SCHEDULE― A GHMC ACT 1995 FORⅣ 18 Nonlination Paper (SCC SCC 36) As amendcd Election to the Municipal Corporation of the City HYDERABAD .. 2016 l . Nalnc ofthc VVard 2 Nalnc ofthc Candidate 3 Father/Husband's Narne H5-Balai Nagar Division G.JYOTHI G Dattu 4. Age . 5. Address ¨ 6. If the candidate is a member Of the schedule castes or Scheduled tribes or backward 7. 8. 7 tt,,{ The candidate in、 vad elctr01 roll 9. Name of the proposer 10. Part number and serial No. H.No.15‐ 31-2L-94/4,LIG― HI Phase KPHB,Hyderabad classes.. Number and Name of the ward Elechol rolls in which the name of the candidate is incuded y Lr (,1. Part Number & Serial No. of .i \ 39 years 〔 rl― t>,*.&+ H4-Bttail Nagar D市 isf 12‐ 64 I.Vijaya Lakshmi Of the proposer in the ward Electrol roll concemed H O.C. P「 1,レ 譜 ttgnature of PЮ poser Fυ・ く 可αり静 玖 DECLARATION BY CANDDAπ Date:17-1_2つ ′ 6 。 「 12-105 I,hereby declare thatl agree to ujs nomnation. .こ G.:刃 0千 ′ 1 Signature of Candidate G' il oTHi t コ ‐ お.2o ︰ TWENTY 1 RIUPEES ル 鶏:椰P` 職吉 蜘 21‐ To Whom:,で 「 lt´ 0艦 LiCENSCED STAMP VENDOR Lic.NO.:15‐ 20031/2013 ン Ren.No■ 15‐ 20‐ 022/2016 H No:20135/5,R● llaguda Road, Affidalit to be furnished by the candidate contesting "" "?tf.Hff;Me$Effiflfl'R'R'oist' Municipal Corporation along with nomination paper before the Returning Officer. FoT Tldtion of GREATER From : 115 - HYDERABAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION BAtAll NAGAR DlvlsloN I G.JY$THI, 1ry7o G.Dattu, ageo so years, resident of H.No.15-31-21-96/11, LIG-lll phase, KPHB, Hyderabad, a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly on oath as under: . . affirmhnd state 1) Iam a candidate set up byTELANGANA RASHTRASAMITHI PARTY' 2; I D" of permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of lncome Tax ‖ 「 N∝ │ 1賞 摯性 12型 fttrtaX 1坦 ttT,Wll° 器 `return(in Rs.) Gr'3{oruj │ 鋼11醸 話 檸 )レ ) i:2ti ι 3) The following Case (s) is/are pending against me in which cognizance has been taken by the court. (a) (b) Nil N/A @r (C) 4\ Description Offence The details of cases where the court has taken cognizance sections of the Act and description of the offence for which cognizance taken: t,tarne of tne court, case No. and date of order taking cognizance revision (if any) filed against the above order (s) Nil cases in which I have been convicted bya court of law: (a) ffii6e NI Act and description of the offence for which convicted : N‖ (b) (C) Nil Punishment imposed 5) That I have herein below the details of the assets (movable and immovable etc., ) of myself, my spouse and all dependents : A. Details of movable assets: Note: 1 Note: 2 Note: 3 Note: 4 Note: 5 Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given . ln case of deposit/ investment, the details including serial number, amount, date of deposit, the scheme, name of the bank/institute and branch are to be given. Value of bonds/ share debentures as per current market value in stock exchange in respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non-listed companies should be given. Deponent here has the same meaning as assigned in Explanation (v) under sec. &5 A of the representation of the Pole Act, 1951' Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment. Sm Description Spouse G Dattu 30,000 Cash in hand 11. Se:f G」 yothi Depon ent -1 20,000 NIL N il Nil Depene nt-2 Nil Deposits in bank account (FDRs, Term deposits, and all other types of deposits including savings oetaits of accounts) deposits with financial institutions, non banking financial companies and cooperative societies and the amount in each such dePosit savinds Bank Accounts: State Bank of Hyderabad, KPHB NcNo.62357 477 768 5,000 Andhra Bank, KPHB A,zc No. 146710 7OO]-L37 45 0た鰯 C ` N 500 匂 ・謝 0租 l ヽ Details of investment in bonds debentures/ shares and units in companies/ mutual funds and other ヽ Ni Ni Nil and the amount Details IV of investment in NSS, Posta I Savings, lnsurance Policies and Financial lnstrument investment in any in Post office or lnsurance Company Lrc- 601987705 Personal loans/ advance given to any person or entity including firm, company, trust etc., and other receivables from debtors and the amount. Motor vehicles/ Air crafts/ Yachts/ ships (details of make, Registration no. etc. year of purchase and amount V VI Nil 50,000 N‖ N‖ N il Nil Nil ■5,000 N‖ Nil N N NIL TVS Victory No. AP28AJ3566 N‖ Date of Purchase: 2003 Vll 」 ewe‖ ry,bu‖ lon and valuable things (giVe details of wg.And value) Gold ornaments― loo gms@Rs.2,500/― 30 gms@2,50o/― 2,50,000 75,000 Silver ornaments l Kg《)35,000/― Vl:l Any other assets such as value IX claims/ interest Gross total value 35,000 of Nil Ni 3,70,500 1,10,000 N il NL B. Details of immovable assets: Note:1 Note:2 S.M ハリ a 窃︼ 瑕 κ Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be indicated. Each land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format. Se!f Description Spouse G.」 YOTHl NIL NIL. Agriculture land Location (s) Survey Number S) Area (total measurement in acres) Whether inherited property (Yes or No) Date of purchase inc case of self acquired property 絲 G,w♂ Nil l NIL ― NA― ― N洋 ― NA― N苺 ― NA‐ NIL Cost of land (in case of purchase) at the time of purchase. Any investment on the land by way of development, construction etc., Approximate current market value Non - agriculture land : Location(s) Survey Number (s) Area(tOtal measurementin : ― NA‐ ― NA‐ ‐ NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― NL ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― N洋 ― N洋 ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA‐ ― NA― ‐ NA― ― NA― ― NA― Builtup area (tota I measurement in sq.ft) Whether inherited property (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of self acquired property Cost of property (in case purchase) at the time of purchase ― NA― ― N洋 ― NA― ― NA― ― Nん ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― Any investment on the property by way of development, ― NA― ― NA― Approximate current market value ― NA― ― NA― Residential Buildings: N洋 N洋 ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― No No ‐ NA― ― NA― ― NA‐ ― NA‐ Sq.ft) Whether inherited property (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of self-acquired property. Cost of land (in case of purchase) at the time of purchase. Any investment on the land by way of development, construction etc., Approximate current market value Commercial buildings (including apartments) Jocation(s) -Survey No (s) Area(tOtal measurementin sq ft) construction etc., lV 不 ア (inCluding apartments) ―Location(s) ―Survey Nos Area (tota I measurement in sq.ft) Builtup area (total measurement in sq.ft) Whether inherited property (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case of self acquired property Cost of property (in case purchase) at the time of purchase G・ 謝 07Hi V V (6) Any investment on the property by way of development, construction etc., Approximate current market value others (such as interest in property) Total of current market value (i) to (v) above ― NA― ‐ NA― ^N洋 ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― i give herein below the details ofliab‖ ities/dues to public financial institution and government:― (Note: please give separate deta‖ s of name of bank,institution,entity or individual and amount before each ltem) S ^ V N │ Description Loan or dues to bank/ Sef Spouse Depen― dent― ■ Depen― Depen― dent2 dent‐ 3 ― N洋 ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― N丼 ― Nん ― NA― ― NA― financial lnstitution, amount outstanding, nature of loan ― NA― Loan or dues to any other individuals/ entity other tha n mentioned above Name(s) amount outstanding, nature of loan Any other liability ― NA― ― NA― ― N洋 ― NA― ― NA― Grand total of ― NA― ― NA― ― NA‐ ― N苺 ‐ NA― N洋 ― NA‐ ― NA― ― NA― ― NA‐ ― NA― ― Nん ― NA― ‐ NA― ― NA― ― Nた ― NA‐ ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ― N丼 ‐ N洋 ― NA― ― N苺 ― Nん ― NA― ― NA― ― N苺 ― N苺 ― NA― liabilities Government Dues: Dues to departments dealing with government accommodation Dues to department dealing with supply of water Dues to department dealing with supply of electricity Dues to department dealing with supply of telephones/mobiles Dues to department dealing with government transport (including aircrafts and helicopters) )/ rovticrre \'1 lご ° 瑠プ 次 光 QЪκ ,I Wt ヽ謝。 NOTARY “ る、 ― N鮮 ― NA― ― NA― Nil ― NA― ― N丼 ― NA― Ni Ni ― NA― ― NA― ― NA‐ NI Nil ― NA― ― N洋 ― NA― Nil ― NA― ― NA‐ ― NA― Nil Nil ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― Nil N‖ ― NA― ― NA― Nん Nil Grand total of a‖ ︲ ︲ 一 N 「 Nil lncome tax dues Wealth tax dues Service tax dues Municipal/ property tax dues Sales tax dues Any other dues I I 一 N gOvernment dues (7) (8) Details of profession or occupation: o Self:House wife/SOCial Service o Spouse:Pvt.Employee My eduCational qualification is as under: 9th Standard― ZPHS SChOol,Manga:apa‖ i― ■999 (G市 e deta‖ s of Highest schoo1/uniVersity educajon menuoning the fu‖ form of the certificate/dip10ma/degree course,name of the schoo1/cO!lege/un市 ersity and the yearin which the course was completed) 9) ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS G!VEN:N(■ )TO(8)OF PART,A: 2 5 PAN of 7 ■■5-BalaJi Nagar Division TELANGANA RASHTRA SAMITI PARTY N il Nil Total income shown G」 yothi NIL G Dattu Dependents NIL NA NA NIL NA NA Details of Assets and ttabi1lies in Rupees Self Description G」 yOthi A B ほ 咆嘉θ 1瑾 Phase,KPHB,Hyderabad Year of which last income tax return filed NA 6 3 H.No.■ 5-3■ -2し 96/■ 1,LIGJ‖ Number of name of the constituency and state Name of the political party which set up the candidate (otherwise write "lndependent") ;tNumber of cases in which conviction order passed b) total number of pending cases where the court (s) has taken cogniznance 3 4 1 2 G JYOTHI Name of the candidates Sri/Smt/ Kum. Full postal address 1 :i:i】 Movable Assets (tota I value) lm movable Assets 3′ 70,500 N‖ Gr'lloTtit NA DepOnent Spouse G. Dattu DepOnent― ■ -2 1,10,000 .NA- ― N丼 N‖ ― N丼 ― NA― ( │ ヽ ││ 8 Purchase price of self- acquired immova ble property (tota I value) Approximate current market price of assets (total value) ― NA‐ ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― NA ‐ NA‐ ― NA― ― NA― ― NA― ‐ NA― Ni Nl ― Nん ― NA‐ ― NA― Nil Nil ‐ NA― ― NA― ― NA― Liab‖ ities Government dues (total) Loans from Bank,Financial lnstitution and others(totaり 9 9th Standard― ZPHS SChool,Mangabpa‖ Highest educational qualricatiOn: i― 1999 (Give detalls of Highest schoo1/university educa■ on menJoning the full form of the certificate/dip:Oma/degree cOurse,name of the schoo/college/university and the yearin whth the course was completed) VERIFICATION l, the deponent, above named, do hereby veriry and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of it is false and material has been concealed there from. I further declare that : o There is no case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned in items 3 and 4 above : . l, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any assets or liabilities, other than those mentioned in items 5 and 6 of above. Verified at Balajinagar this the I+ day of January 2016. G・ 洲 │― γ Utヽ ヽ`――r ' - U\1e に` ハ_Qξ tヽ DEPONENT \qhr* ハ、可 o亀 wmiデ mュ LE ATE‐ NOTAI° RY Kuk嵐 謀 My Comm雨 :訓 "RR馴 土 Re:n Expires On DEC‐ 1:98488998 Mob‖ :d No 2527 08 ヽ 旬 訓 0・ 11 耐 2016 i へ = . ・ト FORII― III See Rule 4) イ I, hereby declare that the code of conduct prescribed by the Commission has been read by me/ read over to me and I will State Election abide by the conditions stipulated therein. Dtte: fマ 6.」 0■ イ 、 ーl― フ可も │ Signature of Candidatc Nalne:G JYOTHI signed before me on this la day ofJanuary 2016 gnaniΨ鴫 鏃 暇 帥→ ― Cr'5Yofl-t' _ ヽ ヽ ・ト ON ACCOUNTS OF ELECT10N EXPENDITURE I, GJYOTHI, w/o G.Dattu, aged 39 years, resident of H.No'15-31-2L-96/77, LIG-lll Phase, KPHB, Hyderabad, Municipal corporation GHMC having filed the nomination for the oflice of Member of 1 l5- Balaji Nagar Division hereby acknowledge that I have been supplied with a copy of the State Election Commissioner's Order no.392lTSEC-ULBs/2015 dt.21.07.2015 relating to maintenance of accounts of election expenditure by the contesting candidates and also the Notification No. 409/TSEC- ULBs/2015 dt.02.07.2015 prescribing maximum limit on expenditure which can be incurred by the contesting candidates for the said offences. I hereby declare and undertake to keep my election expenditure within the limit prescribed and also to maintain true and day to day accounts of the expenditure in the manner prescribed. I, further, declare that I am fully conversant with the legal provisions contained in Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Act, 1955 and rules issued there under dealing with election expenses and I hereby undertake to act in accordance with these provisions of Law and the mles made there under and in the true spirit of democracy while contesting the election for the above mentioned office. ' G SldtH; Signature of Contesting Candidate The above declaration is signed before me RETURNING OFFICER l11)´ 仲卜・ コイ G・ 到○ l ` ' ‐ し DECLARAT10N F‐ (lo be rlled bv cOntesting candidate along with nomination DaperSヽ I,G.」 YOTHl,w/oG.Dattu,hercby declarc that l am not disqualifled to the best of m,kl10WiCdge and belief for being chosen Ward Member of l15-Bdai Nagar Division of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation tmder sec.21A,21B and 22 of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Act,1955 Date: dz (+-(-)-o(5 JYorHi Signaturc of Candidate Narne:G JYOTHI signed before me on this l? day ofJanuary 2016 唸 雨 で 温 善 ≒ 嘉 l-6> tt Q ' $'tol11 t ` 桑 1' llt り ■・ 1 ^” 一 [ 興 ︺ ¨ 一 一 〓 ︺ m , F ヽ3,あ るoつ s/En,o‖ ment No :1111/15297/00105 To Oubbala lソ Othi で 0、N ´ 0 一O Nヽ 淵 υ 8鵞 laoandЮ yaMunhy 15‐ 31‐ 2L794′ 3phasiく 4 ANAKA DURGA TEMPLE K P H B COLONY KUKATPALLY 借 itti:雫 desh_50∞ 72 9393913222 ⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢⅢ世剛世 Ⅲ‖ Ⅲ uF2145201 321N 21452018 5r a,q"6 so+E / Your Aadhaar No. : 一 鼈 一 727385259292 υげ5-ン かSsЭ 浄亀 ー ペ び66゛ GOVERNMENT"6sO OFIND:A ruz:;o e{5o Gubbala JYothl `tる ヽ6υ Yoar も毯 Femde り′ d Binh 1975 727385259292 ‐ ‐ ・ PhotO VOter Slip ゝ ヽ GHル IC oRDINARY ELECT10NS,2016 Ward No. & Name NEAR TEMPLE BUSSTOP Electoral Roll Sl. No. 64 :G Dattu Yrs., Gender:Female Door No. :15-31‐ 2L-94/4 EPIC No. :FYY4744868 _り .俯 Ⅲ i liふ ‰、 l ofl ヽ ヽ辟 ぜG Jiyoti Father/Husband's Name Age :37 ed&... :ll5 Balaji Nagar PS No :12 VINDRA BHARATISCH00L,3RD PHASE, PS Location Name fi 1/16/20163:15 PM ヽ ・ !6 $:r FYY47lae^e l 15-31-2L_94/1 s, (` 0ヽ 1ヽ 1lSS10ヽ OF:ヽ D[A Fos 6, .rdr 6t ( ';'rrana な0さ う0」 o Ooぃ ヽ ELEC■ 0ヽ .. 1 15‐ 3,‐ 2L‐ 94′4 [器 ″1騨:品ょrN[6 KpH8 / aoω もω :ど ど30 Fleclors Nanel C JYOTHI 螂 Iヽ もф 'α 。● Husbands Name C DATTu めo":S、 ′ A=● お ︺” 一 Ooバ 6" , se、 鱗 革激xl 蹴拙岨憾‖‖ 儀1か さ ¨ ″ ・ ´ ツ OR:GINAL (Rules 99 Chapter Ⅲ) 一 3 ・ 6 一 8 一 Oυ 〇 一 1 一 ののうЮ903b ForFT1 0f Transfer Certificate 。。6る 9もζ い るoゃ s Transier Centticate No う )か 6Ⅲ oも o` ●り a)Name oithe`憶 schOOI(Place and Distnct) ′ ``2 ん lr'*- oわ 毎 ふろう こもうξ 0))Oro♂ Dヽ go“ o bl Highest class in the sCh。 。 も)い わヽ か6゛ 。S・ 0」 b`Ox0 66い 。 ζ の6 Sa 慟れ`じ督め,る 。 う Admission No. │ 0`慟 鑽 、 。こる か。aぶ 、 C)lf non Government class upto which reco9niZed No&date of recognitiOn orders 濾 /3'欝 もф Nape 。。 C6`る 。0ざ もい 2 D雪 3 ofthe pu口 a 嗜 ム鳴 魂 ° も礼 響 l "。 or Guardlan Name ofthe Parent 輌さぃ o るoゎ 智 Nationa‖ ty and Re191on ぉ ´島ooん `」 ユ 驚 町 厭 源 っ o600C 弯 熟 導電 :蔦ぱ篤黛ユ ま¬纂]憲∬[纂 覇撚 絆 濾翼 υo05ヽ るoゎ 。a。 うoDさ 66"ω 30oヽ lo、 。ゐ $ Whether the candidate belongs to Scheduled Castesor Sched― uled Tribes or Vimukhaathis or other socialy and educationa‖ y backward ctasses specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Rules oris he a convertirom the Scheduled Castes orthe Sched― uled Tribes il so the paniculars there of 6驚 Zよ l漁 ゞ誦 盤籠 淵配111運 i:温慧 [4ボ 塵J』 cfri」 雲 D 漁 器R瑞謂 濃 瑞ま 織瀾 お 窮 5ご ホε p。 l leaving Fn WOrds〕 。)1い る` びn bl l日 rst Language じ υお ズ ふ。 。■ `す m馘 縫 上 試選事 。 鎖か 記l欄:e clliRl営 ∬ A“ 潜 Lぶ 羅 棚詰 。 ー f)。 フ 響 7Sl' dm c ot tfurcal“ sublect offered underthe BIurcated coursl │ひ S?き い もX3。 ゛じ Whether studied `デ Composne or General Mathemaics ‖ )00D005c`κ ■ │り りMOther Toungue iり ・→)31会 ,メ凡ズ島 静 。 ζ 逃″心 ずい けn ttЬ ぎヽ _ で Dた モ ζこ ぉ `││り of;nstructton “11り Op10nal Medium 8り お崎びム がい な │り '? , tered in words) go,a` loか 6● o♂ ざCか 。Do総 /DO慮 36電 瀾満 ヽ 6。 7げ んι″″ ′ バ 赫 鉾 ゲ 鮮 ・ 1% 鷲 ポ 舗締鮒 灘 器 , 11・ 、 く 多 ι勺 " ボ欅 ■描 獅誓it誦響鷲 chthe put tasfrSt ad灘 0る 0い OAる o60≦ OA‐ ■ざ。バ0さ にも'‐ 6s≦ う50思 D=・●66ゞ ず6い るoる Oaる ) o電 pres6ntedfortheSSIC OrHSSSC Whetherthepup‖ has been declared engibleloroo‖ ege course oiStudy or passed or not has 2雉為為]需ぶ昴:鸞譜∬鳳│ワ gtt β to stated) (う 、 o6=P oこ ゛?か し aバ 、 )0'皇 /3'゛ 5。 きかし。6鷺 か か゛ 3ω660も D66≦ "ω ′ {a)Whetherthe pup‖ was in receipt ol any schOlarship[Natur,。 1 the scholarship to be spec‖ iedl B派 lttτ lR:tue d p認 :i糀 :澪 諦燎 獣需 開 当 :β i襦 concession to be specified :ギ ‖ 警 薦燎 鸞f習鸞亀 "樋 `畿 T胤 驚き 瀾撃。 lザ ω ´うむ多 1っ /多 げ Oo〆 ″ ‖の∠ `´∂ θむ三 'J3 “ ` κ 三 `ア : 6° school. 濡 薫lelt schooL 癬 ふ柵鰍 認pupil れactually ′舅 ::脳 Sa 20´ 7-1● qp ノ ´ 99■ δ パψ よ叫S ¨ じ リ Lギ lttl∫ Date on whiCh application for Transfer Certificate was made on `鰭 behalf of the pupil by his / her parent or Guardian' Date ol the Transler Cerlilrcate 18 o86る 0も ζ‐ 6a 19 い│●6:CONDUCT 20 DO虎 /D%鯵 Dる 06畿 655!() 3orpj. ざ6XO♂ が °6 Sc虎 /D%g。 1_ノ 9479 29´ ′ り全 D ``濃 か確 。 Attendance in the class or leaving No. days present' 21. . )6e'o b33$5 f,))qs)) 65rDro 3oP5. Total number ol working days. 22 :思 │:1層 獄 バ ヽ3ゞ :l::i■ 、he school :)3い い 嘉 tCD ヽ S660る うもぬ る°6慟 °げ うζるoあ oaooも :3,亀 00い い。 `ゆ 'Ctさ 3‐ 3い 。a■ 3oる 」0‐ こoり 02ヽ lp`0ぃ る o`ゞ ぶ け 亀 “ Note: in casethe pup‖ iS leaving the state ol Andhra Pradesh thiS Certificate is nOt Valid withOutthe counter S19nature of the inspecting offiCer Concerned Cubic CaPacity Maker's Classillcttlon Whee:Base Seating capac町 un:aden wttht Color C ass o,Veh cに TVS VICTOR CL 12t10 2 104 BLACK ASHOK LEYLAND F,NANCE L No of ctlrrent tra lsfers 1 SEC BAD l帥 珈 Tax Date of Registratl● n Chass No Engine No Fuel υ -― ――― ― ― ―_ノ 18 Tme) 剛 AddLRtt Amhorlty RTA― RANCAREDDY 00/89レ タ60 … ha‖ H:RE‐ PURCHASE ReOn Va“ d upto 8ody ',pe o′ Month&vr or Mfr 1093 ヽ ` r=一 ― A ● レ 掛 dゝ r20 L■ No.Hノ Y COLLECTOR CADE恥 DAL, ド 61Jあ ヾ尤 y OFFICE OF THE TAHS t‐ Date: _ 20 INCOME CERT:F:稲 0中 D● 6“ ビ5 Dated:13.09.2010) “ (AS PER G.O Rt.No.1307 Revё hue(Ser lll Department by the applicant / parents enquiry conducted that incOme Of s● : /sht Mノ 0, rュ sources 赫 ﹃ 。0い 6/ 3 , ′ 。こ炉5懸 ζ い /お ,a),い ` 3。 ぶ 納s POP■ ω /6。 こ0 `像 `0い● attbgф 静 0 い かある● も6‐ 5Ⅲ o" 島6る 働おき。。■や。 やSる rP a …….:.. /づ豆/る 。 いる ・。・ /6満 PO `書 ..,................a:"e>"566 Xoodero, e96"c$$D d:"rrel ( … … … … … … … … … … ・ =・ … ・ .,… 況嘱碑■ i■ じ963舒 %。 ) SOURCE OFINCONlE ゛ ゞ &oc5: So$d36 ‐ (a) は 一4一 一 5 (b) ― 尺ィL ― だ 十 ;子 計 i者 6 ― 一 … _= … ― An ― R:gO No・ uv/ v9llurc regtslered on whose nama 人:ヵ へめ 、 r) 7 8 9 「 熙ИIc 』 house 臥 二 三 ニニ ニ 3_、 ― 1・ ・ ほ 市 い Not,:ThiS Cer1lcate is issued fOrthebur`oζ e of.… i ll… ,f-lt , 1,^, ― … t.… 姉 ‐ 卜´‐ ■′ │ : … C● 「 :WA N● P“ShOp N(, : 3S, td' : rrr..1o [I.l:J* " ] oubb.l.. . lq.ria, sq9 rh&cy, Merrhy : !6$t6 o-g 4a ,gttdr tr6."/ ll.hrd ..r. : Pr0tclhwcr R&r Ofs-o7O...,",", : ls'Nov'l t : 40 td.aryAtc 5!e / : E tTlo),E-P.ivde :15■ 1‐ 2し :3,HASE :κ ′Ward‐ 37 :彎 /Kuヽ atpallシ 二 尊 F,‐ 弓 ノRanga Rcddy “ (R3):38.tXXl I・ , │'「 PHB :可0フ :● A● [“ :1- /4 “ (1):62:289/SInglc ・ "C… inc― r".瞬 (:):Man38 Gtt ABcに yK“ kap●I:y ¨ ぐ ne¨ (2):SinelC HP … LPC Dah Nane(2) : .ギ ユ′窮 ■ ,1_ヽ " ′ .11ざ 1・ , OUR SCHEMES .o Abhaya Savings -Accidental lnsurance coverage upto <. 25,000/_ .. Abhaya Savings Plus -Accidental lnsurance coverage upto{. 50,000/.o Abhaya Gold - Accidental lnsurance coverage upto t 1,00,0001 .+ AB JeevanAbhaya -Accidental& NaturalDeath ansurance coverage upto 1.1,00'0001 .. AB Kiddy Eank Scheme (Klds Khazana) -Accidental lnsurance coverage upto {.1,00,000/.o lnsured Current Deposit / Pattabhl Agri Card Scheme - Accidental lnsurance coverage upto <.1 ,00,0001 Eligibility For Abhaya Savings, Abhaya Savings Plus, Abhaya Gold, lnsured Cunent Deposit applicable to only aged between 5 and 70years. jeevanAbhaya, applicableto only individuals age between 18 to 55 years. s Khazana, applicable to kids aged between 5 and '18 years, Guardian aged lessthan 70 years. AFA,ogyadaan: Aunique Health lnsurance Scheme - Eligibility: lndividuals Completed age of5 years and 〈 ■ 5 1■ ,玉 熱ヽ I理 麓 蕊 l,1ピ 輩 鯛llttl」or all駅 ¨ account. RD plus deposit 獲 mms“ ゎ吟 muntyofm maturity ofthe Ю mentdm"畔 months belore rnstallment during any 馴 tte四 . - lU {C ,/ corea劇 -'ir,--"3'-iBnecuraniDeposititus-Ai'lovetscheme-Adepositorcanstepuptheinstallment(s)upto'l0tim€sof にlM∞ ☆ 節い faclilalorrorthelnsuranceandisnoway,ableforanydaim Forlhenameoftheinsurer&applCable tems and cclnd"ions customer may approach thg Branch or rcfer Bank's website www.andhrabank in of lnsurance, … Forthe applicable rat6s of intorest contact the Branch or rel6r Bank's websile www.andhrabank in * for updation ofthe Pass Booka new line appearevery time attheendoftransactions. Acronyms /Abbreviations usod are provided in the last page. Note: While presented eTrtn /Branch Comp. No. 11302 ヽ濡席蹴 Where lndia Banks Ч:Ч y PASS B00K =12 P1lF[ ll:■ 1 :こ │' f 1l U:lTPA l■ :こ 、 ti IA[:′ 雨要菫 口 調 _││‐ qra Name ofAlc Holder Чq:Addre33 マ粛■・tq、 . iir{ Nc. No. ・ : Pい oぃ o No:│‐ │ "o:、 赫 赫 /MOdё・ ,│■ ′ Dtti`: u: T・ ― │ ‐ ぎノ 嗅、′Nomina“ on ■ ' Ro9ヽ tered:Yes′ cqrr 6rqldq, sEr4'<, t<{rir'q - 500 004 No Head Office, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500 004. 3[ER-d yrf!=l Amount Withdrawn iし ,1 │=ギ │13ili tr Avail A:tttr R6. qcr d 'r{ YIftI Amount Oeposited 輛 銀 前 uranfttC° rpOm償 n ofふ ψ (+{i nn |,,ri *ftfm tese rnr 。 よ ア3itヽ 11 1956) N00 r4tr r$ dro-n arv ufur 1gd-.{r kd-dr'r €kd) NEW JANARAKSHA PLAN WITH PROFITS (WTH ACCIDENT BENEFIT) ヽ ブ vel蠣 │ド t‖ iwrtur) {Bi.bttshed by th. L e hsurance coryoraflon Aci STAh'Il 1)r-1" oONS 1't・ Wヽ 了ヽ ``′ ‐ :T` │ ■ 26 12´ tう No. $4/24746/03 Dt: 1・ *F#.*HRtffi *fHffixFsffi lffi #,TH H'ffi**r*-Hffitr* {m.{ & ft t. ftry; rw rx rri6' i:rnrr6 c{'!' qT{ r'} cr r5 ift6r i ftti rflr q,; T- t i;* Eq 91I qF F.6 T.. "i-EBtlq' "-Iim*--* r $5'l xrg da c'ri drtrr {* F r. enn'fr 5n *{ o, ra q'Grd' k hq xar {rfl E sEiEr i zm *nrr.i 5^"i-1*T.xl"qi ry retq d.a qmRiqr rr-+rc * "Fq nftrd *l B r.El t f,rz) fl.{ tud .qrrt } rilrnE 6iar 'ngl I xtqr(rnsrdft{ isqrrr l k{i cIFrdrF*FqIlI s6dtrdqiiqftm}}3lr*iirfr ]q}n si cr tu6r I ftrr Eftr.if6d fEi6{crfir*-3itrcairnnr ttFE tNsUlANcE cohponATtoN OF DtA iher6inatrer c! ed ,Th€ corpordlion,,) having recoived a propo3al and oect.ration and rhe ,i^r premiun trom ths Prop.s.r..d the Lil. assued i6 th. schedule and the raid Proposal .nd Declaralion wnh rh€ naieme.l! conlained.nd rete(.d to lher€i. haying b6en agr€.d to bv tho slid Propos.r and th. corporaron .s basis ol lhis assuran@ do by rhis Poticy aqrea. in conrid€rstion ot and subjed ro lhe due ,*eipl ot lhe subsoqued pGmiums $l out i.lh. s.hedllB, ro p.y lh6 sum A3srred (togdher witn soch funher sums or sum as may be a ocated by w.y ot Bonls in th6 cai€ ot with prorits porri8r "bul wilhoui inrerBl, sl lh. Bran.h Oflic. ol lh6 corpor.rion rhis Poricy is s€rvied, lo rh€ person or pe.soni ro whom the samo is payabto in t6rms o, rh6 said S.hedule, o. pdol lo $. $tisl.clio. or the Corpo.alion ol lhe Sum A$ured having borome p6yabre as set oot 16 lhe s.h6duts, ol lh. nio or rhe eid p66on or p€rsons p.ymnt .l.iming .nd or rhe concdn43 ot $. agc ot th. Lives A$urod siatod in rhe piopos.ts it not pr.viouity adminod. t Ilt€ II 」界程Dご [`LGONDA― 赫 豪綸 ゛ 奇職 Ⅲ ― 冊 酪 田CE 6101 1 四 PO仁 lCY…NO む 昴漱 躊 Dし e Dato Date Of Commer.● mont 1■ Payment 6o1987705 ヽ ′姉 ,3,`nmマ 50000 91-16 (16) 28- 4-2004 ヽ 1665.00 ` HLY … 漱 f鴨 ¨″ 28L04-2020 臨肥1∴ 躍28-10-20!9 : 諷誌 ・ sti、 8-4-1975 一ノ 耶漁 Jon 29 Y[S(R) ___ kq lrr*gnrr3*{"a{ffirHcrtrinfrFqrqrtnr Neu Janaraksha *.-i-------- Oeath Before Date Survivlng on Date Suo Assured ro bo -;ffi h,lth profits + acc. Beneflt of Maturlty -> Sum Assured+vested of Ma'turlty -> sum assured+vested tmrr tdsit HIII To whom paymdc l .qont n a' mtr.n n. ah Fr iir.E M.ffi drn.dEr.HtE.-ihaffi payabte fr F Fftr rE t,uiinaffirmtu.rintl!,yrraqNi! rFrttatni.rGail . p.&, a*-;.aorrt P.'dd&rr{*ndFlnmFFb. .rrn ihiriifrldi On in€ sierabd D.r.r whd p.6mium due dars !i Bonus bonus ffi qcur d,, h. dririry dr lk f, r& \,\, r - 況濁課罵 縣電i nd ap口 にe 「ド 駐 副撻編 『 鶏鯖 TttL“ “。 ol rders and clau“ s lf any) aЫ Delalに oこo一一 おもるこ の 一 ﹁●oO 一 ●●●嵌 ”一■﹂ fi{i ft nr t dtri rlF/tr iEi! df{6d a lqs in rir 腕and o… ヽ 訓 漱織R臨諄 」 浩 』 ξ 躙早 」 朧 酬鯉手 nch Om∞ Whom addess as 9"。 “ f∬ 器 3ほ / Examined {fur aer Table No 91A P Sr. Elanch Manaqer ヽ” ヽC〓 一 30 Cの■ 一 0∽ 一0ヽ0 ヽ0一N00 ヽ 一 Name and八 :dress d Proposer and ut Assuttd LIG 3 RD PHASE, K P H B ,KUKATPALLI N[RA KANAKADURGA TEMPLE, HYDERABAD Pincode=500072 ' 1 , ¶ 「 Ho NO。 94/4, W/0 0ATHUBABU, ヽ 51 30-04-2004 ヽ ___ 衡ぼ面 P:000Sal No `Date 「 Nominee under Seclon 39 oi the lnsurance Act ,938 … QttTHUBABU 8TH Prttm um Payab e Ps ● ` 市 熙嗜●議 ノ lR、 コマ出キ … S● lment Rs and Mode o, ゝ ●│ ・ │ 輸 http://tsec. gov. ir/mis/dorvnloadsl ed&... ¨ GHMC ORDINARY Ward No. :115 Balaji Nagar PS No. : l2 PS Location :MVINDRA BHARATISCH00L,3RD PHASE, NEAR TEMPLE BUS STOP Electoral Roll Sl. No. 105 Name :I Vlaya Lakshmi Father/Husband's Name :I Bhaskar Areddy Age :42 l ofl & Name 2016 Yrs., Gender:Female Door No. :1,31‐ 2L-96/11 EPIC No. :FYY1521442 1/16/2016 4102 PM ヽ 選 一 目 題 冨 憩 _「 勲機議顧白い0だ粋¨ ゞ uNloli€ ,II)ENIIBeITION 夕 :ミ ヽ . .′ : 津 “ AITTHO$rY OF tNDtA ==轟 O6o.5r: テ 86829341381‖ 旧 ‖ ●甲5-か い、Э浄亀 E‖ I旧 │‖ ―― ― ― _ ____ _一 w/9.?rr6i,6* wy'o .6c6* o.e., 6d. iIEAT >5 O F5, ari6 al >dEa6, !oe'861, 5o@?2 a 5 ITTA rs(ti REDoY (TII(ADUiGI IIMPU x.t.H.t @tot{Y, xu(aT ,^llv r$nb.d, A.dh. rn&.h, 5d72 │‖ Aadhaar - Saamanyuni Hakku │ ●、 … ・ ゛ FYY1521442 : 15-312■ 96711 “ `"〕 め “ , oS riJ r!5 0. r.{. d5 6 , cN !'o5 . s!4.16(5rod6) , dqroA ELECr:oN cOMMIs10N o「 INDIA … 'l t31-2L-96/1 lghb Cobr|y I Lt liiL.n6 6. Kphb Cdqry, &Lnae (M.ndd) R.,re&ddy ::Ⅲ {d-t6 | ff--4. . Ⅲ ― r 96}6q “ Nft. J B,.d(.. Ardd, &.6).5)t@a &{5 o6Elra $ t6 ro'd t6J5! &oe .t .66, Fg n 6.!.@C. '..d...F L 4 AA-a. - .dnq di- 6jr cri t5 i b d.d16L-dt-a rcE i 5 i.3 rr. r-a.d &.a b .ari. 6...i,$ E !rl< 2ar/ t0r2 Form一 IV [See Fule 5] This nomination paper for the Election to the Office of f'l' tt Municipal corporation "r...f\"t- " I ofrice at (date and nou,) I ?1r ) lF,. " from "l't :1" " s"oq" ward wa "i'r' ,T:Sf*-Rll rl Assistant ll` Ⅲ * Strike off whichever is inapplicable. 11: t' ド ヽ/ GHMCE:ections‐ 2016 KUKATPALLY Circie‐ 14A′ Ward No. ,Iダ Candidate's Profile Si No Particulars 4、 Oヽ くてし主 Name of the Candidate who filed nominations 1 B蜀 Age F Sex (M/F) 4 MaritalStatus ロ 5 No.of living children ー -2- r I€- 6 -tt- Fw:. l-L^lf ´ 0 l 日 Party Affiliatio n Social Group ST/SC/BC/UR 7 Fr r l ′ Present occupation 1′ _ 嚇 lf in employment, particulars つ4 Whetherlncome Tax payee(Yes/No) ち whether contested in any elections previously, if so particula rs thereon 14 一 _ド Elected positions previously held, if any ヽ ヽ つ ′ ノ にコ Add:!nformation No.of Nominations sets filed with serial Nos. Name ofthe Candidate(To Spel‖ n both ianguages) 16 Telugu in clgar letters ,2却 脅 く ヽ へ ヽ■ ご English in Capita I Letters 一 ノ specimen signature of the candidate for supply to the Pr. Officer to compare the signature on polling Agents む 1ヽ . 6.到 岬 , 2/t 18 Name of the authorized persons to receive day to day communications/letters from the Returning Officer and his address: Contact No MOb‖ e 19 Name of the authorized persons who will submit the day to day expenditure detils to the RO & to the His Contact No. ≦ 鋤 ヽ 4373■ 12)ゝ n CCヽ 人 υ 負aッ _‐ こ も ■ ■午 │ヽ 5%午 、 私 Name of the Election agent, if willing to appoint 20 His address Contact No. Specimen signature of Election Agent Date:- .2016 、 ig息 i翌1::ddtte ”午/ 10 Ч Eductional Qualifications 1と つ 9 理 ス二 リ ` ︲ヽ Residential Add ress T'い ノ′ 8 に 0 NOMINAT10N PROFORMA FOR ONLINE ENTRY WARD No& な 時′ │lb ― CANDIDATE `い DETAILS: 51G仏「 FATHER/MOTHER/HUSBAND'S NAME さ Gつ α 4 AGE{IN YEARS) りい ' 厚■uttL ‐ N゛ ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE lS-31- 汁8ヽ h つ Ч 「dlヽ 」ノ KUKATPALLY CIRCLE‐ 14B4 ││《 り) SERIAL NUMBER OF THE CANDIDATE IN THE ELECTORAL ROLL 10 6Ч θγハ■ MARITAL STATUS “ 2 N00F CHILDREN 勒 ← SOCIAL STATUS 歓│マー OC‐ roル EDUCAT10N QUALIFICAT10N ss こ yPL04D PDF DATE OF NOMINATION lJ-1-)d)L PARTY CATEGORY ftt g PROPOSER DETAILS 哺 矧な 星 SERIAL NUMBDR OF THE PROPOSER IN THE ELECTORAL ROLL 磐° 洸慧 鶴ぽ [′
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