Curriculum vitae – September 2013 Cecilia Gallotti Email: Education 2013 Director of Psycho-Sociodrama (four years Diploma), Study Centre for Psychodrama and Active Methods (Centro Studi di Psicodramma e Metodi Attivi), Milan. 2009 Trainer of Group with Active Methods (two years Diploma), Graduate School of Psychodrama, (Studio di Psicodramma), Bologna. 1993-95 Research Fellow in Ethnology, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), Paris, Research Director: Prof. Jeanne Favret-Saada. 1993-95 Post-graduate grant by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research. 1991-92 Research Fellow in Ethnology, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale (EHESS) Paris, funded by National Research Centre (C.N.R.-Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche); Research Director: Prof. Françoise Héritier. 1990 D.E.A. - Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (post-Master's degree, equivalent to the MPhil) in Civilisation et Ethnologie Françaises, University Sorbonne Paris III. 1988-92 Student post-graduate, Ecole Doctorale d’Anthropologie Sociale et Ethnologie, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. 1988-89 Post-graduate grant of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1987 Laurea (equivalent to the Master's degree.) cum laude in Philosophy, University of Bologna. CV: Cecilia Gallotti Academic Positions 2010-11 Adjunct Professor (Professore a contratto di corso ufficiale) in Cultural Anthropology, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan. 2005-07 Lecturer in Education for Citizenship, Department of Education, University of Bologna 2004-11 Adjunct Professor in Anthropology of Local Communities, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milan-Bicocca. 2004-06 Lecturer in Cultural Anthropology, URBEUR (Doctorate in Urban and local European Studies), Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milan-Bicocca. 2003-04 Adjunct Professor in Communication and Society, Department of Communication, IULM (University of Modern Languages), Milan. 2002-04 Lecturer in Intercultural Mediation and Text Analysis, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milan-Bicocca. 2002-03 Adjunct Professor in Ethnography, Department of Communication, IULM (University of Modern Languages), Milan. 2001-03 Research Fellow (Assegnista di ricerca), Department of Communication, IULM (University of Modern Languages), Milan. 2001-02 Adjunct Professor in Anthropology of Communication, Department of Communication, University of Ferrara. 2000-01 Adjunct Professor in Cultural Anthropology, Design Department, Polytechnic of Milan. 1993-99 Teaching Fellow (Docente di corsi integrativi) in Semiotics, Department of Communication, IULM (University of Modern Languages), Milan. 1991-93 Teaching Fellow in Philosophy of Language, Department of Communication, University of Bologna. 2 CV: Cecilia Gallotti Funded Research and Scientific Activity 2013- Planning of the monitoring project "A web-site dedicated to Female Genital Mutilation", funded by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Health Service 2012-13 Planning and coordination of the Action/Research "The body between cultures and generations. Gender identity, sexuality and parenthood among young migrant women", funded by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Health Service - AUSL Modena. 2010-12 Member of the Scientific Board of the project "The Approach Of Health Care Services To Fgm: Therapeutic, Prevention And Salutogenic Models", fundend by the Regional Health Service of Emilia-Romagna - AUSL Bologna. 2010- Member of CUBE (University Center of Ethnosemiotics), Department of Visual Arts, University of Bologna. 2009-12 Researcher for the project "Il pluralismo religioso in Italia. Per una mappatura e un'interpretazione delle diverse presenze socio-religiose nella società italiana" ("Religious pluralism in Italy. For mapping and interpretation of the various socioreligious presence in Italian society"), funded by the Ministry of Education’s PRIN (Research Programs of Relevant National Interest). 2008- Senior Researcher for Health and Welfare Unit, ISMU Foundation, Milan. 2007-09 Senior Researcher for the project "Female genital mutilation and the dynamics of change in migratory contexts: socio-anthropological perspectives", coordinated by ISMU Foundation, funded by the Department for Rights and Equal Opportunities - Presidency of the Council of Ministers. 2006 Member of Sui generis. Laboratory of sociology of public action, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milan-Bicocca. 2006-08 Researcher for the Project "Two for one for 2G - Expression and identity: intercultural dialogue and social integration of the second generations", funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs. 2004-05 Researcher for the Project "Forms and religious practices of the Sri Lankan Buddhist community in the provinces of Bologna, Modena and Reggio Emilia", funded by the Department of Education, University of Bologna. 2003-04 Consultant for the Project "Participatory planning on the accessibility of public 3 CV: Cecilia Gallotti spaces", coordinated by TAMassociati/Taking Care in Architecture, funded by the Tecnothon Foundation Onlus. 2002-04 Consultant for the Project "Re-qualification of the main public space of the city: an experience in participatory architecture projects and project communications", coordinated by TAMassociati/Taking Care in Architecture, funded by the Municipality of Monterotondo - Roma. 2000-02 Planning and Coordination of the Project "Interethnic festivals and rituals in Bologna. A field research on the processes of intercultural communication", funded by the Culture Department of the Municipality of Bologna and the Cariplo Foundation. 1993-94 Researcher for the Project "Transmission of emotional behavior: cross-cultural analysis and critique of the ethnographic literature", Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale, funded by the National Research Council. Teaching and Training Experience 2013- Project Leader of the Training course for social and health care professionals "The body between cultures. An experimental project of multicultural peer education", funded by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Health Service-ASL Modena. 2012-13 Teacher in the Training Project " to consolidate regional and local networks for responsible hospitality", cordinated by the ISMU Foundation and the Province of Lodi, funded by by the European Fund for the Integration of thirdcountry nationals, Annual Programme 2007-13. 2011 Teacher in the Training Project "Meetings with migrancy. Reflections on health, mental health problems and cultural representations", coordinated by the ISMU Foundation, funded by the Province of Milan. 2011 Trainer in the Training project "Promotion of community", funded by the Province of Forlì-Cesena-Area Plan for the health and social well-being. 2011 Teacher in the Training Project "Female Genital Mutilation and bodily manipulations. Reflections on cultural practices that transform and control the body", coordinated by the University of Parma - Department of Political and Social Studies and Department of Psychology, funded by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Health Service-AUSL Parma. 4 CV: Cecilia Gallotti 2010-13 Project Leader of the Training Course for social and health care professionals "The FGM in migrant women", funded by the Regional Health Service of EmiliaRomagna - ASL Modena. 2010 Teacher in the Training Project "Health and disease in a land of immigration", funded by the Province of Lodi, coordinated by the ISMU Foundation. 2008-12 Teacher in the Training Project "Interculturalism and cultural management", coordinated by the Ater Foundation, funded by the ESF - European Social Fund. 2006-08 Lecturer in Cultural Anthropology, Alfred Adler Institute-School of Post-graduate Specialization in Dynamic Psychotherapy, Milan. 2002-04 Lecturer in Intercultural Communications for the Post-Graduate Course "Expert in integration multiethnic processes", funded by ESF - European Social Fund, coordinated by the IULM (University of Modern Languages), Milan. 2000-02 Consultant for the Training Project " For the mental health in a multicultural society", funded by the Department of Mental Health - ASL ROma C. Publications 2010 "Corpi e affetti. Percorsi di antropologia della malattia e della guarigione" ("Bodies and Emotions. Paths in Anthropology of Illness and Healing"), in D. Carrillo (ed.), Salute e malattia in terra di immigrazione, Quaderni della Fondazione Ismu e Provincia di Milano, Milano, pp. 75-91. 2009 “Le Mutilazioni Genitali Femminili come posta in gioco nei processi di cambiamento culturale” ("Female Genital Mutilation as Stakes in the Processes of Cultural Change"), in D. Carrillo e N. Pasini (eds.), Migrazioni Generi Famiglie. Pratiche di escissione e dinamiche di cambiamento in alcuni contesti regionali, Milano, Franco Angeli-Fondazione Ismu, pp. 185-265. 2009 “Strategie retoriche fra tradizione e religione in contesto di migrazione: la controversia sulla circoncisione femminile” ("Rhetorical Strategies Between Tradition and Religion in the Migration Contexts: The Controversy on Female Circumcision"), (with B. Caputo), in Religioni e Società, XXIV, n. 65, pp. 83-91. 2009 Spazi di festa. Collettivi migranti, aggregazione e associazionismo (Spaces to Celebrate. Migrants Networks and Associations), (with R. Gandolfi), Edizione a cura del Progetto Multiculturale Zonarelli del Comune di Bologna. 5 CV: Cecilia Gallotti 2007 “Dai riti ai meeting: festività e celebrazioni delle comunità immigrate come forme di mediazione nello spazio pubblico” ("From the Rituals to the Meetings: Festivities and Celebrations of Migrant Communities as Forms of Mediation in the Public Space"), in P. Trombetta e S. Scotti (eds.), L’albero della vita. Feste religiose e ritualità profane nel mondo globalizzato, Firenze University Press, pp. 233-41. 2005 “Religioni migranti: pratiche di sacralizzazione dello spazio pubblico in una cerimonia buddhista singalese” (Migrants Religions: Practices of Sacralization in a Sinhala Buddhist ceremony"), in Religioni e società, n. 52, pp. 25-38. 2002 “Emozioni narrate” ("Narrating Emotions"), (with R. Gandolfi), in Culture Teatrali, n. 6, pp. 151-162. 2001 “La seduta divinatoria: effetti di senso e problemi di efficacia” (The Setting of the Divination. Sense effects and efficacy issues"), (with C. Demaria), in: G. Manetti e P. Berretti (eds.), Forme della testualità. Teoria, modelli, storia e prospettive, Torino, Testo&Immagine, pp. 376-387 2000 “Fare festa: effervescenza e sfida in una ‘festa interetnica’ a Bologna” (Making Feast: Effervescence and Challenge in an Ethnic-Festival at Bologna"), (with R. Gandolfi), in Africa e Mediterraneo, n. 6, pp. 30-45. 2000 “La comunicazione dispari. Paradossi culturali di una regolamentazione dell’informazione” ("Odd Communication. The Cultural Paradoxes of the Media's Regulation"), (with P. Basso), in M. Livolsi e U. Volli (eds.), Personalizzazione e distacco. Le elezioni europee e regionali (1999), Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 151165. 2000 “Enunciazione”; “Cos'è un testo conversazionale”; “Inferenze e implicature”; “Regole conversazionali” ("Enunciation"; "What is a Conversational Text"; "Inferences and Implicatures"; "Conversational Rules"), in U. Volli (ed.), Manuale di semiotica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, pp. 134-145; 234-241. 2000 “La tv verità: appunti per una lettura sociosemiotica” ("The Reality TV: Notes for a Sociosemiotic Reading"), in: G. Ferraro (ed.), Uno sguardo in camera. Materiali per un’analisi culturale del linguaggio radiotelevisivo, Milano, Coop. Libraria I.U.L.M., pp. 71-93. 1999 “Nuove forme dello spettacolo politico: il congresso della Lega tra strategie comunicative e azione rituale” ("New Forms of Political Show: The League's Congress Between Communication Strategies and Ritual Action, (with C. Demaria), in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, XL, n. 3, pp. 365-383. 1998 “Elementi di analisi del discorso dei media: lo ‘straniero’ nella stampa quotidiana” ("Tools for Media Discourse Analysis: The ‘Alien’ in the News"), (with M. Maneri), in P. Tabet (ed.), Io non sono razzista ma... Strumenti per disimparare il razzismo, Roma, Anicia Editore, pp. 62-88. 6 CV: Cecilia Gallotti 1997 “Le regole della comunicazione politica: stili e strategie dei conduttori dei dibattiti televisivi” ("The Rules of Political Communication: TV Anchorman's Styles and Strategies"), (with V. Pisanty), in: M. Livolsi e U. Volli (eds.), Il televoto. La campagna elettorale in televisione, Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 209-233. 1995-97 “La nascita dell’Etnologia e dell’Antropologia Sociale e Culturale”; “Le teorie del linguaggio”; “La linguistica storica e la filosofia del linguaggio”; “La filosofia di Leibniz”; “La filosofia di Jean-Jacques Rousseau”; “L’Encyclopédie”; “L’estetica” (The origin of Ethnology and of Social and Cultural Anthropology"; "Theories of Language"; "The Historical Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language"; "The Leibniz's Philosophy"; "The Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Philosophy"; "Encyclopédie"; "Aesthetics"), in U. Eco (ed.), Encyclomedia, Guida Multimediale alla Storia della Civiltà Europea, Milano, Opera Multimedia. 1994 “Le voile d’honnêteté et la contagion des passions. Eléments pour une anthropologie des émotions" ("The Veil of Honesty and the Contagion of Passions. Elements for an Anthropology of Emotions,") in Terrain, Carnets du Patrimoine Ethnologique, Paris, n.22, pp.51-68. 1992 “Per un approccio antropologico alle emozioni nella musica di tradizione orale” ("For an Anthropological Approach to the Emotions in the Music of Oral Tradition"), in P. Sassu (ed.), Liturgia e Paraliturgia nella tradizione orale, Cagliari, Ed. Universitas, 1992, pp. 245-251. 1993 “Il linguaggio nella filosofia tra Seicento e Settecento” ("The Language in Philosophy Between the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries"), in U. Volli, C. Gallotti, S. Bulgari (eds.) I filosofi e il linguaggio, Bologna, Esculapio, pp. 111-245. 1989 “Un capitolo del confronto ragione-passioni nel seicento francese: il dibattito sul teatro” ("A Chapter of the Debate between Reason and Passions in the Seventeenth Century-French: The Controversy on the Theater"), in E. Pulcini (ed.), Teorie delle passioni, “Topoi. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia”, Suppl. vol.3, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrech-Boston-London, pp. 75-88. 1986 “Il sistema dell’amor proprio e l’antropologia di La Rochefoucauld” ("The system of 'amour-propre' and the anthropology of La Rochefoucauld"), in: Annali di Discipline Filosofiche dell’Università di Bologna, n. 7, Bologna, pp. 227-232. 7 CV: Cecilia Gallotti Languages Mother tongue Italian Other languages Self-assessment European level Understanding (*) Listening English French (*) Speaking Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Writing C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level 8
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