Curriculum vitae et studiorum

Curriculum vitae et studiorum
SAPIENZA – University of Rome
Department of Computer, Control and Management Antonio Ruberti
Via Ariosto, 25 – (Office A120)
00185 - Rome - Italy
Office: (+39) 06 77274105
Fax: (+39) o6 77274074
University of Bergamo
PhD in Economics and Management of
Thesis: Vertical relations between airports and
airlines: theory and implications
Advisor: Prof. Alberto Nastasi
Grade: Excellent
University of British Columbia
PhD visiting scholar at CTS-Center for
Transportation Studies, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver (January-August)
Advisors: Prof. Anming Zhang, Prof. David Gillen
Sapienza University of Rome
Master of Science in Management Engineering
Thesis: Gli effetti della complementarità tra attività
aviation e non aviation sulle politiche tariffarie e
d’investimento delle infrastrutture aeroportuali
Advisor: Prof. Alberto Nastasi
Grade: 110/110 with honour
Bachelor of Science in Management Engineering
Tiziana D’Alfonso
Rome, 12th March 2014
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Thesis: L’impatto delle private labels sulle
relazioni verticali nel settore agroalimentare
Advisor: Prof. Alberto Nastasi
Grade: 110/110 with honour
Post doc fellow at the Department of Computer Control and Management
Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome
Internship at ICCSAI – International Center for Competitive Studies in the
Aviation Industry (March – September)
Economics of network industries, Industrial organization, Transport Economics and Policy, Air
Transport Economics and Regulation, Local Public Transport, Standard Costs and Standard
Financial Requirement estimation.
Barbot, C., D’Alfonso, T., Sustainable contracts: the case of airports and airlines, Research in
Transportation Economics, in press, 2014.
D’Alfonso, T., Jiang, C., Wan, Y., Airport pricing, concession revenues and passenger types,
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 47 (1), 71 – 89, 2013.
Barbot, C., D’Alfonso, T., Malighetti, P., Redondi, R., Vertical collusion between airports and
airlines: an empirical test for the European case, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and
Transportation Review, 57, 3 – 15, 2013.
D’Alfonso, T., Nastasi, N., Vertical relations in the aviation industry: a facility rivalry game,
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 48 (5), 993 – 1008, 2012.
Work in Progress (under review)
Jiang, C., Wan, Y., D’Alfonso, T., Strategic choice of alliance membership under local
competition and global networks. Submitted to: Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Second
(minor) revision, 2014.
Avenali, A., D’Alfonso, T., Leporelli, C., Matteucci, G., Nastasi, A., Reverberi, P., An incentive
pricing mechanism for efficient airport slot allocation in Europe. Submitted to: Journal of Air
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Rome, 17th March 2014
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Transport Management, Second (minor) revision, 2014
Bracaglia, V., D’Alfonso, T., Nastasi, A., Airports competition in vertically differentiated
markets. Submitted to: Economics of Transportation, 2014.
D’Alfonso, T., Nastasi, A., A survey of models of airports-airlines interaction. Submitted to:
Transport Reviews, 2014.
D’Alfonso, T., Jiang, C., Bracaglia, V., Would competition between air transport and high speed
rail benefit environment and social welfare?. Submitted to the 2014 Kuhmo NECTAR conference on
Transportation Economics ITEA, Toulouse, 2014.
Book Chapters
D’Alfonso T., Malighetti, P., Redondi, R., The Pricing Strategy of Ryanair, in: Walsh, C.R.,
“Airline Industry: Strategies, Operations and Safety”, Nova Science Publisher Inc., Hauppauge
(NY), 2010.
Technical Reports
Bracaglia, V., D’Alfonso, T., Nastasi, A., Multiproduct airport competition and e-commerce strategies,
Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti Technical
Reports, 4, Sapienza Università di Roma, 2014.
Avenali, A., D’Alfonso, T., Leporelli, C., Matteucci, G., Nastasi, A., Reverberi, P., A supervised
market mechanism for efficient airport slot allocation, Department of Computer, Control, and
Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti Technical Reports, 3, Sapienza Università di Roma,
D’Alfonso, T., Daraio, C., Nastasi, A., Assessing the impact of competition on the efficiency of
Italian airports, Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering Antonio
Ruberti Technical Reports, 2 (1), Sapienza Università di Roma, 2013.
D’Alfonso, T., Jiang, C., Wan, Y., Passenger Types and Concession Revenues: Effects on Airport
Pricing, Centre for Transportation Studies Working Papers Series. Available at:
orking_Papers, 2011.
D’Alfonso T., Nastasi A., Vertical agreements between airports and airlines. Department of
Computer and System Sciences Antonio Ruberti Technical Report, 2 (19), Sapienza Università di
Roma, 2010.
Malighetti, P., Martini, G., Paleari, S., Renato, R., D’Alfonso, T., Volta, N., Air Transport in
Europe: ICCSAI Fact Book 2009, BookSurge Publishing, Charleston, 2009.
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Rome, 17th March 2014
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International conferences and workshops
D'Alfonso, T., Bracaglia, V., Nastasi, A., Product competition in vertically differentiated
markets: the case of airports. In: Centre for Transportation Studies Seminar Series. Vancouver.
December, 2013.
D’Alfonso, T., Jiang, C., Wan, Y., Strategic choice of alliance membership under local
competition and global networks. In: 2013 Kuhmo NECTAR conference on Transportation
Economics ITEA, Chicago, 10th – 12th July 2013.
D’Alfonso, T., Daraio, C., Nastasi, N., Exploring the impact of competing factors on the
efficiency of Italian airports: a conditional nonparametric analysis. In: XVII Aviation Transport
Research Society (ATRS) conference, Bergamo, 27th – 30th June 2013.
Barbot, C., D’Alfonso, T., Why do contracts between airlines and airports fail?, In: XVI Aviation
Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference, Tainan, 27th – 30th June 2012.
Barbot, C., D’Alfonso, T., Malighetti, P., Redondi, R., Vertical collusion between airports and
airlines: an empirical test for the European case. In: XV Aviation Transport Research Society
(ATRS) conference, Sydney, 29th June – 2nd July 2011
D’Alfonso, T., Nastasi, N., Vertical relations in the aviation industry: a facility rivalry game. In:
XIV Aviation Transport Research Society (ATRS) conference, Porto, 6th – 9th July 2010.
D'Alfonso T., Vertical relations in the aviation industry. In: 4th Airneth Annual Conference: Air
transport in PR China and in India: market developments and policy implications. The Hague, April,
National Conferences and Workshops
Avenali, A., Catalano, G., D’Alfonso, T., Matteucci, G., La determinazione del costo standard
nei servizi di trasporto pubblico locale su autobus: aspetti metodologici e prime esperienze
applicative, In: Conferenza Annuale ANAV – Associazione Nazionale Autotrasporti Viaggiatori.
Rome, 18th June 2013.
Barbieri, G., Catalano, G., D’Alfonso, T., Petretto, A., Un modello per la distribuzione del
personale docente delle scuole tra le regioni. In: Finanza pubblica, decentramento e riforme
costituzionali. Un convegno in onore di Piero Giarda. Milano, July 4th 2013.
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review;
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research;
Journal of Air Transport Management;
Air Transport Research Society World Conference
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ATRS (Air Transport Research Society)
ITEA (International Transport Economics Association)
AiIG (Associazione Italiana Ingegneria Gestionale)
TEE Mobility Grant–Transatlantic Partnership for Excellence in Engineering
funded by the European Commission (host institution: UBC) (10.800€)
Selected Graduation Thesis at ENAC (Ente Nazionale dell’Aviazione Civile)
Library, Roma (reference: T.149).
PhD Program Fellowship, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Torino. (33.000€)
 2013-2014
Business Economics, Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Sapienza University
of Rome (Instructor)
Teaching assistant
 2009-2013 Business Economics and Management, Bachelor Degree in Management
Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome;
Fundaments of Microeconomic Theory, Bachelor Degree in Management
Engineering, University of Bergamo
Other teaching Appointments
Training Course “Il costo standard nel settore del trasporto pubblico locale su
 2013
autobus”: Modelli di costo standard; Action Learning. Sapienza University of
Rome, DIAG, 10th-11th October 2013
Valentina Bracaglia
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Master Degree Thesis: “Complementarity between aviation and commercial charges: the effects
on airport charges”, Laureato Eccellente Award, included in the project “Utility of the Future”
within the MITei – MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Energy Initiative (jointly project
with Universitad Pontificia Comillas, Institute for Research in Technology and Massachusetts
Institute of Technology)
Principal Investigator
“The environmental impact of Air Passenger Transport - High Speed Rail
services substitution”, Sapienza University of Rome – UBC
“Airlines-High Speed Rail cooperation and competition”, Research Grant
C26N1339HR “Progetto di avvio alla ricerca”, Sapienza University of Rome
“The estimation of standard costs of local public transport in the Province of
Macerata”, Sapienza University of Rome (Contractor: Contram mobilità)
“The estimation of standard costs of local public transport system”, Sapienza
University of Rome (Contractor: ANAV-National Association for Road
Transport and Travelers)
“Il modello Miur-Scuola per la distribuzione dell’organico docente tra le
Regioni”, Sapienza University of Rome, (advice for: MIUR-Ministero
dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca)
“The estimation of standard costs of water service in Italy”, University of
Bergamo, Centre for Management of Innovation and Technology Transfer
(Contractor: ATO – Ambito Territoriale Ottimale, Province of Bergamo).
“Promoting program contracts for Italian airports transposing the European
directive 2009/12/CE for tariffs”, ICCSAI, (advice for: ENAC- National
Association for Civil Aviation. Actors involved ADR, SEA, SAVE, SACBO).
“A feasibility study for the opening of a route from Milan Malpensa to Los
Angeles LAX”, ICCSAI, (Contractor: Air Italy).
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Rome, 17th March 2014
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Training Course “Il costo standard nel settore del trasporto pubblico locale su
autobus”, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, 10th-11th October 2013 (to be
replicated at Assolombarda, Milan, 13th-14th March 2014) (Director: Giuseppe
Workshop “Introduction to nonparametric and bootstrap methods in econometrics,
statistics and management engineering”, Rome, 27th - 28th June 2012 (Director:
Alberto Nastasi”
Calculation software: Matlab, R, Mathematica
Programming Languages: Java
Database Management (Oracle, MySql, Access )
Computer Aided Design (CAD), Photoshop and Illustrator CS
Italian: Mother Tongue
Listening: Excellent
Reading: Excellent
Writing: Excellent
Speaking: Excellent
2005: qualifying examination for the English language at Sapienza University of Rome
2001: Spoken ESOL examination (English for speakers of other languages) "Trinity College of
London - The International Examination Board Grade 8 in the Intermediate Stage Pass with
Merit: 82 / 100
2001: Summer course (2 weeks) c / o Dublin, Morehampton Language Institute, St.Kilian 's
Germany School
2000: Summer course (3 weeks) c / o London, Uxbridge College, Park Road, Uxbridge
Middlesex UB81NQ
Listening: Good
Reading: Good
Writing: Good
Speaking: Good
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Rome, 17th March 2014
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Member of “Centro Teatro Ateneo” of Sapienza University of Rome
Member of theatre association “Casa della Pace”, Via di Monte Testaccio 22,
Interest in architecture
D'ALFONSO T. (2005). Fabbricato per civile abitazione con applicazione della geometria
descrittiva. In: Franco Formisani. Spazio immagini. La Geometria descrittiva, applicata al
progetto architettonico e al design. vol. C, p. 108-117, TORINO: Loescher.
Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003 n. 196
"Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali"
Tiziana D’Alfonso
Rome, 17th March 2014