Mountain View Middle School 675 Shasta View Drive Redding, CA 96003 Phone: (530) 221-5224 Fax: (530) 221-5620 Shannon Angstadt – Principal Our Mission is to ensure learning for all; No Limits, No Excuses A California Distinguished School 2009, 2013 Dear Mountain View Families, The seasons are starting to change and the students are hard at work in the 2nd quarter of the year. Our teachers are working hard on starting to transition to the common core standards and the students are definitely noticing the difference. In grades 6-8 we have switched over to the common core based Big Ideas math book, and our teachers in language arts and history are also starting to introduce some of the strategies they’ve been learning in their trainings. Also, teachers in all grade levels have been using the Illuminate Data Assessment system to administer benchmark tests and other assessments to the students. This is a great tool which allows both the teacher and students to see immediate results from the test. The Illuminate System gives the teachers the opportunity to see on which questions the students excelled and which questions tripped them up and some explanations of why that may have happened. One of the things making these online assessments easier is the completion of our new computer lab. Mountain View now has two computer labs available for student use and I want to thank everyone who helped to obtain the lab and get it up and running. Well, along with all of this learning, we also have found time to have some fun. On October 9th, many of our students, teachers and parents gathered down at the McConnell overflow parking and made our way to school by foot for the annual Walk to School Day. Once at school, we had a Kenpo Karate demonstration put on by Scott Halsey and our very own Cameron Walker. I would like to thank MVMS Parent Club for making this happen and once again making it a successful event. The 17th brought us the Great California Shake Out. On this day, the teachers discussed the importance of earthquake preparedness with the students and we participated in a school-wide earthquake drill for a little practice. This was also Think Pink Day and it was great to see all the students and staff dressed in pink to support Breast Cancer Awareness. During the week of October 21st- 24th we held our Parent/Teacher Conferences. Thanks to everyone who participated in conferences, it looks like we had a good turn out this year. I ask that you turn in your Conference Survey if you have not already done so. This survey is important as it gives us feedback as to what went well at conferences and what needs to be improved upon. Upcoming Events: 10/28-11/1 – Red Ribbon/Spirit Week 11/1 – 7th Grade Reward Field Trip to Viking Skate 11/4 – Cookie Dough/Pie Fundraiser Delivery 11/4-11/7 – 1st Quarter Awards 11/6 – Picture Re-Takes 11/6 – School Site Council 11/7 – Panda Express Fundraiser (5:00-10:00) 11/8 – 2nd Mid-Quarter 11/11 – Veteran’s Day Holiday 11/15-16 – MVMS 8th Girls’ Basketball Tournament 11/15 – Progress Reports 11/21 – 5th Grade Performance 11/25-29 – Thanksgiving Break Parent Club: Parent Club would like to thank everyone who participated in our pie/cookie dough fundraiser. I’m not sure how much we made yet, but we appreciate all the support! Some of the things Parent Club is currently working on include increasing school spirit with some friendly classroom competition, preparing for the athletics snack bar and gathering ideas for future events and dances. Thanks to Parent Club for purchasing the Cinemark cards for Student of the Month rewards, as well as all the TCB prizes for both students and teachers. Conferences: Thanks to all of you who showed up to Parent/Teacher Conferences. This was a great opportunity for you and your student’s teacher/s to get together and discuss your child’s academic and social progress. Please remember that conferences are not the only opportunity to talk to the teachers about any questions or concerns. Any time you need to contact a teacher you can send them an email or call them to set up a time to meet. Contact information for all of our teachers can be found on our website under ‘Staff Contacts’. Athletics: Cross Country, Soccer and Volleyball have officially come to an end and our teams did great! In cross country, our 5th & 8th grade boys took home the championship banners and the whole team was amazing. Our soccer team finished with a 5-5 record after some hard fought games. Both the A & B volleyball teams also finished with 5-5 records and had some exciting matches. Thanks to the players and coaches for all their hard work this season, and also thank you parents for your support. 6-8 girls’ basketball is underway and results will soon be coming. MVMS is going to be hosting an 8th grade girls’ basketball tournament on November 15th & 16th. We could a lot of help at the door taking admission and also in the snack bar. If you’re willing to help, please contact Mrs. Angstadt. I am also trying to get enough teams together to host a 7th grade girls’ basketball tournament, so stay tuned for more information. THANK YOU!! A huge thank you to Sherry Shufelberger and Amy Knowles for their generous donation of 24 padded, designed chairs for our athletics program. The chairs have our logo and say Panthers on them and they look amazing. We will be using these at our sporting events in the gym so our athletes will be sitting in style. Thank you so much for your generosity!! We are looking to add a shot put/discus ring here at Mountain View. This will entail putting a 10’ square cement pad out by the field. If anyone is willing and/or able to help out with the cost of concrete for this project, please contact Mrs. Angstadt. Thanks. Go Panthers! Shannon Angstadt Principal/Athletic Director COUNSELOR’S CORNER: Bully Prevention and Assertive Communication Skills Workshops: We have an opportunity to have “One SAFE Place” on our campus again this school year presenting to all of our students workshops dealing with Bully Prevention and Assertive Communication Skills. Nicole and Kurt will be presenting during the week of November 4-7 and again Nov 12, 13. I appreciate having community resources and personnel available to come on to our campus and work with our students. Spirit Week: LINK CREW had some great activities planned for Spirit Week including: Ugly Sweater Day, Disney Day, Wear Red Day, Halloween Costume, Extreme Spirit Gear Day. We also had a great assembly for our students. We had Pumpkin Carving, Progressive Costume Relay Race, Costume contest, marshmallow toss, and pumpkin bowling! Also, all of our homeroom classes participated in a Red Ribbon Day Door Decorating Contest! Congratulations to Mr. Taylor’s homeroom for having the best door! Hope to have photos of some of these activities on our website! Mix it up at LUNCH Day (Week): During our morning advisory we are focusing on being more ‘inclusive’ on our middle school campus. We will have some options for students in the cafeteria to sit in a different spots and with different people. This will really stretch some of our students ‘outside of their comfort zone’, but we will make it fun! On Friday we will be playing music during the lunch hour also for a little change up for the students. Donation: Rainy Day Options: We would like to have an option on Rainy Days to use our Wii system in the multipurpose room and play the “Let’s Dance” game. If anyone has copies of this and would like to make a donation it would be greatly appreciated. Lisa Porter School Counselor 221-5224 ext.703 LIBRARY NEWS: Barnes & Noble Book Fair The annual B&N Book Fair is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th. Store hours are 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to come watch some awesome student entertainment, and dine, browse and shop for yourself or the holidays. Elementary students will be singing at 10 a.m. and the MVMS Band will be performing at 1:00 p.m. The Columbia and Mountain View Libraries will get a percentage of whatever you spend that day as long as the clerk knows you are supporting Columbia School District. We will send home bookfair vouchers with students as the fair gets closer. If you don’t receive one, just tell the cashier on that day that your purchase is to support Columbia School District and we will get credit. All merchandise will count as well as purchases made in the café so make a date to meet friends for lunch or refreshments during your shopping trip! Also let your friends and know about our book fair. Barnes & Noble will fair sales if they give our Book Fair the cashier when making their purchase on MVMS Library with any questions. (221Thank you for your support! family (near or far) Purchases made at any count toward our book number (11177813) to December 7th. Contact Sherryl Bonner at 5224 ext. 700 or MVMS CONTACT LIST Teachers Subject/Grade Room Extension Anna Bandell 6th Grade 1203 780 Dave Bedwell Discipline/Data Coord. Office 708 Sherryl Bonner Librarian Library 700 Andrea Burrell RSP 412 746 5th Grade 1204 716 SDC 1110 789 Adam Grooms 5-8th Intervention 402 741 Jay Hall 8th Grade Science 307 730 5th Grade 1202 714 7th ELA / History 1102 781 7/8th Math 1105 791 Beth Johnson 7/8th ELA/History 401 740 Karen MacKay 5th Grade 1201 721 7th Science 311 733 Lisa Porter School Counselor Office 703 Kelli Pfeffen 6th Grade / Gate 1205 732 PE Gym/MPR 713 7/8th Math 406 782 Veronica Schauer 6th ELA/History 1206 784 John Taylor 8th ELA/History 407 743 Chris White PE Gym/MPR 722 Music 1106 741 Attendance Office ext 702 Principal Office Marci Duff Deleta Fence Gina Henning Susan Hern Christina Hobbs Mike Oberlander Tim Rager Cindy Rizos Liz Zanze Sheila Blumm Shannon Angstadt Clay Ross Superintendent Board of Trustees Charles Van Hoosen, President Penny Steiner, Clerk Walter Albert Linda Johnson James Luna 10140 Old Oregon Trail, Redding, California, 96003 530-223-1915 FAX 530-223-4168 October 25, 2013 Dear Columbia Family, What exciting times these are for the Columbia Elementary School District! We have completed the first one-third of the school year today, parent conferences will be completed in the next two weeks, students, teachers, support staff and parent clubs are all working extremely hard to ensure that students learn and are connected to their schools. There have been plays, fieldtrips, bus evacuations, the Great Shakeout, Walk to School participation, culture days, fundraisers, a carnival tonight and many more behind the scene activities that make Columbia the District that it is. The students and staff at Columbia had the best fire drill in my history as principal and I am working with the Board to see if we can get a waiver to take a month off from the required drill as a reward. The Government shutdown impacted our schools in that we had two field trips planned; one to Lassen Park and one to Coleman Fish Hatchery. Both of them were cancelled but have since been rescheduled and the trips will still happen which will be educational and enjoyable for all. You may have seen Columbia and Mountain View in the news lately. MVMS has had some good coverage of the Walk to School Day and the Great Shakeout. Columbia was featured this week as well for the grant we received for the Healthy Students Initiative. We have also applied for another grant to purchase Second Step Counseling kits; we should know the results of that grant application in early December. Initial reports from parent conference week at MVMS indicate that they went well and were an effective means to discuss student achievement. I am expecting the same results for Columbia. Parent Clubs have been actively involved in connecting kids to their school with fundraisers and activities, (Walk to School, Fall Carnival) and we are so grateful for their support. Teachers have been enhancing their curriculum with activities and performances as well and these allow children to show off their talents and intelligence in different ways and environments. As we continue to progress thorough this school year, I cannot help but to be impressed with the dedication of all of our staff, students, parents and families. Each of us plays meaningful role/roles in the Columbia family. We strive to be on the cutting edge of curriculum, assessment, technology, staff and student motivation and engagement and we are proud to be your school of choice. Looking forward to continuous improvement as the next two-thirds of the year come and go, Clay Ross Superintendent/Principal Columbia Elementary/CESD
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