AERC Plenary Session on “Public Finance: Tax and Expenditure Reforms in Africa” Sunday June 1, 2014 Chair of Session: 1/6/2014 Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Vice Chancellor, University of Ghana Opening session: 09:00- 09:30 Welcoming remarks: Prof. Lemma W. Senbet, Executive Director, AERC First session: 09:30–11:00 Paper 1: Presenter: Discussant: Fiscal Reforms and Public Investment in Africa Prof. Christopher Adam, Department of International Development, University of Oxford, and David Bevan, Oxford Policy Management, UK. Domenico Fanizza, Assistant Director, Immediate Office, African Department, IMF Floor Discussion 11:00–11.20 Tea/Coffee Break Second session: 11:20–12:50 Paper 2: Presenter Discussant Floor Discussion 12:50-14:00 Third session: 14:00–15:30 Paper 3: Presenter: Discussant: Floor Discussion Fourth session: Pro-Poor Tax Review in South Africa: Potential and Limitations Dr. Ramos Mabugu, Director, Research & Recommendations Programme (RRP), Financial and Fiscal Commission, Republic of South Africa Dr. William Baah-Boateng, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana Lunch Break Tax Evasion, the Provision of Public Infrastructure, and Growth: A General Equilibrium Approach to Two Very Different Countries, Egypt and Mauritius Prof. Andrew Feltenstein, Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, USA Prof. Festus Egwaikhide, University of Ibadan, Nigeria 15:30–16:00 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00– 17:30 Public/Private Sector Policy Panel Chair: Panelists: Prof. Ernest Aryeetey, Vice Chancellor, University of Ghana -Mr.Ismail Momoniat, National Treasury, Republic of South Africa -Dr. Ramos Mabugu, Director, Research & Recommendations Programme. -Prof. Akpan Ekpo, University of Uyo, Nigeria -Dr. Kupukile Mlambo, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe -Mr. J. Asare-Adjei, President, Association of Ghana Industries -Dr. Samuel Nii Noi Ashong, Deputy Rector, GIMPA Floor Discussion 17:30 -17:40 17:40– 17:50 Update on African Economic Research Consortium Alumni Association (AERCAA) –Dr. Rose Ngugi, IMF, USA Wrap-up: Dr. Witness Simbanegavi, Director of Research, AERC Page 1 of 7 GROUP A: POVERTY, INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND FOOD SECURITY Monday, June 2, 2014 08:30–09:30 A1 A multilevel analysis of prenatal care and birth weight in Kenya (Japheth Awiti FR) 09:30–10:30A2 Socio-economic status and health expenditure of households in Benin (Houeninvo Ghodja Hilaire -FR) Tuesday, June 3, 2014 08:30–09:30A7 Genre, emplois, et Salaires sur le Marche du travail Camerounais (Christian Zamo Akono - NP) 09:30–10:30 A8 Inegalite d’opportunite de santé chez les enfants ages de moins de 5 ans au Togo (Yacobou Sanoussi-NP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00A3 Employment vulnerability in Cameroon’s 11:00–12:00 CPPA1 Economic consequences of diseases: private sector (Njang Vera Anweh -FR) Evidence from Oyo state, Nigeria (Uche Abamba – CPP) Wednesday, June 4, 2014 08:30–09:30 A11 Effects of Maternal immunization on birth weight in rural Cameroon (Tambi Daniel Mbu - NP) 09:30–10:30A12 Le role de I ‘education de la mere sur I’utilisation des service de santé prenatale dans les ménages avec differents niveaux de bienetre (Saleu Feumeni Josiane - NP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 CPPA4 The Economic Burden Of Disabilities And Injuries In Kenya: Evidence From Survey Data (Ongong’a Winnie Adhiambo - CPP) 12:00–13:00 CPPA5 Social Classes and Economic Polarization Dynamics in South Africa (Machema, Ratjomose Petrose –CPP) 12:00–13:00 A4 Socio-economic determinants of use of 12:00–13: 00 A9 Explaining well-being and inequality in reproductive health services in Ghana Cameroon: A regression-based Decomposition (Patience Abor and Gordon Abekah-Nkrumah (Marinus Arrey - NP) -FR) 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 14:00–15:00 A5 Breastfeeding and child health outcomes 14:00 –15:00 A10 Accès Aux infrastructures sociales et 14:00–15:00 CPPA6 Poverty and Catastrophic impacts of in Uganda (Edward Bbaale – WIP) out-of-pocket health payments across social bien-être des ménages dans le District D’ sub-groups in Tanzania (Massito John Abidjan (N’kongon Yerande Jeane, and Moussa Geoffrey – CPP) Sangare - NP) 15:00–16:00 A6 Inégalité d’opportunités et distribution 15:00–16:00 CPPA2 Equity in Utilization of Health Services 15:00–16:00 00 du développement humain au Cameroun in Kenya (Elizabeth Owino – CPP) (Ningaye Paul, Tiomela Yemedjeu Alexi and Methodological session Nguebang Tazangmo Herve Francis NP) 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Accelerating poverty 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Fostering inclusive growth 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Linking smallholder reduction in Africa by Francisco H.G. Ferreira by Domenico Fanizza, Assistant Director, farmers to markets: lessons learned from the Chief Economist, Africa Region, The World Immediate Office, African Department, IMF WFP - purchase for progress pilot programme Bank and Luc Christiaensen, Senior by Ken Davies, P4P Global Coordinator, Clare Economist, Africa Region, the World Bank Mbizule, M&E Advisor, WFP, and Paulo Dias, Project Manager of P4P hub KEY: NP=New Proposal RP=Revised Proposal WIP=Work in Progress FR=Final Report CPP=Collaborative PhD Programme Page 2 of 7 GROUP B: MACROECONOMIC POLICIES, INVESTMENT AND GROWTH Monday, June 2, 2014 Tuesday, June 3, 2014 08.30–09:30 B1 L’impact potentiels de la création de la 08:30–09:30 B7 Effet des investissements directs zone monétaire de l’Afrique de l’Quest sur le estrangers sur les recettes fiscales au Togo commerce (Sekou Doumbouya and Ousmane (Okey Mawusse - RP) Bah-FR) 09:30–10:30 B2 Determinants of Short Term Foreign Debt 09:30–10:30 B8 Mandat et stratégie de la politique in Ghana (William Insaidoo - FR) monétaire de la future BCAO: Evidence de la performance macroéconomique a partir d’un modèle DSGE (Thierry Kame Babilla - NP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 B3 Analysis of asymmetries in the tax11:00–12:00 B9 Effects of institutions on tax revenue in spending nexus in Burundi: Evidence from WAEMU: what are the implications for public Threshold Modeling (Arcade Ndoricimpa investment decisions? (Ameth Ndiaye Saloum FR) -NP) 12:00–13:00 B4 Education and economic growth: Evidence 12:00–13:00 B10 Implications of Labour Market from Nigeria.( Irughe I R, P B Eregha and Performance Indicators for Pro-poor Growth in Edafe Joel -FR) Cameroon (Ousseni Mongbet - NP) Wednesday, June 4, 2014 08:30–09:30 B11 Mondialisation et efficacite de politque monetaire en Afrique Subsaharrienne (Dongue Ndongo Patrick Reveli - NP) 09:30–10:30 B12 Capital flight and net foreign direct investment in Kenya (Josephine Ndambuki – NP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 CPPB3 Bank Uncertainty and Economic Growth Economique in a Monetary Union: Evidence of CEMAC Countries (Kouldjim Djimrangar – CPP) 12:00–13:00 CPPB4 Fiscal policy: sustainability and Contribution to sustainable development in Benin (Avadame Rufain – CPP) 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 15:00 B5 UEMOA: soutenabilité de ladette par l’amélioration des finances publiques (Beah Armelle Vyette -FR) 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 15:00 CPPB1 Debt, Military expenditure and growth in sub-Saharan Africa (Chiminya Adonia Don –CPP) 13: 00–14:00 Lunch Break 14.:00–15:00 Methodological Session 15:00–16:00 B6 Doits de propriété intellectuelle et croissance économique dans les pays de l’oapi : case des pays de L’UEMOA (Kramo Kouakou Germain –NP) 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Accelerating poverty reduction in Africa by Francisco H.G. Ferreira Chief Economist, Africa Region, The World Bank and Luc Christiaensen, Senior Economist, Africa Region, the World Bank 15:00–16:00 CPPB2 An analysis of Recurrent Costs Problem and Olivera-Tanzi Effect in Kenya (Alex Oguso Ochien’g -CPP) 15:00–16:00 Methodological Session KEY: NP=New Proposal RP=Revised Proposal 16:00 –16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00 – 16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Fostering inclusive growth 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Linking smallholder by Domenico Fanizza, Assistant Director, farmers to markets: lessons learned from Immediate Office, African Department, IMF the WFP - purchase for progress pilot programme by Ken Davies, P4P Global Coordinator, Clare Mbizule, M&E Advisor, WFP, and Paulo Dias, Project Manager of P4P hub WIP=Work in Progress FR=Final Report CPP=Collaborative PhD Programme Page 3 of 7 6/1/2014 11:13 AM AERC June 2014, Biannual Research Workshop Agenda GROUP C: FINANCE AND RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Monday, June 2, 2014 08.30-09.30 C1 Refinancement et efficience des institutions de micro financé au Niger (Ali Hadizatou - FR) Tuesday, June 3, 2014 08:30–09:30 C7 A Portfolio Choice Model of Capital Flight The Case of West African Monetary Zone (Chuku Chuku- NP) Wednesday, June 4, 2014 08:30–09:30 C10 Determinants of Intra-African Mergers and Acquisitions 2000-2013 (Wilson, M.K and Pholo, A.B - NP) 09:30–10:30 C2 Le rôle de la qualité des droits de propriété dans la relation entre l’ouverture aux flux de capitaux internationaux et la croissance économique en Afrique Subsaharienne: une estimation à partir de l'économétrie des données de panel non stationnaires (Sionfou S C. and L. L Gakpa- 09:30–10:30 CPP C1 Essay on the microstructure of the government bonds market in Kenya (Rogers Ondiba Ochenge – CPP) 09:30–10:30 C11 Determinants of Capital Structure Choices in the Zimbabwean Corporate Sector (Strike Mbulawa - NP) FR) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 C4 Implications du capital social sur l’octroi 11:00–12:00 C8 Gender-Based Credit Constraints and Firm de microcrédit parmi les ménages ayant Performance in Cameroon (Tabi Johannes and différents niveaux de revenu au Cameroun: Ndam Romanus Adze-NP) 2001-2007 (Clarisse Metseyem -WIP) 12:00–13:00 C5 Firms’ Financial Performance and 12:00–13:00 C9 Quality of institutions and stock market Corporate Board Diversity: Evidence from development in Sub-Saharan Africa (Laura Kenya (Samuel Oyieke - WIP) Nelima Barasa - NP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 CPP C3 Financial Innovation and money demand in Sub-Saharan Africa (Kasekende Elizabeth – CPP) 12:00–13:00 CPP C4 Financial sector development, institutions and economic growth: A comparative study of Southern Africa Development Community and Economic Community of West Africa States – (Sulemana Mahawiya – CPP) 13: 00–14:00 Lunch Break 14:00–15:00 Methodological session 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 14:00–15:00 C6 An assessment of remittance as 14:00 - 15: 00 CPP C2 Firm Access to External Financing, poetential complement to conventional Corporate Investment and Economic Growth in sources of development finance (Chukwuma Kenya (Kipyegon B. Kirui - CPP) Agu, Romanus Ugwuanyi and David Onyinyechi Agu –WIP) 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Accelerating poverty 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Fostering inclusive growth 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Linking smallholder reduction in Africa by Francisco H.G. Ferreira by Domenico Fanizza, Assistant Director, farmers to markets: lessons learned from Chief Economist, Africa Region, The World Immediate Office, African Department, IMF the WFP - purchase for progress pilot Bank and Luc Christiaensen, Senior programme by Ken Davies, P4P Global Economist, Africa Region, the World Bank Coordinator, Clare Mbizule, M&E Advisor, WFP, and Paulo Dias, Project Manager of P4P hub KEY: NP=New Proposal RP=Revised Proposal WIP=Work in Progress FR=Final Report CPP=Collaborative PhD Programme Page 4 of 7 6/1/2014 11:13 AM AERC June 2014, Biannual Research Workshop Agenda GROUP D: TRADE AND REGIONAL INTEGRATION Monday, June 2, 2014 Tuesday, June 3, 2014 08:30–09:30 D1 WTO agricultural trade liberalization: What 08:30–09:00 D6 Déterminants and impact of Migrant are the implications for Sub-Saharan Africa? (A Remittance flows to Southern African lexander Nuetah- FR) Countries (Kisu Simwaka -NP) 09:30–10:30 D2 Political Institutions, Trade and Economic 09:30–10:30 D7 Trade facilitation and trade flows in Development in Sub Saharan Africa (Vincent Africa (Abdoulaye Seck – NP) Leyaro – WIP) Wednesday, June 4, 2014 08:30–09:30 CPPD1 Economic Geography and spatial income Distribution in South Africa (Mudiriza Gibson –CPP) 09:30–10:30 D11 Impacts potentiels de la libéralisation des prix des produits pétroliers sur la Croissance et la pauvreté et masures d’accompagnement (Tegoum Nguetse Pierre Joubert, Eric Neguem and Celestin Sikube Takamgno - NP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 D3 The impact of regulation on investment in 11:00–12:00 D8 Assessing welfare implication of trade 11:00–12:00 D12 Structure de Marche et adoption des mobile telephone infrastructure in SADC policy on Tobbacco and Cotton in Zimbabwe: technologies de I’information et de la countries (Albert Makochekanwa- WIP 2000-2012 (Emson Chiwenga-NP) communication: le cas des entreprises du secteur industriel au Cameroun (Ariel Herbert Fambeu -NP) 12:00–13:00 D4 Does governance institutions matter for 12:00–13:00 D9 Impact of Investment climate on total 12:00–13:00 CPPD2 Location Factors, Geographical trade flows between Sub-Saharan Africa and its factor productivity of Food Industry in Nigeria Distribution of foreign direct investment Trading Partners? (Adeolu O. Adewuyi and (Friday Ademola Ajagbe and Joshua Olusegun and Economic Growth in Africa (Kargbo Ebenezer Olubiyi-WIP) Ajetomobi - NP) Santigie Mohammed – CPP) 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 13: 00–14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 15:00 CPPD3 Firm Dynamics by 14:00 - 15:00 D5 Effets de libéralisation du commerce sur les 14:00 - 15:00 D10 An analysis of competitiveness and marketing of rice in Cote D’Ivoire (Achy Geographical Area: The Case of South etats membres de la CEDEAO (Abubakar Kaba, Landry – NP) Africa (Mahofa, Godfrey –CPP) Abdourahmane CONDE and Marie SOUMAH RP) 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Accelerating poverty 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Fostering inclusive reduction in Africa by Francisco H.G. Ferreira growth by Domenico Fanizza, Assistant Chief Economist, Africa Region, The World Director, Immediate Office, African Bank and Luc Christiaensen, Senior Economist, Department, IMF Africa Region, the World Bank KEY: NP=New Proposal RP=Revised Proposal WIP=Work in Progress 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Linking smallholder farmers to markets: lessons learned from the WFP - purchase for progress pilot programme by Ken Davies, P4P Global Coordinator, Clare Mbizule, M&E Advisor, WFP, and Paulo Dias, Project Manager of P4P hub FR=Final Report CPP=Collaborative PhD Programme Page 5 of 7 6/1/2014 11:13 AM AERC June 2014, Biannual Research Workshop Agenda GROUP E: POLITICAL ECONOMY, NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND AGRICULTURAL POLICY ISSUES Monday, June 2, 2014 08:30–09:30 E1 Are high-value agri-food supply chains participants b etter insulated from shocks? Evidence from Senegal (Senakpon Fidele Ange Dedehouano-FR) 09:30–10:30E2 Analyse de la production de soins de santé au Togo: Efficience technique des hôpitaux publics (Atake Esso-Hanam WIP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 E3 Has Public Sector Reforms improved quality of service and customer satisfaction Evidence from Ghana (Bedman Narteh - WIP) Tuesday, June 3, 2014 08:30–09:30 E7 Determinants of farm households participation in Non-farm income activities : Evidence from rural Sudan (Ebaidalla M. Ebaidalla -NP) 09:30–10:30 E8 Marche de la religion et bien-etre au Cameroun: liberalisation versus reglementation (Mpabe Bodjongo and Ibrahim Abba –NP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 E9 Analyse de determinants de l’efficacite des stations d’epuration des eaux usees au Cameroonl (Yene Athanase-NP) 12:00–13:00 E4 Impact des écoles paysannes sur la 12:00–13:00 E10 Adoption et usages de L’internet au production du cacao: une évidence cameroun (Novice Patrick Bakehe and Bertrand empirique des producteurs du cacao au Tamokwe Piaptie - NP) Cameroun (Motio Simo Epiphanie and Kamdem Cyrille Bergaly -WIP) 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 13:00–14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 15:00 E5 Pro-poorness of fertilizer and 14:00 - 15:00 CPPE3 Role du government dans le processus agrochemical use and its implications on de development de L’Agriculture: Cas du food security in Nigeria (Reuben Alabi-NP) Cameroun ( Biligil Geogette Diane – CPP) Wednesday, June 4, 2014 08:30–09:30 CPPE1 Climate change and wildlife utilization on private land: Evidence from wildlife ranching in South Africa (Otieno Jackson Ongong’a – CPP) 09:30 – 10:30 CPPE2 Firm Participation in environmental management programmes in Kenya: Incentives and regulatory implications. (Dunstone Wafula Ulwodi –CPP) 10:30–11:00 Tea/Coffee Break 11:00–12:00 E11 Les determinants de L ’innovation dans les petites et Moyennes Enterprises (PME) en Subsaharienne Francophone: cas du Cameroun, de la Cote d’Ivoire et du Senegal (Ndzana Eloundou Martin Jaures –NP 12:00–13:00 E12 Sécurité foncière et productivité agricole au Cameroun (Niee Foning Maxime- NP) 13:030–14:00 14:00 - 15:00 Lunch Break Methodological session 15:00 - 16:00 E6 Les déterminants de I’ adoption des 15:00 - 16:00 CPPE4 An economic and institutional analysis 15:00 - 16:00 mesures de responsabilité sociale des of community wildlife conservation in entreprises au Cameroun (Sotamenou Joel Zimbabwe( Ntuli Herbert – CPP) Methodological session and Ndonou Tchoumdop Michele Estelle NP) 16:00–16:15 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00–16:30 Tea/Coffee Break 16:00–16:30 Tea/Coffee Break 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Accelerating poverty 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Fostering inclusive growth 16:15 – 18:15 Special Session: Linking smallholder farmers reduction in Africa by Francisco H.G. by Domenico Fanizza, Assistant Director, to markets: lessons learned from the WFP Ferreira Chief Economist, Africa Region, Immediate Office, African Department, IMF purchase for progress pilot programme by Ken The World Bank and Luc Christiaensen, Davies, P4P Global Coordinator, Clare Mbizule, Senior Economist, Africa Region, the M&E Advisor, WFP, and Paulo Dias, Project World Bank Manager of P4P hub KEY: NP=New Proposal RP=Revised Proposal WIP=Work in Progress FR=Final Report CPP=Collaborative PhD Programme Page 6 of 7 6/1/2014 11:13 AM AERC June 2014, Biannual Research Workshop Agenda AERC BIANNUAL WORKSHOP TECHNICAL MEETING FOR RESEACHERS Thursday, June 5, 2014 TIME SLOTS AUTHOR (S) PAPER NO. 08:30 - 08:50 08:50 - 09:10 09:10 - 09:30 09:30 - 09:50 T E A B R E A K K 09:50 - 10:10 10:10 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:50 10:50 - 11:10 11:10 - 11:30 11:30 - 11:50 11:50 - 12:10 12:10 - 12:30 12:30 - 12:50 Page 7 of 7
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