American College of Physicians Chapter Centennial Legacy Award Rowen K. Ze9erman, MD MACP Nebraska Chapter 2015 Annual Chapter Awards The Chapter Centennial Legacy Award celebrates ACP’s centennial by recognizing one seminal chapter member whose service to the chapter had a significant impact on the chapter’s viability. This individual should exemplify ACP’s core values including: leadership, excellence, respect, compassion, professionalism and responsibility. Rowen K. Ze9erman, MD MACP Chapter Centennial Legacy Award Winner The Nebraska Chapter is proud to honor Rowen Ze9erman, MD MACP with the Chapter Centennial Legacy Award. He served as Nebraska Chapter Governor from 1992-‐1996 and then Chaired the Board of Governors. His following six years on the Board of Regents culminated as Chair. He currently is an ACP Delegate to the AMA. He has supported internal medicine in Nebraska in numerous ways including leadership posiPons at both Medical Schools and the Omaha VA. He was President of both the Metropolitan Omaha Medical Society and the Nebraska Medical AssociaPon. He presently leads a group convened by the State Legislature studying transformaPon of Nebraska's healthcare system. Rachel A. Bonnema, MD FACP LeeRoy Meyer Award ParPcularly admired for his professionalism and integrity, Dr. ZeVerman is a thoughWul, compassionate physician who has always put the paPent first. He exemplifies the qualiPes embodied by this award. Devin J. Fox, MD FACP Laureate Tammy O. Wichman, MD Walter O’Donohue, Jr. Award Phillip W. Smith, MD FACP & Angela L. Hewle9, MD FACP Co-‐Directors of Ebola Community Training Community Service John “Mike” Adams, MD FACP Volunteer Faculty Award Carolyn Manhart, MD FACP Early Career Physician of the Year 2015 NE ACP Community Service Angela Hewle9 MD FACP Dr. HewleV is Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and InfecPous Diseases at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). She is also an Associate Professor at the University of Nebraska College of Public Health, Associate Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Associate Medical Director of the Department of Healthcare Epidemiology and InfecPon Control, Director of the UNMC InfecPous Diseases clinic. She has served as Associate Medical Director of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit since 2009. Dr. HewleV acPively parPcipated in the care of several paPents with Ebola virus disease in 2014, and has since provided subject maVer experPse on the clinical management of paPents with Ebola virus disease through the CDC Training Course for Ebola Treatment FaciliPes and Ebola Assessment FaciliPes, as well as on-‐site assessment of designated Ebola treatment centers in coordinaPon with the CDC, NIOSH and state departments of health. Her research interests include healthcare-‐ associated infecPons, complicated bone and joint infecPons, and biopreparedness. . She has earned the Department of Internal Medicine ‘Top Teacher’ award every year since her arrival to UNMC in 2009. Dr. HewleV earned a BA in Biology from the University of Texas at AusPn, and an MD from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, Texas, where she also completed a residency in Internal Medicine. She served as Chief Resident, then completed a 2 year fellowship in InfecPous Diseases followed by a 1 year NIH-‐funded research fellowship with a focus in Hospital Epidemiology and InfecPon Control. She also holds a Masters degree in Clinical Sciences-‐Clinical InvesPgaPon from the University of Texas Medical Branch. 2015 NE ACP Community Service Phillip W. Smith, MD FACP Dr Smith is a professor in the Division of InfecPous Diseases in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He served as Chief of InfecPous Diseases at UNMC for 13 years. He is President of the board and founder of the award-‐winning Nebraska InfecPon Control Network. He received the Sir William Osler Teaching Award from the Department of Internal Medicine at UNMC, the Physician of DisPncPon Award from the Nebraska Medicine in 2008, the Robert D Sparks Award for (conPnued on next page) Achievement in Public Health and PrevenPve Medicine from the UNMC College of Public Health in 2005, and UNMC DisPnguished ScienPst Award in 2015. Dr Smith has also been very acPve in bioterrorism preparedness efforts, serving as Co-‐director of the Nebraska Center for Preparedness EducaPon and Medical Director of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit. He is lead author on the consensus document on standards for Biocontainment paPent care units published in 2006. The Nebraska Biocontainment Unit was opened in 2005 by Dr. Julie Gerberding of the CDC. This unit was one of only 3 in the United States called upon in 2014 by the State Department to care for US ciPzens who acquired Ebola virus disease in Africa. Unit staff have also been extensively involved in the training of hospitals in the US and abroad to prepare for Ebola virus disease paPents. The Biocontainment Unit team has received numerous honors, including being named Omaha World Herald “Midlanders of the Year” for 2014. 2015 NE ACP Laureate Devin J. Fox, MD FACP Dr. Fox is the Chief Medical Officer of Creighton University Medical Center and the Assistant Dean for PaPent Safety and Quality at the Creighton University School of Medicine. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. He completed his training in Internal Medicine at Creighton and, aner a year as Chief Resident, began his clinical pracPce in General Medicine in a community-‐based clinic in Omaha. During his years of clinical pracPce, he conPnued to round and teach on the InpaPent Medicine service at CUMC and had learners from Creighton and the University of Nebraska in his clinic. He is a three-‐Pme winner of the Golden Apple Award for Clinical Teaching from the students of the Creighton School of Medicine. He sPll maintains clinical pracPce and clinical educaPon at CUMC as a part-‐Pme Hospitalist in addiPon to his administraPve duPes. Dr. Fox has been a member of the American College of Physicians since 1993, and currently serves as the Vice Governor-‐Elect for the Nebraska Chapter. He chaired the annual meePng in 2008 and has served on the Governor’s Advisory Council since that Pme. He has also chaired the Awards CommiVee for the Nebraska Chapter for the last three years. He is a frequent presenter at the Annual Session with his Doctor’s Dilemma quiz bowls, and has been a judge for the Poster Session numerous Pmes. Dr. Fox has been acPve in various community organizaPons over the years, most recent the Board of Directors of the Nebraska AIDS Project and President of the Board of the BLUEBARN Theater in Omaha. He has been a volunteer physician with the Magis Clinic at the Sienna-‐Francis House since 2002, and has traveled on medical missions to the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. He was honored with the Volunteerism Award by the Nebraska Chapter-‐ACP in 2011. 2015 NE ACP Walter O’Donohue, Jr. Award Tammy Wichman, MD Dr. Wichman graduated from Creighton University with a degree in physics and obtained her M.D. from St. Louis University School of Medicine. She did her Internal Medicine-‐Pediatrics residency and Pulmonary CriPcal Care fellowship at Medical College of Virginia (now Virginia Commonwealth University) like Dr. O’Donahue. She has spent her career at Creighton University Medical Center and enjoys mentoring medical students and residents. Dr. Wichman is an Associate Professor and Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and CriPcal Care Medicine at Creighton University School of Medicine Omaha, NE. She is the medical director of the Intensive Care Unit at Creighton University Medical Center. She is developing a pulmonary hypertension center of excellence. Dr. Wichman’s research interests include pulmonary hypertension, thromboembolic disease, COPD, and criPcal care. She is the Director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Creighton University and is the coordinator for the medical student rotaPons on the pulmonary service. She has received mulPple awards for her teaching including the Golden Apple, the Tow Humanism award, and the Creighton University School of Medicine Clinical Teaching Award. She has been recognized as a Best Doctor for many years. She has been inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society and Alpha Omega Alpha 2015 NE ACP LeeRoy Meyer Award Rachel A. Bonnema, MD FACP Dr. Bonnema is an associate professor in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) in Omaha, NE. Dr. Bonnema received her medical degree from the University of South Dakota in 2003. She completed her internal medicine residency in the Women’s Health Track at the University of PiVsburgh Medical Center where she also completed a General Internal Medicine fellowship with a concentraPon in Women’s Health and received a master’s degree in medical educaPon. Since taking a faculty posiPon at UNMC seven years ago, Dr. Bonnema has become an associate program director of the internal medicine residency at UNMC. Dr. Bonnema also serves as the course director for the Women’s Health elecPve for 4th year medical students, internal medicine residents, and obstetric/gynecology residents. She conPnues to develop curricula and deliver lectures on a local, regional, and naPonal level in the areas of women’s health, behavioral medicine, and communicaPon skills. Her clinical work is primarily based in the Olson Center, a women’s health clinic at UNMC. Honor Society. 2015 NE ACP Early Career Physician of the Year Carolyn Manhart, MD FACP Aner aVending Gonzaga University, Dr. Manhart received her medical school and residency training at Creighton University School of Medicine. She pracPces full-‐Pme as a general internist at CHI Alegent Creighton Clinic as an Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, and finds great saPsfacPon in serving as a clinic faculty preceptor for medical students and residents. Working with the second-‐year medical students at the beginning of their clinical training in the classroom and clinic reminds of her the excitement of learning medicine and the privilege of being a physician. Dr. Manhart has been involved with the ACP since 2009 as a poster compePPon judge. She was inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society in 2014 and the AOA in 2015. The highlights of her medical career include serving as a volunteer physician aboard the Honor Flights for World War II and Korean War Veterans visiPng their war memorials in Washington, D.C. She is the faculty advisor for the Creighton Catholic Medical Student AssociaPon and is an acPve member of the Omaha Guild of the Catholic Medical AssociaPon. Dr. Manhart and her husband Nick are blessed with five children. 2015 NE ACP Volunteer Faculty Award John “Mike” Adams, MD FACP Dr. Adams graduated medical school from UNMC in 1975 and did his Internal Medicine residency there as well. He was Associate Chief resident at the Omaha Veterans AdministraPon Hospital in 1977. He joined Roger Dilley, MD and Bruce Henricks, MD FACP, in General Internal Medicine pracPce in Fremont, NE, in 1978. Dr. Adams started as volunteer faculty training residents in 1979 and has conPnued to present day. He is presently Chairman of Medicine at Fremont Health Hospital and leads the hospitalist program. His outside interests include fly fishing and hunPng and he is presently President of the Snake River PreservaPon Group.
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