Statistical Inference for Some Network Models Aad van der Vaart Mathematical Institute Leiden University Conference on Probability and Statistics in High Dimensions A Scientific Tribute to Evarist Giné CRM, Barcelona, June 2016 1 / 15 Co-author Fengnan Gao Remco van der Hofstad Rui Castro 2 / 15 Preferential Attachment Start: complete graph with nodes 1, 2. 3 / 15 Preferential Attachment Start: complete graph with nodes 1, 2. Recursions for n = 2, 3, . . .: (n) (n) given graph with nodes 1, 2, . . . , n with degrees d1 , . . . , dn , (n) connect node n + 1 to node k ∈ {1, . . . , n} with probability ∝ f (dk ). 3 / 15 Preferential Attachment Start: complete graph with nodes 1, 2. Recursions for n = 2, 3, . . .: (n) (n) given graph with nodes 1, 2, . . . , n with degrees d1 , . . . , dn , (n) connect node n + 1 to node k ∈ {1, . . . , n} with probability ∝ f (dk ). f(k)=k 1/2 1/2 3 / 15 Preferential Attachment Start: complete graph with nodes 1, 2. Recursions for n = 2, 3, . . .: (n) (n) given graph with nodes 1, 2, . . . , n with degrees d1 , . . . , dn , (n) connect node n + 1 to node k ∈ {1, . . . , n} with probability ∝ f (dk ). f(k)=k 1/2 1/2 2/4 1/4 1/4 3 / 15 Preferential Attachment Start: complete graph with nodes 1, 2. Recursions for n = 2, 3, . . .: (n) (n) given graph with nodes 1, 2, . . . , n with degrees d1 , . . . , dn , (n) connect node n + 1 to node k ∈ {1, . . . , n} with probability ∝ f (dk ). f(k)=k 1/2 1/2 2/4 1/4 1/4 3/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 3 / 15 Preferential Attachment Start: complete graph with nodes 1, 2. Recursions for n = 2, 3, . . .: (n) (n) given graph with nodes 1, 2, . . . , n with degrees d1 , . . . , dn , (n) connect node n + 1 to node k ∈ {1, . . . , n} with probability ∝ f (dk ). f(k)=k 1/2 1/2 2/4 1/4 1/4 3/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 Estimate the attachment function f : N → [0, ∞) from observed network 4 / 15 Preferential Attachment with Random Initial Degree For i.i.d. m1 , m2 , . . ., connect node n to mn existing nodes. Start: graph with nodes 1, 2 and m1 edges. 5 / 15 Preferential Attachment with Random Initial Degree For i.i.d. m1 , m2 , . . ., connect node n to mn existing nodes. Start: graph with nodes 1, 2 and m1 edges. Recursions for n = 2, 3, . . .: for i = 1, . . . , mn , (n,i−1) given graph with nodes 1, 2, . . . , n with current degrees d1 (n,i−1) , . . . , dn , (n,i−1) connect node n + 1 to node k ∈ {1, . . . , n} with probability ∝ f (dk ). 5 / 15 Degree distribution pk (n): = 1 #nodes 1, 2, . . . , n of degree k. n 6 / 15 Degree distribution pk (n): = THEOREM 1 #nodes 1, 2, . . . , n of degree k. n [Barabasi-Albert, 2000; Mori 2002; Rudas, Toth, Valko, 2007] k−1 Y f (j) α , pk (n) → pk : = α + f (k) α + f (j) a.s.. j=1 (α makes (pk ) a probability distribution on N.) EXAMPLE f (k) = k f (k) = k + δ f (k) = k β , β ∈ [1/2, 1) [Barabasi, Albert, 99] [Krapivsky, Redner, 01] pk = 4/(k(k + 1)(k + 2)). pk ∼ k −3−δ . 1−β c −c k 1 2 pk = k e . 6 / 15 Preferential Attachment with f (k) = k start movie Movies by Matjaz Perc downloaded from Youtube 7 / 15 Preferential Attachment with f (k) = k 0.25 or f (k) = k or f (k) = k 2 From movies by Matjaz Perc downloaded from Youtube 8 / 15 Empirical Estimator p>k (n) ˆ fn (k) = pk (n) Motivation: # nodes of degree > k at time t = # of times up to time t that the new node chose a node of degree k . 9 / 15 Empirical Estimator p>k (n) ˆ fn (k) = pk (n) Motivation: # nodes of degree > k at time t = # of times up to time t that the new node chose a node of degree k . So, for large t: p>k (n) ≈ P(node t + 1 connects to node of degree k) ∝ f (k)pk (t) ≈ f (k)pk (n). 9 / 15 Empirical Estimator p>k (n) ˆ fn (k) = pk (n) Motivation: # nodes of degree > k at time t = # of times up to time t that the new node chose a node of degree k . So, for large t: p>k (n) ≈ P(node t + 1 connects to node of degree k) ∝ f (k)pk (t) ≈ f (k)pk (n). THEOREM [Gao,vdV] P ˆ fn (k) → f (k)/ j f (j)pj a.s. as n → ∞, for every fixed k . Proof is based on LLN of supercritical branching processes by Jagers, 1975 and Nerman, 1981, along the lines of Rudas, Toth, Valko, 2008. 9 / 15 Supercritical Branching Individual x born at time σx has children at times of counting process (ξx (t − σx ): t ≥ σx ). For given numerical time-dependent characteristic (φx (t − σx ): t ≥ σx ): Ztφ : = X x:σx ≤t φx (t − σx ). If (ξx , φx , ψx ) are i.i.d. ∼ (ξ, φ, ψ) and suitably integrable, then Ztφ Ztψ R −αt e Eφ(t) dt R → , e−αt Eψ(t) dt for α the “Malthusian parameter”: R a.s., e−αt µ(dt) = 1, for µ(t) = Eξ(t). φ In fact e−αt Zt converges to a random limit. EXAMPLE φ(t) = 1t≥0 gives Ztφ = #(x: σx ≤ t). 10 / 15 Maximum Likelihood Growing the graph is (nonstationary) Markov. The log likelihood for observing the full evolution up to time n is f 7→ log n Y f (dt ) t=3 Sf (t) = ∞ X k=1 log f (k)N>k (n) − n X log Sf (t), t=3 where dt = degree of the node to which node t + 1 is attached, Sf (t) = tf (1) + t−1 X i=2 f (di + 1) − f (di ) = ∞ X f (k)tpk (t). k=1 11 / 15 Maximum Likelihood Growing the graph is (nonstationary) Markov. The log likelihood for observing the full evolution up to time n is f 7→ log n Y f (dt ) t=3 Sf (t) = ∞ X k=1 log f (k)N>k (n) − n X log Sf (t), t=3 where dt = degree of the node to which node t + 1 is attached, Sf (t) = tf (1) + t−1 X i=2 f (di + 1) − f (di ) = ∞ X f (k)tpk (t). k=1 The degree sequence d3 , d4 , . . . , dn is sufficient. 11 / 15 Maximum Likelihood in the Affine Case fδ (k) = k + δ Sfδ (t) = ∞ X (k + δ)tpk (t) = 2t + tδ k=1 The log likelihood for observing the full evolution up to time n is δ 7→ log n Y fδ (dt ) t=3 Sfδ (t) = ∞ X k=1 log(k + δ)N>k (n) − n X log(2t + tδ), t=3 12 / 15 Maximum Likelihood in the Affine Case fδ (k) = k + δ Sfδ (t) = ∞ X (k + δ)tpk (t) = 2t + tδ k=1 The log likelihood for observing the full evolution up to time n is δ 7→ log n Y fδ (dt ) t=3 Sfδ (t) = ∞ X k=1 log(k + δ)N>k (n) − n X log(2t + tδ), t=3 Observation of the graph at time n is sufficient for the full evolution. 12 / 15 Maximum Likelihood in the Affine Case fδ (k) = k + δ Sfδ (t) = ∞ X (k + δ)tpk (t) = 2t + tδ k=1 The log likelihood for observing the full evolution up to time n is δ 7→ log n Y fδ (dt ) t=3 Sfδ (t) = ∞ X k=1 log(k + δ)N>k (n) − n X log(2t + tδ), t=3 THEOREM [Gao, vdV] The model is locally asymptotically normal in parameter δ and √ n(δ̂n − δ) N (0, i−1 δ ), iδ = ∞ X k=1 µ(k + δ)pδ,k µ − . (k + δ)2 (2µ + δ) (2µ + δ)2 µ = mean initial degree distribution Proof uses the martingale central limit theorem. 12 / 15 Preferential Attachment in the Affine Case f (k) = k + δ log pk (n) (vertical) versus log k for single realization with n = 150000 and m = 5. pk ∼ k −3−δ , k → ∞. 13 / 15 Maximum Likelihood in the General Parametric Case fθ , for θ ∈ Rd The log likelihood for observing the full evolution up to time n is θ 7→ log n Y fθ (dt ) t=3 Sfθ (t) = ∞ X k=1 log fθ (k)N>k (n) − n X log Sfθ (t), t=3 THEOREM Under general conditions on fθ the model of observing the full evolution up to time n is locally asymptotically normal with respect to θ and √ n(θ̂n − θ) N (0, i−1 θ ), iθ = ∞ ˙ X fθ k=1 P∞ ˙ k=1 fθ (k)pθ,k P (k)pθ,>k − ∞ . fθ k=1 fθ (k)pθ,k Proof uses the martingale central limit theorem and the LLN for supercritical branching processes. 14 / 15 Maximum Likelihood in the General Parametric Case fθ , for θ ∈ Rd The log likelihood for observing the full evolution up to time n is θ 7→ log n Y fθ (dt ) t=3 Sfθ (t) = ∞ X k=1 log fθ (k)N>k (n) − n X log Sfθ (t), t=3 THEOREM Under general conditions on fθ the model of observing the full evolution up to time n is locally asymptotically normal with respect to θ and √ n(θ̂n − θ) N (0, i−1 θ ), iθ = ∞ ˙ X fθ k=1 P∞ ˙ k=1 fθ (k)pθ,k P (k)pθ,>k − ∞ . fθ k=1 fθ (k)pθ,k Proof uses the martingale central limit theorem and the LLN for supercritical branching processes. EXAMPLE ?? fθ (k) = (k + δ)β , for θ = (δ, β). 14 / 15 Some Open Questions Is observing the graph at time n asymptotically sufficient for observing the full evolution up to time n? 15 / 15 Some Open Questions Is observing the graph at time n asymptotically sufficient for observing the full evolution up to time n? Does the maximum likelihood estimator based on observing the graph at time n behave the same as the maximum likelihood estimator based on the full evolution? 15 / 15 Some Open Questions Is observing the graph at time n asymptotically sufficient for observing the full evolution up to time n? Does the maximum likelihood estimator based on observing the graph at time n behave the same as the maximum likelihood estimator based on the full evolution? Is the empirical estimator asymptotically normal? 15 / 15 Some Open Questions Is observing the graph at time n asymptotically sufficient for observing the full evolution up to time n? Does the maximum likelihood estimator based on observing the graph at time n behave the same as the maximum likelihood estimator based on the full evolution? Is the empirical estimator asymptotically normal? Can we estimate f under nonparametric shape constraints? 15 / 15
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