Oncogene (1998) 16, 2295 ± 2301 1998 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0950 ± 9232/98 $12.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk/onc Full activation of MEN2B mutant RET by an additional MEN2A mutation or by ligand GDNF stimulation Italia Bongarzone1, Elena Vigano'1, Luisella Alberti1, Maria Grazia Borrello1, Barbara Pasini2, Angela Greco1, Piera Mondellini1, Darrin P Smith3, Bruce AJ Ponder3, Giovanni Romeo4 and Marco A Pierotti1 1 Division of Experimental Oncology A and 2Scienti®c Direction, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, 20133 Milan, Italy; 3CRC Human Cancer Genetics Research Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 2QQ England; 4International Agency for Research on Cancer, 69372 Lyon Cedex 08, France Germline mutations of RET gene, encoding a receptor tyrosine kinase, have been associated with the MEN2A and MEN2B inherited cancer syndromes. In MEN2A mutations aecting cysteine residues in the extracellular domain of the receptor cause constitutive activation of the tyrosine kinase by the formation of disul®de-bonded homodimers. In MEN2B a single mutation in the tyrosine kinase domain (Met918Thr) has been identi®ed. This mutation does not lead to dimer formation, but has been shown (both biologically and biochemically) to cause ligand-independent activation of the Ret protein, but to a lesser extent than MEN2A mutations. Intramolecular activation by cis-autophosphorylation of RetMEN2B monomers has been proposed as a model for activation, although alternative mechanisms can be envisaged. Here we show that the activity of RetMEN2B can be increased by stable dimerization of the receptor. Dimerization was achieved experimentally by constructing a double mutant receptor with a MEN2A mutation (Cys634Arg) in addition to the MEN2B mutation, and by chronic exposure of RetMEN2B-expressing cells to the Ret ligand GDNF. In both cases full activation of RetMEN2B, measured by `in vitro' transfection assays and biochemical parameters, was seen. These results indicate that the MEN2B phenotype could be in¯uenced by the tissue distribution or concentration of Ret ligand(s). Keywords: RET; MEN2B; GDNF Introduction The RET proto-oncogene is a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase superfamily and consists of an extracellular ligand binding domain with a cysteinerich region close to the cellular membrane, a single transmembrane domain, and an intracellular kinase domain (Takahashi et al., 1988). RET expression in migrating neural crest cells, in the central and peripheral neurones and in the developing kidney (Pachnis et al., 1993), as well as the developmental defects involving the enteric and peripheral nervous systems and kidney in mice homozygous for an inactive RET gene (Schuchardt et al., 1994; Durbec et al., 1996) Correspondence: I Bongarzone Received 22 July 1997; revised 1 December 1997; accepted 1 December 1997 indicate that RET is involved in the dierentiation and/ or proliferation of neural lineages and the kidney. Recently, it has been reported that two neurotrophic factors, GDNF and NTN, can activate the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase. Activation of Ret by GDNF or NTN has been shown to require one of two accessory proteins, GDNFRa or GDNFRb, otherwise designated RETL1 and RETL2 or TrnR1 and TrnR2, respectively (Treanor et al., 1996; Jing et al., 1996; Suvanto et al., 1997; Baloh et al., 1997; Sanicola et al., 1997). Mutations in the RET gene result in human diseases including familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC), multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A and 2B (MEN2A and MEN2B), and Hirschsprung's disease (Donis-Keller et al., 1993; Romeo et al., 1994; Mulligan et al., 1994; Hofstra et al., 1994; Pasini et al., 1996; Edery et al., 1994). MEN2A and MEN2B are hereditary neoplastic syndromes characterized by the presence of medullary thyroid carcinomas and pheochromocytomas. MEN2B is also associated with skeletal abnormalities, ganglioneuromas of the intestinal tract, and mucosal neuromas. FMTC is a related cancer disorder characterized by medullary thyroid carcinoma only (Ponder and Smith, 1996). Mutations in one of ®ve cysteine codons in the extracellular domain of the RET gene are associated with most cases of FMTC and MEN2A (Mulligan et al., 1993; DonisKeller et al., 1993). A single point mutation within the Ret catalytic domain, which results in a Thr for Met substitution at codon 918, is responsible for MEN2B (Carlson et al., 1994; Hofstra et al., 1994). The mutations tested so far convert RET into a dominant transforming gene (RETMEN2A and RETMEN2B alleles) by constitutive activation of the intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of its product (Asai et al., 1995; Santoro et al., 1995; Borrello et al., 1995). The transfection of wild type (WT), MEN2A (Cys634 Arg) and MEN2B (Met918 Thr) RET cDNAs into cell lines has provided three types of evidence for constitutive activation. Firstly, under conditions where RETWT has no eect, RETMEN2A and RETMEN2B cause transformation of NIH3T3 murine ®broblasts, and dierentiation of rat pheochromocytoma-derived PC12 cells (Borrello et al., 1995; Califano et al., 1996). Secondly, in NIH3T3 transfectants, RetMEN2A and RetMEN2B proteins but not RetWT are constitutively phosphorylated on tyrosine. Thirdly, the `in vitro' kinase activity of RetMEN2A and RetMEN2B proteins is signi®cantly higher than that of the RetWT. However, MEN2A and MEN2B GDNF stimulation of MEN2B mutant RET I Bongarzone et al 2296 mutations dier in their mechanism of activation. In the case of MEN2A mutations activation most likely results from constitutive receptor dimerization through the formation of intermolecular disul®de bonds. The MEN2B mutation does not result in dimerization, and activation may result from altered conformation of the kinase domain which also leads to altered substrate speci®city (Songyang et al., 1995; Santoro et al., 1995). Insertion of the MEN2B mutation into the constitutively dimerized RET/PTC2 oncogene signi®cantly increases the enzymatic activity of the tyrosine kinase (TK) domain, indicating that dimerization may be necessary for RetMEN2B to be fully active (Borrello et al., 1995). In addition, transfection experiments with a chimeric construct in which the ligand-binding domain of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was fused to the catalytic domain of wild type Ret and Ret carrying the MEN2B mutation showed that EGF stimulation of the MEN2B mutant resulted in longer neuritic processes in PC12 cells and a higher transformation eciency in NIH3T3 cells (Rizzo et al., 1996). Hence it appears that RetMEN2B may still be sensitive to ligand stimulation, and therefore that the phenotype of tissues aected in MEN2B could be in¯uenced by the tissue distribution or concentration of ligands. Here we have investigated whether the biological and biochemical activities of RetMEN2B can be augmented by the presence of a dimerizing MEN2A mutation, or by ligand (GDNF) stimulation. A MEN2A mutation in addition to a MEN2B results in activity greater than either mutation alone, and chronic GDNF stimulation of RetMEN2B results in increased activity. Results Biological activity of RETMEN2A/B transfected into NIH3T3 and PC12 cells Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the RETWT, RETMEN2A (Cys634Arg), RETMEN2B (Met918Thr) (Borrello et al., 1995) and RETMEN2A/B (see Materials and methods) proteins encoded by cDNAs cloned into the eukaryotic expression vector pCEP9b which carries the G418 resistance (G418R) gene. These constructs were transfected into the mouse ®broblast cell line NIH3T3 and the rat pheochromocytoma cell line PC12 in order to compare their biological activity. In agreement with previous reports (Santoro et al., 1995; Asai et al., 1995; Borrello et al., 1995) the focus formation assay in NIH3T3 cells showed that RETWT was unable to induce transformed foci, and that the transformation eciency of RETMEN2A was approximately ®vefold greater than RETMEN2B. The transformation eciency of RETMEN2A/B was also greater than RETMEN2B, and a little greater than RETMEN2A (Table 1). In addition, RETMEN2A/B foci appeared earlier than RETMEN2A foci and, consequently, were larger 3 weeks after transfection. Also in agreement with a previous report (Borrello et al., 1995) RETMEN2A and RETMEN2B were able induce PC12 cell dierentiation whereas RETWT was not. RETMEN2A/B also caused PC12 cell differentiation (data not shown). Biochemical analysis of RetWT, RetMEN2A, RetMEN2B and RetMEN2A/B in bulk populations of transfected cells We have previously noticed that the yield of G418R colonies expressing RetWT or RetMEN2B proteins is extremely low, whereas all RETMEN2A G418R colonies detectably express the protein. RETMEN2A/ B behaves like RETMEN2A (data not shown). To overcome this problem, we have analysed the biochemical properties of the various forms of Ret receptor by using bulk populations of NIH3T3 transfectants. Two dierent doses (0.050 and 2.0 mg) of RETWT, RETMEN2A, RETMEN2B and RETMEN2A/B constructs were transfected, G418 resistance used to select all stable transfectants, the cells allowed to reach con¯uence, and then some of the experimental plates used for the biochemical analysis and some used to count the number of transformed foci. As shown in Table 2, the number of transformed foci obtained by transfection of 0.050 and 2.0 mg of both RETMEN2A and RETMEN2A/B was 3 ± 4 times higher than that obtained with RETMEN2B. In agreement with the data above, this also indicates that the constitutive dimerization of the RetMEN2B receptor as a result of the introduction of the MEN2A mutation dramatically enhances the transforming activity of the RetMEN2B kinase. For protein analysis 36106 G418R cells from a transfection with 0.050 mg of RETMEN2A, RETMEN2B or RETMEN2A/B constructs, and from a transfection with 0.050 mg or 2.0 mg of RETMEN2B construct were used. The Western blot analysis in Figure 2 shows that at the lower DNA dose (0.050 mg) similar levels of RetMEN2A and RetMEN2A/B proteins (of 140 and 160 kDa; partially and fully glycosylated forms, respectively) could be detected (a), and these showed a similar level of phosphorylation (b). No RetMEN2B protein could be detected with this lower DNA dose, Table 1 Figure 1 Schematic representation of MEN2A and MEN2B mutations inserted in proto-Ret protein. SP=Signal peptide; TM=Transmembrane domain; TK=Tyrosine Kinase domain; KI=Kinase insert. iso51 and iso9 are two possible alternately spliced isoforms of 9 and 51 amino acids. iso9 was used in these experiments Transforming activity of RETWT, RETMEN2A, RETMEN2B and RETMEN2A/B Transfected DNAs RETWT RETMEN2A RETMEN2B RETMEN2A/B Dose/dish (mg) 10.0 0.100 0.100 0.100 G418R No. of (colonies/mg) transformation foci 0.96104 1.16104 1.46104 0.96104 The values are the average of three experiments 51 6.66103 1.66103 7.66103 GDNF stimulation of MEN2B mutant RET I Bongarzone et al Table 2 Transforming activity of dierent RET constructs in bulk populations of G418 resistant NIH3T3 cells Transfected DNAs (mg/dish) RETWT 0.050 2.0 ± ± No. of transformation foci with: RET2A RET2B exp.1 exp.2 exp.1 exp.2 RET2A/B exp.1 exp.2 17 132 18 104 2 152 3 27 9 35 26 128 Two independent transfection experiments were performed. Values listed represent the mean number of foci counted on three plates. RET2A, RETMEN2A; RET2B, RETMEN2B; RET2A/B, RETMEN2A/B b a 2A 2A/B 1 2 2B 3 2A 2A/B 4 1 2 wt 2B 3 2A 2B 2A/B 4 gp 160 gp 140 ≥ 300 KDa DIMERS — IP: BLOT: αRet αRet αRet αPtyr Figure 2 Expression and tyrosine phosphorylation of RetMEN2A (2A), RetMEN2B (2B) and RetMEN2A/B (2A/B) in mass G418-selected NIH3T3 cells transfected with the corresponding constructs. RetMEN2A and RetMEN2A/B protein extracts were from cells transfected with 0.050 mg of construct (lanes l and 2); RetMEN2B protein extract was from cells transfected with 0.050 and 2.0 mg (lanes 3 and 4, respectively). All protein extracts were immunoprecipitated (IP) with anti-Ret antiserum (aRet), subjected to 6% SDS ± PAGE, Western blotted, and the ®lters developed (BLOT) with anti-Ret (aRet, a) or anti-phosphotyrosine (aPtyr, b) antiserum and only cells transfected with 2.0 mg of RETMEN2B vector showed a detectable amount of phosphorylated receptor (a and b). Although the number and size of transformed foci is similar using 0.050 mg of RETMEN2A or RETMEN2A/B and 2.0 mg of RETMEN2B (Table 2) the expression level and degree of phosphorylation of RetMEN2B is clearly less. This indicates that the level of RetMEN2B expression could be less (although cloned in the same vector), or more likely that RetMEN2B is intrinsically less stable than RetMEN2A, but the double mutant RetMEN2A/B is as stable as RetMEN2A (Figure 2). Cell extracts from NIH3T3 clones stably expressing RET cDNAs were analysed by SDS ± PAGE under non-reducing conditions to look for the presence of disul®de-bonded Ret dimers. Under these conditions, RetWT and RetMEN2B proteins migrated as monomers of 140 and 160 kDa whereas RetMEN2A and RetMEN2A/B displayed both monomeric forms and signi®cant amounts of a dimeric form of about 300 kDa (data not shown). When the blot was developed with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies, two distinct patterns of Ret phosphorylation were seen (Figure 3). RetMEN2B monomers (both 140 and 160 kDa) were phosphorylated, whereas only dimers of RetMEN2A and predominantly dimers of RetMEN2A/B were phosphorylated. It is worth noting that a weak but de®nite phosphorylation of RetMEN2A/B monomers is detectable on longer exposure (not shown), suggesting that like RetMEN2B this receptor does not require dimerization for autophosphorylation activity. — gp160 MONOMERS — gp140 IP: BLOT: αRet αPtyr Figure 3 Dimerization and tyrosine phosphorylation of Ret proteins. Lysates NIH3T3 cells stably transfected with RETWT, RETMEN2A, RETMEN2B and RETMEN2A/B were immunoprecipitated with anti-Ret antiserum (aRet) and the resulting complexes were separated by SDS ± PAGE under non-reducing conditions. After Western blotting ®lters were developed with anti-phosphotyrosine (aPtyr) antiserum Kinase activity of RetMEN2A, RetMEN2B and RetMEN2A/B We have previously reported that the RET/PTC2 oncogene (which contains the Ret TK domain fused to constitutively dimerized RIa) containing the MEN2B mutation has somewhat decreased autophosphorylation capacity and increased ability to phosphorylate the exogenous substrate myelin basic protein (MBP) in `in vitro' immunocomplex kinase assays (Borrello et al., 1995). Figure 4 shows the result of one representative experiment in which we have compared RetMEN2A, RetMEN2B, RetMEN2A/B, RetPTC2 and RetPTC2-2B proteins in similar assays. Equal amounts of proteins were immunoprecipitated from NIH3T3 transfectants with a Ret antibody and incubated in presence of symbol [g32P]ATP and MBP. Phosphorylated products were resolved by SDS ± PAGE, detected by autoradiography and quantitated by Phosphorimager analysis. We have determined autokinase activity and kinase activity towards the 2297 GDNF stimulation of MEN2B mutant RET I Bongarzone et al 2298 2A 2B Table 3 Transforming activity of RETMEN2B in presence or absence of GDNF 2A/2B 160 gp 140 gp Transfected DNA RETWT RETMEN2B RETH13 MBP RET PTC2 PTC2-2B ratio 3 0.4 2A 2 2B 0.4 2A/B 0.35 wt 1.6 Dose/dish (mg) 10.0 0.100 10.0 foci/dish 7GDNF +GDNF ± 13 ± 30 135 ± The values are the average of three independent experiments (auto-phos/MBP-phos) Figure 4 `In vitro' immunocomplex assays of mutant Ret proteins. RetMEN2A (2A), RetMEN2B (2B) and RetMEN2A/B (2A/B) proteins were expressed by transient transfection in HeLa cells, immunoprecipitated with anti-Ret antiserum and subjected to the immunocomplex assay as described in Materials and methods. Three replicates following 15% SDS ± PAGE and autoradiography of the dried gel are shown. Bands representing autophosphorylated gp 160 and/or gp 140 forms of Ret, and phosphorylated exogenous substrate myelin basic protein (MBP) are indicated. These data represent one of two similar experiments. Phosphorylated bands were quantitated by Phosphorimager analysis, and the ratio counts per minute (c.p.m.) of autophosphorylated bands/c.p.m. of MBP band is shown. Included in this analysis are transfection experiments with RetWT (wt), RetPTC2 (PTC2) and RetPTC2-2B (PTC2-2B) exogenous substrate MBP, and compared them by calculating a ratio which is shown at the bottom of Figure 4. With RetMEN2B, RetMEN2A/B and RetPTC2-2B kinase activity towards MBP is greater than autokinase activity. In contrast, with RetMEN2A, RetWT and RetPTC2 autokinase activity is greater than activity towards MBP. In such assays even when there is no dimerization through a mutation (MEN2A) or a fusion (PTC), Ret proteins (WT, MEN2B) will be dimerized by immunoprecipitation. Hence these ratios clearly show that following dimerization by whatever mean the MEN2B mutation leads to increased activity towards an exogenous substrate (MBP). GDNF stimulation of RETWT and RETMEN2B transfected cells To address the question of whether RetMEN2B activity can be increased by the recently identi®ed Ret ligand (GDNF), we tested the eect of GDNF on focus formation in NIH3T3 cells transfected with RETWT or RETMEN2B. GDNF was added the day after transfection, and maintained in the medium until foci were counted (at 14 days). The results are shown in Table 3. In the absence of GDNF RETWT did not induce foci and RETMEN2B gave a typical number of foci for the DNA dose used. In the presence of GDNF, foci were seen with RETWT, and the number of foci with RETMEN2B was increased tenfold. Interestingly, the morphology of the RETWT and RETMEN2B# GDNF-induced foci was dierent (Figure 5). As is clearly evident at higher magnification of the same dish, RETWT in the presence of GDNF induced ¯at, transparent foci composed of rounded cells. In contrast, RETMEN2B produced a more aggressive phenotype with foci composed of refractile, spindle-shaped cells and these foci occurred earlier and in greater number following GDNF treatment. As a negative control we used a RET construct (RETH13) carrying a mutation previously described in a HSRC family, and which has been shown to substantially inactivate Ret kinase activity (Pasini et al., 1995). Table 3 and Figure 5 show that RETH13 is inactive with or without GDNF. Finally, we assessed the eect of the presence of GDNF on the phosphorylation status of RetWT and RetMEN2B. Similar amounts of cell extract from cells transfected with RetWT or RetMEN2B and with or without GDNF treatment were immunoprecipitated with an anti-Ret antibody and after Western blotting developed with anti-Ret and anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies (Figure 6). Similar amounts of Ret protein were present with or without GDNF (anti-Ret lanes). However, there is a clear and signi®cant increase in phosphorylation of both RetWT and RetMEN2B with GDNF stimulation, and this is more evident in the upper fully glycosylated gpl60 bands (anti-phosphotyrosine lanes). The weak basal level of RetWT phosphorylation without GDNF is most likely due to spontaneous dimerization at relatively high levels of receptor expression. Discussion Here we have shown by two dierent approaches that in order to express its full activity, Ret carrying the Met918Thr mutation associated with the MEN2B cancer syndrome, must be stably dimerized. Firstly, we have demonstrated that RETMEN2B focus forming eciency in NIH3T3 cells is augmented by creating a double mutant receptor with both a dimerizing MEN2A mutation (Cys634Arg) and the MEN2B mutation. RetMEN2A/B forms covalent dimers similar to RetMEN2A and has a transformation eciency much greater than RetMEN2B and a little greater than RetMEN2A. RetMEN2A/B foci appear earlier and are larger than those induced by the single mutants. Secondly, we have demonstrated that RetMEN2B focus forming eciency is increased in the presence of ligand (GDNF) and that the steady state level of RetMEN2B tyrosine phosphorylation is increased in the presence of GDNF. These data suggest that ligand stimulation of the mutant RetMEN2B receptor will contribute to the development of MEN2B. We have previously reported (Borrello et al., 1995) that the MEN2B mutation in the constitutively dimerized PTC2 oncogene increases phosphorylation activity towards the exogenous substrate MBP. Here we have con®rmed these observations and extended them to show that the MEN2B mutation also increases activity towards MBP in RetMEN2A/B. We and others have shown that the MEN2B mutation results in constitutive ligand-independent activation (possibly by stabilising a non-inhibitory conformation of the kinase domain) and also leads to altered catalytic substrate speci®city (Santoro et al., GDNF stimulation of MEN2B mutant RET I Bongarzone et al 2299 Focus assay – GDNF + GDNF ret wt ret MEN2B ret H13 Figure 5 Growth of foci following transfection of NIH3T3 cells with RETWT, RETMEN2B and RETH13 constructs. Focus formation was tested in the absence (7) or presence (+) of GDNF (0.05 mg/ml) as indicated. After 14-days the cells were ®xed and stained with trypan blue solution. The right +GDNF column is a higher magni®cation view of part of the dish shown in the left +GDNF column wt – + 2B – + GDNF – + – + gp 160 gp 140 IP: BLOT: αRet αRet αPtyr αRet αRet αPtyr Figure 6 Phosphorylation of RetWT (wt) and RetMEN2B (2B) proteins in absence or presence of GDNF. NIH3T3 cells transfected with the RETWT or RETMEN2B constructs were treated with (+) or without (7) GDNF for 48 h. Cells were lysed, precipitated with anti-Ret (aRet) antiserum and the resulting complexes separated by SDS ± PAGE, Western blotted and developed with anti-Ret or anti-phosphotyrosine (aPTyr) antiserum 1995; Songyang et al., 1995; Borrello et al., 1995; Liu et al., 1996). Our current observations suggest that dimerization-dependent trans-autophosphorylation increases the activity of RetMEN2B, and hence suggests that cis-autophosphorylation is unlikely to make a contribution to RetMEN2B activity. Despite the fact that MEN2B is a more aggressive neoplastic disease than MEN2A we consistently ®nd that the focus formation activity of RetMEN2B is less than Ret- MEN2A. It has been suggested that this anomaly can be explained by the altered substrate speci®city of RetMEN2B, which may contribute to the aggressiveness of MEN2B `in vivo' and to the developmental abnormalities seen in the disease. Our data suggest that in the presence of ligand RetMEN2B may be more active than RetMEN2A, and this could be an additional explanation for the earlier onset of tumours in MEN2B and its peculiar features of MEN2B and the developmental abnormalities. This would depend on the availability of Ret ligands and accessory proteins in the tissues aected in MEN2B. Unfortunately, even though dierent studies have been reported on the expression of Ret ligands and of the relative coreceptors (Trupp et al., 1997; Widenfalk et al., 1997), there are no data concerning MEN2B aected tissue and the derived tumours. It has been reported that GDNF stimulation of Ret autophosphorylation and activity is dependent on one of two cell-surface-associated accessory proteins, designated GDNFRa (Jing et al., 1996; Treanor et al., 1996) and GDNFRb (Suvanto et al., 1997; Baloh et al., 1997; Sanicola et al., 1997). We have used RT ± PCR to look for accessory protein expression in our transfected NIH3T3 cells and in cells from our stock GDNF stimulation of MEN2B mutant RET I Bongarzone et al 2300 collection. We have found no evidence for the expression of GDNFRa, but we have found weak expression of GDNFb (data not shown). Therefore, if Ret activation is dependent on accessory proteins, GDNF in our experiments is most likely signalling in conjunction with GDNFRb or additional members (GDNFRg) of the family. Experiments are currently in progress to assess if and to what extent GDNF-mediated phosphorylation of RetWT and RetMEN2B is dependent on accessory proteins. A somatic RET Met918Thr is also present in a substantial proportion (about 40%) of sporadic medullary thyroid carcinomas (MTCs) (Ponder and Smith, 1996). When present in the germline this mutation is clearly associated with initiating events in MTC tumorigenesis. However, this is not necessarily the case in sporadic disease where it may occur as a late event since it was found only in some microdissected subpopulations of MTCs, and only in some of multiple metastases (Eng et al., 1996). In contrast to Met918Thr mutations, MEN2A-like mutations are rare in sporadic MTC. The altered substrate speci®city of RetMEN2B has also been suggested to account for this dierence. Our data suggest that greater activity of ligand-stimulated RetMEN2B may be an alternative explanation. However, our preliminary experiments, would indicate that the extent of the ligand-stimulation of RetMEN2B is isoform speci®c. In particular, ligandstimulation is very strong for the short isoform of RetMEN2B, as here reported, but it is scarce for the long one, characterized by a intrinsic high transforming activity (IB unpublished results; Asai et al., 1996; Rossel et al., 1997). Interestingly, a somatic MEN2B-like mutation has been recently reported in three out of 15 MTCs that arose in MEN2A/FMTC patients carrying a germline mutation at codon 634 (Cys634Arg) (Marsh et al., 1996). The authors suggest that the presence of the somatic mutation, in addition to the pre-existing germline mutation in the same gene, may contribute to tumorigenesis `in vivo'. They could not determine whether the two mutations were carried by the same allele or not. Therefore, two situations may be envisaged. If they are on dierent alleles, all Ret receptors in aected cells are mutant. Although this could be advantageous for oncogenicity, we have found a lower transformation activity, compared to control transfection experiments, when we have cotransfected RETMEN2A and RETMEN2B constructs (IB unpublished results). Perhaps transformation de®cient heterodimers are formed. The other situation, i.e. both mutations in the same molecule, has been examined in this report. We have shown that the combination of the two mutations in the same receptor augments both the biological and biochemical activities of the RetMEN2B kinase, and may therefore lead to increased `oncogenicity' `in vivo'. Analysis of the RET mutations associated with MEN2 and sporadic tumours will ultimately lead to the elucidation of the dierent mechanisms of Retmediated neoplastic transformation, and should provide a conceptual framework for the development of new tools for the control of RET-related neoplasias. Materials and methods Plasmid construction The cloning of the RETWT, RETMEN2A, RETMEN2B has been previously reported (Borrello et al., 1995). The double mutant RETMEN2A/B cDNA was obtained by ligating a RET fragment carrying the Cys634Arg mutation (HindIII ± BglII fragment of 2690 bp) to a RET fragment carrying the Met918Thr mutation (BglII ± XbaI fragment of 800 bp), followed by cloning into the expression vector pCEP9b. The mutant RETH13 cDNA (Pasini et al., 1995) and the RETPTC2 and RETPTC2-2B cDNAs (Borrello et al., 1995) have been previously described. Cell culture and transfection Mouse NIH3T3 cells were grown in Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagles's medium (DMEM) containing 10% calf serum. Rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells were maintained in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 5% fetal calf serum and 10% horse serum. Transfection experiments were carried out in NIH3T3 cells by the calcium phosphate precipitation method as previously described (Bongarzone et al., 1993). NIH3T3 cells transfected with the various amounts (0.050 ± 10 mg) of the expression vectors and 30 mg of mouse genomic DNA as carrier. G418-resistant (G418R) colonies were selected in DMEM plus 10% calf serum plus G418 antibiotic (650 mg/ml), and transformation foci were selected in DMEM plus 5% calf serum. Where indicated GDNF (0.050 mg/ml) was added. Foci were ®xed and counted 14 days after transfection. Immunoprecipitation and Western blot analysis Protein samples were prepared as previously described (Borrello et al., 1994) and immunoprecipitated with anity puri®ed anti-Ret polyclonal antiserum (Borrello et al., 1994). The anti-Ret immunoprecipitates were resolved by electrophoresis on 6% SDS polyacrylamide gels (PAGE). Proteins were transferred onto nitrocellulose ®lters and immunoblotted with the same anti-Ret anitypuri®ed antibodies or with anti-phosphotyrosine (antiPTyr) antisera essentially as described previously (Borrello et al., 1994). Immunoreactive bands were visualized using 125I-labelled protein A (Amersham) followed by autoradiography or using horseradish peroxidase conjugated anti-rabbit or anti-mouse antisera and ECL detection reagents (Amersham). When 125IProtein A was used, the ®lters were exposed to storage phosphor screen ®lms (Molecular Dynamics) in order to quantify with a Phosphorimager the counts per minute (c.p.m.) associated with the Ret-speci®c bands reacting with anti-Ret or anti-PTyr antisera. For Western blotting under non reducing conditions 2-mercaptoethanol was omitted. In vitro immunocomplex kinase assay Anti-Ret immunoprecipitates, absorbed on protein ASepharose beads, were washed twice with lysis buer, once with incubation buer (50 mM HEPES pH 7.2, 20 mM MnCl2, 5 mM PMSF) and incubated for 15 min at 48C in 20 ml of the same buer containing 0.5 mM DTT, 50 mM myelin basic protein (MBP) and 4 mCi of [g32P]ATP (5000 Ci mmol-1 Amersham) diluted with the unlabelled ATP to a ®nal concentration of 26 pmol ATP per sample. The reaction was stopped by addition of concentrated Laemmli buer. Proteins were eluted and subjected to 15% SDS ± PAGE. 32P-labelled bands were visualized by autoradiography of the dried gel and quanti®ed by Phosphorimager analysis. GDNF stimulation of MEN2B mutant RET I Bongarzone et al Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC), Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro (FIRC), CNR Special Project `ACRO', Project BIOMED2 No. BMH4-CT97-2157 and Istituto Superiore di Sanita'. The authors thank Mr Mario Azzini for professionally preparing illustrations, Mrs Anna Grassi and Cristina Mazzadi for their assistance in manuscript preparation. References Asai N, Iwashita T, Matsuyama M and Takahashi M. (1995). Mol. Cell. Biol., 15, 1613 ± 1619. Asai N, Murakami H, Iwashita T and Takahashi M. (1996). J. Biol. Chem., 271, 17644 ± 17649. Baloh RH, Tansey MG, Golden JP, Creedon DJ, Heuckeroth RO, Keck CL, Zimonjic DB, Popescu NC, Johnson EMJ and Milbrandt J. (1997). Neuron, 18, 793 ± 802. Bongarzone I, Monzini N, Borrello MG, Carcano C, Ferraresi G, Arighi E, Mondellini P, Della Porta G and Pierotti MA. (1993). Mol. Cell. Biol., 13, 358 ± 366. 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