Curriculum Vitæ - Università degli Studi di Trento

Sebastiano Piccolroaz, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitæ
via Mesiano, 77
38123 Trento, Italy
H +39 340 4923282
T +39 0461 282637
Personal Information
First Name
Current Position
Jul 2013 – now
research title
research field
head of the Research
Post-doctoral Research Fellowship, University of Trento, Italy.
Hydrological modeling and hydro-climatic uncertainty assessment at river basin scale
Surface hydrology, Numerical modeling, Uncertainty assessment, Climate change
Prof. A. Bellin
Research Interests
My general research interest covers the areas of Hydraulics and Environmental Fluid
Mechanics, with a focus on Physical Limnology. My activity is aimed at understanding and describing complex natural phenomena by combining the development of simple
mathematical models and the analysis of observational data, both in situ and remotelysensed.
My most recent research is in the field of Surface Hydrology, where I am working on the
development of a highly parallelizable, simple and rapid regional scale hydrological model,
to be directly coupled with GCMs or RCMs.
Nov 2009 – Apr 2013
research field
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Trento, Italy.
Ph.D. Thesis
Deep ventilation in Lake Baikal: a simplified model for a complex natural phenomenon
Physical limnology, Numerical modeling, Thermal and mixing regimes, Heat budget
Dr. M. Toffolon
September 12 –
November 13, 2011
Guest Ph.D. Student, EAWAG, Department of surface waters - Research and Management, Kastanienbaum - Luzern (Switzerland).
Nov 2006 – Oct 2009
M.S. in Environmental Engineering - Soil preservation and civil protection, University
of Trento, Italy.
Master Thesis
Modellazione della propagazione di onde di piena lungo il fiume Tagliamento (Flood wave
propagation in the Tagliamento river)
Prof. M. Tubino, Dr. W. Bertoldi, Dr. A. Siviglia
final mark
Sep 2003 – Nov 2006
final mark
A.Y. 2005/2006
B.S. in Environmental Engineering, University of Trento, Italy.
Undergraduate Thesis
Studio sulle dinamiche ambientali ed ecologiche degli incendi forestali in Portogallo (On
the ecological dynamics of forest fires in Portugal)
Dr. M. Ciolli
Socrates-Erasmus Exchange Programme, Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto,
Teaching and Work Experience
A.Y. 2014/2015
A.Y. 2012/2013 – now
2011 – now
Apr 2013 – Jun 2013
Lecturer in a short course on hydrological modeling, University of Trento, Italy, organized within the European project GlobAqua (
Teaching assistant in the MSc course Hydrodynamics, University of Trento, Italy.
Assistant supervisor for several BSc and MSc students, University of Trento, Italy
Collaborator, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering - University
of Trento, Italy.
Consultancy Project
Quantificazione dei carichi di nutrienti ed analisi del trasporto nel lago di Ledro (Quantification of nutrients load and analysis of transport in Lake Ledro), funded by Provincia
Autonoma di Trento, Italy (33’000 euro + VAT). Project coordinator: prof. Alberto Bellin
(University of Trento).
A.Y. 2011/2012
Tutor in the MSc course Hydrodynamics, University of Trento, Italy.
A.Y. 2010/2011
Teaching assistant for "Seminario di Programmazione per Ingegneri Ambientali",
University of Trento, Italy.
A seminar on programming in Fortran 90/95, which is given to master students of Environmental Engineering.
A.Y. 2008/2009
Tutor in the BSc course Physics, University of Trento, Italy.
Publications and Conferences
Peer reviewed publications
Toffolon M., S. Piccolroaz, B. Majone, A. M. Soja, F. Peeters, M. Schmid and
A. Wüest (2014), Prediction of surface water temperature from air temperature in
lakes with different morphology, Limnology and Oceanography, 59(6), 2185-2202,
Piccolroaz S., M. Toffolon and B. Majone (2013), A simple lumped model to convert air
temperature into surface water temperature in lakes, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,
17, 3323-3338, DOI:10.5194/hess-17-3323-2013
Piccolroaz S. and M. Toffolon (2013), Deep water renewal in Lake Baikal: A model
for long term analyses, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, 6717-6733, DOI:
Other publications
Toffolon, M., S. Piccolroaz, and D. Bouffard (2014), Crossing the Boundaries of
Physical Limnology, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95(44), 403, DOI:
Toffolon M. and S. Piccolroaz eds. (2014) Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters: PPNW2014, Trento, Italy, 1-4 July
2014. Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento. Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile ambientale e meccanica. ISBN 978-88-8443-550-7. Available also in Open Access at (ISBN: 978-88-8443-551-4)
Piccolroaz S., M. Toffolon and B. Majone (2013), A simple lumped model to convert air
temperature into surface water temperature in lakes, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Discussion, 10, 10, 2697-2741, DOI:10.5194/hessd-10-2697-2013
Under review
Piccolroaz S., M. Toffolon and B. Majone, The role of stratification on lakes’ thermal
response: Analysis of the exceptional warming of Lake Superior in summer 1998, Water
Resources Research
To be submitted (the following publications are expected to be submitted before end of Jan 2015)
Piccolroaz S., B. Majone, F. Palmieri, G. Cassiani and A. Bellin, On the use of spatially distributed, time-lapse micro-gravity surveys to inform hydrological modelling, Water
Resources Research
Wherry S., S. Piccolroaz, T. Wood, Deep water renewal in Crater Lake, Oregon, USGS
Open-File Report
Conference proceedings with full paper
Piccolroaz S. and M. Toffolon (2012), Riuscirà il cambiamento climatico ad alterare la
ventilazione profonda del Lago Baikal?. In EdiBIOS: Cosenza (2012) Atti del XXXIII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche (IDRA2012), Brescia (Italy), 10-15 September
2012 (oral)
Zorzin A., S. Piccolroaz, M. Toffolon and M. Righetti (2011), On the reduction of thermal
destratification by a horizontal ciliate jet, 7th International Symposium on Stratified Flows
(ISSF), Roma (Italy), 22-26 August 2011 (oral)
Toffolon M., C. Carlin, S. Piccolroaz and G. Rizzi (2011), Can turbulence anisotropy
suppress horizontal circulation in lakes?, 7th International Symposium on Stratified Flows
(ISSF), Roma (Italy), 22-26 August 2011 (oral)
Piccolroaz S. and M. Toffolon (2011), A simplified model for deep water renewal in Lake
Baikal. In Yerubandi R. R. and Ackerman J. D. eds. (2011) Proceedings of the 15th
International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Burlington (Ontario,
Canada), 11-14 July 2011, pp 127-135. Canada Centre for Inland Waters, ISBN 978-088955-591-4 (oral)
Conference proceedings with abstract or extended abstract
Siviglia A., S. Piccolroaz and M. Toffolon (2015), Impact of heatwaves on river water
temperature in Switzerland, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, EGU2015-12276, eISSN:
Toffolon M., S. Piccolroaz and B. Majone (2015), How lakes respond to air temperature changes: a lumped model for long-term predictions, 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting,
Granada (Spain), 22-27 February 2015 (oral)
Piccolroaz S., M. Toffolon, and B. Majone (2014), Is Air Temperature Enough to Predict
Lake Surface Temperature?, Abstract H13N-07 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San
Francisco (California), 15-19 December 2014 (Invited, oral)
Piccolroaz S., B. Majone, F. Palmieri, G. Cassiani and A. Bellin (2014), Time-lapse,
Distributed Microgravity Observations as a Tool to Inform Hydrological Models, Abstract
H51O-0815 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco (California), 15-19 December 2014 (poster)
Armanini A., Bertoldi W., Giovannini L., Piccolroaz S., Toffolon M. and Zardi D. (2014),
A review of two major floods of the Adige River and their impact on the historic cities of
Trento and Verona, Resilienza delle città d’arte alle catastrofi idrogeologiche: successi e
insuccessi dell’esperienza italiana, Roma (Italy), 4-5 November 2014 (poster)
Piccolroaz S., B. Majone, F. Palmieri, G. Cassiani and A. Bellin (2014), Sull’utilizzo
integrato di indagini microgravimetriche distribuite e misure di portata nella modellazione
idrologica, XXXIV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (IDRA2014),
Bari (Italy), 8-10 September 2014 (poster)
Toffolon M.,S. Piccolroaz and F. Rauzi (2014), Modellazione del trasporto idrodinamico e
dello sviluppo del cianobatterio Planktothrix rubescens in un lago alpino, XXXIV Convegno
Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (IDRA2014), Bari (Italy), 8-10 September
2014 (poster)
Piccolroaz S. and M. Toffolon (2013), Characterization of deep water renewal in Lake
Baikal: a numerical analysis. In Toffolon M. and S. Piccolroaz eds. (2014) Proceedings of
the 17th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters: PPNW2014,
Trento, Italy, 1-4 July 2014, pp 64-65. Trento: Università degli Studi di Trento. Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile ambientale e meccanica. ISBN 978-88-8443-551-4 (oral)
Piccolroaz S., M. Toffolon and B. Majone (2013), Explaining water temperature changes
in Lake Superior by means of a simple lumped model. In Toffolon M. and S. Piccolroaz
eds. (2014) Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Physical Processes in
Natural Waters: PPNW2014, Trento, Italy, 1-4 July 2014, pp 66-67. Trento: Università
degli Studi di Trento. Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile ambientale e meccanica. ISBN
978-88-8443-551-4 (poster)
Piccolroaz S., B. Majone, F. Palmieri, G. Cassiani and A. Bellin (2014), On the use of
distributed microgravity observations to inform hydrological models, Geophysical Research
Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-10965, eISSN: 1607-7962 (oral)
Piccolroaz S. and M. Toffolon (2013), Un modello semplificato per lo studio della ventilazione profonda nel Lago Baikal, presented at XXI Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di
Oceanologia e Limnologia, Lignano Sabbiadoro (Italy), 23-26 September 2013 (oral)
Boscaini A., A. Bellin, F. Brescancin, M. Castagna, L. Cerasino, C. Defrancesco, C. Fedrigotti, G. Marcazzan, E. Menapace, G. Pellegrini, S. Piccolroaz, F. Rauzi, N. Salmaso, M.
Toffolon, M. Tolotti (2013), An interdisciplinary research project aimed at understanding
and controlling blooms of cyanobacteria in Lake Ledro (eastern Italian Alps), presented at
XXI Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia, Lignano Sabbiadoro
(Italy), 23-26 September 2013 (oral)
Piccolroaz S. and M. Toffolon (2013), Reconstruction of surface water temperature
based on air temperature: a comparison among different lakes. In Lemckert C. J. ed.
(2013), Proceedings 16th International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters
(PPNW2013), Griffith University,Queensland (Australia), 8-11 July 2013, pp 56-57. Centre
for Infrastructure Engineering and Management Technical Report CIEM/2013/R09 (oral)
Piccolroaz S., M. Toffolon, M. Caterina Sighel and M. Bresciani (2013), On the impact
of climate change on surface water temperature of Lake Garda, Geophysical Research
Abstracts,15, EGU2013-8406, eISSN: 1607-7962 (oral)
Piccolroaz S. and M. Toffolon (2012), A simplified physically-based model to calculate
surface water temperature of lakes from air temperature in climate change scenarios, Abstract H31A-1101 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco (California), 3-7
December 2012 (poster)
Piccolroaz S. and M.Toffolon (2012), The subtle equilibrium between external forcing,
thermobaric instability and turbulent diffusivity in deep lakes, presented at 2012 ASLO
Aquatic Sciences Meeting: Voyages of Discovery, Lake Biwa (Shiga, Japan), 8-13 July
2012 (oral)
Piccolroaz S. and M. Toffolon (2011), Modelling climate change impacts on deep water
renewal in Lake Baikal, Geophysical Research Abstracts,15, EGU2011-10284, eISSN: 16077962 (oral)
Technical reports
Toffolon M., S. Piccolroaz and F. Rauzi (2013), Quantificazione dei carichi di nutrienti
ed analisi del trasporto nel lago di Ledro, Parte II: modellazione idro-termodinamica e
trasporto. Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Italy).
Ph.D. Thesis
Piccolroaz S. (2013) Deep ventilation in Lake Baikal: a simplified model for a complex
natural phenomenon, University of Trento, PhD thesis (unpublished), URL: (visited at: October 20 2014)
November 18 –
November 20, 2013
Introduction to Parallel Computing with MPI and OpenMP, Organized by CINECA,
Bologna (Italy).
November 8 –
November 10, 2010
Stokes, sure! Ekman ok, but who the heck is Wunsch?, Organized by the University
of Trieste (Italy).
June 21 – June 30,
Alpine Summer School - Buoyancy Driven Flows, Organized by the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC)-CNR (Turin, Italy) and by the Laboratoire de
Météorologie Dynamique, École Normale Supérieure (Paris, France), Valsavarenche, Valle
d’Aosta (Italy).
August 4 – August17,
Project Balcampo, Engineering without borders EWB-ISF Trento, IAESTE Nis and
Tavolo Trentino con la Serbia, Municipality of Kraljevo (Serbia).
May 29 – June 11,
Intensive Programme EUROMONT (Training on landscape modelling and stakeholder consultation on Eurpean area), University of Innsbruck in partnership with the
University of Trento, Ebro Valley and Pyrenees (Spain).
July 17 – July 21, 2006
Intensive course Mecânica dos Fluidos e Meio Ambiente (Fluid Mechanics and
Environment), Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto, Portugal.
Invited Talks and Seminars
Is Air Temperature Enough to Predict Lake Surface Temperature?, American Geophysical
Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 15-19 December 2014
A simplified numerical model for deep water renewal of Lake Baikal: current conditions
and predictions under climate change scenarios, SURF-day, 28 October 2011, EAWAG,
Kastanienbaum (Switzerland)
Honors and Awards
ASLO 2012 Student Travel Award, ($500 USD), 2012 ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting:
Voyages of Discovery, Otsu (Japan).
1st Premio Ambiente - Euregio, Fabrizio Alberti, Silvia Manelli and Sebastiano Piccolroaz, Virtuosismi al San Bartolameo! (3rd place).
Mother tongue
Computer skills
2002 – 2003
Linux, Microsoft Windows XP/2000,
Vista, 7
CE-QUAL-W2 3.7, HecRas 4.1,
POM2K, Grass GIS 6.4.2, GMS 9.1,
ParaView 4.1, Maple, Autocad 2008
European Computer Driving Licence –
Fortran 90/95, Matlab, VRML
LATEX, Microsoft Office, OpenOffice
Skills and competences
Excellent team work predisposition.
Strong written and oral communication skills gained during the participation in several
international and national conferences.
Experience in national and international collaborations, and in working in intercultural and
multidisciplinary dimensions.
Experience in teaching and co-supervising BSc and MSc students.
High proficiency in programming with Fortran 90/95 and Matlab. Expertise in parallel
computing (mainly openMP).
Good practical aptitude, enhanced also by my seven-year experience as volunteer firefighter.
Additional Information
Since 2014
Since 2013
Since 2012
Since 2011
From 2011 to 2012
Since 2010
Member of GLTC (Global Lake Temperature Collaboration)
Member of the Organizing Committee of the 17th international workshop on Physical
Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW) Webpage:
Member of GII (Gruppo Italiano di Idraulica) and EGU (European Geosciences Union)
Member of AGU (American Geophysical Union) and ASLO (Association for the Sciences
of Limnology and Oceanography)
Member of the Society of Professional Engineers of Trento
PhD student representative in the doctoral school committee
Member of ADI (Italian Association of PhD Students) and IAHR Student Chapter 4-Italy
(founding member)
PhD student representative in the department board (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Since 2009
Since 2008
Since 2007
Member of the research group GIAMT - Group of Environmental Hydraulics and Morphodynamics Trento Webpage:
Member of the Volunteer Firefighters Department of Rovereto
Promoter of Critical Mass Rovereto - monthly bicycle ride to promote urban cycling (founding member)
Amateur trumpet player
Trento, January 10, 2015
Sebastiano Piccolroaz