Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation in a stochastic model for immunotherapy of cancer Modibo DIABATE PhD Student in Applied Mathematics Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann - University Grenoble Alpes Supervised by Loren COQUILLE: UGA - IF Adeline LECLERCQ SAMSON: UGA - LJK Septièmes rencontres des Jeunes Statisticien-ne-s Porquerolles, Avril 2017 1/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Outline 1 Context 2 Modeling of tumor evolution 3 Parameter estimation 4 Results 2/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Context: Immunotherapy/ACT therapy Previous works: stochastic model for skin cancer immunotherapy (Baar et al., 2015) Adoptive Cell Transfer (ACT) therapy (Landsberg et al., 2012) 3/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Context: Immunotherapy/ACT therapy Previous works: stochastic model for skin cancer immunotherapy (Baar et al., 2015) Adoptive Cell Transfer (ACT) therapy (Landsberg et al., 2012) • Extinction of T-cells & Relapse 3/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Context: Immunotherapy/ACT therapy Previous works: stochastic model for skin cancer immunotherapy (Baar et al., 2015) Adoptive Cell Transfer (ACT) therapy (Landsberg et al., 2012) • Extinction of T-cells & Relapse Objective: understanding the resistance of tumors 3/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Context: Immunotherapy/ACT therapy Previous works: stochastic model for skin cancer immunotherapy (Baar et al., 2015) Adoptive Cell Transfer (ACT) therapy (Landsberg et al., 2012) • Extinction of T-cells & Relapse Objective: understanding the resistance of tumors • Modeling the mechanism • Estimating parameters using real data 3/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Experimental data Therapy and groups of mice CTRL mice (5): no therapy ACT mice (7): ACT therapy (70th day) ACT+Re mice (7): ACT therapy (70th, 160th day) Tumor evolution measurement obs yij y if yij ∈]3 mm, 10 mm[ ij 1.9 mm if yij ∈ [0 mm, 1.9 mm] = 3 mm if yij ∈ [2 mm, 3 mm] 10 mm if yij ≥ 10 mm 4/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: Birth and death process (BDP) Cell populations involved in the dynamic are modeled by BDP (continuous time Markov process). Individual level: • → •• • → † with a rate b with a rate d waiting time before an event modeled by an exponential distribution 5/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: Birth and death process (BDP) Cell populations involved in the dynamic are modeled by BDP (continuous time Markov process). Individual level: • → •• • → † with a rate b with a rate d waiting time before an event modeled by an exponential distribution Population level: M (t) → M (t) + 1 M (t) → M (t) − 1 with a rate b × M (t) with a rate d × M (t) 5/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: Birth and death process (BDP) Cell populations involved in the dynamic are modeled by BDP (continuous time Markov process). Individual level: • → •• • → † with a rate b with a rate d waiting time before an event modeled by an exponential distribution Population level: M (t) → M (t) + 1 M (t) → M (t) − 1 with a rate b × M (t) with a rate d × M (t) Large population approximation: M K (t) = MK(t) 1 M K (t) → M K (t) + K with a rate b × M K (t) × K 1 M K (t) → M K (t) − K with a rate d × M K (t) × K 5/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: BDP - Large population approximation Let M K (t) = M (t) , K lim M K (t) (in law) = n∗ K→∞ where n∗ is the solution of ṅM = (b − d)nM with initial condition n0 . (Ethier and Kurtz, 2009) 6/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: BDP - Large population approximation Let M K (t) = M (t) , K lim M K (t) (in law) = n∗ K→∞ where n∗ is the solution of ṅM = (b − d)nM with initial condition n0 . (Ethier and Kurtz, 2009) 6/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: Stochastic model Let: •: T cell, T (t): population of therapy cells •: differentiated cell, M (t): population of differentiated cells at time t •: dedifferentiated cell, D(t): population of dedifferentiated cells •: cytokine T N Fα , A(t): population of cytokines T N Fα 7/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: Stochastic model Let: •: T cell, T (t): population of therapy cells •: differentiated cell, M (t): population of differentiated cells at time t •: dedifferentiated cell, D(t): population of dedifferentiated cells •: cytokine T N Fα , A(t): population of cytokines T N Fα Stochastic model = BDP + switch + predator-prey (Baar et al., 2015) Z(t) = (M (t), D(t), T (t), A(t)) 7/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: Stochastic model Let: •: T cell, T (t): population of therapy cells •: differentiated cell, M (t): population of differentiated cells at time t •: dedifferentiated cell, D(t): population of dedifferentiated cells •: cytokine T N Fα , A(t): population of cytokines T N Fα Stochastic model = BDP + switch + predator-prey (Baar et al., 2015) Z(t) = (M (t), D(t), T (t), A(t)) prod µ = (bM , bD , bT , lA , dM , dD , tT , dT , dA , sA , sM D , sDM ) 7/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: Deterministic model Large population approximation: Stochastic model → Deterministic model Let M K (t) = M (t) , K DK (t) = D(t) , K T K (t) = T (t) , K AK (t) = A(t) K lim (M K (t), DK (t), T K (t), AK (t)) (in law) = (n∗M , n∗D , n∗T , n∗A ) K→∞ 8/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Modeling of tumor evolution: Deterministic model Large population approximation: Stochastic model → Deterministic model Let M K (t) = M (t) , K DK (t) = D(t) , K T K (t) = T (t) , K AK (t) = A(t) K lim (M K (t), DK (t), T K (t), AK (t)) (in law) = (n∗M , n∗D , n∗T , n∗A ) K→∞ with (n∗M , n∗D , n∗T , n∗A ) the solution of the deterministic system: ṅM = (bM − dM )nM −tT nT nM −sM D nM + sDM nD − sA nA nM ṅ = (b − d )n +sM D nM − sDM nD + sA nA nM D D D D ṅT = −dT nT +bT nM nT prod ṅA = −dA nA +lA bT nM nT with initial condition (nM0 , nD0 , nT0 , nA0 ) (Baar et al., 2015). prod µ = (bM , bD , bT , lA , dM , dD , tT , dT , dA , sA , sM D , sDM ) (to be estimated) 8/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: Mixed Effects Models 9/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: Mixed Effects Model - Likelihood function • NonLinear Mixed Effects Model (NLMEM): yij = f (ψi , tij ) + ij , i ∼ N (0, σ 2 Ini ), ψi = µ + ri , with ri ∼ N (0, Ω), 1 ∗ 3 , n∗ , n∗ : deterministic system solution f (ψi , t) = (n∗ M (ψi , t) + nD (ψi , t)) M D 10/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: Mixed Effects Model - Likelihood function • NonLinear Mixed Effects Model (NLMEM): yij = f (ψi , tij ) + ij , i ∼ N (0, σ 2 Ini ), ψi = µ + ri , with ri ∼ N (0, Ω), 1 ∗ 3 , n∗ , n∗ : deterministic system solution f (ψi , t) = (n∗ M (ψi , t) + nD (ψi , t)) M D µ = (bM , bD , bT , . . . , sA , sM D , sDM ), ri = (bMi , bDi , bTi , . . . , sAi , sM Di , sDMi ): vector of random effects, Ω: variance matrix of the random effects Θ = {µ, σ, Ω} 10/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: Mixed Effects Model - Likelihood function • NonLinear Mixed Effects Model (NLMEM): yij = f (ψi , tij ) + ij , i ∼ N (0, σ 2 Ini ), ψi = µ + ri , with ri ∼ N (0, Ω), 1 ∗ 3 , n∗ , n∗ : deterministic system solution f (ψi , t) = (n∗ M (ψi , t) + nD (ψi , t)) M D µ = (bM , bD , bT , . . . , sA , sM D , sDM ), ri = (bMi , bDi , bTi , . . . , sAi , sM Di , sDMi ): vector of random effects, Ω: variance matrix of the random effects Θ = {µ, σ, Ω} • Likelihood function: L(y obs , δ; θ) = N Z Y L(yiobs , δi , yicens , ψi ; θ)dψi dyicens i=1 ψi : individual parameters; yicens : censored data (δij = 0); yiobs : observed data (δij = 1), obs L(yi cens , δ i , yi , ψi ; θ) = Y (i,j)|δij =1 obs p(yij |ψi ; θ)p(ψi ; θ) Y cens p(yij |ψi ; θ)p(ψi ; θ) (i,j)|δij =0 obs cens p(yij |ψi ; θ) and p(yij |ψi ; θ) are gaussian (Samson et al., 2006) 10/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: SAEM (Stochastic Approximation EM) SAEM: Stochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization 11/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: SAEM (Stochastic Approximation EM) SAEM: Stochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization Iteration k of the algorithm: step E: • Simulation step: draw (y cens(k) , ψ (k) ) with the conditional distribution p(y cens , ψ|y, θ̂k−1 ) 11/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: SAEM (Stochastic Approximation EM) SAEM: Stochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization Iteration k of the algorithm: step E: • Simulation step: draw (y cens(k) , ψ (k) ) with the conditional distribution p(y cens , ψ|y, θ̂k−1 ) • Stochastic approximation step: h i Qk (θ) = Qk−1 (θ) + γk log p(y obs , δ, y cens(k) , ψ (k) ; θ) − Qk−1 (θ) (γk ) is a decreasing sequence: P∞ k=1 γk = ∞, P∞ k=1 γk2 < ∞ 11/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: SAEM (Stochastic Approximation EM) SAEM: Stochastic Approximation Expectation Maximization Iteration k of the algorithm: step E: • Simulation step: draw (y cens(k) , ψ (k) ) with the conditional distribution p(y cens , ψ|y, θ̂k−1 ) • Stochastic approximation step: h i Qk (θ) = Qk−1 (θ) + γk log p(y obs , δ, y cens(k) , ψ (k) ; θ) − Qk−1 (θ) (γk ) is a decreasing sequence: P∞ k=1 γk = ∞, P∞ k=1 γk2 < ∞ step M: • Maximization step: update θ̂k−1 according to θ̂k = arg max Qk (θ) θ∈Θ 11/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: SAEM - MCMC SAEM-MCMC for regular exponential families: p(y obs ,y cens e obs , y cens , ψ), Ψ(θ)i} , ψ; θ) = exp{−ξ(θ) + hS(y Iteration k of the algorithm: • Simulation step: simulation of (y cens(k) , ψ (k) ) through the simulation of a Markov Chain having p(y cens , ψ|y, θ̂k−1 ) as stationary distribution • Stochastic approximation: update sk according to e obs , y cens(k) , ψ (k) ) − sk−1 ) sk = sk−1 + γk (S(y • Maximization step: θ̂k = arg maxθ∈Θ {−ξ(θ) + hsk , Ψ(θ)i} 12/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Parameter estimation: SAEM - MCMC SAEM-MCMC for regular exponential families: p(y obs ,y cens e obs , y cens , ψ), Ψ(θ)i} , ψ; θ) = exp{−ξ(θ) + hS(y Iteration k of the algorithm: • Simulation step: simulation of (y cens(k) , ψ (k) ) through the simulation of a Markov Chain having p(y cens , ψ|y, θ̂k−1 ) as stationary distribution • Stochastic approximation: update sk according to e obs , y cens(k) , ψ (k) ) − sk−1 ) sk = sk−1 + γk (S(y • Maximization step: θ̂k = arg maxθ∈Θ {−ξ(θ) + hsk , Ψ(θ)i} SAEM is considered to estimate correctly population parameters as well as having good theoretical properties Convergence of the estimate sequence of the SAEM-MCMC to a local maximum of the likelihood proved by (Delyon et al., 1999) using: • the assumption that p(y, ψ, θ) belongs to a regular exponential families, e • some continuity and differentiability assumptions on the likelihood and S(y, ψ), • the uniform ergodicity assumption on Markov Chains in the MCMC algorithm. 12/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Estimated parameters: Individuals fits (group ACT+Re) 13/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References T-cells extinction & Relapse: Simulation of extinction with the stochastic model using estimated parameters Scenario (a): T cells survive Scenario (b): Extinction of T cells 14/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References T-cells extinction & Relapse : Rare events probability estimation Monte Carlo, Importance Sampling 15/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References T-cells extinction & Relapse : Rare events probability estimation Monte Carlo, Importance Sampling Importance Splitting (Jacquemart-Tomi et al., 2013) Tt : stochastic process S : threshold tS = inf{t ≥ 0, Tt ≤ S} The rare event : {tS ≤ tF } = {Tt ≤ S, for t ≤ tF } 15/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References T-cells extinction & Relapse : Rare events probability estimation Monte Carlo, Importance Sampling Importance Splitting (Jacquemart-Tomi et al., 2013) Tt : stochastic process S : threshold tS = inf{t ≥ 0, Tt ≤ S} The rare event : {tS ≤ tF } = {Tt ≤ S, for t ≤ tF } Extinction probability P(tS ≤ tF ) P(tS ≤ tF ) = m Y pk k=1 p1 = P(t1 ≤ tF ) = P{Tt ≤ S1 , for t ≤ tF } pk = P(tk ≤ tF | tk−1 ≤ tF ) for k = 2, . . . , m 15/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Conclusion & Future Works Conclusion Simplification/adaptation of the model for parameter estimation Parameter estimation using real biological data (censored data) Estimation of the probability of T cell population extinction (relapse) 16/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Conclusion & Future Works Conclusion Simplification/adaptation of the model for parameter estimation Parameter estimation using real biological data (censored data) Estimation of the probability of T cell population extinction (relapse) Future Works Optimal selection of parameters for the relapse probability estimation Parameter estimation (with an Expectation Propagation algorithm) from a diffusion approximation of the stochastic model (Barthelmé and Chopin, 2014), (Cseke et al., 2016) Development (and parameter estimation) of a probabilistic model for lung cancer using MRI images 16/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References Thank you for your attention ! 17/18 Context Modeling of tumor evolution Parameter estimation Results References References Martina Baar, Loren Coquille, Hannah Mayer, Michael Hölzel, Meri Rogava, Thomas Tüting, and Anton Bovier. 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