Telopea Topics No2 - Telopea Park School

Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.2 – 21 February 2014
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Report from the Deputy Principal
Week 3, Term 1 and the year has begun with a flurry of
activity for students, parents and teachers. It is wonderful to
see how quickly students have adapted to the new school
year. The hard work preparing the transition to school has
ensured that students feel welcome, safe and ready to enjoy
their new experiences.
24 – 28 Feb
26 - 28 Feb
7 Feb
Year 7 Camp
Primary Cross Country
On Saturday 15th February the Primary Choir opened the Canberra Symphonic Orchestra Prom Concert in the Governor General’s
garden. A sincere thank you to Susan Cribb and Cathy Marot for their organisation and supervision of the Primary School Choir
at this event. Thank you, Susan for the many hours spent preparing the students for their performance. Thank you to the
parents who supported their children and delivered them to the concert venue. Many people have spoken about the choir’s
performance and how special it was. This was a wonderful example of the school show-casing excellence to our community. We
are very proud of the high level of commitment and expertise displayed by teachers, students and parents.
Pips testing in Kindergarten took place this week; as did the Primary and Secondary Swimming Carnivals. Both carnivals enjoyed
wonderful weather, excellent organisation and participation. Thank you to Claire Harding and Ben Yuen for their hard work in
preparing the organisation and running of the swimming carnivals.
Several Parent meetings took place this week, these included the K-2 and the Year 3-6 parent information evenings, the Year 7
Meet the Pastoral Care Teachers’, the Mathletics information evening and the Middle Years Programme (Year 7-10) parent
information evening.
Telopea Park School hosted a visit from Mr Long Truong, the Higher Education Councillor for AEFE Asia Pacific. He met with some
families and conducted a professional learning session with Secondary English French Stream (EFS) teachers about the position
of “Professeur Principal”. It is always a pleasure to showcase our school and receive visitors from AEFE, as we are part of the
biggest network of schools abroad.
In the coming weeks there will be an information session for Year 10 students and parents. This is an important meeting to
attend as we have a number of representatives from the Colleges, CIT, and Universities giving information about future
pathways. In the coming weeks Year 7 (Week 4) and Year 6 (Week 6) will be heading off to camp. In Week 5, Year 7-10 will
be holding a Dance Party. An information evening will be held Tuesday 1st April for Kindergarten enrolments for 2015.
Secondary students and parents were issued the Term 1 Assessment Calendar at the beginning of week 2.Parents are reminded
to ‘save the date’ for the Parent/Teacher evenings, Week 10, Tuesday 8th and
Wednesday 9th April. If parents have any concerns about their child’s progress
please contact the Year Advisor to discuss these concerns.
Term 1
3 February – 11 April
Term 2
28 April – 4 July
Term 3
21 July – 26 September
Term 4
13 October – 17 December
Secondary parents are asked to complete the ‘On-line permission’ forms distributed with this week’s Telopea Topics as soon as
possible so that teaching and learning will not be interrupted. Please contact Michele McLoughlin A/g Deputy Principal (7-10) with
any inquiries.
Parents are asked to ensure the safety of all students when they are arriving and leaving the school grounds. Primary parents
are reminded that there are two drop-off areas for Primary students: one is directly outside the Primary quad area; the other is
directly outside the Kindergarten area. The driveway adjacent to the Primary quad area is a non-parking area – Parents are
asked NOT to park and drop-off students in this area.
Parents are asked NOT to drop -off or pick-up student near the staff car park entrance opposite Montgomery Oval. There are
serious safety concerns for students when parents stop in the middle of the road to pick-up or drop-off students.
Congratulations to the Parents & Citizens (P&C) office bearers for 2014. Paul Haesler has been confirmed as the President. Thank
you to all parents who contribute to the richness of the school through this forum.
Parents are invited to become members of the school committees: the IT Committee, the Health Promoting Schools Committee,
the Curriculum Committee, and the Reconciliation Action Plan committee and the Grounds Committee. Please contact the P&C for
more information.
Parents are reminded that support is available from Alliance Francaise de Canberra for students and families in the bilingual
Parents can now utilise the online payment system available at the school, using the details on the card mailed to all families.
Please contact the Finance Office for more details 62055570.
We look forward to another busy productive year!
Michele McLoughlin
A/g Deputy Principal 7-10
Cette troisième semaine du premier trimestre a commencé avec de nombreuses activités pour les élèves, les parents et les
professeurs. Qu’il est merveilleux de constater la rapidité avec laquelle les élèves se sont adaptés à cette nouvelle année
scolaire ! Les préparatifs en amont de cette transition vers l’école ont assuré aux élèves un sentiment de bienvenue, de sécurité
et de disposition à profiter de leurs nouvelles expériences.
Samedi 15 Février, le Choeur de nos élèves du primaire a ouvert le concert de l’Orchestre symphonique de Canberra dans les
jardins du Gouverneur Général. Un grand merci à Susan Cribb et Cathy Marot pour leur organisation et leur gestion du Chœur
lors de cet évènement. Merci Susan pour les heures nombreuses consacrées à la préparation des élèves en amont de cette
performance. Merci aux parents qui ont apporté leur soutien en les conduisant au concert. Nous avons reçu un retour énorme
sur cette performance de notre Choeur nous faisant savoir à quel point elle était spéciale. C’est là un merveilleux exemple de
l’excellence des talents promotionnels de notre école dans notre communauté. Nous sommes très fiers du niveau élevé de
l’engagement et de l’expertise de nos professeurs, de nos élèves et de nos parents.
Les tests Pips ont commencé cette semaine en Maternelle, de même que les compétitions de natation du primaire et du
secondaire qui ont tous deux bénéficié d’un temps magnifique, et d’excellentes organisation et participation. Merci à Claire
Harding et Ben Yuen pour leur formidable travail de préparation de l’organisation et du déroulement de ces deux compétitions de
Plusieurs réunions de parents ont eu lieu cette semaine dont les soirées d’information de parents du deuxième (GSM à CE1) et
du troisième cycle (CE2 à 6e)du primaire, la rencontre des professeurs avec les parents de 5e, la soirée d’information sur les
Mathletics et celle destinée aux parents du cycle des Années collège (5e à 2nde).
Le Lycée franco-australien a aussi eu l’honneur d’accueillir Mr Long Truong, le Conseiller d’Orientation et Enseignement supérieur
pour la région Asie-Pacifique de l’AEFE, qui a pu rencontrer des familles et a conduit une session de formation professionnelle
pour les enseignants du courant bilingue sur la fonction de professeur principal. C’est toujours un plaisir de montrer notre école
et de recevoir des visiteurs de l’AEFE car nous faisons partie, ne l’oublions pas, du plus important réseau d’écoles à l’étranger.
Dans les semaines qui viennent, une session d’information sera organisée pour les parents et élèves de Seconde. C’est une
réunion importante qu’il ne faudra pas manquer. Nous y avons invité plusieurs représentants de lycées, universités et Institut
de Technologie pour disséminer les informations sur les passerelles éducatives. Et aussi dans les prochaines semaines, les élèves
partiront en camps : les 5e en semaine 4 et les 6e en semaine 6. En semaine 5, les élèves de 5e à 2nde organisent une soirée
dansante. Une soirée d’information pour les parents désirant inscrire leurs enfants en Maternelle en 2015 aura lieu le Mardi
1er Avril.
Les élèves et parents du secondaire ont reçu le calendrier des évaluations de ce premier trimestre en début de semaine 2. Nous
rappelons aux parents qu’ils doivent réserver la date de la soirée parents-professeurs du Mardi 8 et du Mercredi 9 Avril, en
semaine 10. En cas de souci à propos des progrès de votre enfant, veuillez contacter le professeur principal de l’année de votre
enfant pour en discuter. Les parents du secondaire sont invités à renseigner les formulaires d’autorisation d’accès qui
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accompagnent ce numéro des Nouvelles de Telopea dès que possible afin de minimiser l’interruption des cours. En cas de
questions, veuillez contacter Michele McLoughlin, la Principale-Adjointe par intérim.
Nous invitons les parents à s’assurer de la sécurité de tous les élèves au moment de leur arrivée à l’école et de leur départ.
Aux parents du primaire, nous rappelons les zones désignées à cet effet : l’une se trouve directement devant la cour de
récréation du primaire, l’autre se trouve devant les classes de Maternelle. L’allée située juste devant la cour de récréation du
primaire est interdite au stationnement. Nous demandons aux parents de ne pas stationner à cet endroit et de ne pas y
déposer les élèves.
Les parents NE DOIVENT PAS déposer ni reprendre d’élève près de l’entrée du parking du personnel située en face du terrain
Montgomery. La sécurité des élèves est mise en question lorsque des parents s’arrêtent au milieu de la route pour y déposer ou
y prendre des élèves. Assurez-vous que votre enfant entre dans l’école ou la quitte par l’entrée principale située près des
Nos félicitations aux représentants de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens : Paul Haesler confirme sa place de président pour
2014. Merci à tous les parents qui contribuent à la richesse de notre école grâce à ce forum.
Les parents sont invités à rejoindre les différents comités de notre école : le Comité Informatique, le Comité des écoles en
faveur de la promotion de la santé, le Comité des Programmes et le Comité pour le Plan d’action de réconciliation. Pour plus
ample information, contactez l’école.
Nous rappelons aux parents que l’Alliance française de Canberra peut venir en aide aux élèves et parents du courant bilingue.
Nous rappelons également aux parents qu’ils peuvent effectuer leurs paiements à l’école par voie électronique.
Veuillez contacter le Bureau des Finances pour toute information à ce sujet : 6205 5570.
Nous nous réjouissons en prévision d’une nouvelle année productive!
Michele McLoughlin
Principale-Adjointe par intérim pour le Secondaire
During the Christmas holidays, a team of conservators from the firm of Art and Archival carried out long overdue conservation
and cleaning work on the large historical painting above the stairwell adjacent to the Arts area of the school
This painting is the work of eminent Latvian artist Verners Linde and his son Girts Linde and January 1950 was the focus of an
Arts and Crafts exhibition associated with the first Australian Citizenship Convention. It was initially displayed in the Canberra
University College in the Melbourne Building in Civic, and later relocated to its present hanging place in Telopea Park School. The
painting is an important reminder of the role of immigrants in Australian history and will be prominently featured in Dr Nicholas
Brown’s forthcoming official history of Canberra.
A plaque commemorating the work of the artists will shortly be placed on the wall adjoining the artwork. During Heritage Month,
conservator Kim Morris and school archivist Esther Davies will speak at the school on the history and conservation of the
The conservation and cleaning work on the painting was made possible by an ACT Heritage Grant of $13,500.
Career Development Report
As part of the TPS weekly Enrichment Program, fifteen year 9 and 10 students agreed to undertake a 10 week journey of
investigating different careers in the local area.
Last week the students walked the the Commonwealth Bank (CBA) in Kingston. The Manger of the branch spoke to the students
about her journey of acquiring the position she has today. She also spoke about the variety of job opportunities available to
people who join the CBA. The students learnt how important the bank values the skills of working with customers.
The students also found it interesting to learn that annually, the CBA offers one Yr 10 student in each State/ Terrifory a school
based traineeship to undertake a Certificate III in Financial Services, as well as a Tier 1 General Advice in Superannuation
Accreditation. The successful student in each State/ Territory spends one day a week (while in Yr 11 &12 ) working with CBA and
studying. At the end of Year 12 the student may gain their ATAR Score, plus these two Accreditations and work experience. The
student can then apply to undertake further work and study with CBA.
In the last Telopea Topics Newsletter, I invited Yr 9 and 10 parents to email me, if they wish to discuss their student
undertaking a work experience placement, an apprentiship or a Tax File number. I was pleased that some parents have taken up
this invitation.
My position as the Career Devopment Officer at Telopea Park School is part time (Wednesday and Thursday) and all Year 9 and
10 students are welcome to speak to me in the Career Development Room on those days.
Susan Alexander, TPS Career Development Officer
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Pastoral Care Report
The start of the school year is always a busy and sometimes overwhelming time for everyone, but most of all for the new Year 7
Our bumper intake of new students is busy making new friends and adjusting to High School. Year 10 Peer Support leaders are
doing a fantastic job of making them feel welcome and showing them around the school. Well done! Year 7 will soon have the
opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and test their limits at the upcoming Year 7 Camp. The camp will once again be
held at Jindabyne Sport and Recreation, and we look forward to hearing about their adventures on their return.
The Year 10 SRC students have gone straight to work organising events and planning great things for the school. A Harmony
Day mufti day and multicultural concert is being planned for the 21 st March and the first Dance Party for the year will be held on
Thursday 6th March. More information on these events will be sent home shortly.
Year 10 have also begun their formal fundraising campaign with a very successful Valentine’s Day ‘extravaganza’. Being
serenaded by our very own Mariachi Band was quite an experience, and many a heart was set a flutter by the delivery of roses
and chocolates.
Year 7, 8 and 9 students will have the opportunity to join the leadership team with nominations and speeches being held in Week
5 and elections in Week 6.
School Board Student Member nominations are now complete. I would like to congratulate Anna Umetskaya (Year 7), Zackery
Needham (Year 8), Philippa Evans (Year 9) and Henry Owens (Year 10) on their nominations, and wish them all the best in the
upcoming elections.
Fortnightly Friday Pastoral Care sessions have started. This term Year 7 students are
busy with the Orientation program, Year 8 are focusing on Keeping Safe and Protective
Behaviours, Year 9 are working on Time Management and Planning, and the theme of
Year 10 is Control. Most resources have been sourced from SenseAbility, a Beyond Blue
initiative. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like further information about
any of these Pastoral Care programs.
We also have a variety of programs running this semester. The Telopea Study Group
runs every Wednesday from 3.15pm to 4.30pm in the secondary library.
Breakfast Club runs every Thursday morning from 8.15am, all welcome. Card games
run on Mondays at lunchtime, and Anime fans can get together at lunchtime on Fridays.
Selected Year 9 girls will participate in an 8 week Youth Health Program in collaboration with the Junction.
If you would like further information on any of the above programs, or if you would like to contact Noni our Youth Support
Worker, please don’t hesitate to email at
Finally, I would like to use this opportunity to invite interested parents to join our Reconciliation Action Plan Committee. This
committee meets once a term to reflect on and evaluate our Plan, and to discuss ways we can continue to develop strong
partnerships between our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and the school. If you would like more information
on this committee, or you would like to join us, please send me an email.
Mary De Poorter
Pastoral Care Coordinator
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The students have settled well in to the school routines and we are very happy to see so many happy, smiling faces in the
classrooms and corridors.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Zones/Staff Car Park
Safety of students, parents and staff are an extremely high priority for us. When using the Drop-Off and Pick-Up Zones, please
note that these are not parking areas and that traffic should flow smoothly and safely through those zones. Please observe the
signs in the Staff Car Park near the School Hall. This area is for staff parking only and should not be used as a drop-off area.
Thank you for supporting us in keeping all members of our school community safe.
School Hours
The school hours are from 9.00 a.m. until 3.15 p.m. each day. It is significant that students arrive at school on time and that
they remain at school for the whole school day; except if they have a medical or other significant appointment. If your child
attends other activities such as music lessons, dance or sports, please avoid allowing these activities to encroach on school
hours. Less disruption to the school day is beneficial for all students and teachers and we thank you for your cooperation and
Swimming Carnival
This annual event took place on Tuesday 18 February at Dickson Aquatic Centre. It was wonderful to see so many students
participate and enjoy the day. More information will be available in the next edition of Telopea Topics. Special thanks to Mrs
Claire Harding, the teachers, students and parent helpers who made the day such a success.
Gold and the Incas excursion
Years 1 and 2 will be attending this wonderful exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia during Week 6. More information will
be sent home with students shortly.
House Captains and Vice Captains
At the commencement of each year, we hold student elections for the roles of House Captains and Vice Captains for each of our
School Houses; Campbell (red), Farrer (blue), Moore (green) and Throsby (yellow). Students are allocated to each house
according to their surnames.
This year, we wish to congratulate the following students who were voted by their houses as their leaders. Well done to each of
them for being elected by their peers!
Vice Captains
Solenne Crayol
Ebba Barnes
Aristide Coget
Mackenzie Coopman
Phoebe Ellis
Clare Heaney & Alisha Garrigues
Cooper Keily
Daniel Jacob
Annabelle Ryan
Sunday Roach
Joshan Ramadani
Raphael Orsatti
Keaulana Sinclair-Smith
Imogen Snedden
James Snedden
Alessio Zazo
Lost Property
In order to avoid a build-up of lost items in Lost Property, please ensure all items are clearly marked with your child’s full name
before they come to school. We encourage regular checking of Lost Property to claim items belonging to your child/ren.
Performance Indicators in Primary Schools (PIPS)
PIPS testing is carried out with all students in Kindergarten two times per year; during Term 1 and Term 4. This term, PIPS
testing began in Week 3 and will be completed during Week 4. Reports will be sent home to parents of Kindergarten students at
the end of Term 1 or early Term 2. Please refer to the brochures sent home with students last week.
Parent Information Evenings
Thank you to all the parents who came to the Parent Information Evenings on Tuesday 18 February (Kindergarten, Year 1 and
Year 2) and Wednesday 19 February (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6). If you were unable to attend these sessions, information will be sent
home with students next week.
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Some dates for your calendars
To assist with planning, please note the following dates for this term. Please look out for further information in the coming
Students involved
Primary Cross Country
Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 only
Monday 10 March
Canberra Day Holiday
All students Kindy to Yr 10
Wednesday 12 to Friday 14 March
Year 6 Camp
Year 6 students only
Francophonie Week
All students
Week 5:
Friday 7 March
Week 6
Week 7:
Monday 17 to Friday 21 March
French Film Festival
Friday 21 March
Harmony Day
All students
National Day Against Bullying
Week 8:
Wednesday 26 to Thursday 27
Year 3 Camp
Year 3 students only
Kindergarten 2015 Information
Parents of students wishing to
apply for Kindergarten in 2015
Wednesday 9 April
Year 4 Thinking Carnival
Year 4 students only
Friday 11 April
Term 1 Progress Reports go
Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 students
only. Kindergarten students do not
receive a Term 1 Progress Report.
Week 9:
Tuesday 1 April
Week 10:
All students
Last day of Term 1
Until next time,
Kathy Solomko
Executive Teacher K-2
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Les Nouvelles de Telopea
École Primaire
Les élèves se sont bien installés dans la routine scolaire et nous sommes très heureux de constater tant de mines réjouies et
souriantes dans les salles de classes et les couloirs.
Zones de dépose et récupération des élèves/ Parking du personnel
La sécurité des élèves, des parents et du personnel est l’une de nos toutes premières préoccupations. Lorsque vous utilisez ces
zones, notez bien qu’elles ne sont en aucun cas des aires de stationnement et que le trafic devrait y circuler librement et en
toute sécurité. Veuillez respecter les panneaux du parking du personnel situé près du hall de l’école. Cette zone est réservée
uniquement au stationnement du personnel et ne devrait pas servir pour déposer les enfants. Nous vous remercions de votre
soutien en la matière pour la sécurité de toute notre communauté scolaire.
Horaires scolaires
L’école est ouverte de 9h00 à 15h15 du lundi au vendredi. Il est important que les élèves arrivent à l’heure et restent dans les
locaux scolaires jusqu’à la fin de la journée d’école. Exception faite lorsqu’ils doivent se rendre à un rendez-vous médical ou de la
même importance. Si votre enfant suit de cours particuliers tels qu’en musique, danse ou sport, veuillez-vous arranger pour que
ces leçons n’empiètent pas sur les heures scolaires. Un minimum d’interruption est préjudiciable à tous les élèves et leurs
enseignants. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension et de votre coopération.
Compétitions de natation
Ces compétitions ont eu lieu le Mardi 18 Février au Centre aquatique de Dickson. Il est formidable de voir tant d’élèves y
participer et apprécier la journée. Nous vous communiquerons plus d’informations dans la prochaine édition des Nouvelles de
l’école. Nous remercions tout spécialement Mme Claire Harding, les professeurs, élèves et parents volontaires qui ont contribué
au succès de cette journée.
Excursion à l’exposition sur L’or des Incas
Les classes de CP et CE1 se rendront à la Galerie nationale australienne pour voir cette exposition en semaine six de notre
calendrier. L’information à ce sujet vous parviendra très prochainement.
Capitaines et Seconds des Maisons
Au début de chaque année nous organisons des élections parmi les élèves pour la nomination des capitaines et seconds de
chacune des quatre maisons de notre école, nommément Campbell (en rouge), Farrer (en bleu), Moore (en vert) et Throsby (en
jaune). La première lettre de leur nom de famille détermine l’appartenance des élèves à l’une de ces maisons.
Cette année, nous félicitons les élèves dont les noms suivent et qui ont été élus par leurs camarades pour représenter leur
Solenne Crayol
Ebba Barnes
Aristide Coget
Mackenzie Coopman
Phoebe Ellis
Clare Heaney & Alisha Garrigues
Cooper Keily
Daniel Jacob
Annabelle Ryan
Sunday Roach
Joshan Ramadani
Raphael Orsatti
Keaulana Sinclair-Smith
Imogen Snedden
James Snedden
Alessio Zazo
Objets trouvés
En vue d’éviter l’accumulation d’objets perdus dans le coin des objets trouvés, veuillez vous assurer que toutes les affaires de
votre enfant sont correctement étiquetées avec son nom en évidence. Nous encourageons une visite régulière au coin des objets
trouvés pour y récupérer les affaires éventuelles de votre ou de vos enfant(s).
Indices de performance à l’école primaire (PIPS)
Les tests PIPS sont organisés deux fois par an, au premier et au quatrième trimestre, pour tous les élèves en classes de
Maternelle. Cette année, les tests ont commencé en troisième semaine du trimestre et seront terminés en quatrième semaine.
Les rapports finaux en seront envoyés aux parents à la fin du premier trimestre ou début du second trimestre. Veuillez consulter
les brochures à ce sujet distribuées aux élèves la semaine dernière.
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Soirées d’information des parents
Un grand merci à tous les parents qui ont participé à ces soirées d’information Mardi 18 Février (pour les classes de Maternelle,
CP et CE1) et Mercredi 19 Février (pour celles de CE2, CM1, CM2 et Sixième). Si vous n’avez pu y assister, des informations
vous seront communiquées la semaine prochaine par le biais des élèves.
Quelques dates à marquer dans vos agendas
Pour faciliter le planning, veuillez noter les dates suivantes concernant ce trimestre. Consultez aussi les informations
complémentaires qui vous seront transmises dans les prochaines semaines.
Élèves concernés
Cross-Country du primaire
CE1, CE2, CM1, CM2 et Sixième
Jour férié : Canberra Day
Tous les élèves
Semaine 5:
Vendredi 7 Mars
Semaine 6
Lundi 10 Mars
Mercredi 12 à Vendredi 14 Mars
Camp des Sixièmes
Élèves de Sixième seulement
Semaine 7:
Lundi 17 à Vendredi 21 Mars
Semaine de la Francophonie
Festival du Film français
Tous les élèves
Vendredi 21 Mars
Journée de l’Harmonie
Tous les élèves
Journée nationale contre le
Semaine 8:
Mercredi 26 à Jeudi 27 Mars
Camp des CE2
Élèves des CE2 seulement
Soirée d’information pour les
Maternelles 2015
Parents d’élèves souhaitant inscrire
leur(s) enfant(s) en Maternelle en
Mercredi 9 April
Festival de la Pensée en CM1
Élèves de CM1 seulement
Vendredi 11 April
Bulletins de fin de trimestre
envoyés à la maison
Élèves en classes de CP, CE1,
CE2,CM1,CM2 et Sixième
Semaine 9:
Mardi 1er Avril
Semaine 10:
Les élèves de Maternelle ne
reçoivent pas de bulletin ce
Dernière journée du premier
Bien cordialement,
Kathy Solomko
Professeur principale, Cycle 2 de l’École primaire
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Tous les élèves
Next P&C meeting
The next P&C meeting will be 12 March 2014 at 7pm. All meetings are held at 7.00pm in the secondary staff room in the main
administration building at the school.
Welcome drinks for new parents
Before the meeting we will be holding welcome drinks for new parents to the school. All parents welcome. Further details will be
advertised in the next Telopea Topics.
School subcommittees – parent representatives needed
The school is keen to have parent representatives on the following sub-committees:
Curriculum Committee - week 5 each term Wednesday 3.30 - 4.30pm. Meets with the school executive to discuss
curriculum documents and implementation (Starts 5 March)
HPS Committee - week 4 each term Friday Mornings 8-9am - to discuss safety of all students - physical, emotional and
cyber as well as planning for two HPS Forums for the year. (Starts 28 February)
RAP Committee - week 6 each term Wednesday 3.30pm - to discuss the Reconciliation Action Plan. (Starts 12 March).
IT Committee - week 4 each term Wednesdays 8-9am. To discuss the provision of IT hardware and software in the
Grounds Committee - each term on Thursday week 7. To discuss improvements to all outdoor areas. (Starts 20 March).
Challenge Committee is a school committee concerned with the "Challenge" program for Gifted and Talented students.
Frist meeting 19 march 3.30-4.30pm.
If you are interested in participating, please contact the P&C President, Paul and he will pass on your details to the chair of the
committee. Paul can be contacted by email at
– 8.30 - 9.30am
– 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 8.30 - 11.00am
Order and pay securely on the web:
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
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NZ Jamboree 2014 ~ Jessica K, Intrépide (Year 7 TPS)
Who thinks that mud fights, chucking sponges at people and water gun fights are way better than Christmas? All of these and
much more took place at the NZ20 Jamboree 2013/2014. This was an enormous camp for Scouts in New Zealand, and of course,
neighbouring countries including Australia. In fact, there were more than 3000 Scouts and leaders there - a mini city!
Mud fights and throwing sponges at people - for free - and shooting random people with water guns are all amazing. We were
encouraged to stay up until half-past twelve at night on New Year’s Eve - after going white water rafting. We set a Guinness
World Record for the most people making and wearing paper hats. For those of you who think that Jamborees are definitely
worth attending, joining Scouts could be one of the best decisions you will ever make.
Les Explorateurs is Canberra’s only French-speaking scout group. Why not come and join us? Be prepared for new adventures ...
en français!
ACT Cuboree 2014 ~ Adrian L, Louveteau (Year 4 TPS)
During the holidays I went to the Cuboree with my friends from the Les Explorateurs Scout Group. The
theme was "Under Construction" and we were in the Fitness Guild.
It was really fun even though it was really hot! We did lots of activities and they were fun as well. The
activity sites were called Lost Planet, Island Site, Mad Mountain, Time Tunnel, Future City and Inn Site.
We did fun things like going abseiling, rock climbing, had water fights, went on a flying-fox, built an
aqueduct, went to night-time concerts, carried empty suitcases and cups of water on an obstacle course,
put together a puzzle, learnt how to play Roman games and played a game with balls and buckets.
Join us today!
Les Explorateurs Scout Group is currently recruiting French speaking adults to join our leadership team;
as well as youth members, both boys and girls, to join our Petits Lutins/Joey (6-8 years), Louveteux/Cub
(8-11 years) and soon to be formed Les Intrépides/Scout (11-15 years) sections.
Phone: 0409 929 018
‘Like us’ on Facebook:
Woden Weston Rams Junior Rugby League Registration Day
Sunday 23rdth February, 1-4pm at North Curtin Oval.
Teams in all age groups from Under 6 to Under 16.
New players please bring original (for sighting) and copy of birth certificate.
Further information available at the club’s website
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NSW Crescent
Phone: 6205 5599
6205 5572
Proviseur/Head of French Studies
Deputy Principal 7-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Conseillẻre Pédagogique
Muryel Martin
Board Chair
James Popple
P&C President
Paul Haesler
Kate Sutherland
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