CV Feb 2014.pages

Matteo Rizzolli
Born in Trento,
on 8 April 1978
Current Address
via Rovereto 11
00198 Roma
Married with Lucia, father of Chiara, Leonardo and Ginevra
Since Feb 2010
Since Sept 2011
Assistant Professor of Law & Economics at the Free University of Bozen Bolzano.
Secretary of the European Law & Economics Association
Academic titles
January 2014
April 2008
Feb 2005
July 2003
Dec 2002
Obtained abilitation for Associate Professorship in Political Economy (13A1),
Economic Policy (13A2) and Public Economics (13A3)
Ph.D. in Law and Economics, University of Siena
MSc. in Law and Economics, University of Siena
Master's Degree in Political Economy , University of Trento. Mark: 110/110
cum laude
Master's Degree in Economics, University of Maastricht
Previous Academic Appointments
Nov 2006 - Aug 2009 Post-doc fellow (assegnista di ricerca) at the University of Milan - Bicocca
Previous Non-Academic Positions
Aug 2009- Jan 2010
Junior economist (funzionario a contratto) at the Italian Authority for
Comunications Industries (AGCOM), Roma.
Nov 2007 April 2013 Collaboration with Studio Economico Parcu & Associati, Roma
May 2001 - July 2002 Program Associate, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable
Development, Geneva.
Other Academic Activities
Since June 2005
Co-ordinator of the Scientific Secretariat of the Italian Society of Law and
Since January 2009 Assistant Editor of the International Review of Economics
July-August 2010
Visiting scholar at the Copenhagen Business School, Department of
Innovation and Organisational Economics.
Feb 2009 and Oct. Visiting scholar at the University of Illinois, College of Law. Supervisor:
Nuno Garoupa
Oct 2007 - Oct 2009 Member of the editorial board of Consumatori, Diritti & Mercato
June-Sept 2006
Research assistant of Prof Henry Smith, Yale Law School
Spring 2006
Editor of the Yale Journal of Regulation
Jan-Sept 2006
Fulbright visiting scholar at the Yale Law School. Supervisor: Alan Schwartz
Scholarships and Grants
Fondazione Econometica. Research grant
Fulbright Commission, EU-USA program
Fondazione Trentino Università
PhD scholarship, University of Siena, Ministry of education and research
Opera Universitaria, study abroad program, University of Trento
Swiss Occidental Leonardo, Swiss Federal Government
Leonardo program, EU and University of Trento. declined
Socrates/Erasmus program, EU and University of Trento
Publications on international peer-reviewed journals
Forthcoming. In Dubio Pro Reo Behavioral explanations of pro-defendant bias in procedures.
CES-ifo Economic Studies
2013. Better that ten guilty persons escape. Punishment costs explain the standard of
evidence. (with Margherita Saraceno). Public Choice 155(3) , p. 395-411 DOI: 10.1007/
2012. Judicial errors and deterrence: theory and experimental evidence. (with L. Stanca)
Journal of Law & Economics vol. 55(2), p. 311-338 DOI: 10.1086/663346
2012. Wrongful convictions do lower deterrence. (with N. Garoupa). Journal of Institutional and
Theoretical Economics. vol. 168(2), p. 224--231 DOI:
2012. Exploring Coases' World: An introduction. (with A. Nicita and H. Smith). International
Review of Economics vol. 59(2), p. 111-120 DOI: 10.1007/s12232-012-0163-z
2012. Hold-up and externality: the firm as a nexus of incomplete rights? (with A. Nicita).
International Review of Economics
vol. 59(2) p. 157-174 DOI 10.1007/
2011. Why the Brady rule may hurt the innocent. (with N. Garoupa). American Law and
Economics Review. vol. 13(1) p. 168-200 DOI: 10.1093/aler/ahq018
2009. The Economics of Art Thefts. Too Much Screaming over Munch’s Scream?. (with A.
Nicita). Economic Papers: a Journal of Applied Economics and Policy 28(4) 291-303.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1759-3441.2010.00045.x
2009. Building Encroachments. Review of Law & Economics. Vol 5(1) DOI:
2009. The Case for the Virtual Strike. (with A. Nicita). Portuguese Economic Journal. Vol 8(3)
DOI: 10.1007/s10258-009-0052-x
2006. Property rules, liability rules and externalities. (with A. Nicita). Journal of Public Finance
and Public Choice. Vol XXIV(2-3)
Publications on other journals
2010. Why prosecutors cannot appeal acquittals. Studi e Note di Economia. Anno XV, n.
1-2010, pagg. 81-101
2009. Il caso dello «sciopero virtuale» tra equivoci e illusioni. Mercato Concorrenza e Regole.
Vol XI(2) (with A. Nicita)
2008. Il puzzle della patente a punti. Consumatori, Diritti e Mercato. N.3 (with S. Di Nola)
2007. L’inappellabilità dei proscioglimenti: un’analisi economica. Rivista di Diritto Finanziaro e
Scienza delle Finanze. Vol 66(4)
2006. Le opzioni nel mercato delle regole. Mercato Concorrenza e Regole. Vol VIII(2) (with A.
Nicita and R. Pardolesi)
Conferences and Seminars where my work has been presented
2013. EALE (Warsaw), Workshop on field experiments with John List (Cologne), L&E workshop
(Florence), Workshop on Behav. & Exp. Economics(Florence) ESA (Zurich), Workshop on Social
Norms and Social Preferences (Trento), Thurgau Experimental Economics Meeting (Kreuzlingen)
2012. University of Chieti Pescara. American Law & Economics Association (Stanford), Economic
Science Association (Cologne), EALE (Stockholm), University of Paris Ouest Nanterres
2011. European School for New Institutional Economics (Corsica), Economic Science Association
(Chicago), Faculty seminar (Bozen), Siena - Toronto - Tel Aviv workshop on Law & Economics
(Bozen), EURAM (Tallin), EALE (Hamburg), Bergen (Norway), CESifo (Munich)
2010. Max Pank Institute on Collective Goods (Bonn). Italian Society of Law and Economics
(Bozen), European Law & Economic Association, (Paris2), American Law & Economics Association
(Princeton); Bologna Midterm Meeting in Law & Economics.
2009. Italian Society of Law and Economics (Florence); Società Italiana degli Economisti (Rome);
Economic Science Association (Innsbruck); European Association of Law and Economics (Rome);
Siena-Toronto-Tel Aviv-Roma third quadrilateral workshop in law and economics (Rome); Universty
of Milan - Bicocca Seminar Dept. of Statistics (Milan)
2008. European Association of Law and Economics (Haifa); International Society for New
Institutional Economics (Toronto); Italian Society of Law and Economics (Bologna); workshop
Inside the Black Box of the Courts Decision-Making Process: Theory and Empirical Evidence
2007. Italian Society of Law and Economics (Milan); European Association of Law and Economics
(Copenhagen); American Law and Economics Association (Chicago); Workshop on Searching for
new models in the economic analysis of law (Taormina)
2006. Italian Society of Law and Economics (Rome) European Association of Law and Economics
(Madrid) Siena Toronto Initiative on Law & Economics (Toronto)
2005. Italian Society of Law and Economics (Siena); International Society for New Institutional
Economics (Barcellona); European Association of Law and Economics (Lubjana) 18th Erfurt
workshop on Law and Economics (Erfurt)
2004. European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (Crete)
Organised conferences
1 3 - 1 4 S e p t e m b e r Local Organizer of the German Law & Economic Association annual meeting
held at the Free University of Bozen
12 September 2013 Conference manager and Local Organizer of the Workshop on The
Institutions of Property Rights, Free University of Bozen
20-22 Sept. 2012
16-17 Dec 2011
9-11 Dec 2010
4-5 Dec. 2009
17-19 Sept. 2009
11-13 June 2009
7-8 Nov. 2008
9-10 Nov. 2007
9-10 Feb. 2007
20 - 21 Oct. 2006
25 - 27 Nov. 2005
Secretary of Association of the European Association of Law & Economics
Conference manager and Local Organizer of the Italian Society of Law and
Economics seventh annual conference
Conference manager of the Italian Society of Law and Economics sixth
annual conference
Conference manager of the Italian Society of Law and Economics fifth annual
conference. University of Florence.
Conference manager of the European Association of Law and Economics
XXVI annual conference. LUISS University.
Member of the Scientific committee (webmaster, program, local organization)
of the conference on Happiness and Relational Goods. Well-being and
Interpersonal Relations in the Economic Sphere. Venice.
Conference manager of the Italian Society of Law and Economics fourth
annual conference. University of Bologna.
Member of the scientific secretariat (webmaster, program coordination) of
the Italian Society of Law and Economics third annual conference. Bocconi
Member of the scientific secretariat (program coordinator) for the
international conference on Reciprocity: Theories and Facts, Verbania.
Member of the scientific secretariat (webmaster, program, local organization)
of the Italian Society of Law and Economics second annual conference.
U n i v e r s i t y.
Member of the scientific secretariat (webmaster, program, local organization)
of the Italian Society of Law and Economics first annual conference.
University of Siena.
2-3 Dec. 2004
Local Organising committee (webmaster) of the Association of Competition
Economists annual conference. University of Siena.
Academic Affiliations
Secretary of European Association of Law and Economics!
Member of: Italian Society of Law and Economics, American Law and Economics
Association, American Economic Association, !
Reviewer for: International Review of Economics, Review of Law and Economics,
International Review of Law and Economics, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, Journal of
Board member of Nico – I frutti del chicco. A charity devoted to building kindergartens and schools in the
Republic of Central Africa.
Nuno Garoupa
Professor of Law
University of Illinois. College of Law
504 East Penns. Av. - Champaign, IL 61820 USA
Henry Smith
Professor of Law
Harvard Law School
1563 Massachusetts Avenue. Cambridge, MA
02138 - USA
Antonio Nicita
Associate professor of Economic Policy
University of Siena. Dept of Political Economy
P.zza S. Francesco 7 53100 Siena - Italy
Luca Stanca
Associate professor of Political Economy
University of Milan – Bicocca. Dept of Political
Piazza Ateneo Nuovo, 1 Milano 20126, Italy