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January 2016
Volume16, Issue 1
AFG District 19 Newsletter
Bam! Boom! Kazam! Coming August 20, 2016
At the Dec 12th District 19 business meeting Mary O. from Visalia conducted a workshop on “What
would A DAY IN AL-ANON look like?” She had been talking to people at Santa Teresita Youth Conference
Center in Three Rivers and knew that this would be an ideal place to hold such an event. She wanted us to
THINK big! She revved us up to the excitement of having A DAY IN AL-ANON right in our own district,
and not just for 2016, but yearly.
Some of us have been to other district’s A DAY IN AL-ANON, but Mary O. wanted to know what A
DAY IN AL-ANON would look like to us. She divided us into three groups, and each group delved into what
we pictured this day to be like. THINK BIG! THINK outside the box! What workshops would be of interest
to us? How would we incorporate diversity? What committees and service chairs would we need? What service can the groups provide?...At the end of the discussion period we reviewed all the suggestions each group
came up with. It was exciting to see everyone pumped up about our very own A DAY IN AL-ANON. But It
takes a lot of planning and volunteers to have a successful event, and many more questions will be popping
up as the preparation for this event takes shape. This is an opportunity for all Al-Anons and Alateens to be
involved. There will be big jobs and little jobs, and ones in between. We ask you and your group to volunteer
to be part of the planning and celebration. Call District 19 at 559-444-0224 to volunteer. Thank you for your
support in this exciting adventure.
- - - - - -Alateen Express - - - - - The Alateen Express is the official newsletter for Alateen groups of
the Northern California World Service Area (NCWSA) of AFG,
Inc, and is distributed periodically to Alateen groups. It contains
information about Alateen that may be helpful to Al-Anon and
Alateen groups. All members of Alateen and their sponsors are
urged to contribute information about group news, fund-raisers
and other special events. You can review current and past copies
of the Alateen Express at ncwsa.org. Alateens and Alateen sponors: you are encouraged to share your experience, strength, and
hope too. Go to ncwsa.org. Click on “Alateen” and “Newsletter”
and open a copy of Alateen Express to find information on how
to submit your story for publication.
- - - - Alateen is Now on Facebook! - - - - The “Alateen WSO” outreach Facebook page is now a reality.
Search “Alateen WSO: to find it. Also, like the Al-Anon WSO
Facebook page, Alateen WSO is intended to deliver an Alateen
message to the many young people on Facebook. It is NOT a place
to share. This would violate our Tradition of anonymity. For Alateen meetings online visit: al-anon.org/try-an-alateen-chat-meeting
Upcoming Special Events: 2016
Jan 9-10: 15th Annual Al-Anon Men’s Serenity Weekend Sausalito, CA, Hosted by Men At
Work (D16, Pleasanton) Info: MensSerenityWeekend@gmail.com
Apr 15-17: NCWSA Convention-Tree of LifeRoots of Recovery, Crowne Plaza, Sacramento.
Info: ncwsa.org
Apr 29,30 May 1: AA H&I Conference with Al
-Anon participation, Santa Rosa, CA info:
May 14: NCWSA One-Day Assembly. info:
May 20-22: 34th Annual Growing Together
Weekend, Occidental, CA.
Aug 20: A Day In Al-Anon-Three Rivers , CA
Contact: District 19 559-444-0224
Oct 14-16: NCWSA Assembly, info: ncwsa.org
Nov 18-20: Yosemite Summit Conference,
info: ncwsa.org or yosemitepark.com
The first weekend of November 2015 was an amazing and important one for several of our Alateens and AMIAS (Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service). It was NoCAC (Northern California
Alateen Conference) time! NoCAC was held in Sacramento at the Crowne Plaza November 6-8, 2015.
Many Alateens from Northern California attended including several of our district Alateens from Visalia
and Fresno. NoCAC is a unique conference because it is entirely organized and put on by Alateens. They
have workshops, games, talent shows, speakers, meetings, etc just like an Al-Anon conference, but entirely for Alateens. If you have ever attended an Al-Anon conference you will remember the peace, joy,
fun, serenity, and fellowship you enjoyed there. This is the same feeling Alateens get when they attend
NoCAC. Here is the response one of our Alateens gave when asked about her experience at NoCAC:
“This was my second NoCAC. And I can honestly say it was just as amazing
and fun as the first time. We had a talent show the first night where talent was not
required to participate. Anyone could simply go up and perform and everyone cheered
for you. The workshops were also very eye opening. We got to hear so many Alateen’s
stories and could relate to every one. I was very sad when Sunday rolled around but I
was able to learn so much and even got elected to be of service for our own district and
other districts.
Thank You to all the AAs, Al-Anons and Alateens that helped fun raise for our
scholarships and trip. And a big thank you to Sheri, Bill, Mary and Katie for putting up
with us, all the way there and back. We hope to take many more teens next year as well
as AAs and Al-Anons. Thank you for your continued support.”
Aurora from the Visalia Alateen Groupies
You and your group can make it possible for more District 19 Alateens to go to NoCAC 2016. At
each of your meetings pass around an envelop designated just for the Alateens. Have your treasurer send
this designated money to our District Treasurer Karen N. She will make sure it goes into the Alateen account. Your support will make a big difference when NoCAC 2016 comes around, and we’ll be able to
send more of our Alateens to this special event.
NoCAC 2016 here we come!!!!!
Detaching with Love:
Alcoholism is a family disease. Living with the effects of someone else’s
drinking is too devastating for most people to bear without help. In Al-Anon
we learn individuals are not responsible for another person’s disease or recovery from it. We let go of our obsession with another’s behavior and begin to
lead happier and more manageable lives, lives with dignity and rights; lives
guided by a Power greater than ourselves.
A painfully shy man fell in
love with a young woman. He
sensed that she felt the same way,
but he couldn’t find the courage
to ask her out.
Finally he decided he would
mail her a love letter every day
for one year, and then ask her for
a date.
Faithfully, he followed his plan,
and at year’s end he was courageous enough to call her—only to
discover she’d married the letter
In Al-Anon We Learn:
 Not to suffer because of the actions or reactions of other people;
 Not to allow ourselves to be used or abused by others in the interest of
another’s recovery;
 Not to do for others what they could do for themselves;
 Not to manipulate situations so others will eat, go to bed, get up, pay bills,
not drink;
 Not to cover up for anyone’s mistakes or misdeeds;
 Not to create a crisis; Not to prevent a crisis if it is in the natural course of
Detachment is neither kind nor unkind. It does not imply judgment or condemnation of the person or situation from which we are detaching. It is simply a
means that allows us to separate ourselves from the adverse effects that another person’s alcoholism can have upon our lives. Detachment helps families
look at their situations realistically and objectively, thereby making intelligent
decisions possible. (from ncwsa.org website)
Emotional Strength:
You have the capacity to choose
what you think about. If you choose
to think about past hurts, you will
continue to feel bad. While it’s true
you can’t change the effect past influences had on you once, you can
change the effect they have on you
Where did the name Al-Anon come from and why the dash (-)? This question has been asked many times. I’ve
often asked this myself and I bet there are some of you who asked it too. Here is the answer from The World Service Office I found on the ncwsa.org’s website:
In May 1951 Lois W., Chairman, and Anne B., Secretary, sent the first letter from the Clearing House polling the
87 family groups that had previously written to the AA general Service Office. One question asked was, “Do you approve
of the name AA Family Group? If not, what do you suggest?”
Approximately 57 responses were received. Some groups suggested names they were already calling themselves
such as, AA Associates, AA Auxiliary, Non-AA, Triple A, Women’s Auxiliary of AA, Friendship, AA Helpmates,
Twelfth Step Auxiliary. The majority, however, favored the AA Family Group name, which Lois and the Committee
changed to “Al-Anon” which is a contraction of the two words: Alcoholics Anonymous.
The decision came about when AA objected to the use of the letters “AA” in the name of the national association
of non-alcoholics since their Sixth Tradition stated that an AA group ought never lend the AA name to any related facility or outside enterprise.
The hyphen was included because there are, in many locations in the US and Canada, AA Clubhouses that call
themselves Alanon or Alano. The hyphen also identifies Al-Anon as a distinct organization.
(Info from Inside Al-Anon Extra: a publication for groups of the Al-Anon Family Groups, Inc. Printed in the 1980s.)
Many years ago a remarkable thing happened to me one day at
work. I had constantly been in conflict with the Sales Manager (I’m the Customer Service Mgr.)-always thinking he
was stupid, didn’t know how to do his job, constantly taking advantage of company policy. I always felt I could do his
job (and mine of course) better than he could. Needless to say I resented this, and I butted “heads” with him oftenshowing my superior knowledge, forcing my will and procedures on his department, (of course all the time keeping
my department running smoothly) so I thought.
One day something miraculous happened. I was on my way to his office, papers in hand (no doubt proof of
some thing he should or should not have done). I was standing outside his office door ready to barge in and say
“Ahah!”-you did it again (What, I’ll never remember) when suddenly, without warning, my whole body became
quite hot-my heart beat fast, my hands trembled and sweated. Without knowing exactly what I was doing, I walked
up to him, and out of my mouth poured out months, no years of apologetic statements. I couldn’t stop apologizing. I
apologized for all my “know-it-alls”, for all the times I tried to do his job. I couldn’t stop myself from saying those
very unnatural statements-I was crying-I was nervous. I also had the most fantastic amount of peace come over me
that you couldn’t believe-the world had been lifted off my shoulders.
I never knew why I was going to barge in on him, all I know is that my last statement was “Can I have a
hug?” Then I left his office. He didn’t know what hit him, and at first I didn’t know what hit me. As I went back to my
office I realized that this was what Step 12 meant in having a “spiritual awakening”.
It felt good, very good. Since then I have had other “spiritual awakenings”. Some strong like this one, some
not so vivid, but in all they have enriched my Al-Anon experience. I hope some day you recognize your own
“spiritual awakenings”, and use them to shape your own Al-Anon journey. LW
What If?
Did you ever think where you would be if you’re current “Home” Al-Anon meeting didn’t exist? Years ago I
went to my meeting and a concert was going on at the same time. I was a few minutes late, but I knew that would be ok.
The meeting would be there. But when I looked into the room, no one was in it! Right away I thought the meeting was
canceled and no one told me. But then people started to show up and our meeting proceeded as usual.
What if you showed up for your meeting and no one else did? Right under your feet the meeting that you looked
forward to all week, the meeting where you regained your sanity; the meeting where you got your support from, just disappeared. I know for me panic and tears would set in.
What all this is leading to is the need for people to be active in meetings. Al-Anon meetings need secretaries,
treasurers, group representatives, literature coordinators, newcomer greeters, setup people etc. Did you enter Al-Anon
from years of being “put down?” “Oh, you can’t do this, your no good at that?” Volunteer to be a trusted servant. You
will quickly see how very capable you are. The experience will fill you with volumes of recovery and extreme gratitude.
Give it a try. You have nothing to lose. (Except, of course, the surprise of going to your next meeting to find it closed
due to lack of trusted servants!)
DISTRICT 19 TRUSTED SERVANTS (2015‐2017 panel) Officers Trusted Servant Email Address District Rep Sheri W. rep@southvalleyalanon.org District Secretary Kathy B. secretary@southvalleyalanon.org District Treasurer Karen N. treasurer@southvalleyalanon.org Alternate Officer Helen OPEN Joni Coordinators Alternate Coordinator AlaNews Linda W. alanews@southvalleyalanon.org OPEN Alateen Mary O. OPEN Archives Jody D. archives@southvalleyalanon.org Elaine H. Diversity Beatriz Irma Group Records Ken S. group.records@southvalleyalanon.org OPEN Hotline Tamara S. hotline@southvalleyalanon.org Merrily L. Institutions OPEN OPEN Literature Sue OPEN Meeting List Sharon meeting.list@southvalleyalanon.org OPEN Public Outreach (PI) Mary M. outreach@southvalleyalanon.org Monique OPEN Speaker Meeting Debbie K. Special Events Ellen K. Special.events@southvalleyalanon.org Dorothy Website Christopher H. web@southvalleyalanon.org OPEN To contact a District Trusted Servant call District 19’s Hotline number 559‐444‐0224, and leave a message with a volunteer for a return call. *Donations from D19 Groups made in Sep/Oct 2015
that go towards D19 General fund and D19 Alateens:
General fund
* $305.38
Group Donating
Start Your Wk with a Step
Changing What I Can
Sat Morning Women’s
Straight Talk Book Study
Thurs Noon 1-2-3 Steps
Tues New Lifers
Tues Courage to Change
Wed Noon 11th Step
Monday Step Study
D19 Business Mtg
(information provided by D19’s treasurer)
World Service Office (WSO) Mail Donations to: 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Phone: 757‐563‐1600 Fax: 757‐563‐1655 Meeting Info: 800‐344‐2666 Web: al‐anon.alateen.org NCWSA (Northern California World Service Area) (make checks payable to NCWSA) Web: ncwsa.org Mail Donations to: NCWSA Treasurer P.O. Box 728 Vacaville, CA 95696‐0728 District 19 Information (Fresno, Madera, Kings & Tulare Counties) Web: southvalleyalanon.org Hotline/Information: Phone # 559‐444‐0224 Leave a message with a volunteer for a return call! Mailing Address: 4974 N. Fresno St., PMB 353 Fresno, CA 93726 Donations to District: Mail to above address. Make checks payable to AFG , and in‐
clude your group name and group WSO number D19 Calendar
District Speaker Meetings
(1st Monday of month)
2016: Feb 1, Mar 7, Apr 4, May 2
Time for all meetings: 7:00-8:30pmEast Princeton Baptist Church,
District Business Meetings
(2nd Saturday of month)
2016: Jan 9, Feb 13, Mar 12, Apr 9
Time for all meetings: 1:00-3:00pm
Kingsburg Community Church
1590 Smith St. Kingsburg
Literature: Sales are by appointment only: Call D19 559‐444‐0224 AlaNews: For submissions or to subscribe to the AlaNews email distribu‐
tion, please email: alanews@southvalleyalanon.org District Meetings: District 19 Business Meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Kingsburg Commu‐
nity Church, 1590 Smith Street, Kingsburg. All Al‐Anon/Alateen members are welcome! 1:00pm‐3:00pm