Cretan Musicians in 20th Century America Κρητικοί Καλλιτέχνες τού

official publication of the pancretan association of america
Cretan Musicians
in 20th Century America
Κρητικοί Καλλιτέχνες τού
20ου Aιώνα στην Αμερική
Tradition Transcended
Avissinos the Violin Charmer
pancretan association of america
KPHTH 2012 Commemorative Holiday Journal
official publication of the pancretan association of america
[ ] $225 Full Page
[ ] $175 ½ Page
[ ] $100 ¼ Page
Add $25 to above if sent after November 18, 2012.
No Ads will be accepted after November 30, 2012.
Please email or send this form with payment no
later than the November 18, 2012 deadline to
To place an ad, contact your respective District
Governor or email
[ ] PAA Board or Chapter
[ ] Individual or Family
[ ] Business
Helene Semanderes, Holiday Journal Edition Chair,
(724) 746-2878.
District 1: Demitris Hatzis (413) 734-8353
District 2: Zaharoula Marmatakis (732) 777-0104
District 3: Stelios Vitakis (216) 470-3323
District 4: George Stefanakis (248) 926-0592
District 5: George Liodakis (801) 597-6204
District 6: Roxanne Koston (650) 368-7891
District 7: Dionisia M. Sophinos (561) 848-1635
or 2nd V.P. Stavros Antonakakis at 609-929-6000
Make Check Payable To:
Mail Check to: Helene Semanderes
34 Kirkwood Drive, Washington, PA 15301
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Please type or print your message and submit a photo. Photos should be emailed in 300 dpi JPEG format
along with the sponsor’s information to
The Pancretan Association of America, Inc. (PAA) is a 501(c)8 non-profit fraternal organization Your donation to the 2012 PAA KPHTH Holiday issue supports the continual mission
and programs of the organization. Your donation may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS. Seek the guidance of your accountant or a professional financial advisor
regarding tax questions.
official publication of the pancretan association of america
October 2012
President’s Message | Mήνυμα Προέδρου
04 Message From PAA President John G. Manos
official publication of the pancretan association of america
OCTOBER 2012 Contents
Read about
Cretan music,
starting on
page 9
From the Board | Νεα Συμβουλιου
7 PAA 300 Update
| Γράμματα
7 Letters to the Editor and Scholarship Committee
Cover Story | Εξώφυλλο 9 Cretan Musicians in 20th Century America
Cretan Musicians
in 20th Century America
Κρητικοί Καλλιτέχνες τού
20ου Aιώνα στην Αμερική
Music | Μουσικη
Tradition Transcended
Avissinos the Violin Charmer
12 Ο Γητευτής του Βιολιού
14 Tradition Transcended
Cover designed by Cali Pappas
& Amalia Deligiannis
From the District | Από την Περιφέρεια
15 District 6 Update Chapter Profile | Προφίλ Συλλόγου
16 Spotlight on Polirina
Special Report | Ρεπορτάζ
18 Το Θρυλικό Έπος του 1940
24 Event in Review: The World Council of Cretans
KPI KPI | Κρί Κρί
Pictures | Φωτογραφίες
26 GVCC Hosts Annual Greek Fest 36 Denver, Colorado Annual Picnic
Donors | Δωρητές
You may also follow us on:
Facebook, YouTube and Linkedin
27 Donations
Calendar | Ημερολόγιο
27 PAA Chapter Events
Chapter News | Νέα Συλλόγων
28 PAA Chapter News
KPHTH Magazine
38 PAA Business/Professional Directory
Όπου ναι γλέντι και χαρά
γυρίζω το τιμόνι
θωρεί ο χάρος να γλεντώ
και χέρα δε μ’ απλώνει...
Το μαντολίνο έβγαλε
κι αρχίζει μαντινάδες
και στο μυαλό μου ήρθανε
αλλοτινές καντάδες.
P re s i d ent ’ s M e s s a g e
The Youth and the Future
John Manos
President, PAA
am continually impressed with the youth in
our organization! The PYA was organized in
1948, experienced a resurgence in 1970, and,
ever since then, the number of chapters has
grown (from seven to 16) as has its membership. I cannot tell you how many other organizations have approached me and asked, “How
do you do it? How do you bring in and maintain your youth group?” Over the years, with
the support and encouragement of our adult
members, the PAA has created an environment where our youth has been able to flourish, learn about Cretan traditions and develop
a passion for all things Cretan.
A fundamental tenet of the PAA is to perpetuate and promote Cretan culture, history
and ithi kai ethima. Whether it be through music, dance, scholarship support, educational
programs in Crete, youth sponsored conferences, or local, regional and national events,
let me tell you, it is working!
Some comments from the Cretans in Crete
when they see our youth perform have included: “Your youth is better than ours!” and “They
feel it more; they understand it and have the
passion for the dancing, for the music, and for
our culture.”
I am proud of our youth and proud of their
accomplishments. I am very grateful and appreciative of the dedication of the PYA, its
president and board, the youth advisors and
of course, their parents for encouraging them.
The PYA summer and winter conferences are a
testament of their commitment to strengthen
the bonds with Crete that connect one generation to the next. Taking on the responsibility of planning a national conference is no
small feat. Bringing 150 to 200 youth members from every corner of the United States
together, designing a meaningful agenda, and
having “responsible” fun reflects the leadership capabilities of our young adults.
A few years ago when I was second vice president, we compiled and published a list on the website of more than 25 youth
members that played Cretan instruments. We
are repopulating this page again in the near
future and I guarantee you it will exceed this
number! At the same time, the Culture and Education Committee and the PYA will be organizing a national dance group that will perform
at chapter, district and board events across the
country. I urge every member to support these
efforts and continue to inspire our children to
identify with their heritage through music and
dance. It is a duty and shared responsibility for
all of us.
From my observations and the feedback
I have received from others, both here and
abroad, it’s clear that our youth are emerging
as a strong Cretan force: energetic, intelligent,
capable and willing to lead our organization to
an even stronger future!
Happy Anniversary!
On Oct. 14, we celebrate the 83rd anniversary
of our great organization. In 1929, a group of
Cretans came together in Chicago to promote
their culture and their history, and provide
a helping hand to new immigrants that were
coming from Crete to make America their new
home. We have come a long way since then, and
are still working together to promote and preserve our culture and our history. I commend
and thank those great pioneers for their vision and for their efforts and their accomplishments. If not for them, there is a good chance
that the history and traditions of our great island could have melted into this great melting
pot. From where I sit, we are the best Greek
American organization that I know of. Let us
keep it that way!
This month launches our ad drive for the 20122013 Christmas issue. I hope you use this opportunity to share your holiday greetings with
Cretans across the country and, at the same
time, support this great publication! See details
in this issue. K
Μήνυμα Προέδρου
Η Νεολαία και το Μέλλον
ίμαι συνεχώς εντυπωσιασμένος με την νεολαία
τής οργάνωσής μας! Η PYA διοργανώθηκε το
1948, γνώρισε μια αναβίωση το 1970, και, από τότε, ο
αριθμός των συλλόγων τής Νεολαίας έχει αυξηθεί (από
7 έως 16), και φυσικά καί τά μέλη. Δεν μπορώ να σας
πω πόσες άλλες οργανώσεις με έχουν πλησιάσει και
ρωτήσει «πώς καταφέρνομε και εχομε τόση Νεολαία
και τι κάνομε και τούς κρατάμε κοντά στήν παράδοσή
μας;» Ολα αυτά τα χρόνια, με την υποστήριξη και
την ενθάρρυνση των ενήλικων μελών μας, η ΠΕΑ
έχει δημιουργήσει ένα περιβάλλον όπου οι νέοι μας
μπόρεσαν να μεγαλώσουν, να μάθουν για την κρητική
παράδοση και να αναπτύξουν δυνατό πάθος σε οτι
εχει σχεση με την Κρήτη.
Μια βασική αρχή τής ΠΕΑ είναι να διαιωνίσει και
να προωθήσει τόν Κρητικό πολιτισμό, την ιστορία και
ήθη και έθιμα. Είτε είναι μέσα από τη μουσική, το χορό,
τίς υποτροφίες, τα εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα στην
Κρήτη, τά συνέδρια τής Νεολαίας με τήν επιχορηγία
τής ΠΕΑ, ή οι τοπικές, περιφερειακές και εθνικές
εκδηλώσεις, επιτρέψτε μου να σας πω ότι λειτουργεί!
Μερικά σχόλια από τους Κρήτες στην Κρήτη,
όταν βλέπουν τη νεολαία μας να χορεύουν με τόση
υπερηφάνεια και πάθος ειναι: “H νεολαία σας
είναι καλύτερη από τη δική μας!” “Το νιώθουνε
περισσότερο, το αισθάνονται περισσότερο και έχουν
μεγάλο πάθος για το χορό, για τη μουσική, καθώς και
για τον πολιτισμό μας.”
Είμαι περήφανος για τη νεολαία μας και περήφανος
για τα επιτεύγματά τους. Είμαι ευγνώμων και
πανευτυχής από την αφοσίωση τής Παγκρητικής
Νεολαίας, απο τόν Πρόεδρο και το Διοικητικό
Συμβούλιο της, τούς Συμβούλους τής Νεολαίας,
και, φυσικά, τούς γονείς πού τα ενθαρρύνουν. Τα
καλοκαιρινά και χειμωνικά συνέδρια τής Νεολαίας
μας, είναι μια αναμφισβήτητη απόδειξη της
δέσμευσής τους για την ενίσχυση των δεσμών τους
με την Κρήτη, και τη συνέχιση απο τη μια γενιά στην
επόμενη. Λαμβάνοντας την ευθύνη τού σχεδιασμού
ενός εθνικού συνεδρίου Νεολαίας δεν είναι μικρό
κατόρθωμα. Φέρνοντας 150-200 μέλη της νεολαίας
από κάθε γωνιά των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών μαζί,
σχεδιάζοντας μια ουσιαστική ατζέντα, και έχοντας
“ομορφη και σοβαρή” διασκέδαση αντικατοπτρίζει τις
ηγετικές δυνατότητες των νεαρών ενηλίκων μας.
Πριν από μερικά χρόνια, όταν ήμουν 2ος
Αντιπρόεδρος, ειχαμε συντάξει και δημοσιεύσει μια
λίστα στην ιστοσελίδα μέ πάνω από 25 μέλη
της νεολαίας που έπαιξαν κρητικά όργανα. Ανανεώνομε
εκ νέου τον κατάλογο αυτο και σας εγγυώμαι ότι στο
προσεχές μέλλον θα υπερβεί αυτόν τον αριθμό! Την ίδια
στιγμή, η Πολιτιστική Επιτροπή και η PYA διοργανώνει
μια Εθνική Ομάδα Χορού που θα κανει παρουσιάσεις
στούς συλλόγους, στίς περιφέρεις και σε εκδηλώσεις
τού Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου σε όλη τη χώρα. Καλώ
όλα τα μέλη να υποστηρίξουν αυτές τις προσπάθειες
και να συνεχίσουν να εμπνέουν τα παιδιά μας ώστε
να ταυτιστούν με τους κληρονομιά μας μέσα από τη
μουσική και το χορό. Είναι καθήκον και κοινή ευθύνη
όλων μας.
Από τις παρατηρήσεις μου και τίς εντυπώσεις
που έχω λάβει από άλλους, τόσο εδώ όσο και από
παντού, είναι σαφές ότι η νεολαία σας αναδύεται
ως μια ισχυρή Κρητική δύναμη: γεμάτη ενέργεια,
εξυπνάδα, ικανότητα και προθυμία να οδηγήσει τον
οργανισμό μας σε ακόμα ισχυρότερο μέλλον!
Happy Anniversary! Χρόνια Πολλά!
Στις 14 Οκτωβρίου γιορτάζομε την 83η επέτειο τής
μεγάλης οργάνωσής μας. Το 1929, στο Σικάγο, μια
ομάδα Κρητικών ήρθαν μαζί για να ενώσουν τις
προσπάθειές τους ώστε να μπορούν να προωθούν τον
πολιτισμό τους και την ιστορία τους, και να παρέχουν
ένα χέρι βοήθειας στους νέους μετανάστες που
έρχονταν από την Κρήτη κι ειχαν κάνει την Αμερική
τή νέα τους πατρίδα. Έχουμε διανύσει πολύ δρόμο
από τότε, αλλά εξακολουθούμε να εργαζόμαστε
από κοινού για την προώθηση και διατήρηση του
πολιτισμού μας και της ιστορίας μας. Συγχαίρω και
ευχαριστώ αυτούς τους μεγάλους πρωτοπόρους για
το όραμα τους, για τις προσπάθειες και τα επιτεύγματά
τους. Χωρίς αυτούς, πιθανότατα η μεγάλη ιστορία και
οι παραδόσεις τού νησιού μας θα μπορούσε να ειχαν
αφομοιωθει στήν απέραντη χώρα πού ζούμε. Από
όσο μπορώ να αντιλαμβάνομαι, είμαστε η καλύτερη
ελληνο-αμερικανική οργάνωση που ξέρω. Ας τήν
κρατήσομε λοιπον δυνατή και ενωμένη!
Αυτό το μήνα ξεκινά η προσπάθεια για τήν
συγκέντρωση διαφημίσεων για το 2012 2013 Χριστουγεννιάτικο Τεύχος. Ελπίζω να
χρησιμοποιήσετε την ευκαιρία να μοιραστήτε
τις ευχές σας γιά τις γιορτές με τους Κρητικούς
σε ολόκληρη την Αμερική και, ταυτόχρονα, να
στηρίξετε αυτή τη μεγάλη γιορταστική έκδοση!
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες υπάρχουν σε αυτό το
τεύχος. K
C o ntr i but o rs
σ υ ν τ ε λ ε στές
pancretan association of america
Headquarters: 32-33 31St Street, Astoria, NY 11106
1 22
4 3
Bob is the Culture & Education Committee
chair of the PAA, the artistic director and
choreographer of the Cretan Association of
Toronto and the choreographer and one of
the instructors of the Detroit chapter. He
has been involved with different aspects of
Cretan culture for over 30 years. He is married to Olga Markakis and has three kids,
Christos, Nikos and Kleanthi.
Effie is an environmental health consultant
who recently created “Glyká-Sweets,” which
offers online and wholesale Greek sweets.
She and her husband Vasilis also own California Space Organizers, a closet organizing
business. Together they direct the Minoan
Dancers and are founding members of Polirinia. Effie currently serves as Polirinia secretary and District 6 secretary. They have three
children: Achilleas, Odysseas and Elektra.
Helene is a member of the editorial board
of KPHTH magazine. She is also an active
member of her local PAA chapter, ArkadiMaleme Pittsburgh, Pa., of which she has
served as president and has directed the club’s
dance groups for more than two decades. She
is married to former PAA president Stavros N.
Semanderes, and has three children, Nicholas,
Christos and Erene.
Maria is the president of Nikolas Manolakakis/Mikis Theodorakis chapter of Mahoning
County, Ohio, and the District 3 secretary.
She also is a guidance counselor at Chaney
STEM/VPA Campus in Youngstown, Ohio.
She enjoys working with young adults and
is proud of her Cretan heritage, but she is
especially proud of her family.
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: stavros antonakakis Tel. (609) 929-6000 •
Send Pancretan Association-related items to: 8530 Sharon Drive, White Lake, MI 48386
TREASURER: DR. james saklas Tel. (202) 366-9254 •
District 1: DEMITRIS HATZIS Tel. (413) 563-6856 •
District 2: ZAHAROULA MARMATAKIS Tel. (732) 777-0104 •
District 3: STELIOS VITAKIS Tel. (216) 470-3323 •
District 4: GEORGE STEFANAKIS Tel. (248) 926-0592 •
District 5: GEORGE LIODAKIS Tel. (801) 597-6204•
District 6: ROXANNE KOSTON Tel. (650) 368-7891•
District 7: DIONISIA M. SOPHINOS Tel. (561) 848-1635 •
PAA FOUNDATION, INC.: john marakis Tel. (586) 707-7279•
Culture & Education: Haralambos (bob) markakis
PANCRETAN ENDOWMENT FUND: DR. George papadantonakis Tel. (312) 932-0086 •
PHILANTHROPIC FUND: evangelia alpogianis Tel. (773) 878-8901 •
CRETAN ALUMNI NETWORK (CAN): diane kounalakis-baxter Tel. (650) 343-6214 •
Monthly submissions should be sent no later than the 5th of each month.
Visit for magazine policies and procedures or call
Stavros Antonakakis, 2nd vice president, (609) 929-6000.
Email your letters, photos, advertisements and news to:
Editorial STAFF
Alexa Ganos
Executive Editor
Amalia Deligiannis
Managing Editor
Cali Pappas
Katerina Makridakis
Editorial Board & Advisory Committee
Katherine Katsounakis Elena Manos
Zaharoula Marmatakis Helen Ranney
Rema Manousakis
Helene Semanderes
NIKOS katsanevakis
editor emeritus
Published monthly except the combined issues of July/August and December/January.
Member rate: $20 per year / Non-Members: $50 / International: $90
by the: Pancretan Association of America (PAA), 8530 Sharon Drive, White Lake, MI 48386
POSTMASTER: Send Address Change to:
KPHTH c/o PAA 8530 Sharon Dr. White Lake, MI 48386-3472
YEAR 84th - NO 847 October 2012
Νεα συμβουλιου
To my fellow Cretans and Friends,
n the last issue of KPHTH, the
PAA Foundation Committee announced the PAA 300, a new program to support the PhilanthropJohn Marakis
ic, Scholarship, and the Cultural and Educational Funds. The goal
(586) 707-7279
of the PAA 300 is to secure $1 million for each of these funds. These
resources would give each of the fund Chairs the funds
required to implement critical PAA programs well into
the 21st century.
Please consider becoming a PAA 300 member!
Remember, the PAA Foundation is a 501(c)(3), and
many corporations will match the donations their employees make to 501(c)(3)s. This means that a $500 do-
nation by an individual with a corporate match of $500
will fulfill one year of that member’s annual $1,000 commitment.
Go to the web site and click on our link
for more information and an enrollment form that you
can complete and submit online. Feel free to contact us
with any questions or to have the forms emailed directly
to you. K
Thank you,
John Marakis
PAA Foundation Chairman
fr o m the b o ard
PAA 300 Update
Artemis Vamianakis
Letters to the Editor
Thank you notes from scholarship recipients:
Dear Dr. Zervos,
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to
you, the Venizelion Scholarship Program, and the Pancretan
Assocation of America for selecting me as a recipient for the
2012 Venizelion Scholarship. This scholarship will help me
further my education and allow me to one day be in the position to pay it forward to the next generation of Cretan American youth who have chosen the path of higher education.
Sincerely, Michael Stefanakis
Dear Mrs. Pologeorgis,
As I was preparing to leave my home in Clearwater to begin my collegiate career, I was thrilled to receive a wonderful
surprise. I am deeply honored and extremely grateful to be
awarded a PAA Scholarship in memory of Mr. Pologeorgis. It
is especially meaningful receiving this scholarship in memory of both a past PAA president as well as a local chapter
president in Clearwater. It will help me greatly at FSU.
With gratitude, Emanuel Boutzoukas
Dear PAA,
My name is Despina Votzakis and I graduated from
Dunedin High School in June 2012 with a license in Cosmetology. I am attending St. Petersburg College in Tarpon Springs, Florida, majoring in business. I would like to
thank the PAA for the opportunity of receiving a scholarship to assist in my education. I am grateful to the PAA
for establishing the scholarship program to allow young
students the chance to fulfill their dreams.
Sincerely, Despina N. Votzakis
Hello Amalia,
How was your summer? I just got back from Crete and the
first thing I saw with my mountain of mail was the magazine. I
just wanted to let you all know how great I think it turned out
and a great job you all did—Keep up the great work!
Sincerely, Christina Diamantakis,
president, Pasiphae, New York
Dear PAA,
My name is Spyridon N. Votzakis and I am currently
a sophomore attending St. Petersburg College, Tarpon
Springs/Clearwater, Florida. I will be receiving my associate degree this fall and plan to transfer to the University of South Florida to continue with my bachelor’s
degree in Business Marketing. I would like to thank the
PAA scholarship committee for awarding me a scholarship that will give me the opportunity to continue
my education and allow me to fulfill my goals in life. A
thank you to the PAA for being a very strong organization with many opportunities for its members.
Sincerely, Spyridon N. Votzakis
Dear Mrs. Kakis,
Thank you very much for the honor of being the recipient
of a scholarship in memory of your brother, Mr. Michael A.
Svourakis. With your generosity, I am one step closer to fulfilling my dream of becoming a pharmacist. I feel truly humble in
acceptance of this scholarship.
The Pancretan Association of America has brought me
closer to my Cretan American heritage through dance and
cultural events around the United States. I receive goose
bumps when I hear the lyra and laouto play and my soul
becomes overwhelmed with the Cretan spirit when mandinathes are sung at Horoesperithas. As a former dance instructor, I am thankful that I had the opportunity to pass
along the traditional Cretan dances that were once passed
to me. I hope to continue to pass on our culture and heritage to future generations. I am grateful the PAA has such
a great scholarship program that can support students in
reaching their educational goals.
I will forever keep the PAA and the Cretan spirit alive
and in my heart. I feel truly blessed that there are families
such as yours in the world. With your help, I am closer to
achieving my dreams. With generous donations from families such as yours, I believe the PAA will be successful for
several years to come.
Thank you once again for the generous donation. May the
culture and traditions of Crete live on in your family for many
years. May the memory of Mr. Michael Svourakis be eternal.
Sincerely, Nickolas Vamianakis,
University of Utah College of Pharmacy
Dear Dr. Zervos,
I would like to thank the Pancretan Association of America
for honoring me with the Venizelion Schoiarship. I appreciate
everything the Pancretan Association of America has done for
me and one day I would like to help the PAA and give back.
I would also like to thank the Maliotis and Chryssis families for the scholarships in memory of Costa & Mary Maliotis and Christopher Chryssis. Through their generous donations, I was blessed with the honor of being a recipient of
the Venizelion Scholarship.
With this scholarship, I will be able to further my education.
In college, I am pursuing a degree in nursing. My future plans
are to become a registered nurse and continue my education
to get my bachelor’s degree. Three members of my family are
nurses and they have influenced me greatly to pursue a career
in nursing. Once again I thank the PAA and the Maliotis
and Chryssis families for the scholarship.
Sincerely, Despina Hatzis
I would like to thank the family of Mrs. Hedwig B. Varouh for receiving a donation they made to the Venizelion Scholarships fund in her memory in order to assist
in the further education to PAA youth members. l am attending my first year of college and majoring in accounting. This is a great help for me to start my higher education and fulfill my goals.
Thank You, Despina Hobitakis,
Pancretan Youth of Chicago Member
Dear Mr. Zervos,
I am honored to be the recipient of the Nicholas G. Varouh Memorial Scholarship by way of the Pancretan Association of America. I plan to pursue studies in film and
media at UC Berkeley and am excited to begin this new
phase of my education.
The importance of this scholarship opportunity goes
without saying. The support from the Greek and Cretan
community in support of education has held strong for
years and helped so many students of Cretan descent.
Anthony Stavrianoudakis
Dear Pancretan Association of America,
“Never fear work, let work fear you.” These words, spoken by my late Papou Gus S. Pallios will never leave my
heart. Papou Gus was passionate about the Pancretan
Association and Cretan heritage. Although I only had my
Papou for 13 years of my life, his legacy lives on in how
I live my life. I am deeply grateful to have been chosen
to receive the scholarship in memory of Mr. Nick Delis.
This generosity goes beyond its financial assistance to
my family for my education. I am moved by the support of your organization as I begin a new chapter of my
life at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
Obispo. My education will be greatly supplemented by
my involvement in St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Church
in San Luis Obispo, California. I will work hard to give
back to the faith and heritage that has made me into the
person l am today. Thank you again, for everything you
have done for me.
Best, James Constantine Pallios
The PAA has extra copies of the 2009 National Convention Journals available.
Anyone interested in obtaining a copy should contact Stavros Antonakakis at They will be given out on a first come, first serve basis.
C o ver S t o r y
Cretan Musicians in 20th Century America
Harilaos Piperakis Paved Way for Cretan Musicians
Part 1 of a 2-part Series
Bob markakis
round the end of the 1800s and the early
1900s, many Cretans started immigrating to other European countries in search
of a better life. As rumor reached Crete that
there were plentiful jobs to be found in America, many left their villages. Men, women and
children moved away from their relatives and
friends for a better life in America.
Even though they left their beloved island,
they strongly maintained their language, religion, roots and heritage. Music, song and
dance always filled their gatherings and past
time because it preserved a mental connection with their homeland.
There are no records of known Cretan musicians in the 1800s in America. Cretans that
immigrated and brought with them their instruments, played only during their free time.
Many worked long hours to earn a living, not
only for their family, but to also
send money back home to
their extended family left in Crete. As a result, early Cretan immigrants did not have
much free time.
At the turn of the century, one young Cretan immigrated and lived his life in America.
This is where he cultivated his artistry and
passion for Cretan music and subsequently became one of the masters.
Harilaos Piperakis, or “Harilaos,” was
born in Xirosterni Apokoronou in Chania in 1888. From a young age he started
playing the Cretan lyra and by the age of
14 he was proficient. He learned from the
known lyra player Mathioudi. It is also said
that he was a student of the great master
of Asia Minor music Damouri Jemil Bey,
who was from Constantinople.
Ε ξ ώφ υ λ λ ο
The lyra of
Harilaos Piperakis,
who recorded both
traditional Cretan and
Rembetika music in the U.S.
in the early 20th century.
At the age of 17 he immigrated to America and started collaborating with other
Greek migrant musicians. He quickly developed into a great musician, composer and
a virtuoso of the lyra.
By 1920, he had become a famous musician and singer in America. He enriched his repertoire with music from other areas of Greece and from other
Mediterranean countries. He also played “Rembetica,” music from the Balkans and
from Asia Minor.
Harilaos formally studied classical music and also learned to play the violin. He
collaborated with many Greek migrant musicians, formed different music groups
and traveled and played in different cities across the United States.
In the early 1920s he started recording songs with different recording companies. In 1926, with friends, he started a recording company named “Pharos.”
Between 1926 and 1927 he recorded 14 songs, of which nine were Cretan and
five were Rembetica.
In 1928, in one of his return visits to Crete, Harilaos collaborated with
some other masters of Cretan music, including the famous violin player from Chania, Yiorgos Marianos. He also collaborated with the renowned lyra player Andreas Rodinos and lute player Mbaxevanis
(Yiannis Mbernidakis) from Rethymno. It is said that a “glendi” was
organized at the waterfront port of Rethymnon, and that Rodinos,
Harilaos and Mbaxevanis played for two continuous days. By this
period Harilaos’ name and musical skill had become well known
in Crete.
In the 1930s he recorded another 12 songs, four with Columbia
and eight with Orthophonic, which was republished by RCA.
From the 12 songs, seven were Cretan and
five Rembetika. After the war, he continued
recording Cretan and Rembetika songs with
other small Greek American companies such
as Balkan, Grecophon, Kaliphon and Liberty.
In the late 1940s and into the 1950s he
continued to play in cities across the United
C o ver S t o r y
1.Dr. Nick Vidalakis, Harilaos Piperakis, Chris G. Tsoutsounakis and
Emmanuel Tsapakis dance together during the 1978 PAA Convetion in Salt Lake City. Chris Tsoutsounakis fondly recalled the event:
“We invited Harilaos to the 1978 Convention and honored him as well.
That was the highlight of his life.” Piperakis passed away six months
after the event on Dec. 22, 1978. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lingos pose
in front of Harilaos Piperakis, Manolis Kaklis on lagouto, and Sifi Lekakis on the lyra. 3. Harilaos Piperakis dances with PAA members Chris
G. Tsoutsounakis, Emmanuel Tsapakis and Nikos Papaderos during
the 25th annual PAA Convention, which was held in Salt Lake City.
Photos courtesy Chris Tsoutsounakis and Fotini Lingos Kelaidis.
States. He was well loved and respected. By this
period, he was considered one of the most important and well known Greek musicians in America.
Besides his superb artistry and creativity, he had
a great fluency in composing mantinades, and he
possessed a deep and unappeased passion that
mesmerized his audiences. Because of his vast
repertoire, he was well-liked by Greeks from all regions of Greece. In America, he earned the name
of “God of Music” and in Athens (in 1958) the
name of “Paganini of the Lyra.”
One of his last appearances was in July 1978 at
the 25th Pancretan Convention in Salt Lake City.
Harilaos died on Dec. 22, 1978, in Vacaville, Calif.
After his death, the University of Crete honored him with an honorary degree for his vast contributions to Cretan music and the promotion of
our heritage in America.
He left us with a great legacy. He recorded more
than 40 songs on 78 and 45 records. Some of his
well known songs are “To Xerosteriano Nero” and
the “Ahi Lousakiano Krasi.” He was the only Cretan lyra player of his era who knew how to read
music. He also proved that the lyra could be taught
with notes. Harilaos not only influenced many
musicians in America, but also influenced generations of Cretan musicians in Crete. In addition, he
paved the way for many other known Cretan musicians to tour the United States.
In the next issue of the KPHTH magazine, I will
cover other known Cretan musicians in America
in the 20th century. K
Pictures, live recordings and videos
of Harilaos Piperakis from any chapter
or Pancretan events to showcase
in the Pancretan archives. Email
Culture & Education Chair Bob
Markakis at,
who is spearheading this initiative.
Looking Ahead
Culture & Education Chair Bob
Markakis plans on highlighting all the
youth dance troupes and musicians
by district over the course of 2013,
beginning with District 1 in February.
Please submit photos and information
about your local dance troupes and
musicians to Mr. Markakis via e-mail
at to ensure
inclusion in upcoming issues.
(Left) Violinist George Sfakianakis, also known as Avissinos, was
born in 1931 in Skalani, outside of
Heraklion, Crete. (Right) Greek Actress Jenny Karezi and Actor Manos Katrakis dance together while
Avissinos dances with an unknown
woman in his cafe. (Below) Avissinos performs at his cafe in Skalani.
Ο Γητευτής του Bιολιού
Της Ρίκης Ματαλλιωτάκη,
εννήθηκε το 1931 στο Σκαλάνι Ηρακλείου,
ένα μικρό χωριό ούτε δέκα χιλιόμετρα μακριά
από το κέντρο της πόλης και μόλις στα δεκατέσσερα
του έπαιζε βιολί στο καφενείο του πατέρα του ενώ
δεν είχε περάσει μια δεκαετία και στο ίδιο μέρος
είχε ήδη αποκτήσει το δικό του μαγαζί όπου για
χρόνια διασκέδασε όσο κανείς κόσμο και κόσμο
με το βιολί του.
Το πραγματικό του όνομα είναι Γιώργης
Σφακιανάκης , μη κάνετε το λάθος όμως να τον
αναζητήσετε με αυτό γιατί σίγουρα θα μπλεχτείτε
ανάμεσα στους χιλιάδες Σφακιανάκηδες που
υπάρχουν στη Κρήτη με αποτέλεσμα ο μεγάλος
κρητικός καλλιτέχνης να χαθεί στην ανωνυμία.
Αναζητήστε τον καλύτερα σαν Γιώργη Αβυσινό,
καθώς μια παιδική αταξία, σε συνδυασμό με το
πολύ μελαχρινό χρώμα του προσώπου του, έμελλαν
να γίνουν η αφορμή που θα του έδιναν ένα όνομα
με εντελώς ξεχωριστό χρώμα, ακριβώς σαν τη
μουσική του προσωπικότητα του που ήταν πέρα
για πέρα ξεχωριστή:
«Πήγαινα ακόμα στη τρίτη τάξη του δημοτικού
σχολειού όταν στην ώρα της γυμναστικής έκανα
κάτι, ούτε θυμάμαι τι, που δεν άρεσε στο δάσκαλο.
Έρχεται λοιπόν προς το μέρος μου, με κοιτά
αφάνταστα εκνευρισμένος, εμπνέεται μάλλον
και από τη μαυρίλα μου οπότε γυρνά και μου λέει
« Αβυσινέ έβγα τώρα αμέσως έξω από τη γραμμή…»
Αυτό ήταν, άκουσαν οι συμμαθητές μου τη κοροϊδία,
την κράτησαν, την μετάδωσαν κι έκτοτε δεν με
ξαναείπε ποτέ κανείς με άλλο όνομα.»
Τότε βέβαια το άτακτο, μελαχρινό παιδί
σίγουρα δεν γνώριζε ακόμα πως το άστρο του
ήδη ετοιμαζόταν σιγά-σιγά να τον καθιερώσει σαν
ένα από τους μεγαλύτερους μουσικούς, κρητικούς
καλλιτέχνες με το καινούργιο του όνομα: Αβυσινός!!
Επί του παρόντος λοιπόν σταματά κάθε είδους
σπουδές, όπως τα περισσότερα από τα παιδιά της
γενιάς του, το μικρόβιο όμως που αναμφίβολα
υπήρχε μέσα του έκανε κιόλας τη δουλειά του
καλλιεργώντας το έδαφος σε μια εποχή που το κύριο
χαρακτηριστικό της ήταν οι κάθε είδους δυσκολίες:
«Ήθελα να μάθω αλλά πως…κι ευτυχώς δηλαδή
που έπεσε κάποτε ένα βιολί στα χέρια μου. Τι
βιολί τώρα… ένα κουφάρι φαντάσου…Για να
το μεταμορφώσω εγώ σε βιολί πήγα ο καημένος
να κόψω τρίχες από την ουρά της φοράδας μας
νομίζοντας πως θα τα κατάφερνα να τις κάνω χορδές
και πως δε με σκότωσε το ζωντανό είναι θαύμα…»
Απτόητος όμως ο Γιώργης ο Αβυσινός
εξακολουθεί τη προσπάθεια ίσως και για να
αποδείξει για μια ακόμα φορά με τη περίπτωση του
ΜΟ υ σ ι κη
πως ο άνθρωπος γεννιέται μόνο και όχι γίνεται:
«Είμαι εντελώς αυτοδίδακτος σε ένα όργανο
που για να το μάθεις πρέπει να κάνεις το λιγότερο
δεκαπέντε χρόνια ωδείο… αλλά και πάλι μόνο αν
σου το λέει η ψυχή σου θα το μάθεις... Αν δε σου το
λέει η ψυχή σου δεν το μαθαίνεις ούτε σε πενήντα
πέντε χρόνια γι’ αυτό κιόλας δεν είναι τυχαίο που
το βιολί το έχουν ονομάσει βασιλιά των οργάνων!
Εγώ πάντως προσωπικά δεν ξέρω ούτε καν τι
είναι οι νότες. Νότες…τι είναι αυτό, δεν έπαιξα
ποτέ μου με νότες εγώ. Η μουσική που παίζω
βγαίνει πάντα μέσα από τη ψυχή μου, πάει κατόπιν
στο μυαλό μου κι από εκεί μετά φεύγει και πάει
κατευθείαν στα χέρια μου. Πως δεν ξέρω, που να
ξέρω... Πάρα πολλές φορές ξυπνώ τη νύχτα επειδή
έχω ονειρευτεί ένα σκοπό και για να μην τον ξεχάσω
σηκώνομαι αμέσως, τον παίζω στο βιολί και τέλος,
αυτό είναι…»
Κάπου εδώ σηκώνεις τα χέρια ψηλά κι αναρωτιέσαι
«μα πως είναι δυνατόν άραγε κάποιοι άνθρωποι να
λειτουργούν έτσι, μήπως άραγε έχουν την ικανότητα
να γητεύουν αόρατες δυνάμεις της φύσης;»
Και σίγουρα η περίπτωση του μεγάλου βιολάτορα Γιώργη Αβυσινού μάλλον που έχει πολλούς
«Ήρθε κάποτε στο μαγαζί ο Χατζηδάκης μαζί με
τον Φάμπα, το μεγαλύτερο τότε κιθαρίστα όλης της
Ελλάδας, και μόλις τους είδα εγώ πανικοβλήθηκα
και μόνο στη σκέψη πως μπορεί να με βάλουν να
παίξω μπροστά τους, όπως όντως έγινε κι αυτό που
φοβόμουν δεν το απέφυγα. Ζήτησε ο Χατζηδάκης
να με ακούσει κι εγώ προσπαθώντας να βρω τη
ψυχραιμία μου έπαιξα μπροστά τους «Καστρινές
κοντυλιές» «Κοντυλιές της νύχτες» «Κοντυλιές
Καλογερίδη» και άλλα.
Όταν σταμάτησα γυρνά ο Φάμπας και λέει του
Χατζηδάκη «μπορείς να μου εξηγήσεις πως γίνεται
αυτό κι εμείς καθόμαστε και τρώμε τα νιάτα μας στα
ωδεία;»Και η απάντηση του Χατζηδάκη ήταν «αν
ήξερα εγώ θα μπορούσα να εξηγήσω και σε σένα…»
Δεν ήταν όμως μόνο ετούτοι οι δυο μεγάλοι
μουσικοί που μάγεψε με τη μουσική του ο μεγάλος
γητευτής του βιολιού Γιώργης Αβυσινός.
‘Όλα σχεδόν τα ιερά τέρατα κάθε είδους υψηλής
τέχνης, ελληνικού μα και παγκοσμίου βεληνεκούς,
πέρασαν από το μαγαζί του την εποχή που
μεσουρανούσε, χαιρετήθηκαν και γνωρίστηκαν μαζί
του και μαζί με αυτόν φυσικά γνωρίστηκαν και με τη
κρητική μουσική.
Και μπορεί βέβαια να έχουν περάσει σχεδόν
τριάντα χρόνια από τότε που ο Γιώργης Αβυσινός
κρατούσε στα χέρια του το βιολί και η Τζόαν Μπαέζ
χόρευε μπροστά του ξυπόλητη κι εκστασιασμένη από
τους κελαϊδιστούς ήχους που το έκανε και έβγαζε, ή
από τότε που η Αλίκη Βουγιουκλάκη, ο Δημήτρης
Παπαμιχαήλ, η Τζένη Καρέζη, ο Μάνος Κατράκης,
ο Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος, κι ούτε κι ο ίδιος θυμάται
πόσοι και πόσοι ακόμα γλέντησαν έως πρωίας στο
χώρο του, αυτό όμως δεν εξαλείφει το γεγονός πως ο
Γιώργης Αβυσινός είναι από εκείνους τους λίγους,
τους ελάχιστους καλλιτέχνες που η διαδρομή τους
χάραξε ανεξίτηλα τη μουσική ιστορία της Κρήτης. K
This article has been reprinted with permission from, courtesy of Yiannis Samatas
of Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
M us i c
ΜΟ υ σ ι κη
Youth Gather in Meronas for Second Annual Musical Tutorial
n the small village of Meronas, in the mountainous region
of Rethymnon in Crete, there is a cultural association that
revives the long forgotten tradition of attempting to bring
the new generation closer to the wisdom of its ancestors.
The existence of more than 40 students playing Cretan instruments in the village motivated the cultural association
of Meronas to organize the first Musical Tutorial in August
2011. Remarkably talented musicians shared their knowledge with the students. One of them was Dimitris Sgouros, who has an outstanding knowledge of the Byzantine
notation and has deciphered and revealed to the public the
unique manuscripts of the father of Cretan folklore, Pavlos
Vlastos, which are under the supervision of the Historical
Archive of Crete department in Chania.
This past summer, from Aug. 7-11, the second annual
musical tutorial was held, with a series of music workshops
for the instruction of the lyra by Sgouros; laouto by Dimitris
Sideris; mandoline by Mihalis Kontaxakis; and bulgari by
Stelios Sykakis. Each workshop took place in different parts
of the village, from private courtyards to the one-room
classroom of the old school. Every evening after classes, the
students would get together in the village’s main street and
start a “glendi” that would continue into the very late hours.
Students and teachers alike would gather to sing mantinades, play their instruments and dance.
Last year we had some of our very own PYA members
in attendance. They were Christos Markakis, Andreas Kamouyerou, and Nikolis and Christos Semanderes.
This year’s PYA members included Pavli Papadakis, Manolis Boutzoukas, and Nikolis and Christos Semanderes.
On the final evening of the music tutorial, all the students put on a brief concert, which culminated into a full
blown “glendi” with the instructors taking over. The dance
floor was filled with young and old until the rising of sun.
Congratulations to all involved and may you continue
this great initiative next year. K
To view a trailer for the workshop, visit
1. Laouto musician and teacher Dimitris Sideris 2. and 3.
Lyra musician and teacher Dimitris Sgouros 4. Students
practicing on traditional Cretan instruments during the
second annual musical tutorial 5. Bulgari musician and
teacher Stelios Sykakis 6. Students being instructed on
the fundamentals of traditional Cretan music at the second
annual musical tutorial in Meronas, Rethymnon, Crete.
Α π ό τη ν Π ε ρ ι φέ ρ ε ι α
t is with pleasure that I
am writing a few words
about our 6th District to
inform our PAA members
of what we’re all about out
here in sunny California. I
Roxanne Koston
joined our San Francisco
6th District Governor local chapter, Epimenides,
when I first arrived from
Chania in 1959 at the age of 16.
We have gone through many changes since then and
I have undertaken many different positions within our
local chapters. I have served as secretary, as president
to the Ariadne women’s chapter, and again as president of the Epimenides chapter. I have also served as
lieutenant governor of the 6th District for four years,
was elected 6th District governor in 2011 in Los Angeles and also served as philanthropic chair. I have enjoyed all the positions I have held and look forward
to serving my district for a long time. I would like to
thank my current board for their efforts: lieutenant
governor Vasilis Fourakis, secretary Effie Fourakis
and treasurer Steve LaBritt. Working together we will
make wonderful progress in our district.
Our district’s highlight event is our annual St. Nicholas Retreat, which we call the Food Farm Retreat.
All day long we roast lambs and wild piglets. The St.
Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center was founded by
our beloved Eminence Metropolitan Anthony of San
Francisco around 1980, whose beautiful resting place
is next to the monastery. May he rest in peace.
Columbus Day weekend is set aside and strictly dedicated annually for our 6th District members and guests.
Since 1985 we have held many sacraments during this
special weekend. The last one was the christening of our
past district governor Stamatis Zoumberakis’ grandson
with all the members enjoying roasted lambs ala Crete.
We have also hosted past and present PAA presidents
and national officers, and welcome all to come. Around
1988 our group had collected many donations to build
a huge BBQ, which is surrounded by a lovely pavilion.
A proud sign above the BBQ is inscribed, ‘Pancretan Associaton 6th District.’
Our District currently consists of 16 chapters,
but will soon be 17. We currently have more than
900 members. Our 6th District is also very proud to
have six PAA National officers serving our organization. They are:
Tom Lantzourakis, 1st vice president
John Sargetis, general supervisor
Xanthippi Gelasakis, youth supervisor, West Coast
Roxanne Koston, District 6 governor
Diane Kounalakis-Baxter, Cretan Alumni Network
Tony Kocolas, Cretan historian
John Koulakis, PYA secretary
F r o m the D i str i ct
Greetings from the 6th District
The 6th District has also produced three national
PAA presidents: Gus Palios, Nick Delis and George
As for me, I hope to do as good of a job as my
predecessors. At this time, I would also like to take
this opportunity to mention all our past district
governors whose love and memory will never be
Melpa Frangos, 1943-1947
Harry Joseph 1947-1951
Melpa Frangos 1951-1958
Mary Katotakis 1958-1962
Lou Angelakis 1962-1966
Melpa Frangos 1966-1970
Gus Palios 1970-1974
George Mavrakis 1974-1976
James Pavlakis 1976-1980
George Tzitzikas, 1980-1980
John Limberakis 1984-1986
Stella Petrakos 1986-1988
Paul Peters 1988-1992
George Skandale 1992-1995
John Kordazakis 1995-1999
Chris Hallis 1999-2003
Eleftherios Dramitinos 2003-2007
Stamatis Zoumberakis 2007-2011
We wish all the very best and kali mas antamose pali.
Sta aidonia eparangila stin porta sas na rthoune kai me
glyko kelaidisma xeretismous na poune. K
(above) 2008 Christmas Party (right) 2008 Crab Feed Pictured: the Minoan Dancers.
Photos Courtesy Effie Fourakis
Spotlight on Polirinia
PAA Chapter Strives to Promote and Perpetuate Cretan Heritage
or nearly 20 years, the Polirinia chapter has
brought together Cretan families living in the
Marin and Sonoma counties of California. This region spans north of the Golden Gate Bridge to the
luscious California wine country.
The idea to create a new chapter developed in
the early 1990s by Cretans who were members
of the Nativity of Christ Greek Orthodox Parish
in Marin County. At that time, the closest chapter to Marin County was the San Francisco-based
Epimenides and Ariadne chapters, but participation in meetings and events was a challenge due
to the distance, geography and traffic patterns of
the region. The founding members of Polirinia recognized these obstacles, saw the need for a local
chapter and thus the concept of a chapter north of
San Francisco emerged. The chapter’s first meeting, with 16 members present, was held on Nov.
30, 1993, and attended by then PAA President
George Tzitzikas, his son Aristides Tzitzikas and
John Sargetis from Sacramento.
Our chapter, Polirinia, was named after an ancient city of western Crete, which is located 49
kilometers west (about 30 miles) of Chania, and
means “Peace.”
The Polirinia chapter has a strong core of dedicated members, whose goal is to promote and perpetuate our Cretan heritage. We support the events of
other Cretan chapters and we support our local parish. Some of our most memorable events have simply been gatherings to enjoy each other’s parea, like a
ferry ride to a San Francisco ice rink, a picnic to Angel Island State Park in the San Francisco Bay, a hike
and overnight stay at the historic West Point Inn on
Mount Tamalpais, and of course lively meetings and
festive Christmas parties at members’ homes.
Annually, Polirinia members attend the District
6 family weekend at St. Nicholas Ranch & Retreat
Center in the Sierra Nevada foothills. His Eminence
Metropolitan Anthony of Blessed Memory, who
was born in the village of Avgeniki, Crete, founded
St. Nicholas Ranch and attended the retreat many
times. Members of Polirinia, dressed in traditional
Cretan costume, stood as honor guards by the casket
of our spiritual father at his funeral service in 2004.
Polirinia has also sponsored lectures and artoclasia, picnics and New Year’s Eve festivities. For example, in 2007, the chapter co-hosted a reception at
a local bookstore for Janey Bennett, who had written a book set in Crete called “The Pale Surface of
Things,” and donated 50% of book sales at the event
to the fire victims of Greece.
Fundraising has also been an important effort of
Polirinia. Over the years proceeds have benefited the
Cretan relief fund, renovations of a village church in
Crete and Polirinia’s scholarship program for our col-
Π ρ ο φί λ Σ υ λ λ όγ ο υ
directed by members Vasilis and Effie Fourakis. Previously, Stelios Katzakis (lyra) and Antoni Gergiannakis
(laouto) played at the 2008 Crab Feed. In addition, in
2009 the parish hall was filled to capacity when the
Crab Feed featured Elias Horeftakis on violin, Stelios
Eliakis on laouto and Vasilis Nikoloudakis on guitar.
The Chapter continues to plan events and participate in Cretan activities and conventions to preserve
and promote our Cretan heritage, instilling it into
our children and sharing it with our community. K
Polirinia Officers 2011-2012
President, Anthony Kosmas
Vice President, George Georgeson
Treasurer, Betty Saris
Secretary, Effie Fourakis
C hapter P r o f i le
lege student members. Several children of our chapter have received national PAA scholarships, including Maria Kyriakos, Spyridoula Kyriakos, Jeanette
Saris, Mathew Kosmas and Nick Papadakis, and
both Jeanette Saris and Mathew Kosmas attended
the DIAS program in Crete.
In 1995 Polirinia was the principal chapter leading a joint fundraiser with all the other San Francisco Bay Area PAA chapters in a panegyri and benefit
concert by famous lyratzi Vasilis Skoulas. Proceeds
of the fundraiser benefited the building of the
Monastery of the Holy Theotokos the Life Giving
Spring at St. Nicholas Ranch.
Polirinia also holds an annual Crab Feed at our
parish community hall with fresh crab, Cretan music
and performances by the Minoan Dancers, who are
1. 2011 meeting
2. Hike and overnight
to the West Point Inn,
Mount Tamalpais. Pictured:
Stavros Fourakis, George
Fourakis, Tony Saris, Vasilis
Fourakis, Achilleas Fourakis,
Odysseas Fourakis
3. 2008 crab feed scholarship
recipients. Pictured: Vasilis
Fourakis, Andreas Fourakis,
Hugh Hunter, Jeanette Saris,
Mia Kosmas, Effie Fourakis
4. 1995 Skoulas fundraiser.
Pictured: Effie Fourakis, Vasilis
Skoulas, Vasilis Fourakis
5. 2012 Crab feed.
Pictured: Ann Gigounas,
Vasilis Fourakis, Tony Kosmas
6. 2007 Crab Feed
Pictured: Achilleas Fourakis,
Stavros Fourakis,
Stelio Diamantopoulos
Photos Courtesy Effie Fourakis
(left) The Dec. 16, 1940. cover of “Life” magazine
reporting on Greece’s actions. (center) A German
soldier in front of one of the signs erected after the
razing. The text reads: “Kandanos was destroyed in
retaliation for the bestial ambush murder of a paratrooper platoon and a half-platoon of military engineers by armed men and women.” (above) A squad
of German soldiers pass through a Greek village,
during the occupation of Greece in May 1941.
Το Θρυλικό Έπος του 1940
δημητρησ χατζησ
Ευρώπη του 1940 στενάζει κάτω απο την μπότα της
ναζιστικής Γερμανίας. Ο Χίτλερ μέσα σε ένα χρόνο
έχει καταφέρει να υποτάξει τις περισσότερες Ευρωπαικές
χώρες σχεδόν αμαχητή. Ο Μπενίτο Μουσολίνι της
φασιστικής Ιταλίας ονειρεύεται μια καινούργια Ρωμαική
Αυτοκρατορία και ενθαρυμένος από τις επιτυχιες του
Χίτλερ, είναι έτοιμος να κυρήξει τον πολεμο εναντίον της
Ελλάδος. Έχει ήδη προηγηθεί ο ύπουλος τορπιλισμός του
καταδρομικού «Ἑλλη» στις 15 Αυγούστου του 1940 στο
λιμάνι της Τήνου, και ο Ελληνικός λαός διαισθάνεται τον
επερχόμενο πόλεμο που δεν θα αργήσει να έρθει.
Τα ξημερώματα της 28ης. Οκτωμβρίου στις 3 το πρωί
ο Ιταλός πρευσβευτής Εμμανουέλ Γκράτσι , παρέδωσε
ιδιοχείρως τελεσίγραφο στον Έλληνα πρωθυπουργό
Ιωάννη Μεταξά ζητώντας την ελεύθερη διάβαση των
Ιταλικών δυνάμεων από τα Αλβανικά σύνορα. Ο αγέρωχος
πρωθυπουργός δεν δίστασε να απαντήσει το μονολεκτικό
«ΟΧΙ», γνωρίζοντας την δυσμενή θέση της Ελλάδος και
την υπευθυνότητα της ένδοξης Ιστορίας μας δεν είχε άλλη
εκλογή παρά να δώσει στον εισβολέα το σύγχρονο «Μολών
λαβέ». Αν θέλετε την Ελλάδα ελάτε να την πάρετε.
Έτσι λοιπόν οι «κοκορόφτεροι» Ιταλοί φασίστες
άρχισαν την επίθεση στις 5 το πρωί της 28ης. Οκτωβρίου
1940 στα Ελληνοαλβανικά σύνορα με 135,000 χιλιάδες
στρατό ενώ οι Ελληνικές δυνάμεις υπο τον Αρχιστράτηγο
Αλέξανδρο Παπάγο ήταν μολις 35,000. Στην αρχή ο
Ελληνικός στρατός μάχεται ηρωικά την υπεράσπιση
του πατρίου εδάφους,ο Κωνσταντίνος Δαβάκης, ο
ήρωας της Πίνδου, με μόλις 2,000 άνδρες αντιμετωπίζει
επιτυχώς την 3ην Μεραρχία Αλπινιστών, «Τζούλια», με
στρατηγικούς ελιγμούς καταφέρνει μεγάλες απώλειες
στους εισβολείς οι οποίοι τρέπονται σε φυγή, αλλά με την
ολοκλήρωση της γενικής επιστράτευσης στις 14 Νοεμβρίου,
αρχίζει η Ελληνική αντεπίθεση. Στις 22 Νοεμβρίου ο
Ελληνικός στρατός μπαίνει θριαμβευτικά στη Κορυτσά και
ο Ελληνικός πληθυσμός της Βορείου Ηπείρου δέχεται τους
Έλληνες φαντάρους σαν ελευθερωτές και οι καμπάνες των
ορθοδόξων εκκλησιών χτυπούν χαρμόσυνα. Οι Ελληνικές
πόλεις της Βόρειας Ηπείρου απελευθερώνονται η μια
μετά την άλλη, στις 30 το Πόγραδετς στις 5 Δεκεμβρίου
η Πρεμετή και στις 6, οι Άγιοι Σαράντα. Με την βροντερή
ιαχή «Αέρα», οι Έλληνες φαντάροι τρέπουν τους
Ιταλοφασίστες σε άτακτο φυγή, και ο Ελληνικός στρατός
μπαίνει θριαμβευτικά και στο Αργυρόκαστρο στις 8 του
Δεκέμβη και στις 22 στην Χειμάρα. Απο τις 22 Ιανουαρίου
1941 οι κορυφογραμμές απο Χειμάρα εως Κλεισούρα και
ανατολικά της Τρεμπεσίνας ειναι υπο Ελληνικό έλεγχο.
Οι ανέλπιστες νίκες των Ελληνικών στρατευμάτων δεν
είναι τυχαίες. Ένας τέτοιος άνισος πόλεμος μεταμορφώνει
τον απλό τσολιά σε ακαταμάχητο ήρωα και τον απλό λοχαγό
σε τιτάνιο διοικητή. Οι τεράστιες αυτές νίκες είχαν μεγάλη
επίδραση στο ηττημένο ηθικό της σκλαβωμένης Ευρώπης,
γιατί ήταν η πρώτη φορά που ηττήθηκαν οι δυνάμεις του
Άξωνα και μάλιστα απο μια χώρα εξασθενημένη από τους
συνεχείς πολέμους του ’12 και ’13 και τη Μικρασιατική
καταστροφή του 1922, και κανείς στην Ευρώπη δεν περίμενε
ότι η ξιφολόγχη του Έλληνα Τσολιά θα αποκεφάλιζε το
φασιστικό τέρας. Η αναλαμπή της ελπίδας ότι οι δυνάμεις
When the entire world
had lost all hope,
the Greek people
dared to question
the invincibility of
the German monster
raising against it the
proud spirit of freedom.
Όταν όλος ο κόσμος έχασε την
ελπίδα του, οι Έλληνες τόλμησαν
να αμφισβητήσουν το αήττητο του
γερμανικού τέρατος, υψώνοντας
απέναντι του το υπερήφανο πνεύμα
της Ελευθερίας.
—President Franklin Roosevelt
την εκτέλεση του σχεδίου «Μπαρμπαρόσα» δηλαδή την
εισβολή του στη Ρωσία, και εξαπέλυσε λυσαλέα επίθεση
κατά της Ελλάδος τον Απρίλιο του 1941. Αναγκαστηκε δε
να απασχολήσει 10 απο τις πιο επίλεκτες μονάδες του στον
Ελληνικό χορό για να αντικρούσει την ανεπανάληπτη για
τα χρονικά Εθνική Αντίσταση. Σαν αποτέλεσμα αυτών των
γεγονότων καθυστέρησε την επίθεση στο Ρωσικό μέτωπο
η οποία είχε καταστροφικές συνέπειες για τη ναζιστική
Γερμανία. Το θρυλικό έπος του ’40 ειχε καθοριστικό ρόλο
στον δεύτερο παγκόσμιο πόλεμο και επλήρωσε πανάκριβα
το τίμημα της ελευθερίας. Είναι υποχρέωση όλων μας να
διατηρούμε και να τιμούμε την μνήμη αυτών που άφησαν
την τελευταία τους πνοή στον βωμό της Ελευθερίας. K
S pec i al R ep o rt
του Άξωνα μπορούν να ηττηθούν είναι πλέον γεγονός.
Ο Μουσολίνι οργισμένος από τις στρατιωτικές του
αποτυχίες αλάζει τρεις αντιστράτηγους μέσα σε δυο
μήνες, τον Βισκόντι Πράσκα τον Ουμπάλντο Σάντου και
τον Ούγκο Καβαλλιέρο, και ετοιμάζει μια νέα επίθεση
την Άνοιξη του 1941 με 10 νέες Ιταλικές Μεραρχίες.
Ο Μουσολίνι ανέλαβε προσωπικά τις στρατιωτικές
επιχειρήσεις μαζί με τον γαμπρό του Τσιάνο ο οποίος
μάλιστα είπε «Το μεσημέρι θα πίνω τον καφέ μου στην
Αθήνα» Στις 9 Μαρτίου άρχισε η σφοδρή επίθεση με τα
ακατάπαυστα πυρά του πυροβολικού καθώς επίσης και
αεροπορικοί βομβαρδισμοί αλλά οι Ελληνικές δυνάμεις
απέκρουσαν τις Ιταλικές επιθέσεις σε όλο το μέτωπο. Οι
αλλεπάλληλες επιθέσεις ανάμεσα στους ποταμούς Αώου
και Άψου καθώς επίσης και στην περιοχή της Τρεμπεσίνας
από τις 11 Μαρτίου μέχρι και τις 25 Μαρτίου έχουν το
ίδιο αποτέλεσμα, τεράστιες Ιταλικές απώλειες και επιτυχή
απόκρουση απο τις Ελληνικές δυνάμεις.
Η τραγουδίστρια της νίκης Σοφία Βέμπο εμψυχώνει με
τα τραγούδια της τους Έλληνες φαντάρους και γελοιοποιεί
τον Μουσολίνι με το τραγούδι «Βάζει ο Ντούτσε την
στολή του». Η προσωπική ήττα του Μουσολίνι είναι
καθοριστική. Το έγγυρο αμερικανικό περιοδικό LIFE
αφιερώνει πολυάριθμες σελίδες στην επική νίκη της
Ελλάδος και στο εξώφυλο φιγουράρουν ένδοξες μορφές
του αγώνα. Ο πρόεδρος Ρούσβελτ σε ομιλία του στο
κονγκρέσο είπε τα εξής. «Οι Έλληνες Δίδαξαν την
αξιοπρέπεια στο πέρασμα των αιώνων. Όταν όλος ο
κόσμος έχασε την ελπίδα του, οι Έλληνες τόλμησαν να
αμφισβητήσουν το αήττητο του γερμανικού τέρατος,
υψώνοντας απέναντι του το υπερήφανο πνεύμα της
Ελευθερίας. Ο δε Ουίνστον Τσώρτσιλ είπε το περίφημο
«Από το εξής δεν θα λέμε οτι οι Έλληνες πολεμούν σαν
ήρωες, αλλά ότι οι ήρωες πολεμούν σαν Έλληνες».
Ο Χίτλερ βλέποντας την ήττα των Ιταλών, ανέβαλε
Cretans of Arizona Dinner Dance
At Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
January 26, 2013
Featuring the Rasidakis Band
With Manolis Rasidakis on the lira, Leyteris Rasidakis on
the laouto, and Stavros Rasidakis on the drums.
For more information contact Manolis Papamatheakis at
602-791-9109 or Voula Papamatheakis
*The Rasidakis Band will be in the United States from
November 2012 through February 2013, and are available
to perform at events, weddings or baptisms during that time.
Contact Manolis Papamatheakis if you are interested
in hiring them.
KPHTH Magazine
will highlight the
Patriarch Bartholomew’s
historic visit
to Crete last summer.
PYA President’s Message
Fellow Cretans,
Chris V. Marangoudakis
(917) 567 - 3988
Pete Saltas • (801) 573 - 1827
Chris D. Marangoudakis
(917) 807 - 9501
Yianni Koulakis • (818) 434 - 4030
Joanna Boutzoukas • (727) 599 - 4646
Katerina Makridakis • (330) 554 - 6340
Jeff Chipian • (801) 597- 3889
Andreana Masters • (248) 520 - 7008
Maria Kiagias • (312) 576 - 8997
Alekos Marmatakis • (732) 207 - 2397
Mary Papadakis • (801) 864 - 5270
Xanthippi Gelasakis • (916) 207 - 1850
Michael Detorakis • (330) 283 - 7592
It has been a tremendous first year, and an
honor to serve as your PYA President. Being
PYA president has given me the opportunity
to travel to different areas of the country for
various events, and establish relationships
with Cretans from all around America while
representing our organization. During the first
year, the PYA held two youth conferences: one
in New York and one in Los Angeles. Both
were very well organized, successful and wellChris V.
Our board members thus far have worked
PYA President
hard at their respective positions in order to help our organization grow. A year ago, the
first issue of cBuzz, which is a youth newsletter that is sent to all the youth via e-mail, was created. The number of
cBuzz viewers continues to rise, and we encourage those who don’t read
it to start. The recently established website is also a big step taken by the
board to allow members to network. It contains a calendar, photos, chapter
info and much more! You can also purchase your PYA merchandise via
PayPal on
This summer, the special events chair, Mary Papadakis, helped to
continue a recent tradition of the PYA in Crete. Mary, along with the West
Coast youth supervisor, Xanthippi Gelasakis, and the public relations
chair, Maria Kiagias, led a team of PYA members to the orphanage in
Chania. They shared stories, and became friends with the youth there. The
youth in Crete are no different than the youth in America, and it’s an honor
for us to be a part of their lives.
These are just some of the things our board has been working on thus
far. We have one more year in office, and we will continue to try our best
for the organization. I hope all students have a good school year. Καλo
χειμwνα σε oλους!!
Are you a part of the
PYA Network?
During the summer of 2012, much of our
youth had the amazing experience of visiting our beautiful Cretan homeland!
(left to right, top to bottom).
(1) Club Mylos in Platania - Mary Papadakis, Yani Tzinevrakis, Antoni Tzinevrakis, Georgia Revelakis, Pavli Papadakis,
Bobby Athineos, Maria Exarchakis, Virginia
Gasparakis (2) Georgia Revelakis and Mary
Papadakis (3) Lainey Manoukarakis, Virginia Gasparakis (4) Patricia Manos and Jim
Stathopoulos (5) Nikoli Semanderes, George
Manoukarakis, Lainey Manoukarakis, Rodianthi Gavalaki, Virgina Gasparakis, Bobby
Gasparakis (6) Pavli Papadakis and Steve
Stilianudakis jam with friends in Voukolies!
Great food, great parea,
and great teamwork by both
the youth chapter and the
adult chapter! The Cretans
of Modesto kick back and
enjoy a fresh-cooked meal.
(1) Kosta Pitaridis and Spiros
Doulakis (2) Costa Bouzakis
(3) Niko Hatzis, [unknown], Despina
Bobolaki, Paula Oddone, Matina Sophia, Dimitri Perikla Oddone, John
D. Bobolakis and Spiros Doulakis
(4) Dino Dourountoudakis, Stamatis
Moraitakis, Niko Hatzis and Spiros
E. Doulakis
Save the date...
Asimina Boutzoukas
Asimina was the president of the first student-run United
Way in the country, and created FSU’s Krispy Kreme Challenge
Fundraiser, benefiting non-profits in the Tallahassee community.
She has also been involved in the Greek Orthodox church community through the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival, the
CrossRoad Summer Vocational Institute, the PYA, and the Orthodox Christian Fellowship.
Her public policy interests flourished during her internship in
Florida Gov. Charlie Crist’s office, and she worked with Manatos
& Manatos, a public policy firm in Washington, D.C., to support
religious freedom in Cyprus and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
She recently began working as a systems integration consulting analyst with Accenture, a large global
consulting firm. She is very proud of her Cretan heritage and plans to stay connected with the PAA
throughout the years to come.
Asimina Boutzoukas is a recent graduate of Florida State
University. She graduated Summa Cum Laude, with degrees in
International Affairs and Economics, and was heavily involved in
her campus community.
Photo Courtesy of Xanthippi Gelasakis
Numerous people gathered during the World Council of Cretans event. (Seated from left to right) Xanthippi Gelasakis, board member PSK;
Stavros Perdikis, board member PSK; Anthony Tsourdalakis, president PSK; Manolis Starakis, secretary PSK; Alexandra Saridaki, board
member PSK; Maria Lagoudakis, treasurer PSK; Manoli Kougioumoutzis, board member PSK; and Ippokratis Beladakis, kosmitoras PSK.
Standing: (far left), John Nathenas; (seventh from left) Jannis Epitropakis, president of Pancretan Europe; (eighth from left) George Marinakis,
mayor of Rethymnon; (ninth from left) Stavros Semanderes, president emeritus PSK; (tenth from left) John Manos, president of the PAA; (11th
from left) Maria Stratoudakis, women’s executive director, PAA; (13th from left) Irene Vasilakis, PSK conference chair; (far right) Maria Vamvakis, PSK conference recording secretary.
Event in Review:
The World Council of Cretans
ast August, Cretans from the United States, Australia, Europe, Africa and Greece gathered in Rethymnon, Crete, to discuss policies and procedures that will
promote the Cretan culture, provide support and a clear
understanding on issues concerning “τής απανταχού τής
γής Κρήτες.”
His Holiness Archbishop Eirinaios initiated the conference
with a blessing and thanked everyone for their support.
Stavros Arnaoutakis, the district governor of Crete,
Maria Lioni, lieutenant governor, George Marinakis, the
mayor of Rethymnon, and congressmen from the Greek
Parliament, Vasilis Kegeroglou (ΠΑΣΟΚ) and Notis Marias (Ανεξαρτητοι Ελληνες), spoke on the recent crisis in
Greece, thanked all the organizations for their help, and
expressed their hope to continue working together to
overcome Greece’s hardships. In particular, they thanked
the PAA for the $300,000 in pharmaceuticals and
$20,000 cash, which were distributed to various institutions that aid the people of Crete affected by the recent
crisis, such as the “Samareites.”
Then, PAA President John Manos, Pancretan Associa-
tion of Europe President John Epitropakis, Cretan Organization of Greece President Manolis Paterakis, Secretary of
the Cretan Association of Australia and New Zealand John
Tripidakis, and representative of the Cretan Sisterhood of
South Africa Paul Antonakis, presented their “anaphoras”
about each association’s events and activities.
Irene Vasilakis from the Association of Europe was elected to chair the conference and Maria Vamvakis from the
PAA was elected recording secretary.
Antonis Tsourdalakis, president of the World Council
of Cretans, in his “αναφορα” presented the members
of Διοικητικόν Συμβούλιού and discussed the goals and
achievements of the World Council in the past year. He
credited Stavros Semanderes and George Aerakis, past
World Council presidents, for paving the way toward a
strong world organization. He wants to continue their
efforts in creating programs that will benefit τού όπου
γής Kρήτές.
Therefore, the World Council’s goals this year were to help
the Greeks and Cretans who emigrated to other countries; to
promote Cretan products worldwide by establishing the Cre-
tan “Pantopoleion,” where only certified Cretan products
will be sold; to use mass media to connect with Cretans in all
five continents; to create a world council website (www.wcc.
gr); and to create the Cretan e-magazine “Κρηταιεις.”
Tsourdalakis and the executive board had also worked
with the Cretan authorities and clergy to promote and
coordinate various important events, and he communicated with channels of mass media to reverse the negative publicity of Greece.
Finally, Tsourdalakis introduced and proposed his
“Μεγαλη ιδεα” which is to establish the Υπουργειο των
Απωδημων. In conjunction with all Panhellenic organizations, including the Macedonians, Cypriots, Arcadians,
and Messinians, Tsourdalakis would like to create a state
department for Greek immigrants run by professional
educated members and voted for by the immigrant population. This department would then answer questions
from Greeks around the world and assist those who legally want to invest in Greece. Tsourdalakis is preparing
to submit his proposal to the Greek Government.
In addition, during the conference, Nikos Verikakis
and the members of the Ελενκτικη Επιτροπη audited the
financial statements, and the following Θέματα were discussed and voted on:
S pec i al R ep o rt
• The eighth World Council Conference will be held
in Chania, Crete. Planning is underway and the executive board is creating a committee to organize
the conference.
• Amended bylaws proposed by Tsourdalakis on Aug.
1, 2009, that centered around the operations of the
World Council, passed.
• Tsourdalakis also proposed to honor John Petrakis from Australia, Mark Petrakis from Germany,
and Nikos Skoulas from Greece, at the next World
• Tsourdalakis also mentioned the Κρητικη Εστια,
an institution that helps Cretan University students. He received $3,000 ($1,000 came from
the PAA). Haralambos Salvarakis, president of
the Κρητικη Εστια, thanked all the organizations for their contribution.
The World Council Conference closed on a positive
note. All members are looking forward to a constructive
year until they meet again in Chania, Crete, in 2013. K
1. Tony Tsourdalakis,
president of the World
Council of Cretans,
from Australia. He
spoke on last year’s
accomplishments and
what he suggests for the
following year. 2. John
Manos, president
of The Pancretan
Association of
America. In addition to
other important issues,
he reported on the
philanthropic gestures
of the PAA. 3. Opening
prayer and Agiasmos by
Archbishop Eirinaios.
Photos Courtesy of Maria Vamvakis
GVCC Hosts
Annual Greek Fest
Cleveland, Ohio
Sept. 1-3, 2012
A Closing Memory
Tables were being broken down.
Chairs were being folded and
stacked. I was gathering tablecloths
when I heard the band announce
“last song.” I looked up and saw a
small ring of people dancing. The
band’s announcement “last song”
resonated with me. I stopped what
I was doing and, like a moth to a
light, I walked to the dance floor.
I took my place at the end of the
line. In a moment someone took
their place to my left, and before
too long the dance line was huge.
The area for dancing couldn’t contain us anymore. We danced our
way down West 168th Street toward Lorain Avenue. As we wound
our way back toward the band, and
again back toward Lorain, I noticed
eyes watching us from traffic driving by and from shoppers going to
and from their cars. As if stopped to
watch some happening, their eyes
were cast upon us. And what was
happening that they watched was
this: On a neighborhood street of
a city, workers and customers alike
joined in a dance line to celebrate a
finale. This is “Opa.” “Opa” is a spirit
that moves you in a celebratory
way. It is spontaneous. “Opa” is being Greek. And being Greek is not
a birth right, it is a spirit that moves
you when caught.
–Lucky Varouh
1. St. Paul Dancers 2. Dancers from the
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church.
3. Smiling into the camera are John Elliott
and his mother Rae Elliott. 4. Kitchen
help: Bill Regan, John Elliott, Steve
Nikolakis (member and caterer), Mike
Mavres (from Orlando Florida) [Not
pictured Andrew Rokakis] . 5. Member
Steve Nikolakis at the gyro stand.
6. John Salamalekis, lead singer of
the band STIGMA. 7. Dancers from
the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church.
8. Dancers under the tent.
δ ω ρ ε ές κ α ι ε κδη λ ώσ ε ι ς
September 2012
PAA Foundation Inc. Crete Relief From Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Velivasakis 09/02/2012
Cretans of St. Louis Crete Relief TOTAL PHILANTHROPIC-GENERAL
PAA Foundation Inc Scholarship General Donation From Ms. Amelia Catakis
PAA Foundation Inc Donation Scholarship Fund Restricted for Mr. George Paterakis Scholarship
TOTAL $21,900
d o nat i o ns & E vents
If you would like to make a donation to the PAA General Fund or to one of our other funds or programs, you may do so by sending your donation to: PAA, 8530
Sharon Drive, White Lake, MI 48386. If you choose, you may make your donation in honor of or in memory of someone. (For a donation of $10,000 or more to
a fund, a named perpetual scholarship/donation will be made.) For more detailed information, or if you have any questions, please contact any member of the
Board of Directors responsible for managing these funds or programs. They can be found on our website: or on page 6 of this magazine.
5-7 Dunlap, Calif. 7 Palm Harbor, Fla. 13 Astoria, N.Y. 27 Astoria, N.Y.
Annual District 6
Retreat Weekend
St. Nicholas Ranch
Dinner Dance
Annual Cretan
and Retreat Center
at the Cretan
Cultural Center
Vasilis Fourakis
Kosta Bikakis
Kostas Kapelonis
Minos Annual
Dinner Dance
Manolis Anastasakis
Calendar of Events 2012
2 Falls Church, Va.
Annual Dance
Hosted by the Cretan Assoc.
of Greater Washington D.C.
Tasso Christian
(703) 568-5677
Constantine Rodousakis
(240) 508-2379
3 Piscataway, N.J. 3 Canonsburg, Pa. 10 Chicago, Ill. 10 New York, N.Y. 10 Springfield, Mass.
Annual Pilafi Event
Sponsored By Cretans’ Fraternity,
The White Mountains, N.J.
St. George Church
Soula Kantilierakis (732) 819-0563
Takis Psarakis (908) 256-6813
Pittsburgh Annual
Dinner Dance
Southpointe Country Club
Helene Semanderes
(724) 746-2878
Annual Dinner Annual Dinner Dance
at the Chateau Ritz
Kosta Chaniotakis
(847) 373-6123
Christina Diamantakis
(516) 767-2716
Eleni Fiotodimitrakis
(718) 767-0513
Cretans Association
Minos-Crete Dance
Costas Bouzakis
860-490-6827 or
10 Charlotte, N.C. 17 Sacramento, Calif. 17Sacramento, Calif. 24 Cleveland, Ohio
John Datseris (704) 507-7073
Mrs. Zaharakis (704) 364-7204
Zeus Cretagenis
Annual Crab Feed
and Kritiko Glendi, and
PAA Board Meeting
7 Palm Harbor, Fla. 9 Brooklyn, N.Y.
Christmas Party
at the Cretan
Cultural Center
James Boutzoukas
(727) 786-8879
hosted by the Cretan
Sisterhood of New York
Annual Dinner Dance
Cretan Association of the Carolinas, Psiloritis
at Holy Trinity’s church hall, 600 East Blvd.
National PAA
Board Meeting
Erasmia Novotny
(248) 807-0352
Phoenix, Az.
Cretans of Az. Dinner Dance
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Manolis Papamatheakis at (602) 791-9109 or
Voula Papamatheakis
Paul Manos
(440) 356-9742
Does your chapter have
an event coming up?
Let us know!
Email your events to
so we can help
promote them.
C hapter N ews
Samaria atlanta, georgia
About 120 miles from Atlanta, nestled in the northwestern foothills of South Carolina, lies the Diakonia Center, a 210- acre
camp owned and operated by the Metropolis of Atlanta. In the summer, this idyllic place is alive with summer camp activities for the many Greek Orthodox youth from the Southeast who attend the Center’s weekly summer camps. During the rest
of the year, the Center is available for use by groups within the Metropolis.
Atlanta’s Samaria Chapter spent Saturday, Aug. 25, at the Diakonia Center. About 25 members of the Samaria Chapter
and their children took the two-hour drive from Atlanta to enjoy the facilities. In the morning, the members gathered at
the center’s chapel for a prayer service to commemorate the Feast Day of St. Titus, the first bishop of Crete and the chapter’s patron saint. From the chapel, members gathered in the Center’s main hall to enjoy a luncheon prepared by the center’s staff while Cretan music was piped over the dining hall’s loudspeakers. Afterwards,
members had a choice of activities—hiking the many nature trails that crisscross through
the center’s hardwood forest, canoeing on the very large lake, fishing for bass and trout
stocked in those waters, playing various ball games, or relaxing. Late in the afternoon, the
members gathered again in the main hall to sip samples of homemade wine from the cellars of members John Doulgerakis and Demetri Mazacoufa and eat domestic cheeses,
all the while enjoying the accomplished lyra playing of Stratis Papageorgiou, who is a
protégé of John Doulgerakis, listening to mantinades sung by Mike Galifianakis, a new
member of our chapter, and watching the spirited dancing of others. As the sun started to
set over the distant mountains, the group began the journey back to Atlanta, refreshed and
(l-r) Sophia Boudouris, Christianna excited to have been a part of the chapter’s first such retreat.
Manos, and Melina Haralabakis.
Demetri Mazacoufa , President, Samaria Chapter
Ορκωμοσία Γυναικείου Τμήματος Κρητικής Αδελφότητας Μπρούκλιν
Το νέο ΔΣ του Γυναικείου Τμήματος της Κρητικής Αδελφότητας
του Μπρούκλιν ορκίστηκε την Παρασκευή. Από αριστερά διακρίνονται
οι: Βούλα Βρυωνάκη (Αντιπροεδρος), Γεωργία Αποστόλου, Κλειώ
Αλιφέρη – Μαυρίδη, Σοφία Καρπαδάκη, Σταυρούλα Δαμανάκη,
Ολυμπία Κουριδάκη (ταμείας), Ευανθία Κουρτάκη Μπασιά
(πρόεδρος), Σοφία Βενέρη (γραμματέας), Πάτερ Ευγένιος Πάππας,
Ιωάννα Παπαμανουσάκη, Αντωνία Τσισμενάκη, Ελπίδα Ανδρου,
Στυλιανη Καρπαδάκη, Αθανασία Μιχαήλ, Ελένη Τζαγαράκη, Πόπη Τσιράκη, Ειρήνη Παπαδάκη, Ελευθερία Ξενάκη,
Ευαγγελία Μαρολάκη και Μαρία Σαρτζετάκη, ενώ δεξιά στιγμιότυπο από το δείπνο. (Βίκη Mπαρδαμπελίας λείπει.)
New Board
Congratulations to the newly elected board of the
KPHTH chapter: President James Boutzoukas, Vice President Kostas Bikakis, Treasurer George Mantzaris, Secretary Christine Boutzoukas, and Board Members Stelios
Bennis, Nick Anton, George Steffen, Tom Kostakis and
Georgene Votzakis.
Georgene Votzakis, Tom
Kostakis, Nick Anton, Kostas Bikakis, James Boutzoukas, Chief Deputy George
Steffen, George Mantzaris,
Christine Boutzoukas. (Not
pictured: Stelios Bennis.)
We want acknowledge a very special member of our silogo
and board, George Steffen, who was just recently promoted to
chief deputy of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department. We
are very proud of your achievements and wish you all the best.
This summer, our dance instructor, Nick Votzakis,
along with PAA board members and the Philanthropic committee, visited Agios Nektarios Orphanage in Chania, Crete,
to present donations collected by the PAA.
The priest from Agios Nektarios,
George Verikakis, Evangeline
Alpogianis, Maria Stratoudakis
and Nickos Votzakis
Venizelos Presentation
The following members of our silogo, John and Peggy
Kokolakis, Violet and Peggy Kokolakis, the Joseph Kokolakis family, James and Mia Boutzoukas, along with a
few other family and friends, attended a presentation at the
Elefterios Venizelos Museum in Chania, Crete, this summer. Nick Papadakis, director of the museum, took every-
Many Thanks
Thank you to so many who made gracious donations in
memory of Tessie Pallas. The money was put toward buying
two Vulcan convection ovens for the silogo. Tessie was always
known for her great cooking and now she will be remembered
for many years to come as we think of her each time we cook
at the Kritiko Spiti.
1.John Kokolakis, Joseph Kokolakis and Speros Frangedis.
2. Joseph Kokolakis, Mia Boutzoukas, Peggy Kokolakis, Sr.,
Dr. Peggy Kokolakis 3. John and Peggy Kokolakis pose with
family and friends at the Venizelion Museum in Chania.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events – October 6, Annual Picnic; December 7,
Christmas Party; February 1 & 2, Annual Cretan Dance and
Welcome party.
C hapter N ews
one for a tour of the facility that housed the car Venizelos was
shot in, along with the replica that was purchased through
the efforts of the Venizelos Foundation, of which John Kokolakis was the chairman.
Mia Boutzoukas
Daughters of Crete Denver, Colorado
Annual Picnic
Sunday, Sept. 2, the Daughters of Crete gathered for our annual picnic. The lamb was donated by Tony and Angela Manos. Tony Manos, Sam Kounalis, and Tony Kounalis prepared the lamb for the feast. Wonderful dishes were prepared by
the Daughters of Crete for everyone to enjoy. Can’t wait until next year! (see photos on page 36)
Sandra Kounalis
George Varouh Cretan Club Cleveland, ohio
GVCC Hosts Greek Festival
On Labor Day weekend, the GVCC of Cleveland, Ohio, held our second annual Greek Festival at the organization’s catering hall
in West Park. Indoors we served all the traditional Greek dishes: pastitsio, moussaka, lamb shank, Greek potatoes, green beans,
dolmathes and pastries. We also had the two large tents outside where we served gyros, souvlakia, smelts and kalamari. The food,
prepared by Steve Nikolakis with help from some of the members, was excellent. This year we also had a “Knicknack Shop” and
sold gently used household items donated by members. In the evenings, live music was provided by Stigma. The dancers of three of
our Greek churches took turns entertaining the crowds all three evenings. Many people attended from the various Greek churches as
well as residents of the neighboring communities. By all accounts, those who attended had a wonderful time! (see photos on page 26)
Cretan Ladies Society of Detroit Detroit, Michigan
Congratulations to Our Graduates
Joanne Karagiannakis, daughter of Maria and Nick
J. Karagiannakis, graduated from
Walled Lake Western High School.
She made the honor roll every semester of high school and was involved
in many clubs and student organizations, including the Spanish club,
softball and orchestra all four years.
She will be attending Oakland University with a major in psychology.
Joanne Karagiannakis
Joanne has been an active member
of the Levendoyenna Youth Association for four years, was
elected treasurer this year, and has been a part of the dance
group since the age of five.
Stephanie Korona, daughter of Christine and John
Korona, and granddaughter of proud Yiayia Sophie Kitakis,
graduated from North Farmington High School with honors.
During her high school career, she was very
involved with the golf team, and the tennis
team, serving as captain of both. She also was
editor of the North Farmington High School
Yearbook for the past two years. Stephanie
will be attending the University of Michigan
and will be majoring in business.
We wish both these young ladies the
best of luck.
Stephanie Korona
Our condolences to Barbara and Kosta Lianakis and their
family on the recent death of Barbara’s mother, Vasiliki
Manoleas, who passed away in Greece in the village of Neohori in the Stoupa area of Messinia. Mrs. Manoleas was 94 years
old and was predeceased by her husband George Manoleas.
May she rest in peace, and may God help the family through
this difficult time.
C hapter N ews
Συγχαρητήρια σε Όλους τους Απόφοιτους
Ο σύλλογος μας είναι περήφανος για τις επιτυχίες σε
κάθε επίπεδο όλων των μελών του. Είμαστε όμως ιδιαίτερα
υπερήφανοι όταν βλέπομε την νεολαία μας να προοδεύει
στην σχολική, πανεπιστημιακή και την επαγγελματική της
καριέρα της. Το διοικητικό συμβούλιο εκφράζοντας όλα τα
μέλη, εύχεται σε όλα τα παιδιά, απόφοιτους Πανεπιστημίου,
απόφοιτους Λυκείου όπως και σε όλα τα παιδιά που συνεχίζουν
το σχολείο σε όλα τα επίπεδα, τα πιο θερμά συγχαρητήρια,
καλή πρόοδο και καλή σταδιοδρομία στην ζωή τους! Εύχεται
δε στους γονείς να τα δουν να γίνουν σπουδαίοι και σωστοί
άνθρωποι στην ζωή τους.
Η Αργυρώ Καντηλιεράκη, αποφοίτησε από το Rutgers
Graduate School of Education in English Secondary Education, ενώ πέρυσι το
2011, αποφοίτησε Major in English και
Minor in Comparative Literature Honors
Program ξανά από το Rutgers University.
Η Αργυρώ από μικρή ηλικία υπήρξε
μέλος του χορευτικού προγράμματος
του συλλόγου μας και ενεργό μέλος
του συλλόγου νεολαίας «Αρκάδι» όπου
τώρα διατελεί ως αντιπρόεδρος. Στους Argiro Kantilierakis
γονείς της Αργυρώς, κ. Σταμάτη και κα.
Σούλα Καντηλιεράκη όπως και σε όλη την οικογένειά της,
ευχόμαστε θερμά συγχαρητήρια και να την δουν επιτυχημένη,
και χαρούμενη στην ζωή της.
Η Ελευθερία Φιωτάκη, αποφοίτησε από το Rutgers
Graduate School of Education with dual certification in Elementary Education K-5 and Special Education K-12. Η Ελευθερία
από μικρή ηλικία υπήρξε μέλος
του χορευτικού προγράμματος του
συλλόγου μας και τώρα μάλιστα
διατελεί χοροδιδάσκαλος του ίδιου
χορευτικού προγράμματος. Ενεργό
μέλος στον σύλλογο της νεολαίας
«Αρκάδι» όπου τώρα έχει και το
δύσκολο έργο του προέδρου. Στους
Eleftheria Fiotakis
γονείς της Ελευθερίας, κ. Θέμη
και κ. Νίκη Φιωτάκη όπως και σε όλη την οικογένειά της,
ευχόμαστε θερμά συγχαρητήρια και να την δουν επιτυχημένη,
και χαρούμενη στην ζωή της.
Καλωσορίζομε στην Ζωή
Στις 12 Νοεμβρίου, 2011, γεννήθηκαν δίδυμα ένα
πανέμορφο κοριτσάκι, η Εμμανουέλλα και ένα πανέμορφο
αγοράκι, ο Γεώργιος Καντεράκη. Τα δίδυμα η Εμμανουέλλα
Highland Park, N.j.
και ο Γεώργιος είναι παιδιά της κ. Ειρήνης, πρώην αντιπροέδρου
του συλλόγου μας, και κ. Εμμανουήλ Καντεράκη.Ο πρόεδρος
και το διοικητικό συμβούλιο του
συλλόγου εύχονται ολόψυχα
στην οικογένεια Καντεράκη, τα
νεογέννητα δίδυμα Εμμανουέλλα
και Γεώργιος να τους Ζήσουν και
να τα δουν να γίνουν Σπουδαίοι
Άνθρωποι στη Ζωή τους!
Emmanuella and Georgios
Θερμά Συλλυπητήρια
Στις 16 Απριλίου, 2012 απεβίωσε στην Κρήτη η Μαρία
Καράκη, μητέρα του κ. Ιωάννη Καράκη, μέλους του
συλλόγου μας και τωρινό μέλος του διοικητικού συμβουλίου.
Εκ μέρους του συλλόγου μας, το συμβούλιο στέλνει τα
θερμά του συλλυπητήρια στην οικογένεια και συγγενείς του
Ιωάννη Καράκη και εύχεται ο Θεός να της συγχωρέσει, και
αιωνία η μνήμη της.
Στις 31 Ιουλίου, 2012, απεβίωσε το αγαπητό και
μακροχρόνιο μέλος του συλλόγου μας, Αργυρώ
Αποστολάκη. Η Αργυρώ γεννήθηκε στην Κρήτη και ήρθε
στην Αμερική, Highland Park το 1968 όπου και παρέμεινε.
Υπήρξε θερμή υποστηρίχτρια του συλλόγου μας και πάντα
συμμετείχε σε όλες τις δραστηριότητές του. Εκ μέρους του
συλλόγου μας, το συμβούλιο στέλνει θερμά συλλυπητήρια
στον σύζυγο της, κ. Κωνσταντίνο Αποστολάκη, τα παιδιά
της, Ειρήνη Τσαγκαράκη, Κωνσταντίνο Αποστολάκη και
Χρυσή Αποστολάκη, όπως και σε όλους τους συγγενείς της.
Ο Θεός να της συγχωρέσει, και αιωνία η μνήμη της.
Ετήσιο picnic 06/17/2012
Με μεγάλη επιτυχία έγινε στις 17 του Ιούνη το ετήσιο picnic του συλλόγου
μας στο Possumtown Park του Piscataway. Πλήθος
μελών και φίλων
του συλλόγου μας
σε ένα θαυμάσιο
περιβάλλον να γιορτάσουν την αρχή του καλοκαιριού και την
γιορτή του «Πατέρα». Πλούσιο φαγητό, μουσική και πολλά
παιχνίδια έδωσαν εκείνο τον ελληνικό γιορταστικό χαραχτήρα
που έκανε όλους τους παρευρισκόμενους να αισθανθούνε
υπέροχα και γιορτινά. Ευχαριστούμε όλους εσάς και τους φίλους
που βρεθήκατε μαζί μας.
Ετήσιο Παραδοσιακό Κρητικό Γλέντι
3 Νοεμβρίου, 2012
Νοεμβρίου 3, 2012, θα είναι μια βραδιά γεμάτη αυθεντική Κρητική μουσική, από τους ξακουστούς καλλιτέχνες, Ζαχαρία
Σπυριδάκη στην λύρα, τον Γιώργο Ξυλούρη στο λαούτο και τον Νίκο Ξυλούρη στο λαούτο. Το μουσικό πρόγραμμα θα
συνοδευτεί με το πλέον παραδοσιακό κρητικό φαγητό, το «βραστό» με «πιλάφι», παραδοσιακούς μεζέδες, καφέ και γλυκά.
Εσείς, οι οικογένειες σας και οι φίλοι σας είστε όλοι καλεσμένοι! Η παρουσία σας θα μας τιμήσει και θα βοηθήσει την
οικονομική κατάσταση του Κρητικού σπιτιού μας που τόσο έχομε ανάγκη!! Επίσης θα μας δοθεί η ευκαιρία να γιορτάσομε
μαζί μέρος της πλούσιας κρητικής γαστρονομικής και μουσικής μας παράδοσης.
Και εφέτος η είσοδος θα είναι $45, για παιδιά 12-18 ετών ως και φοιτητές, $30 και για παιδιά κάτω των 12 ετών δωρεάν.
Evelyn (Fasoulakis) Lendaris entered into eternal
rest on May 6, surrounded by her family in Sacramento,
Calif. She was born in Anopoli, Crete,
on Dec. 14, 1922. Evelyn came to the
United States in July 1950 after meeting and marrying her husband (Nick
Lendaris, who passed in May 1990) in
the Bahamas. She is survived by her
children, George Lendaris (Antonia);
Andrea Lendaris; Irene Chachas (John);
Greg Lendaris; and Stacey Weeks (Dan).
Evelyn (Fasoulakis)
She is also survived by her brother
George and sister Eleni, in Crete. Prior
to residing in Sacramento, Evelyn was an active member of
the Daughters of Minos in Salt Lake City. We will all miss
her humor, cooking, delightful smile, hospitality and her
determination in showing everyone how to dance her favorite dance, the “Sousta.” Her greatest joy in life were her
grandchildren: Strati and Anastasia Vourakis (Andrea Lendaris, Sacramento); Catherine and Christine Chachas (Irene
and John Ely, Nevada, members of the Cretan Chapters in
Salt Lake City, Utah); Nicholas and Maria Lendaris (George
and Antonia, Napa, Calif. members of the Polirinia Cretan
Chapter, Marin County, Calif.); and Andrew Weeks (Stacey
and Dan Corte, Madera, Calif., members of the Polirinia
Cretan Chapter, Marin County).
Note from Effie Fourakis,
Polirinia Chapter secretary and
director of the Minoan Dancers:
Evelyn Lendaris, Stacey
Weeks’ and George Lendaris’
mother, was a wonderful person and a proud Cretan, best
Evelyn Lendaris and
known to me for her kindness,
grandson Nicholas
for her delicious kalitsounia,
and for honoring us and the Minoans at the 2000 Greek Orthodox Folk Dance Festival by performing Sousta with her
grandson Nicholas at our Sweepstakes Presentation. This
photo is how I will always remember her.
Several Polirinia youth members attended the PYA summer convention in Long Beach, Calif., in June. Highlights of
the weekend event were club night on Thursday and the glendi
on Saturday, featuring Alexandros Papadakis on lyra, and
at which two of our young men participated in the rizitiko
(above) Polirinia youth members Jeanette
Saris, Achilleas Fourakis and Maria
Lendaris. (left) Polirinia youth members
Nicholas Lendaris and Elektra Fourakis.
C hapter N ews
Polirinia Chapter Marin County, California
and dance performance. The most fun to be had was on Friday
when attendees were taken by van and bus to “Creteville” (population 3), high up in the mountains of Temecula, in a setting
second only to being in Crete itself. Amongst the avocado trees
and granite boulders, the youth learned about Venizelos, held a
productive meeting, had a tsikoudia and oftos lesson, raffled a
lamb and learned the tradition of the Klydona.
(left) l-r John Tsikoudakis, Spiro Kounalis, Achilleas Fourakis,
Kosta Karakitsios, Chris Metos (Right) l-r Maria Sooklaris, Elektra
Fourakis, Victoria Baxter
District 6 Cretan weekend
October 5-7 marks the annual District 6 retreat weekend
to St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center in Dunlap, Calif.
PAA members from near and far are encouraged and welcome to attend this unique event. District Governor Roxanne Koston and Lieutenant Governor Vasilis Fourakis
are planning a weekend filled with fun and fellowship and
Cretan philoxenia. There will be bingo, vrasto and BBQing
all weekend. There will be an important district meeting and
the opportunity to visit the monastery, the nearby Sequoia
forest, to walk on the grounds and to the lake. And there
will be some surprises too. Please contact Vasilis Fourakis
at Registration information will be sent
out mid-September. Καλή αντάμωση!
Effie Fourakis, Polirinia Secretary
Δωρεά στην Κρήτη
Είμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να ανακοινώσουμε ότι τα χρήματα που συγκεντρώθηκαν από τον Κρητικό χορό μας, και
την δημοπρασία λουλουδιών, ύψους $1000 και οι δωρεές στη μνήμη του αείμνηστου μέλου του συλλόγου μας, Γιώργου
Πλανάκη στο ποσό των $800 θα δωθουν στο Φιλόπτωχο Συσσίτιο Σπλάντζιας Χανίων για να βοηθήσει τις προσπάθειές
τους για τους φτωχούς στην Κρήτη. Ευχαριστούμε όλους τους χορηγούς και τους υποστηρικτές μας για το ρόλο τους στην
συγκέντρωση των τόσο αναγκαίων χρημάτων. Ο Σύλλογος μας προσπαθεί να προσφέρει επιτυχημένες εκδηλώσεις για
συγκέντρωση κεφαλαίων που χρηματοδοτούν φιλανθρωπικές οργανώσεις στην αγαπημένη μας Κρήτη.
C hapter N ews
Ο Σύλλογος ευχαριστεί τις οικογένειες Γιώργου
Αγγελάκη, Γιώργου Γιωργακάκη, Μανώλη Γιωργακάκη,
Αντώνη Πλανάκη, Μιχάλη Πλανάκη, Αντώνη Τωμαδάκη
και Δημήτρη Χαλιβελάκη για τίς δωρεές τους εις μνήμη
του Γιώργη Πλανάκη. Είμαστε σίγουροι ότι ο Γιώργης
χαμογελά, γιατί ήτανε πάντα ανοιχτοχέρης. Από το
Καλόρουμα Ακρωτηρίου Χανίων που γεννήθηκε ως το Φορτ
Λοντερντέιλ που ζούσε πάντα πρόσφέρε! Ας ζήσουμε να τον
Ετήσιος Χορός: Κρητικό
Είναι μια συγκέντρωση όχι μόνο για τους Κρητικoύς του
Συλλόγου μας αλλά και για όλα αδέλφια μας, Έλληνες της
νοτιοανατολικής περιοχής, και ανυπομονούμε για αυτή την
ετήσια συνάντηση! Φέτος η Κρητική Χοροεσπερίδα μας
διοργανώθηκε το Σάββατο 12 Μαΐου στο Κοινοτικό Κέντρο
του Αγ. Δημητρίου στο Φορτ Λόντερτειλ. Ο Σύλλογος
μας πρόσφερε λύρα και λαούτο με
τον Χρήστο Φασαράκη, Γρηγόρη
Μανουσέλη και Γιώργο Κοκκωνά,
και DJ Mαράκι Μπουτούκα από τήν
αδελφική μας πόλη το Κλίαργουοτερ.
Προς απόλαυση μας, ένα από τα δικά
μας παιδιά ο Μιχάλης Στεφανάκης
έπαιξε λύρα! Μπράβο Μιχαλιό! Οι
χορευτές μας παρουσίασαν εξαιρετική
Κρητική χορογραφία και φιγούρες
με οργανωση από τον Μιχάλη
Στεφανάκη και εκτέλεση από τους Νίκο Στρατουδάκη,
Ελένη & Aριέλ Λούβαρη, Μαρία Κατερίνα Μέρκελ,
Σίντη & Μιλτιάδη Σοφιανό, Μιχάλης και Άννα Μαρία
Οι νεώτεροι χορευτές μας, υπό τη διεύθυνση της
Κατερίνας Αλμπάνης-Θεοδώρου μας εντυπωσίασαν με τα
χαμόγελά τους και τις ευχάριστες στολές και φιγούρες τους
από τον Δημήτριο Στρατουδάκη, Φωτεινή Κασσελάκη,
Γιώργο & Σωτήρη Βασιλάκης, Δημήτρη Χαλιβελάκη,
Πάκο & Τζόρτζιο Μονταμάρτα, Σοφία & Βυκτώρια
Ροσσάκη, Μαρία Στυλιανουδάκη και Ιωάννα Βισβάρδη.
Όπως είναι έθιμο μας,
το φαγητό ήταν άφθονο και
πανόστιμο! Η τσικουδιά έρεε
και τό ξημέρωμα της Κυριακής
βρήκε μια μεγάλη παρέα
μουσικούς και τους φίλους! Ένα
μεγάλο ευχαριστώ σε όλα τα
μέλη του συλλόγου, τα στελέχη του διοικητικού συμβουλίου
για την πραγματοποίηση αυτής της παραδοσιακής Κρητικής
συγκέντρωσης, και στους πιστούς χορηγούς μας, τις οικογένειες
και τους καλεσμένους για την παρουσία τους όπως κάθε χρόνο.
Ο Χορό μας το 2013 έχει προγραματιστεί για τις 9 Μαρτίου,
σημειώστε τα ημερολόγιά σας ... Ως τότε... υγεία!
Πρώτο ετήσιο πρωτάθλημα σκοποβολής Κρητικών
με κυνηγετικά όπλα: Οι Κρητικοί και οι καραμπίνες
ταιριάζουνε. Στις 17 Μαρτίου είχανε την ευκαιρία
να αποδείξουν τις ικανότητές τους στήν σκοποβολή!
Συγχαρητήρια στους νικητές μας, Αντώνης Τωμαδάκη,
Κυριάκο Τωμαδάκη και Σόφια Καραχάλιος. Ευχαριστίες
στον Αντώνη Τωμαδάκης για την οργάνωση αυτής της
εξαιρετικής εκδήλωσης και σε όλους που συμμετείχαν
στο διαγωνισμό - Στη φωτογραφία αριστερά προς τα
δεξιά: Αντώνης Γκούνης, Δημήτρης Χαλιβελάκης,
Γιώργος Γεωργακάκης, Μιλτιάδης Σοφιανός, Αθηνά
Γκούνης, Αλέκος Σοφιανός, Σοφία Καραχάλιος, Ανδρέας
Τζανακάκης, Μανώλη Χαλιβελάκης, Ken & Αναστασία
Μέρκελ, Αντώνης Τωμαδάκης, Ευκλήδης Τζανακάκης,
Κυριάκος Τωμαδάκης, Γιώργος Τωμαδάκης και
Μανούσος Βασιλάκης. Καλούμε όλους τους Κρητικούς τον
Μάιο 2013 για το δεύτερο πρωτάθλημα.
Ανακοινώσεις Γέννησης
Ο Σύλλογος μας μαζί με τον
πρώην πρόεδρο μας, Μιχάλη
Πιτσουλάκη και την σύζυγός
του Γεωργία, συγχαίρουμε
τον γυιο τους, Αντώνη και
την σύζυγό του, Μαρία για τη
γέννηση των διδύμων τους,
Η Αννα Χριστίνα και η
η Άννα Χριστίνα γεννήθηκε
Κατερινα Μαρία
12 lb 6 ounces βάρος και
ύψος19.5 inches και η Κατερίνα Μαρία γεννήθηκε 5 lb 8
ounces βάρος και ύψος 19 inches. Τα αξιολάτρευτα δίδυμα
γεννήθηκαν σε μια πολύ ξεχωριστή μέρα, 15 του Αυγούστου
2012, τι ευλογία! Ανάδοχοι θα είναι οι Albert & Joanne DeNiola για την Άννα Χριστίνα και οι Nick Hados & Shiela Callesis για την Κατερίνα Μαρία. Τα αδέλφια Μichael, Alyssa
και Nathan μαζί με την γιαγιά τους, Juana Fernandez είναι
ενθουσιασμένοι με τα νέα μελη στην οικογένεια τους.
Ο Σύλλογος εύχεται μια
εξαιρετικά ευτυχισμένη 50η
επέτειο σε δύο πολύ ιδιαίτερα
ζευγάρια, τους κ. Μιχάλη &
κα Γεωργία Πιτσουλάκη (ο
κ. Πιτσουλάκης είναι ένας από
τους πρώην προέδρους μας) και
τους κ. Περικλή & κα Γεωργία
Ροδολάκη. Συγχαρητήρια!
Αναρωτικές Ευχές
Εκ μέρους του Συλλόγου μας, η κα Μαρία Καστρινάκη,
που είναι η αρμόδιος για την φιλοξενία και την ευημερία του
Συλλογου, έστειλε κάρτες και είρθε σε επαφή με τα μέλη μας
να τους ευχηθεί ταχεία ανάρρωση.
1. Ο πρώην πρόεδροι του Συλλόγου, κ. Μιχάλης
Πιτσουλάκης και ο κ. Θεόδωρος Καραχάλιος είχαν
νοσηλευτή στο νοσοκομείο τον περασμένο χρόνο. Τους
ευχόμαστε «Σιδερένιοι».
2. Ο κ. Γιώργος Αγγελάκης πήγε πρόσφατα στο
νοσοκομείο και είναι τώρα κατ ‘οίκον εις ανάρωση. Ο
Σύλλογος έκανε δωρεά στον Άγιο Γεώργιο προς προσευχή
για την υγεία και ευημερία του κ. Αγγελάκη.
3. Η κα Γεωργία Πιτσουλάκη, είναι υπό ιατρική
φροντίδα. Ο Σύλλογος έκανε δωρεά στην Αγία Σοφία προς
προσευχή για την υγεία της κα Πιτσουλάκη. Η οικογένεια
έστειλε ένα υπέροχο σημείωμα ευχαριστώντας τον Σύλλογο
για την χειρονομία του.
Με μεγάλη θλίψη ανακοινώνουμε
Χαλιβελάκης, μητέρα του πρώην
προέδρου του Συλλόγου, Δημήτρη
Χαλιβελάκη και γιαγιά του μέλους του
διοικητικού συμβουλίου και πρώην
αντιπρόεδρο, Μανώλη Χαλιβελάκη.
Γεννήθηκε στη Δρακώνα Κεραμείων
της επαρχίας Κυδωνίας του Νομού
Χανίων, το Μάρτιο του 1922 και
πέθανε τον Αύγουστο του 2012.
Πατέρας της ήταν ο Βασίλειος Κουταλώνης και μητέρα
της η Βασιλική Κουταλώνη το γένος Πολυχρονάκη.
Παντρεύτηκε το 1943 το συγχωριανό της Χαλιβελάκη
Εμμανουήλ του Δημητρίου με τον οποίο απέκτησε (παρά τη
φτώχια και τον πόλεμο του 1940 κ.λ.π.) 6 παιδιά (3 αγόρια
και 3 κορίτσια, αλλά και 3 γαμπρούς και 3 νύφες). Κατάφερε
να χαρεί όσο ζούσε 21 εγγόνια και 20 δισέγγονα. Ήταν μία
μάνα χαρισματική, δυναμική, ακούραστη, εργατική και
γι’αυτό τα κατάφερε. Ήταν όμως και μερακλήνα. Ο Θεός
της είχε χαρίσει μελωδική φωνή, που δυστυχώς λόγω
των συνθηκών της εποχής εκείνης δεν μπόρεσε να την
αξιοποιήσει. Όμως στις παρέες και τους γάμους των δικών
της ανθρώπων, πάντα με τη φωνή της έκανε την παρουσία
της. Η χαρά που σκόρπιζε λέγοντας τα τραγούδια του τόπου
μας και της κρητικής παράδοσης ήταν μεγάλη, όπως εξίσου
μεγάλος ήταν και ο θαυμασμός των παιδιών της για τη σεμνή
της παρουσία.
Κατά καιρούς βέβαια και σε ώριμη ηλικία, είχε δεχτεί
πρόσκληση αρκετές φορές για να τραγουδήσει από τον κρατικό
ραδιοφωνικό σταθμό των Χανίων, αλλά και από το ιδιωτικό
κανάλι της τηλεόρασης το ΚΡΗΤΗ 1. Έτσι δόθηκε η ευκαιρία,
εκτός από ιδιώτες, να έχουν καταγραφεί και να υπάρχουν στα
εν λόγω αρχεία αρκετά απ’αυτά τα τραγούδια, που ήξερε να
λέει “ατόφια” και όχι παραποιημένα, όπως τα είχε μάθει από
τον αείμνηστο πατέρας της. - Αιωνία της η μνήμη
(Είστε όλοι καλεσμένοι)
20 Οκτώβρη - Κρητική Ταβέρνα στην Ταβέρνα Κύμα
4η Νοέμβρη – Μνημόσυνο Αρκαδίου & Γενική
13 Ιανουαρίου - Βασιλόπιτα
17 Φεβρουαρίου - Γενική Συνέλευση
9 Μαρτίου - Ετήσια Χοροεσπερίδα 2013
19 Μαίου Μνημόσυνο Μάχη της Κρήτης & Γενική
Μάιος TBA 2ο Πρωτάθλημα Σκοποβολής Κρητικών
Ιούνιος TBA Κρητική Ταβέρνα στην Ταβέρνα Κύμα
C hapter N ews
4. Ο κ. Μιχαήλ Τσακιράκης, μέλος του Συλλόγου για
μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα, εισήχθη στο νοσοκομείο κατά τη
διάρκεια του πρόσφατου ταξιδιού του στην Κρήτη. Η Κα
Καστρινάκη του τηλεφώνησε στην Κρήτη να του ευχηθεί
Με εκτίμηση, Αναστασία Καστρινάκη
Μετάφραση Αντώνης Τωμαδάκης
Georgiana Olivia Platsis
Georgiana Olivia Platsis celebrated her first birthday Aug. 26, on Nantucket Island during a vacation with mother Maria and grandparents George and Barbara Platsis of Okemos, Mich. They were
joined during their vacation by Aunt Tina, Uncle Jim and nieces Celia and Caroline Volkwein. Chronia
polla ke na ekatostiseis. Georgiana resides with her mother Maria in Greenwich, Conn., as does her
Aunt Tina Volkwein. Both Maria and Tina Volkwein are members of El Greco thus extending our Great
Lakes membership to the Atlantic Ocean.
Cretan Ladies Society “Proodos” Springfield, Mass.
Τήν Κυριακή 26 Αυγούστου, 2012 ο σύλλογος μας
μαζί με τον ανδρικό σύλλογο είχαμε το ετήσιο πίκνικ, εις
το Elks Lodge Pavilion of West Springfield. Μέλη και
φίλοι γεύτικαν τα νοστιμότατα φαγητά όπου το συμβούλιο
του ανδρικού συλλόγου προετοίμασαν, τα παραδισιακά
γλυκά όπου οι κυρίες του συλλόγου μας απλόχερα
εδώρισαν και διασκέδασαν και χόρεψαν με παραδισιακή
μουσική από τα παιδιά μας, Σταμάτη Μωραιτάκη λύρα,
Νίκο Χατζή λαούτο, Σπύρο Ντουλάκη κιθάρα και
Ντίνο Ντουρουντουδάκη μαντόλα. Ευχαριστούμε όλους
τους παρευρισκομένους οι οποίοι συνετέλεσαν εις την
καταπληκτική επιτυχία του πίκνικ.
Καρδιόβγαλτα ευχαριστώ και συγχαριτήρια
ανοίκουν εις τις ακόλουθες κυρίες όπου για μια ακόμα
φορά προσέφεραν την βοήθειά τους για να φτιάξομε
τα καλιτσουνάκια, τους λουκουμάδες, εδώρισαν
γλυκύσματα και χρηματικές δωρεές. Γεωργία Ντουλάκη,
Μαρία Τσιτσιρίδη, Χριστίνα Stebbins, Γεωργία
Μαλανδράκη, Χριστίνα Ντουρουντουδάκη, Τίνα
Κατσουνάκη, Ρούμπη Περράκη, Μαρία Τζαμπαζάκη,
Βασιλική Μαυρεδάκη, Ευαγγελία Παπαμαρκάκη,
Ρίτα Παπαμαρκάκη, Μαίρη Περράκη, Μαίρη
Καβράκη, Πατρίσια Χατζή, Δέσποινα Χατζή, Κατίνα
Μπουζάκη, Ελένη Μπουζάκη, Αντιγόνη Λιριτζή,
Μαρίκα Θεωδωράκη, Ευαγγελία Μαρκουλάκη, Κάνη
Μανιουδάκη, Ειρήνη Ρουμελιότη.
Congratulations to Annoula and
Michael Bikas who were joined in
marriage on July 7, 2012.
Following the ceremony, a lovely reception was held at Sheraton
Springfield Monarch Place Hotel. Annoula is the daughter of Kyriako and
Sitsa Varypatakis. We wish the happy
couple much health and happiness in
years to come.
Annoula and Michael Bikas
C hapter N ews
Congratulations to Gregory Varypatakis for his engagement with Monika Gwozdz. Gregory is the son of
Kyriako and Sitsa Varypatakis. Our best wishes for a lifetime filled with love and happiness.
Congratulations to Constantinos Dourountoudakis
who graduated from Bridgewater State University with a
bachelor’s degree in physics. Constantinos is the son of
Costa and Christine Dourountoudakis. Our best wishes
for future endeavors.
Congratulations to Richard Schoolcraft, son of Alexandra Papoutsakis–Schoolcraft, who graduated from
Agawam High School. Richard will continue his studies at
Westfield State University. Our best wishes for continued
New Member
We welcome Michelle Marnelakis as our newest
chapter member.
Our deepest sympathy to Steven and Christina Stebbins for the passing to the eternal life of Steven’s father,
Theodor Stebbins. May his memory be eternal.
Evangelia Papamarkakis,
ARIADNE Greater San Antonio, Texas
Andreas Lilikakis, a musician
from Crete, will be in the United States
Feb. 1, to March 31, 2013. He will be
in San Antonio for the annual District VII conference, which takes place
March 1-3, 2013. He will be available
for other events when he is here. You
can contact him directly at 011-30697-278-8996 (cell phone);
011-30-282-105-3152 (home phone)
or you can contact Mrs. Eleftheria Winters
at or via cell phone at
Andreas Lilikakis
San Antonio is a beautiful multicultural city that has
something special to offer every visitor. Plan to come to
our conference and dinner dance; we promise it to be an
unforgettable experience. To learn more about San Antonio go to:
More information on the district’s conference will follow as it becomes available.
John and Eleftheria
Congratulations to John and Eleftheria Winters on their 50th wedding anniversary. John and Eleftheria were married
in Iraklion, Crete, at the metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Menas on Sept. 16, 1962.
On behalf of our chapter members we
would like to congratulate and wish them
many more years together, enjoying life
with good health and happiness.
Congratulations to Michael Nevradakis, one of our
newest members, who has been awarded the opportunity
to spend a year in Greece as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar, performing research as part of his doctoral studies. Michael
we wish you the very best.
Happy Birthday
Best wishes to the following members for their birthday,
Jasmine Geer, Anna Maropis and Michael Nevradakis.
Also we like to wish a very happy 80th birthday to Dr.
John Mangos.
Dr. Mangos attended medical school at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Medical School and graduated in
1956. For half a century, countless young patients and
families have given thanks for the tender loving care of
Dr. Mangos, a pediatrician
at the UT Health Science
Center in San Antonio. In
his distinguished career,
he has developed innovative programs to help infants, youths and families
coping with HIV/AIDS
and conducted significant
research of cystic fibrosis to advance care of a
Dr. and Reverend Fr. John
lung disease that typically
Mangos with family
claims its young victims.
We also know Dr. Mangos as Reverend Fr. John.
As a priest, he has served unselfishly the Greek Orthodox community at St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox
Church. He has been a great supporter of our chapter
and has been an honorary member of Ariadne for several years. Fr. John has four lovely daughters and 13
grandchildren. We have been so blessed to know him
and to have him as our priest. Fr. John, we love you and
we wish you the very best birthday with many more
to follow.
On behalf of our chapter members and the members
of all chapters of District 7 we extend our deepest sympathy to our District Governor Dianne Sophinos and her
family for the passing of Dianne’s mother, Mrs. Chrysoula Maragoudakis. May the Lord comfort you and may
her memory be eternal.
We were also informed that Mr. Fotis Marmarelis,
the first secretary of the Cretans of Greater Houston,
passed away in Houston. We extend our sincere sympathy to the family of Mr. Marmarelis as well as to all members of our sister chapter for their loss. May our Lord
comfort you and may his memory be eternal.
Eleftheria Winters, president
Valerie Malekos-Smith, a junior at Mercy High School in Burlingame, Calif., was recently accepted to the prestigious
U.S Senate Page Program in Washington D.C. Valerie has been serving as an intern in the San Mateo, Calif. office of State
Sen. Leland Yee, who recommended her to U.S Sen. Dianne Feinstein for the program. The page program has been serving
the U.S. Senate for more than 100 years. Valerie will be serving as a member January through June. She is currently an
honor roll student and also volunteers at Mills-Peninsula Hospital. She is the daughter of Tim and Karen Smith and the
granddaughter of Epimenides member Bess Malekos. We wish her all the best and congratulate her on this great honor and
Christos Daskalakis, President
Ikaros San Jose, California
Hello and Yiasas to all of our Cretan friends.
Annual Ikaros Family Barbeque
On Sept. 2, the Ikaros Chapter held its annual family barbeque at the home of Michael and Liz Frangadakis. It’s
always the perfect end to the summer, as fellow Cretans get
together for wonderful food and friendship. I don’t know how
many years we’ve been
having our BBQ at the
Frangadakis home in Monte Sereno, but it’s probably
25 years. And I know they
couldn’t make it happen
without the help of Jim
and Kathy Mockler.
The afternoon starts
off with BBQ lamb riblets, spicy sausage and Greek fries,
with chefs Anthony Frangadakis and Ted Cocoles tending
the grills. Later it’s a full Cretan potluck dinner, with everyone from Ikaros contributing a dish. An array of foods were
prepared this year, including lamb chops, pilafi, pastitsio,
dolmades and a myriad of salads and desserts. A little more
than 100 people at this year’s function.
Following the dinner was a brief chapter meeting and then
the awarding of the annual scholarships to Cretan youth.
Ikaros Scholarship Awards
This year the Ikaros Chapter is once again happy to award
three $1,500 scholarships to deserving Cretan youths. The
process of awarding the scholarships involves applicants
writing an essay about what it means to be Cretan, which they
submit with the applications. Then a panel, including Scholarship Chairman Michael Spero, Dr. Larry Mattheakis
and Ikaros President Ted Cocoles select those that will receive the awards. This year’s scholarships went to:
Eleni Mattheakis, daughter of Dr. Larry and Martha
Mattheakis, will be a freshman at California State University
in Fresno, Calif., this fall. Eleni plans to become a teacher for
C hapter N ews
Epimenides/Ariadne San Francisco, California
students with disabilities. At the presentation, a portion of
her essay was read to the gathering. “Being Cretan has enriched my life and taught me the culture, food and many,
many life lessons that I will always remember. I couldn’t be
more proud to be a Cretan and wherever I go this fall, I will
take my Cretan heritage with me.”
Pamela Geranios, daughter of George and Alexis Geranios, is currently pursuing her master’s degree in special
education at San Jose State University. Pamela’s parents
were on hand to receive the award for her.
Martha Duterte, daughter of Brendan and Ruth
Duterte, will be a freshman at the University of California Davis this fall. Right now, she hopes to attend medical
school in the future and become a doctor. Martha is also a
member of the UC Davis Field Hockey Team, and due to the
team’s schedule, she was not able to receive her award in
person. Her parents were present to accept for her.
Victoria Elizabeth, Los Gatos
This summer, three of our Ikaros Cretan young adults
decided to go into business together.
For the last couple of years, Victoria Frangadakis has been designing
and making one-of-a kind custom
jewelry and selling her creations to
local stores and vendors. With her
brother Anthony and sister Eleni,
the three Frangadakis kids decided
to open their own store in trendy
Los Gatos to sell not only Victoria’s
creations, but also clothing lines that would appeal to the
younger crowd. Located at 467 N. Santa Cruz Avenue in Los
Gatos, Victoria Elizabeth is now open for business. If you’re
in the south bay area, go check their store out. You also can
see some of Victoria’s designs online ( Victoria, Anthony and Eleni are the children of
Mike and Liz Frangadakis of Monte Sereno, and grandchildren of Manos and Helen Frangadakis and Sharon Casassa.
Michael Francis,
Chapter News Reporter
(l-r) Eleni Mattheakis and Michael
Spero; Pamela Geranios; Ruth and
Brendan Duterte
C hapter N ews
Cretan Voice Chapter West Palm Beach, Florida
On the evening of March 10, in Washington, D.C., chapter member and former PAA President Emanuel (Mike)
Elliott, and chairman of Gencor Industries, Inc., was honored by the American Hellenic Institute at the 37th Anniversary Hellenic Heritage Achievement & National Public
Service Awards dinner.
Our chapter wishes Mike congratulations and all the
best for receiving this distinguished and great honor.
Welcome Back
The chapter hopes everyone had a wonderful and relaxing summer; it welcomes back home from Crete and other
cities of Greece the following members:
Anthony and Hope Peroulakis with visiting mother,
Alkioni Peroulakis from Skines, Crete, George and Ioanna
Esopakis, Marianna Manoura, and Kathy Plevrakis.
Our chapter wishes congratulations and continued suc-
cess to chapter member and attorney Kenneth Spillias,
who was named president and managing shareholder of
his law firm, Lewis, Longman & Walker, P.A. The firm is a
Florida statewide law firm with offices in West Palm Beach,
Tallahassee, Bradenton and Jacksonville.
CD Release
For all music followers: Ken’s daughter, Alicia Spillias,
recently released her first CD, “Clarity,” with her folk/pop
duo Gaia. It can be found on iTunes and other web-based
sites or through their website, They
have played at well-known Los Angeles clubs such as the
Voodoo Lounge of the House of Blues and The Mint. They
have also played at major festivals such as the Los Angeles
Lithuanian Festival. We wish you the best of luck in your
music career, Alicia!
Dianne Maragoudakis-Sophinos,
Send Your chapter news to
REMEMBER: When you send your chapter news, please send high resolution color images of at least
300 dpi., with a caption that identifies the people in the images. DO NOT embed photos in MS Word files.
Contact 2nd Vice President Stavros Antonakakis at 609-929-6000 if you have questions or if you would
like to advertise in KPHTH Magazine. Thank you.
Denver, Colorado
Annual Picnic
Sept. 2, 2012
1. (left to right) Cathy Ligeros, Mike Ligeros,
Stella Brokalakis, George Brokalakis, and
Tony Kounalis
2. (from left to right) Nick Soldatos, Joseph
Priddy, Dimitri Rokalakis, Erika Schmidt,
Mary Elaine Priddy and Penelope Xenoudis.
3. (left to right) Tony Kounalis, Tony Manos
and Sam Kounalis
4. (from left to right) Alexandra Melissaratos,
Eleni Athanasopoulos, Joe Priddy, Nick
Soldatos, Evan Andretsos, Mark Toft,
and Beth Toft.
The Pancretan Association of America
83 Years Old and Still Growing Strong
Established October 14, 1929
District 1
Cretans of Connecticut Mr. Anthony Aretakis
Rathamanthus-Ide Mr. Eleftherios K. Travayiakis
Minos Crete Youth Mr. Stamatis Moraitakis
Proodos Mrs. Evangelia Papamarkakis
Phileleftheroi of Rhode Island
Minos-Crete Springfield Mr. Costa Bouzakis
Akrotiri Mrs. Despina Mattheos
Megalonisos Mr. Nicko Daliadakis
District 2
Omonoia Mr. Panagiotis E. Rodamis
Pasiphae Mrs. Christina Diamantakis
Labrys Mr. Dean C. Marangoudakis
Minos Cretan Society Mr. Emmanuel Anastasakis
Cretan Brotherhood of New York Mr. John Verikakis
Cretan Sisterhood of New York Mrs. Evanthia Kourtakis Basias
Erotokritos Aretousa Mrs. Helen Kohilakis
White Mountains Mr. Panagiotis Psarakis
Cretan Assocation of Greater Washington D.C.
Ms. Irene Drimi Konstantopoulos
Omalos Mr. George Marketakis
Cretans of Delaware Valley Mr. John Pratsinakis
Idomeneas Mr. Bobby Gasparakis
Kritiki Filoxenia, Inc. Ms. Dimitra Vlachou-Lintzeris
Diktamos Cretan Association Mr. John Daskos
Nikos Mourtzakis of Richmond
Mr. Manuel Loupassi (Loupasakis)
Cretan Youth Group “Arkadi” Ms. Eleftheria Fiotakis
“Talos” Youth of Delaware Valley Mr. Joseph Antonakakis
Sfakia of Tidewater Youth Ms. Eleni Kopassis
District 3
George Varouh Cretan Club of Cleveland Mr. Paul Manos
Knossos Ms. Maria Bourlas
Cretan Association of Akron Mr. Demetrios Kountis
Venizelos Mrs. Helen C. Troullos
Arkadi-Malame Mr. Harold J. Migias
Manolakakis/Theodorakis Mrs. Maria Vamvakis
District III Youth Mr. John Kopasakis
Pancretan Association of Columbus “Vianos”
Mr. Adam C. Tzagournis
District 4
Cretan Fraternity of Chicago & Suburbs
Mr. Constantine Chaniotakis
Cretan Ladies Amalthia Ms. Geane Manoukarakis
Cretan Youth of Chicago Ms. Katerina Makridakis
Quad Cities Mr. Mike Patramanis
Cretan Association of Cedar Rapids Mr. Evan Farfaras
Pseloritis of Sioux City Mr. Emmanuel Michelakakis
El Greco Mr. Emmanuel Paschalis
Pseloretes of Detroit Mr. John Marakis
Cretan Ladies Society KPHTH Ms. Maria Demo
Lavendoyenna Youth of Detroit Ms. Maria Katakis
Association Therisson of Wisconsin
The Faragi of Samaria
Cretans of St. Louis
District 5
Minos Mr. Tony Thimakis
Daughters of Minos Ms. Roula Sargetakis
Minotavros Ms. Mary Papadakis
Cretefs of Denver, Colorado Mr. Jim Peros
Daughters of Crete Mrs. Sandy Kounalis
Idomeneas II Mr. Sam Kounalis
Kritiko Pelagos Mr. Stilianos Manos
District 6
Epimenides and Ariadne League of Cretans
Mr. Christo Daskalakis
Zeus Cretagenis Ms. Pagona Stratoudakis
Icaros Mr. Ted Cocoles
Lefka Oree Mr. Mike J. Kordazakis
Pancretan Association of America Apogoni
Ms. Sophia Thymakis
Cretan Sisterhood Eleftheria Ms. Argy Thymakis
Southern California Cretans Association Mr. Nick Boyias
Cretans Omonia of Orange County
Mr. Michael Christoforakis
Cretans of Arizona Mr. Nektarios Brokalakis
Las Vegas Minoan Mr. Michael Mavros
Polirinia Chapter of Marin County Mr. Anthony Kosmas
Psiloriti Youth of Southern California Mr. John Koulakis
Mr. Jonny LaBritt Erotokritos
Alikaianou Mr. Tony Kocolas
District 7
Cretan American Association of Miami
Dr. George Georgakakis
Cretan Association of West Palm Beach Cretan Voice Vice-President Ms. Eugenia Manoura
Cretan Association of the Carolinas - Psiloritis
Mr. Nikos Evgenitakis
KPHTH (Crete) Chapter of Pancretan Assocation
Mr. James Boutzoukas
Minos Youth Clearwater Ms. Alexia Protopapadakis
Cretans of Greater Houston Mr. George Zombanakis
To Arkadi of Naples, Florida Mr. Nicholas Chintakis
Ariadne of Greater San Antonio Mrs. Eleftheria Winters
Samaria – Atlanta Mr. Demetrius Mazacoufa
Pangregorian of America
629 Springfield Road,
Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Tel: 908.624.0250 • Fax: 908.624.1549
Greek American
Chamber of Commerce
200 South Broad St. Suite 600
Philadelphia, PA
Tel. 609-877-2000 Fax. 609-482-8181
Real Estate
George Chronakis, Realtor e-PRO
National Herald
37-10 30th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101
Tel: 718.784.5255 • Fax: 718.472.0510
Commercial - Residential
701 Route 73 South, Suite 101 Marlton, NJ 08053
Tel: 856.396.4556 • Cel: 609.828.3537
Professionals Helping People Achieve
the Dream of Home Ownership
Brookhaven Marketplace
Bank Financial
John G. Manos
6415 W. 95th Street Chicago Ridge, Illinois 60415
Tel: 800.894.6900
With Three Locations to Serve You!
Darien – Burr Ridge – Mokena, IL
The Finest Foods From Around Crete
Cretan Products
25°A Natural Products of Crete
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Find out how for a small investment
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