Latest Bulletin - Saint Athanasius Greek Orthodox Church

March 2015
Lenten Pilgrimage
The Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian
Προσευχή του Αγίου Εφραίμ του Σύρου
O Lord and Master of my life,
Take from me the will to be lazy and sad;
The desire to get ahead of other people
and to boast and brag.
Κύριε και Δέσποτα της
ζωής μου, πνεύμα αργίας,
περιεργείας φιλαρχίας,
καί αργολογίας μή μοι δώς.
Give me instead a pure and humble spirit
the will to be patient with other people
And to love them.
Πνεύμα δε σωφροσύνης,
ταπεινοφροσύνης, υπομονής,
και αγάπης χάρισαι μοι τώ
σώ δούλω.
Lord, let me realize my own mistakes
And keep me from judging what other people do
For You are blessed now and forevermore.
Ναι, Κύριε Βασιλεύ, δώρησαι
μοι τού οράν τα εμά πταίσματα
και μή κατακρίνειν τον αδελφό
Οτι ευλογητός εί εις
τους αιώνας των αιώνων. Αμήν
4 Appleton Street ■ Arlington, MA 02476 ■ church 781.646.0705
continued on next page
Fr. Kastanas Emergency Voicemail Pager 781.673.2002 ■ fax 781.641.4700 ■ www.saint
Office E-Mail Address:
March 2015, Volume Twenty-Six, Number Seven
OFFICIAL Publication of the Saint Athanasius the Great Greek
Orthodox Church
4 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02476
Sunday Worship Schedule
Winter: Orthros 8:45 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Summer: Orthros 8:00 AM Divine Liturgy 9:15 AM
Rev. Fr. Nicholas M. Kastanas
Publication is the first of each month. Twelve issues are
published yearly. Deadline for notices is the 15th of the prior
Saint Athanasius the Great is a parish under the spiritual and
ecclesial oversight of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of
the Metropolis of Boston of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of
America under the jurisdiction of The Ecumenical Patriarchate
of Constantinople
The St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church in
Arlington, Massachusetts strives to be a living witness of our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our mission as a Parish is to
"Practice Hospitality" (Romans 12:13), as St. Paul so exhorts......
Thus, it is our rich blessing to strive and bring the Light of Christ
to all of God's people, through Orthodox Christian tradition,
education, and philanthropy. We seek to serve the spiritual needs
of our faithful parishioners through the sacramental life of the
Church. By means of outreach and faith in God, we continue our
growth as a living Church by inviting others into the Orthodox
faith through Baptism and/or Chrismation, and educating them
through the establishment of our Christian ministries, programs,
schools, and philanthropic activities.
Church Directory
Parish Office Hours:
M-R 9:00A.M. - 7:00 P.M., F 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
Parish Administrative Assistants…….Stella Kazantzas
& Dimitrios Loucagos
Parish Office……...................................781-646-0705
Fr. Nick Kastanas (Emergency Pager)….781-673-2002
Metropolis of Boston...........................617-277-4742
Archdiocese Website......................
Parish Council Officers
Paul Tsitsopoulos -----------------------------------------President
Ted Speros --------------------------------------- 1st Vice President
Maria Tsaousidis ------------------------------- 2nd Vice President
S. Nicholas Kriketos --------------------------------------Secretary
Bill Karras ---------------------------------Associate Secretary #1
Stefanos Bouboulis---------------------------------------Treasurer
Nikitas Splagounias----------------------Associate Treasurer #1
Dean Ioakimidis------------------------- Associate Treasurer #2
George Katsarakes---------------------- Associate Treasurer #3
Parish Council Members
Athanasios Arvanitis
David Bowling
John Ioakimidis
Peter Ladas
Vassilios Pantazopoulos
Charlie Pappas
Eleanor Profis
Mark Ypsilantis
Parish Ministries and Organizations
Agape Care Team (ACT)-----------------Dn. Markos Nickolas
Choir Director:-----------------------------------Stella Pathiakis
Sunday School Directors----------------Ioannis Moutstatsos
& Cassandra Chamallas (Associate)
Altar Boys (Acolytes):---------------------Fr. Nicholas Kastanas
Parish Council: Stewardship Chair---------Maria Tsaousidis
Philoptochos: President------------------Kathy VanKuilenburg
Protopsaltis---------------------------------------Demetrios Katos
Protopsaltis Emeritus---------------------------------Nikos Pithis
Cantors:--------------------------------------Dimitrios Manolakis,
Spyros Prois, Dimitrios Loucagos
Greek School Teachers-------------------------Popi Moustakas,
Eleni Kosmidis, Vaia Siarkos
G.O.Y.A.: President--------------------------Demi Tsitsopoulos
J.O.Y. & H.O.P.E: Team Members--------------Loula Boretos,
Angie Tsiaras, Olga Patoucheas, Jane Awad, Sofia Loyack,
Anastasia Roukliotis
Little Halos: Director------------------------Kaiti Galanopoulos
Fifties Plus: Committee-------------------------Tina Caramanis,
Aphrodite Darris, Katina Ioakimidis, Irene Paleologos,
Dorothy Zevitas, Katherine Zevitas
Pine Street Inn-----------Randy Fassas, Merope Kapetanakis
Gardening Ministry ------------------------ S. Nicholas Kriketos
Young Adults----------------------------------Dimitrios Loucagos
My Daily Prayer
O Lord, grant me to meet the coming day, evening, and night, with peace.
Help me in all things to rely upon your Holy Will.
In every hour of the day and night, please reveal your Will to me.
Bless my dealings with all who surround me with holy discernment.
Teach me to treat all that comes to me throughout the day, evening and night with peace of soul,
and the firm conviction that YOUR Will and Providence guide me.
In all my deeds and words, guide my thoughts and feelings.
May I act kindly and graciously in every way.
In unforeseen circumstances, let me not forget the statement of faith: “Thy Will be done, on earth,
as it is in Heaven.” Teach me to act firmly and wisely, with love in my heart, and without embittering and
embarrassing others. Give me the strength to bear the fatigue of the coming day and night, with all that it
shall bring.
Direct my will, teach me to pray, help me to practice hospitality always, and You, Yourself, pray in me.
Holy and Great Lent commenced on Monday February 23, 2015.
Pascha/Easter is April 12, 2015.
Prayer is a fundamental staple for our
Lenten Pilgrimage to the "promised land" of our Lord's Resurrection.
Please incorporate these prayers into you daily, if not hourly, routine. Kali Tessarakosti!
A Holy and Prayerful Great Lent to All!
With agape,
Fr. Kastanas
Stewardship Sunday
Please join us for a gratis Lenten luncheon as we celebrate Stewardship
Sunday immediately following Divine Liturgy.
You are encouraged to offer your prayerful thanks and continue in the
fulfillment of your commitment to Christ’s church in thanksgiving for
His many blessings to you. Your stewardship commitment is a testimony
of your dedication to your own spiritual growth and the spreading our
beloved Orthodox faith.
Stewardship is About the Joy of Giving Freely.
Parish Council News
Dear Parishioners,
Kali Sarakosti – Καλή Σαρακοστή!
Good news … Believe it or not, Spring is only days away!!
This has been a hard winter for all of us here in the Northeast; unprecedented snowfalls and extreme cold have
dominated our days and nights. Fortunately, our church has weathered the storms well and thus far, we have not
had any storm related damage. Our biggest challenges to date have been the large heating bills and keeping our
parking area clear of snow and cars. The snow-filled streets and a town-wide street parking ban have made our
parking lot a magnet for people wanting to park their cars and we are doing the best we can to balance being a
good neighbor while maintaining parking for our parishioners, staff and Little Halos families. Please bear with us
while we manage the situation with our volunteer army.
One of the reasons our parking lot remains open is due to the tremendous efforts and generosity of our parishioner
Arthur Gillis. This year especially, Arthur and his son Charlie have gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep
our lot and walk ways clear of snow and ice. And when there was no more room to put the snow, parishioners
Dean Ioakimidis, Jack Iakovou, and friend of our parish Sean Galvin came with their teams and heavy equipment to
haul away snow, opening up our sidewalks and lot. A huge thank you to all for their generosity!
Stewardship Sunday – March 15th
As you know, Stewardship is a critical component of our parish life and in managing our finances. To help us all
become more aware of the meaning of stewardship, we are planning a Stewardship Sunday event on March15. On
this day, we will emphasize Stewardship towards the spiritual dimension of the Church and ourcollective Saint
Athanasius family. Please key an eye out for an upcoming stewardship mailing and plan to join us at church on
March 15th. A special Lenten luncheon for all will also take place in our hall immediately following Liturgy.
Greek Festival 2015 – June 5, 6, 7 … Planning Underway
Our biggest fund raiser of the year is roughly 3 months away. Our co-chairs for this year’s event are Thanasi
Arvanitis, Tasos Georgacopoulos, Dean Ioakimidis, Kathy VanKuilenburg and Mark Ypsilantis. They, along with many
others, have started plans to make this our best festival ever. However, it takes hundreds of volunteers to prepare
for and run the festival; we need your help to pull this off. Please consider reaching out to one of our co-chairs
and joining us at our next meeting on March 9th.
Thank You
Lastly, everybody knows our festival has the best loukoumades of all the festivals … that’s the truth!! Recently, our
30 qt. mixer used to make the loukoumades dough fresh everyday broke and was unrepairable. With the help of
parishioner George Athanasiadis, our parish was introduced John Tsiakos of Univex Corporation who were very
generous in helping us to secure a new 30 qt. mixer. Thank you to George and John!!Now, we just need to find a
new jumbo donut fryer to help make our delicious loukoumades faster during our festival! Please see me if you can
Apostolos Paul Tsitsopoulos,
Parish Council President
News and Announcements
Sunday Catechetical School
After enjoying a winter that we though that never arrived, February welcomed us with mountains of
snow that managed to challenge even the hardiest of New Englanders! We hope that you all fared well,
and that March will soon bring glimpses of Spring! However, despite the cold and the snow, we all
managed to enjoy a very special day on February 8th while celebrating Godparents-Godchildren
Sunday. As it is the tradition for this event, the children exchanged personalized messages with their
godparents. We created a beautiful display with them for all to enjoy and pose for pictures. We thank
all of the families and godparents for their participation to this memorable and heartwarming event,
as well as to the Catechetical Sunday School teachers (Mary, Loula, Val, and Cassandra) who provided
flowers, balloons, supplies and setup help for this event.
The annual Teaching Divine Liturgy was celebrated on the same Sunday. We would like to thank Fr.
Nick for this great teaching opportunity he offers to staff and students every year to learn more and
understand better the Divine Liturgy.
Preparation for the annual St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival have started and students in the
4th -12th grades were emailed the topics and instructions. This year’s Parish Festival will take place
on Saturday, March 28, 2015 in our parish auditorium. Please, encourage your child to participate in
this spiritually rewarding and educational activity.We thank our 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Tina PavlakisBowling for her great efforts in coordinating the event and extend our thanks to all the teachers,
parents and students that will practice, contribute and participate in the event!
On February 23rd we’ll also embarked on our forty day Lenten journey with destination Holy Week
and the glorious celebration of Pascha/Easter. In the Catechetical Sunday School, and hopefully at
home, as teachers, parents and students alike we will learn and practice the spirit of the Lenten season
and enjoy the ‘spiritual fun’ of our Lenten journey. Each of the five Sundays in Lent will bring us a new
opportunity to celebrate, learn and follow the life of the Saints as we proclaim our faith, have quiet
time with God, carry our Cross, struggle to grow in goodness and repent from our sins.
The next staff meeting is scheduled for Sunday March 8th, immediately after the end of classes.
News and Announcements
Feast of the Three Hierarchs/Hellenic Letter Program
On Sunday, February 1, 2015, our Parish of St. Athanasius The Great in Arlington, MA celebrated The
Feast of the Three Hierarchs/Hellenic Letter (St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian, and St.
John Chrysostom) with the 70 children from our Greek School and Little Halos offering songs and
poems in a brief program at the conclusion of Liturgy! These photos capture the sweet moments!
Ministries Sunday
On Sunday, February 1st, 2015, St. Athanasius Church celebrated Ministries Sunday at Saint
Athanasius. It was a great display of all our Ministries, highlighting all our vibrant groups and
organizations. We also debuted our 2015 Ministries handbook, with a picture and contact information
for each group.
Greek School PTO Apokreatiko Family Glendi
On Saturday, February 7th, 2015 the Greek School PTO held an Apokreatiko Family Glendi with
proceeds going to support Greek School events. The event was successful and made many lasting
News and Announcements
Godparents Sunday
On Sunday, February 8, 2015, our Parish celebrated Godparents and Godchildren Sunday. Special
prayers and devotions were offered by Fr. Kastanas with a holy candlelight blessing culminating with
the recitation of the Creed/The Symbol of our Orthodox Faith, by all. A lovely reception was hosted by
our Catechetical School led by the director Dr. Ioannis Moutsatsos assisted by Cassandra Chamallas.
Taverna Night
On Friday, February 20th, 2015, Parishioners took a break from cold and snow to come celebrate
Apokries (Taverna Night) with a fun-filled night of music, food, and fellowship.
News and Announcements
On Saturday, February 7th, 2015, GOYA visited the Philoxenia House. Through their many fundraising
efforts during the year, they were able to donate pillows, sheets, towels, blankets and Tupperware to
fill the needs of the Philoxenia House. The children met the residents, toured the home, and had lunch
together. They were fortunate enough to have Kiria Eleni provide them with a description of the home,
its role in the medical community, and most importantly, its importance to the various patients and
families throughout the years. She explained that the Philoxenia House is supported wholly through
donations. It provides free room and board to patients,
adults and children alike, who come to Boston seeking
medical help. More importantly, it provides the patients
and families with a warm and loving environment in
which to convalesce, as well as emotional support
during their stay. The residents said they felt thankful
and blessed for having this house to stay in during this
difficult time in their lives. The GOYANs were very
moved by the visit, and discussed how they can further
volunteer their time during school vacations and
throughout the year.
GOYA will be planning a ski trip this March at Pat's Peak.
More details and information will be sent out via e-mail
to GOYAns in the near future. Thank you!
GOYA Blacklight Dance
On Friday, February 6th, 2015, GOYA hosted their Annual Blacklight Dance. It was DJ'd by GOYA
member Stavro Ioakimides of Salonica Boys. We had a great turnout!
Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos
Fourth Annual
Lenten Retreat for Women
Sisters, Mothers, Aunts, Daughters and of course Friends!
Friday, March 6 – Saturday, March 7, 2015
St. Methodios Retreat House
Contoocook, NH
His Eminence
Metropolitan Methodios
Reflections on the Historic Meeting Between
His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew and
Pope Francis
Come enjoy the grounds of the lovely retreat center, experience the retreat,
share a meal and make some new friends
Please Join Us!!
Suggested Donation $75
Includes: One night lodging in the Retreat House, Three meals,
and Retreat program
Arrive Friday Afternoon between 4 & 6 p.m.
Depart Saturday Afternoon
For More Information, Please Contact: Parish Office - 781-646-0705
News and Announcements
Elections - May 2015
Please see Joanne Delyani if you are interested in getting on the Board for the next term, June 2015-June 2017. You
do need to be up-to-date with your dues to Philoptochos and your church stewardship in order to participate in the
Dues are Due - $25.00 - Last Reminder
The provision of food cards for the "Homeless and Needy Fund" is open to all parishioners. If you are able, please
donate a $10 food card from Stop & Shop and leave it in the church office for those in need this holiday season. Food
cards are welcome and will continue to be handed out through the month of February. The church office will regulate
the distribution of the cards with care.
Who is Graduating this year?
Being a paid steward of this church brings you many benefits. St. Barbara's Philoptochos is honored to celebrate the
high school and college graduates each year. Graduates are presented with a gift on Graduation Sunday each May.
Every year, we ask parents to inform St. Barbara's their graduates. We strongly urge graduates and their families to be
present in order to receive their gift. Please call 978-663-3936 or email Kathy VanKuilenburg (email below) with your
graduate's name and where they are graduating from.
* * * Graduate submission deadline is APRIL 30, 2015 * * *
We are happy to prepare and present these gifts, therefore, we respectfully decline any submissions after
April 30. Thank you for your understanding
Our next Philoptochos General Assembly will be held on
Thursday, April 2, 2015
7:00 p.m. ~ James Bouboulis Auditorium
We will be visiting the Philoxenia House and Hellenic Nursing Home
(dates will be announced when confirmed)
If you have questions about Philoptochos or any events,
please feel free to contact Kathy VanKuilenburg at
(978) 663-3936 or by email at
News and Announcements
JOY is looking for new leadership come fall! Hope ministry will join Joy which includes ages 3-7
years old. Moms and dads welcome, we will help you start off in the fall with all that we can. We
would like to warmly welcome Anastasia Roukliotis, who is joining Hope/Joy!! Lets continue this
wonderful ministry for our young children!!! Any and all questions are welcome, don’t hesitate to
Friday, March 13th, at 6pm
Come join JOY for an inspiring talk with Father Nick,
followed by a spaghetti dinner at 6:30. After, we will
proceed upstairs to church for Hairetismoi service at 7!
Please RSVP by Monday, March 9th, 2015
Loula Boretos 617-605-7213
Angie Tsiaras 617-817-9016
Olga Patoucheas 617-678-6499
Jane Awad 617-997-2904
Sofia Loyack 617-957-4945
Anastasia Roukliotis
News and Announcements
Young Adults
On Saturday, February 28th, 2015, the St. Athanasius Young Adults launched their group by
volunteering at Saturday’s Bread, a free hot meals program in Boston that serves people in need. The
day was a tremendous success! Many thanks to Saturday’s Bread veteran and parishoner Nick
Pantazopoulos for inviting us to participate.
The next Saturday’s Bread will be on Saturday, March 28th, at 12:30 P.M. Please make sure to meet at
11:00 A.M. in the St. Athanasius Parking Lot to carpool.
If you have any questions about Young Adults, please contact Dimitrios Loucagos at
Go Red Sunday
On Sunday, February 8th, 2015, the Philoptochos raised awareness
about heart health by celebrating GO RED Sunday. Funds were also
collected to support the American Heart Association. Go Red!
March 2015
8:45am D.Liturgy 10-11:30
SundayCat Ch. School 10
Mavrogiannidou+ &
Baptism: 2:30 Baby
Demosthenes Delellis
82nd Sunday in Lent
Orthros 8:45am
D. Liturgy 10-11:30
SundayCat.Ch. Sch 10
+James Leanos
2 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for
the children 6-8pm
Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible
Study in Greek
7:15-8:30pm Adult Grk
Dancing 8pm
3 Little Halos 8:30-3
9 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for
the children 6-8pm
10 Little Halos 8:30-3
Festival Meeting 7 pm
Adult Bible Study in Greek
Adult Greek Dancing 8pm
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
Fr. Kastanas at
Glastonberry Abbey
15 3rd Sunday in Lent
CROSS Orthros 8:45
D. Liturgy 10-11:30
SundayCat.Ch. Sch 10
16 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for
the children 6-8pm
Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible
Study in Greek
7:15-8:30pm Adult Grk
Dancing 8pm
17 Little Halos 8:30-3
23 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for
the children 6-8pm
Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible
Study in Greek
Memorials+ Nicholas
Baby Dorfman
4th Sunday in Lent
Orthros 8:45am
D. Liturgy 10-11:30
SundayCat.Ch. Sch 10
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
Adult Religious
Education and Bible
Study in English 7:158:30pm
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
7:15-8:30pm Adult Grk
Dancing 8pm
29 5th Sunday in Lent
Orthros 8:45am
D. Liturgy 10-11:30
SundayCat.Ch. Sch 10
+Memorial: +Anthony
Pine Street Inn 5 pm
30 Little Halos 8:30-3pm
Greek School K1 and K2
4-6pmGreek Dancing for
the children 6-8pm
Adult Rel.Ed.and Bible
Study in Greek
7:15-8:30pm Adult Grk
Dancing 8pm
31 Little Halos 8:30-3
Gree k School 4-6:30
Grades 1 and 4
Adult Religious
Education and Bibles
Study in English 7:158:30pm
4 Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 2 and 5
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
Parish Council 7:30 pm
11 Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
(Morning) 8-9:45am
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 2 and 5
18 Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 2 and 5
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy
Parish Council 7:30 pm
Orthros 8am
Divine Liturgy 9-10am
Little Halos 8:30-3
March 25th
Strict Fast
Wine/Oil Allowed
Fish Allowed_____________
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 3 and 6
6 Little Halos 8:30-3
Basketball Practice for all @
the Ottoson Gym 5:15-7pm
Salutations Service to
the Theotokos 7-8pm
General Assembly 7pm
Guest Speaker 8:30 pm
12 Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 3 and 6
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 3 and 6
Hall Rental 6:30 pm
Little Halos 8:30-3
Greek School 4-6:30
Grades 3 and 6
Philoxenia House Visit
5:30 P.M.
Baptim 11am
Baby Zyion Theophillis
Vespers Service 4:30-5
AHEAD 1 hr.
13 Little Halos 8:30-3
JOY 5:30-7
Great Vespers Service
Basketball Practice for all @
the Ottoson Gym 5:15-7pm
Salutations Service to
the Theotokos 7-8pm
19 Little Halos 8:30-3
20 Little Halos 8:30-3
Basketball Practice for all
@ the Ottoson Gym 5:157pm
Salutations Service to
the Theotokos 7-8pm
Altar Servers Meeting
27 Little Halos 8:30-3
28 St. John Chrysostom
Basketball Practice for
all @ the Ottoson Gym
Great Vespers Service
Parish Wide Oratorical
Festival 9am-1pm
Sat.’s Bread 12:30 pm
Baptism 3:30 Baby
No Vespers
Μάρτιος 2015
3 
4 
10 
17 
Ενοικιον Αθουσας 630-8 μμ
24 
25 
Αγγουράς 
31 
Επίσκεψη στον Οίκον
Φιλοξενίας 5:30 μμ
Ψωμι Σαββατου 12¨30μμ
Ενα πρόγραμμα Ελληνικής μουσικής και κίνησης για παιδιά ηλικίας από 6 μηνών έως 3 ετών με συνοδεία γονέων.
Little Halos Preschool & Prekindergarten Dayschool,
Αρχίζουμε ένα νέο πρόγραμμα Ελληνικής μουσικής και κίνησης για παιδιά από 6 μηνών έως 3 ετών με
συνοδεία γονέων. Τα μαθήματα είναι διαρκείας 8 εβδομάδων και προσφέρουν την εξοικείωση των
παιδιών με τον ρυθμό την κίνηση και την κουλτούρα των Ελληνικών παιδικών τραγουδιών. Το
πρόγραμμα διδάσκει η Ελληνίδα πτυχιούχος εκπαιδευτικός της μουσικής κ. Νεκταρία Μπούστρη. Η
κ. Νεκταρία έχει διδάξει μουσική επί σειρά ετών στα δημόσια σχολεία του Νήνταμ, και για τα 3
τελευταία χρόνια στο ημερήσιο σχολείο της ενορίας μας Λίττλ Χάλος. Τα μαθήματα θα παραδίδονται
τις Παρασκευές το πρωί στις 10, και αρχίζουν Φεβρουάριος 27/2015, έως Μαίος 1/2015.
Let’s sing together in Greek!!! Every Friday morning starting at 2/27/15 ending 5/1/15.
This is an 8 week music program for children ages 6month to 2.9 years old.
Registration for: Ας τραγουδήσουμε μαζί Ελληνικά:
Child’s Name: __________________________________Birth Date______________
2nd Child’s Name: ______________________________ Birth Date_______________
Parents Name:______________________________________________________
Home Phone:__________________________Cell Phone________________________
Street Address:_______________________City:_________________Zip:________
E-Mail Address:_____________________________________________________
Person accompanying child if not parent:_____________________________________
I will be bringing a sibling under 3 months (circle) Yes__No, Name and DOB:__________
Class Fee: $__________________ (+Sibling Fee:$_______)
*Younger siblings under 3 months are free, Little Halos Families: $ 120 for 8 sessions
Call 781-646-1322 or 781-354-9232 for more information.
Four Appleton Street (corner of Massachusetts Ave.)  Arlington, Massachusetts 02476
Tel: (781) 646-1322  Fax: (781) 641-4700 
News and Announcements
Little Halos
During the month of February, Mother Nature gifted us with many snow days so that our preschoolers
could experience first-hand all that we had learned about snow in school in the month of January! We
had a lot of fun through literature, art, and baking activities learning about the groundhog and his
special weather-predicting talent. Children studied their shadows, the sound "sh", and made
groundhog-shaped pancakes. Many of our days continued to be filled with music and songs that the
This year we will offer again, only by pre-ordered, the popular "home-made Easter baskets" filled with
Easter candy and chocolate. Orders have to be in by Saturday, March 23, 2015. Don’t be left
behind! Please place your orders with Little Halos teachers, so we can reserve one or more Easter
baskets for you or your loved ones.
Registration for the 2015-2016 school year has now begun. New Flexible Schedule Options for the
current and 2015-2016 school year: 8:30am-12:00noon OR 8:30am-3:00pm
For more information and registration materials, please call the school at 781-646-1322 or 781-3549232.
ook P
ee wi
presents its annual
ee k C
• G r e e k F oo
ek D ncin g
• Ch
u s ic
dr fen •
e n io iv
’s C r n
tries • L
A •
• C hu
Gr e e
To u r s •
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St. Athanasius The Great
Greek Orthodox Church
Greek M
os • g
June 5,6 & 7
Friday & Saturday 11am-10pm Sunday 11am-8pm
Bring your
Family & Friends
and Share the Fun
the Greek Way!
(Coffee House)
• Free
• Rain or Shine
under a Large Tent
4 Appleton Street - Arlington, Mass
JUNE 5, 6, 7
It’s official…planning for 2015 is underway and we need your help!
Advertising, Bar, Cafenio, Electricians, Entertainment, Food and Paper Goods
Supply Orders, Grills, Gyro, Infrastructure/Tents/Rentals/Set-up, Kids Games
and Activities, Kitchen Help, Grilling, Communications and Volunteer
Coordination, Pastries and Loukoumades, Raffles, Sponsor Book, Vendors
Next Festival 2015 meeting is: Monday, March 9th at 7:00 p.m.
Spread the word…bring a friend!
Thank you to everybody who helped to make last year’s festival a success.
Your energy, participation and financial support resulted in a great festival
that was enjoyed by thousands from the community, both close and far.
A look at how we did in our Festival last year …
Greek Festival 2014 - June 6, 7, & 8
Financial Summary Report
Income Area
Main Food Area
Children's Area
Children's Rides
Sponsor Book
50th Cook book
Festival Vendors
Festival Income - Other
Income Total
Income Total
Expense Area
Expense Total
Rentals - Tents, Tables, Chairs
Rentals - Cooking & Refrigeration
Meat (Beef, Chicken, Lamb)
General Food supplies
Paper Supplies
Children's Area
Children's Rides
Entertainment - Bands
Raffle Prizes
Police Detail
Permits & Licenses
Dumpsters & Sanitation Services
Misc Supplies
Expense Total
Income Total
Expense Total
Festival 2014 Net
St. Athanasius Stewardship Goal Based on 2015 Budget
515 families contributing an
average of $1,000 per family will
cover nearly all our variable
operating expenses
What does this mean?
Goal to Support
your Church
and its
Ministries, $232,500
Church Payroll, $48,000
Operating Expense, $83,200
Property Expense, $111,500
Mortgage - Extra Principal
Pmts, $48,000
Mortgage - Principal Pmts,
Net Rental Income, $268,789
Mortgage - Interest Pmts,
Cash In
Cash Out
St. Athanasius Ministries we Support
Sacraments, Visitation ministry,
JOY, GOYA & Youth Athletics ministries,
Catechetical Education, Bible Study,
Greek Language and Cultural Education,
Altar Servers, Choir & Chanting ministries,
Local outreach for homeless and needy,
Clergy payroll & benefits (Priest & Deacon)
Metropolis Ministries we Support
Summer, Winter and Family Camp (MBC),
Philoxenia House, Greek Education,
Orthodox Christian Religious Education,
Youth & Young Adult Ministries,
Youth Greek Dance & Athletic Ministries,
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Archdiocese Ministries we Support
Hellenic College/Holy Cross, Ecumenical,
Patriarchate, World Orthodoxy, Outreach,
Military Bibles, Missions and Evangelism
Church Payroll
Church Administrative Assistants,
Bookkeeper, Cantor, taxes & expense.
note: Clergy payroll included in Ministries
Operating Expenses
Church & Religious Supplies, Telecom,
Office Supplies & Equip, Auto Expenses
Property Expenses
Utilities, Building Maintenance & Repairs,
Property & Liability Insurance
Includes Interest & Principal. Extra Principal
payments to be made as finances allow
Net Rental Income
AHNS School, House, Parking & Hall rental
St. Athanasius Stewardship Roll of Honor for 2015
Contributions as of February 15, 2014
THANK YOU! Your continued Love and Support make our many ministries possible
ΣΑΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΟΥΜΕ! Η αγάπη και η υποστήριξη σας στηρίζουν τις πολλές διακονίες της εκκλησίας μας
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Aggouras
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anamateros
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Anamateros
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Antonakas
Mr. & Mrs. George Antonopoulos
Pavlos & Danielle Athanasiadis
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Athanasiou
Mr. & Mrs. George Baltatzidis
Mr. & Mrs. Antonis Biliardis
Mihail S. Bouboulis
Mr. & Mrs. Stefanos Bouboulis
Dr. David & Tina Bowling
Mr. & Mrs. James Chalapatas
Cassandra Chamallas
Charles & Lynne Chamallas
Mrs. Kiki Chrisafis
Anastasios&Eleni Christophilos
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Daigel
Elaine Dalaklis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DeLellis
George & Joanne Delyani
Angela Denison
Robert & Stephanie Devasto
Dimitrios & Potoula Dimopoulos
Carolyn & Mark Finocchiaro
Andrew & Pelagia Fotopulos
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Galanopoulos
H. Galanopoulos & M. Dardati
Kosta and Fotini Gavrielidis
Mr. & Mrs. James Geanakos
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Gennis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gennis
Mrs. Garyfallia Georgoulis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hatzikostanti
Mrs. Denise Miserlis Hoyle
Mr. & Mrs. Iakovos V. Iakovou
Stavros & Katina Ioakimidis
James & Courtney Kaloyanidis
Elizabeth Karagianis
Mrs. Katherine Karagianis
Fr. Nicholas and Presv.Litsa Kastanas
Demetrios & Christina Katos
Steven & Shara Katsos
Katsos-Dorow Family
Alice Kefalas
Christopher & Nicky Kokoras
Mr. & Mrs. Perikles Kontalipos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios & Eleni
Alexandria Kostopoulos
Ms Susan L. Koulouris
Katherine Kriketos
Evmorfilli Kyridis
Mr. & Mrs. Marika Ladopoulos
N. Leonardos & R. Chandonnet
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Lianos
Ms. Amalia Loucopoulos
Alexander & Loula Loukeris
John Macaris
Charles & Despina Makredes
George & Leona Makredes
Joseph and Maryanne Senna
Mr. Gary Makredes
Zannis & Angeliki Mamounas
Athina Mantzouranis
Melanie I. Marken
Mr. & Mrs. Maria Matos
Anthoula & Georgio Meimaris
Emmanuel & Eleni Meimaris
Pavlos & Eleni Meimaris
Vasilios & Sonia Meimaris
Lori & Mim Minichiello
Margaret Mitropoulos
Tessie Mitropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Moisakis
Anastasios Moshonisiou
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Moussouris
Dr.Ioannis & Angela Moutsatsos
Mrs. Katina Muksuris
Mrs. Irene Paleologos
Mr. & Mrs. George Panitsidis
Mr.Costa Papadimitris
Arthur Papas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pappas
Elias & Olga Patoucheas
John & Maria Pavlidis
Joanne E. Piandes
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pithis
Mrs. Eleanor Profis
John & Paula Seremetis
Anthony & Elaine Sgouros
Mrs. Betty Shushan
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Silipigni
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Skourides
Anthony & Despina Speros
Mr.&Mrs. N. Splagounias Family
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stanitsas
Mr. & Mrs. Marko Stratakis
Stratos&Spyridoula Taoultsides
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Theodore
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Theodoulou
Mrs. Jorgette Theophilis-Sperry
Paul & Elaine Tilly
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsakirgis
Maria Tsaousidis
Vasilios & Argyro Tsiaras
Mr. & Mrs. James Tsihlis
Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Tsitsopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsitsopoulos
Drs. James T. Ubertalli
Mr. & Mrs. Theophilos Vallas
Mr. & Mrs. John Vankuilenburg
Maria & Steven Vasilakis-Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Venizelos
Steven & Kelly Vosnakis
Mrs. Maria Vrotsos
Mr. & Mrs. Vasiliki Yanakopulos
Dorothy Zevitas
Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Ziavras
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Department of Religious Education
(800) 566-1088 !
2015 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Topics
Junior Division (Grades 7–9)
1. The theme of the 2014 Clergy-Laity Congress was “The Orthodox Christian
family: A dwelling of Christ and a witness of His Gospel.” Discuss how today’s
Orthodox Christian families can strive to live according to this ideal.
2. St. Paul writes, “An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the
rules” (2 Timothy 2:5). Discuss the virtue of honesty in a time when cheating in
school, sports, and other activities is reported more and more.
3. Discuss the Orthodox Christian practice of fasting from certain foods and the
spiritual discipline it teaches, especially in light of the Lord’s directive in
Matthew 6:16–18.
4. Malala Yousafzai is an inspirational example of fighting fearlessly for a noble
cause in spite of threats against her life. Discuss a young saint or person from
the Bible who illustrates such courage.
5. Several leaders in the political and religious arena have been described as
people with a prophetic gift. What really is a prophet? Discuss their actions in
light of the Old Testament prophets and in comparison to other contemporary
Senior Division (Grades 10–12)
1. The Lord said, “I was in prison and you came to me” (Matthew 25:36). What does
this teach us about our attitudes toward those in jails and imprisoned?
2. Psalm 50 (51) begins, “Have mercy on me, O Lord…” It is considered the psalm of
repentance. Discuss how praying this psalm might affect our understanding of
repentance, confession, and forgiveness.
3. Women apostles, martyrs, and saints have spread the Gospel and advanced the
Church from the beginning of Christianity. Discuss the significance of their roles and
examples for all Christians today.
4. The St. Nicholas Church at Ground Zero, which was destroyed on September 11,
2001, is soon to be rebuilt. Discuss the ways in which this tiny church building will
now become a symbol of the universal themes of victory over evil; healing and
hope; and being a beacon of Orthodox Christianity.
5. Using the parable of the poor widow's offering to the Temple (Luke 21:1–4), discuss
the Orthodox Christian attitude of offering to the Church’s ministries.
Coming soon: Topics, Tips, and Resources at
St. Athanasius’s Annual
St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival
will be held in our Parish Auditorium
Saturday, March 28, 2015
9:00 Registration
for Elementary, Junior and Senior Divisions
Introduced in 1983, the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival
provides Greek Orthodox youth the opportunity to write and talk about
their faith. The National Oratorical Festival Program begins at the
parish level and is divided into two divisions: the Junior Division for
students in the 7th to 9th grades and the Senior Division for
students in the 10th to 12th grades. Two speakers in each division
advance to the District Festival, where two finalists in each division will
be chosen to advance to the Metropolis Festival. There one finalist in
each division will advance to the National Festival, this year in San
Francisco in June. The finalists representing their Metropolis will
receive a monetary award and are eligible for scholarships. Also, the
senior division finalist at the parish level will be eligible for the Hellenic
College Chrysostom Scholarship.
This year’s topics and writing tips can be found on the archdiocese
Our parish also holds a non-judged Elementary Division for
grades 4th-6th, where the students present their thoughts on any
topic related to their faith. We encourage all students to participate.
The students of the Sunday School will be working on their
presentations. Please encourage them to complete their speeches
and present them to Fr. Nicholas Kastanas and their classmates on
March 28th.
Everyone is welcome to attend and hear our students’ presentations!
Please contact Father Nick at (781-646-0705, your
child’s Sunday School teacher, or Tina Pavlakis Bowling (781-8609418, if you have any questions.
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Please complete and return this form to the Church Office
Please check  those items in which you or a member of your family has some expertise or interest.
Place name or initials of the specific family member after each item checked.
 Bible Study
 Youth Work
 Real Estate Management
 Teaching
 Sunday School
 Medical/Nurse
 Church Choir
 Art/Design Services
 Greek School/Little Halos
 Visitation of Elderly/Infirm
 Soup Kitchen
 Youth Ministry
 Scouting
 Finance
 New parents
 Computer ‐ software
 Legal
 Ushering / Welcome
 Web Design
 Mechanical / Plumbing
 Reader (in liturgy)
 Computer – Hardware/Systems
 Electrical
 Architecture
 Outreach to Community
 Evangelism
 Festival
 Publishing/Marketing
 Construction
 Philoptochos
 Other
 Gardening
 Office Work
Family Name
I understand it takes approximately $1,010 per active Stewardship family to operate and support the ministries and
facility of the St. Athanasius Parish in 2015.
We would like to pledge $
We would like to pledge $
We would like to pledge $
Semi Annually
You can also pledge at
FOOD FOR THOUGHT
The more often we see the things around us - even the beautiful and wonderful things - the more they become invisible to us. That is
why we often take for granted the beauty of this world: the flowers, the trees, the birds, the clouds - even those we love. Because we see
things so often, we see them less and less. — Joseph B. Wirthlin
Choose your love, Love your choice. — Thomas S. Monson
"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning
is where the miracle process all begins."~ Jim Rohn
"Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul."~ Democritus
One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. — Euripides
Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity, or registering wrongs. — Charlotte Bronte
"It is not the possession of truth, but the success which attends the seeking after it, that enriches the seeker and brings happiness to
him."~ Max Planck
Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts. — Paramahansa
A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. — Leo Buscaglia
Close the door on fear and inadequacy.When allowed in, they will rule your way. Rather, live from a place of humble confidence.
— Submitted by: Kat Kelly
Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been. — Jimmy Buffett
Beauty without expression is boring. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Volume Twenty-Six, Number Seven, March 2015