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Convegno Italiano delle Tecnologie Fotoniche
16th Edition - Naples, Italy- May 12-14 2014
Organized by
Society AEIT per la Tecnologia
dell’Informazione e delle Comunicazioni
Gruppo Tematico
“Fotonica ed Elettro-ottica”
in collaboration with
FOTONICA 2014 is the 16th Italian National Conference
on Photonic Technologies.
The Conference is the meeting place of the Italian Photonic
Community where the most advanced achievements of research in photonics are presented and discussed.
The Technical Sessions will cover all the aspects of the sector,
with special attention to the following themes:
• Information and Communications
• Security, metrology and sensors
• Photovoltaics, energy saving, green photonics
The Conference covers all aspects of photonics, with a particular emphasis on applications.
• Lighting and display
FOTONICA 2014 will be structured as technical sessions that will include review-papers and original contributions relevant to the general Conference themes (presented
orally or as Posters).
• Biophotonics and biomedical applications
• Space and aerospace applications
• Cultural Heritage and Environment
• Fundamental research, models, techniques, materials and
There will also be panels and symposia that will present
what is currently the state of the art and consider the future expectations of photonics, including the national and international initiatives under development.
FOTONICA 2014 is aimed at an audience of all professionals active in photonics, including researchers, manufacturers and users of technology, as well as analysts
and investors interested in this sector.
Special conditions will apply to encourage the participation
of students of specific Ph.D. or university courses.
Technical exhibition
Technical Exhibition on implementations in photonics for optoelectonic devices and instruments (microscopes, sensors, lasers, medical systems), telecommunications and ICT measurement instruments and systems, will be integral part of FOTONICA 2014.
Manufacturers will have the opportunity to show and demonstrate their most advanced products and services to a highly qualified audience.
Exhibitors will have a slot for an oral presentation in the Showcase Session.
Photonics for environmental security
The Opening Symposium will be devoted to the role of optical
technologies and photonics in ensuring environmental protection and security, the quality of our life and health, as well as
economy, depend on. Main aim will be to present the photonic
technology capabilities in air, water, earth and food monitoring,
discussing the crucial role they could play in making actual the
environmental protection and safety policies whose application
is urgent in our lands.
Photonics for Datacom
The explosion of the data treatment, stimulated by the Internet world, is driving the implementation of more and
more powerful datacenters. But in the near future, new challenges must be addressed to build all the elements necessary for the construction of a new telecommunication networks fully integrated with newly developed datacenter to
meet all the needs coming from the world of information
technology. In this contest, a fundamental role will be
played by photonics in different aspects.
In particular, increasingly intelligent, low-latency and highbandwidth connections among datacenters are required
and optical networks can satisfy all these requirements.
Furthermore, inside the datacenter rack, multiple processing cores are being integrated into a single photon-based
chip to achieve higher processing power and energy consumption reduction. Therefore, the combination of photonics and data communications can be considered as a valid
recipe for the development of all a series of activities dedicated to the growth of an industrial economy.
and Nanotechnology for Biomedicine
The Symposium of the third day, “Photonics and Nanotechnology for Biomedicine”, will be devoted to the frontier researches in Life Sciences and Health based on the combination
of photonics tools like lasers, advanced microscopies, lab-onchip and POCT photonic sensors with nanoparticles and
nanostructures, for applications to imaging, diagnostics, therapy and drug release in many important diseases like cancer,
cardiovascular diseases and neurological disorders; moreover,
networks of facilities and infrastructures for European researchers, hospitals and SMEs like the Euro-Bioimaging initiative will be presented.
Special Session
Quantum Cryptography and Secure
Quantum Physics can deliver ”correlations with promises”. In
particular, it can distribute at two locations strictly correlated
strings of bits with the promise that no copy of these bits exist
anywhere in the Universe. This promise is guaranteed by the
laws of Nature, and does not depend on any mathematical assumption. Quantum Cryptography offers a new method of secure communication that is able to detect any eavesdropping
attempts and not threatened even by the power of computers .
The special session will be devoted to students, academic and
industrial researchers working on theoretical and experimental aspects of the most promising and closest to the practical
application of quantum technologies, with the aim of identifying
the challenges, and examining the new perspectives opened by
the recent developments in quantum communication.
Executive Committee
Paper Submission
I. Rendina - CNR-IMM, Chair 2014
R. Gaudino - Politecnico di Torino, Vice Chair 2014
Authors are invited to submit an abstract in English on the indicated topics.
The abstract should be 1 page maximum according to the template ( downloadable at
The abstract shall be send no later than
February, 20th 2014
to the following e-mail address:
Authors will be notified of their contribution acceptance by
March, 31st 2014
The abstract will be published in the Conference CDROM distributed to all participants.
F. Baldini - CNR, Delegato SIOF
P. Boffi - Politecnico di Milano, Delegate FEO - AICT
F. Bovino - Selex ES
A. Busacca - Università di Palermo
R. Castelli - Delegate FEO - AICT
G. Cincotti - Università di Roma Tre
G. Cocorullo - Università della Calabria
D. Cuomo - Prysmian Group
A. Cutolo - Università del Sannio
F.G. Della Corte - Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
M. De Vittorio - Università del Salento & IIT
P. Ferraro - CNR-INO
A. Galtarossa - Università di Padova, Delegate SIEm
G. Grasso - Fondazione CIFE, Chair 2013
P. Laporta - Politecnico di Milano
M. Macchi - Cisco Italia
P. Maddalena - Università Federico II di Napoli
M. Martinelli - Politecnico di Milano, Chair FEO - AICT
F. Matera - FUB
G. Notaro - AEIT
G. Parladori - Alcatel-Lucent Italia
V. Pascazio - Università Parthenope di Napoli
L. Pavesi - Università di Trento
A. Piegari - ENEA, Delegate SIOF
R. Pini - CNR-IFAC
S. Selleri - Università di Parma, Delegate IEEE Photonics
M. Varasi - Finmeccanica
A. Viglienzoni - Ericsson
L. Zeni - Seconda Università di Napoli
Technical Committee Chair
M. Iodice - CNR-IMM
Centro Congressi Federico II, via Partenope 36 - Napoli
Starting with this edition, the conference will be submitted
to IEEE Conference Publications Program (CPP) for the
publication on IEEE Xplore® of contibutions presented at
Authors interested are required to submit an extended paper
according to the following criteria:
• The contributions shall be written in ENGLISH
• The contributions shall be minimum 3 pages and maximum
4 pages in A4 format (including abstract, tables, figures and
• The contributions shall be prepared in electronic format
using the template ( downloadable at
• The contributions shall be forward the common PDF format
(Acrobat 5 minimum) and in DOC format
• A copyright and consent form which transfers to AEIT all rights
under copyright concerning the paper must be endorsed
Papers have to be sent to the Session Chair in which they are
presented no later than May, 21st 2014
Contributions Submission Deadline:
February, 20th 2014
Notification of Acceptance:
March, 31st 2014
Contributions Submission Deadline for IEEExplore®:
May, 21st 2014
Secretariat: AEIT - Ufficio Centrale ⎟ Via Mauro Macchi 32 ⎟ 20124 Milano ⎟ Tel. +39 02 87389965 ⎟ Fax +39 02 66989023 ⎟