Fall 2012 PJ Newsletter REVISED - Greek Orthodox Church of the

new years eve ball
Doors Open at 9:00 PM
Adults: $65 | Students: $35 | Children under 12 - FREE!
R.S.V.P. and Advance Ticket Sales
Church Office: (631) 473-0894
Markos Mavrophilipos: (631) 599-0395 or Dean Spanos: (631) 831-5615
Rise to the Christian Challenge
By Eva Kokkinos
430 Sheep Pasture Road, Port Jefferson, NY 11777
Telephone: 631.473.0894 | Fax: 631.928.5131
Email: goc.assumption@gmail.com| Web: www.kimisis.org
Office hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Being a Christian goes beyond “saying” you’re a Christian. That probably seems like an obvious statement. But are we truly living up to
the title we have accepted? We must remember that Christians are
given a challenge…to stand up and actively participate in the life of
the Church, modeling our lives after Christ Himself.
This May, we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord on the
fortieth day after His Resurrection.
As we commemorate Christ’s Ascension into heaven, rising up above
even death itself, how does one begin to actively participate in the
Christian Challenge? What are some of the ways we can “rise up”
above the temptations and challenges of the world and live a life in
Rev. Fr. Demetrios Calogredes, Proistamenos
Email: fr.jim1975@kimisis.org | Cell#: 516.319.3932
President ......................................... Emmanuel Lilimpakis
1st Vice President ............................. George Voulgarakis
2nd Vice President ............................ Robert Batuyios
Jesus Christ always found time to pray and give thanks. For example,
Christ went to the desert for 40 days to pray. He also prayed in the
Garden of Gethsemane prior to his betrayal and arrest. Prayer is a
very simple, but important way you can emulate Christ. Prayer is also
an active way in which you can build and strengthen your relationship
with Christ. You can pray virtually any time and anywhere.
Treasurer ......................................... Ted Mattas
Assistant Treasurer ........................... John Damaskios
Recording Secretary .......................... Van Stamatiadis
Corresponding Secretary .................... Kalliope LaGamma
Jimmy Mountzouros .......................... Member
Pete Thanos ..................................... Member
Jim Govits ........................................ Member
Kathianne Snaden ............................ Member
Jesus Christ showed mercy and kindness, even to those who were
outcast by society. There are many examples in Holy Scripture that
show the importance of reaching out to your neighbor. Look up the
Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).
Christine Poulos ................................ Member
Nick Manolis ..................................... Member
Louis Tsunis ..................................... Member
Nick Kleopoulos ................................ Member
Antonios Gasparis ............................. Member
You can also look at the life of someone like St. Basil the Great. So
whether you encounter new students, old friend, or even an enemy,
we are called to be kind and serve ALL of our neighbors.
Philoptochos President ....................... Poppy Prakas – 631.698.3855
GOYA Advisor ................................... Argie Leodis - 631.298-8403
Remember, we have all been created in God’s image.
Choir Director ................................... Peggy Stilianos - 631.758.1124
Golden Age President ........................ Constantine Kapasakis
Most importantly, Christ was sent by God for all mankind… friends
and foes.
HOPE & JOY Advisor .......................... Spiro Dimeck – 631.451.0570
HOPE & JOY Advisor .......................... Ted Mattas – 631.580.7173
Greek School P.T.O. President. ........... Yianna Tassiopoulos
Greek Afternoon School Principle ........ Leonidas Spanos – 631.698.0018
Bookstore ........................................ Katherine Katsaros
Thrift Shop ....................................... Stella Zachary, Kalliope LaGamma
Sunday School Director ..................... Jean Xikis
Greek School Board President ............. Marisa Smith
Little Angels ..................................... TBD
Jesus Christ talked the talk AND walked the walk. He showed us how
to be all of the things that God wants us to be. The Saints are also
incredible examples of people who, through piety, faith, love for
God, accomplished the extraordinary. If you see someone being bullied, stand up for them. If your friend is struggling to make the right
decision, be a role model. If you have talents, make sure to use them!
Your example can help people see that it IS possible to live a Christian life. - reprint May 2012 GO-Observer
We welcome your contribution of community news and materials of general interest to the Church of the
Assumption, Port Jefferson, NY, a Greek Orthodox Church Community. Appropriate materials include: 1)
texts pertaining to worship and the liturgical year; 2) announcements and schedules of Church ministries
and organizations; 3) Orthodox or Greek cultural events; 4) poems, stories, games, essays of a spiritual,
faith-based or life-enriching nature; 5) personal news of parishioners.
Please, forward your materials to the Church Office or Athena Mattas at:
mommymattas@yahoo.com and/or to the church office at goc.assumption@gmail.com
All new submissions need to be submitted before the 14th of the previous month. Anything submitted past the due date, will be
printed in the following month's newsletter, if still relevant. Last minute changes, if at all possible, are at the discretion of the editors.
Please, submit your content electronically as a Microsoft Word document. Pictures can only be submitted as JPEGs (electronically),
and flyers must be in MS Word or MS Publisher format.
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Rev. Demetrios N. Calogredes, Protopresbyter
On November 21, 2012 our church will celebrate
the Great Feast Day of the Entrance of the Theotokos to the Temple. This is one of the Great
Feast days of our Lady, the Theotokos that is
comparable to the other Great Feasts of the Virgin Mary, such as the Birth of the Theotokos
( Sept. 8th),
The Synaxis ( Dec 26th), the Annunciation ( March
25th), and lastly, the Feast of the Kimisis ( Falling
Asleep), the Nameday of our beloved Church
( August 15th).
During the past summer, we once again witnessed a wonderful and successful Greek Festival! The delicious food, the festivities, and the
prizes brought out thousands of participants for
four delightful warm summer days. We thank
immensely all of our dedicated parishioners and
friends who labored days and nights for its success. BRAVO TO ALL !
to join in and participate in all these inviting programs.
We must remember that the Church is the magnet and focal point for all these programs that
provide religious, educational, social and cultural
activities for all our parishioners. Why not join in
and have an enjoyable uplifting time for yourselves?
This Fall, we begin a six part series on the Divine
Liturgy – Sunday sermons to explain the Liturgy
and the same instruction on Thursday evenings to
those who wish to become Orthodox and other
The Feast of the Entrance commemorates the faithful who wish to learn more about the Holy
entering of the Virgin Mary into the Holy Temple Service. It is important for all to learn the Faith
when she was only a three year old little girl! The better and to live it with love and spiritual joy.
Virgin Mary remained inside the Temple for a
The Little Angels program is off to a good start
total of 12 years, praying, meditating, and worthis year with dedicated parents and teachers
shipping the Lord. When she became 15 years of
who work with the little ones. The parents bring
age, she left the Temple and shortly thereafter
their children ages infancy to 3 years of age to
was betrothed to Saint Joseph who cared for her
church on Sunday at 10:00am. After Holy Comuntil she gave birth to our Savior.
munion time ( about 11:15am), the children with
This year on November 20 -21, our Church will their parents go to a special classroom in the
celebrate the Great Holyday of our Lady with Community Center where they are taught basic
Great Vespers Service and Artoklasia ( Special elements of our Faith according to their age level.
Bread Blessing Service) on Tuesday , November
This year our programs and organizations: Sun20th at 7:00pm. Many area clergy together with
day Catechism School, Greek School, Philoptotheir parishioners and friends will be in attendchos, Choir, Altar Boys, P.T.O, Hope & Joy, GOYA,
ance. On Wednesday , November 21 , the Day of
Golden Agers, Educational & Cultural Committee,
the Feast, we will celebrate Orthros at 9:00am,
Rythmos Dance Group, and Bible Study are all
and the Divine Liturgy with Holy Communion at
functioning very well and providing service to
10:00am. We invite all the faithful, our families,
their members. The Church welcomes everyone
and children to come celebrate with us.
The strength, vitality, and well- being of the
Church depend solely upon the love and dedication of all its followers. We whole-heartedly encourage you to worship with us every Sunday.
Come to pray, meditate, relax, and enjoy the
Word of God. It is our Faith that makes us strong
and worthy citizens in Society. We need our Faith
and our Church more today than any other time
in the light of the difficult, turbulent, times we are
living in.
The Church and our Panagia open their arms to
greet and accept us every Sunday, and always.
Let’s all respond in the same fashion.
Στις 20 και 21 Νοεμβριου η εκκλησια μας θα
εορταση με κατανυξη και μεγαλοπρεπεια τα
Εισοδια της Θεοτοκου. Η εορτη των Eισοδιων ειναι
μια απο τις πιο μεγαλες Εορτες της Θεομητορος ,
μαζι με τα Γενεθλια της Παναγιας (8 Σεπτεμβριου),
την Συναξη (26 Δεκεμβριου), τον Ευαγγελισμο (25
Μαρτιου) και την Κοιμηση της Θεοτοκου (15
Αυγουστου) – τα Ονομαστηρια της
πολυαγαπημενης μας Εκκλησιας.
Η Εορτη των Εισοδιων μας θυμιζει οτι οταν η
Παναγια εγινε 3 χρονων, εισηλθε στο Ναο του Θεου
οπου εμεινε 12 χρονια με προσευχη, μελετη των
Αγιων Γραφων και λατρευουσα τον Θεον. Οταν πια
εγινε 15 χρονων εβγηκε απο τον Ναο και την
παρελαβε ο Αγιος Ιωσηφ, ο μνηστηρ της. Υστερα
απο ολιγο καιρο η Παναγια εγεννησε τον Σωτηρα
Εφετος θα τελεσθη ο Μεγας Εσπερινος των
Εισοδιων την Τριτη 20 Νοεμβριου. Θα τελεσθη
Αρτοκλασια και θα ερθουν πολυ Ιερεις της
Περιφερειας μαζι με τους ενοριτες και φιλους
των.Ανημερα της Εορτης 21 Νοεμβριου, θα τελεσθη
ο ορθρος στις 9 00 π.μ. και η Πανηγυρικη Θεια
Λειτουργια στις 10 00 π.μ.
Σας παρακαλουμε, οπως λοιπον, μαζι με τις
οικογενειες σας και τα παιδια σας να ελθετε να
εορτασουμε με λαμπροτητα τα Εισοδια της
Παναγιας .
Το ετησιο Ελληνικο Φεστιβαλ της 23ης -26ης
Αυγουστου ειχε και παλι εφετος μεγαλη
επιτυχια.Χιλιαδες ανθρωποι ηλθαν και απολαυσαν
τα νοστιμωτατα φαγητα, περιφημα γλυκα και
ιδιως τους σπουδαιους λουκουμαδες, τους χορους
και το γλεντι! Ειχαμε Δοξα τω Θεω, 4 ηλιολουστες
μερες. Θερμα συγχαρητηρια σε ολους τους
παροικους, φιλους και υποστηρικτες που
δουλεψαν πρωι, μεσημερι και βραδυ στο Φεστιβαλ.
Μπαβο σε ολους και του χρονου!
Τελευταιως , αχισαμε μια σειρα 6 Κυριακων που
εξηγουμε την Θεια Λειτουργια . Καθε Κυριακη
γινετε αναλυση της Λειτουργιας ωστε να
μαθενουμε καλυτερα την εννοια και σκοπο της
Θειας Λειτουργιας . Το ιδιο μαθημα
επαναλαμβανετε καθε Πεμπτη βραδυ για τους
προσυλητους της Ορθοδοξιας και οσους θελουν να
μαθουν περισσοτερο την Πιστη μας.
Το προγραμμα των Μικρων Αγγελων ξεκινησε τον
Σεπτεμβριο με πολλα παιδια και αφοσιωμενες
δασκαλες . Καθε Κυριακη , οι γονεις ερχονται με τα
παιδια τους (ηλικιας βρεφους μεχρι 3 ετων στην
εκκλησια στις 10 00 π.μ., παρακολουθουν την
λειτουργεια, κοινωνουν τα Αγια Μυστηρια, και
υστερα πηγαινουν στην αιθουσα και
παρακολουθουν ενα πολυ πρακτικο μαθημα της
Τα προγραματα της εκκλησιας Κατηχητικο,
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Ελληνικο Σχολειο, Φιλοπτωχος, Χορωδια,
Ιεροπαιδες, Π.Τ.Ο., Χοπ και Τζοι, Γκογια, Χρυση
Ηλικια, Ρυθμος, Εκπαιδευτηκη και Πολιτιστικη
Επιτροπη και Μελετη Αγιας Γραφης εχουν ιδη
αρχισει και λειτουργουν θαυμασια. Σας
παρακαλουμε να λαβετε μερος στα προγραμματα
της κοινοτητος και να ειστε ενεργα μελη. Η
εκκλησια ειναι ο μαγνητης που τραβα ολους τους
πιστους , κοντα και τους δινει θρησκευτικη,
κοινωνικη και εκπαιδευτικη μορφωση. Η εκκλησια
μας χορηγει πνευματικη δυναμη και θαρρος δια να
αντιμετωπισουμε ολα τα εμποδια της ζωης μας και
να μας κανει αξιους πολιτες της κοινωνιας .
Η ευημερια της Εκκλησιας μας εξαρτατε ολοκληρη
απο την τακτικη συμμετοχη μας στην λατρευτικη
Ζωη. Ελατε ολοι, λοιπον οικογενειακως καθε
Κυριακη να προσευχηθητε , να μελετησετε τα Αγια
Λογια του Ευαγγελιου, και να κοινωνησετε τα
Αχραντα Μυστηρια. Η Πιστη σας θα ενδυναμοση
και θα παρετε καινουργια πνοη.
Ζουμε σε δυσκολες Ημερες ανεργειας, οικονομικων
προβληματων, αναρχιας και δυσπιστιας . Η Πιστη
μας και η Εκκλησια μας σωζει απο τους κινδυνους.
Αρκει να υπακουμε στις εντολες του Κυριου μας.
I want to begin by thanking all of the volunteers who
came out to help us during the Festival this year; all of
the organizations, parish council organizing members,
parishioners and supporting friends. We had an amazing turnout of volunteers, young and old alike, and
what a success!! This was one of the best years and the
weather was perfect. Also, I want to thank all of the
individuals and businesses that sold and purchased our
raffles this year as well. As a result our Raffle was a terrific success. Again we see the positive results of the
community uniting and working together for the benefit of our Church. It was a good indication that when
we all work together the result would be only positive!
Our Church still needs everyone’s support even after
the Festival is over. Yes, it was a banner year but we
also have many expenses and the account drains quickly. I know this is familiar to us, but we all have to continue to work together to keep our Church available to all.
I know that economic times are difficult and some of
our parishioners find it difficult to pay their stewardship
dues, but even a generous donation that one can afford
would be gratefully accepted to keep our Church available to all of us that wish to worship and follow the
Greek Orthodox Faith. Attending Liturgy each week is a
spiritual and up lifting event. I am expecting to see all of
our members in Church as often as possible.
Our New Year’s Gala Dinner Dance is coming up on December 31, 2012. It will take place in the Church Community Center at 8:00pm with live music, cocktails and a
buffet dinner. Come join us and see the beautiful paint
job done by Dimitri’s and Manolis Painting Companies and our newly cleaned chairs courtesy of the Parish
Council members and some of our dedicated parishioners. Let us all come together to begin celebrating the
upcoming holiday season. I want to personally wish
each and every one of you and your families a blessed
and heartfelt Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
ΑΠΟ ΤΟΝ ΠΡΟΕ∆ΡΟ ΜΑΣ - Εµµανουήλ Λιλιµπάκης
Πρώτα, θά ήθελα νά ευχαριστήσω όλους τούς
ενορίτες μας που ήλθαν καί μας βοήθησαν μέρανύχτα κατά τό φετινό Φεστιβάλ της Εκκλησίας μας.
Ευχαριστώ όλες τίς οργανώσεις μας, τα μέλη του
Εκκλησιαστικού Συμβουλίου, τή νεολαία μας, καί
όλους τούς φίλους που μέ ζήλο εργάστηκαν στό
τετραήμερο Φεστιβάλ. ΜΠΡΑΒΟ! Ευχαριστώ,
επίσης όλους τούς φίλους καί επιχειρήσεις πού
επούλησαν καί αγόρασαν τά λαχεία. Χάρις
σ’αυτούς, τό λαχείο είχε μεγάλη επιτυχία. Είδαμε,
πώς η κοινότητα μας, ενωμένη καί αγαπημένη
μπορεί νά κάνει θαύματα, καί τού χρόνου!
καί νά πέρνετε πνευματική δύναμη καί τίς ευλογίες
τού Θεού.
Ο 53ος Ετήσιος Χορός τής Κοίνοτητας μας θά λάβη
χώρα το Σάββατο, 10 Νοεμβρίου 2012, 630μμ στήν
Κοινοτική Αίθουσα. Θά έχουμε πλούσια φαγητά,
ποτά, γλυκά, καί ζωντανή μουσική πού θά μας
διασκεδάση. Ελάτε νά δήτε τό θαυμάσιο
ελαιοχρωματισμό πού έκαναν οί εταιρίες τού
ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ καί ΜΑΝΩΛΗΣ, καί τό καθαρισμό τών
καρεκλών, πού φρόντισαν αφοσιωμένοι ενορίτες
καί μέλη τού Εκκλησιαστικού Συμβουλίου. Οί
έορτες πλησιάζουν. Ας έλθομε όλοι μαζί νά
Η Εκκλησία μας ακόμα, μέτα τό Φεστιβάλ, πανηγυρίζομε.
χρειάζεται τήν υποστήριξη απ’όλους μας. Εύχομαι σέ όλους καί στίς οικογένειες σάς Καλά
Συνεχίζουν τά έξοδα της καθημερινώς. Χρείαζεται
Χριστούγεννα καί Χαρούμενο Νέο ¨Ετος 2013!
συντήρηση. Γνωρίζω πώς ή σημερινή οικονομική
κατάσταση είναι δύσκολη γιά πολλούς ανθρώπους
καί μερικοί ενορίτες παλεύουν νά αντιμετωπίσουν
τά έξοδα τούς. Σάς παρακαλώ, όμως νά δώσετε τή
κατά δύναμη προσφορά σας προς τήν αγαπημένη
Εκκλησία μας ώστε να μπορέση νά συνεχίσει όλα
τά ωραία προγράμματα τής.
Eπίσης, νά έρχεστε κάθε Κυριακή στήν Λειτουργία
Page 4
Greek School PTO
Fall is upon us and Greek School has begun in full force.
We have hit an all time record year with enrollment up to
84 students this year. To the former parents we welcome
you back and to the new parents welcome to Port Jeff
Greek school of the Assumption and wish you and your
children a warm welcome. We are hoping to have another
productive year, full of cultural and academic learning as
well as community events that make a difference locally
and worldwide.
matina Boulier and Advisors: Renie Thanos, Yianna
Darsinos-Tassiopoulos, and Alberto Cornea. Wishing your
entire board much success!!
We are looking forward to seeing you at our events. We
are also anticipating a school year full of progress and success! In addition we would also like to welcome and embrace the new PTO board of 2012-2013 under the new
leadership of our new President: Dora Raft, Vice President: Maria Sanders, Secretary: Kal Astras, Treasurer: Sta-
Secretary: Linda Batuyios
Board 2011-2012
President Yianna Darsinos-Tassiopoulos
V. President: Renie Thanos
Treasurer: Dimitra Dimeck
Advisors: Laurie Stephanopoulos, Olga Manolis, and Dora
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Page 5
Dear Friends,
join us and purchase some of these delicious homemade
items in support of our Sunday School.
We hope that you all had an enjoyable Summer with your
loved ones. As the autumn weather falls upon us we As the weather grows colder and the Christmas season
would like to welcome you all back to the 2012/2013 Sunday sneaks upon us we invite you all to join us on Sunday, Deschool year.
cember 16th for our Christmas Breakfast and Pageant following the Divine Liturgy in our Community Center. What a
The Sunday school held registration on Sunday, September wonderful way to come and spend time with our communi9th. We currently have 52 children in our Sunday school ty while celebrating the joyous Christmas season!! Please
ranging from ages 4-13, grades Pre-Kindergarten – 8th look for our flyer in the church bulletin for further inforgrade and are looking forward to another fruitful year. mation.
Our mission is to teach our youth their Greek Orthodox
faith through the use of prayer, hymns and the teachings If you have any questions regarding Sunday school and
of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Each child is provided would like to register your children please come and see us
with a reader and a workbook that they can keep at the every Sunday in the upper level of the community center.
We look forward to meeting with you and having you join
end of the year.
our Sunday school family.
This year we have many wonderful crafts and activities
planned for our students. In order to fund these activities With all of the blessings of our Lord,
we are going to have a Tiropita & Spanakopita Sale/ The Sunday School of the Assumption Staff & Families
Fundraiser on Sunday, October 21st. We hope that you will
Greetings from the Choir Loft! We have commenced a
new year and are enjoying being back and the addition of
youth choir members who are learning the hymns of worship in our Faith. Our upcoming fundraiser will be for
robes for our young ones and new collars for our adults.
We are thankful for the support our parish has always
shown us and especially on Choir Appreciation Sunday,
which is always the first Sunday of October.
ly, church musicians representing ten (10) churches in the
District (including Connecticut) have committed to participation. There are many activities planned for our youth
participants besides lectures, an iconography project and a
special dinner just for them. They will be performing along
with the adults and the Byzantine Chant group that regularly performs at the Cathedral on Sundays. Bishop Sebastian will be officiating along with Father Luke.
Our next opportunity of learning new hymns and fellowPlease feel free to approach either Karen Spanos or
ship among other Church Musicians will be the District Con- myself regarding membership.
ference weekend October 20 and 21, 2012. This year we will
In His service, Peggy Stilianos
be at the Cathedral of St. Paul in Hempstead, NY. Present-
FESTIVAL 2012 – 50/50 Raffle
By Kalliope La Gamma
This year, Panagia blessed our Festival with four glorious days of wonderful weather. With the hard work and dedication of all our Parishioners, Friends and Supporters, our Festival 2012 proved to be an overwhelming success.
Along with Chris Pulos, I would like to thank the wonderful young people who helped with the 50/50 Raffle during
the festival. They are: Konstandina Leodis, Sabrina Reichardt, Sophia Tsenes, Angela Alexiou, Maria Leodis, Georgia
Alexiou and Sofia Tsakonas. Their enthusiasm and drive helped us sell tickets totaling $2550, half of which went to
the winner and half to our Church.
Great Job!!! Kai tou Xronou!!!
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Greek School Message - Leonidas Spanos
The Greek School of our Parish welcomes all new and returning students,
parents and teachers to another wonderful school season. To those students and parents who are new to our school we extend an especially
warm welcome and best wishes for an exciting and productive year in your
new school. We hope that you will quickly feel at home and become involved in the activities of our school through the PTO and your child’s classroom program.
families desire to have their kids learn the language and maintain their
Greek identity here in America.
I would like to express my gratitude to all School Board and PTO members
and teachers who keep contributing tirelessly for the promotion of our
school. Their hard work has brought amazing results. The word is out that
our school is one of the best around with highly qualified teachers and
good organization.
This year we have two new teachers in our team: Sophia Panagos
The teaching staff and I are all excited and look forward to work collabora(kindergarten) and Demitri Stefanopoulos (dance). Both are experienced
tively with you to provide results oriented instruction and to ensure that
and qualified to do the job. We are fortunate to have them and we wish
your children are successful in their effort to learn the language and culture
them the best of luck.
of their ancestors. We are a team of teachers, parents and students all
working to make our school days meaningful and enjoyable.
Congratulations to all those (from the PTO and School Board) who prepared our classrooms for the new school year. Our school was able to purFirstly, I would like to congratulate our student Eleni Aneziris who particichase new student desks, chairs and closets for all grades. Thanks to all
pated in the 2012 Comprehensive Examination in Modern Greek. She
who were so generous in their contribution and donations.
passed with a good grade. The exam is a foreign language achievement
test administered annually to students in grades 8 and above. In the State
Finally, we would like to thank our spiritual Father Demetrios for his blessof New York, students who pass this test receive three credits in foreign
ings on the first day of school and his active support to our school.
language at the discretion of the local high school principal. This year we
have eight students in the Regents level comprehensive exam preparation
Greek school will be a pleasant and successful academic experience for our
class. Mrs. Sophia Coutis is once again the teacher of this class and we apstudents as long as we are all committed to its mission. We are asking the
preciate her excellent work in preparing our students for the exam.
parents to encourage their children and reinforce everything at home. We
will do the rest.
Once again congratulations to our graduates of Class 2012: Georgia Alexiou, Nicoletta Gasparis, Jasmin Govits, Eleni Mattas, Filomena Mauceri,
Thank you,
Georgia Mauceri, Alec McPhillips, Eftihia Politis and Alexandara Smith. It
was a pleasure having them in our school and we wish them good luck and
Leonidas Spanos
success in their educational pursuits.
I am excited to tell you that our school had a significant increase in student
enrollment this school year. We have a total of 84 students, a net increase
of 12 students from last school year. This is very encouraging news for our
school and our Greek community in general. It shows how much the Greek
Prayers for the Victims
ers, and we ask all the faithful throughout
the Church in America to pray fervently
for comfort from above. We offer prayers
of remembrance for those who perished
and of solace for those who lost family
members. We pray for the many who
have lost their homes, and for those who
are facing uncertainty regarding their jobs
and livelihood. We continue our prayers
for the rescue personnel and many others
who are saving lives and offering comfort
to those in need. We also pray for the
leaders of our communities, cities, states,
and our country, who are confronted with
numerous crises and challenging decisions in the days to come.
Beloved Brothers
and Sisters in Christ,
On behalf of the Holy Eparchial Synod of
the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of
America, I am communicating with you
following the devastating landfall of Hurricane Sandy and a very difficult week for
New York, New Jersey, and other areas in
the northeastern United States. As many
of you know, this historic storm caused
loss of life and tremendous destruction of
homes and businesses. It has also radically altered cities and towns, as flooding
and ruin has led to evacuations. Hundreds
of thousands more have been challenged
by the loss of electricity and access to As we assess the damages and challenges
basic public services.
to our faithful and our parishes throughout the region, we are also responding to
Our first response to this disaster has the many needs around us. In support of
been fervent prayer to Almighty God Who this ministry of compassion and healing,
is our rock and our fortress, and our deliv- we are designating Sunday, Nov. 11 as a
erer in times of great distress and need day of prayer and offering on behalf of
(Psalm 18:2-4). We continue these pray- the victims of Hurricane Sandy. In addiPage 8
tion to prayers for those mentioned
above, we ask the parishes of our Holy
Archdiocese to designate a special collection for the “Hurricane Sandy Relief
Fund.” These funds should be sent to the
Archdiocese, and we will coordinate relief
efforts with our National Philoptochos
Society, the Metropolis of New Jersey,
the Direct Archdiocesan District, and other local, state, and national efforts that
provide direct assistance to those in need.
Through your generosity and prayers,
many will find hope in the midst of great
loss. Through our witness of faith in this
trying time, many will see the power of
faith and love, and know that the Lord
gives strength to His people and blesses
them with peace (Psalm 29:11).
With paternal love in Christ,
+Archbishop DEMETRIOS of America
Page 9
Teens come join us
Wednesday nights om 6:30 – 9:00pm in Communit Center
Ages 12 – 18
Volleyball, InterInter-Goya Dances, Ski Trip, Ret-eats, Communit Ser.ices, Come make new iends
Upcoming Events:
December: Holiday Cookie/Bake Sale (place your orders for Past-ies, order for9s will be available)
Recent Events - Thank you all for your suppor;…..
Project GOYA: “Care Packages for the Troops” (please look for our flyer for items needed. All donations due by Oct 28th.
October 28th: Pancake Breakfast
October / November: Chocolate Sale
Thank you for your suppor;.
Any questions please contact Argie Leodis at (631) 298-8403 or at Argieleodis@aol.com
Nov. 30- Dec. 1 & 2 Dickens Fes val
Jan. 1- New Year’s Day- St. Basil
Dec. 2- 14th Sunday of Luke
Jan. 5- Epiphany Eve
Dec. 6- St. Nicholas the Wonder Worker
Dec. 8- GOYA Advent Retreat- Blue Point
Jan. 6- The Theophany of Our Lord- Dive for the Cross
Jan. 7- St. John The Bap st
Dec. 9- 10th Sunday of Luke- St. Anna
Jan. 18-St. Athanasios
Dec. 12- St. Spyridon
Jan. 18-20- Annapolis Dance Compe
Dec. 16- 11 Sunday of Luke- The Fore Fathers
Jan. 25-27 Inter-GOYA Ski Trip- Allentown, PA
Dec. 18- Greek School Christmas Program
Dec. 23- Sunday before Christmas
Dec. 24- Christmas Eve
Dec. 25- Christmas Day
Dec. 30- Sunday a:er Christmas- St. Iakovos
Dec. 31- Gala New Year’s Eve Dance by Nea Ikaria
Page 10
Community Life
Holy Bap%sms
6/9/2012 Kostas & Jaime Phaidros
6/9/2012 Vincent & Theofilia DelBorello
6/10/2012 Carlo & Catherine Xikis
6/16/2012 Chris & Jennifer Stavropoulos
6/23/2012 Stamatatos Family
8/18/2012 Steve & Alyson Mikolanda
8/18/2012 Cris an & Monica Apostol
9/1/2012 Benjamin & Sofia Thompson
9/15/2012 Panayio s & Kerrin Katsafouros
9/23/2012 Kevin & Julia Rich
Child's name
Alfred Aslanis
Thomas Dylan
Kyriakos Jake
Mason John
Ioannis Andrew Marrin
Zoe Marie
Alexiana Stavroula
Christos Shane Stuart
Holy Matrimony
6/2/2012 Christos Rap s
7/29/2012 John Hansen
Marisa Smith
Elizabeth Corey
5/23/2012 Ioannis Haralambidis
6/4/2012 Eleni Stylianoudakis
6/29/2012 Stanley Kinodefs
7/9/2012 Stella Caruso
7/11/2012 Chrysi Manzinos
7/16/2012 Margaret Marra
Page 11
Page 12
Suffolk Lic.# 14429-HI
Office: 631.474.4426
Nassau Lic.# HI8FO340000
Fax: 631.928.1201
P.O. Box 105
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
Licensed & Insured
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nization is
full of wil
ling peop
Half are w
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And the o
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Contact the Church Office for advertisement details!
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430 Sheep Pasture Road
Port Jefferson, NY 11777
Address Label
new years eve ball
Doors Open at 9:00 PM
Adults: $65 | Students: $35 | Children under 12 - FREE!
R.S.V.P. and Advance Ticket Sales
Church Office: (631) 473-0894
Markos Mavrophilipos: (631) 599-0395 or Dean Spanos: (631) 831-5615
Page 14