ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ. - St Euphemia College

May 2010
That within a dynamic
Orthodox, Christian
framework, a student
may strive to achieve
academic excellence, a
love of learning, social
growth and respect.
Strive for Excellence
ENROLING NOW FOR 2010 and 2011
(All year levels)
Enquiries: Phone: (02) 9796 8240
Email: officehs@steuphemia.nsw.edu.au
Years 10-12: Sunday, 23 May, 9. 30am
Years 7-9: Sunday, 30 May, 9.30am
As part of the National Assessment Program, national
tests in literacy and numeracy for Years 7 & 9, will
take place over three days beginning on Tuesday, 11
May and finishing on Thursday, 13 May. Students will
be preparing for these tests in English and
Mathematics classes.
The SWISSA Cross Country Carnival will take
place on Monday, 3 May. As a result of the
School’s Cross Country Carnival, students will
be selected to compete at this annual event Years 11 examinations will take place from Monday,
representing the College.
17 May till Friday, 21 May.
Good luck to all the competitors!
Years 7 & 8 examinations will begin on Monday, 24
May to Friday, 28 May.
All students are advised to begin revising and
A date for all our diaries is the annual School The more information that is revised and summarised
Ball that will take place on Saturday, 21 well in advance of examinations, will be better
retained in long term memory, thus students will
August. More details at a later date!
spend less time memorising and restudying.
The annual Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Of
Australia National Schools Event begins on
Wednesday, 5 May till Friday, 7 May. This year,
our College is hosting this auspicious event
that unites all the students of the Orthodox
schools from across Australia.
We wish all students good luck!
We wish our students good luck as they
compete in various sports, such as soccer,
basketball and netball. The School will also
host a Language and Social Evening that will On Sunday, 9 May we honour all mothers for their
provide an opportunity for fellowship and love, support and dedication to their families!
Good luck to all competitors!
The annual Independence Day celebrations were held on Sunday 22 March. It was a most
convivial event whereby our students proudly represented the School at Martin Place and the
march to the Opera House.
At Monday morning’s assembly, the Principal, Mr Hirakis, thanked all the students who
participated in the march and congratulated them on their excellent conduct, appearance and
support of the School.
On Wednesday, 24 February, a group of students from Wenona School came to our School for
an “out of the box experience” to learn about Greek culture. The students who came to our
School were from North Sydney and were accompanied by their teachers, Ms Kintominas and
Ms Munro. They chose to come to St. Euphemia College because Ms Kintominas is Greek and
she has grown up in the Bankstown area. Our Greek teacher, Ms Papastamatis organized this
educational experience.
Fifteen girls from our School in Year 9 volunteered to show our visitors around our School and
to tell them about ourselves and our Greek culture.
Their knowledge of the Greek vocabulary ranged from «Γεια ςου
for them to see our School and for us to try to teach them Greek words.
The highlight of the day was when they saw
the food in our school canteen. Coming to a
Greek canteen, they saw creamed potatoes,
calamari, Greek salad, tiropites, fried rice and
fish cocktails. If only they didn’t come during
Lent, the souvlakia and chicken schnitzel
would have really amazed them!
The girls kept reciting lines from the movie
“My Big Fat Greek Wedding” and one of them
asked me if I have drunk that clear alcoholic
drink, which we told them was called “Ouzo”.
We realised that despite attending different
schools, both our Schools are multicultural and
we share many similarities. We all like the
same songs, T.V shows, movies and shops and
after about half an hour, it seemed as if no
body felt like complete strangers anymore.
The girls were very friendly. The visit from
Wenona School was a positive experience for
both our Schools. We all learnt different things
about each other, like what we enjoy doing on
the weekends and about the different rules of
our Schools. Our communication with each
other didn’t end when the girls left our school
grounds thanks to modern technology
enabling us to exchange email and Facebook
It was definitely an “out of the box
experience”. In other words, it was an unusual
experience, not only for the girls, but also for
our own School. We all had a great time
speaking to people our age that are not our
school friends. Both schools, St. Euphemia and
Wenona School, appreciated and enjoyed a
fun day together.
By Georgia Pupulas 9B
Well done to the following St Euphemia College students who have represented SWISSA across
various sports throughout term 1 and early term 2.
Touch Football
OPEN GIRLS: Anastasia Mamounis, Kaitlin Walsh
UNDER 15 BOYS: John Kostakis, Alex Savva
BOYS: Dimitri Pupulas, Dejan Erceg, Damijan Borovina, Georgije Paravinja
GIRLS: Stephanie Papaioannou, Angelique Souris, Danielle Dendrinos, Elli Kazangas, Elena
BOYS: Giorgio Tzortzis, Leo Bitas, Dimitri Boukouvalas, Yianni Sklavenitis
GIRLS: Panoria Georgiou, Marie Malekkou, Constance Hionis, Joanna Hasouras, Dimitra
Mr Verghios attended the AICES swimming competition with the above students and was proud
of how well each and every one of them performed against the best swimmers from the
SWISSA region. A special mention must go out to Leo Bitas who has been selected to represent
the AICES swimming team in the NSW Combined Independent School (CIS) competition on 29
April 2010. Leo finished age champion for AICES 12 year old boys on 97 points, 7 clear of second
place. A truly fantastic result Leo, and we wish you the best of luck for the CIS competition.
Mr Verghios and
Ms Allison would
also like to say a
very big thank you
to the following
students who
assisted during
these events:
Anh Vu,
Evan Kohilas.
AICES School Basketball Championships for 2010
On Monday, 15 March 2010, St Euphemia College Senior Boys Basketball team represented the
South Western Independent School Sports Association (SWISSA) in the AICES School Basketball
Championships for 2010. Our boys represented SWISSA, as they finished in first place during the
regular SWISSA Basketball season and despite not coming up with a win during the AICES
tournament, played their heart out and performed their very best not only for themselves but
for their School as well as SWISSA. Congratulations boys on your excellent efforts and lets aim
to get there again next year.
Mr Verghios
PD/H/PE Department
St Euphemia Swimming Carnival
The annual swimming carnival for 2010, was an eventful and exciting day for all. We were all
entertained by those who swam competitively, those who did not swim and those who were
courageous enough to take a dive into the water and give it their best. The results were very
close, with the point difference being minimal, leaving first position to be determined by the
uplifting chants and thrilling relays.
In fourth place was Aphrodite on 89 points, followed by Zeus on 179 points. In was Apollo, on
185 points, with Athena taking first place on 192 points. A great achievement, as students
showed great passion and commitment throughout the day, not only in the pool, but out of it
too, with various banners and chants making an amazing spectacle in the grandstands.
Overall, it was a successful and entertaining day that will be remembered by all students,
teachers and parents alike.
Dimitri Hursalas and Iliada Heretakis
Yr 12
The property owner of Bankstown Shopping Plaza has requested that parents and students
enter the car park via the front door or the ramp and not the fire exit. Please read the
following letter:
ΜΑΙΟΣ 2010
Οι υποχρεωτικζσ θμζρεσ εκκλθςιαςμοφ για τουσ μακθτζσ μασ είναι ωσ εξισ:
Α΄- Γ΄ Λυκείου
Α΄- Γ΄ Γυμναςίου
Κυριακι 23 Μαΐου και ώρα 9.30 πμ
Κυριακι 30 Μαΐου και ώρα 9.30 πμ
Ετήσιος Σχολικός Χορός
Ο Ετιςιοσ Σχολικόσ Χορόσ κα γίνει το Σάββατο, 21 Αυγοφςτου. Περιςςότερεσ λεπτομζρειεσ
ςτθν επόμενθ ζκδοςθ.
Ετήσιοι Παναυστραλιανοί Αγώνες Ελληνορθόδοξων Κολλεγίων
Οι ετιςιοι Παναυςτραλιανοί Αγώνεσ των Ελλθνορκόδοξων Κολλεγίων κα διεξαχκοφν από
Τετάρτθ 5 Μαΐου μζχρι Παραςκευι 7 Μαΐου. Εφζτοσ το Κολλζγιο μασ ζχει τθν τιμι να
διοργανώςει τουσ Αγώνεσ και να φιλοξενιςει τα άλλα ζξι Κολλζγια.
Ευχόμαςτε ςε όλουσ τουσ μακθτζσ μασ καλι επιτυχία ςτα διάφορα ςπορ που κα λάβουν μζροσ,
όπωσ το ποδόςφαιρο, τθν καλακοςφαίριςθ και το νζτμπολ.
Το Κολλζγιο μασ κα διοργανώςει επίςθσ το Φεςτιβάλ Δθμόςιου Λόγου (Spoken Arts Festival)
ωσ επίςθσ και το Δείπνο (Social Evening) το οποίο κα δώςει ςτουσ μακθτζσ τθν ευκαιρία για
ςυναδζλφωςθ και καινοφριεσ φιλίεσ.
Καλι επιτυχία ςε όλουσ τουσ ςυμμετζχοντεσ.
Εξωτερικοί Διαγωνισμοί Αγγλικών και Αριθμητικής
(Literacy and Numeracy)
Τα παιδιά τθσ Πρώτθσ και Τρίτθσ Γυμναςίου κα διαγωνιςτοφν ςτα μακιματα των Αγγλικών
(Literacy) και τθσ Αρικμθτικισ (Numeracy) από τθν Τρίτθ 11 Μαΐου μζχρι τθν Πζμπτθ 13 Μαΐου.
Αυτζσ είναι Παναυςτραλιανζσ Εξετάςεισ που προετοιμάηονται από το Υπουργείο Παιδείασ. Οι
μακθτζσ κα προετοιμαςτοφν για αυτζσ τισ εξετάςεισ ςτισ τάξεισ των Αγγλικών και
Εξετάσεις Α΄ Εξαμήνου
Οι εξετάςεισ του Α΄ εξαμινου ζχουν προγραμματιςτεί ωσ εξισ:
Β΄ Λυκείου, από τθ Δευτζρα 17 Μαΐου ζωσ τθν Παραςκευι 21 Μαΐου 2010.
Α΄- Β΄ Γυμναςίου, από τθ Δευτζρα 24 Μαΐου ζωσ τθν Παραςκευι 28 Μαΐου 2010.
Συνιςτοφμε ςτουσ μακθτζσ μασ να αρχίςουν τθν προετοιμαςία τουσ εγκαίρωσ για να ζχουν
καλφτερθ απόδοςθ.
Ευχόμαςτε ςε όλουσ τουσ μακθτζσ καλι επιτυχία ςτισ εξετάςεισ τουσ.
Γιορτή της Μητζρας
Τθν Κυριακι 9 Μαΐου τιμοφμε όλεσ τισ μθτζρεσ για τθν αγάπθ, τθν υποςτιριξθ και τθν
αφοςίωςι τουσ ςτισ οικογζνειζσ τουσ. Χρόνια Πολλά ςε όλεσ τισ μθτζρεσ.
Εορτασμός της 25η Μαρτίου
Η ετιςια εορτι τθσ 25θσ Μαρτίου διεξιχκθ τθν Κυριακι 21 Μαΐου. ΟΙ μακθτζσ μασ με
περθφάνεια αντιπροςώπευςαν το ςχολείο ςτο κενοτάφιο του “Martin Place”και μετά ςτθν
παρζλαςθ προσ το “Opera House”. Ο διευκυντισ του ςχολείου μασ, κφριοσ Χειράκθσ,
ευχαρίςτθςε τουσ μακθτζσ που πιραν μζροσ ςτθν παρζλαςθ και τουσ ςυγχάρθκε για τθν
εξαιρετικι διαγωγι τουσ.
Ο κφριοσ Χειράκθσ ευχαρίςτθςε όλουσ τουσ γονείσ για τθ βοικεια και τθν υποςτιριξι τουσ.
Χ. Χειράκθσ