【新品】【送料無料】【左用】【2016年モデル】 ダンロップ ゼクシオナイン

September 2015
Volume15, Issue 5
AFG District 19 Newsletter
Where:Kingsburg Community Church
Time: 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Special Speaker: Joy M from northern
Potluck, Basket drawing, and lots of Fellowship
Donation: $5.00 and a dish to share
Volunteers needed to help set-up/clean
up, and register folks. Groups/individuals
needed to donate baskets or large item for
Contact: Ellen K. D19 Special Events
Coordinator:559-444-0224 or email
This event abides by the NCWSA safety
requirement for Alateens
October 9-11, 2015
Calling ALL Group Representatives (GR’s)
and Alternate GR’s:
Once a year the GR and/or Alternate GR’s from
Northern California World Service Area (NCWSA) meet
for a three-day Assembly. This is a special time for
GR’s-get to know what’s going on in Al-Anon beyond
your Group and District. This is a time for personal and
Group growth, a time to learn from other GRs, a time
of innovation and productive suggestions and a time of
just “plain ole” fellowship. By attending you have a
“voice.” And as a GR, a “vote.”
The Group Representative (GR) is the “go to”
person who acts as the link between the group and
other facets of Al-Anon such as District, Northern California World Service Area (NCWSA), and the World
Service Office (WSO). Attending Area Assemblies is
one of the duties of the GR, and is supported by his or
her group in this endeavor.
Assembly is October 9-11 at the Double Tree Hilton, 1150 9th Street, Modesto, CA 95354. Registration
and hotel reservation information can be found at
ncwsa.org. Act now to register!
Upcoming Special Events:
Sep 18-20: Alateen Sponsors Recommit and
Revitalize at Westminster Woods, Occidental, CA. For Al-Anon
members involved in Alateen Service
For info: ncwsa.org
Oct 3: AA event with Al-Anon Participation-Grace United
Methodist Church, 3362 E Balch, Fresno, 11am-9pm. Al-Anon
Panel: Yvonne D. NCWSA current Delegate.
Oct 9-11: NCWSA 3-Day Assembly-Modesto Doubletree Hotel.
Info: ncwsa.org.
Oct 24: D19 Special Event, Kingsburg Community Church, 1:004:00, Speaker:Joy M from northern CA, basket drawing, fellowship, $5.00 and a potluck dish to share.
Oct 30,31-Nov 1:NCCAA (Northern California Council of Alcoholics Anonymous) Conference, Radisson in Fresno with AlAnon/Alateen participation.
Nov 6-8: 37th Annual Northern California Alateen Conference (NoCAC), Turning a New Leaf, Crowne Plaza, 5321 Date
Ave, Sacramento, CA, contact info: nocacchair@ncwsa.org.
Nov 6-8: Hispanic Convention, Hilton in Concord, CA
Info: ncwsa.org
Nov 20-22: Yosemite Summit Conferenceinfo:serenityyosemite.com or call 209-966-8300.
Apr 15-17, 2016: NCWSA Convention
Apr 29,30 May 1, 2016: AA H&I Conference with Al-Anon
participation, Santa Rosa, CA info: ncwsa.org
Is it a Circle inside a Triangle or a Triangle inside a Circle???
If you don’t look at the first page of this AlaNews, could
you draw the symbol for Al-Anon? You probably remember
there’s a triangle and a circle. Is the circle inside the triangle?
Or is the triangle inside the circle? Well, go ahead and look at
page one. The Al-Anon symbol is a circle inside the triangle.
And, if you are looking at these triangles in color, you will notice the inside of one is blue and the other is red. Blue is for
the Al-Anon symbol and red is for the Alateen symbol. Just for
curiosity sake, the triangle inside the circle is AA’s symbol.
There really are three types of symbols for Al-Anon. All
three of course are registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office. The one pictured on page one is the simplest
looking one. It is used for easy identification of stationery, and
service tools such as this newsletter. A second logo has the
letters AFG inside the circle. It’s used as an identification at
conventions and other worldwide fellowship events. The third
presentation of the symbol has the letters AFG inside the circle plus the words WORLD, SERVICE, and CONFERENCE,
one in each corner of the triangle. This symbol along with the
words “Approved by World Service Conference Al-Anon Family Groups” is used to identify Conference Approved Literature. Go ahead, open up one of your Al-Anon books (perhaps
Courage to Change or Discovering Choices). You’ll find this
symbol on the first or second page.
Curiosity always gets a hold of me. Why this symbol?
Why a circle inside a triangle? I have looked in several references to see why this symbol was chosen for Al-Anon. Is it
just a take off of AA’s? I don’t know. Do you? I have read at
one time or other that the sides of the triangle stand for our
three legacies: Steps, Traditions, and Concepts. That makes
sense to me, but please indulge me as I give my interpretation
of the symbol. I want you to recognize that this is just my own
opinion. I have no clue to what Louise and the other forefathers had in mind when they chose this symbol. Again, don’t
quote me on this being the meaning of the symbol. This is just
my interpretation.
First, I have to tell you that I once taught high school geometry. So, knowing that, you recognize that I have a propensity and heart-felt love for triangles and circles.
Now draw three dots on a piece of paper (do not line them
up). Connect the dots. You have a triangle. You may get a
funny looking triangle, but if you make all the sides equal size,
you’ll have an equilateral triangle. To me it is important that
the Al-Anon symbol be an equilateral triangle (my own suspicion). If so, it has three sides that are equal in importance,
and stature. To me the triangle is sturdy, and reliable as opposed say to a square.
Think of it this way. How many times have you sat at a
square table and one leg seems to be wobbly. Now sit at a
three-legged table. The three-legged table seems sturdier and
doesn’t wobble. The reason the three-legged table is sturdier
is because in geometry terms, all three legs are in the same
plane. Three points make a plane. With the four-legged table
one leg is not in the same plane as the other three. Thus wobbly. Yes, you could contest this example, but give me a
break. I haven’t taught geometry in over 45 years.
(Continued on page 3)
Membership Survey
When I first became an Al-Anon I came across
a survey conducted by WSO (our World Service
Office) that told me a lot about the membership that
I now immersed myself in. It surprised me (and
helped me) understand how my situation was so
much like so many others. It showed me I wasn’t
alone in this disease. It showed me that others felt
the exact same way I did—alone, isolated, lacking
confidence, holding on by straws, afraid, guilt ridden… I could go on and on, but you know exactly
what I’m talking about. WSO started taking member surveys in 1984. They take one every three
years. The last one was done in February of this
year (2015) with 8517 participants. The objectives
of the survey are: 1. Identify who Al-Anon members are by demographics and sociographics. 2.
Identify the relationship between the member and
the problem drinker. 3. Measure the impact the
problem drinker has on the members lives. 4. And
discover the importance of AFG on the quality of
life of the member.
Here are a few sample questions:
1. Average member age: 59.8
2. % college graduate: 64%
3. Average number of continuous years membership: 13
4. % attend electronic meetings: 6%
5. % involved in service work now: 54%
6. % have a sponsor: 71%
7. % sponsor other members: 47%
8. 58% of those who have a sponsor communicate
with them weekly, 7% do so daily
9. 66% of those who sponsor others, sponsor two
or more members
10. 80% of respondents have been in a romantic
relationship involving an alcoholic partner
11. 40% of respondents initially joined Al-Anon
because a person with a drug problem was
negatively affecting their lives. Of them 85%
later discovered that someone’s drinking had
also negatively affected their lives
When I look at the results of this survey I
know that Al-Anon has had a positive effect on
members lives mentally, physically and emotionally. I also see that Al-Anon effects members daily
functioning at home and at work in a positive way.
But what it also shows me is areas and people who
are not hearing about Al-Anon . For many years I
was clueless to knowing about this program too.
This survey gives each of us hope in recovery for
ourselves, but it also tells each of us where we can
do our service work to help others who have not
heard about Al-Anon or Alateen. You can find the
full survey questions and results at ncwsa.org or
wso.org. I encourage you to search it out. You’ll
discover places and people right in your own surroundings where you can work your program and
spread the Al-Anon word.
(Continued from page 2)
To me the triangle is assurance that Al-Anon is a strong, healthy program. The triangle has a base, a
foundation. It stands tall and straight. To me the three sides of the triangle ARE represented by the
THREE LEGACIES: Recovery through the STEPS, Unity through the TRADITIONS, and Service
through the CONCEPTS.
As far as the circle inside the triangle, I picture all of us holding hands in a circle at the end of our
meeting-thus making a continuous connection-not breaking the support and love we have for each
other and the program. In geometry terms the circle is infinite:never-ending. Our Al-Anon circle is never
-ending too. No matter how many people you add or subtract, we continue to hold hands supporting
each other.
I love that the circle is inside the triangle. As we hold hands making our circle we are supported on
all sides by the strength of the legacies: STEPS/Recovery, TRADITIONS/Unity, CONCEPTS/Service.
I did warn you that this is my own interpretation of the Al-Anon symbol. What’s yours? LW
September: “Recovery” Month-Utilizing Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2015
More than 20 years ago the month of September was designated “Recovery” month. And a few
years ago the Al-Anon Family Groups World Service Office started printing a booklet called AlAnon Faces Alcoholism 2015 (the year changes each printing) as a service tool to spread the AlAnon program of recovery to individuals and professionals.
In searching out ways individuals or groups can spread the Al-Anon program I came
across an article about an old pamphlet, Sponsor a Professional M-46, that WSO (the World Service Office) used to print. I know that more up-to-date literature is available now on this subject,
but I thought the principles of the pamphlet still apply today and are worth retelling. Here is what
the pamphlet suggested: Sponsor a ProfessionalWhy:
One of the best ways for Al-Anon and Alateen to attract members is to let people know who we are, what we do, and
how and where to find us. Many Al-Anon members contact their doctor, clergyman, lawyer, or psychologist long
before they come to Al-Anon. Through our cooperation with the professional community; family members may find
Al-Anon sooner.
Any experienced and willing Al-Anon/Alateen member or group with a desire to spread the message of hope to professionals.
It simply means making a personal or group commitment to inform one doctor, social worker, clergy, teacher, lawyer,
etc. about Al-Anon. This can be done by visiting a professional at his or her office to give a brief explanation of the
program, accompanying a professional to an open meeting, providing literature and information on making appropriate referrals, or even supplying past copies of The Forum and/or Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2015 along with AlAnon's local contact number, and meeting lists.
 Be familiar with our traditions, especially the sixth and eleventh,
 Acquaint yourself with updated literature and meeting list.
 Be prepared - not all professionals think alcoholism is a disease.
 Be on time and don't stay longer than agreed upon.
 Use Al-Anon terminology.
 Be gentle and understanding - we're there to inform, not to convince.
 Keep a positive attitude.
 Be open to requests. Listen to problems they may have or have had with Al-Anon and Alateen.
 If you don't know the answer -when asked a question concerning Al-Anon, say so.
 Gather the information and get back to the person as soon as possible Leave your contact information so that the professional can continue to get updated Al-Anon/Alateen information such as the current meeting list for your area.
(Last year I had the opportunity of introducing Al-Anon to a young, new counselor in our town. She told me that in
her studies to become a counselor, she hadn’t heard very much about Al-Anon. I was glad I had made the effort to
meet with her and give her some literature and meeting lists. I hope this experience encourages each of you to venture out and share your program with a professional.)
DISTRICT 19 TRUSTED SERVANTS (2015‐2017 panel) Officers Trusted Servant Email Address District Rep Sheri W. rep@southvalleyalanon.org District Secretary Kathy B. secretary@southvalleyalanon.org District Treasurer Karen N. treasurer@southvalleyalanon.org Alternate Officer Helen OPEN Joni Coordinators Alternate Coordinator AlaNews Linda W. alanews@southvalleyalanon.org OPEN Alateen Mary O. OPEN Archives Jody D. archives@southvalleyalanon.org Elaine H. Diversity Beatriz Irma Group Records Ken S. group.records@southvalleyalanon.org OPEN Hotline Tamara S. hotline@southvalleyalanon.org Merrily L. Institutions OPEN OPEN Literature Sue OPEN Meeting List Sharon meeting.list@southvalleyalanon.org OPEN Public Outreach (PI) Mary M. outreach@southvalleyalanon.org Monique OPEN Speaker Meeting Debbie K. Special Events Ellen K. Special.events@southvalleyalanon.org Dorothy Website Christopher H. web@southvalleyalanon.org OPEN To contact a District Trusted Servant call District 19’s Hotline number 559‐444‐0224, and leave a message with a volunteer for a return call. *Donations from D19 Groups made in May/Jun 2015
that go towards D19 General fund and D19 Alateens:
General fund
Group Donating
Fri Noon Topic
Start Your Wk with a Step
Changing What I Can
Sat Morning Women’s
Thurs Noon 1-2-3 Steps
Tues New Lifers
Mon Step Study
Survival to Recovery
Visalia Mon Night
D19 Business Mtg
La Esperanza
District 19 Information (Fresno, Madera, Kings & Tulare Counties) Web: southvalleyalanon.org $160.00
* $533.60
(information provided by D19’s treasurer)
Hotline/Information: Phone # 559‐444‐0224 Leave a message with a volunteer for a return call! Mailing Address: 4974 N. Fresno St., PMB 353 Fresno, CA 93726 Donations to District: Mail to above address. Make checks payable to AFG , and in‐
clude your group name and group WSO number World Service Office (WSO) Mail Donations to: 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Phone: 757‐563‐1600 Fax: 757‐563‐1655 Meeting Info: 800‐344‐2666 Web: al‐anon.alateen.org NCWSA (Northern Calif. World Service Area) Web: ncwsa.org Mail Donations to: NCWSA Treasurer P.O. Box 728 Vacaville, CA 95696‐0728 (make checks payable to NCWSA) D19 Calendar
District Speaker Meetings
(1st Monday of month)
Oct 5: 7:00-8:30pm
Nov 2: 7:00-8:30pm
Dec 7: 7:00-8:30pm
East Princeton Baptist Church,
District Business Meetings
(2nd Saturday of month)
2015: Nov 14, Dec 12,
2016: Jan 9
Time for all meetings: 1:00-3:00pm
Kingsburg Community Church
1590 Smith St. Kingsburg
Literature: Sales are by appointment only: Leave a message: 559‐444‐0224 AlaNews: For submissions or to subscribe to the AlaNews email distribu‐
tion, please email: alanews@southvalleyalanon.org District Meetings: District 19 Business Meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Kingsburg Commu‐
nity Church, 1590 Smith Street, Kingsburg. All Al‐Anon/Alateen members are welcome! 1:00pm‐3:00pm