Telopea Topics No4 - Telopea Park School

Telopea Topics
Les Nouvelles de Telopea
No.4 – 21 March 2014
Report from the
Le Mot Du
High School
Secondary News
Primary News
School Term Dates
Contact Us
Uniform Shop
After School Care
Community News
Finance Office
Important Dates
Report from the Deputy
The term is passing very quickly and at
this time, students in the secondary may
have many assessment items to either
complete or prepare for. Please support
your children by ensuring they stay well
organised and manage their time during
these peak periods. Secondary Progress
Reports will be distributed during Week 9
of this term followed by Secondary
Parent/Teacher nights on Tuesday and
Wednesday of Week 10. There is more
information regarding this later in this
21 March
25 March
26 March – 27 March
26 March
28 March
1 April
3 April
8 April
8 April
9 April
Year 7 Immunisation
Year 9 Immunisaton
Year 3 Camp
Year 10 Information Night
SW High School Swimming Carnival
2015 Kindergarten Information Night
Years 7-10 Mid Semester Reports
Parents Teacher Interviews
Health Promoting Health Forum
Parent Teacher Interviews
This week the school hosted a special community ceremony, in partnership with the Federal Department of Immigration and
Border Protection. An Australian Citizenship Ceremony was held on Tuesday 18th March in the school hall. Over 130 participants
from across the Canberra community were clearly proud to make their “Australian Citizenship Pledge” before their families,
dignitaries and 300 Telopea students. This was a great way to celebrate the diversity within the school during Harmony week
and for our students to learn about the role of citizenship in our society. Special mention goes to one of our teachers, Mr Baba
Alhadji who received his citizenship during this ceremony. Congratulations to our primary choir and secondary band, whose
performances were a highlight of the event and thank you to Susan Cribb and Rob Clements, our music teachers, who organised
and led them.
The theme continued on Friday, with the Harmony Day celebrations. Each year Harmony Day (21st March) celebrates our
multicultural society. Our school celebrates the day by students and staff wearing orange or their national dress. Senior students
celebrated at a ‘Harmony day’ assembly and primary school students have done so throughout this week. Harmony Day
coincides with the National day of Action against Bullying and Violence. A positive culture, promoting Respect, Equity and
Diversity, is a great base for eliminating bullying in our community. Please see
SCHOOL TERM DATES 2014 for more information.
Term 1
3 February – 11 April
Term 2
28 April – 4 July
Term 3
21 July – 26 September
Term 4
13 October – 17 December
Francophonie Week
We are celebrating the French language and culture from this week as part of Francophonie Week. Primary students and
Secondary French stream students have attended the French Film Festival and have had a special assembly. There will be a
unique celebration of Francophonie week with a school assembly on Tuesday the 25th March in the school hall. A number of
ambassadors and dignitaries from the Francophone diplomatic community will join us for this event.
Year 10 Information Night
All parents but in particular Year 10 parents and students are invited to an information evening this coming Wednesday 26th
March from 6pm. We aim to support parents and students as they make decisions around future educational and training
pathways and transition into colleges. There will be guest speakers from the Australian National University, Canberra Institute of
Technology, University of Canberra, Narrabundah College and Canberra College. We will also outline key events and
requirements as our students complete Year 10 this year.
Ari Gesini, one of our Year 7 students, has represented the ACT in the Australian Athletics Junior Championships. Ari achieved 1st
in the Long Jump Under 16, 3rd in the 200m, 1st in the Shot-put and 2nd in the 100m in the Para divisions. A fantastic effort
across a number of events!
Tom Kobal
Deputy Principal
Le trimestre avance très vite et à cette période, les élèves du Secondaire sont en période de révisions ou d’évaluations. Vous
pouvez aider vos enfants en vous assurant qu’ils restent bien organisés et qu’ils sachent gérer leur charge de travail accrue. Les
bulletins du Secondaire seront distribués au cours de la semaine 9 de ce trimestre, s’ensuivront les réunions Parents-Professeurs
les mardi et mercredi de la Semaine 10. Vous trouverez davantage d’informations concernant ces soirées un peu plus loin dans
ce bulletin.
Assemblées spéciales
En partenariat avec le Ministère Fédéral de l’Immigration et du Contrôle des Frontières, notre école a accueilli ,cette semaine,
une assemblée particulière. Une Cérémonie de Naturalisation australienne s’est ainsi tenue le mardi 18 Mars dans le Hall de
l’école. Plus de 130 participants appartenant à la communauté de Canberra ont fièrement prononcé leur “Serment de
Citoyenneté australienne” devant leurs familles, des personnalités diverses et 300 élèves de Telopea. Ce fut une belle occasion
de célébrer la diversité au sein de l’école pendant la Semaine de l’Harmonie et, pour nos élèves, l’occasion d’en savoir plus sur
l’importance de la citoyenneté dans notre société. Citons tout particulièrement l’un de nos enseignants, M. Baba Alhadji qui a
reçu la nationalité australienne lors de cette cérémonie. Toutes nos félicitations à notre chorale du Primaire et à l’orchestre du
Secondaire dont les prestations furent le point d’orgue de cet événement. Un grand merci à Susan Cribb et à Rob Clemens, nos
professeurs de musique, qui ont organisé et dirigé leurs représentations.
Nous avons poursuivi sur le même thème de la diversité, vendredi, avec les célébrations du Jour de l’Harmonie. Chaque année,
le Jour de l’Harmonie, qui a lieu le 21 Mars, rend hommage à notre société multiculturelle. Les élèves et le personnel de notre
école célèbrent cette journée en portant des vêtements de couleur orange ou en portant le costume national de leur pays. Ce
jour-là, nos élèves du Secondaire ont participé à une assemblée spéciale pour le Jour de l‘Harmonie. Les élèves du Primaire ont,
quant à eux, pu célébrer cet événement tout au long de la semaine. Le Jour de l’Harmonie coïncide avec la Journée Nationale de
Lutte contre le Harcèlement et la Violence. Un esprit positif qui promeut le Respect, l’Equité et la Diversité est une excellente
base pour permettre d’éliminer le harcèlement dans notre communauté scolaire. Pour plus d’informations sur le sujet, consultez
le lien suivant:
La Semaine de la Francophonie
Nous célébrons cette semaine la langue et la culture françaises à l’occasion de la Semaine de la Francophonie. Les élèves du
Primaire et du Secondaire ont pu assister au Festival du Film français et participeront à une assemblée spéciale. En effet, nous
fêterons la semaine de la Francophonie lors d’une assemblée qui réunira tous les élèves le mardi 25 Mars dans le Hall de l’école.
De nombreux ambassadeurs et personnalités appartenant à la communauté diplomatique de la Francophonie nous rejoindront
lors de cet événement.
Réunion d’information pour les Year 10/ Première
Tous les parents, mais tout particulièrement les parents et élèves de Year 10/ Première, sont cordialement invités à une réunion
d’information mercredi 26 Mars à 18 heures. Nous souhaitons accompagner les parents et les élèves dans leur choix d’orientation
et dans leur transition vers le lycée. Vous pourrez y écouter les interventions d’invités représentant l’ANU, le CIT, l’Université de
Canberra, le Lycée de Narrabundah et le Lycée de Canberra. Lors de cette réunion, nous détaillerons également les différentes
échéances et exigences liées à la classe de Year 10/ Première.
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Ari Gesini, élève de Year 7 à Telopea Park School, a représenté l’ACT lors des Championnats australiens Junior d’Athlétisme. Ari a
obtenu la première place à l’épreuve de Saut en Longueur (Catégorie moins de 16 ans), la troisième place au 200m, la première
place au Lancer du Poids et s’est classée deuxième dans l’épreuve du 100M (Catégorie Para divisions). Un bel exploit réalisé dans
toutes ces épreuves!
Tom Kobal ,Principal Adjoint
Dear Parents
If you would like to subscribe to the KIDSMATTER newsletters, please follow the links below. There are frequently
excellent articles about general wellbeing and emotional and psychological health for your children and for families
in general. There are also great links to follow for further reading.
Sue Forrest /School Psychologist /
Secondary Parent Teacher Evening Term 1 2014
Secondary Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on:
Tuesday 8th April 2014 - 4:00pm to 6:30pm and
Wednesday 9th April 2014 - 6.00pm to 8:00pm
The online booking system, called “PTO”, will again be used. All parents will need an email address to
access this system.
This is a good time to update your email contact details with the school because this is how you will
access “PTO”. Please contact the school on 62055599, to update your details.
A link to “PTO” will be available on the school website from Monday 31st March.
PRIORITY bookings (interviews requested) can be made from 4pm, Thursday 3rd April.
All other bookings can be made from 4pm, Friday 4th April.
Accessing PTO:
1. Access the school website
2. Use the link for “Secondary Parent Teacher Evening” to gain access to the login page of the online
booking system.
3. Click on the “Obtain PIN/Password”. Enter your Surname, then in the next space type in the current
email address that you have supplied to the school. Your PIN will then be forwarded to you via
email, which will also include a ‘clickable link’ for the booking system.
4. Use your PIN OR the ‘clickable link’ to access the booking system.
Once you have access to PTO PRIORITY bookings (interviews requested) can be made from
4pm, Thursday 3rd April. All other bookings can be made from 4pm, Friday 4th April.
New login details will be issued for future parent teacher interview nights.
If you don’t have access to a computer or have any problems accessing your PIN (you may have
changed your email address) please call the front office reception on 62055599 for assistance.
Ona Siakimotu
Executive Teacher Science
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Mathematics Matters
2014 has started smoothly in the Mathematics Faculty. All staff from last year are continuing on, with the exception of Ms Susan
Alexander, who has moved into the role of Careers Advisor & Work Experience Officer at the school. As a result, we are pleased
to welcome Mrs Rokshana Alam to our faculty, initially for Term 1.
At this stage of the term, students have completed their first two assessments (a take-home or in-class assessment, and a
formal test). For Year 7 students, the results of these assessments will provide data to allow us to place them into their
substantive level for the remainder of the year: at present, the streams are Advanced Extended, Advanced and Credit. In line
with the Australian Curriculum requirement that all students have full access to the curriculum, General Mathematics classes are
not being offered this semester. Overall, it has been pleasing to see how quickly and enthusiastically the majority of students
have embraced their studies in this subject.
As usual, there are a number of opportunities available for students to be provided with enrichment and extension in their
studies of mathematics. Competitions, such as the Australian Informatics Competition (AIC), the Australian Mathematics
Competition (AMC), the Mathematics Challenge and Enrichment programs (all conducted by the Australian Mathematics Trust),
the ICAS Mathematics Competition are open to all students in Years 7 – 10. The University of New South Wales Global
competition (for Years 9 & 10) is also offered. This competition is an extremely difficult one and is not open to younger
students. How pleasing it was to see two of our students last year gaining awards in this particular competition. Entries for AIC,
which will be held on Tuesday 25 March, have now closed. We are currently advertising entry for the AMC and ICAS Maths, both
of which will be held in August. There is no entry form; payments can simply be made to the Finance office, or online using the
payment code on the information sheet. Students should also listen carefully to the daily notices in PC groups for information
about the other activities. These competitions have strict closing dates and we are unable to extend the dates advertised in the
daily notices. I would like to thank each of the staff members involved in organising these events for volunteering their time and
Students in both Years 7 and 9 will be sitting for NAPLAN, which will be held in Week 3 of Term 2. We will be offering practice
papers in preparation for NAPLAN, with additional practice being available via the on-line Mathletics program. Students will need
a calculator for the part of the Numeracy Paper. If Year 7 students do not as yet have a scientific calculator, a small hand held
calculator will suffice for their Numeracy Paper.
And now for the annual reminder about calculators: all students in Years 8-10 should have a scientific calculator, (this means it
should have buttons for sin, sin-1, σ, , etc.). It is Education & Training Directorate policy that other portable electronic devices,
such as mobile telephones not be used as calculators. Telopea Park School supports this policy; please refer to our mobile
telephone/electronic device protocol. Year 7 will be required to have a scientific calculator from Semester Two. Suitable units
may be purchased from the Finance Office at a very competitive price. Please note that Year 10 students in the English stream
do not need a graphics calculator; purchase of such should be left until they begin college. Graphics calculators are mandatory in
all ACT colleges. Most colleges are able to offer them to their students at a very reasonable price.
Finally, a note about homework. There is often lively debate in the general community about the relative merits of homework. It
is our policy in the Mathematics Faculty for homework to have three main functions: firstly, completing work started in class (this
is usually the case after most lessons), secondly, for consolidation (eg. using Mathletics), and thirdly, occasionally teachers will
set formal homework for submission (eg. a worksheet, or a problem solving activity). We are aware that secondary students
must divide their time at home amongst the demands of 7 subjects, as well as other outside activities. Hence any work set or
suggested is to provide support for in-class studies, rather than merely homework for homework’s sake.
Jurek Paradowski,
Executive Teacher Mathematics
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L’or des Incas
La semaine dernière, les CP et les CE1 sont allés à la National Gallery of Australia découvrir l'exposition L'Or des Incas. Les
élèves ont été impressionnés par ce qu’ils y ont vu : bijoux en or ou en argent, avec des pierres précieuses et notamment des
turquoises, poteries représentant les animaux emblématiques du Pérou ou encore étoffes brodées ou ponchos en plumes.
Les animateurs étant très intéressants et gentils, tout le monde a passé un bon moment.
De retour à l'école, certains enfants ont réalisé des dessins en utilisant des symboles incas, et une classe a même envoyé un
article sur le site du lycée français.
Le camp des Y6 à Long Beach
Les 6èmes sont partis en camp à Long Beach du 12 au 14 mars et se sont régalés. Ils ont fait des jeux et des réalisations en
équipe, y compris la construction d’un radeau qui a provoqué bien des fous rires et des déboires ! Ils reviennent soudés et pleins
de bons souvenirs, y compris de nourriture, car il semblerait qu’ils aient particulièrement bien mangé. Nous aurons l’occasion
d’en savoir un peu plus lors d’une prochaine assemblée où ils nous présenterons photos et films de leur séjour. Nous l’attendons
tous avec impatience. Un immense merci à Valérie Sharpe, Julien Dugas et Ahmed Chaouche qui les ont accompagnés et
supervisés pendant ces trois jours.
6ème et Grande Section
Ça y est, nos sixièmes s’occupent de leurs « petits frères » en maternelle, et tous sont ravis de pouvoir soit chouchouter un
petit, soit être chouchouté par un grand ! Les sixièmes peuvent venir voir les petits durant la première partie du lunch et sont
déjà en train de préparer activement des surprises pour leurs petits amis, notamment des activités (construction de jouets si je
ne trahis pas de secret) qu’ils vont pouvoir bientôt réaliser ensemble. Cette organisation reste un des projets préférés non
seulement des plus petits, mais des 6èmes eux-mêmes qui s’y investissent énormément et prennent un plaisir évident à
s’occuper des Grande Section.
Le camp des CE2 à Birrigai
Du 26 au 27 mars, pour le premier camp de leur scolarité, nos Y3 vont partir à Birrigaï avec leurs enseignants et leurs
camarades. Pour nombre d’entre eux, ce sera la première fois qu’ils dormiront loin de leur famille, avec leurs copains de classe.
Expérience difficile mais ô combien enrichissante qu’ils renouvelleront chaque année pendant toute leur scolarité à Telopea!
Résultats du Cross du Primaire
Félicitations à tous les participants du Cross de l’école vendredi 7 mars 2014. La maison gagnante est Throsby, suivie de
Campbell, de Moore et de Farrer.
La journée était magnifique et les enfants ont vraiment très bien couru, poussant jusqu’au maximum de leurs forces pour
certains et respectant les règles avec bonne humeur. Félicitations à tous, vous avez été magnifiques. Et un grand grand merci à
tous les parents qui étaient présents ce jour-là, votre aide nous a été précieuse.
Et bien sûr à Claire Harding qui organise tout cela avec calme et brio, merci encore !
Compétition de Natation de la « South Weston Zone »
Comme chaque année, les meilleurs nageurs de l’école ont participé au tournoi final de natation organisé le 20 mars à l’Institut
du Sport Australien pour les meilleurs nageurs parmi les élèves de Canberra, et nous y avons envoyé une équipe sérieuse
d’environ 40 élèves. Félicitations à tous les participants, nous sommes fiers de vous et vous communiquerons les résultats finaux
dès que nous les aurons.
Réunion d’information sur l’apprentissage de la lecture en bilingue
La réunion a eu lieu vendredi 14, et les parents s’y sont pressés, curieux de savoir comment leurs enfants apprennent et surtout
comment ils peuvent, eux, à la maison, leur faciliter ces apprentissages. Kathy Solomko et moi-même avons fait un duo sur
l’apprentissage de la lecture en deux langues, et les questions des parents montraient à l’évidence qu’ils étaient particulièrement
conscients des enjeux et pleinement investis dans les apprentissages de leurs enfants. Merci à vous tous qui étiez là, et merci à
Kathy sans qui ce serait beaucoup moins agréable de mener ce genre de réunions.
Festival du Film Français et Ciné-Club à l’école
Dans le cadre du Festival du Film Français organisé par les Alliances Françaises d’Australie, les élèves de Telopea et d’autres
écoles de Canberra ont une fois de plus profité de la magie des salles noires et frémi, qui aux aventures du minuscule Kirikou,
qui aux inventions extravagantes d’un petit garçon dont la maman est partie un beau jour pour ne plus revenir et qui s’invente
des histoires plus abracadabrantes les unes que les autres pour expliquer son absence. Ainsi donc, au cours de leur scolarité à
Telopea, les enfants auront vu au moins 7 films français, sans compter qu’il y a maintenant tous les vendredis un ciné-club à
l’école, sous la responsabilité de Laure Chatelard et de Maria Raphel. Merci à ces deux maîtresses qui donnent de leur temps
libre pour proposer aux enfants des films de grande qualité et contribuent ainsi à leur ouvrir le monde et à développer leur
culture générale.
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Cérémonie d’accession à la citoyenneté australienne
Telopea accueillait pour la première fois une cérémonie hautement symbolique et particulièrement émouvante, l’accès à la
citoyenneté australienne pour des personnes ayant choisi de devenir australiens. Cette cérémonie revêt un caractère très
solennel et les enseignants ont été nombreux à souhaiter y assister, d’autant que Baba Alhadji, enseignant de Français Langue
Etrangère au secondaire, recevait la nationalité lors de cette cérémonie. Un grand moment d’émotion et une grande leçon de
Exposition à l’Alliance Française
Toujours sur le thème de la francophonie mais centré sur les dix mots de cette année, mots passablement bizarres il faut bien
l’avouer (AMBIANCER – À TIRE-LARIGOT – CHARIVARI – S’ ENLIVRER – FARIBOLE – HURLUBERLU – OUF – TIMBRÉ – TOHUBOHU – ZIGZAG) l’Alliance française accueille comme chaque année une exposition de travaux d’élèves. Cette exposition aura
lieu le 28 mars, journée porte ouverte à l’Alliance. Le public pourra ainsi profiter des réalisations des élèves de Telopea, et
d’autres écoles de Canberra où l’on étudie la langue de Molière. Le couronnement de la journée sera l’attribution du prix de la
meilleure photo représentant l’un des dix mots, concours réservés aux collèges et lycées. Nous sommes tous curieux de voir
l’exposition et remercions l’Alliance de son investissement en faveur des écoles de Canberra.
Nous avons reçu mercredi 19 la visite du Sénateur Jean Yves Leconte, puis Jeudi et Vendredi celle de deux collègues de Wesley
Collège à Melbourne, ces derniers ayant souhaité voir fonctionner des classes bilingues, ont assisté à certains cours tant au
primaire qu’au secondaire. Nous avons pu constater une fois de plus à quel point la réputation d’excellence de Telopea en fait un
modèle pédagogique de référence.
Jour de l’harmonie entre les peuples et les cultures
L’école l’a célébré le 21 mars, et tous les élèves (et beaucoup d’enseignants) de primaire s’étaient habillés en orange ou
avaient revêtu leur costume national ou traditionnel. Ce jour là, en même temps que la francophonie, nous avons rendu
hommage à la diversité du peuple australien, et apporté notre soutien au Snowy Hydro South Care, pour les remercier du travail
humanitaire qu’ils font, le montant de la collecte s’est élevé à $1130.40. De belles photos en perspective pour le site de l’école
ou le Year Book.
Cartes de Pokémon à Telopea
Nous vous rappelons qu’il est interdit d’apporter à Telopea des cartes de Pokémon. Nous avons eu trop souvent à régler des
problèmes entre élèves à propos de ces cartes. Merci d’aider vos enfants à respecter ce règlement.
Méli-Mélo le programme radio de Telopea, a repris mercredi :
Les émissions de radio des enfants de la 6ème, préparées par Julien Dugas et animées par moi-même ont repris cette semaine
avec une émissions sur les jeux olympiques. Les enfants sont un peu tendus, mais les émissions sont toujours excellentes et
variées. Ce passage en direct à la radio leur donne l’occasion de s’exprimer à l’oral sur un sujet choisi par eux-mêmes,
généralement richement documenté et qu’ils ont très sérieusement préparé. Les parents présents hors du studio sont toujours
impressionnés par la qualité des prestations et de la langue utilisée par leurs enfants. Ne manquez surtout pas de les écouter,
tous les mercredis de 16h à 17h sur CMS, la radio communautaire de Canberra, FM 91.1. Merci à CMS qui nous accueille si
Et un petit secret pour finir : Telopea aura bientôt sa propre web radio, avec un studio interne à l’école, toutes les classes
pourront participer et inventer leur émissions, par exemple les Y6 avec leurs petits amis de Maternelle…ou les Y3 qui ont déjà
commencé à aller lire des histoires aux Grande Section, ou encore des Y9 qui viendraient faire un café philo avec les CP, ou un
feuilleton inventé par les classes au fur et à mesure de l’année, les possibilités sont infinies et toutes les idées bienvenues.
Muryel Martin, Conseillère Pédagogique
Gold and the Incas
Last week, the Year 1 and Year 2 classes visited the « Gold and the Incas » exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia. The
students were captivated by the gold, silver and turquoise jewels, the pottery sculptures of animals and their role in Peruvian
culture as well as the embroidered clothes and ponchos made out of feathers. The tour guides were friendly and presented the
artworks well to our young audience. A good time was had by all. Back at school, students created their own artworks in the
style of the Incas and one class also put up an article on the French school website.
Year 6 Camp at Long Beach
The Year 6 classes went on camp at Long Beach from the 12th to 14th March and had an excellent time. They played team
building games including making a life-raft, an activity which had as many setbacks as it did laughs. They have returned a tightknit group, with wonderful memories of their time away, especially the food! They will present their time away through photos
and short films at an assembly in the next few weeks. A big thank you to Valerie Sharpe, Julien Dugas, and Ahmed Chaouche
who accompanied the group.
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Year 6 and Kindergarten
Last week, the Year 6 and Kindergarten students have each been assigned their buddies and they are getting on famously
already! The Year 6 students are able to visit their buddies in the Kindergarten playground during the first half of lunch. They are
also working on some surprise activities and games to play with their buddies (I hope I’m not giving too much away!) This buddy
program is greatly valued by both the younger children and the older children who really throw themselves into looking after
their Kindy counterparts.
Year 3 Camp to Birrigai
On the 26th and 27th March, the Year 3 classes will go on their first school camp to Birrigai. For many students it will be the first
time they have spent the night away from their families. Going on camp can be a challenging experience for some students
however for many they are the most wonderful and memorable part of their Primary School years.
Primary Cross Country House Results
Congratulations to all those who participated in the Cross Country Festival on Friday 7th March. The winning House was Throsby,
followed by Campbell in 2nd, Moore in 3rd and Farrer in 4th place. It was a beautiful day and the students performed well, pushing
themselves to keep running, respecting the rules of the competition and having a great time. Thank you to all the parents who
came along as time-keepers, course checkers and cheer-squads. And of course thank you to Claire Harding who organised the
day so that it ran seamlessly!
South Weston Zone Swimming Carnival
Each year the school’s top performers at the swimming carnival are invited to participate at the South Weston Zone Carnival.
This year Teloepa is sending 40 speedy swimmers to participate at the Australian Institute of Sport swimming pool on Thursday
20th March. Congratulations to all those who qualified, we are proud of your efforts. We will update you on the results of the
K-2 Reading Information Meeting
A large number of parents attended the meeting which was held on Friday 14th March, in order to discover how to help their child
to progress in reading. Kathy Solomko and I presented a bilingual session about techniques and practices to aid children at
home. The questions asked by parents showed how aware they are of the importance of reading as well as the role they can play
in their child’s education. Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting and thank you to Kathy with whom it is always a
pleasure to work.
French Film Festival and the Telopea Cinema Club
Students from all around Canberra have had the opportunity, thanks to the Alliance Française, to take part in the French Film
Festival. The Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2 students saw a film about a little boy named Kirikou. Years 3-6 saw a film called “My mom
went to America and she saw Buffalo Bill”. The main character in the film used his extravagant dreams and imaginary
adventures to lead him into a magical world as he tries to escape the reality that his mother is no longer with him. Telopea
students are fortunate enough to see a film at the festival every year. In 2014, Telopea will also be continuing with the Ciné-Club
that was started up last year. Every Friday, students may come and watch a French film, chosen by Laure Chatelard and Maria
Raphel. Thank you to these two wonderful teachers for organising this activity and selecting quality movies which will surely not
only entertain but educate the students who watch them.
Australian Citizenship Ceremony
For the first time in its long history, Telopea Park School became the site for the symbolic and moving ceremony for those who
have chosen to become Australian Citizens. The ceremony was an important occasion for all those present. Many teachers
attended, and many more had hoped they might be able to attend. Baba Alhadji, the secondary school Languages B (French)
teacher, was one of those becoming an Australian Citizen at the ceremony.
Exhibition at the Alliance Française
The Alliance Française was again the host of an exhibition presented by Telopea students. This year, the Francophonie themed
exhibition centred around 10 very interesting words (AMBIANCER – À TIRE-LARIGOT – CHARIVARI – S’ ENLIVRER – FARIBOLE –
HURLUBERLU – OUF – TIMBRÉ – TOHU-BOHU – ZIGZAG). The exhibition will be held on the Alliance Française Open Day on 28th
March. It will also feature work on the 10 words by other schools where French is taught. The best photo relating to one of the
10 words will be chosen as the winner, this competition is only for high school and college students. We are all excited to see
what the exhibition will bring this year. Thank you to the Alliance Française for hosting this event.
There have been several visitors to our school this week. Senator Jean Yves Leconte visited the school on Wednesday. On
Thursday and Friday, two colleagues from Wesley College in Melbourne came to see how the bilingual classes are run. They
observed both the Primary and Secondary schools. This visitors were impressed by the work that Telopea is doing and it is for
this reason that the school is often used as a model for others.
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Harmony Day
The whole school celebrated Harmony Day on the 21st March, students and teachers dressed in orange, or their national costume
to show their support. Amongst the celebrations for Francophonie week and Harmony Day, the school raised a total of $1130.40
from the uniform-free day which will be donated to the Snowy Hydro South Care Service for their dedicated and inspiring work.
Photos may be viewed on the school website and in the Year Book towards the end of this year.
Pokemon Cards at School
This is a reminder that Pokemon cards are not allowed to be brought to school. They cause a lot of problems and fights between
children. Please ensure that your child does not bring Pokemon cards to school.
The Méli-Mélo radio program has started for another year
The Year 6 radio program, prepared by Julien Dugas and presented on air by myself and the students was broadcast on
Wednesday for the first time this year. The team spoke about the Winter Olympics. The students were a little stressed about
presenting live on air, but they performed well and the program was enjoyable. This experience allows the students to express
themselves in French about topics in which they have a personal interest. The parents waiting outside the studio, listening to the
children are always impressed by their levels of proficiency and fluency in French. Don’t forget to tune in every Wednesday
between 4pm and 5pm on the Community Multicultural Service radio 91.1FM. Thank you to the station for putting us on every
And a little secret to finish off with…. Telopea will very soon have its own online radio station with a studio to be on the school
grounds. All classes and Year levels will be able to present a program of their choosing. For example, the Year 6 classes might
choose to present a program about the their Kindergarten buddies, or the Year 3 classes about reading the Kindies, or even hold
a debate on air…the possibilities are endless! All ideas are welcome.
Muryel Martin, Conseillère Pédagogique
Next P&C Meeting
The P&C will hold a Special General Meeting on Wednesday 9th April at 7pm to approve the minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting. Our
usual monthly meeting will follow. This meeting will be held in the primary staff room.
After School Music Program News
Term 2 is becoming more musical this year! The P&C are happy to announce that Canberra Music Tuition will be introducing piano lessons as part
of the after school program. Stay tuned for more information!
Primary Playground Upgrade Sub-Committee
We are seeking additional committee members who are keen to liaise closely with the school in determining the parameters for scoping and
planning the upgrade to the primary playground. This is an important sub-committee as the P&C has agreed that if we can develop a plan in
agreement with the school, we will allocate significant funds to this project for 2015. Please contact the P&C President, Paul Haesler,
Fundraising and sponsorship
We are still seeking parents who are keen to coordinate our fundraising and sponsorship activities this year. We have great coordinators for the
2014 Fete and raffle, but we need a large group of interested parties to make these activities a success. Please contact the P&C President, Paul
Haesler, at if you would like to get involved with this enthusiastic group of parents!
Community Workshops & Information Sessions
Reminder: Using iPads to support child literacy
The ACT Education directorate is running a free parent workshop to explore the ways iPads can support children who are struggling to read, write
and organise their school work. It is on Tuesday 8th April, at the Centre for Teaching and Learning, 51 Fremantle Drive, Stirling from 4
to 5.30pm. RSVP to
Dyslexia: Effective Programs and Resources
Dyslexia Speld ACT are running a session for parents on March 28, examining which programs and resources are most effective for children with
specific learning difficulties. The cost is $30. Contact for more information.
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Free 1-Day Autism Workshop
A free one day workshop is being offered for parents and carers of students on the autism spectrum, providing the tools to form a beneficial
partnership with their child’s school. To register or find out more, see the Positive Partnerships website:
Want to know more about your P&C? Read meeting minutes, get involved in events or contact one of the Executive members via our website:
– 8.30 - 9.30am
– 2.45 - 3.45pm
Thursday – 8.30 - 11.00am
Order and pay securely on the web:
Place your order over the phone/fax 1300794179 (business hours)
Individual ½ hour Piano lessons will be available at
Telopea Park School from Term 2, 2014 after school
(3.30pm – 6.00pm) on a Thursday and Friday through
Canberra Music Tuition.
Please contact us on 62886441 or email for more information on the music
opportunities now available at Telopea Park School.
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Larissa Dann
Supported by Parentline ACT
Communication skills for peaceful parenting and resilient children, without the use of punishment or reward. Powerful, proven and
practical. Yell less, laugh more. Building relationships that last a lifetime.
The course consists of three-hour sessions, once per week, for eight weeks. Booking is essential.
$290 pp for the course (investment includes a workbook and textbook).
Course begins: Thursday, 8th May, 2014; Time: 6.30 pm to 9.45 pm; Place: Weston, ACT.
Enjoy P.E.T. with Larissa, Canberra’s most experienced P.E.T. instructor.
0413 451 607
Adventures around the world for our younger Joey mob
Les Explorateurs Scouts is not just for the older kids. We have a younger age group called Petits Lutins (Joeys) for ages 6-8 years. Here is an account of one of
their recent exciting adventures by our Petits Lutins leader Lynx:
Last week as part of in our cultures theme, we travelled from Australia, to Italy, to France and then to Egypt. The objectives were to use imagination and
creative based play, and to learn a bit about each country.
Next, each child was given a custom made passport with their photo, and we first boarded a plane in
Australia (chairs in the middle of the hall). Everyone was carefully checked to see if their picture matched
their passport.
On our arrival in Italy, we had our passports stamped by customs, and walked towards the Italian flags
and then we then played a quick game of soccer outside. After the match, we enjoyed Italian music and
ate some pizza while watching a slide show of Italian scenery and architecture. The kids were encouraged
to share French vocabulary based on the images shown.
After the pizza, the children boarded a train and we travelled to France. Again our passports were
stamped, and this time by a French national. The children were then encouraged to draw a portrait in
pencil, while we again listened to French music, and watched some slides from France.
From France, we took a boat to Egypt, rowing our paper rolls, until we arrived. Again our passports were
checked and stamped. In Egypt we were encouraged to build our own pyramid from Lego, while again
we had local music and pictures to enjoy.
Come along for a free three week trial!
Les Explorateurs Scout Group is currently recruiting French speaking adults to join our leadership team; as well as youth members, both boys and girls, to join
our Petits Lutins/Joeys (6-8 years), Louveteaux/Cubs (8-11 years) and soon to be formed Les Intrépides/Scouts (11-15 years) sections.
Phone: 0409 929 018
‘Like us’ on Facebook:
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Eastlake Junior Football Club is seeking players for AFL for Under 10’s, Under 11’s and under 12’s.
Trainings have started and it is not too late to join. The under 10’s is not contact football. The season
commences on Saturday 5 April 2014. If you are interested in joining a team please contact Matt
Denham from Eastlake FC on 6228 0907 or email Web address is
Regards Jeff
Jeff Roberts
NSW Crescent
Phone: 6205 5599
6205 5572
Proviseur/Head of French Studies
Deputy Principal 7-10
Deputy Principal K-6
Kerrie Blain
Emmanuel Texier
Tom Kobal
Kate Sutherland
A/g Deputy Principal
Michele McLoughlin
Conseillẻre Pédagogique
Muryel Martin
Board Chair
James Popple
P&C President
Paul Haesler
The inclusion of advertisements in this publication is in no way to be interpreted as an endorsement of support by the school.
Readers are responsible for forming their own opinions as to the value or reliability of the information contained in such
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