Nov 30, 14 Web 1st - St. Francis of Assisi Parish

November 30 , 2014 ‐ 1st Sunday of Advent
Medita on: Come, Lord Jesus! This is the cry of the Church
throughout all of Advent. This cry must come from the
depths of our hearts. Li le by li le our hearts become
aware of the Lord and we seek Him. And where else can we
find Him except in the living Word that God has given us in
Jesus Christ? Where else but in the words given to us in the
Scriptures? The Prophet Isaiah speaks to us on this First
Sunday of Advent: Oh, that you would rend the heavens
and come down! And then he adds: O Lord, you are our
father; we are the clay and you the po er: we are all the
work of your hands. We could spend all of Advent with
these words in our hearts. Come, O Lord. We are the clay
and you are the po er. Form us in your image because by
ourselves we can do nothing. Without you, we are
nothing. The First Le er to the Corinthians then tells us:
God is faithful, and by him you were called to fellowship
with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. It is this faithfulness of
the Lord that truly allows us to be and to grow and to seek
the Lord. We look for happiness in so many other things,
seeking so much that is not God. But in the midst of it all
our hearts are seeking that which is the meaning of our life;
the One who always loves us and calls us to Himself. It is
God alone who answers our heart’s desire. The Gospel of
Mark today is very short, but the message is so clear! Be
watchful. Be alert. Our whole being needs to respond to the
Lord. The Lord is coming to us but so o en we miss Him
because we do not expect Him to come in the ways in
which He reveals Himself. It is always the same. In every
age Jesus comes as the poor, the outcast, the lowly, the
despised. So how can we be alert and keep watch? There is
only one possible solu on: let us love Him more and more.
Then we will want Him more and more. Then we will wait
for Him more and more. Come, Lord Jesus.
L’anno B del ciclo triennale delle le ure è
l’anno di Marco. Eppure non si comincia dal paragrafo
iniziale del suo Vangelo, che sarà ogge o di le ura nella
se mana prossima: si parte dal punto in cui terminerà la
penul ma se mana dell’anno, con l’annuncio del ritorno di
Cristo: “Allora vedranno il Figlio dell’uomo venire sulle nubi
con grande potenza e gloria”. A prima vista, ciò può
sembrare strano ed illogico. Invece, nella liturgia, c’è
un’estrema so gliezza nell’effe uare il cambiamento di
tono: la nostra a enzione, che nelle ul me se mane era
centrata sul giudizio e sulla fine del mondo, si sposta ora sul
modo di accogliere Cristo: non con paura, ma con
impazienza, proprio come un servo che a ende il ritorno del
padrone. In quanto preparazione al Natale, l’Avvento deve
essere un tempo di a esa nella gioia. San Paolo interpreta il
nostro periodo d’a esa come un tempo in cui dobbiamo
tes moniare Cristo: “Nessun dono di grazia più vi manca,
mentre aspe ate la manifestazione del Signore nostro Gesù
Keep awake. You do not know when the Master is coming.
Knights of Columbus Recruitment All men, age 18 or older,
are invited and encouraged to join our parish chapter of the
Knights of Columbus. The Knights are the largest Catholic
men’s organiza on in the world. There are more than 1.8
million members in 15,000 councils around the globe. They
are known for their good works and charity. They are also
well known for the colourful apparel of the ‘fourth degree’
which can be seen at more solemn occasions. The Knights
meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. For more
info, contact Luigi at 604‐721‐7705.
Thank You Many thanks to the Mt Carmel Society for their
recent purchase of a new Ablu on Cup for the parish. The
Ablu on Cup is used to cleanse the fingers of the priest and
Extraordinary Ministers a er distribu ng Holy Communion.
Children’s Na vity Play On Christmas Eve, at
the 5 pm Family Mass, we will be having a
na vity play. Children are invited to join as
actors and narrators. There will be no
speaking parts except for the narrators. We
need a Mary, Joseph, Innkeeper, Wisemen,
angels, animals and narrators. Parents, please
contact Clara Campedelli for more informa on
at Prac ces start mid‐December.
Youth Group Meets Today The SFA Youth Group meets in
the Hall today from 12 noon to 2 pm. New members, in
Grades 5, 6 & 7 are always welcome!
Thank you for dedica on and faithful service!
Maria Pollastre , Immacolata Lemmo,
Emilia Ponto
Next: M&M Group
Parish Advent Mission This Week Our Parish Advent
Mission starts this week! Everyone is invited to come each
evening from Monday, Dec 1 to Thursday Dec 4. The Mission
will start with Mass and then we will hear our very own
parishioners, Kyle Neilson and Roland Carelse‐Borzel, speak
powerfully of their journey into the Catholic faith and how
each of us can live as fulfilled and effec ve Catholics in our
daily life. Come, and invite a friend!
Mass Inten ons and Parish Ac vi es
Sat Nov 29
5:00 pm
Sun Nov 30
9:00 am
Christmas Food Dona ons Christmas is
coming and we will once again be preparing
Christmas Hampers for families in need. We
are accep ng dona ons of non‐perishable food
for the hampers. Please place canned goods,
pasta, rice and other items in the marked box under the
table at the church entrance.
Mon Dec 1
8:00 am
6:45 pm
7:00 pm
† Ripoli family
PREP at the school
Advent Mission
Tue Dec 2
7:00 pm
New Missals Advent marks the beginning of the new
liturgical year and new Sunday Missals in our pews. If you
would like to have a personal copy of the Missal, please
purchase one from the back of the church. $5 each.
Perpetual Novena ‐ St Francis
Advent Mission
Wed Dec 3
St Francis Xavier
8:00 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
† Gubiani & Guerra families
Advent Mission
RCIA in Conference Room
Thu Dec 4
8:00 am
7:00 pm
† All Souls in Purgatory
† Anh Truc Ho
Advent Mission
Fri Dec 5
8:00 am
9:15 am
6:30 pm
† Maria Des Lauriers
School Mass
Preschool Family Movie Night
Sat Dec 6
9:00 am
San Nicola
† Fausta Albi
God the Father Devo on
Special Inten on
Palmerino & Splendora Ba sta
No Italian Mass or Over 50 Thursday The Italian Mass at 11
am on Thursday has been cancelled. Also, the SFA Over 50
Club will not be mee ng in the Hall this week.
Mt Carmel Retreat The Mt Carmel Society is hos ng a one
day retreat in our parish on Monday, December 8th. The
day begins 10:00 am and concludes about 3:00 pm.
Everyone is welcome to a end.
The cost is $12. and
includes a delicious lunch. For more info, please phone
Raffaelina at 604‐438‐3494.
Angel Christmas Tree Our Angel Christmas
tree is at the back of the church for all who
wish to par cipate in sharing with the less
fortunate in our community. To share the gi
of giving, please pick a li le angel name tag off
the tree and purchase a Christmas present for a
child aged 16 or under. Wrap and label the gi (boy/girl, age
__ ) and bring it to the Office before Monday, Dec. 15.
Thank you for your generosity.
2015 Envelopes The Offering Envelopes for 2015 are ready
for pick up on a table at the church entrance. They are
arranged alphabe cally. Please be sure to take only your
own envelopes. If you don’t have envelopes and would like
some, please call the Office at 604‐255‐8855.
† Felice & Maria Coltellaro
† Giuseppe Franciosi
10:30 am † Natalino Aiello
† Francesco & Soava Di Nozzi
12:00 pm Bap sm ‐ Welcome to Brooklyn
12:00 pm Youth Group in Hall
5:00 pm Special Inten on
St Nicholas
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
Sun Dec 7
All Parishioners
9:00 am
† Giovanni & Maria Franco
† All Souls in Purgatory
10:30 am † Giuseppe DeLuca
San Nicola
11:30 am Coffee & Goodies in Hall
12:00 pm Bap sm ‐ Welcome to Paxton
5:00pm † Lino & Giovanna Breda
Special Inten on
Christmas Choir Members Needed If you enjoy singing you
are welcome to “do something beau ful for God” by joining
the 10:30 am choir as they prepare for the special Christmas
Mass on Dec 24 at 9:00 pm. Prac ces will be held Saturday
Dec 13 & 20 at 9:30 am.
Ecumenical Advent Concert Vancouv23er Chris an
Churches are hos ng an Ecumenical Advent Concert which
will bring together voices from various Chris an tradi ons.
Everyone is welcome to a end this unique concert at Holy
Name of Jesus Parish, Vancouver. Sunday, Dec. 7 at 3pm. For
more informa on, please contact 604‐683‐0281 ext. 229 or‐advent‐concert/
Advent Peniten al Service The Peniten al Service at St
Francis of Assisi will be held on Friday, Dec 17 at 7 pm. A
full lis ng of Peniten al Services at nearby parishes will be
in next week’s bulle n.
Bap sms and Weddings To arrange for a bap sm or
wedding, please call the Office at 604‐255‐8855 and arrange
for an appointment with Fr. Eugenio.
related to today’s Readings
notes from Fr. Boniface
Through the prophets, God forms his people in the hope of
salva on, in the expecta on of a new and everlas ng
Covenant intended for all, to be wri en on their hearts. The
prophets proclaim a radical redemp on of the People of
God, purifica on from all their infideli es, a salva on which
will include all the na ons. Above all, the poor and humble
of the Lord will bear this hope. Such holy women as Sarah,
Rebecca, Rachel, Miriam, Deborah, Hannah, Judith and
Esther kept alive the hope of Israel’s salva on. The purest
figure among them is Mary. CCC #64
Our founding pastor, Fr Boniface Heidmeier OFM,
documented the humble beginnings of St. Francis
of Assisi Parish. He tells of a walk around the
exterior parish boundaries on a wet day in 1936.
Monday, September 21st, was a lovely day for
ducks and fishes. It had rained all night and kept on
intermi ently all day, too. But rain does not, or should not
stop Vancouverites from going for a walk, for shopping or
even going to work in fall or winter; otherwise, they would
never go out during those season. In fact, we like rain.
Anyway, it was a rainy day and I started to inspect our St.
Francis Parish, officially erected yesterday. Coming from
downtown, I got off the street car at Has ngs St. and
Templeton Drive, at the northern and eastern limits of the
parish. My inten on was to walk around the en re parish
[boundaries]. The corner of Has ngs and Templeton was an
empty lot, should say a “hole” which a growth of willow
bushes was trying to hide. I walked up the gentle hill
southward to First Avenue, then along First Avenue
westward to Commercial Drive. A considerable number of
stores line the bumpy Drive on either side. Street cars and
the Interurban have disappeared and the en re Drive is now
well paved. Returning to Has ngs, back to Templeton, I had
made the en re tour round the parish in just a li le more
than one hour!
When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each
year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the
Messiah, for by sharing in the long prepara on for the
Savior's first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire
for his second coming. By celebra ng the precursor's birth
and martyrdom, the Church unites herself to his desire: "He
must increase, but I must decrease." CCC #524
Since the Ascension Christ’s coming in glory has been
imminent,even though “it is not for you to know mes or
seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority.”.
This eschatological coming could be accomplished at any
moment, even if both it and the final trial that will precede
it are “delayed”. CCC #673
Anche il Figlio di Dio, come noi, non conosce l'ora e, con noi, veglia. Rimanere svegli è segno
di responsabilità perché, avendo ricevuto il potere e i compi dal Signore, è nostro dovere
essere a en , pron , a vi e operosi. Abbiamo molto da fare, ma per questo ci è stata data la giusta potenza e capacità di
compiere l'opera.
Ma questa è la fede! Il tenere gli occhi aper è la coscienza dell'assoluta signoria di Dio e della nostra accoglienza. L'opera
non mi appar ene, mi è stata affidata. Altro che fede ingenua e irresponsabile, tanto c'è Dio! La fede è umile perché siamo
servi, ma dichiara la nostra condizione di figli di Dio. Non è fuga dalla storia, ma piena immersione in essa. Il fa o di non
sapere quando il padrone di casa ritornerà, fa sì che ogni tempo diventa il tempo di Dio perché tempo della sua presenza e
tempo per il nostro servizio. Essere immersi nella storia significa avere responsabilità e vigilanza. Servire con fedeltà è il
meglio per aspe are la fine; la vigilanza riempie il presente del futuro, anche le cose più ordinarie e umili.
Alla mamma che domandava a san Luigi Gonzaga (6 anni) mentre giocava a palla che cosa avrebbe fa o se avesse saputo
che sarebbe morto un'ora dopo, lui rispondeva: "Con nuerei a giocare". Quel "gioco" lo porterà a ricevere la venuta del
Signore pochi anni dopo, mentre soccorreva la mala a con gli appesta di Napoli.
Preoccupato del senso della vita e dell'ul mo giorno, e sopra u o del Giudizio Finale a cui prima o poi certamente sarebbe
andato incontro, un uomo fece un sogno. Dopo la morte, si avvicinò tubante alla grande porta della casa di Dio. Bussò e un
angelo sorridente venne ad aprire. Lo fece accomodare nella sala d'aspe o del Paradiso. L'ambiente era molto severo.
Aveva il vago aspe o di un'aula di tribunale. L'uomo aspe ava, sempre più in morito. L'angelo tornò dopo un po' con un
foglio in mano su cui, in alto, campeggiava la parola "conto". L'uomo lo prese e lesse: "Luce del sole e stormire delle fronde,
neve e vento, volo degli uccelli e erba. Per l'aria che abbiamo respirato e lo sguardo alle stelle, le sere e le no ...". La lista
era lunghissima. " sorriso dei bambini, gli occhi delle ragazze, l'acqua fresca, le mani e i piedi, il rosso dei pomodori, le
carezze, la sabbia delle spiagge, la prima parola del tuo bambino, una merenda in riva ad un lago di montagna, il bacio di un
nipo no, le onde del mare...". Man mano che proseguiva nella le ura, l'uomo era sempre più preoccupato. Quale sarebbe
stato il totale? Come e con che cosa avrebbe mai potuto pagare tu e quelle cose che aveva avuto? Mentre leggeva con il
ba cuore, arrivò Dio. Gli ba é una mano sulla spalla. "Ho offerto io, fino alla fine del mondo. È stato un vero piacere!".