1.540 (200€) 1.850 (240€) Soba III / Odaje vojvode Lorenskog 1.850 (240€) 2.080 (270€) 2.390 (310€) Obiteljska soba IV / Odaje Von Erlach 2.540 (330€) 2.850 (370€) 3.310 (430€) Apartman V / Odaje Vojvode Savojskog 2.460 (320€) 2.700 (350€) 3.000 (390€) Apartman VI / Carska kula Karla IV 4.160 (540€) 4.620 (600€) 5.390 (700€) Zakup cijelog Dvorca 2014 15.320 (1.990€) 16.860 (2.190€) 19.940 (2.590€) SEZONA Soba I / Kavanjinove odaje Soba II / Vitezovićeve odaje Soba III / Odaje vojvode Lorenskog Obiteljska soba IV / Odaje Von Erlach Apartman V / Odaje Vojvode Savojskog Apartman VI / Carska kula Karla IV Zakup cijelog Dvorca 2014 D E 14.06.-18.07. 23.08.-12.09. 19.07.-22.08. 2.540 (330€) 2.540 (330€) 3.080 (400€) 4.000 (520€) 3.620 (470€) 6.930 (900€) 25.330 (3.290€) 3.390 (440€) 3.390 (440€) 4.160 (540€) 5.620 (730€) 5.390 (700€) 10.000 (1.300€) 35.340 (4.590€) Napomene Korisne informacije •Turistička taksa nije uključena u cijenu. Iznosi 6 kn •Check in je od 14.00 sati, a check out (0,8 €) po osobi u sezoni, 4,5 kn (0,6 €) u pred i pod sezoni i 3,5 kn (0.5 €) van sezone. Djeca u dobi od 12 do 18 godina plaćaju 50% od tog iznosa. Djeca do 12 godina i invalidi su oslobođeni plaćanja turističke takse. •Dodatni krevet us sobi se posebno naplaćuje 580 kn (75 €). Djeca do 3 godine su oslobođena plaćanja. Djeca od 3 do 12 godina plaćaju 50% iznosa. •Martinis Marchii Heritage Hotel dozvoljava pse. Dodatni iznos za psa pod danu je 150 kn (20 €). •Sve cijene su podložne promjeni. Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel zadržava pravo izmjene cijena u odnosu na promjenu tečaja +/- 10%. je do 11.00 sati. •Sve sobe i apartmani su opremljeni TV-om i satelitom, Wi-Fi pristupom, mini barom, sušilom za kosu, sefom, klima uređajem i podnim grijanjem. •Martinis Marchi Heritage Hotel je zatvoren od Studenog do Travnja svake godine. Hotel će se rado otvoriti svoja vrata i van sezone u slučaju posebnog korištenja Dvorca na duži period ili za posebne događaje, vjenčanja, sastanke, kongrese, itd. U tom slučaju vrijede drugi uvjeti. w w Price list 2014 Pricelist in Kuna (HRK) - Rates per ROOM, per DAY - Breakfast included. Prices in Euro (€) only as information. VAT included. SEASONS A B C 1.01.-28.03. 29.03.-16.05. 17.05.-13.06. 1.11.-31.12. 13.09.-31.10. Room I / The Kavanjin Suite 1.390 (180€) 1.540 (200€) 1.850 (240€) Room II / The Vitezovic Suite 1.390 (180€) 1.540 (200€) 1.850 (240€) Room III / The Suite of Duke Lorenski 1.850 (240€) 2.080 (270€) 2.390 (310€) Family Room IV / The Von Erlach Suite 2.540 (330€) 2.850 (370€) 3.310 (430€) Suite V / The Suite of Duke Savoyski 2.460 (320€) 2.700 (350€) 3.000 (390€) Suite VI / The Imperial Tower of Karlo VI 4.160 (540€) 4.620 (600€) 5.390 (700€) Exclusive use of the Castle 2014 15.320 (1.990€) 16.860 (2.190€) 19.940 (2.590€) SEASONS Room I / The Kavanjin Suite Room II / The Vitezovic Suite Room III / The Suite of Duke Lorenski Family Room IV / The Von Erlach Suite Suite V / The Suite of Duke Savoyski Suite VI / The Imperial Tower of Karlo VI Exclusive use of the Castle 2014 D E 14.06.-18.07. 23.08.-12.09. 19.07.-22.08. 2.540 (330€) 2.540 (330€) 3.080 (400€) 4.000 (520€) 3.620 (470€) 6.930 (900€) 25.330 (3.290€) 3.390 (440€) 3.390 (440€) 4.160 (540€) 5.620 (730€) 5.390 (700€) 10.000 (1.300€) 35.340 (4.590€) Notes Useful Information •Tourist tax is not included in rates. It amounts 6 kn (0,8 €) per person in high season, 4,5 kn (0,6 €) in pre - and post season and 3,5 kn (0.5 €) out of season. Children from the age of 12 to 18 pay 50% of that amount. Children under age of 12 and invalids do not pay the tourist tax. • Extra charge for additional bed in room costs 580 kn (75 €). Children under age of 3 are free of charge. Children from the age of 3 to 12 pay 50% of that amount. • The Martinis-Marchi Heritage Hotel welcomes pets. Extra charge for pets is 150 kn (20 €) per day. Based on the estimate the hotel reserves the right to refuse the accommodation of pets. • All prices are subject to change. The Martinis-Marchi Heritage Hotel remains the right to change the prices in respect of the exchange rate +/- 10%. •Check in time from 14.00, and check out time until 11.00. • All suites are equipped with television with satellite, telephone, Wi-Fi access, mini bar, hair dryer, safe, air conditioner and floor heating. • The Martinis-Marchi Heritage Hotel is closed from November to April each year. The hotel would be pleased to open its doors out of the season in case of the exclusive use of the castle for a longer period or special events, weddings, meetings, congresses, etc. In this case please ask for additional conditions. w w R ezervacije & otkaz Reservation & Cancelation 1. Za potvrdu rezervacije potrebno je uplatiti depozit od 30% od ukupnog iznosa ili poslati autorizaciju kreditne kartice. 2. Zakup dvorca Martinis Marchi uključuje: a. Korištenje bazena, konferencijske sale, blagovaone (uključujući piano, TV, HiFi, stol u blagovaoni), i pripadajućeg vrta Hotela. b. Svakodnevna usluga čišćenja, održavanja i recepcije. c. Želimo Vam obratiti pozornost da je Martinis Marchi restoran otvoren za sve Goste, neovisno o korištenju hotela. Isto vrijedi i za Goste wellness tretmana. 3. Hotel zadržava pravo da otkaže rezervaciju 30 dana prije dolaska (ne odnosi se na zakup dvorca), u tom slučaju Gost ima pravo na 30% popusta na sljedeći slobodan period koji je prikladan za oboje, Hotel i Gosta. 4. U slučaju otkaza od strane Gosta: a. Do 30 dana prije dolaska Gosta vraća se cijeli iznos depozita. U slučaju otkaza zakupljenog dvorca depozit se ne vraća. b. Od 30 do 7 dana 30% depozita se neće vratiti. c. Otkaz u periodu od 7 dana prije dolaska će se smatrati kao nedolazak i ukupni iznos rezervacije će se naplatiti ako Hotel ne bude u mogućnosti prodati sobe po istim uvjetima u kratkom periodu. 5. Popust: a. Early booking - 10% popusta - Sve rezervacije koje su potvrđene i za njih je plaćen depozit od 30% do 01.03.2014. b. Duži boravak (više od 5 dana) - 10% popusta. c. Mogućnost popusta na grupe i na produženi boravak. d. Popusti se ne mogu zbrajati. Najveći iznos popusta je 15%. 1. To confirm reservation it is necessary to make a deposit payment in amount of 30% of total cost or send credit card authorization. 2. The exclusive use of the castle Martinis-Marchi includes: a. Use of the pool, conference room, living room (includes piano, TV, HiFi, dining table, etc.), and the hotel park. b. Everyday service of housekeeping, maintenance and concierge/reception is obligatory. c. Please, note that the Martinis-Marchi a la carte restaurant is open for all Guests, independently of the hotel use. The same is valid for wellness treatments of individual Guests. 3. Hotel reserves the right to cancel the reservation up to 30 days before the arrival (not applicable on exclusive use of the castle), in that case the Guest has the right on 30% discount on the next available period that is convenient for both, hotel and Guest. 4. In case of cancellation by the Guest: a. Until 30 days before the arrival of Guest complete refund of deposit. In case of the cancellation of exclusive use of the castle deposit is not refundable. b. From 30 days until 7 days 30% deposit will not be refunded. c. Cancellation within period of 7 days before arrival will be treated as no show and the complete amount of reservation will be charged if the hotel is not able to sell the suite(s) to the same conditions in such a short time. 5. Discount: a. Early booking - 10 % discount. - All reservations which are confirmed and paid 30% of deposit till 01.03.2014. b. Longer stay (more than 5 days) - 10% discount. c. The possibility for discount on groups and longer stays. d. Discounts are not cumulative. Max amount of discounts is 15%. w w OPA SNOST Danger Upoznajte se sa: stubištima, izlazima, protupožarnim sredstvima i aparatima. Otkrijete li požar, odmah javite recepciji. Molimo Vas slijedite dobivene upute i ostanite pribrani. Molimo Vašu pomoć u spriječavanju požara: • ZABRANJENO PUŠENJE u zatvorenim prostorijama • NE koristite se vlastitim električnim aparatima i grijalicama. Zahvaljujemo Vam na razumijevanju i suradnji. Acquaint yourself with the location of: staircases, exits, fire-alarm facilities and fire extinguishers. Please comply with the instructions of safety personnel. Keep your presence of mind. Should you discover a fire, please report immediately. Please assist in avoiding fires: • SMOKING IS FORBIDDEN in enclosed areas • DO NOT use your own heating and/or thermal appliances. Your compliance with the above request would be appreciated. w w
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